For beginners

Running is a sport. Running disciplines. For medium distances

Running, despite its apparent simplicity in terms of the technique of its implementation, is one of those sports that has one of the largest numbers of disciplines and varieties, starting with cross-country running.

Moreover, running is an inseparable part of many sports, such as basketball, acrobatics and other disciplines where speed and precision are required. About what kind of sport running is, what types of running there are, distances, as well as basic standards, all of which will be discussed in this article.

Running, what types exist and what are their differences?

Types of running in athletics can be divided into basic disciplines and running sports such as:


This running discipline is characterized by overcoming from to, on a flat surface, with maximum acceleration. It is worth keeping in mind that it requires huge energy costs, healthy and respiratory system, which makes it relevant only for competitive athletes and various lovers of an active lifestyle. However, it is categorically not recommended for people who want to gain endurance, and also, regardless of the trimester of pregnancy!

Obstacle running

It also has short running distances, usually not exceeding 400-500 meters, with locations whose height can vary from 35 to 95 cm or more, depending on the gender of the athletes, their skill, age, and weather conditions. Obstacle running is traumatic discipline, since there are often cases of a runner colliding with an obstacle, or unsuccessfully overcoming it, which leads to falls, which are aggravated when approaching a sprint!

Cross running

A rather controversial running discipline, which, despite all its entertainment, is not Olympic form sports. involves covering up to 12 km over difficult terrain, such as forest paths, dirt roads, and even deserts. Cross running requires covering distances at low speeds, with rare passage of steep climbs and jumping over road irregularities. Cross-country running is recommended for both beginners and experienced athletes during the period of preparation for performances, since if all safety rules are observed, jogging perfectly trains endurance, strength and breathing, while actually not loading due to the absence of hard.

Marathon running

A running discipline that requires athletes to have the maximum possible endurance as a result incredibly long tracks, the duration of which can reach up to 42 km. To cover such extremely long distances, runners stick to low speeds close to . Marathon running is a fairly popular discipline that has earned honor not only at the Olympic Games, but also among amateur enthusiasts, as well as at large-scale events dedicated to a healthy lifestyle, where a huge number of volunteers overcome marathon and urban conditions, thereby bearing sports ideology to the broad masses!

Middle and long distance running

Very common types of running, which have gained particular popularity in physical education classes in various educational institutions, as well as among ordinary amateurs. healthy image life. This discipline involves completing routes ranging from to , which is the best option both for people who want to lose weight and for experienced athletes who want to maintain their e.

Interval running

A rather unique running variety that requires athletes to periodically speed changes from slow to fast, in single run conditions. Thanks to this change of speed, it effectively improves not only endurance, but also, however, due to its specifications, such running is recommended only for professional athletes who can control their breathing rhythm. Beginners and amateurs can also try to master interval running, the types and varieties of which are not of fundamental importance, however, without proper preparation of the respiratory system, they will get tired quite quickly, without realizing all the necessary load on the lower limbs.

Sports directly related to running

Various types of running are one of the training sessions for most sports, except probably chess, powerlifting, sumo and ballroom dancing.

However, if in some types sports competitions, running training has only an auxiliary function for the general strengthening of the body; in some other sports, running is their integral part, such sports disciplines include the following categories:

  • Running long jump. Here running plays a key role in achieving maximum result, and athletes spend months perfecting their technique with maximum acceleration at short period time.
  • Pole vaulting. Incredible spectacular view a sport that also requires the athlete to thoroughly master the running technique, while maintaining the correct breathing rhythm to produce a powerful push with the help of a pole.
  • Jumping over the bar. To carry out a correct and safe jump, it is necessary to perform a well-calibrated acceleration, where it is simply impossible to do without a proven running technique.
  • Various relay races. are one of the few team disciplines in athletics, where running over a distance of 5- is important. In addition, relay races are an integral part of many school competitions over shorter distances, where the main key to victory is running.
  • Football. This sport also directly depends on the football player’s ability to cover long distances while maintaining correct breathing. It is worth noting that interval running is very relevant for football players, which allows them to quickly accelerate, slow down and at the same time maintain clear self-control regarding the situation on the field, with the least amount of physical effort.

What type of running is best for you?

It is impossible to find an affirmative answer to such a question, since each of the running disciplines is suitable for people with specific goals. However, there are categories of people who should give preference to only one of the types of running described above, which useful for such population groups as:

  • People who want to keep their body in good shape, and who also set goals for themselves. This category of athletes should give preference to jogging at a moderate pace.
  • who want to increase overall endurance in general and strengthen respiratory system in particular. Such people need to focus on marathon running, with a gradual increase in the distances covered.
  • Beginners who want to comprehensively increase both endurance and leg strength can easily master the cross-country running technique, which is also least traumatic in terms of wear and tear on the knee joints. Also, any other variety, light physical education and other general strengthening activities are suitable for such people.
  • Athletes playing football, hockey, and basketball need to focus on interval running.

The Olympic Games are the crown sports training runner. Since the founding of this type of competition, it has included several types of running: initially - short and long distances.

Races between men and women are held separately. Recently, in order to increase the entertainment value of competitions at medium, long distances and steeplechase, it has been customary to remove from the race three athletes who showed the worst time from the starting group. This is done several laps before the finish (for example, at a distance of 3000 meters, runners are removed from the start 5, 4 and 3 laps before the finish).

Running competition Olympic Games ah take place in an open or closed stadium. The stadium has the shape of an oval with straight segments, and is divided into running tracks: as a rule, summer stadiums have 8-9 tracks, and winter ones - 4-6. The tracks have a width of 1.22 meters and dividing strips 5 cm wide. The treadmill covering is modern synthetics: tartan, regupol, recortan, etc.

What running distances are included in the Olympic Games program?

The Olympic program includes several types of running:

  • Sprint - short distances. Smooth running at distances of 100, 200, 400 meters and relay race 4 by 100 and 4 by 400 meters for men and women. The distance of 100 meters is considered the most prestigious: it is in it that the title of the most fast man in the world, the last winner of which at the Rio 2016 Olympics was the titled Jamaican Usain Bolt. By the way, Usain Bolt is truly a legend of the Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro: the Jamaican is the winner of gold medals in all events in which he took part. These are races of 100, 200 meters and a relay race of 4 by 100. In total, the runner now has 9 gold Olympic medals. The 400-meter distance (long sprint) is considered the most difficult in the sprint, as it requires maximum running effort over a fairly long period. The winner of this distance was the South African athlete Van Niekerk, setting new record- 43.03 sec. The US team of Armand Hall, Tony McQuay, Gil Roberts and Lashawn Merritt won the 4 x 400 meter relay.
  • The middle (stayers') running distances of the Olympics include sections of 800, 1500 and 3000 meters with hurdles. In the 800-meter segment, the fastest athlete was Kenyan David Lekuta Rudisha. Kenyan Conseslus Kipruto also won the 3000m steeplechase in Rio de Janeiro.
  • Long distances. Includes 5,000 and 10,000 meter races. The current Olympics became gold for the British Mohamed Farah, two-time Olympic champion at a distance of 5000 meters. He also became the fastest in the 10,000 meters segment.
  • Road running - marathon and half marathon. The marathon distance is 42 km 195 meters, the half marathon - 21 km 97.5 meters. They are held on the highway, which is why they are called road races.
  • Hurdling is not the same as steeplechasing. It is played at distances of 110 and 400 meters. The difference lies in the method of overcoming the barriers: you cannot carry your foot along the side of the barrier and knock down the barrier with your hand or foot. This year in Rio, American Kerron Clement won the 400-meter hurdles.
  • Race walking at distances of 20 and 50 km for men and 20 km for women. Gold medal In Rio de Janeiro, the Slovak athlete Matej Toth won the 50 km race walking discipline.

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Running is an accelerated way of moving a person, given to him by nature. But the load that running puts on all body systems and muscles can be different, depending on the type of running.

Types of running.

The division of running into types is due to the different load on the muscles and respiratory system of a person. Separation factors can be:

  • Speed.
  • Distance length.
  • Climbing angle.
  • Priming.
  • Number of participants.

According to speed characteristics, running can be for a while(standard sports distances - 30, 60, 100 and 400 meters) and health jogging, or jogging to normalize breathing. If the first type of running forces the athlete to exert all his strength, then the second is the search for a comfortable mode of movement, without overloading the musculoskeletal system and lungs, to develop endurance.

According to the length of the distance, running can be distinguished for short distances(30, 60 and 100 m), average(400 m and 1 km), long(2-10 km), marathon(the marathon distance is 42 km) and ultramarathon(from 300 to 700 m on different soils, with changes in altitude, temperature and weather conditions).

Running maybe on a flat surface(without height differences), with lift up, on the descent and include altitude changes. Running uphill and downhill is difficult due to prolonged loading of one muscle group, not alternating with relaxation. Sport competitions include smooth (flat distance) and hurdles (with obstacles, standard track length is 2-3 km).

The running ground may be hard (treadmill, asphalt, dirt road), soft(sandy soil, grass) and mixed(natural soil, including sand, gravel, grass, elevation changes, water). More viscous and soft ground requires more effort when running.

Depending on the number of participants, the running can be individual, relay race(a team sport that includes speed running for a given distance, smooth or hurdle, with the baton being passed to the next participant) and massive(an unlimited number of people start for a given distance with a specific finish line and route).

Sports running disciplines are only for speed. Official competitions are carried out on a smooth run, barrier(loose barriers at a distance overcome by jumping), with obstacles(of various types, overcome by jumping, touching or walking around), relay race And cross(long distance) running.

Athletics is perhaps the most popular in the world. And for good reason! After all, it includes many different disciplines that can interest every sports fan. This includes long throw, shot throw, javelin throw, discus throw, hammer throw, race walking and running at different distances.

In this article we will only talk about running. But, believe me, you can tell a lot even about one sport.

So, sports running

This kind of running received the name “sports” in contrast to “health” runs, which you can regularly observe somewhere in the park, because it can be fully mastered only if you have certain qualities.

From an athlete, running requires strength, speed, tactical thinking, reaction and, most importantly, endurance. After all, sports running is, first of all, a result. And for his sake, those entering the track have to literally do the impossible.

Today, running is divided depending on the distance into sprint (short distances) and stayer (long), as well as relay, marathon and obstacle racing (hurdle).

Under what conditions are running competitions held?

Sports running does not require any special conditions for competitions. Athletics stadiums are used for them, where the main attention is paid only to correct markings and high-quality coverage

Previously, these paths were both earthen and asphalt. But currently the coating is made of synthetic materials (tartan, regupol, recortan, etc.).

Competitions are held in any weather. In summer stadiums there are usually 8 tracks for this, while winter ones can be limited to six. The width of each of them is 1 m 22 cm, and the line separating them is 5 cm. The length of the track is 400 m. It is mandatory to have markings indicating the start and finish for all distances, as well as corridors where the baton is passed.

Of considerable importance, as you understand, is the runner's shoes - special spiked shoes that can provide good grip on the surface, and therefore create conditions for an excellent result.

Rules for running competitions

All types sports running have general rules. At the command “Start!” athletes line up along the line, depending on the place taken in the previous stages of the competition or according to lot. At the same time, their feet are on special blocks or structures, and their hands and knees touch the ground (the athlete is prohibited from touching the starting line and, especially, the track behind it).

The starter, making sure that all runners are in the appropriate position, gives the command: “Attention!” Athletes lean forward, lift their knees off the track and freeze, resting on the ground only with their feet and hands. At the signal from the starting pistol or other device, the run begins. By the way, if the starter notices even the slightest movement before this signal, he declares a false start. And the athlete whose fault he was declared receives a warning.

While running, athletes do not interfere with each other. On short distances they run along different tracks, and at distances from 600 m they start on different ones, but after 200 m they switch to the common one. The location of this transition is usually indicated by flags and an arcuate line.

The runner who crosses the finish line first wins.

What is a sprint?

Sports running - sprint - is overcoming standard distances of 50, 60, 100, 200, and 400 m for men and women, as well as (4x100 m and 4x400 m), held in an arena with eight running tracks.

It requires special speed qualities from the runner, as well as excellent reaction at the start. After all, he covers 60 m, for example, in just 9 seconds!

And the 100 m race, by the way, is considered the most prestigious discipline not only in athletics, but even in sports in general.

There are also non-standard distances - these are 30 m, 50 m, 150 m, as well as 300 and 500 m. For relay races, the non-standard one is 4x200 m.

Even a tailwind is important for a sprinter!

Since sports running at sprint distances is short-term, even small details can have a serious impact on the result. You probably know yourself that the count in a sprint is in fractions of a second.

The most advantageous positions for sprinters (200 and 400 m races) are the central lanes (from 3 to 6). On the first and second, the small radius prevents the runner from developing high speed, and along the 7th and 8th lanes the athletes run first from the start, which prevents them from focusing on speed. Therefore, the most profitable tracks, as a rule, are distributed among athletes who have shown high results.

In outdoor sprinting, even a tailwind can help the athlete. Therefore, for example, if the readings of the associated component turn out to be more than 2 m/s, then the result demonstrated by the runner is not recognized as an official record.

Marathon is a sport for endurance

Athletics also has in its arsenal the most difficult type of sports running - marathon. The distance that athletes need to cover is 42 km 195 m. A marathon runner must not only have excellent physical shape, endurance and the desire to win, but also be able to overcome difficulties and pain.

Preparing for a race requires months of rigorous training and a balanced diet. By the way, athletes under 18 years of age cannot participate in the marathon.

During competitions, it is necessary to provide runners with sufficient amounts of water and food that can maintain energy balance in the body. For this purpose, food points are installed every 5 km along the route.

By the way, for some categories of runners the air temperature above +18°C is considered dangerous, and if it rises above +28°C, the start is cancelled.

Running and race walking

Speaking about running, one cannot fail to mention it differs from running in that it requires not only to show the most high result, but also strictly adhere to the technique, which prohibits running.

In each step, a sports walker must move forward only his leg, straightened at the knee from the moment of its contact with the ground until it passes the vertical. This is monitored by up to 9 judges, and a participant in the competition may be disqualified for violating the rules. It is very difficult for an athlete to resist starting to run slowly, which gives the competition a special drama.

Speed ​​walkers cover distances from 20 to 50 km (men) and 20 km (women).

Description of the most effective types of running and what they are used for. Jogging, stair running, sprinting and interval running, as well as other useful activities.

Even the most natural sport exercises, like squats and pull-ups, are rarely necessary for a person in his daily life. Walking or running is another matter; this is the most common form of activity for a person since he stood on two legs. Primitive people ran after prey, from enemies and after them; modern man runs in a hurry so as not to be late. Those who take care of their health and physical fitness, they run not only when necessary, they go for runs regularly.

Running is natural not only for humans, but also for animals, however, not for everyone. Elephants cannot run due to the structure of their massive body. During movement, the center of gravity in the elephant’s body can shift by only a few centimeters, because of this, the impact load on the fulcrum at a time is 150% of the total weight of the animal. For a person, the same load is 300% of the weight, however, we can run, and many still love it.

Let's consider those types of running that attract the most attention - running up stairs, using weights, jogging, marathon running and others. In any variety, running is a series of leg movements that are performed at a certain frequency, in a cycle. Explaining what running is in theory is much more difficult than going out for a run and experiencing it in practice.

Running cycles

Any run includes several stages:

  • Push - it is most convenient to push off with your toe or the middle of your foot, this is exactly what experts recommend doing. Pushing off with your heel is awkward and illogical;
  • Flight is the moment when the feet are off the ground;
  • Landing - contact with the ground of the other leg occurs in the heel area.

Running in athletics

Running is an integral part athletics, the level of load in this case depends on the distance traveled. Running in athletics includes several varieties:

  • Sprint running - covering distances of no more than 400 meters;
  • Middle distance running - from 800 to 3000 meters;
  • Stayer running - distances from 3 kilometers;
  • Road running - it is also called marathon running, includes a marathon and a half-marathon, that is, very long distances, there is also an ultra-marathon, a distance of a hundred kilometers is covered in one race.

Types of health running

Running to improve health is the most popular form physical activity among amateurs. Unless you're planning on running an ultra-marathon or setting 400m sprint records, health running- this is exactly what you need.


No need to try to take long steps, no need to develop high speed, a great way to keep yourself in shape for amateurs. If you go out to any park in the evening, you can see a huge number of people jogging; for many, this replaces walking fresh air. Professionals practice jogging when they need to recover from an overly strenuous workout.

The first effects of jogging are felt after the first workout; the process consists of leisurely monotonous movements that immerse a person in a state similar to meditation. While jogging, you can dream, think about life, and relieve accumulated stress. All tissues of the body are saturated with oxygen, it experiences a slight aerobic effect.

However, it is important not to overestimate the effectiveness of jogging. If your goal is to lose extra pounds, then this type of activity will not allow you to lose the required number of calories. Jogging is like fast walking; there will be no intense impact on the muscles, that is, you should not expect significant changes in your physical appearance. If achieving a goal requires more serious loads, then jogging is appropriate to use before and after them.

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This variety has a positive effect on the overall endurance of the body and the health of the cardiovascular system. The famous academician Amosov devoted several works to jogging, he even called this variety as jogging against a heart attack. Running for a healthy and beautiful body is a vast topic and requires separate study. Running on the spot is no less interesting; you don’t need to go outside to do the workout.

Running in the aerobic heart rate zone

Out of ignorance, it is often confused with jogging, but these are different concepts. The aerobic heart rate zone can be achieved at both a fast and slow pace, the speed depends on the person’s level of training. In order to run fast enough, but at the same time keep your heart rate in the aerobic zone, you need to train for a long time. This type of running allows you to put more stress on the musculoskeletal system and internal organs, and spend more calories. During jogging, the organs are massaged, and the joints and bones receive a beneficial shock load.

Running with aerobic level heart rate is suitable for those who have good training and want to maintain it, but not spend a lot of time on training. The starting point is a certain distance or time spent running, with the speed gradually increasing from run to run. It is advisable to combine this type of running with power loads, primarily aimed at bottom part body, but this must be done very carefully.

It is impossible to unequivocally answer the question of whether running with a pulse in the aerobic zone helps you lose weight. Aerobic exercise works in a special way; the main process of burning fat deposits occurs not during the workout, but within a day after it, while a calorie deficit must be observed. After a run, every person feels hungry; food intake should not contain more calories than what was spent during training. You can lose weight this way, but it will require complex calculations.

Sprint running

Jogging over distances from 30 to 400 meters is sprinting, the athlete is required to run the presented distance as quickly as possible. This type of running has recently been increasingly used to get rid of excess weight, if all the rules are followed, it is really effective. For example, for a person who is involved in weightlifting and regularly performs deadlift, squats with a barbell, you can practice sprinting, but in a very dosed mode.

Interval running

The name speaks for itself, this is an alternation of intense and light loads with certain rest intervals, that is fast running on the verge maximum speed for a person and slow running, for example, jogging. For example, a repeating cycle of 30 seconds of fast running and a minute of jogging. Due to the fact that the body is exposed to alternating aerobic and anaerobic exercise, it increases its endurance indicators.

Interval running cannot be recommended for a beginner, since a person without proper experience will not be able to dose the load correctly, creating a risk of injury during the training process. If a beginner still wants to start not with jogging, but immediately with interval running, then he should alternate short periods of running and walking, then gradually increase the running time.


If we literally translate the term from Swedish, it will sound like “playing with speed,” that is, running at alternating speeds. Fartlek cannot be classified as interval running, since there is no rest and cycling; this variety is much closer to cross-country running. People who practice Fartlek move by walking and brisk walking, fast, slow and very slow running.

Fartlek perfectly improves health, and if you run not in a straight line, but over rough terrain, then such qualities as coordination of movements and dexterity will additionally develop. If you can’t run outside, you can play with speed on a treadmill; the efficiency will be somewhat lower, but the ankles will continue to develop and strengthen. For such running on the street, it is necessary to select shoes that are comfortable on any terrain; before jogging, a high-quality warm-up is necessary, it will reduce the risk of injury.

Running on stairs

A universal remedy for fast weight loss and development of leg muscles, a large load falls on calf muscles, as they are engaged with every heel lift. To enhance the effect, you can run up stairs with weights, but first you need to practice without them. Also, the load will increase if you step on every step rather than on each one. The greater the load when running up stairs, the more calories will be burned in the process, and accordingly, getting rid of excess fat deposits will occur faster.

It has long been known that anyone who wants to lose weight should first of all give up the elevator.

Stair running can be used as an alternative to regular jogging, for example, when it is raining outside or there is not enough time for a full workout. When moving up stairs, you must remember that this is a double load for the body and muscular system. As a result, you get strong legs, beautiful shape buttocks and thighs, slim stomach, as well as strengthening the respiratory and cardiovascular systems.

Running with weights

The use of weights can be recommended for those who are accustomed to receiving a certain amount of load over a set period of time. Using weights, for example, running with dumbbells, significantly increases the level of stress; such activity perfectly strengthens the leg muscles and develops the overall endurance of the body.

Running with obstacles

An interesting type of running, but it is only available to professionals. Organizing obstacles for yourself on your usual route is not an easy task. The good thing about obstacle running is that a person constantly has to push off the ground with force, which has a positive effect on the development of strength in the legs and the general condition of the body.