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Training schedule on the horizontal bar. An effective pull-up program from scratch on the horizontal bar. There are three types of pull-ups based on technique:

Hello, dear site reader! Today we will touch on the topic: pull-ups on the horizontal bar. It would seem that there is nothing complicated here: I went to sports ground or hung a wall-mounted horizontal bar at home - jump on it, hang it, and go! However, this exercise also requires skill and intensive training.

Why it doesn’t work: correct pull-up technique

Not everyone will be able to do a pull-up the first time, as there are a lot of physiological reasons, but after learning correct technique, and then applying it in practice: everything will definitely work out!

Basic knowledge on pull-up technique

The technique of pulling up on a horizontal bar requires the physical athlete to master basic skills.

It is forbidden Perform the exercise with sudden jerks - this can lead to injury to the cervical vertebrae or the development of a herniated disc.

No need to wriggle when lifting, you need to keep your body in a strictly vertical position (well, if only with a slight deflection in the back).

Many Beginning athletes do not know how to breathe correctly when doing pull-ups on the horizontal bar. Meanwhile, this is an important point.

If you do not learn proper breathing when performing an exercise, it will slow down your athletic progression.

The rules are simple: at the top point we exhale sharply, and then when lowering, take a deep breath. And under no circumstances hold your breath - this will quickly cause you to lose strength and energy.

Learn how to do an exercise on the horizontal bar for beginners: for example, try to master a single pull-up.

Pull up once, climb down, rest, shake your hands, and then repeat. After mastering single repetitions, move on to multiple pull-ups.

At first it will be difficult to pull yourself up straight, so use any elastic band. Tie it on the bar and grab it with your feet, this will make it easier to get out from the bottom point.

After twenty to twenty-five days, switch to regular full lifting and lowering. At the same time, do not forget to put gloves on your hands for doing pull-ups on the horizontal bar - with them you will be able to avoid the appearance of calluses on your palms, besides, the gloves absorb sweat and will not allow your hands to slip off the bar.

There is a whole set of exercises on the horizontal bar, but before moving on to mastering it, you should count your horizontal bar achievements at least ten times. To increase the number of times it is advisable to use weights. A special vest is sold in stores. There is also an economical option: fill your backpack with plastic bottles of water or any weighty objects without sharp corners - and please, train!

You can increase the weights over time, but don’t get carried away; take a day or two to rest. It is a big misconception that the more you train, the stronger you become – nonsense! The body becomes stronger with rest!

Let's figure out how to increase the number of pull-ups on the horizontal bar, what needs to be done for this?

It should be noted right away that you cannot expect an immediate effect when performing the exercises; everything will come gradually through methodical and persistent training. The main thing is not to despair and keep working.

On the way to perfection

So, when you do pull-ups on a horizontal bar, what muscles are working? It can be clearly stated that when performing this exercise, the development is mainly achieved by the muscles up to the waist “from above”: the back, chest, forearms, biceps, and abdominal muscles.

However, the concept of exercise on the horizontal bar for all muscle groups even includes the development of the leg muscles - mainly from the pelvis to the knees - remember the notorious inversion lift or swing movements of the body. So, the leg muscles are also involved here.

In parallel with this, you can perform abdominal exercises on the horizontal bar, the simplest of which is hanging on the horizontal bar with your knees raised to your chest.

Exercises on the horizontal bar for the pectoral muscles include regular pull-ups without jerking, with the same speed of lifting and lowering. Combinations of narrow, medium and wide grips are combined, and the use of weights is allowed.

Exercises on the horizontal bar for the spine include different kinds techniques, the simplest of which is the usual hanging on the crossbar.

The same ordinary hanging opens up a set of exercises called exercises on the horizontal bar for growth - the longer you hang, the more the spine and along with it the whole body stretch. Additionally, you can do hanging with weights, but the main thing is without fanaticism, you must observe moderation in everything!

What types of hand placements are there on the horizontal bar?

In practice, such types of pull-ups on the horizontal bar are known as:

  • straight narrow - hands are located on the crossbar at shoulder level, with palms facing away from the athlete;
  • straight medium - hands are placed on the crossbar 5-10 cm wider than shoulder level, also with palms facing away from the athlete;
  • straight wide - arms are spread out on the bar as wide as possible with a regular grip;
  • with a reverse narrow, medium and wide grip, everything is exactly the same, only the hands are positioned with the palms facing the athlete.

Pull-up methods

There are many variations of pull-ups that work the muscles in a variety of ways. Let’s say the pull-up system on the horizontal bar is as follows:

  • a medium straight grip invigorates the back muscles, biceps and brachialis;
  • average reverse grip the biceps and latissimus dorsi muscles are burdened;
  • wide grip to the chest – trapezius, paired teres and superior latissimus muscles;
  • with a wide grip behind the head – not only the “trapezius” and “rounds”, but also the middle and top of the latissimus muscles are involved;
  • with a narrow straight grip, the brachialis and serratus muscles, the bottom of the latissimus muscles are developed;
  • exercises for the biceps on the horizontal bar and the lower latissimus muscles are best implemented through a narrow reverse grip;
  • neutral grip along the crossbar, the brachialis and serratus muscles are activated, and the same bottom of the latissimus;
  • with partial pull-ups with a medium reverse grip, the emphasis is on developing the double-headed muscles.
  • narrow reverse grip with incomplete amplitude, works well on the biceps of the arms

In some cases, an assistant helps a person pull himself up, supporting him and gently pushing him while lifting, but with an elastic band such an assistant will no longer be needed.

Wide grip used when performing exercises for the back on the horizontal bar, as well as “wings”. Medium grip evenly distributes the load between the back muscles and hand muscles. A narrow grip pumps up your arms. The narrower the grip, the higher the load.

Charts and tables

In general, an individual pull-up scheme on the horizontal bar is developed for each athlete, thanks to which in a month of training the number of pull-ups increases literally from zero to several dozen times.

♦ There is a method of the so-called “reverse progression”: when several approaches are performed per day, but with each approach the number of pull-ups decreases by one, while the next day the initial approach, on the contrary, increases by one. And so on for six days with the seventh day being a fasting day.

♦ There is a direct progression method: the first day - one number of pull-ups with each approach, the second day - one more pull-up. And so on for six days, ending with a week of rest.

Over time, the load should increase, and not only by increasing the number of approaches and pull-ups. In order not to get lost or confuse anything, a special table of pull-ups on the horizontal bar should be compiled for the athlete, which displays a schedule for completing tasks by day of the week and a plan for mastering the program.

By the way, are pull-ups on the horizontal bar beneficial and harmful, or only beneficial? If you follow and follow all the recommendations, you will only benefit.

This and the build-up muscle mass, improving posture, preventing the development of many diseases. Ignoring safety precautions, forcing preparation, exercising without breaks for rest will definitely affect the body in the most negative way.

Believe in yourself and dare, do not stop there. Be sure to subscribe to blog updates and send the material you read via social networks.

3 months ago I wrote to you about the “15 week push-up program”, today it’s time to write about the “30 week pull-up plan”

Stick to this training regimen for thirty weeks, and you are guaranteed to be able to do thirty pull-ups, or even more. Exercise on the bar on all days of the week except one. Rest between sets for 2–3 minutes.

If you are still skeptical, find articles on the Internet about this training program. And yet, look at the last column - after several months of hard training, you will be rewarded with the ability to do 82 (!) pull-ups within 10 minutes. Your muscles will become extremely resilient and strong.

Impressive, isn't it?

Little tricks:

To create the right mood, use music that gives you a surge of energy.

Have a good rest! Remember that the key to success is regularity. If you feel that you haven’t had time to regain your strength, train today in a soft mode, or even skip the day altogether.

Never exercise while sick or injured. You may feel that if you miss a couple of days of classes or a whole week, you will fall far behind. Actually this is not true. If you think about it a little... You will see for yourself that it is much more important to prevent injury, which can set you back many months. And even more so, do not exercise on the horizontal bar to the detriment of your health.

Pay special attention to the technique of pull-ups on the bar. Always prioritize quality of reps performed in an exercise over quantity.

Correct technique for performing pull-ups on the horizontal bar (bar)

Grasp the bar with a shoulder-width grip. True, greater activation of the teres major muscles is achieved with a slightly wider grip. This does not affect the work of the latissimus dorsi muscles in any way, but a slightly wide grip makes the teres muscles more
Favorable conditions for traction and stretching (that is, for expanding the back).

The grip is pronated, meaning your palms are facing away from you. Although a supinated grip (palms facing you) activates the biceps more, the disadvantage is that the elbow flexors, which are small in relation to the biceps, fatigue faster in this position. If possible, stand on a stand or bench so that the bar is at chest level, not chin level. Application wrist straps recommended for people with weak grips and/or those who find their biceps and other flexors elbow joints They get tired before their backs.

Step off the stand, bend your knees (so they don't touch the support) and slowly (over three to five seconds) lower yourself to the bottom position until your upper back is fully stretched. Pause for a couple of seconds before rising. This technique will allow the latissimus and teres major muscles to stretch more fully before contracting, increasing their activation.

Pull yourself up until the bar is level with your upper chest. Don't stop just because your chin has reached her. Try to arch your back and pull yourself up as high as possible to ensure full contraction of all the muscles involved (traps, rhomboids, etc.), in addition to the latissimus and teres major dorsi muscles.

Important Notes

Perhaps the biggest debate regarding this exercise is not around its usefulness, but over the width of your grip. Remember once and for all that pull-ups by the head with a wide grip and pull-ups with a very wide grip are not effective and are dangerous for injury. A wide grip definitely shortens the range of motion, which prevents the muscles from fully contracting. This means it does not contribute to their quality development. It's a waste of time and effort.

Effective program training, which is used to prepare for competitions, now its secrets are available to you.

This program of pull-ups on the horizontal bar is being actively implemented around the world, after the success of its use in practice by the US military Charles Lewis Armstrong, after completing it you will be able to do pull-ups 20 times in 1 approach.

1. The training must be carried out 5 days in a row for 6-8 weeks, based on the experience of those who trained, almost everyone achieved the top 20 pull-ups.

2. Before starting training, you need to warm up your muscles, perform a set of exercises

3. In the morning before doing pull-ups, be sure to perform 3 sets of push-ups for the maximum number of repetitions, resting between sets for up to 5 minutes.

4. Start pull-ups no earlier than 3-4 hours after finishing the last approach.

5. Don't miss it training days, otherwise the end result of the training program will be sad.

6. Pull yourself up correctly, without swaying your torso, fully extending your arms and pulling yourself up, at least to your chin.

7. Don't forget about correct breathing, when lowering in the relaxation phase - inhale, when rising in the strengthening phase - exhale.

Lewis Armstrong Pull-Ups

The training scheme is based on using different grip widths to train a variety of muscle groups, increase their mass and increase strength.

MONDAY– you need to perform 5 sets of pull-ups as many times as possible, don’t be discouraged if you do only 5-7 pull-ups in each approach, you’re on the right track. Rest between sets for 1.5 minutes, pull yourself up correctly, do not deceive yourself and do not swing your torso.

TUESDAY– Perform pull-ups using the pyramid principle. Perform 1 set of pull-ups for the maximum number of times, rest for 1 minute, then 2 sets for the maximum number of times, again rest for 60 seconds.

Then in the 3rd approach, do as many pull-ups as you can for so many seconds and rest, multiplying the number by 10. For example, in the 3rd approach you did 8 pull-ups, rest for 80 seconds, in the 4th approach you did 6 pull-ups, rest for 60 seconds and so on until you reach the approach in which You can do only 2 repetitions.

WEDNESDAY - The goal is to perform 9 sets of maximum pull-ups, but with different grips. 3 approaches – wide, 3 – medium and 3 – narrow.

THURSDAY– probably the most stressful day, depending on who you are. You need to do the maximum number of pull-ups, 5 will be good, but 17 will be excellent, until you can do just 1 pull-up, rest between sets for 60 seconds.

Every 3rd approach, change the grip to your liking, wide, medium or narrow.

FRIDAY– analyze the previous 4 days, choose the most difficult day, this hellish day should be repeated.

This training scheme will exhaust you not only physically, but also psychologically, it is still difficult to implement, but the result is worth it - a beautiful athletic back, graceful posture and power, good luck!

The horizontal bar remains one of the most popular ways to keep yourself in good shape. At the same time, many people bypass this design. - some are afraid to show a weak result, while others still have bad memories of passing this standard from school. But with some effort, anyone can correct this situation.

Let's see how to learn how to do pull-ups correctly on a regular yard 30 times.

Warm-up and stretching

Even before the first series of approaches, you need to bring the joints to the desired “condition”. You shouldn’t grab the bar right away - for an unprepared person this is fraught with injury. Often such warming up is underestimated or performed hastily and without much zeal. Meanwhile, a well-executed warm-up:

  • Tones the sympathetic nervous system.
  • Guarantees an adrenaline rush, which is necessary for working with large ones.
  • Gradually increases the pulse rate and dilates the capillaries, thereby improving blood circulation and the circulation of oxygen along with useful substances.
  • Accelerates metabolic processes in the body.
  • Minimizes the risk of injury.
The main part before intense pull-ups on the horizontal bar takes 10–15 minutes and includes simple exercises.

Here they are:

  • Tilts. Start with turning movements. The legs are straight, feet wide, the body is placed at a relatively right angle, held straight at the sides. When performing, try to move to the sides as widely as possible, looking at the hand raised up. 15 times on the right and left sides will be enough;
  • Torso tilt. Keep your feet shoulder-width apart and keep your legs straight throughout the entire approach. It's even easier here - on the count of “one”, lean towards your right leg, reaching for your toes with your hands, when counting “two” and “three” - to the left followed by straightening. 35–40 reps.
  • Jumping with clapping overhead. Stand straight with your arms down. When making a jump, spread your legs wide to the sides, not forgetting the clapping. There will be 20–30 such attacks in total.
  • Circular rotations of the arms, shoulders and hands. Returning to the starting position, rotate with the maximum possible grip without bending your elbow (20 times back, forward and in different directions). It is also advisable to “disperse” your shoulders in a circle, raising your arms to their level (25–30 times on each side). It's easier with brushes - The palms are brought together into a “lock” and rotated in different directions for a minute.

No less important is the correct stretching. They switch to it only after warming up. Exercises of this kind will bring the muscles to the desired state, which will help avoid them.

Did you know? Vitaly Kulikov set a record in 2012- in a minute he did 59 straight-grip lifts! The “three-minute” record holder in this “style” remains the Korean Ngo Chayen, who did 100 pull-ups, and his achievement has not been surpassed for almost 30 years (since 1988).

This preparation will not take much time:
  • Sitting on the floor, keep your legs together without bending your knees. Bend over, reaching your shins with your fingers. Then move on to the ankles and to the fingertips. Try to hold these positions for 8–10 seconds. Three approaches are needed;
  • Standing between the supports (a doorway will do), spread your arms to your sides, resting your palms on the supports. Do leisurely bends forward, staying at the bottom point for the same 10 seconds. 3-4 repetitions will stretch the deltoid and pectoral muscles.

Correct pull-up technique

Any, even the most progressive, scheme for increasing the number of pull-ups is unthinkable without proper execution. Therefore, let’s find out how to grab the crossbar.

Neutral grip

An ideal option for those who plan to study without leaving home. It is enough to buy and attach parallel ones, which are sold in sports stores.

This implies a load on the lower sections latissimus muscle , brachialis muscle And . At the same time, the teres major, deltoid and serratus muscles are also worked out.

It looks like this:

  • Holding the bars, hang on the horizontal bar. Palms should be facing each other. The arms will be positioned quite narrowly (30–60 cm). Take a deep breath.
  • Pull yourself up until you touch the bar as you exhale. top part. If it doesn't work out the first time - It's okay, just try to reach out. An incomplete lift (with touching the chin) works only on the biceps, leaving the latissimus muscle without stress.
  • Having reached the top point, hold for a few moments, then smoothly return to the original placement.

Narrow grip

Develops the same muscle groups as the neutral one, but they are also joined by the brachioradialis. When performed correctly, the shoulder blades are brought together, the rear sections of the “trapezius”, “delta” and “rhombus” are involved.

Let's get started:

  • Sagging on the bar, spread your hands 20–30 cm. Feeling a stretch in your back, take a deep breath.
  • Pull yourself up while inhaling. At the peak, the bar should be approximately near the chin, with the lats tucked.
  • As you exhale, slowly return to the starting position.
Like other methods of pull-ups, narrow grip eliminates various types of rocking, which only take away strength. Make sure that your elbows are fixed, otherwise the load will not go as required.

Wide grip

Here the emphasis is on the upper part of the “wings”, rhomboid and teres major muscles. The muscles of the thoracic region, biceps and, as well as the subscapularis muscle, are tense. But they are assigned the role of assistants.

This method is considered basic, but you should not attempt it without proper preparation. And here is the progress:

  • After jumping, grab the horizontal bar so that your hands are 20–25 cm wider than your shoulders.
  • Hover briefly, allowing your lats to stretch. Please note that the load will only be on your forearms.
  • Taking a deep breath, tense your “wings” and stretch upward. At the same time, try not to pull your elbows to your sides and leave your biceps alone.
  • The chest should be at the level of the crossbar (you may not reach it a little).
  • Exhale and slowly return down.

Did you know? Many worthy results are not included in the Guinness Book of Records, but nevertheless impress everyone. For example, as the result of Jen Keirs, who rose 236 times in a 36-minute approach. All this time he really did not stand on the ground and did not let go of the crossbar.

Beginners often have difficulties with this particular “style”. To get used to this mode, ask your partner to hold your waist or legs, which will make the task a little easier. Calculate your strength wisely - if the back muscles were still in “hibernation”, it will be enough to reach the horizontal bar with your chin. It is not worth doing approaches through force.

Strength test

The program associated with pull-ups on the horizontal bar starts with - determining the level of physical fitness.

Important! During the first approaches, you should not sharply throw your head back. This is unlikely to add strength, but it can easily twist cervical vertebrae or even lead to disc herniation. So be careful.

The essence of the test is extremely simple: you need to go to the crossbar and independently do the maximum possible number of lifts. Only completed approaches count.

The presence of more experienced “colleagues” will only be a plus - they will tell you how to do the exercise correctly. Don’t try to make the task easier, work technically and all the way until you feel that there is no more strength left for more. The result shown will be the starting point from which regular training will begin.
But there is one point - If you are a little unwell or have doubts about your strength, postpone such an attempt, otherwise it will do more harm than good. You will have to keep in mind the recommendations of doctors.

Of course, such “shootings” will be painful. Therefore, they take a break of 2–3 days between them. Please note that tests of strength are rarely limited to one day. - It is advisable for a beginner to try it different types grips that are done only after restoration of strength.

50 pull-up program

Having received objective data about your capabilities, you can tune in to future training. Naturally, for people with different levels of training, the loads and pace will be different.
But one thing unites them - This pull-up program is designed so that after 7 weeks of training, even a beginner will be able to perform 50 correct pull-ups on the horizontal bar.

Let's start small.

Less than 4

Here we start with strengthening exercises. This is a lowering, which in this case is more effective than “short” ascents. The training is simple:

  • Standing on a stool, hang on the bar so that your chin is level with it.
  • Slowly (within 3 seconds) lower yourself, straightening your arms.
  • Then do it all again.
Despite their apparent simplicity, such approaches provide a general strengthening effect that will create a “foundation” for further growth of strength.

The execution schedule will be like this:

  • I: 2 - 7 - 5 - 5 - 7 (1). The interval between approaches is at least 2 minutes;
  • II: 3 - 8 - 6 - 6 - 8 (1);
  • III: 4 - 9 - 6 - 6 - 8 (2);
  • IV: 5 - 8 - 7 - 6 - 9 (1);
  • V:5 - 10 - 8 - 8 - 10 (1);
  • VI: 6 - 10 - 8 - 8 - 11 (2).

Did you know? Workout enthusiasts sometimes show techniques that are inaccessible to most “classical” weightlifters. So, Sergey Smirnov pulled himself up to right hand 22 times (with a weight of 73 kg).

The numbers separated by a dash indicate the number of pull-ups (or pull-ups) for each approach; the minimum duration of the break in days is indicated in parentheses. Roman numerals indicate the training day.

From 4 to 5

The same lowerings, but with greater intensity.

  • I: 4 - 9 - 6 - 6 - 9 (1);
  • II: 5 - 9 - 7 - 7 - 9 (1);
  • III: 6 - 10 - 8 - 8 - 10 (2);
  • IV: 6 - 11 - 8 - 8 - 11 (1)
  • V:7 - 12 - 10 - 10 - 12 (1)
  • VI: 8 - 14 - 11 - 11 - 14 (2).

From 6 to 8

Starting from these numbers, there are “clean” climbs without chairs and assistants. When doing the last approach, they “squeeze out” the maximum; here (and in the following sections) its lower limit is indicated:

  • I: 2 - 3 - 2 - 2 - 3 (1);
  • II: 2 - 3 - 2 - 2 - 4 (1);
  • III: 3 - 4 - 2 - 2 - 4 (2);
  • IV: 3 - 4 - 3 - 3 - 4 (1);
  • V:3 - 4 - 3 - 3 - 5 (1);
  • VI: 4 - 5 - 4 - 4 - 6 (2).

From 9 to 11

  • I: 3 - 5 - 3 - 3 - 5 (1);
  • II: 4 - 6 - 4 - 4 - 6 (1);
  • III: 5 - 7 - 5 - 5 - 6 (2);
  • IV: 5 - 6 - 5 - 5 - 8 (1);
  • V:6 - 9 - 6 - 6 - 8 (1);
  • VI: 6 - 9 - 6 - 6 - 10 (2).

From 12 to 15

  • I: 6 - 8 - 6 - 6 - 8 (1);
  • II: 6 - 9 - 6 - 6 - 9 (1);
  • III: 7 - 10 - 6 - 6 - 9 (2);
  • IV: 7 - 10 - 7 - 7 - 10 (1);
  • V:8 - 11 - 8 - 8 - 10 (1);
  • VI: 9 - 11 - 9 - 9 - 11 (2).

From 16 to 20

This is already above the average norm, and after such test results they begin to work under serious loads.

  • I: 8 - 11 - 8 - 8 - 10 (1);
  • II: 9 - 12 - 9 - 9 - 11 (1);
  • III: 9 - 13 - 9 - 9 - 12 (2);
  • IV: 10 - 14 - 10 - 10 - 13 (1);
  • V:11 - 15 - 10 - 10 - 13 (1);
  • VI: 11 - 15 - 11 - 11 - 13 (2);
  • VII: 12 - 16 - 11 - 11 - 15 (1);
  • VIII: 12 - 16 - 12 - 12 - 16 (1)
  • IX: 13 - 17 - 13 - 13 - 16 (2).

From 21 to 25

  • I: 12 - 16 - 12 - 12 - 15 (1);
  • II: 13 - 16 - 12 - 12 - 16 (1);
  • III: 13 - 17 - 13 - 13 - 16 (2);
  • IV: 14 - 19 - 13 - 13 - 18 (1);
  • V:14 - 19 - 14 - 14 - 19 (1);
  • VI: 15 - 20 - 14 - 14 - 20 (2);
  • VII: 16 - 20 - 16 - 16 - 20 (1);
  • VIII: 16 - 21 - 16 - 16 - 20 (1)
  • IX: 17 - 22 - 16 - 16 - 11 (2).

From 26 to 30

  • I: 16 - 18 - 15 - 15 - 17(1);
  • II: 16 - 20 - 16 - 16 - 19 (1);
  • III: 17 - 21 - 16 - 16 - 20 (2);
  • IV: 17 - 22 - 71 - 17 - 22 (1);
  • V:18 - 23 - 18 - 18 - 22 (1);
  • VI: 19 - 25 - 18 - 18 - 24 (2);
  • VII: 19 - 26 - 18 - 18 - 25 (1);
  • VIII: 19 - 27 - 19 - 19 - 26 (1)
  • IX: 20 - 28 - 20 - 20 - 28 (2).
  • IV: 26 - 30 - 25 - 25 - 30 (1);
  • V:26 - 31 - 25 - 25 - 31 (1);
  • VI: 26 - 31 - 26 - 26 - 31 (2);
  • VII: 27 - 31 - 26 - 26 - 32 (1);
  • VIII: 28 - 32 - 26 - 26 - 32 (1);
  • IX: 28 - 34 - 27 - 27 - 34 (2).
  • From 40 and more

    • I: 25 - 28 - 24 - 24 - 26 (1);
    • II: 25 - 29 - 25 - 25 - 28 (1);
    • III: 25 - 30 - 25 - 25 - 29 (2);
    • IV: 26 - 31 - 25 - 25 - 31 (1);
    • V:26 - 32 - 26 - 26 - 31 (1);
    • VI: 27 - 32 - 26 - 26 - 32 (2);
    • VII: 27 - 34 - 26 - 26 - 33 (1);
    • VIII: 28 - 34 - 26 - 26 - 34 (1);
    • IX: 29 - 35 - 27 - 26 - 35 (2).

    Pros and cons of the program

    Having familiarized themselves with the proposed table, many begin to doubt whether it is realistic to master such a number of pull-ups on the horizontal bar, and even at such a fast pace.

    Did you know? Women also achieve impressive results in this discipline. Elisika Karesova did 1,574 reverse-grip lifts over the course of 6 hours. Not stopping there, the athlete set a 12-hour record, performing 1,760 lifts!

    This technique causes a lot of discussions, during which arguments are put forward - both in its favor and against it. Those who are thinking about taking classes will find it useful to read these opinions as well.

    Among the advantages of the program are:

    • The principle of progressive loads.
    • Increase the number of repetitions during each workout.
    • Verified number of approaches.
    • Possibility of individual selection of courses.

    On the other hand, opponents of such training also put forward quite reasonable arguments:

    • Small interval between approaches.
    • Difficulty for beginners.
    • Unrealistic pace. 50 climbs “from scratch” in just a couple of months seems unreal to many
    • “Shock” loads that can cause persistent discomfort.
    It is unlikely that it will be possible to draw an unambiguous conclusion, because everyone decides for themselves. It’s probably worth a try for a healthy (albeit untrained) person, this way you can reach decent numbers of 20–25 pull-ups without any problems.

    True, this often turns out to be a “ceiling”, after which stagnation sets in. Other sets of exercises that involve different muscle groups will help raise this bar. But this will take more time.

    Now you know how to approach the crossbar correctly and what loads to count on to get a noticeable effect. We hope you will soberly assess your strength and will not bring your body to exhaustion. New records!
    Who among us hasn’t dreamed of hitting the horizontal bars like a king and doing pull-ups 30 times per set? I mean doing quality pull-ups, not squirming like a worm in the spirit of CrossFitters. You're a street warrior, not a worm, right? Fine. Then you've come to the right place, because I can teach you how to do a lot of pull-ups. But I warn you right away that it won’t be easy, and it wouldn’t be bad if you could already do pull-ups 15-20 times. If you can’t, then it’s too early for you to play adult games and you should first take a preparatory course !


    Any workout starts with warm-ups . And when it comes to something like this powerful exercise like pull-ups, there’s nothing to do without warming up. Unless you want to get injured as quickly as possible and quit on the horizontal bars.

    What is Australia famous for, son? That's right, kangaroos, Hugh Jackman and Australian pull-ups, motherfucker. And if you have forgotten who is who and what is what, then here is a visual teaching aid for you.

    This is a kangaroo:

    This is Hugh Jackman:

    And these are Australian pull-ups:

    You may ask, why the hell did Australia surrender to you? This godforsaken continent on the edge of the world, full of descendants of former prisoners exiled from all English colonies? Look at your warm-up and you will understand what's what.

    Warm up:>

    5 sets of Australian pull-ups (until your chest touches the bar) - 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 with a rest of 1, 2, 3 and 4 minutes respectively.

    If you can’t do it in 1 approach, break it into several.

    Fine. This warm-up was supposed to warm you up. Your muscles should have been filled with blood, your joints with joint fluid, and your head with the desire to attack the horizontal bars and give it your all!

    EXPLOSIVE strength training

    There are a huge number of ways to learn how to do pull-ups many times, but I will share with you just one of the options that worked for me and for 713 of my students (yes, I keep count of those whom I could teach to do 30 pull-ups, for this I even have separate black notepad).

    One idea I want to suggest to you is to develop tremendous strength for the first 10 reps. Then, when you go to do 30k, the first 10 will fly by completely unnoticed by you.

    How does everyone usually do pull-ups? How are pull-ups usually counted? Chin over the horizontal bar. Right? And, probably, when you thought about learning how to do 30 repetitions, you also thought about these pull-ups. It’s unlikely that you wanted to learn how to do 30 pull-ups to your stomach, like Hannibal.

    Looks like today just isn't your day, guy. Because your #1 goal is to learn how to do 10 of these high pull-ups. Naturally with a corner, what a stupid question? Well, if you can’t do it at all with a corner, then at least with your knees bent and raised to an angle of 90 degrees. You'll also have to work on pumping up your abs, apparently, but that's for another time.

    What is special about training EXPLOSIVE strength? There are two important points here - firstly, you should try to pull yourself up as high as possible, you should try to pull the bar towards your pelvis, you should try to hit the horizontal bar with your quadriceps! This will indicate that you are doing the pull-ups high enough as needed. Secondly, the rest between approaches should be quite long, 5-7 minutes, no less. Because such approaches are a huge stress for your body, and you must be fresh enough to give 100% to them!

    Oh yes, I almost forgot, you need to do 10 approaches, each TO THE MAXIMUM! At the same time, make sure that these are high pull-ups (at least to the chest), and not chin tucks!

    CLUE! You can perform these pull-ups with a neutral grip, this will make it easier to fly up, because your back and biceps will be more involved in the work!

    Training SLOW force

    The next training scheme will be the complete opposite of the previous one, but you will do them together within the same workout, because opposites attract each other, like yin and yang.

    What is special about SLOW strength training? There are also two important points here. Firstly, you should also strive to pull yourself up as high as possible, and not just lift your chin over the horizontal bar. Secondly, you must perform pull-ups very slowly, going up for 5 seconds and going down for 5 seconds.

    You should do 10 sets of 5 reps of these slow pull-ups with a rest of about 5-7 minutes. It is unlikely that you will be able to do this if you rest less, because performing pull-ups at this pace puts the main emphasis on training the neuromuscular connection, which will be very useful for you when you finish your last reps in the max sets!

    The secret of the masters of the horizontal bar

    Well, now it’s time for you to find out one of the greatest secrets of all the masters of the horizontal bar, which they zealously guarded for many thousands of years, but which I will tell you today and absolutely free. I will say even more, all the most important and helpful information in this world it is ALWAYS given away for free. They are trying to foist off all sorts of slag and sell it at a higher price. That's true, lyricism, but get it off your chest.

    The 5-set method is the name of the secret technique for increasing the number of pull-ups in as soon as possible. Read below for its essence.

    Method 5 approaches:>

    5 sets of pull-ups on the bar to the maximum in each approach with a rest of 4-3-2-1 minutes, respectively. Your task is to give your best (!) in each approach and at the same time increase the quantity from workout to workout. Otherwise this program will not work.

    No matter what they write on these Internets of yours, the only way to achieve a large number of pull-ups is to train to the maximum and increase the training volume and intensity of training. Bam, bam, bam, this method kills three birds with one stone.

    Firstly, you must give your best not only in the first, but also in all other approaches. But at the same time we are talking about the maximum WITHOUT stops. As long as you can do pull-ups at a steady pace, you do them. As soon as you can’t do any more and you need to hang a little to force yourself out of another repetition, you do 1-2 pull-ups and get off.

    To learn how to do 30 pull-ups, you need to learn how to do a lot of pull-ups without stopping. The only way. When you do 25 pull-ups without stopping, you will easily complete the remaining 5 reps by one. But for this you need to learn how to do 25 non-stop!

    Secondly, from workout to workout you will increase the number of repetitions you do in each approach. Of course, it will be difficult for you to improve in the first approach, because this is already your maximum (at least it should be!), but adding 3, 4 or 5 is more than possible. And I want you to do this, and not whine like a little girl about the fact that it’s hard for you and your hands hurt! At least 1, at least 2 repetitions, if you increase in several approaches, this will already be a good incentive for growth!

    Third, by shortening the rest time as we move toward the fifth set, we maintain intensity. Fatigue grows, stress accumulates, muscles become clogged, and this is exactly what you need to get results! Simple and effective!

    This is the last powerful scheme for today, after which you can move on with a clear conscience to...


    In this program, I will be more than kind to you, so the hitch will be more like a hitch than a murder.

    Cool down:>

    5 sets of 10 Australian pull-ups until your chest touches the bar.


    This program involves 2-3 workouts per week (at each workout you must complete the ENTIRE program), depending on your level of training and how well you perform in the classes. In general, if you can now do 15-20 clean pull-ups, then in a month you should be able to do 25-30, and after 2 months you should be able to do 30 just on the road, and do 20 in any condition.

    Good luck! And don’t forget to report back in the comments as soon as you achieve your desired goal and thank me for your help!