
Guarana in sports nutrition – why? Useful properties and uses of guarana

Guarana is a plant that contains a lot of caffeine, and therefore is often included in energy drinks and weight loss supplements. Medicines containing guarana are available in a wide variety of forms. Most often in pharmacies and on the Internet you can find tablets or powder, which are crushed guarana fruits. It is also sold in liquid form.

What is it?

Different varieties of guarana contain from 2 to 6 percent caffeine. This is significantly more than in coffee beans (only 1-2%). It is the presence of caffeine in the composition that is responsible for all the therapeutic effects of guarana. It can be used:

  • - for weight loss;
  • - to stimulate physical activity during strength or aerobic training;
  • - to stimulate cognitive functions during periods of increased mental stress;
  • - to enhance mental activity;
  • - for skin care.

In Brazil and Paraguay, where guarana grows, it is used as a food product. Guarana fruit is added to many dishes, as well as energy drinks and chewing gum. In our country, the plant is less popular and is available in the main form of dietary supplements. Most of them are designed for weight loss. Some guarana supplements are used for sports nutrition.

Less popular are topical cosmetics containing guarana. It is assumed that they increase blood circulation in the skin and thereby prevent the formation of cellulite. Guarana is also added to shower gels, shampoos, and soaps. It can even be found in some intimate lubricants and massage gels.

For weight loss

Guarana can be successfully used for weight loss. Currently, its effect on body weight has not been reliably established. Some studies confirmed the effect of the plant on weight, others refuted it. It has not been established exactly how many kilograms can be lost over a certain period of time with the help of guarana. However, most experts consider the extract and powder from this plant to be effective, since it contains a substance well known to science that has an established mechanism of action.

Guarana causes weight loss because:

  • - accelerates metabolism, thereby increasing energy consumption;
  • - suppresses appetite, increasing the effectiveness of weight loss diets;
  • - increases mental activity and physical endurance, increasing the effectiveness of weight loss workouts.

It is best to combine guarana with physical activity and diet. In this case, you will get from this plant maximum benefit. If you do nothing to lose weight, relying only on the help of supplements, you are unlikely to be able to improve your figure.

At the pharmacy

Most supplements containing guranium are sold online or in sports nutrition stores. But some of them are also available in the pharmacy chain. In pharmacies you can buy at least 5 types of weight loss supplements that contain guarana. Four of them are produced by the pharmaceutical company Evalar under the Turboslim brand. Another one, also domestically produced, is called Guarana Active.

Guarana is contained in the following Evalar preparations:

  • - Turboslim express weight loss – 200 mg of guarana extract in one capsule;
  • - Turboslim fitness – 1000 mg of guarana extract per daily dose(50 ml);
  • - Turboslim drainage for men – 120 mg of guarana extract in a daily dose (20 ml);
  • - Turboslim day enhanced formula– 100 mg of guarana extract per capsule.

Guarana Active is also sold in pharmacies. The supplement contains in one capsule 350 mg of guarana extract, as well as additional tonic substances - lemongrass and gotu kola extract. Price for 60 capsules – 470 rubles.


There are many supplements containing guarana. Prices vary significantly. Moreover, the high cost is not always due to the high quality of the additive. Upon purchase medicine You should pay attention to the release form, package size, dosage of the active substance, and the presence of additional components. Let's look at the prices of the most popular supplements containing guarana.

Amazonian guarana. A supplement that is sold online on a large and beautiful one-page website. It can often be found under another name - Liquid chestnut. It is a guarana powder that needs to be diluted in water and drunk for weight loss. There are 60 g in a jar. Of these, 12 g are crushed guarana fruits. In total, the package contains about 500 mg of caffeine. For comparison, a cup of coffee contains 50-200 mg of caffeine, depending on the type and method of preparation of the drink. The price of the supplement is 1200 rubles. Perhaps the least cost-effective option for losing weight is using guarana.

Guarana berry powder ORGANIC. Available in bags of 100 g. Price – 750 rubles. Obviously, this analogue of Liquid Chestnut has a more reasonable price. The price is half the price, the amount of powder is almost twice as much. You can order ORGANIC guarana berry powder on many websites on the Internet.

Liquid guarana Power System. Available in two different packages. The first is the liquid in the bottle. It contains 4 grams of caffeine, which comes from guarana. Price – 870 rubles. The second package is a set of ampoules containing a drink with guarana. One ampoule contains 200 mg of caffeine - a single dose. Price for 20 ampoules – 2000 rubles. An additional component of the supplement is L-carnitine. Liquid guarana Power System is intended for athletes. It is sold online and in sports nutrition stores.

IN social networks You can find guarana powder from an unknown manufacturer at a price of 4,500 rubles per kilogram. This is the most profitable, and at the same time the most risky option for purchasing this supplement. You will receive a package of powder in the mail, without instructions or labels. However, judging by the reviews, many athletes buy such supplements, take them and are satisfied.


Reviews of guarana are mostly positive, since this supplement is mainly used by athletes. They take guarana powder to increase the duration of training, temporarily improve strength performance, and also increase mental focus. Often the additive is used during drying.

Guarana is also often used by women who want to lose weight. Some of them succeeded. Judging by the reviews, girls who not only took the supplement, but additionally trained in the gym and limited their diet, lost from 2 to 5 kg in a month. Women who are outraged by the lack of effect from guarana also post on forums. Apparently, they either took the supplement at a low dosage, or initially overestimated the properties of the product they were using.

There are occasional reports of side effects from guarana. In some people, it causes trembling fingers, palpitations, and increased blood pressure. But for most people who are losing weight and doing sports, the supplement is well tolerated. No health problems arise even with long-term use of gurana.

    #1 . Sveta at says:

    Girls, women, all those who want to lose weight! The most important thing is desire, the right motivation! I didn’t drink or eat “supposedly to burn fat,” and I tried to train, but everything was haphazard, everyone forced me. Once I realized that only I and no one else needed this, everything went as planned! When there is good and correct motivation, both PP is a joy and training! And about guarana, I’ll tell you this, I don’t know how others do (I don’t read different reviews), it helped me! Naturally, I didn’t drink it and didn’t sit on the couch waiting. Guarana will help you lose weight; without sports it will not work! Therefore, before you drink or read anything, set the right motivation for yourself, and everything will go as usual! From 68 kg in half a year I lost weight (including with the help of guarana) to 55 kg!

    #2 . Ira at says:

    Sveta, what did you do in sports? where did you go and how many times a week? And how did you drink guarana (according to the instructions)?

    #3 . Nellie at says:

    I was advised to drink guarana when I was actively involved in sports. To be more resilient, I was told to use it. There really is an effect, you become strong, collected, have enough strength for everything! Due to this, you exercise twice as hard. The only negative, perhaps only for me, was nausea at the beginning of the treatment, but then it went away. Whether the body is used to it, or whether this happens to everyone, I don’t know. But at that moment, guarana helped me out.

    #4 . Natasha at says:

    You need to know how much guarana to take, be careful! 200-800 mg. Otherwise, you will lie with your eyes open and count the stars. I didn’t look at the dosage of guarana on the package and then suffered from insomnia.

(2 ratings, average: 5,00 out of 5)

Among the many sports supplements Guarana extract is not the least important. Let's talk about the South American plant and its distribution throughout the world.

The birthplace of guarana (paulina cupana) is Latin America. Its second name is liquid chestnut. It is common in Brazil, Colombia, Uruguay, and Peru. But what is it?

Guarana is an evergreen creeping bush with branches 11 meters long and red flowers. In the third year of life, the plant bears fruit for the first time and the harvest ripens in January-February. The bright yellow, nut-sized fruit contains a pair of seeds. They have found application in medicine, sports and the food industry.

The Indians were the first to consume guarana, using it as a strengthening drink. The seeds were ground into powder and diluted with water. People rolled the resulting mass into sticks and then dried them. As needed, part of the pressed seeds was dissolved in water and a healing drink was obtained. This happened in the 18th century. The food additive became widespread only in the last century.

Chemical composition

The fruit bone contains many substances that support human health, including:

  • guaranine - combines the properties of caffeine and tannin;
  • tannins;
  • essential oils;
  • theophylline - a bronchodilator;
  • theobromine similar to caffeine;
  • vitamins A, B, PP, E;
  • minerals: potassium, magnesium, calcium, sodium;
  • saponin, which strengthens the immune system;
  • xanthine alkaloids - stimulants nervous system;
  • polyphenols;
  • starch.

Pros and cons

There is no product in the world that carries only negative or positive qualities. Let's consider the benefits and harms of guarana.

The drug is necessary for those wishing to become the owner slim figure, as it speeds up metabolism and removes excess fluid from the body. In addition, it reduces appetite and improves intestinal function. During physical activity, guarana improves performance and performance. Relieves depression, treats mental disorders.

Reduces cholesterol, thereby reducing the risk of fatty tubercles (plaques). The antioxidants contained in the supplement tighten the skin and reduce the number of wrinkles. Slows down the development of tumors.

If recommendations and instructions are not followed, side effects in the form of irritability, anxiety, migraine, agitation, insomnia, dry mouth. Possible: rapid pulse, nausea and vomiting. In the worst case, there is cardiac arrhythmia, convulsions, involuntary muscle contractions of the limbs or body, and addiction.

Instructions for use

The method of application depends on the form of the product. Dilute two measuring spoons of regular powder in a glass of warm water, yogurt, juice, or compote. Take twice a day. The first time is in the morning or afternoon, the second time two hours before bedtime.

Night+ is in powder form, consumed in smaller quantities. One measuring spoon half an hour before bedtime.

Swallow 1-2 capsules without chewing with liquid. Take three times a day 40 minutes before meals.

Stir 30-40 drops until dissolved in 200 ml of liquid. Drink 10 minutes before meals.

The effect of guarana lasts 4 hours. The effect of taking it occurs within 30-45 minutes. Maintain an interval of 8 hours between use of the supplement.

Constant use of a natural product is undesirable. Liquid chestnut is taken in courses of two to six weeks, taking a break every month and a half.

For a toned figure

Among dozens of combinations, carnitine with guarana is the optimal remedy for creating a slim figure. The amino acid is a source of energy, and the components of guarana (and threombin) increase the concentration of fatty acids in the blood, which is already exceeded during physical activity. Thus, accelerated fat burning occurs, which is important when losing weight. Besides this, the most commonly used are:

  • Guarana capsule. Accelerates weight loss and eliminates “orange peel” skin. The daily norm is one capsule.
  • Amazon chestnut. The product in powder form is used twice a day - morning and evening (before 17:00).
  • Guarana tea. When used, caffeine for a long time is absorbed in the body, due to which it increases a person’s physical activity. To do this, drink 2 glasses of the drink during the day.

In sports and bodybuilding

The additive is used in sports medicine as an anesthetic. In sports nutrition, guarana is a faithful companion for athletes and bodybuilders. The natural product improves athletic performance, increases endurance, and strengthens the immune system.

Use 1 hour before training. The dosage of guarana powder at one time is 1500-2000 mg. Shortly before the competition, take 2000-4000 mg of the drug.

Be careful, exceeding it will provoke a rise in blood pressure and tachycardia.

For the average person, a single dose of the supplement is 200-800 mg. It all depends on the constitution of his body and the effect of the drug on him.


The product should not be used in the following conditions:

  • cardiac diseases;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • increased intraocular pressure;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • chronic headaches;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • neurological diseases;
  • individual intolerance;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period;
  • old age;
  • children under eighteen years of age.

Directions for use

Before using the drug, consult your doctor. Use guarana only in doses prescribed by a specialist, starting with small portions. It is not recommended to use guarana after 18 hours.

If discomfort or deterioration in health occurs, do not use it and undergo a re-examination at the clinic. After significant improvements in health, you should stop taking the drug. But abrupt cessation of regular consumption leads to complications.

Release forms and storage conditions

Capsules, tablets, powder, ampoules, liquid extract, sports nutrition, tea - the types of preparations with guarana that go on sale. On the shelves you can find chewing candies or lozenges containing guaranine. Vitamins are another form of alternative preventative medicine.

Preparations with liquid chestnut are classified as dietary supplements and are not considered medicines. Available without a doctor's prescription. Distributed through retail chains of pharmacies, sports stores, and specialized Internet sources.

Supplements are stored in a dark place protected from sunlight. Keep natural products out of reach of children at room temperature. Shelf life – up to three years. Do not use after the expiration date - possible poisoning.

Manufacturing companies

  • Herbalife (USA);
  • "Evalar" (Russia);
  • Natrol (USA);
  • Power System (Germany);
  • "Sports Technologies" (Russia);
  • Body System (Russia);
  • Dynamic Lab (Republic of Mauritius);
  • aTech (Russia);
  • VPLab (UK);
  • Multipower (Germany);
  • Olimp (Poland);
  • XXI Power (Russia).


The difference in cost directly depends on the manufacturer, supplier, release form, package size, as well as the mass fraction of the extract in the composition of the product.

If the cheapest supplement costs 180 rubles, then an expensive drug costs 3062. Russian products are an order of magnitude lower than foreign ones.


There are a number of similar tonic complexes that are manufactured in the United States and Russia - EFA Recovery Plus, Green Tea Kombucha, Pearl Romance, Impulsen.

The drugs are mainly distributed in online stores. The price of the supplements is equal to the cost of products with guarana.

Opinions of consumers and doctors

Due to constant stress at work, I stopped eating and sleeping normally. I gave up playing sports. As a result, I began to gain weight sharply, and drowsiness became my daily companion.

Dramatic changes in appearance were noticed by a familiar fitness instructor, who advised me to take guarana to lose weight and tone up. In the first month of receiving the supplement, the extra pounds began to noticeably fall off, the constant desire to sleep disappeared, and the diet changed. On top of that, my energy has increased and my complexion has improved.

I've been doing it for five years athletics, namely running on short distances. The sprint is based on explosive force, speed of reaction. You also need to constantly keep your muscles toned. And guarana does this very well. After taking the dietary supplement, you feel a surge of strength and your mood improves.

In modern clinical practice, Guarana is used as a dietary supplement to maintain a physically active lifestyle. It is a complex natural preparation.

Effect of the drug

Guarana stimulates and activates the activity of the central nervous system, as well as the heart. Its effect is similar to coffee and is characterized by:

  • Significant relief of symptoms of fatigue;
  • Increasing body endurance and performance;
  • Improving memory;
  • Increasing attention and ability to concentrate;
  • Suppression of hunger and loss of appetite;
  • Quickly get rid of fat deposits.

Guarana extract contains a very large amount of natural caffeine. The formula of the drug is selected in such a way that a high concentration of this biologically active substance is maintained in the body throughout the day. Therefore, Guarana helps to activate metabolic processes throughout the body.

The drug contains dry guarana extract and natural caffeine. The bioavailability of caffeine is much greater than that of natural coffee.

Indications for use

  • To increase endurance during intense physical activity, as well as mental work.
  • To relieve stress and achieve calm without inhibiting the functions of the central nervous system.
  • To correct the body's condition with chronic fatigue syndrome.
  • To achieve a positive emotional state.
  • As an aid during the rehabilitation period after various types of injuries.
  • To activate the breakdown of proteins and fats during diet therapy.
  • To reduce appetite.
  • As an adjuvant in the treatment of low blood pressure and asthenic conditions.

Composition of the drug

The drug is available in the form of 400 mg capsules with a gelatin shell. Each capsule contains:

  • Dry guarana extract in an amount of 350 mg;
  • Schisandra chinensis extract - 25 mg;
  • Dry gotu kola extract - 25 mg each.

Application and dosage of the drug

The dosage of the drug is one to two capsules per day. Capsules should be taken during meals with water. Typically the course of treatment is three weeks. If necessary, it can be extended. Stopping or prolonging the use of Guarana on your own is unacceptable.


Due to their release form, the capsules do not irritate the stomach and intestines. Side effects drugs have not been established. However, it is not recommended for women during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Capsules are prohibited for children under 12 years of age. It is not recommended to take them for the following diseases:

  • Arterial hypertension;
  • Increased nervous excitability;
  • Insomnia;
  • Individual intolerance to individual components of this drug;
  • Cardiovascular diseases characterized by instability of heart rhythm.

Release, shelf life and sales

The drug is dispensed from the pharmacy without a prescription. It is a dietary supplement and is not a drug. It can be sold both through a pharmacy chain and through specialized retail chains.

The shelf life of capsules is three years from the date of issue. Do not take this drug after the expiration date has expired - poisoning may occur.

Capsules should be stored out of the reach of children. Make sure that the place where Guarana is stored is not exposed to direct sunlight or direct heat flow.

We offer the drug at an affordable price; all products sold are certified and have a maximum shelf life.

Guarana extract is widely used as a weight loss aid. It helps increase endurance during sports training, energizes and increases metabolism. Those losing weight take guarana as a stand-alone remedy or as part of any weight loss pills.

Read in this article

Benefits of guarana

This product is made from the fruits of a tropical vine that grows in the Amazon forests. The main active substance due to which guarana has gained popularity is caffeine. Moreover, its concentration in it is more than three times higher than in the beans themselves. Guarana also contains a tannin called tannin.

The extract promotes weight loss because it has a tonic and stimulating effect on the body. It improves metabolism, thereby accelerating lipolysis or the breakdown of fat deposits. A person’s amount of energy increases, and they have the strength to train, even to increase their intensity. In addition, guarana stimulates the body's endurance.

The main advantage of the substance is the fact that it preserves glycogen in the muscles, while stimulating consumption. body fat as "fuel".


Guarana extract has general strengthening properties for the body as a whole and helps get rid of bad cholesterol. It also helps those losing weight keep their appetite under control. Another advantage of this substance is that it does not irritate the inner lining of the stomach.

It is important to note the fact that, unlike other weight loss drugs, guarana is not addictive. You can take it for as long as a person sees fit. Over time, with regular exercise and dieting, the weight loss process will not slow down.

Guarana removes excess fluid from the body due to its diuretic properties. It helps strengthen the muscles of the heart and blood vessels, so training becomes easier.

Guarana powder

It is also an excellent assistant in losing weight, as it allows you to take control of your emotions, improves the functioning of the nervous system, improves sleep and mood. This is very important, because during weight loss you have to endure deprivation of tasty foods and changes in your usual lifestyle.

But despite the fact that it contains caffeine, it cannot be replaced. The effect of guarana is mild; it does not actively stimulate the nervous system. It continues for a long time, and then gradually declines. Unlike coffee, there is no sudden jump.

Contraindications for use

Despite the fact that guarana is a biological supplement, it should not be taken by everyone. The following cases are contraindicated:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • age under 18 and older;
  • high blood pressure;
  • severe form of atherosclerosis;
  • rapid nervous excitability;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • disorders of the kidneys and liver;
  • allergies and sensitivity to components.

Failure to comply with contraindications can lead to unpleasant complications. Such as:

  • too much stimulation of the central nervous system;
  • insomnia and sleep disorders;
  • increased anxiety;
  • migraines,
  • dark circles in the eyes;
  • dryness of mucous membranes and peeling;
  • tinnitus;
  • falling into a cold sweat;
  • allergies, itching;
  • convulsions;
  • heart rhythm disturbances.

However, it is worth remembering that after stopping the drug, normal functioning of the body systems returns.

How to use the product for weight loss

You can purchase guarana in various pharmacies and sports stores. nutrition. It exists in the form of tablets and capsules, seeds, powder and liquid.

It is also produced for single use in ampoules. This ensures rapid absorption by the body and immediate action before exercise. You should drink it half an hour or an hour before training.

In other forms, guarana is taken on an ongoing basis, the main thing is not to exceed a dose of 1000 mg per day. It is important to remember that it is better to drink it no later than 5 - 6 pm, as it has a stimulating effect. You may have trouble sleeping.

The following release forms have their own characteristics.

dietary supplement

There are quite a lot of additives that include guarana extract. Among the most famous and popular are the following:

  • Turboslim (Fitness, Day, Drainage). This product is available in tablet form. The composition, in addition to the liana leaf extract, contains various components of plant origin. All of them have an energetic effect, diuretic and laxative. However, the manufacturer does not indicate the exact dosage on the packaging.

Guarana from Evalar
  • Dietary supplement for weight loss in capsules. The drug is also of Russian origin. The composition includes vitamin complex and various plant-derived ingredients, including guarana. It also has diuretic and laxative properties. The manufacturer promises weight loss from 2 to 10 kg in 30 days.
  • Weight loss drug Guaran-Active. This is a three-part product that contains tropical vine leaf extract, Chinese lemongrass and cola. The drug accelerates metabolism, promotes the removal of excess fluid, cleansing of waste and toxins. You need to take one tablet with meals before lunch. It is advisable to combine the intake with active training.
  • Herbalife NRG contains extracts from coffee beans, guarana, green tea, and lemon. This is a product made in the USA.

Guaran-Active and Herbalife NRG


Guarana extract can also be produced in the form of tablets containing only this substance. They are absorbed from half an hour to almost 50 - 60 minutes. For the effect to come faster, it is better to drink on an empty stomach or an hour and a half after eating. The following drugs have earned popularity among those who want to lose weight:

  • Guarana from Evalar. Product of Russian origin. Quite a budget product, the average price is about 200 rubles.
  • Guarana from Olimp Labs. The product is an energy drink. It can be taken not only in the morning, but also at night if work or vigorous activity is expected. For example, truck drivers. It enhances concentration. The composition contains MCC, cellulose, magnesium and gelatin. The product helps reduce appetite. The price is about 500 rubles.
  • Natural Balance Powermax guarana extract. There are 60 capsules in a package. American-made drug. It also helps control the size of food portions.
  • Now Foods. Energy. There are 90 capsules in a pack. The drug is enriched with vitamin E. It is a source of additional energy and also speeds up metabolism.

Liquid extract

This is the most expensive form of release. The main advantage is that it is absorbed by the body as quickly as possible, literally 15 - 20 minutes before playing sports. In addition, it can be mixed with the necessary extracts and vitamins, for example, with. The following drugs are effective:

  • Power System from a German brand. The package contains 20 ampoules, each containing 25 ml of substance.
  • NARIN from Switzerland also offers 20 ampoules that combine guaranine and caffeine.
  • Multipower Guarana Shot, Germany, produces the drug in 20 bottles for a single dose.
  • Nature's Answer, 30 ml bottle, contains only guarana extract. One drop is equal to 1000 mg of the substance, that is, one dose per day is enough. You need to drink right before training.


You can also find guarana in powder form. The dried leaves of the vine are ground and a drink is prepared from it - tea or coffee. It is convenient to drink in the morning. They are produced by both Russian and foreign companies. As a rule, such a drink contains not only caffeine and guaranine, but also dietary fiber, protein, and carbohydrates. Popular:

  • Naturalissimo powder for making tea. Made in Ukraine.
  • AdvancedFood ground guarana from Brazil is suitable for brewing coffee.
  • Wirud. Manufacturer Germany. Available in the form of a soluble powder.

It is important to note that guarana is not a fat burner. It gives additional energy to the body. Therefore, you should not expect that you will be able to simply take the drug and lose weight. For the time being, it is necessary to develop a strategy for nutrition and exercise. Otherwise, there will be extra stress on the body, which can negatively affect health. The extract helps strengthen the calorie deficit by expending additional energy.

About guarana for weight loss, watch this video (opinion of a nutritionist):

What to eat while taking guarana

To prevent weight loss from affecting your health and causing muscle dystrophy, it is important to reconsider your diet. Basically, you need to give preference to protein foods. It is protein that accelerates the process of burning fat and is necessary for muscle growth.

Main courses should include white meat chicken, fish, eggs and all kinds of seafood. You can cook different dishes from them: steamed cutlets, omelettes and others. The number of calories in them is quite low, but at the same time they will provide the necessary “nutrition” to the muscles.

Don't forget to include vegetables and fruits. They contain vitamins and microelements. And also dietary fiber, which ensures proper intestinal motility, are carbohydrates that provide energy and create a feeling of fullness for a long time. But you shouldn’t overuse fruits, as they contain high sugar content.

But at the same time, you should forget or limit as much as possible the consumption of sweets, chocolate, pastries, pastries and cakes, and soda. It is also important to be extremely careful with juices, as they contain a lot of sugar. But you can drink tea, coffee and herbal infusions, the main thing is not sweet.

Sports activities

An important component of losing weight with guarana is physical activity. By itself, it does not promote weight loss. In other words, eating pills and lying in front of the TV while eating sandwiches will not lead to any results.

It is best to drink the extract immediately before exercising. This will increase endurance and calorie consumption. The advantage of taking guarana is that it helps release energy for training from accumulated reserves. But you don’t need to eat enough before class to do this. This will also help avoid unpleasant sensations during and after, such as heaviness, nausea, headaches, heartburn and others.

It is worth calculating the time depending on the form of release (tablets, powder or liquid infusion). The weight of the person losing weight also plays a significant role. If it is less than 55 kg, then a single dosage should not exceed 1000 mg, and if it is above 60 kg, then up to 1500 mg is possible.

The time of day also affects the amount of the drug. If a person is comfortable exercising in the afternoon or evening, then the dose should be less than half the expected dose. This will ensure normal sleep afterwards.

In addition, the extract can be mixed with L-carnitine and various amino acids. But for this, the load must be very serious and long, because this technique is often used by athletes.

When there is no training, then one dose per day in the morning will be enough to put yourself in a cheerful state and recharge with energy. There is no need to drink more, since the amount of energy will not equal the costs.

Guarana extract does not have magical properties. But it is quite effective for weight loss if used correctly. It is important to understand that this is only an aid. Without correcting nutrition and increasing physical activity, guarana will be absolutely useless. It is also necessary to interrupt the course of treatment exactly after a month.

Useful video

For information on the use of guarana during sports, watch this video:

Nowadays, dietary supplements for weight loss based on natural ingredients are especially popular. Guarana extract has also become one of the main substances in many dietary supplements. According to those losing weight, it helps to gain good results in the process of losing extra pounds. The guarana plant is found in South America, Brazil is considered its homeland. Due to the high content of guaranine (a type of caffeine) in the seeds, it is recognized as an excellent energy drink. Guarana extract is added to various drinks, medications, sports nutrition and dietary supplements for weight loss.

The evergreen plant extract contains 3 times more caffeine than coffee beans, which increases performance, endurance and energy. However, it affects not only the central nervous system, but also other organ systems. In particular, regular and dosed use of guarana-based drugs has the following effects:

It is these characteristics that have made the plant extract popular among those struggling with extra pounds. Reviews from those losing weight confirm that in just one course of taking the nutritional supplement (30 days) you can lose 2-5 kg ​​of weight. However, there are some nuances that need to be taken into account before using dietary supplements.

How Guarana Really Helps You Lose Weight

If you think you can buy a nutritional supplement, take it, not exercise and eat high-calorie foods, and then a month later go to the store to buy things two sizes smaller, you will be disappointed. It has been proven that consuming guarana on its own does not have any effect; it will only be noticeable when you adjust your diet and begin to exercise intensively.

The mechanism of interaction between dietary supplements, diet and sports is obvious. Guarana extract improves mood and causes a burst of energy, which is simply necessary when playing sports.

During runtime physical exercise you will start the process of fat breakdown, and guarana extract will enhance it. Excitement of the nervous system will help you easily survive the refusal of high-calorie and sweet foods.

Drug dosage regimen

Nowadays you can find a wide variety of dietary supplements based on guarana; they differ in the concentration of the active substance - from 145 mg and above. You can purchase nutritional supplements in the following forms:

  • pills;
  • capsules;
  • liquid concentrate.

Instructions for use are included in each package and you must strictly follow all the recommendations indicated in it. To lose weight, you need to take 300 mg of the substance or more per day, depending on your initial indicators and desired results. It is recommended to use the supplement 2 times a day with meals.

If you want to recharge your batteries before the gym, then the dietary supplement should be taken on an empty stomach 30-40 minutes before training. The effect of increased performance lasts approximately 4 hours, so you need to drink guarana only in the first half of the day. The break between doses should be at least 8 hours.

It is interesting to know that the extract of the South African plant not only stimulates the excitability of the central nervous system, but also helps to increase libido. In its homeland, the plant is often used as an aphrodisiac; its extract is even included in some drugs to increase potency.

"Pitfalls" of taking guarana

Although guarana extract is a natural product, it has both positive and negative characteristics. You should immediately take into account that in some cases, taking a dietary supplement is strictly prohibited, since it contains a large amount of caffeine.

Contraindications to the use of guarana:

  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • age indicators, the extract has a bad effect on the health of adolescents and the elderly;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • insomnia;
  • increased excitability of the nervous system and its disorders;
  • personal intolerance to drug components.

It is worth noting that an overdose of a dietary supplement can cause very unpleasant consequences, such as stool problems, bloating, dry mucous membranes, allergic skin rashes, insomnia, headaches, anxiety, and increased excitability of the nervous system.

The opinion of doctors regarding the use of this dietary supplement is quite ambiguous - some of them do not see anything wrong with it, while others, on the contrary, recommend not to resort to the help of substances that increase the activity of the central nervous system. In any case, you should be completely sure that guarana will not harm you before you start losing weight by consulting your doctor.

Those who have seriously decided to take care of their figure and have chosen guarana as an assistant should prepare for hard but effective work. It is recommended to take nutritional supplements for no more than a month; their price depends on the form of release and the manufacturing company.

Do not forget that regular use of dietary supplements must be combined with active physical activity and a balanced diet, only then will you be able to achieve all your goals.