
Nordic walking: where to work out with a trainer for free. Nordic walking technique for inexperienced beginners

One day, professional skiers from Finland decided to support sports uniform in any season. An idea came up - in the absence of snow, to train using only ski poles. This is how Nordic walking was born. In the nineties of the last century, this sport won the hearts of many lovers of walking on fresh air and became widespread.

The benefits of Nordic walking, its advantages

Nordic walking exercises activate most muscles in the body:

  • deltoid;
  • subscapular;
  • pectoralis major;
  • triceps;
  • infraspinatus;
  • widest;
  • abdominal oblique;
  • flexor of the forearms;
  • press;
  • quadriceps and gluteal;
  • calf and posterior muscle hips;
  • tibial anterior.

Nordic walking is simple, but at the same time effective look physical activity, with which you can load all the muscles of the body

Nordic walking is also called Finnish or Nordic walking.

What explains the effectiveness of Finnish walking for strengthening muscles and burning fat? Including the arms in the process of moving forces the entire body to actively work, since in this case the load is distributed evenly.

The popularity of Nordic walking is explained by the desire of most people to lose weight. excess weight. Anyone can engage in this type of fitness, even pensioners, children, and pregnant women. Thanks to visual propaganda, the number of fans of this sport is increasing every year. Today we see both lonely pedestrians actively working with sticks and entire families.

Nordic walking can be practiced at any age

Advantages of this type physical culture are obvious:

  • joint tension is relieved lower limbs, load on the spine and, as a result, posture is corrected;
  • blood circulation in the brain improves, the muscles of the cervico-brachial region are strengthened, which eliminates osteochondrosis of the cervical spine;
  • Thanks to active burning of calories, weight loss;
  • “bad” cholesterol is removed and the heart muscle is strengthened. As a result, the heart rate and blood pressure are normalized, and the risk of thrombosis is reduced;
  • improves sleep, concentration, memory;
  • the ligamentous apparatus is strengthened, formed muscle corset, due to which the risk of osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine is reduced;
  • Osteoporosis is prevented - walking in the sun increases the production of vitamin D;
  • the musculoskeletal system is restored after injuries;
  • coordination of movements improves;
  • the volume of the lungs increases, which increases the supply of oxygen to tissues;
  • the muscles of the body are in constant tone.

Gymnastics, physical exercise, walking should firmly become part of the everyday life of everyone who wants to maintain efficiency, health, and a full and joyful life.


Athletes often use Finnish walking because they need constant endurance training to strengthen their cardiovascular system. Classes do not require a presence gym, expensive simulators, special uniforms and lengthy training. Outside, the body receives more oxygen than in a building, and this is very important.

Elena Malysheva about Nordic walking - video

How Nordic walking helps you lose weight

Like many aerobic species sports, Nordic walking helps burn calories and is quite fast weight loss. Doctors note that when practicing Nordic walking, weight loss is 2-3 times more effective compared to running. If the work is “sedentary” and requires low activity, then muscle fat is gradually replaced in the body. And this must be dealt with somehow.

In one hour of intense Nordic walking, 400–500 calories are burned, while with regular walking this figure reaches 280.

In order for the training to be most beneficial, you must follow the rules:

  • Do not neglect the duration of the workout. If your goal is to lose weight as soon as possible, then you need to exercise for at least an hour every day. Calories begin to be burned after a thirty-minute workout. Only after this time has passed, the body uses the accumulated fat as a source of energy;
  • use inventory. Thanks to sticks, the speed of movement increases and muscle work increases;
  • exercise in any weather. During the cool season, energy is also spent on heating the body, which allows you to accelerate the desired weight loss. Walking over rough terrain, hiking in the hills or uphill enhances fat burning. Experts advise moving with an incline of 5 degrees - this allows you to increase calorie burning by 50%. Gravel and snow, which make movement difficult, also speed up the disappearance of stored fat deposits;
  • use weights. Over time, to increase the load on the body, you need to start using additional weight. It is distributed evenly in a vest or in a backpack behind your back. Accelerating with a larger arm span also increases the efficiency of Nordic walking;
  • master methods interval training. Interval training is a good way to lose weight. It consists of alternating short-term intense loads with weak ones. For example, Nordic walking of average physical activity for 15 minutes is replaced by a simple fast step. Then they return to the main position. This type of training improves your metabolism.

Nordic walking is incredibly effective and accessible view sports

The benefits of Nordic walking are not limited to physiological indicators. Many fans of this type of fitness note positive changes in their mental state after a month of training:

  • there is no need to take antidepressants;
  • walks in the park area, squares, along the river evoke a feeling of unity with nature;
  • acceleration of hemodynamics contributes to the production of endorphins, which calm a person.

Is it possible to lose weight by doing Nordic walking - video


Nordic walking is contraindicated for the following diseases:

  • heart failure;
  • inflammation of the pelvic organs;
  • bleeding during pregnancy;
  • colds or acute infections;
  • arthrosis, arthritis and flat feet;
  • injuries of the shoulder joint and limbs;
  • hypotension;
  • scoliosis of the spine;
  • diabetes mellitus;

During the recovery period after surgery, you should also not engage in active walking.

Nordic walking technique with poles

The Nordic walking technique is simple - with the help of special poles you move like a skier, pushing off the ground.

Start training with a warm-up. A short-term exercise is performed, which includes bending to the sides, back and forth, stretching the legs and squats. Then check the fastenings on both poles.

The Nordic walking technique is as follows:

You should start training gradually. At first, fifteen minutes, three times a week, increasing the duration and speed of training. It’s a good idea to control the maximum permissible heart rate. For women it is calculated by subtracting age in years from the number 226, for men - from 220.

The company of like-minded people stimulates the habit of training - together it is easier to endure difficulties - many overweight people lack willpower. This is explained by the lack of muscle training and heavy sensations after the first workouts.

Complete lesson on Nordic walking for beginners - video

How to choose equipment

Poles must be durable, so you should choose models with a higher carbon content (20%). It is better to purchase equipment with replaceable tips in order to move comfortably on any surface: ice or snow require tips in the form of spikes, and a smooth surface requires rubber tips. Plastic parts wear out quickly, so their number in equipment should be minimal.

The poles should be securely fastened, lie comfortably in the hand, not slip and be light in weight. Equipment with plastic handles should be avoided.

There are two types of sticks:

  • telescopic - good to take with you on the road, since the poles fold up and take up little space;
  • monolithic ones are more reliable and safe, since this equipment does not have latches, which often fail.

Finnish walking poles must be selected individually

It is important to choose the desired length of poles; it is calculated individually. A person's height in centimeters is multiplied by 0.68 and rounded to a number that is divisible by 5.

For example, with a height of 180 cm - 180x0.68 = 122.4. Result = 120 cm - this is the required length of the stick.

How to choose poles - video

Moscow branch of the club “Let's Go Walking!!” began work to promote Nordic walking or Nordic Walking in the fall of 2012. During this time, we have come a long way from a few enthusiasts plowing the expanses of Moscow parks with sticks to the surprised looks and standard jokes of passers-by, to friendly team Nordic walking instructors and a large number of like-minded people. And we see our merit in the fact that Nordic walking in Moscow is gaining momentum and enjoys well-deserved respect.

Moscow instructors club "Let's go for a walk!" conduct regular Nordic (Finnish) walking classes in many parks, including Gorky Park, Tsaritsyno, Krylatskoye, Pokrovskoye-Streshnevo, Botanical Garden, VDNKh, Kuskovo, Kuzminki, Izmailovo, Fili, Serebryany Bor, Park of the 850th Anniversary of Moscow, Moscow State University, Sosenki, Kolomenskoye, Ekaterininsky, Festival, and the geography of classes is constantly expanding.

In addition, we regularly make forays into the immediate Moscow region on weekends, participate in club events in St. Petersburg and other cities, and travel with our favorite sticks around the country and abroad. Free master classes are held periodically.

We cooperate with various organizations that include classes with our trainers in their health, sports and leisure programs. We help you have an interesting and fun day of health and sports.

Our instructors will help you master the Nordic walking technique and also share their individual walking practices. healthy image life. These are breathing, health, dance, Chinese gymnastics, hardening and healthy eating. Classes are conducted both in groups and individually.

Successful use of the technique nordic walking V physical therapy is clear evidence of the effectiveness of such activities. If initially a man with ski poles attracted the attention of passers-by, today this no longer surprises anyone.

The very name of this type speaks of its origin: Nordic, Scandinavian, Finnish, Nordic walking. In order to stay fit during the off-season, Finnish skiers also train in the summer. This type of training became the basis of the Nordic walking method - physical activities according to a specific program using sticks.

Classes in this program have proven their effectiveness in rehabilitation courses. The success is due to the high health potential of the technique for health and its complex effect on the body. In humans, as a result of practicing Nordic walking:

  • the level of endurance increases;
  • blood supply to organs improves, risk decreases coronary disease, the functioning of the cardiovascular system is normalized;
  • disappear muscle spasms thanks to the elimination pain syndrome in any of the vertebral regions;
  • increases resistance to stress and depression;
  • blood pressure and sugar levels are normalized;
  • the level of cerebral blood supply increases;
  • weight loss (compared to other types of walking, Nordic walking ensures the burning of the greatest number of calories);
  • coordination of movements improves, an increased sense of balance is observed;
  • the functioning of the musculoskeletal system is normalized (helps fight various dysfunctions of the musculoskeletal system, returning a person to a full life);
  • energy consumption increases due to increased metabolism.

Distinctive features of Nordic walking

The use of special poles allows you to remove part of the load from own weight: the load on the joints of the legs and lumbar region is reduced by up to 35%. Traditional walking has a less effective effect on the body.

During training, a person leans on sticks, while his back remains straight. A muscle corset is formed around the spine, due to which the load on the intervertebral discs is reduced and their compression is reduced. As a result, there is a beneficial effect on the cartilage tissue covering the joints - its nutrition improves.

The following positive changes also occur in the body:

  • During training, all parts of the body are involved, that is, almost all muscles are worked out. For comparison: during running, 65% of the muscles work, swimming - the share of working muscles accounts for 45%, cycling - 42%, and Nordic walking - about 90%.
  • The work of all organs and systems is normalized. The volume of oxygen consumed increases due to increased load on the muscular system, which is 45% more compared to traditional walking.
  • Microcirculation and hemodynamics improve. Cardiac output increases.
  • Brain and heart activity are activated.

Nordic walking is successfully used as an element of rehabilitation medicine in a number of specialized medical institutions. Indicated for people during the recovery period after spinal injuries, lung diseases, who have undergone surgery on the musculoskeletal system, as well as after heart attacks.

Classes using this method are recommended for the following diseases: vegetative-vascular dystonia, arthrosis, orthopedic disorders, joint diseases, osteoporosis, osteochondrosis. It is advisable to practice Nordic walking to combat neuroses, insomnia, mild forms of depression, and excess weight.

Restrictions and contraindications

This type of training is unsafe in the following cases:

  • during the period of exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • a short period of time after surgery;
  • infections, high fever, pain;
  • hypertensive crisis;
  • inflammation of the musculoskeletal system;
  • dysfunction of organs;
  • diabetes in severe forms, thrombophlebitis;
  • angina pectoris;
  • cardiac, respiratory failure;
  • degenerative changes in the spine, leg joints.

Regardless of the complexity of the health problem, you must first consult with your doctor. You should not start classes unless you have received appropriate recommendations from a specialist.


The only equipment is poles. Basically, the requirements apply only to clothing. So it should be:

  • comfortable;
  • preference for natural fabrics, since they have the ability to absorb moisture and allow air to pass through;
  • waterproof (in rainy weather - a light windbreaker);
  • warm (in the cold season, it is better to wear a T-shirt, sweater/sweatshirt first, and a windbreaker on top - this is more reliable protection from the cold than one thing, even the warmest and thickest).

As for shoes, there are minor requirements for them: flexibility and good grip of the sole. Sneakers with thick, springy soles and a high, hard heel are optimal.

For Nordic walking, only special poles made of carbon fiber, composite materials or aluminum are used. They should be light, but durable, able to withstand heavy loads. At the ends of the sticks there is a point made of hard alloy, the presence of which is due to the need for additional adhesion to a slippery surface. The rubber tip on the tip helps soften the shock when walking on paved areas.

The lanyard has a special purpose - a wide removable belt. It is attached to the poles using buttons, and is fixed on the wrists with an overlap so as not to disrupt blood circulation. The strap comes with the poles and is designed to hold them when moving backwards and grip them when moving forward (that is, the handle can be released and then easily grabbed and leaned on).

Walking technique

The first phase of walking is the support phase, the second is the transfer phase. Distinctive feature The technique involves rolling the foot, which is unusual for many: the movement starts from the heel, then the foot drops to the tips of the toes. Basic Rules:

  1. First phase: first the foot is placed on the heel bone, then the back of the heel comes into contact with the surface, and finally the tips of the toes. That is, it is necessary to make a rolling movement with your foot. The second phase begins when the foot is in full contact with the surface - this leg becomes the supporting leg, and the second leg is transferred.
  2. To avoid problems with the health of the wrist joint, the hand that is pulled back should open after the push. At correct execution The stick is released and does not fall due to its secure attachment to the hand.
  3. If the poles are chosen correctly, they will not allow the spine to bend when moving, otherwise you need to purchase others, since the back must be straight.
  4. Breathing pattern: inhale for two steps, exhale for the next two. With a normal walking rhythm, you need to inhale through your nose, exhale through your mouth, when intensive training– inhale/exhale through the mouth.

You should move similarly to skiers: left leg works during the swing right hand, and vice versa. Steps in width are adjusted by swinging your arms forward/backward. A wide amplitude is recommended for those who exercise for the purpose of losing weight, since in this case the load on the body increases.

In order for the load to be distributed evenly, it is necessary to follow the walking technique and use poles of the required length. During training with poles that are unsuitable for this parameter, the joints and spine experience increased stress.

Formula for determining the length of sticks:

  • walking pace is low (beginner, recovering person, “health” group) – height x0.66;
  • average walking pace (fitness group) - height x0.68;
  • walking pace is high (trained person, “sport” group) - height x0.7.

Values ​​may be rounded by 1-2 cm in any direction. Sticks are divided into two types: fixed length and retractable telescopic (2-3 links), the latter are recommended to be chosen if the purchase will be made in an online store.

Duration and place of training

You can practice Nordic walking anywhere in the fresh air. Training on rugged terrain with weights is more effective.

In other matters, such as intensity, pace and duration of training, everything depends on individual characteristics. The best option is at least three times a week for half an hour. Daily training is also allowed, but lasting one hour. You should not overload your body. Nordic walking will provide the most important thing - good health, fit and beautiful body.

It is one of the most dynamically developing types of fitness in the world, which is widely used, including in specialized medical, rehabilitation, health and spa centers.

The professional training program “Nordic (health-improving) walking instructor” is built taking into account the latest Western achievements in the field of fitness, health improvement and rehabilitation and is based on world experience in the use of Nordic walking, in particular in Germany.

The program consists of three parts: theoretical, practical and independent work (fixative). The main emphasis of the program is on the practical part, which takes place in nature. The training takes place in an interactive format and is built through the participants’ own motor experience.


The main topics of the program “Instructor of health (Nordic) walking. Full course."

1 day Basic technique(initial training)
Practice 10.00 – 12.00
Theory 12.00 – 16.00 (30 min break)

1. The history of walking with sticks. Development in the world, in Russia.
. The main differences from other types of fitness and practices. - S. Meshcheryakov
3. Preparation for instructor classes (equipment, routes, recommendations to clients, training plan).
4. Methods of teaching walking techniques with poles (entry level).
5. Analysis of the main errors and methods for eliminating them.
6. Practical questions gathering groups and searching for clients

Until 17:00 your questions

Day 2 Basic technique (training methodology)
Practice 10.00 – 12.00
Theory 13.00 – 16.00

1. Lecture by the doctor of rehabilitation medicine T. Meshcheryakova (13.00 – 14.30)

2. Lecture by A. Poletaeva “Features of the practice of healthy walking by type of physical limitations” - practical experience (14.30 – 15.30)

Until 17:00 your questions

Day 3 Different kinds training (complications, additional equipment)
Practice 10.00 – 12.00
Theory 12 – 16.00 h

1. Various types of training according to goals (training for the prepared):

complications and increased load;

training of physical qualities;

general health;

weight loss

2. Features of Nordic walking training for different clients age groups: children, teenagers, adults, elderly people

3. Psychological aspects of group work and individual lessons

4. How to open and promote your club

5. Marketing aspects of promoting a Nordic walking club

6. Test on the material covered

Expand your professional skills, become a Nordic walking instructor and open your own business.

What the program gives:

  • Expands the motor range of participants and opens up new opportunities for professional development;
  • Will allow you to diversify and strengthen the programs of fitness centers, medical and rehabilitation centers, sanatorium-resort complexes and recreation centers;
  • It is an excellent basis for starting your own business - opening a Nordic walking club. During training, such participants are additionally given recommendations on how to successfully open, promote and run their club.
  • Free consultations with Anastasia Poletaeva via Skype (the number and procedure for provision are discussed individually)
  • Free participation in the online course “How to open your own Nordic walking club”
  • Discounts on school equipment

Who is the program for:

For professionals and not only: professional fitness instructors, physical therapy doctors, specialists in sanatorium-resort complexes, orthopedists, kinesiotherapists and everyone who leads an active lifestyle and is interested in modern techniques in the field of fitness and movement practices.

Form of study:

The program consists of three parts: theoretical, practical and independent work. The theory is presented in the form of lectures, which, in addition to Nordic walking specialists, are also given by professional rehabilitation doctors. The practical part takes place daily for 2-3 hours.
Attention! First day of the Express Course program



16,900 rub.- an advance payment of 3,000 rubles is required for registration.

Price for the first day of training: 7100 rub

(a certificate "Instructor in Nordic (health-improving) walking. Express course" is issued)

Price for the second and third days of training: RUB 9,300. (a certificate of advanced training is issued for those who have completed training at the school)

Photo: Press service of the Mayor and Government of Moscow. Evgeniy Samarin

Anyone can attend free training sessions with a mentor until the end of summer in one of the four natural areas of Moscow.

This summer everyone will be able to attend Nordic walking classes for free in the company of a certified trainer. They are conducted by the State Budgetary Institution “Mospriroda”. You can practice Nordic walking in one of four green areas: in Lianozovsky and Bitsevsky parks, as well as in the Troparevo recreation area and in the natural park near the Yauza River.

“This sport is gaining increasing popularity among outdoor enthusiasts. Mospriroda conducts classes in the green oases of Moscow - in specially protected natural areas. Classes are held all year round,” said Mospriroda.

Training in Lianozovsky Park takes place on Mondays and Wednesdays from 09:00 to 10:00, participants gather in the alley near the park administration building. For those who want to practice race walking in the park near the Yauza River, training takes place on weekdays from 09:00 to 10:00. Start at the stadium of the Yauza sports and recreation complex.

You can attend training in the Troparevo recreation area on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 09:30 to 10:30. Meeting at the address: Academician Vinogradova Street, building 12. In Bitsevsky Park you can practice Nordic walking for free on Mondays and Thursdays from 11:00 to 12:00. Participants gather at 10:30 at the gates of the Church of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul.

In addition, to World Day Nordic walking, May 24, the Department of Environmental Management will hold a series of classes for pensioners as part of the Moscow Longevity project.

All Mospriroda trainers have a certificate from the International Nordic Walking Federation. The Department noted that 20 specialists received such certificates. Training will take place in Troparevsky Park, Zelenograd, South and North Butovo, as well as in the natural area of ​​Kuzminki Park.

In each natural area, trainers will conduct two hour-long classes. In Zelenograd, classes will begin at 09:00 and end at 11:00, participants will gather at the address: building 1002, territory of the motor town, near Shkolnoye Lake, 10th microdistrict. In South Butovo classes will start at 10:00 and end at 12:00. Participants will gather near the Skobelevskaya Street metro station (the Skobelevskaya Street public transport stop on Polyany Street, on the side of the forest park).

Nordic walking training in Troparevsky Park starts at 11:00 and ends at 13:00, participants gather at house 12 on Academician Vinogradov Street. In Northern Butovo, classes are scheduled from 12:00 to 14:00 (meeting at the entrance to the park at the intersection of Dmitry Donskoy Boulevard and Academician Glushko Street). You can attend classes in Kuzminki Park from 13:00 to 15:00, participants will gather at the address: Kuzminskaya Street, building 10. In Bitsevsky Park, classes will begin on Akademika Kapitsa Street, opposite building 10.

Pensioners can take up Nordic walking at any time by joining the Moscow Longevity project. This is a project of the Moscow Government for older citizens who want to realize themselves and get new opportunities for active leisure activities. It is for them that a network of clubs and sections has been created in various areas - from dancing and singing to home economics and computer literacy courses. You can sign up for an interesting section near your home at any social service center. All classes are held free of charge.