For girls

Eastern practices. Eastern practices to increase vitality. What is a mantra

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Its meaning...

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Practice "Heavenly Dragon Precious Boat"

This practice allows you to remove the network of burst blood vessels on the legs. Prevent veins from appearing in the arms and legs with age. Improve blood circulation in the arms and legs so that the arms and legs are always warm and soft.

Starting position: lie on your back, arms and legs raised up. The stomach is relaxed.

While in this position, try to detect a subtle, soft trembling in your arms and legs. Let it intensify a little. But you don’t need to shake them too hard on purpose. The vibration should appear from within.

IMPORTANT!!! The stomach is relaxed. If severe tension appears in the abdomen, you should immediately stop doing the exercise.

Practice result:

Blood circulation improves. The effect of cold hands and cold feet goes away. A small network of burst vessels on the legs may go away.

Relieving tension in the hands harmonizes relationships in society. Internal supports are strengthened. A feeling of self-confidence appears.

Practice “Honey filling the lower gates”

As we have said more than once, it is very important for a woman not only to learn how to fill herself with energy, but also not to let it flow out of her heavenly vessel. For this purpose, since ancient times, special women's practices have been created to strengthen intimate muscles. After all, a woman is like a jug. And if the bottom of the jug is leaky, then it can no longer hold energy-water.

What causes the condition of female intimate muscles to worsen? First of all, this is childbirth. In ancient times, when a woman gave birth to many children very quickly, her intimate muscles became stretched. The woman lost sensitivity and, constantly losing energy, became uninteresting to the man.

That is why ancient guides for men on filling with feminine energy always said that it was necessary to take a woman who was young and preferably had not given birth, so that she would be filled with feminine energy as much as possible.

After giving birth, Chinese women even deliberately wore a jade egg in their vagina to constantly remember that the bottom of the jug should be locked and to train their intimate muscles.

You and I live in a different time, and therefore, knowing this, it is much easier and easier for us to strengthen our muscles and prevent the bottom of the vessel from leaking even without the help of jade eggs. But if you want to quickly get your intimate muscles in shape, then of course you can’t do without exercise machines.

But at the same time, it is advisable to remember one point that ancient practicing women knew well. When you and I begin to train intimate muscles using a simulator, sometimes we automatically, together with the vaginal muscles, begin to tense the muscles of the perineum and anus.

But the fact is that when working with the vaginal muscles, we work with feminine energy. And when we work with the muscles of the anus, we begin to excite yang male energy. Thus, by working with the simulator and working both the muscles of the vagina and the anus, we will increase the amount of both female and male energy at the same time. That's good too.

But still, if you want to increase the amount of the female component in your energy, then it is better to start by working at the energy level, at the level of thoughts, sensations and images, and only with the vaginal muscles

Therefore, I offer you a more ancient version of this amazing practice, which gives a woman the opportunity to feel and see her feminine component. Become more feminine. Increase the amount of feminine energy. On a hormonal level, this practice increases the production of endorphins and makes our lives more joyful.

Starting position:

Sitting: If you are sitting, your legs should be bent at right angles. The back is straight. We seem to be stretched between heaven and earth. We reach for the sky with the crown of our head. The tailbone extends into the ground. The entrance to the vagina is directed towards the ground. Hands on the lower abdomen, one on top of the other, the left one on top.

Standing: Feet parallel to each other at shoulder level. Bend your knees slightly. Stretch your spine between heaven and earth. The entrance to the vagina faces the ground. Hands below the abdomen, left on top.

You can close your eyes and imagine that as you inhale, your vagina, like a cocktail straw, begins to draw in a soft pink liquid. As you exhale, you relax the vaginal muscles. At some point, you may feel how the vaginal muscles follow your thought.

Breathing: inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth!!!

Please note that the stomach should remain relaxed during this practice. Your hands that lie on it can help you control the condition of your stomach. The muscles of the anus and perineum are also not involved in the process.

Start your practice with three such mental images of inhalation and exhalation with intimate muscles, every day, increasing their number. Over time, you will be able to increase their number to 18.

Once you have mastered this practice, you can start doing it anywhere while doing other things.

Important: Do not try to physically squeeze the muscles. Let your thoughts and sensations do this for you.

Side effect: By doing this practice you increase your attractiveness to men. Especially for men whose control has been removed or weakened. And our men often only lose control when they are intoxicated. We have had cases more than once when girls, wanting to experiment, performed this practice in nightclubs and, as a result, all the most “relaxed and uncontrolled” men were next to them. Therefore, if you are walking home in the evening past a beer stall, then maybe there is no point in doing this practice at that moment?

Performing practices to strengthen intimate muscles is fundamental for a woman. Without this practice, despite performing any other practices, you will simply lose the accumulated energy.

Performing the practice with the help of sensations and mental images allows you, over time, to learn to feel, see and be aware of the exchange of energy between a man and a woman during sex and not only.

The best thing is if you learn how to perform this practice from a woman who has mastered it a long time ago and performs it regularly. Then you will have the opportunity to very quickly directly receive from her the transmission of this amazing female practice without long training.

IMPORTANT: after performing this practice, you must gently and gently rub your stomach and distribute the energy evenly throughout the body.

Practice of working with the sacred women's center “Heavenly Lotus”

One of the most important women's practices is meditation on the sacred feminine center - the womb. Many women's diseases are associated precisely with our lack of attention to the very essence of a woman, to her original center.

As a result, our feminine essence, deprived of care and love, ceases to work in its originally inherent rhythm and, as a result, we become unfeminine and unattractive to men.

This practice helps to restore contact with our sacral center and change our lives, feeling like a true woman.

You can find a more complete version of this practice in my book “The Book of Women's Meditations”. Here I will give a simpler version of it that you can do yourself.

Starting position: two moon or half lotus pose. Hands below the abdomen. Left on top.

Take a deep breath in through your nose and exhale through your mouth. As you exhale, allow your body to begin to relax. Take three deep breaths and relaxed exhalations.

As you inhale, lift your shoulders as high and forward as possible and as you exhale, release them and feel the relaxation spreading through your arms and torso. Inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth. Do this three times.

Think about your arms and lower abdomen. See and feel the warmth of your palms. You can imagine rays of light coming from the center of your palms directly to your lower abdomen and filling it, or feel how the warmth fills your abdomen in a light, pleasant, soft flow.

Continue to imagine and feel the warmth of your hands filling your lower abdomen more and more. Stay in this state for several minutes. Enjoy this state of peace and quiet. Go completely within yourself. Into this amazing inner silence of warmth and peace inside the belly.

And in this state of immersion in yourself, allow yourself to see, realize, feel your feminine center, your uterus. Smile at your sacred feminine center.

You may feel a pulsation in the center of your palms and in your uterus. This is the synchronization of your external contacts (hands are responsible for social contacts) with the true desires of the sacred feminine center.

Just allow yourself to observe, feel and be aware of your feminine center and the warmth filling your lower abdomen.

We remember that Monna Lisa’s slight smile plays on her lips (see keys).

You may have a mental image or some other feeling of contact and communication with your feminine center. Just be an observer of your feminine essence. Try talking to her. And perhaps your sacred women's center will answer you. The answer can be in the form of a symbol, a feeling.

We remember the slight smile on our lips.

When you finish your practice, thank your feminine sacral center and smile at her. Make 36 soft, light circular movements with your palms on your stomach, first counterclockwise and then counterclockwise in 24 circles.

Take 3 deep breaths and exhale and gently stretch your entire body.

What this practice gives:

This practice allows you to begin to accumulate heat in the lower abdomen, in the lower Danyatian. It increases the amount of feminine energy and makes a woman filled with feminine energy and makes her more attractive to the people around her.

As I already wrote in the book “Sex Secret Therapy of the Ancient Sages,” in the Taoist tradition, for a man, entering a cold woman was considered similar to death, both energetic and physical. Cold women were often called foxes, werewolves and vampires. They said that “if you put hot Yang into cold Yin, then Yin will immediately extinguish and destroy Yang.” It was believed that a woman with a cold bottom becomes a vampire and sex with her is strictly contraindicated for a man. This practice is a practice for accumulating and preserving feminine energy. It ensures that a woman is always “filled with the living energy of warmth” and can fill her man with this energy.

Conclusion: A woman with a cold bottom is unable to fill a man with energy. Therefore, men are always attracted to women with a lot of feminine energy that can nourish them. Doing this practice makes it possible to change your life and the life of your man, filling it with the energy of life.

When you master this practice and can easily and simply enter a state of attention to your sacred feminine center, you will be surprised to discover that when you are in it, the attitude of the people around you becomes gentle and caring towards you. Everyone around you begins to want to help you in any situation. I will tell you the amazing secret of the women's sacral center.

Remember when a woman’s attention is almost all the time on her uterus and when at the same time the people around her treat her with special care and concern?

Of course, this is the period when a woman carries a future life in her womb - her unborn child!

Do you want to be treated the same way as a pregnant woman with care, tenderness and care at all times? Try this practice.

My students often successfully use it not only in their personal lives, but also in business. And I will be very glad if you write to me about your own amazing experiences with this ancient practice.

Practice “Heavenly Silk of the Goddess of the Lady of the West Siwanmu”

Probably many of you remember the affirmations from the film “The Most Charming and Attractive.” With what a smile do we listen to the heroine of Irina Muravyova when she tells herself that she is the most charming and attractive. This is great practice. And it is used in modern psychology to improve a woman’s emotional state.

I will offer you a more ancient version of affirmations. The one that was used in the harems of ancient rulers to help a woman be filled with feminine energy, to make her more attractive to her ruler. The women spent their free time in the gazebo, throwing a ball to each other. The one who caught the ball, made of gold brocade and filled with jasmine and rose flowers, had to say her name and say a phrase similar to these:

I, name, am the heavenly Goddess, the favorite of the Jade Emperor, carrying the energy of life to my master and seducing him with one glance...

I, name, am a dancing Goddess, flying among the heavenly expanses to saddle the Divine Dragon and fill its breath with the light of life...

I, name, heavenly Lotus, bringing good luck and love into the life of the Son of Heaven, filling him with the play of the divine light of the Moon and the Sun...

I, the name, are the sweetness of the Jade Emperor, bringing harmony and joy into his life and dancing a moon dance before his heavenly gaze, filling him with the power of passion and love...

I, the name, love and life of the Emperor of the Divine Sky, filling his spirit with perseverance and love for the feminine, giving warmth and tenderness to his heart and strength and passion to his masculine, seducing him with a starry gaze in the eternal mysterious dance of masculine and feminine, giving birth to there are new worlds and stars...

Put your name in these affirmations and see how your state changes when you say them. Notice the lower abdomen? What's happening to him?

Now you can create your own affirmations. I'll tell you the words you can use:

Goddess (divine) -Emperor

Son of Heaven - Dragon

Heaven (heavenly, heavenly) - gold (golden)

Tenderness (tender) - sparkling

Joy (joyfully) - jewel (you can use the name

Any precious and semi-precious

Stones, such as jasper, jade,


Heavenly Lotus -Universe

Radiance (shining) -sun (sunny, sunny)

Lunar (lunar) -Star (stellar)

Divine, divine -breath (inhalation)

Dance (dancing) - Moon, Sun

Unicorn - Mystery (mysterious)

Magic (magical) - magical

Inspiring - enchanting

Uniting - filling

Sparkling - rose, name of other flowers

Caressing - pouring

Try saying such affirmations for at least 5 minutes and you will feel and see how your condition begins to change. And this will not be the state of simply “the most charming and attractive” woman for a simple Soviet engineer, but the state of “a heavenly Goddess dancing her dance among the stars in the garden of the immortal Mother Sivanmu in the face of the creator of worlds and universes, the Great Dragon, the Son of Heaven.” After all, only a Goddess can correspond to the Emperor and the Son of Heaven.

When can you do this practice?

It’s very good in the morning while you are still lying in bed, half asleep, to fantasize about the heavenly goddess and her qualities. At this time we are in a state of alpha and theta wave activity. These are the states of consciousness that magicians use to influence the world. You can also take advantage of this amazing time and state to let the energy of the heavenly goddess into your life. This will give you an energy boost for the whole day. Try it and I will be very glad if you write to me about how your life has changed after this practice.

And my students also love to do this practice when their man is delayed somewhere. After all, it’s no secret that when a man is late, a woman manages to say a bunch of nasty things about herself and him. And then he came, and you had already screwed yourself up. And what do you think he might be thinking about and feeling in relation to this form of femininity at this moment? And who does he see in front of him at this moment: the Heavenly Dancer, whom he wants to give gifts and pamper, or the Terrible Megaera, from whom he wants to escape?

Instead of pushing yourself, try to perform this technique and perhaps it will be like in one song: “I told him how good you are and he asked for forgiveness all night long.”

And I will be glad if you write to me about your experience.

Our emotional and energetic state, as well as the social and material level of the man next to us, directly depends on what words we say to ourselves.

We can be just “beautiful and charming” or we can be “Heavenly Dancers”. And accordingly, we will attract men of completely different social status and rank.

Once you have mastered this practice, you can move on to the practice of Taming the Imperial Dragon. Applying the same principle to the jade dragon - the male phallus. Example "O celestial dragon, dancing in the skies and fertilizing the universes with the light of the stars and bestowing heavenly pleasure on me his beloved Goddess of Joy and Harmony." Try it and write to me about the reaction of men to you when you mentally perform the “Imperial Dragon” practice.

Practice "Gongfu of Language"

It's no secret that oral sex is part of ancient sexual practices. But in order to really talk about oral sex therapy (see the book “Sex Secret Therapy of the Ancient Sages”), you need to be able to use language. To do this, it is advisable to do tongue exercises daily. I present one of these practices here. Regular practice also works with the throat muscles, allowing them to relieve tension and blocks that we put in place when we blocked our throat. It can also help relieve the feeling of a constant lump in the throat.

As you inhale, stick your tongue out through pursed lips, pulling it down as far as possible. As you exhale, relax your lips and tongue. To begin, do the practice 3 times.

You may first feel tension in the throat muscles. Therefore, do not rush to do it many times at once. With time and practice, your tongue will gradually become more flexible and controlled, and your throat muscles will begin to unpack the blocks that we were given as children with the words “shut your mouth, don’t you dare scream, stop crying.”

Start the practice three times a day and over time you can increase it to 18 times.

The most amazing thing about this practice is the invisible connection between the tongue and intimate muscles. Perhaps by performing tongue gongfu, you will be able to feel how, along with working with the tongue, tension and relaxation arise in the intimate muscles. When we extend our tongue, the intimate muscles also tighten, and as we exhale they relax.

Thus, tongue gongfu also strengthens our intimate muscles.

And of course, by training the tongue, we not only strengthen our sexual capabilities, but also work with biologically active points located on the tongue.

As I already wrote in the book “Sex Secret Therapy of the Ancient Sages,” practitioners in the East have always paid a lot of attention to working with channels, meridians and biologically active points of our body. The mystery of the kiss and its benefits for our emotional and energetic state is connected precisely with this. In our language there are zones responsible for the condition of 5 internal organs. These 5 internal organs are associated with certain emotional states.

Kidneys – fear/tenderness

Liver – kindness/anger

Heart – joy/cruelty

Stomach – sympathy/uncertainty

Lungs – courage\depression

You can read about this in detail in my book, which is being prepared for publication, “U-SIN - the star of the primary elements - The energy of relationships between a man and a woman.” Here I will only say that by doing exercises for the tongue, you harmonize the work of the internal organs and harmonize your emotional state, remove the throat block and train your muscles for the unearthly pleasure of the art of oral sex.

Practice “Tantric Eights”

This amazing practice was given to me by an Indian temple dancer. While carefully observing me during classes, she once said that I was spinning the women's magic eight incorrectly. I didn’t know anything about it then.

Over time, when I learned to see and feel my energy, I was amazed, she was so right then.

I offer this magical women's practice to you now.

Starting position standing. Try to stand with the opening of your vagina facing the ground.

Imagine that at knee level you have a red figure eight rotating like in the picture. Repeat her movements with your knees as in the picture. Feet pressed to the floor.

Then imagine an orange figure eight at the level of the genitals. You can start by rotating your hips in a figure eight rotation motion.

Eights must be strictly in the horizontal plane. It is not the scope that is important, but the correctness and proportionality.

Move your body first. Seeing and feeling eights

Then, when you remember the image and sensation, do the same in your mind. These are movements of energy flowing in figure eights with the body, gradually making body movements less and less. Until finally your body is motionless, and you see, feel and be aware of the rotation of energy eights.

There are two types of eights: external and internal.

The outer eight repels male attention from you, while the inner one, on the contrary, attracts.

The best option is if you are taught by a woman who already performs and uses these eights in her life. This way you can avoid mistakes that beginners make.

Practices for breast enlargement and restoration.

Ancient practicing women could always do their exercises no matter where they were or who was next to them. You and I have this amazing opportunity. Once you master this practice, you can do it anytime and anywhere.

Practice "Eight of Immortality"

Close your eyes and imagine and feel a star of white light light up in the center of your chest. You can feel the warmth there. From this point, in two warm streams from the center upward, this light can spread around your chest along the trajectory of figure eights. If it’s difficult for you to feel and see them right away, then you can draw these figure eights over your body with your own hands to remember this feeling.

Gradually, with experience, you will be able to easily turn them on and wash your breasts with streams of energy, removing stagnation, strengthening and enlarging them at any time and anywhere, unnoticed by others by doing breast practice.

It’s very good to start this eight when going to bed, and it will work all night.

The second simple practice for strengthening and enlarging the breasts is the practice of magical pulsations. It can be done while falling asleep at night.

Practice “Wonderful pulsations”

Place your hands on your chest so that the centers of your palms cover your nipples. After some time, a pulsation may appear in the center of the palms at the laogong point and nipples. Let it nourish your breasts for as long as necessary.

These practices are also excellent prevention of any cancer diseases and mastitis.

Practice “Lunar rejuvenation”

This ancient practice has been performed by many famous beauties. Now you, too, can, like them, include it in your arsenal of support for beauty and youth. It is performed on a full moon.

On a full moon, stand naked in the moonlight. Stretch out your hands to the moon and ask her for youth, beauty and feminine attractiveness.

With the words “Mother Moon, beloved sister, wash me, take away the old age from my body, turn back my beauty,” imagine and feel how you scoop up the moonlight with your hands and rub it into your skin. You may feel a slight tingling or warmth in your body from this. Let the light penetrate your body to the very bones. Let it penetrate every cell of your body, rejuvenating it and filling it with feminine energy. Wash yourself with heavenly light like all the ancient beauties and Magini.

When you learn to control your attention and sensations completely, you will be able to fill your bones with this moonlight and start rejuvenation processes in the bone marrow. And this, in turn, will give you the opportunity to be young and beautiful for many years. You can read in more detail about the meditative practice “Lunar Rejuvenation” in my book “Women’s Meditations”.

Practice “Wave of Life”

And I want to give you one more practice. I received it from an amazing master and my favorite teacher and friend Margot. It's called "Wave of Life"

Take a comfortable position and close your eyes. Take three deep breaths, through your chest and stomach at the same time. Inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth. As you exhale, allow your chest to relax and fall under gravity on its own, relaxing your body more and more.

Imagine and feel like a surfer riding the crest of a beautiful huge wave. The wind blows through your hair. The air sparkles with light and flows, washing the skin with radiance and freshness. The wave carries you forward. Feel the pressure in your body in the tailbone area moving you forward. Allow yourself to enjoy this amazing stream carrying you along the surface of the ocean of existence. Feel and realize the full power of this stream of life that carries you. Trust him. Stay in it as long as you need it.

This is a great practice to do when you need to speak in front of a large number of people. This is the energy that makes any performance charismatic and carries people along with it.

And in conclusion, I want to quote lines from the ancient treatise by Wei Zhi “Subtle Essence”

“After all, if those who are engaged in nurturing life want to hear a lot and put the most important things into practice, see a lot and choose the best from what they see, then one-sided pursuit of just one method is not enough to rely on it.
After all, students who are concerned about doing the right things often rely on only one method, considering it the most important: those who know the art of the Hidden Virgin and the Pure Virgin say that only the art of inner chambers can lead beyond the limits of the worldly; those who understand the path of inhalation and exhalation say that only the regulation of pneuma can prolong life, those who know the methods of bending and stretching claim that only gymnastic exercises can prevent aging, those who know the methods of preparing plants say that only medicinal cakes from them can ensure limitless life.
If those who study the Tao-Way do not achieve success, then this is only due to such one-sided partiality” (translation by E.A. Torchinov)

As you can see, it is very important to take care of your youth and beauty not only by performing feminine practices, but also by supporting yourself with nutrition, practicing breathing practices, developing the flexibility of the body and studying the art of mating chambers. Because all this will allow you not only to fill up, but also to avoid unnecessary expenses and loss of energy in general. It is very important, for example, to learn how to reduce the energy costs of digesting food by increasing its energy content. Relieve the costs of holding tensions and blocks in the body through relaxation practices. Strengthen intimate muscles and stop losing energy through the lower gates. Stop wasting energy in excess emotions. To return the expended energy of attention from the past and those places where we have already wasted it. After all, it is important not only to fill up, but also to preserve what you have collected. This is one of the most important keys to women's practices. Not only accumulate and save!!! Otherwise, you can spend your whole life trying to fill yourself with energy, but at the same time immediately lose it. And performing practices in this case becomes a pointless waste of time and will not bring results. But that's another book...
See you

With love Eugenie McQueen

Practice of working with the sacred women's center “Heavenly Lotus”, MyLove.Ru

In search of health, well-being in life, and even the development of secret abilities, many of our contemporaries pay attention to all kinds of eastern practices, especially.

Yoga is advertised as a technique that will help prevent diseases, heal from existing diseases, even those that are difficult to treat, teach self-control, influence others, and also give an influx of vitality.

Most people are attracted to yoga by what they consider to be the external health aspect - therapeutic poses, cold baths, cleansing enemas, special breathing techniques, and so on. The goal is to improve the functioning of internal organs and systems - digestion, potency, blood pressure, memory and other organs. The average person believes that one can ignore the worldview of yoga and at the same time recognize it as a unique system of physical and mental development. Modern yoga uses traditional Hindu gymnastics - hatha yoga, similar to the gymnastics of the Chinese and ancient Persians. There are also such directions as Raja Yoga, Mantra Yoga, which are associated with “transcendental meditation”, mystical Taoism, methods of Tibetan Buddhism, breathing techniques, etc.

What does this wisdom of sunny India contain?

Yoga is an integral part of the philosophical and religious teachings of ancient and medieval times. This is a system of exercises, methods and techniques, the purpose of which is not only to control the mental and physiological processes of the body, but also to ascend to a special spiritual state. Initially, yoga with its system of psychophysical exercises aimed to develop independence in the soul in relation to the body, so that after the death of a person the soul would avoid reincarnation and dissolve into the primary faceless spiritual substance.

The physical exercises developed in yoga are essentially religious rituals that open a person to Hindu “spirituality.” Yogic exercises in their direct use are associated with occult meditation, and various yoga poses identify a person with animals or even objects (for example, “cobra pose,” “cow head pose,” “downward-facing dog” and others). As a rule, special body movements, fixed postures, holding the breath, repeating a mantra, as well as visualization are used - a way of working with the imagination in which, closing his eyes, a person mentally draws some image in the dark and over time he sees the imaginary very clearly and clearly. Some poses excite the sexual centers; according to yoga teachers, this is necessary to take advantage of sexual energy, transform it and distribute it throughout the body for health and vigor.

Unfortunately, not everyone understands that religious faith, morality and external rituals and practices are deeply interconnected, so one cannot use any practice by itself without experiencing the influence of the spiritual essence that this practice expresses. Even external movements can contain a certain formula-sign that imparts to the soul a mood corresponding to the Indian religion. Indian-occult or eastern systems offer their own psychotechnical techniques aimed at “expanding consciousness,” “supersensible perception,” and “opening internal spaces.” The real goal of all types of yoga is to reveal the hidden “divinity” in oneself, to merge with the primal reality and thus reveal supernatural spiritual powers within oneself. This is how the famous yoga apologist, who formally belonged to the Catholic Benedictine order, Frenchman Jean-Marie Deshanet, frankly admits in his book “Christian Yoga”: “The goals of Indian yoga are spiritual. It can be equated to betrayal to forget this and preserve only the physical side of this spiritual teaching, when people see in it only a means of achieving physical health and beauty.<…>The art of yoga is to immerse yourself in complete silence, to throw away all thoughts and illusions; reject and forget everything except one truth: the true essence of man is divine; she is God, the rest can only be dreamed of.”

In Hinduism, many were attracted precisely by the idea that man himself is divine, that he contains all the perfections that can be revealed with the help of special techniques, and that means that the difficult path to God through overcoming one’s passions, which Christianity offers, is not at all required. You just need to identify the hidden divinity within yourself. It is interesting to note that one of the common mantra expressions in India is “so-ham, so-ham,” that is, “I am He, I am He.” As you know, the feeling of one’s own significance, self-sufficiency, combined with a feeling of euphoria - self-pleasure, in Christian asceticism is called prelest, that is, seduction, self-deception. Man imagines himself to be divine, but in reality he remains without God, but dark forces flatter his pride by imitating divine perfections. This is a repetition of the ancient temptation to become “like gods” (Gen. 3:5), to gain divine knowledge and powers, which is constantly whispered to a person by an invisible seducer.

Let us give an example from life that reflects the true ins and outs of Eastern practices. There is a woman in the Sergiev Posad region who, having been baptized in Orthodoxy, at some point became carried away. Moreover, she did not think at all that this somehow contradicted the Christian faith. Simply, having no experience of church life, only occasionally turning to the prayer book, she did not feel a spiritual substitution. She was attracted by the moral truths of Buddhism - forgiveness, selflessness, renunciation of any desires, and also liked their meditative practice, which seemed to bring long-awaited peace to a troubled soul.

The woman became more and more interested in Eastern spirituality and, as it seemed to her at that time, had already achieved considerable success. Once in a dream she saw two venerable Buddhist mentors - mahatmas, who addressed her with the following words: “You have already achieved a lot. But in order to come to complete perfection, you have only one thing left to do - renounce Christ.” In amazement, the woman asked: “But why is this necessary, since I believed that Christianity does not contradict Buddhism?” She, like many of our contemporaries, believed that different religions were, albeit different, but equal paths to God, but she revered Christ in her heart.

The woman intuitively felt that there was something wrong, alien and bad in this demand. The night guests replied: “This is necessary to come to the full.” Probably, having become fascinated by Buddhism, she did not delve deeply into its philosophy, where the key place is occupied by the renunciation of all desires and attachments, and therefore, of attachment to Christ. “No,” she said, “I cannot renounce.” “Oh, so,” the visitors unexpectedly reacted, “then we will torture you.” At that moment, both took on the creepy image of demons and began throwing burning coals at the woman’s head.

Of course, you can write off such a vision as simply a nightmare. But the torture itself was perceived so vividly that the sufferer began to scream. Her own mother, hearing her daughter’s screams and seeing that something was wrong with her - some kind of terrible attack, and her daughter could not wake up - called an ambulance. The doctors tried in vain to give the sufferer an injection - the muscles were so tense that the needle did not penetrate inside. Through her sleepy torment, the woman remembered a simple Christian prayer: “Lord, have mercy!”, and the demons and their torment instantly disappeared. Waking up after drinking holy water, she realized that she needed to go to the temple for spiritual help. The priest, having delved into the woman’s condition, recommended that she confess and receive communion weekly.

Gradually, her spiritual condition improved, only one peculiarity appeared after that nightly event - from time to time the woman saw demons. One day she met a friend of hers, who began enthusiastically telling her that she had become interested in Buddhism and that it was all interesting and cool. The woman, wise from bitter experience, wanted to immediately warn her against such a hobby, but as soon as she was about to open her mouth, she saw two cunning demons on the shoulders of her interlocutor, who deftly covered her ears and, grinning, seemed to say: “Let's see what you can do.” The woman realized that everything she said now would not reach her soul.

Indeed, often people are so carried away by Eastern practices that they do not perceive any arguments, and only full of cones force them to reconsider theirs.

Unfortunately, many today believe that the teachings of Buddhism coincide with Christian teachings on a number of issues, for example, in overcoming passions, eradicating sinful desires, improvement, love for others and sacrifice. However, external similarity often hides the abyss into which anyone who wants to connect the incompatible in one leap falls and is broken. I would like to quote the thoughts of the researcher of Indian religions, Prince N. S. Trubetskoy, about the external similarities and deep internal differences that are observed between Buddhism and Christianity: “The Buddha showed a two-fold path to achieving nirvana. On the one hand, psychophysical exercises of self-immersion, concentrated meditation, holding the breath, etc., in techniques almost identical to the yoga system. But on the other hand, self-sacrifice for everything that exists. However, this second path is, as it were, a part of the first, a special psychophysical exercise. Love, mercy, compassion - all these are not feelings for a Buddhist, because after all, there should be no feelings left in his soul, but only a result, a consequence of the complete loss of the sense of his individuality and his personal desires: with such a mental state, it costs a person nothing to sacrifice himself for neighbor, for, having no desire of his own, he naturally easily fulfills the desires of others. It is recommended as an exercise to suppress your will so much that you act exclusively according to the will of another. All-forgiveness is seen as a means of destroying feelings: indifference finds its completion when a person treats an enemy in exactly the same way as a friend, when he is indifferent to joy and pain, to honor and dishonor.” In other words, such a person is likened to a robot who has neither personality nor feelings, and therefore dispassionately carries out any program embedded in him. Contrary to this, in Christianity, sacrifice, forgiveness, love are based not on the suppression of desires, not on the destruction of the personal principle, but on the purity of the heart, which has acquired God's grace. A soul that has found freedom from sin in God happily helps others, it forgives and sacrifices because it loves - this is its innermost happiness.

Returning to yoga, we note that breathing exercises and body postures prepare a person for certain spiritual experiences. Let us repeat that the true purpose of yoga is religious and ascetic. The yogis themselves believe that at the highest levels of this ascetic practice, when all mental processes stop and a person reaches samadhi, that is, a state of concentration without content, the seeds of karma are “burned out” in him, and this frees him from a new rebirth, allowing him to be freed forever from bodies and cease to exist as . Here we see a cardinal divergence from Christianity, in which the individual is not destroyed, but is transformed and achieves its highest self-expression in communion with God.

According to Christian teaching, in a soul united with God, the gifts given to a specific person are revealed. And even in the future century, after the general resurrection, when “God will be all in all” (1 Cor. 15:28), personality will not be destroyed, for, as the Scripture says, we will see God “face to face” (1 Cor. 13:12), that is, communication with God is always deeply personal communication, which is not depersonalized even in general conciliar prayer. This experience is, to one degree or another, available to every Christian here and now. And in this personal meeting with God as Life, Love and Joy, our own life becomes more authentic, internally rich, inspired and vibrant.

Meditation plays an essential role in yoga. (from Latin meditatio - reflection) is the internal concentration of the mind on a specific idea. The meditator mentally detaches himself from all external objects, striving for a certain mental state.

If prayer is an appeal to God, then meditation is a conversation with oneself, essentially self-hypnosis. It is assumed that meditation awakens in the meditator deep powers that lie dormant in the depths of the soul, and such a person becomes capable of, for example, clairvoyance. If in Christianity there is mental activity and the Jesus Prayer, in which a Christian turns his whole being to God and His mercy, then in occultism and Eastern practices through meditation, a person searches within himself for a secret passage leading to spiritual perfection. In Hindu meditation, a person strives for identity with the absolute and, achieving trance, comes to the feeling that he is one with the deity, or rather, that the original divinity is revealed in him.

Meditation, as an experience of non-Christian religious and mystical practice, naturally entails spiritual states outside of Christ and without the participation of His grace. Sooner or later, it may seem to such a person that he himself becomes a conductor of higher revelations, carrying a special mission on earth. I recall the example of the Indian poet and mystic, one of the founders of Bengali Krishnaism, Chondidash (XIV-XV centuries), who from a young age was initiated into the priesthood of the goddess Durga. Being a representative of the highest caste of Brahmins, Chondidash fell in love with a woman of a lower caste, a simple washerwoman Rami. For a Brahmin, maintaining caste purity is a sacred duty. Chondidash sought a solution to his personal problem in meditation and internal appeal to the goddess Durga. In this activity, he began to contemplate his beloved, and in such meditations, Chondidash gained confidence that he himself was a manifestation of the spirit of Krishna, and Rami was the incarnation of Krishna’s beloved, the shepherdess Radha. Chondidash himself believed that the goddess Durga revealed this secret to him. This is how occult spiritual practice culminates in occult revelations.

Do yoga and meditation practices bring any effect to people? Often representatives of these practices testify that yoga balances internal forces and calms the nervous system. But as a result, a person’s soul stops hurting. He does not feel any contradictions in his soul, and does not feel the need to confess sins. Thus, the tranquility achieved through yoga and meditation deprives a person of the opportunity to repent of sins and free himself from them. A person has achieved spiritual comfort, but in the depths of his soul there remain unconfessed thoughts that he does not remember. In fact, mental instability in our real life can be an indicator suggesting that we need to rush to the temple for the Sacraments, repent before God, correct ourselves, and yoga and meditative practice deprive the soul of this indicator.

As for the seemingly obvious physical benefits of yoga, this is a common misconception. The benefits from the simplest yogic exercises are no greater than from all other physical training complexes. Yoga, if practiced seriously, is harmful to health, and the idea that Indian yogis live long and do not suffer from serious illnesses is deeply incorrect. In the 1980s, a general medical examination was carried out in India, which showed that yogis live on average even less than the average resident of India and suffer from many diseases. For example, the upper respiratory tract and gastrointestinal tract, because every day they clean the nasopharynx with tourniquets and give themselves enemas, and over time the mucous membrane in the nasal cavity and intestines is destroyed; joint dislocations, arthritis and arthrosis due to frequent exposure to unnatural positions; cataracts of the eyes because they often concentrate on the sun. There were many people suffering from chronic venereal diseases.

Since yoga focuses on restructuring the body and its rhythms, this can disrupt biological processes in such a way that the psychosomatic disorder becomes irreversible, and no doctor will be able to understand what happened to the person.

In conclusion, it must be said that in all mystical-occult systems, practices and meditations one can find any reflections, thoughts, ideas, except for one thing - there is no repentance in them. Christianity testifies: as the soul approaches God, a person sees his own imperfection and lack of self-sufficiency more and more clearly. Therefore, the experience of approaching God confirms humility, repentance and love in a Christian. Thanks to this, pure, sincere joy of unity with the Lord, who sees, hears and loves you, is possible. Eastern mystical experience rejects the personal God, and therefore strives to overcome the human personality in samadhi or nirvana, giving the experience of dissolving one’s individuality in the ocean of the impersonal. Without meeting a personal God, a person in Eastern mysticism naturally strives for personal death.