
Summer sports fun for the middle group on the street. Physical education activity “In the Land of Fun Balls” (middle group) Preparation for a physical education event for children in the middle group

Tasks: continue to expand children’s knowledge about the world around them; develop physical qualities (dexterity, speed, eye, endurance), strengthen the muscular system, practice running, jumping, throwing, climbing and walking; give children a feeling of joy.

Equipment: Swedish wall; sandbags according to the number of children; audio recording of music; basket with nuts and mushrooms; toy squirrel on a high chair; rings suspended on a rope; apples according to the number of children.

Leisure activities

Children enter the gym and stand in a circle in the center of the hall.

Instructor. This morning my phone rang. One friend Squirrel from the forest invited us to visit her. Will you go? (Children's answers.) It is not customary to visit without gifts, so I prepared nuts and mushrooms for Squirrel. They are in my basket.

Instructor. Let's go visit Belochka. The path to the forest is not close.

1. We walk along the path.

Walking one after another.

2. Along the way we step over logs.

Walk with your knees high.

3. We jump over the ravines.

Jumping forward.

Instructor. Here we are. And Squirrel is already waiting for us! (Addresses the toy squirrel.) Here are gifts from us, Squirrel! Squirrel says that she is very glad to see us and is very pleased with such gifts. And he says that he will be happy to see how you guys can jump. There are nuts hanging on the tree - take them out.

Children's high jumps.

Instructor. Our Squirrel is not simple, but magical. She turned all the kids into kittens and puppies.

Game "Kittens and Puppies".

Children are divided into two teams. One is “kittens”, the other is “puppies”.

"Kittens" are happily running around the lawn. At the signal, the “puppies” run out and catch up with the “kittens,” who are hiding from the “puppies” in the trees (climbing the wall bars). When repeating the game, the children change roles.

Instructor. And now Squirrel has turned you into hunters and hares.

Game "Hunters and Hares".

Children are divided into two teams: one is “hunters”, the second is “hares”. In the hands of the “hunters” are light bags of sand for throwing. Children pretending to be hares jump and move around the hall. At the signal, “hunters” run out and catch up with the “hares,” showering them with bags (“shooting”). When the game is repeated, the “hunters” and “hares” change roles.

Instructor. And now Squirrel wants you and her to play the game “Guess whose voice?”

Children stand in a circle, holding hands. In the middle of the circle is the driver with his eyes closed. The players say words and act in accordance with them:

We have made a circle - they walk in a circle.

Let's turn around at once - they're going in the opposite direction.

Let's say together: “Leap, hop, hop.

One of the children calls the driver by name. If the driver guesses who called him, then he changes places with this child. If you don’t guess correctly, the game continues with the same driver (4 times).

Instructor. Guys, Squirrel says that she was very glad to meet you, and gives you apples as beautiful and rosy as your cheeks.

The children thank Belochka for the treat and leave the hall to the music.

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution, child development center, kindergarten No. 8, Kurganinsk

Entertainment for physical education

middle group children

"Fabulous fun starts."

Educator – Zhelyabina T.V.

Physical education instructor – Dynnikova V. A.


Program tasks: consolidate knowledge about fairy tale heroes; intensify interest in physical culture; develop strength, agility, speed, endurance, coordination of movements, accuracy; develop correct posture and movement culture.

Materials and equipment:cubes, hoops, toys according to the number of children; wooden bricks; small balls according to the number of children; rope, "carousel".

Preliminary work:reading fairy tales, learning outdoor games, performing basic types of movements.

Progress of entertainment.

Educator. Guys! Today we will take you on an extraordinary journey through fairy tales; “Fairytale Fun Starts” awaits us. But first, like real athletes, we need to warm up.

I. Motor warm-up.

(Teacher reads)

Hey guys, why are you sad!?

Get ready to warm up

On the right is a friend and on the left is a friend!

Together everyone is in a fun circle!

To cheerful tunes

Let's turn right, left

Hands up and hands down

Up and bend over again!

Right - left with your head!

Hands up in front of you!

Stomp your right foot

Step right, stand still!

Stomp your left foot, step left

And stop again!

Turn right to your friend

Give your right hand to your friend.

Give your left hand to your friend.

One step back and two forward!

Left, right turn!

Let's spin around, let's turn around,

Let's hold hands again,

Three steps forward, my friend!

Our circle will become close!

II. Story teacher about upcoming activities.

Now we will divide into two teams and complete a number of relay races and tasks. To find out whose team won, we will build towers from cubes based on the results of the relay races. Whose tower is higher, that team wins. And so the teams “Tuchka” and “Sunny” greet each other.

  1. .Teremok relay race.

U Each team has a hoop - this is a “teremok”. It is necessary to populate it with “forest inhabitants” (toys) as quickly as possible. Each team player must take turns taking a toy, transfer it to the hoop and return to the end of the team. The next player enters the game. The winner is the team whose players all transferred the toys into the hoop faster than the opposing team.

  1. Relay "The Frog Princess."

Each team player first needs to overcome the “muddy swamp” along the “bumps” (bricks), and then launch an “arrow” (ball) and hit the target (hoop). The team with the most balls in the hoop wins.

  1. Outdoor game “Catch me”
  2. Relay "Kolobok"

Each team is given a hoop: the first player runs to the finish line, comes back and picks up the second player; the two of them return for the third. And so on until the whole team, holding the hoop, reaches the finish line.

  1. Relay "Turnip".

Teams tug of war with replicas of turnips attached to the ends.

  1. Outdoor game "Corners".It is necessary to occupy an empty house (hoop) as quickly as possible.
  1. Quiz "Fairy tale riddles."

Long unknown to many,

He became everyone's friend.

Everyone is familiar with the interesting fairy tale The Onion Boy.

Very simple, although long,

He's called... (Chipolino).

It's mixed with sour cream,

He is cold at the window,

Round self, ruddy side,

Rolled... (Kolobok).

* * *

The wooden boy walks to school with an ABC book,

Gets in instead of school.

In a linen booth.

What's that boy's name?

Here's a hint for you, friends:

His girl Malvina calls...(Pinocchio).

* * *

The mane is not just jumping - the miracle golden mane,

He carries the boy through the mountains,

There's no way he'll be reset.

The horse has a son -

Amazing horse

Amazing Horse Nicknamed... (Little Humpbacked Man).

Treats small children

Heals birds and animals

He looks through his glasses

Good doctor... (Aibolit).

Round nose

The tail is a small hook,

Friendly brothers look alike.

Guess without a hint

Who are the heroes of this fairy tale?

Near the forest on the edge

Three of them live in a hut.(Three little pigs.)

  1. Sedentary game "Carousel".Educator: And now we’ll take you for a ride on the carousel. Take your seats and let's go.

"Barely, barely, barely, barely

The carousels started spinning.

And then run and run

Everything is round, round, round.

Hush, hush, don't rush,

Stop the carousel

One-two, one-two

So the game is over."

III. Relaxation.

The results of the “Fabulous Fun Starts” are summed up, the teacher thanks all the children and notes the active participants.

Teaching children basic movements should be inextricably linked with developing their motor activity and independence. This means that the motor skills acquired in classes should be naturally used by children in various life circumstances and play situations. The ability to make a decision in a timely manner, independently choose a method of movement, quickly navigate in space, act decisively and effectively - these are the foundations of motor independence.

Improving motor activity and independence is carried out by organizing various forms of work on the physical education of children. These include physical education classes, outdoor games, physical education breaks, independent physical exercise-games in everyday life, evenings of physical education entertainment or physical education leisure time and holidays. Each of these forms acts independently, and at the same time they are all closely interconnected and form a unified system of activities that make it possible to judge children’s assimilation of educational material and their ability to use it.

Physical education and sports festival- one of the forms of active recreation for children and adults. It involves a variety of physical exercises combined with elements of dramatization, choreography, singing, quizzes, competitions and attractions.

A holiday is always joy and fun. His anticipation alone can evoke positive emotions in a child. This makes the holiday an indispensable means of preventing and even treating various health disorders. It has long been known that a good mood and a life-affirming mood have a high healing power.

The most important result of the holiday is the joy of participation, victory, communication, and joint activities.

The process of preparing for the holiday unites the children's team, teachers and parents with unity of purpose and common goals.

Analysis of scientific and methodological literature and experience in organizing physical education and sports events allow us to formulate the main approaches to their classification.

During any holiday, a number of tasks are solved, but at the same time the main task is set, in accordance with which the theme and content, techniques and methods of work are selected.

The dominant tasks in the holiday may be the following:

1. Create a healthy lifestyle.

These are themed holidays such as “Sun, air and water are our best friends”, “Journey to the Land of Health”, etc.

2. Cultivate a strong interest in physical education and sports, personal achievements, sporting events in our country and around the world.

A characteristic feature of these holidays is the inclusion in their program of games with elements of team and individual competition and relay races.

The themes of such holidays are varied: “Journey to Sportlandia”, “Fun Starts”, etc.

3. Amuse the children and give them pleasure.

These are comic holidays - entertainment with the aim of creating a good mood from games, attractions, musical accompaniment, funny attributes, etc.

4. Demonstrate sporting achievements.

Such a holiday is usually combined with final events in the lives of children: the end of the school year, graduation from school, seasonal changes.

5. Cultivate interest in public holidays.

These holidays are held in accordance with the calendar

(“Defender of the Fatherland Day”, “Cosmonautics Day”, etc.).

6. Form cognitive activity. Expand and systematize knowledge in the field of ecology, geography, astronomy, biology, literature, etc.

These are erudite competitions, quizzes, leisure activities (“The Jungle is Calling”, etc.). Children receive basic understanding of various sciences.

According to motor content, holidays and sports leisure activities are divided as follows:

1. Combined.

They are built on the basis of a combination of different types of exercises: gymnastics, sports and outdoor games, sports exercises. Their advantage is the ability to attract children aged 5-7 years to competitive activities with elements of sports, and junior and middle preschoolers to perform simple gymnastic exercises and participate in sports games and fun.

2. Based on sports games.

Holding championships in football, basketball, etc. between parallel groups.

3. Based on sports exercises.

Such holidays are organized on the basis of combining several seasonal sports (skiing, sledding, cycling, etc.). The content of the holiday may include sports exercises of one type.

4. Based on outdoor games, attractions, fun.

This is the most common type of holiday. It does not require complex equipment or a specially equipped site. Children of all ages and adults can participate in it.

5. Integrated.

The method of organizing any holiday (or leisure) is a rather complex process. When drawing up a scenario plan, you must:

Ensure a gradual increase in physical and mental stress;

Provide for alternating games and competitions with high physical activity and emotional intensity and tasks aimed at relieving tension;

Alternate mass and individual tasks;

Combine tasks familiar to children with the inclusion of new attributes, music, and characters.

Particular attention should be paid to music and the preparation of means for its broadcast. You should consider musical accompaniment of physical exercises and musical screensavers, background music for attractions, surprise moments, etc.

If sports leisure can be carried out by both a teacher and a physical education instructor, then the celebration must be entrusted to a presenter who has the professional qualities of a teacher-organizer. If the holiday is of a mass nature, then the host should have several assistants who will help arrange and remove equipment, provide musical accompaniment, and present gifts.

The jury is selected in advance from 3-5 people. It is necessary to think about how the jury will announce the results. This can happen in different ways:

1st option. After each competition, one member of the jury announces the result and justification for the score.

2nd option. After all competitions, one member of the jury announces the results for each event and then sums up the overall result.

3rd option. A scoreboard is posted in a prominent place, indicating the results after each stage. The scoreboard can be either traditional or unusual (for example, baskets into which balls are thrown - one for each team victory). At the end, the points or goals earned by the team are counted. Or you can build a tower from building material: whose tower is higher, he wins.

The culmination of any holiday is a surprise moment: the unexpected appearance of a fairy-tale character and the performance of a short performance. In any case, the performance should be spectacular and fun, accompanied by music and unusual sounds. At the end, it is appropriate to hold a general game of medium mobility (preferably in a circle) like “Carousel”, organize a mass dance.

The award ceremony should be solemn and fun. Pennants, emblems, souvenirs should be placed in the most honorable place in the group. Such a “victory corner” is a source of pride for the child. Here you can place photographs and drawings on the theme “Our holiday”. This will allow children to develop a strong interest in physical education and their achievements in sports, which is one of the most important conditions for developing motivation for a healthy lifestyle.

Scenarios of physical education activities for children of the middle group of preschool educational institutions

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Scenario of sports entertainment for the middle group “Fairytale Land”

The hall is decorated with illustrations to fairy tales, pictures depicting fairy tale heroes.

There are many different fairy tales in the world
Long and short, sad and funny.
You can read them, you can tell them,
Well, we decided: “Let’s play them!”
Today we will meet our favorite fairy-tale characters and even be in their place. After all, our encounter with a fairy tale will be sporting.
So, let's say the magic words: “Fairy tale, fairy tale, come and have fun with us!” and let's go through familiar pages... But before you go into a fairy tale, you must guess it.

Somehow the mouse is not big
She dropped the egg on the floor.
The woman is crying, the grandfather is crying.
What a fairy tale, give me the answer! (Chicken Ryaba)

I see that you remember the fairy tale “Ryaba Hen”. Now you have to carry a testicle, but not a simple one. Although not gold. The task is to carry the “egg” in a spoon without dropping it. You need to take turns carrying the precious load. The team that can do it the fastest will win.

Leading: You have completed this task, but there is one more test for you. Listen to the riddle:
Lying on a plate
As soon as it cooled down he ran away.
He met animals in the forest,
To his misfortune - a fox.
She got into trouble
Round, delicious... (Kolobok)

Roll the ball around the pin to a landmark using a gymnastic stick, then take the ball in your hands and run back to the team and pass it to the next player.

Leading: Well, guys, more riddles for you.
And she washed and sorted peas for her stepmother
At night by candlelight, and slept by the stove.
As beautiful as the sun, who is it? (Cinderella)

Remember how hardworking Cinderella was? She never sat idle for a minute. You will also have to work hard in this relay race. Every first player on the team will portray the evil stepmother, and every second player will be Cinderella. Girls are playing.
The first child (the evil stepmother) runs with a bucket to the finish line, pours garbage out of it (cubes, cones, etc.) and returns, passes the bucket to the second, he runs, collects the garbage in the bucket and comes back, passes it to the third (the evil stepmother) , he runs, throws out garbage, etc. The first team to complete the task wins.

Leading: Walking briskly along the path,
The buckets carry the water themselves.
Said a word -
The stove rolled. (Emelya)


The boys are playing, standing in pairs, holding a gymnastics stick with a bucket of water on it. They run around the cone. They return to the team and pass it on to the next players.

Leading: Once again we find ourselves in a fairy tale if we solve the riddle.
Little girl runs merrily
Along the path to the house,
What's in the forest?
This girl needs to go to her grandmother quickly.
Take the basket sent with her. (Little Red Riding Hood)

Girls take part, the first girls have a basket in their hands, a bouquet of flowers, a red cap on their head, they run at the signal, jump from hoop to hoop, run around the cone, return to the team, give the attributes to the next player.


Leading: And the road is far,
And the basket is not easy,
I would like to sit on a tree stump,
I would like to eat a pie. (Masha and the Bear)

Boys are participating. They run, jump from hoop to hoop, jump over obstacles with a backpack in which the doll is sitting, run around the cone, return to the team, give the attributes to the next player.

Leading: Everyone in the world loves fairy tales
Adults and children love it!
Fairy tales teach us good things
And diligent work,
They tell you how to live
To be friends with everyone around you!

Our fun fairytale journey has come to an end. And I want to end it with these words.
Let the heroes of fairy tales give us warmth,
May good triumph over evil forever!
And I want to wish that you give each other warmth and do only good deeds.

Target: promoting a healthy lifestyle and healing methods among all participants in the educational process.


  1. Strengthen children's health, develop children's physical activity.
  2. To instill in children a conscious attitude towards the need to toughen up and play sports.
  3. Develop communication skills, bring mutual joy from children communicating with each other, in joint activities.

Inventory: 8 chips, 2 paper Christmas trees, 20 snowflakes, 2 sleighs, 2 baskets, 20 snowballs, 2 pairs of felt boots, 2 pairs of skis made from plastic bottles.

Preparing for the fun: prepare team emblems, “Snowflakes” and “Ice”.

Progress of sports entertainment:

Children enter the gym to the song “Snow is Falling” and, under the guidance of an instructor, line up in two columns (2 teams) “Snowflakes” and “Ice”.


Winter is coming

Dressed in white at home.

There are trees with white caps,

Winter is for the strong, dexterous, and brave!


Hello guys, do you like holidays? (Children's response)

You each have your own holiday, birthday, and you love it very much, right? Let’s have a birthday today for Snow and call this day “Snow Day.” And we will celebrate it according to Sportivny, with games and relay races, don’t you agree? (Children's response) Then the “snowflake” teams and the “ice floes” teams get ready and we will begin our snow sports festival!

Snow, snow, snow, snow

Sprinkles branches.

On a birch, on a pine

Snow candies.

Candies hanging

On every branch


And on our Christmas tree

The snow is not real

But the same as in the forest,

White and crispy.

And our first relay race is called wrap up the Christmas tree

1 relay race “Wrap up the Christmas tree”

In teams we line up in pairs. We give one participant in each pair one snowflake - this participant sits in the sled, and the second participant takes him to the Christmas tree (we glue the paper Christmas tree to a sheet of paper). The one who has the snowflake in his hands sticks it on the Christmas tree and goes back on the sled. The team that wraps the Christmas tree first is the winner.

Instructor: What beautiful Christmas trees we have turned out, now they will be warm in the winter and won’t freeze. Are you cold in winter? What kind of shoes should you wear in winter to avoid freezing? Here's a riddle.

Not shoes, not boots,

But they are also worn by legs.

We run in them in winter:

In the morning - to the kindergarten,

In the afternoon - home. (Felt boots)

Let's play with felt boots.

2nd relay race “Running in felt boots”

The first participants put felt boots on their hands, get on all fours and run to the chip and back, pass the felt boots to another participant, the team in which all participants complete the task faster wins.

Instructor: Guys, while we were running, look how much snow has accumulated, let's remove it. Let's play - collect snowballs!? Then, here’s a felt boot for each pair.

3 relay “Collect snowballs in felt boots”.

A couple runs to a basket with snowballs, one pair has felt boots. One runs and carries a felt boot, and the other puts a snowball there, and then quickly passes it to the other couple. (Summarize the results of the competition).

Instructor: Well done, all the snow has been removed, now you can go skiing

4 relay race "skiing"

The first participants put on skis made from plastic bottles, run, run around the chips like a snake, and the first team to complete the task wins.

Instructor: Guys, you are so great, you have completed all the tasks, now let's rest a little. Sit on the floor in a circle.

Game self-massage
Children sit on the floor.
Yes, yes, yes, yes, rub your hands together.
It's getting cold.
Yes, yes, yes, yes, they gently stroke the neck from top to bottom with their palms.
The water turned to ice.
Doo-doo-doo-doo massage the wings of the nose.
I slipped on the ice.
Doo-doo-doo-doo rub their ears with their palms.
I'm going skiing.
Dy-dy-dy-dy, put your palm to your forehead with a “visor” and move
There are footprints in the snow
Do-y-y-y-y stroke the belly clockwise
Where to find food in the forest
Di-di-di-di stroke your feet
You walk through the snow.

Instructor: Did you like “Snow Day”, what did you like more?

Let's celebrate “Snow Day” every year like this in a sportive way, and then you will grow up agile, strong, and most importantly healthy! Until next time.

A. S. Nasnikova