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Regulations on holding a chess tournament. Regulations on the chess tournament Regulations on the school chess tournament

Chess competitions are held for the following purposes:

    attracting students to a healthy lifestyle through classes various types sports;

    identifying the strongest athletes to form a school team;

    popularization and propaganda of chess among school students;

    involving students in active physical education and sports, developing their analytical and mental abilities.

    Venue and dates

The competition is held on January 11, 2018. on the basis of MBOU "Lyceum No. 3". The competition starts at 10:00.

    Competition participants

Winners of the class chess tour are allowed to participate in the competition. 2nd grade students play in pairs according to their parallel.

    Conditions for the tournament

Move concept

The partner who has the white pieces (right of concession) starts. Then, until the game ends, moves are made alternately. The color of the partners' pieces in amateur games is determined by lot, and in competitions - by the rules of the game. If a game is mistakenly started by a participant playing with black pieces, it is canceled and played again. When counting moves made, White's move followed by Black's response is counted as one.

The player is the partner whose turn it is to move.

Determination of the move. A move is the movement of a piece from one square to another, either free or occupied by an enemy piece. When castling, the position of the king and rook changes. Apart from the knight and rook, when it moves over the king during castling, pieces cannot cross occupied squares.

A move to a square occupied by an opponent's piece means capturing it, and it must be immediately removed from the board (see below about capturing “on the pass”).

Moves of the pieces. The king moves to any adjacent square that is not under attack.

Castling is a two-pronged move involving the movement of the king and the rook: first, the king moves two squares towards the rook, which is then transferred across it to the square adjacent to it. If the player touches the rook and then the king, then castling is impossible. The move must be made in accordance with the “Touching a Piece” rule.

If the player touches first the king and then the rook (or both pieces at the same time), but castling is impossible, then a move with the king or castling in the opposite direction must be made. It may turn out that these requirements are impossible to meet. Then touching the figure does not entail any consequences. The player has the right to continue the game with any move. Castling is completely impossible: 1) if the king has already moved 2) with a rook that has previously moved.

When castling, the king cannot cross a square attacked by enemy pieces.

If the king of one of the sides was attacked on the previous move (check was declared), then on the current move the player is obliged to eliminate the attack on the king: escape with the king from under attack, cover the king from the attacking piece, or cut down the attacking piece. The queen moves to any square vertically, horizontally and diagonally on which it is located.

    Determination of the winner

The goal of the game of chess is to checkmate the opponent's king.Mat - an irresistible attack on the king. In case of checkmate, he cannot evade or be covered from a blow; defense by capturing an attacking piece is also excluded.

    Tournament management

The general management of the competition is carried out by the administration of the Lyceum.

The chief judge of the competition is the head of the ShMO for physical culture Magomedova Kh.M.

7. Awards

Participants who take first place in the individual competition are awarded diplomas and medals of the corresponding degrees. All other tournament participants are awarded certificates.

on holding the Moscow team championship
By rapid chess 2016

1. General provisions
Sports competition team championship Moscow rapid chess 2016 (hereinafter referred to as the Competition) is held in accordance with the decision of the Presidium of the Public Organization "Moscow Chess Federation" (Moskomsport order on accreditation of the federation dated 06/07/2016 No. 25-9/133) in accordance with the Unified calendar plan physical education and sporting events of the city of Moscow for 2016.
The competition is held with the aim of:
Determination of the strongest team in Moscow;
Further popularization and development of chess in Moscow;
Determination of the strongest men's teams in Moscow in the discipline "rapid chess";
Development of a system of club competitions in Moscow.

2. Competition management
The general management of the competition is carried out by Moskomsport and a public organization - the Moscow Chess Federation with the support of the Russian State Social University. The actual conduct of the competition is entrusted to the panel of judges.
The main judge is Myakutin Valery Igorevich, international arbiter.

3. Security And
Responsibility for ensuring the safety of participants and spectators during the competition rests with the chief judge, and is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation, the Regulations on interregional and all-Russian sports competitions chess for 2016, Temporary regulations on the procedure for organizing and conducting mass cultural, educational, theatrical, entertainment, sports and advertising events in Moscow, approved by the order of the Mayor of Moscow dated October 5, 2000 No. 1054-RM, as well as by order Moskomsport dated 08.08.2003 No. 627-a “On strengthening public safety in institutions subordinate to Moskomsport.”

4. Time and place
Venue: RGSU (V. Pika St., 4, building 3, room 300). The competition is held on November 5, 2016.
Technical meeting and submission of final applications: November 1 (Tuesday) at 19.00 hours.
Confirmation of participation November 5 from 14.00 to 14.40
The draw for the 1st round is November 5 at 14:50.
Tour schedule.
1st round - 15.00
Round 2 - 15.40
Round 3 - 16.20
Round 4 - 17.00
Round 5 - 17.40
Round 6 - 18.20
Round 7 - 19.00
Closing and awards ceremony at 20.00.

5. Procedure for the competition
The competition is held in accordance with the Rules of the sport “chess”, approved by order of the Ministry of Sports of Russia and not contradicting the FIDE Rules of the Game of Chess. The behavior of participants is regulated by the current Regulations “On sports sanctions in the sport of chess” and in accordance with the requirements of the current Regulations on interregional and all-Russian official sports competitions in chess.
It is prohibited to exert unlawful influence on the results of sports competitions included in these regulations on interregional and all-Russian official sports competitions. It is prohibited to participate in gambling in bookmakers' offices and sweepstakes by placing bets on official sports competitions in accordance with the requirements established by paragraph 3 of part 4 of Article 26.2. Federal Law of December 4, 2007 No. 329-FZ “On Physical Culture and Sports in the Russian Federation.”
The competition appeal committee is formed at a technical meeting of team representatives on November 1. An appeal against the decision of the chief judge must be submitted no later than 5 minutes after the end of the round. The security deposit for consideration of the appeal is 3,000 rubles. If the protest is not satisfied, the deposit fee goes to cover the organizational costs of holding the competition. The decision of the Appeal Committee is final.

6. Conducting system and regulations.
The competition is held according to the Swiss system in 7 rounds. The competition system can be changed by the chief judge in case of participation of less than 10 teams.
Time control: 10 minutes with an addition of 5 seconds per move. The sequence of chess players on the boards in a match must strictly correspond to the application. With the participation of substitute players, the boards are shifted. The final application for the match is submitted before the start of the round. If a team does not have an application for a match, the players of that team cannot start playing the game.
A match between teams can begin only if at least half of the team’s roster (2 participants) has arrived at the start of the round. If a team appears with a smaller number of participants (or fails to appear at all), the chief referee has the right to remove the team from the competition. In this case, all results of matches previously played by the team are canceled.
If a participant is late for a game, he is given a loss (result + -).

7. Conditions of participation.
The application for team participation (application form in the attachment) is submitted to the admission commission in 1 (one) copy. The team consists of 4 main and 1 reserve players.
In addition, each team member must have the following documents:
1. Copy of passport (birth certificate)
2. Agreement on insurance against accidents, life and health.
3. Qualification book.
4. A certificate from a doctor about admission to competitions.
The registration fee for the competition is 4,000 rubles.

ATTENTION! To register, you must pay the Targeted registration fee by bank transfer. The team is allowed to compete after passing the admission commission. If you refuse to participate in the tournament, fees will not be refunded.
The organizational fee (in rubles) should be transferred to the current account of a public organization - the Moscow Chess Federation. Details:
Contributions (in rubles) are transferred to the SHFM current account. Details for transfer:
Recipient of payment: public organization - Moscow Chess Federation
INN 7704117022 Checkpoint 771801001
BIC 044525225
Account 40703810438000004205 in PJSC SBERBANK
C/s 30101810400000000225

Name of payment: Organizational fee for statutory activities (KCHMR 2016).
Final applications (application form attached), certified by the signature and seal of the organization, and a payment receipt are submitted to the admission commission on November 1 from 18:00 to 19:00 (V. Pika St., 4, building 3, room 300).

8. Determination of winners
For winning a match, a team receives 2 “match” points, in case of a draw - 1 “match” point, and if a match is lost - 0 points. In case of equality of match points, the winner is determined by additional indicators:
- by the sum of points scored by team members on all boards;
- according to the result between the teams that shared the place;
- by the number of team victories;
- By better result(number of points scored) on boards (1,2,3), respectively.

9. Awards
The tournament prize fund is formed from tournament fees, 50% of tournament fees go towards prizes. The number and amount of prizes will be announced after the 3rd round. Cash prizes are not shared.
All prizes are subject to taxation in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. The winning team is declared the champion of the city of Moscow in rapid chess, awarded with a Cup and 1st degree diplomas, a cash prize; those who take 2nd and 3rd places are awarded diplomas of the corresponding degrees and cash prizes.

10. Financing
Expenses for holding competitions are carried out in accordance with the approved Moskomsport Calendar for 2016, at the expense of Moskomsport funds, raised funds and funds from the Moscow Chess Federation.

All additions and clarifications to the regulations are regulated by the competition regulations.
Moscow Chess Federation


O chess tournament

among the participants of the Children's social movement "Youth"

The purpose of the Chess Tournament(hereinafter referred to as the tournament) is to create mass interest among schoolchildren of the Udmurt Republic in systematic studies chess.

Main tasks:

    • Popularization of chess among schoolchildren;
    • Improving the skills of young chess players;
    • Development of intellectual abilities and logical thinking of children.

1. Tournament organizers

General management is entrusted to the Youth Children's Educational Institution. Direct implementation on the ground is entrusted to the curators of cities and districts with the involvement of physical education teachers and coaches.

2.Tournament participants

Competitions are held among 9, 10, 11 grades, participants of the Youth Children's Educational Institution.

3. Dates and venue

The tournament is held in 3 stages:

Stage 1 – school. October 2018

Stage 2 – city ​​(district). November 2018

Venue: educational institutions, children's creativity centers, chess clubs in cities/districts, etc.

At this stage, the winners in the individual competition in each parallel, who took 1st place, emerge.

Stage 3- Republican. December 2018 The dates and location of the third stage will be announced additionally.

4.Tournament rules

To form a team at stages 1 and 2, personal tournaments by parallels to identify the strongest chess players.

Winners of city/district competitions are invited to the republican stage in the individual competition, from each city/district, 1 winning representative from grades 9, 10, 11.

The Republican stage is held according to the FIDE Rules. Time control: 15 minutes per game. The tournament system is determined by the panel of judges before the start of the tournament, depending on the number of participants.

Participants must bring with them medical certificate about admission to the tournament, as well as a participant’s certificate of the Youth Youth Children’s Society.

Submit an application for participation to December 3, 2018 indicating the student’s full name, year of birth, city/district, school, class at the address: Izhevsk, st. Kirova, 17, Palace of Children's (Youth) Creativity, office. 106, by fax 43-32-69 or ate-mail:[email protected]

5. Tournament judges

The composition of the panel of judges is determined by the Organizing Council, their tasks are:

Holding the tournament;

Making decisions about rewarding tournament participants.

The judges' decision cannot be appealed!

6. Summing up

Points to classes for participation in a personal tournament are credited according to “ General Regulations about summing up the results among the participants of the Youth Children's Educational Institution. The Board of Trustees establishes certificates for participants in the city/district stages.

The winners who took I, II, III place in each parallel at the republican level are awarded with diplomas.






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Director of Non-Governmental Educational Institution "DIPLOMAT"






Article 1. Goals and objectives of the tournament

Tournament goals:

Strengthening friendships between chess players.

Popularization of chess among the population;

Improving the sports skills of chess players.

Article 2. Tournament founder

The founder of the tournament is the Chess School named after. .

Article 3. Procedure for organizing the tournament

3.1. Dates and place of the tournament

The competition will take place on February 23-24, 2013 from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm. Children's tournament will take place from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. The adult tournament will take place from 2-6 p.m.

Registration of participants is carried out until February 23, 2013 on the website www. *****, or by phone (86; +4-69.

Organizational meeting and drawing of lots - 10 hours 30 minutes.

The first round of the competition starts at 11:00 am.

Venue of the tournament: Chess School named after. ", located at the address: Stavropol region, Stavropol city, Dovatortsev street, 51 "v".

3.2. Organizing Committee

To hold the tournament, an Organizing Committee is formed, which includes representatives of the tournament founder.

Organizing Committee:

    forms groups of tournament participants; determines the form, order and timing of the tournament; approves the results; carries out refereeing of the tournament; forms the Appeals Commission.

Appeal Commission:

    considers appeals, monitors the procedure for holding the tournament, makes proposals for organizing the tournament

Competition participants

The tournament consists of two separate tournaments:

Children's tournament with age groups up to 9,11,13,15,17 years. Depending on the number of participants, the Organizing Committee reserves the right to form groups at its discretion. A tournament for adults with a division into tournament “A” for participants of a professional level of play from master of masters and above, tournament “B” for amateurs, from category 1 and weaker.

Prize amounts and winners:

In case of equality of points, prizes are not divided (a participant can receive only 1 prize - the highest) places are determined by the following additional indicators:

1) Buchholz coefficient; 2) “progress” coefficient;

Winners and runners-up are awarded certificates and cash prizes. Size prize fund will be made up of contributions made by tournament participants. Half of the prize fund will be given to the tournament organizers.

Competition regulations:

Competitions are held according to the Swiss system using a computer draw according to FIDE rules. Time control – 15 minutes for the entire game for each participant.

Tournament fees:

Tournament fee for participation in tournament “A”: 300 rubles per participant.

Tournament fee for participation in tournament “B”: 300 rubles per participant.

Winners of the city championship receive a 50% discount on the entry fee.

Conditions for the competition

Anyone who knows how to play chess is allowed to participate in the competition.

Competitions are held according to the current FIDE Rules according to the Swiss system in 7-9 rounds using the Swissperfect computer drawing program.

Contact information

Organizer: NOU DPO "DIPLOMA" "School of Chess named after. "

Address: Stavropol region, Stavropol city, “B”.

Judging: candidate master of sports in chess,

Official website