For beginners

Gymnastics complex for finger joints. Therapeutic gymnastics for fingers Grip Exercise to develop grip, helps to cope with door handles and hold objects

With the help of hands, a person performs a huge number of operations during the day. But most people, as a rule, do not pay the necessary attention to the health of their hands, and over time, the condition of the skin worsens, and an unpleasant crunching sensation appears in the joints. In the modern world, a person spends a lot of time on the phone or computers, the nerves are pinched, and this is accompanied by a rather unpleasant tingling sensation.

In some professions, the health and mobility of the hands and fingers is especially important (for example, musicians and artists). Gymnastics is a good prevention against all kinds of diseases associated with ligaments and joints.

Children who use such hand exercises significantly improve their mental abilities and develop coordination of movements. Hand exercises allow you to relieve accumulated tension and significantly improve your performance. It won't take much of your time, but it will be invaluable in the future.

Indications and contraindications

  1. With fatigue resulting from monotonous work.
  2. Before the upcoming long work in which you need to perform precise hand movements.
  3. For certain diseases of the hands and fingers (arthrosis, arthritis).
  4. For the prevention of diseases such as: carpal tunnel syndrome, tendonitis, arthrosis, etc.
  5. To restore mobility of hands and joints.
  6. To slow down the irreversible aging process.
  7. To increase the elasticity of cartilage.
  8. To normalize blood circulation in the hands and fingers.

It is not recommended to perform exercises that cause you severe pain symptoms. It is better to consult a specialist and choose exercises that are comfortable for you, as there is a huge risk of aggravating the current situation.


With the help of massage you will prepare your hands for physical activity and improve blood circulation. Exercises must be performed regularly (preferably 2-3 times during the day) and be sure to use both hands. Before starting the massage, apply a little oil or cream to the skin.

  • Using alternating circular movements, perform a finger massage.
  • Place one hand on the table, and with the other hand, gently stretch the skin using the stroking method.
  • Rotate your hands and, if possible, eliminate any tension that may arise.
  • Use simulated hand washing for massage.
  • Stretch your fingers forward from you, folding them into a lock. The main element of this preparatory exercise stretching.

It is not recommended to perform this complex if you have small cracks in the skin of your hands or certain diseases (for example, fungus). By performing this massage regularly, you maintain the health of your joints and maintain the beauty of your hands.


To relieve accumulated tension in your hands, the following set of effective exercises is perfect:

  1. Clench your fingers into a fist and rotate your hands (about 15 repetitions are enough).
  2. The hand is clenched into a fist for 4 seconds, after which it relaxes completely (perform about 10 repetitions).
  3. In the third exercise, the hand is pulled first toward you, and then away from you (also do 10 times).
  4. Place your hands on a hard surface. Next, begin to lift your fingers off the surface one by one.
  5. Perform the “Snap” exercise for each finger (at least 10 repetitions).
  6. Use alternating circular movements of your fingers. It is very important to achieve maximum relaxation of your hands.

These seemingly elementary exercises are considered an excellent prevention of various diseases and quickly relieve increased fatigue after a busy day at work.

Arm strengthening exercises

People who have just started exercising probably have difficulty lifting heavy weights. Strong hands are very important when working with a barbell, dumbbells and horizontal bar (for any work with weights). The exercises below are aimed at strengthening your arms and developing their mobility well.

  • Do a smooth bending of your wrists. The place of flexion will be the wrist joint. Up and down movement (for greater effectiveness, do this exercise with dumbbells or a barbell).
  • It is necessary to connect your elbows and palms on a hard surface. Then slowly spread your elbows and lower your palms as low as possible.
  • Hold your palm with your other hand and begin to bend it at the wrist joint.
  • Place your palm edge-on on a hard surface. Now alternately bend your fingers, applying considerable effort (just do not overdo it).
  • Press your palms together. Then bend the fingers of one hand, creating resistance with the other.

Sukhomlinsky said that a child’s mind is located at his fingertips.

It has been proven that from development fine motor skills The child’s intellectual abilities, including memory, largely depend. Gymnastics for memory development should be carried out in a ventilated room. In this case, you can use the knowledge of aromatherapy. For example, natural orange essential oil promotes the absorption of training and exercise, and also improves attention.

The brain is very sensitive to any finger exercises. Take a look at the illustration and you will be convinced that by influencing one or another area of ​​the palm you can improve the condition of the body systems.

Finger exercises and gymnastics help synchronize the work of the right and left hemispheres of the brain. At what time to do finger gymnastics to develop memory is up to you. The above exercises will not take you even five minutes, so you can do them in the morning as exercise, at work during a break, or at home in bed before going to bed. They are more suitable for adults, but we will also tell you about the features of memory development in children with the help of one simple exercise.

To a greater extent finger gymnastics is focused on speech development, but this is relevant for children. For teenagers, it is more important to develop such thinking properties as memory, attentiveness, and perseverance. Our service has prepared 7 exercises that will help you with this.

7 simple finger exercises to develop memory and attention

First you need to warm up your fingers. Three hands firmly to increase blood circulation in these areas.

1. Clap your hands to relieve tension in your hands and arms. Do these exercises with your children; they will be happy to join you.

2. Thumb exercise. It is necessary to “tear off” the thumb by pulling on its pad, on the surface of which there are points, the stimulation of which affects memory. Such exercises should be done for 20-30 seconds. The exercise is very simple, so you can involve family members in doing it.

3. Keep one hand straight, and clasp the other into a fist, change the position of your hands. This develops not only memory and thinking, but also helps to concentrate.

4. Show the fig with one hand and OK with the other. Change positions one by one.

5. Put your palms together and alternately “hug” with your fingers.
6. Clench your palms into a fist, alternately bend the two upper and two lower fingers.
7. Finally, you should rub your earlobes with your fingers, this can increase blood circulation in the brain and activate maximum concentration.
For children, we recommend the “Snail” finger exercise, which helps develop visual, auditory and kinesthetic memory.

Come visit the BrainApps website and you will find many games and tasks that will help develop your memory.

Develop fine motor skills with early age recommended for strengthening memory, increasing concentration and improving educational process. The finger complex, created specifically for children, is designed for these purposes. You can perform gymnastics for your fingers in a playful way. Children usually happily repeat all the movements, so doing them regularly is not difficult. At the same time, gymnastics is also complemented various types activities that will also help activate brain processes - sculpting from plasticine, playing musical instruments. Gymnastics for the fingers consists of the following exercises, which are performed in combination or separately. You can do them several times a day.

  1. Playing cooking with your child and simulating kneading dough will help to fully use the hands, which affects the activation of brain processes and helps strengthen memory.
  2. The points located in the pads of the index and ring fingers are also responsible for the functioning of the brain. They can be used if you rest these two fingers on the table, depicting the movement of a mysterious and imposing animal.
  3. Clenching and unclenching your hands into a fist, like a flash image, also allows you to work with your entire hand. This movement can be introduced as gestures accompanying songs or fairy tales.
  4. Fingering your fingers one at a time is also one of the exciting gymnastics activities that allows you to activate both hemispheres of your brain. You need to do it as if pretending to climb stairs - press the pad of the finger of your left hand onto the fingers of your right (little finger to little finger, thumb to thumb), then performing these actions in the opposite direction.
  5. Finely, quickly and often move your fingers, tapping the tips on the surface. This part of the gymnastics is reminiscent of caterpillar running.

A few more exercises are shown in the video

Such gymnastics can be supplemented with various movements that involve all fingers. If at the same time you tell a fascinating tale or poem, then you can use gymnastics to illustrate what is being told.

For musicians

Professional musicians (playing guitar or piano) can often experience physical overload in their constantly loaded hands. To avoid this, it is recommended to do gymnastics as a warm-up before playing music.

When working at a computer

Monotonous and prolonged work at the keyboard can cause serious joint diseases. Exercise therapy for the fingers helps reduce the possibility of their occurrence. If you do gymnastics constantly at the first appearance of swelling or pain symptoms, then there should be no problems with your wrists in the future.

  1. Perform rotational movements with your hands, tilting them towards your chest and deflecting them.
  2. Clench/unclench your fingers into a fist, rotating them first clockwise and then counterclockwise in a clenched state.
  3. Extend your fingers forcefully, pointing your thumb upward. They need to be moved to the sides.
  4. Interlace your fingers and make rotating movements and a pendulum.
  5. Gather your fingers into a fist, release one at a time, leaving the rest gathered.
  6. Massage each phalanx thoroughly. In addition, regular use of an expander will help keep your wrists healthy.

For arthrosis

The development of bone tissue diseases can also be stopped by special simple gymnastics. In advanced stages, it helps relieve pain and relax tense limbs.

  1. To begin, you need to stretch your hands by doing basic exercises gymnastics - clench/unclench your fingers into a fist, massage each limb, paying attention to all areas.
  2. If you place your hand on a hard surface and try to straighten it, holding the position statically for a minute, this will help relieve pain.
  3. Direct the straightened, upward-pointing palm towards you. Bend your fingers, touching the tips of the pads at the base of each finger. You also need to stay in this position.
  4. Forcefully squeeze an elastic object - a not fully inflated ball or a loose expander. Also, this object must be pinched with force.
  5. Place your hands on a hard surface, lift one finger at a time, holding each of them in the air for half a minute.

For arthritis

Therapeutic gymnastics used to prevent arthritis or reduce pain in the extremities.

Gymnastics must be performed constantly, and each exercise must be done several times in 1 approach. Pain relief depends on the frequency of doing gymnastics, so it should be done whenever possible.

For flexibility

Special gymnastics will help restore or improve the flexibility of your fingers. It is also useful for those people who do not experience problems with motor skills - this way the cerebral hemispheres are activated and the thought process improves.

  1. Stretch your hands with massaging movements.
  2. Rotate the fist clockwise and then counterclockwise.
  3. Make an imaginary click while touching thumb each other in turn.
  4. Close two fingers, pressing firmly on the pads. Try to rotate them.
  5. Make rotational movements with each individual finger.

To relax and relieve fatigue

To relax overloaded wrists, there is not only therapeutic exercises, but also a special set of Indian exercises called hand yoga. It consists of performing mudras, which are a special interlace of fingers that help activate energy power. In order to relieve fatigue and discomfort, you can perform simple exercises:

There is a science that studies the effects on various points of the body, called acupuncture. According to it, by correctly pressing on special points, you can get rid of many diseases and improve the health of your body as much as possible. A pleasant addition to this will be improved intelligence, increased attention and increased brain performance.

“I spend a lot of time at the computer. My hands have become numb, I have difficulty falling asleep, please advise what to do” (comment)

Unpleasant sensations in the hands are immediately transmitted to the brain, which can interfere with falling asleep and normal sleep, and cause nightmares.

Gymnastics for the fingers does not take much time. It is effective for cramps, numbness, stiffness and pain in the hands, promotes blood flow and self-healing of the entire body.

Our hands are conductors of the central nervous system and brain

Interesting fact:

The area of ​​the zone in the brain responsible for the cortical innervation (supply of nerves) of the fingers and hands significantly exceeds the total area of ​​the zones responsible for the innervation of the legs and torso. Which proves the importance of hands for the functioning of the whole body.

Voluntary movements of the fingers and hands are external manifestations of brain activity.

If blood does not circulate well in the frontal lobes, a person's ability to voluntarily move his arms deteriorates. This dependence is two-way.

If there is a significant reduction in voluntary hand movements, the functioning of the frontal regions that regulate cognitive functions is disrupted:

  • behavior,
  • coordination of movements,
  • the ability to talk, think, show willpower, have intelligence, etc.

Hands are the body's control panel

When the embryo develops into an embryo (2-8 weeks), the fists of the future hands are formed in the cervical region.

What does it mean?

What muscle tissue The arms are provided by the nerves of the sympathetic nodes and plexuses of the neck, and through them are closely connected with all, without exception, parts of the central nervous system and its main center - the brain.

It is this fact that explains such a powerful effect of gymnastics of the fingers and hands. First, the functions in the hands themselves are restored, and then those organs that were associated with them in the embryonic period, the organs of control of the body, are restored: the thyroid and parathyroid glands, the thymus, the pituitary gland, etc.

Gymnastics for hands and fingers

We do 10-20 repetitions, trying to increase the number. Individual exercises alternate with relaxing shaking of the brushes.

1. Clenching your fingers into a fist, rotate them left and right.

2. We clench our fingers into fists, then straighten them, spreading them out to the sides as much as possible.

What is the danger, what does numbness in the left or right hand mean, what to do and when to go to the doctor.

3. Bend and straighten the hands down and up.

4. Fingers are straight, thumbs are pointed to the side, rotate them in one direction, and then in the other direction. We repeat the rotations, clasping our fingers.

5. Place straight fingers to the sides. We bend all fingers into fists alternately and fan-shaped, starting with thumbs. We repeat the same thing, starting this time with the little finger.

6. Fingers clenched into fists. We unclench our fingers one at a time, while the rest remain clenched into a fist. Opposite action: fingers straight, bend them one at a time into fists, while keeping the remaining fingers straight.

7. Place your palms on a flat surface and raise one finger at a time. Others lie motionless.

8. We rest our bent fingers on a flat surface without touching it with our palms. We do 4 counts: 1 - raise one bent finger, 2 - straighten it, 3 - bend it again, 4 - return it to its place.

Repeat for each individual finger.

9. Hands in front of you. We alternately bend our wrists, trying to reach our forearm with our thumb.

10. Grab the fingertips of the right hand with your left hand and pull slowly and forcefully. We change hands.

11. Hands in front of you or above your head. We make back-and-forth movements, as if applauding, the amplitude is 20-30 centimeters.

The most important thing is the number of repetitions. We start with 30, then increase to 50, to 100, and bring it to 1000 within a month.

The exercise is simple, but very effective for strengthening the muscles of the arms, shoulders and chest.

12. We clasp our hands together, pressing our fingers together. Tightening our muscles, we try to “overcome” one palm over the other, changing the direction of effort every second.

Let's do it easy exercise at any convenient moment. The first result is felt after a week; after a while, not only the hands, but also the muscles of the shoulders and chest will become stronger.

13. Press your palms together and rub them tightly and quickly against each other.

14. Similar exercise can be done with a pencil or pen held between your palms.

15. We close our fingers into a lock and squeeze them with force.

16. We imitate playing the button accordion and piano.

17. We embrace right hand the wrist of the left hand and shake it strongly. We change hands.

18. Place the fingers of one hand on the fingers of the other, palms not touching. Without lifting your fingers from each other, we make springy movements with tension.

Let's complicate the task by turning the hands towards the body.

It is also good to do it before going to bed, while already lying in bed, to get rid of the stress of the previous day.

19. Exhaling calmly, we clench our fingers forcefully into fists (thumb inside). Next, relax the effort and take a breath. The effect will be greater if you close your eyes.

After the gymnastics, let’s shake our hands thoroughly, rub our palms against each other, lovingly stroke our hands from the inside and back.

Recommendations from Alla Umanskaya (doctor, professor, academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences)

Whenever possible, pay attention to your hands, fingers, palms, wrists: rub them, knead them, stroke them.

Whatever work you do, after finishing it, be sure to palpate your hands and each finger for pain. Especially if the work was hard (carrying heavy objects) or monotonous (typing, writing, drawing, sewing).

If you find pain (numbness, tingling, discomfort), massage (tap, knead, squeeze, stretch) this area as often and thoroughly as possible until the pain subsides. For this purpose, it is good to use irritating oils, creams, and tinctures.

While washing your hands and drying them, massage each finger with a towel. Such fleeting gymnastics will give the fingers flexibility and strength to perform the necessary daily work.

When getting ready for bed, also don't forget about your hands: massage them and take a 5-10-minute bath. Baths and massage not only restore hand function, but also help you relax and fall asleep faster.

Eastern healers attach great importance to the flexibility of the fingers. Using it, they determine the degree of slagging of the entire organism. And as a cleansing they offer a hand massage.

Alla Umanskaya has created a wonderful method of strengthening the immune system without drugs or vaccinations, using your hands. It improves blood flow and triggers self-regenerative processes in the body.

Learn, it's effective and safe:

: why strengthen the immune system, how viruses are transmitted from us to our grandchildren.

Zones, how to act, therapeutic effects.


Hands are associated with the most important functions of our body, such as correct coordinated movements, speech, thinking, will, and intellect.

With the help of our hands we can regulate our health. Gymnastics of the fingers and hands helps restore and maintain not only the functionality of the hands themselves, but also the control organs of the entire body.

You need to pay attention to any sensory disturbances in your fingers and hands and do not be lazy to do simple exercises.
How often do you do gymnastics? At any opportunity!

Take care of yourself and your hands!

It has been proven that intellectual skills, including memory, largely depend on the development of fine motor skills.
I found another interesting video with finger gymnastics.

I don’t know what the Chinese are talking about, but I think it will be useful to simply do these exercises with an instructor.

By the way, I’m not very good at some exercises :(...

Well, a little theory.

How finger exercises affect brain development

Right hemisphere of the brain- humanitarian, imaginative, creative - responsible for the body, coordination of movements, spatial visual and kinesthetic perception.

Left hemisphere of the brain- mathematical, symbolic, speech, logical, analytical - responsible for the perception of auditory information, setting goals and constructing programs. The unity of the brain consists of the activity of two hemispheres, closely interconnected by a system of nerve fibers (corpus callosum).

Corpus callosum(interhemispheric connections) is located between the hemispheres of the brain in the parietal-occipital part and consists of two hundred million nerve fibers. It is necessary to coordinate the work of the brain and transmit information from one hemisphere to the other.

Violation of the corpus callosum distorts the cognitive activity of children. If conduction through the corpus callosum is disrupted, the leading hemisphere takes on a greater load, and the other is blocked. Both hemispheres begin to work without communication. Spatial orientation, adequate emotional response, and coordination of visual and auditory perception are impaired.

A significant part of the human cerebral cortex is occupied by cells associated with the activities of the hand, especially the thumb, which in humans is opposed to all other fingers.

To develop interhemispheric interaction, it is necessary to regularly perform kinesiological exercises.
Kinesiology is the science of brain development through movement. It has been around for two hundred years and is used all over the world.
Kinesiological exercise is a set of movements that allow you to activate interhemispheric influence. Kinesiological movements were used by Hippocrates and Aristotle.

Kinesiological exercises develop the corpus callosum, increase stress resistance, synchronize the work of the hemispheres, improve mental activity, help improve memory and attention, and facilitate the process of reading and writing.

So, thanks motor exercises for fingers, compensation of the left hemisphere occurs and interhemispheric influence is activated. The effect of these simple exercises is simply fantastic: long-term memory improves, attention is concentrated, and abstract thinking improves.

Here's a video in Russian to help you :)

When exactly to do the training?! It's up to you to decide. These simple exercises will take you a maximum of 5 minutes of time, and you can do them even during your lunch break at work.

Train your memory with these simple exercises!