Pectoral muscles

Leg position during leg press. Leg press in the simulator, rules for performing the exercise and working muscles. Application of the exercise “Incline leg press in the simulator”

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Genus. 1984 Trained since 1999 Trained since 2007. CMS in powerlifting. Champion of Russia and South Russia according to AWPC. Champion of the Krasnodar region according to IPF. 1st category in weightlifting. 2-time winner of the Krasnodar Territory championship in t/a. Author of more than 700 articles on fitness and amateur athletics. Author and co-author of 5 books.

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Date: 2012-05-29 Views: 1 645 708 Grade: 5.0

Why medals are given to articles:

Core muscles- And
Additional- And
Difficulty of execution- average

Leg press in a machine at an angle - video

Weight and reps for beginners

For men: 10 - 15 repetitions of 10 - 20 kg. 2 - 3 approaches.
For women: 10 - 15 repetitions of 5 - 10 kg. 2 - 3 approaches.

Load by muscle group

The load is indicated on a 10-point scale (the total load is summed up)

Restrictions for injuries/illness/pain

The degree of risk is indicated on a 10-point scale

Description of the exercise

Typically, the higher the angle of this machine, the heavier it is. It is better to place your feet closer to the upper edge of the platform. In this case, you are less likely to lift your pelvis off the bench. And this can injure your back. The width of the legs can be varied.

Main features

1. This exercise is perfect for those who have back problems. Since there is no axial load on the spine and the back is turned off from work. 2. The wider you place your feet and spread your knees to the sides, the more the load will fall on inner part hips. The narrower the legs and knees, the more the quadriceps muscle (front surface of the thigh) will work. 3. The lower you lower the platform, the more your buttocks will work. However, don't overdo it. At the lowest point, the pelvis should not come off the support. You can injure your lower back. 4. Alternatively, you can press with one leg. In this case, the foot is placed slightly to the side of the center of the platform. And the load goes more on the inner thigh. But I don’t recommend this option for beginners. 5. You can also try not straightening your legs completely. This will make your muscles pound harder and faster. 6. The higher you place your feet on the platform, the more your buttocks will be loaded. And the lower - the hips. 7. In general, this exercise is basic. But I don’t advise them to replace squats with a barbell. This is only justified if, due to injury, you cannot squat.

You can achieve significant hip growth not only with a classic squat with a barbell - there are several other equally effective options, one of which we will now consider. Leg press in the machine is another one basic exercise stimulating basic muscle groups legs Its execution, due to the use of a special simulator, is much safer and simpler than conventional squats - since there is no load on the spine. As a result, it is often chosen by beginners and athletes who are afraid of getting a back or knee injury.

Leg press

Working muscles during leg press

By performing this exercise, you load almost the same muscles that are involved in a regular squat. First of all, this is the quadriceps, the most noticeable muscle group of the legs and one of the most strong muscles human body. By performing a leg press, you fully load all four bundles that make up the quadriceps.

The gluteus maximus muscles work along with the quadriceps. Due to the inclined position of the body, they are more tense than during a squat - which is why leg presses are more effective for working them out.

The muscles of the back of the thigh also take part in the work: biceps, semimembranosus and semitendinosus muscle groups. They, however, account for only a partial load, which does not stimulate significant growth.

Who, when and why should do the leg press?

As mentioned above, this exercise belongs to the “base”, and it will help you without any problems. The movement is performed in three joints: the knee (which accounts for the bulk of the work), ankle and hip.

To whom?

Leg presses are performed by athletes of all levels of training - how inexperienced beginners who, a couple of days ago, realized that their calling was to become performing professionals. First of all, it should be done by those people who have suffered any back injuries, or do not want to put their body at increased risk by performing regular squats. Due to the rather complex technique of performing them, beginners should do leg presses at first, and only then, when the muscles get stronger and get used to the loads, smoothly switch to.


The exercise is performed on the day of leg training. It can be performed either immediately after warming up and stretching, or after a regular squat - to “finish off” the muscles.

Due to the creation of a significant load on the quadriceps muscles, this exercise is important not only for gaining weight, but also for “drying”, since it allows you to efficiently work out all the bundles of this muscle group.

For what?

It is equally effective to use the exercise both to increase the volume of the hips and to give them the correct relief. Performing it with light weight and for a large number of repetitions gives the quadriceps a convex teardrop shape.

Leg press technique

A special simulator in which this exercise is performed is available in almost every gym. The differences are only in some design features and appearance, the principle always remains the same.

  1. We lie down on a stationary platform so that the body (buttocks and shoulder girdle) and head are pressed to the surface. With our hands we grasp the handles located on the sides of the structure.
  2. We place our feet shoulder-width apart on a movable platform.
  3. We remove the weight from the stops (this moment is implemented differently in different design machines), and smoothly squeeze forward and upward. As a result, the legs (slightly bent at the knee joints) should form a right angle with the body.
  4. Smoothly bend your knees, lowering the weight. The movement occurs until the thighs are almost completely pressed to the stomach. The knee joint should form a right or almost right angle.
  5. As you exhale, press the weight, straightening your legs.
  6. Repeat the required number of times.

  1. Working weight. Due to the design features of the simulator, the risk of injury and load on spinal column almost completely absent. This allows you to perform work with maximum weight, which ensures rapid growth of the quadriceps. If it is necessary to “draw” the relief, naturally, small weights are used.
  2. Number of repetitions. Depending on the training period: when gaining - 5-12 repetitions, when “drying” - 12 or more.
  3. Spine. Be sure to ensure that the spinal column has a natural curve throughout the entire movement. The pelvis, upper back and back of the head are pressed against the surface of the stationary platform, and this position remains until the very end of the execution.
  4. Knee joint. To avoid injury and to reduce harmful stress, do not straighten your legs completely, leaving them slightly bent at the knees, especially when working with maximum weight.
  5. Hip joint. Make sure that the pelvis does not lift off the surface at the lowest point of the movement - this will create a significant and dangerous load on the lower back.
  6. Delay at the top. Holding at the top point (when the legs are straightened at the knee joint) is not only ineffective, but also dangerous for the knees.
  7. Feet. Foot position – key point, on which the distribution of the load and the correctness of the exercise depend. The classic version is to place your feet approximately in the middle of the platform, shoulder-width apart, with your toes slightly turned outward. The wider you place them, the more load will be placed on the inner thigh; than narrower - quadriceps. The higher the feet are on the platform, the stronger the buttocks work; the lower - quadriceps.
  8. Heels. When performing a bench press, try to press your heels into the platform. Do not tear them off the surface under any circumstances - this way you will dangerously overload your knee joints.
  9. Alternatively, you can perform the exercise with each leg in turn.

Strong and muscular legs are an indispensable condition for the harmonious development of every athlete. A man with a well-developed shoulder girdle and with puny legs it looks ugly, even ridiculous. In order not to become the notorious colossus with feet of clay, you need to pay attention to the development of such. To do this, as an option, you perform a leg press on a machine - this justifies itself 100%.

Leg press at a 45 degree angle: the best way to pump up your legs

Classic basic exercises were always performed with a barbell. But times are changing, and new ways of pumping up legs are emerging.

There are two ways:

  • on the chest or shoulders.
  • Work in a special simulator.

The simulator has its clear advantages over a barbell mounted on racks. First of all, this is safety. Of course, there is always a risk of injury, but in the simulator it is minimal. Advantages:

  1. Handles. You need to hold on to them. This makes it easier and more reliable to fix your body.
  2. Complete elimination of falling.
  3. Simplicity of execution technique.
  4. Greater isolation of the muscles being trained.
  5. Quadriceps, buttocks are loaded as they should be.
  6. also experiencing some stress.
  7. Lower leg involved.
  8. The joints are worked out well and safely.

Presses are performed lying on a bench at the mentioned angle.

Leg press mistakes

Any exercise must be done correctly, only then is it worth something. The most common mistakes:

  1. Incorrect foot placement. Very often it is unreasonably low. To properly work the quadriceps, you need to place your feet just a little lower, but not too low. When lowering your legs in the exercise machine, you should not allow your heel to lift off. The entire foot should always fit snugly on the platform of the exercise machine.
  2. Incorrect position of the athlete's body on the seat. The pelvis and lower back are always pressed tightly against the bench.
  3. The lowering of the cart should not be too fast to avoid changing the position of the bodybuilder's body in the machine. This is fraught with injury!
  4. At the moment when the squeeze occurs, you cannot fully straighten your knees. This must be done to ensure that the muscles are always toned and the knee joint is not injured.

Features of the leg press

The load on the legs can be set in different ways. Much depends on their production. Clarifications:

  • More wide stance puts a lot of stress on the feet.
  • Narrow setting reduces the load.

The simulator is customizable - you should feel comfortable while performing the exercise.

In addition, the press can be done either with two legs or in steps, moving each leg in turn. All options are effective.

To fully load your legs, it is enough to exercise within one hour. Of course, this is only true for experienced athletes who use split training.

This simulator is also suitable for training girls. You just need to reduce the load.

Street exercise machine: leg press

Outdoor exercise machines are simpler and the principle of their operation is based on what the athlete uses for training. own weight. Types of simulators:

  1. Single-sided - only one athlete can train on these.
  2. Double-sided - two athletes can train on them at the same time.

The muscle groups that are loaded with this simulator are the same as those used on simulators in fitness centers.

The press is performed while sitting.

Women, teenagers and untrained men enjoy training in this machine.

Women also like this exercise machine because it can perfectly shape the buttocks with a relatively small load.

An outdoor leg press machine, in addition to pumping up muscles, effectively burns calories and improves metabolism. The body of the training person is protected from overloads, since the device is used without weights.

These simulators are stationary, made of high quality steel, and comfortable. The platforms have an anti-slip effect.

Smith Back Press

The Smith simulator (machine) is more simple in design and is used to train while lying on your back. Essentially it’s just a barbell in a machine, but much safer for training. There is no platform here. The rod moves along the guides. Machine capabilities:

  • The leg press in Smith is carried out while lying on your back, and your legs rest against the bar of the barbell - this is the placement of the legs in the leg press in this device.
  • The exercise can be done with both legs or one (each in turn).

This device allows you to do very deep presses, to the point where the knees are pushed out to the sides when the legs are fully bent - so there is a variety of technique in the Smith.

World record leg press

In any strength exercise there are their own record holders. The leg press is no exception to the generally accepted rules.

Since the simulator is as safe as possible and has virtually no impact on the spine, it is possible to lift very large weights compared to a regular squat with a barbell. Records:

  1. Pat Robertson claimed to have bench-pressed around 900 kilograms, and his doctor mentioned a weight of 1225 kilograms.
  2. Ronnie Coleman did this with a machine that weighs 1024 kilograms for eight repetitions!

There is evidence that there were records with larger weights, but with a smaller amplitude.

How to replace leg presses

Not every athlete can afford to visit a fitness center - there are many reasons:

  • Distance from place of residence.
  • Expensive subscription.
  • Some people even prefer to study alone for various reasons.

Of course, not every yard has such a leg press machine, and even if there is, it cannot be used all year round - for example, in a cold winter or rainy autumn.
A completely appropriate question arises: what can you use instead of exercise equipment and pump up your legs and buttocks, and how can you do this at home? Alternative:

  1. Squats with a barbell. Again, they are appropriate in the gym, but not at home, since not everyone has a barbell in their home arsenal, even a light one.
  2. Hack squats. They are used infrequently at home, since the reason lies either in the absence of a barbell, or out of fear that it is still better to do it in at least a more or less equipped gym and preferably under the supervision of a trainer. Dumbbells will do just fine at home.
  3. Squats with a kettlebell or dumbbells. This option is not bad, but you still cannot create the necessary effort with it, although you can increase the number of repetitions - this will at least somehow compensate for the low weight required.

But the isolation that you can never achieve in a barbell machine.

Other types of weighted squats:

  • Sumo squat. Works the thighs, buttocks and legs. To do this you need to take a barbell narrow grip- muscles are tense - place the bar on your back. The legs are spread wide apart, with the toes pointing outward. Squats are done by moving the pelvis back by bent knees. The back is straight.
  • Half squat. It also allows you to work with significant weights. Can be performed in a power rack. It also perfectly strengthens the core muscles.
  • Sissy squats. This is how they train bottom part quadriceps. You can do it at home, with one hand you need to maintain balance, holding on to a cabinet or wall. Raising your heels, move your pelvis forward and begin a squat. The final phase is touching the buttocks with the heels, knees touching the floor.
  • Plie squats. Exist for leveling inside hips. Do better in Smith. Stand with your feet wide and turn your toes to the side. The body is strictly perpendicular to the floor. The squat is smooth.

Reference. The opinion of experts comes down to one thing: there is no truly worthy alternative to the leg press, and none of the listed options can completely replace it.


Every bodybuilder, and indeed any athlete who simply wants to maintain his body in proper shape, is free to choose in what way he will provide physical impact on one or another muscle group. Someone is working with own weight, some people prefer different exercise machines. As for the leg press, of all the power effects, the simulator is not only the most effective, but also the safest. It is suitable for both women and men.

Rules for performing the exercise and working muscles

Lying down with your legs is aimed at working out the leg muscles and inner surface hips This is a basic exercise, since the knee, ankle and hip joints. Unlike, the bench press allows you to avoid unnecessary stress on the spine.

Performing a leg press in a machine consists of: alternate flexion and leg extension under the weight of the platform - the exercise is quite difficult, energy-consuming and trains several types of muscles.

The squat, like the bench press, puts stress on the muscles of the buttocks and thighs. The exercises have a number of differences:

  1. During the press, the body is fixed on the back of the machine, so you do not need to lift your own weight with the apparatus - this simplifies the exercise.
  2. The press is less traumatic because the load on the back is reduced.
  3. Squats, in turn, are more effective than bench presses: they force you to work not only, but also your back, hips and stabilizer muscles.
  4. The bench press is a simpler basic exercise for properly working the quadriceps.
  5. The leg press in the simulator is loved because it does not require developed back muscles and abs. During squats, on the contrary, the body is fully involved in work, which increases stress levels and production - so muscle mass grows faster.

You shouldn’t definitely choose one exercise and abandon another. Try to combine or alternate them in a way that is convenient for you: this will definitely give a positive result.

Pressing in the simulator requires adherence to technique - this way you will achieve results faster and be able to avoid injuries. The basic rules are:

The platform leg press may seem light exercise, but there are many subtleties on which its effectiveness depends. For beginners, it is better to seek the help of a trainer.

Stop placement

The simulator allows you to focus on certain group muscles: the result depends on the position of the feet on the foot platform. There are several variations of the setting:

What muscles are trained?

The leg press on the machine trains one of the strongest muscles in the body and the largest muscle in the legs - the quadriceps. All 4 of its parts are involved: the intermediate latissimus, rectus, medial and lateral.

The large muscle works together with the quadriceps gluteal muscle and the posterior part of the thigh, which includes the semitransverse, semitendinosus and biceps muscle(biceps).


The bench press is contraindicated for people with spinal diseases: these could be scoliosis, spinal hernia or radiculitis. Varicose veins and hypertension are also absolute contraindications.
You should refrain from training if you have problems with the heart or blood vessels - they require consultation with an experienced doctor. Never do leg presses if you have ligament or knee injuries.

We present to you another multi-joint exercise - the leg press in a special machine. It is often used in bodybuilding. Perform while sitting at 45 degrees. All that is required of the athlete is to rest his back against the platform and press his feet on the flat part.

How do muscles work?

During the training I work on the buttocks, thighs and biceps.

The effectiveness of the entire structure is that many muscles are involved during operation. The athlete can change the width of his feet on the platform. If you place your feet close to each other, the quadriceps are loaded. The knees should not fully extend or bend.

Execution technique

Correct leg placement plays a vital role in pumping. You need:

  1. Place pancakes on the sides.
  2. We sit down on the platform, press our back tightly against the backrest, rest our head close, and grab the handles.
  3. We remove the weight with our legs. Press down on the machine and turn the handles outward.

The lower back should always be pressed against the platform. The slightest separation from the machine can cause injury.

Foot placement

The most important nuance that requires attention. The correct placement of the feet affects the growth of certain muscles. Types of locations on the platform:

  • A wide leg placement is suitable for girls whose goal is to pump up appetizing buttocks and legs without significantly pumping up the bottom. Athletes need to turn their socks to the sides. The buttocks, thighs and adductor muscles are involved.
  • Narrow foot placement pumps up the abductors and the top of the hamstrings. Place your feet on the bottom of the platform, narrower than your shoulders.
  • Shoulder-width apart in the middle. This classic variety is suitable for both men and girls. All muscles work in it.
  • Position of the feet at the top of the machine. Here the load falls on the hips, the back of the biceps and the butt.
  • Separate pumping of each leg. This is a difficult variation that requires concentration to prevent the platform from falling on you.

Lowering technique

Now the technique itself:

  1. After pushing out the platform, lower it 90 degrees. It is allowed to go lower, but this is dangerous for the lower back.
  2. Press firmly upward with both feet. Unbend not with your toes, but with your full foot, which should press firmly.

What weight should I use and what is the best way to add it?

Like other exercises, the leg press needs to start without weight. At least the first approaches to develop the technique. Then girls can put 10 kilograms on each side, and men 20 kg for 12 repetitions for 2 sets. This will be quite sufficient at the initial stage. Women can gradually increase their weight to 150 kilograms. Women should gradually add plates and repetitions.

How to practice?

There are two options for classes:

  1. Drop sets. The athlete should perform the required number of repetitions. Then continue working without rest, but reduce the weight by twenty percent. It's practically working until failure.
  2. Leg press with a stop. This variation can only be performed by professionals who have been in the sport for years. For example, you do 25 reps 1 set, then 12 reps with added weight and 3-5 reps stopping at the bottom. Then it is added heavy weight and 8 repetitions are performed, stopping at the lowest point of the amplitude. The final milestone will be adding weight for 12 reps.

Popular mistakes

Novice athletes often make serious mistakes:

  • The pelvis is torn off.
  • They press with their toes, not their heels.
  • Knees cramp.
  • Learn to work without weights. This is the only way to avoid mistakes and injuries. Beautiful execution is more effective than heavy weights.

During classes, it is additionally advised to pay attention to the following secrets:

  • Breathe when you lower the platform, exhale - squeeze the machine.
  • The lower back should not come off. The head and back should be firmly pressed against the backrest.
  • Press with your whole heel, not your toes.
  • You can put knee pads on your knees to keep warm. You cannot straighten your legs completely. They should have a slightly bent angle.
  • Hold the handles with your hands.

Training options

There are three press options:

  1. Horizontal press in the simulator.
  2. Smith machine press.
  3. Traditional bench press.

Horizontal leg press

The variation involves performing half-sitting. The athlete receives a rapid increase in the mass of all thigh muscles. You need to work with heavy weights, but be careful not to get injured.

Horizontal bench presses are prohibited for athletes who have spinal or knee injuries. Technique:

  • We put on a lot of weight and take a position. The knees of the legs should be at an even angle, looking ahead. We press our back to the platform.
  • We push the projectile with our full foot. At the end we do not fully extend our knees.
  • Slowly return to the starting position.

Perform fast and slow styles, this way the muscles will receive the necessary load for growth.

Smith machine press

A unique option that perfectly works the buttocks and back of the thighs. The exercise can be done alternately with your legs. Smith platform technique:


Sports doctors do not recommend choosing this variety for people with knee diseases. Violating the ban can cause irreversible problems. Also, exercise is prohibited for those who were injured several years ago. Especially if it was a torn knee ligament. Expect full recovery. Huge weights can also reignite relapse. Athletes with a hernia, protrusion, or lower back pain should stop training, otherwise complications will be inevitable. The one-leg press is contraindicated for patients with scoliosis, so it is advisable to wear a belt and press with small weights or without them at all.


TO beneficial properties Let's highlight the leg press:

  • A conscientious complex of work of all muscles.
  • Perform without axial gravity on the center of the lower back and spine.
  • Fat burning.
  • Testosterone production for men.
  • Conditionally not a dangerous exercise.