
The best points. Recovery after a course of steroids. Causes of muscle loss

Testosterone propionate (slang name “prop”, “propic”) – anabolic steroid, is the fastest ether testosterone. This drug is quite popular among athletes. power types sports, and is especially in demand in bodybuilding. Among athletes, propionate is considered a relatively mild steroid.

Many athletes will grab testosterone propionate from Farmak; the drug from this manufacturer is of fairly high quality, and besides, it can be purchased at the pharmacy (which drug is more reliable: the one bought at the pharmacy or from an unknown dealer?).

Testosterone propionate course

Propionate is used both “during cutting” and during weight gain. Since this drug retains less water in the body than other testosterone esters and also promotes fat burning, athletes use it mainly during cutting.

Propik allows you to increase muscle mass, blocks catabolic effects, increases strength and improves body definition. Due to the fact that this drug retains water in small quantities, the increase muscle mass occurs gradually and evenly, and the muscles themselves are of sufficient quality and dry. Even a light solo course, for a period of 6-8 weeks, 50 mg every other day, will allow a beginner to gain 2-3 kg of quality meat.

Once ingested, propionate is quickly absorbed, raising the level of anabolic hormones in the blood. Literally 3-4 hours after the injection you can feel cheerful and energized. The maximum concentration in the blood of this drug occurs 24-36 hours after injection.

However, propik also quickly reduces its activity. Its half-life is 1-2 days, so after this period the level of anabolic hormones will rapidly decrease. In this regard, propic injections must be performed daily or every other day.

It is this feature (short period of action) that sets this drug apart from other popular anabolic steroids, such as: testosterone enanthate, testosterone cypionate, Sustanon, omnadren etc..

Many athletes, especially beginners, have a negative attitude towards propionate due to the high frequency of injections. Indeed, this causes some discomfort, but propionate injections (provided they are performed correctly and a high-quality drug is available!) are painless and do not cause any discomfort in the future. For example, if after an injection of testosterone enanthate an athlete can feel a “foreign body” at the 5th point at the injection site for another week, then after the injection, literally 6-8 hours later, there is no discomfort or pain.

Also, the advantage of the short period of action of propionate is that in case of an allergy to the drug, or other unforeseen circumstances, the athlete simply stops performing injections, and literally after 2 days the propionate “dissipates” from the body.

How to take testosterone propionate

Most often, a course of testosterone propionate lasts 6-8 weeks. Since propik aromatizes, from the 2nd week until the end of the course it is advisable to take aromatase inhibitors or Proviron. This will help avoid estrogen side effects, such as gynecomastia, swelling, etc.

For experienced athletes, working dosages start at 100 mg per day, but for beginners, 50 mg every other day is quite enough.

Propic goes well with almost all speakers. For drying it should be combined with stanozolol, turinabol and other drugs that do not retain fluid in the body, by weight with methane, soundboard, etc..

This table shows examples of popular courses using testosterone propionate. Do not forget that the dosage of drugs must be selected individually, taking into account the characteristics of the body and the final purpose of use.

PCT after testosterone propionate

After completing the course, 2-3 days later you should take tests in order to assess the state of the hormonal system. Usually post cycle therapy after propionate it is carried out tamoxifeom or Clomid. It is also advisable to drink testosterone boosters(tribulus, or its pharmaceutical analogues), omega-3.

Don’t forget to stick to proper nutrition, consume enough protein (1.5-2 grams per 1 kg of body), train hard and competently, and sleep well. If possible, take additional sports nutrition (protein, gainer, amino acids etc.).

Testosterone propionate side effects

Due to the fact that propik aromatizes quite strongly, athletes may experience estrogen side effects, such as gynecomastia, acne, etc.), read more about side effects in the article: “ Anabolic steroids: side effects". However, compared to other testosterone esters (for example: sustanon, enanthate), the incidence of side effects of propionate is lower, and drugs such as aromatase inhibitors, antiestrogens, gonadotropin will significantly minimize them.

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The website provides information for informational purposes only. IronSet does not sell or encourage the use of potent substances, including anabolic steroids. This information was collected from publicly available sources and cannot serve as a basis for making a decision on the use of certain drugs. The information presented on the site does not encourage the use or distribution of potent substances.

To control the level of these hormones, special medications must be used, but testosterone production still slows down in most cases. After stopping the use of anabolic steroids, athletes need to as soon as possible restore the synthesis of the male hormone and return the body to its previous performance. It is for this reason that a rehabilitation therapy plan should be drawn up before starting steroid use. But in some situations, starting PCT may not be the best idea. Today we invite you to get acquainted with the unique alphabet of PCT in bodybuilding.

What should you expect from PCT?

We have already said that restorative therapy aims to accelerate the synthesis of testosterone and help the body recover. However, you must understand that no matter how correctly the PCT plan is drawn up, it will not be possible to return the concentration of natural hormones to normal.

In addition, if anabolic steroids were used “by eye” and the pituitary arch received serious damage, then there is no PCT that can help in this situation. But in any case, completing the course of AAS and restoring the body is based on the principle of the reverse response, and here restorative therapy should have a stimulating effect on the secretion of luteinizing and follicle-stimulating hormones. It is these substances that regulate the rate of testosterone production.

If you do not have a pre-drawn plan for rehabilitation therapy, the body may take more than one year to recover. At the same time, you should also remember the powerful hormonal stress in which the body is under low testosterone concentrations. Everyone understands that this does not bode well.

If you start PCT, you will noticeably speed up your recovery. Even if the concentration of hormones does not reach normal values ​​during this period, you should bring these indicators to a level where the male hormone will be sufficient to fulfill its role and continue to increase.

Implementation of the rehabilitation therapy plan

The start of rehabilitation therapy should correspond to the end of taking anabolic steroids. This is a truism and is not subject to discussion. However, there is one caveat here. When you want to stop using steroids for a short period of time, recovery therapy may become undesirable and will only increase the stress placed on the body.

You must remember that it is very important to limit stress. If you plan to quickly start a new AAS cycle, then performing PCT loses all meaning. Judge for yourself why restore the level of endogenous hormones when their production will be suppressed again in the near future. This will be an even bigger shock to your body.

If you decide that you will give yourself a break from anabolic steroids for at least three months, then you should think about rehabilitative therapy. If your break is shorter, then you do not need PCT. Moreover, all the mass lost during this pause will be quickly returned during the new cycle. When your vacation will be three months or more, you should definitely draw up a rehabilitation therapy plan. At the same time, you must understand that when we talk about a pause between courses, this should not include the time of the rehabilitation therapy itself.

How to perform PCT?

You can use different cycles of AAS using any drug that suits your goals. With rehabilitation therapy the situation is different. You must take Clomid or Tamoxifen. They are not only able to reduce the concentration of estradiol, but also restore testosterone levels.

In addition, depending on the dosage of anabolic steroids and the duration of the steroid cycle, you may need Gonadotropin. This hormone directly affects the testicles, imitating the work of luteinizing hormone. Moreover, it should be used during the course itself, most often this is done at the final stage of the cycle three weeks before its completion. If Gonadotropin is used in large quantities or for a long time (more than three weeks), it can cause harm to the pituitary arch.

An alternative to this drug can be Somatotropin. It will be able to protect the muscles from destruction. But growth hormone must be taken for a long time, and if your recovery therapy lasts several weeks, then it will not be beneficial. If you used Somatotropin during the AAS cycle, then continue to do so during rehabilitation therapy in similar dosages.

Let's move on to the use of antiestrogens. You must remember that the time to start rehabilitation therapy depends on the anabolic steroids used in the course. When at least one long-acting ester has been used, start PCT no earlier than two weeks after the last steroid injection. If the half-life of the steroids was short, then you can start PCT within a couple of days.

Clomid and Tamoxifen are similar in many ways, and it is impossible to say which drug is more effective. However, differences in dosage exist. Optimal daily dose Tamoxifen is 40 milligrams, and Clomid is 150. The drugs must be taken for at least 14 days. To monitor the progress of the body’s recovery, it is advisable to do tests and then you will understand when you can complete rehabilitation therapy.

For more information about the rules for conducting PCT, see here:

Pct after the course

What is “PCT” (post-cycle therapy) and how to do it correctly?

This article is part 1 - restoration of hormonal levels, a little later I will write part 2, restoration of other indicators (lipid profile, liver, kidneys, etc.).

PCT is a set of measures taken to reduce side effects from the course and speed up the recovery of the body. This also helps minimize rollback (loss of results).

The main drugs that promote recovery

Antiestrogens (there are 2 classes of them)

Aromatase inhibitors (eg, anastrazole)

It must be taken during the course in order to prevent aromatization of some drugs. Everyone’s body reacts to different dosages, so for some, 250 mg of testosterone will already have increased estrogen, while for others, even 1000 mg will have nothing. It is necessary to take tests to control the situation. If you notice that you are heavily “flooded” with water, signs of gynecomastia appear, you need to get tested for estradiol and, based on the data obtained, start taking anastrazole 0.5 mg every other day.

Estrogen receptor blockers (eg, tamoxifen, clomiphene citrate)

Helps restore your own testosterone levels after a cycle. This group of drugs is the basis for PCT, and they must be taken after a course of any severity. Beginners believe that after a burst of methane there is no need to recover, this is a grave mistake. Any drug reduces your testosterone to 0.
If during the course you used drugs such as nandrolone and trenbolone, then doing PCT with tamoxifen is prohibited, because this will increase progestin activity, and you will increase side effects instead of help. In this case, take only Clomid for recovery.
Start taking medications only after the drugs have completely worn off. Not after the last injection of long ether, but after its half-life. If, for example, there was a course of testosterone enanthate, Clomid should be taken 2-3 weeks after the last injection.

hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin)

Helps prevent testicular atrophy. Used for long courses of more than 8 weeks. It is important to use it either in the middle of the course, if the course itself is longer than 12 weeks, or if the course was 6-8 weeks, then it is used after the last injection of the long ester. It is important to put it not after the course, but at the end. For example, you were on testosterone enanthate for 2 months. The half-life of this drug is 2 weeks. So we start administering hCG after the last enanthate injection and for 2-3 weeks.

Cabergoline (agalates, bergolak, dostinex)

Prolactin secretion inhibitor. It is used in a course of drugs with progestin activity - trenbolone, nandrolone. These drugs increase prolactin levels, which in turn produces many side effects. Dosage 0.25 mg once every 4 days while taking progestin medications.

How to take these drugs for literate pct

Clomiphene citrate

Take 2 weeks at a dosage of 100 mg and 2 weeks at 50 mg.


2 weeks of 40 mg and 2 weeks of 20 mg

Bergolak, agalates

If, after taking tests 3 weeks after the last injection of long ester, the prolactin level is elevated, then you need to take 0.25 mg every 4 days for a month, simultaneously with taking Clomid.


5 injections of 1000 units. once every 3 days. If you took hCG in the middle of the course, then at the end of the course it is no longer required.

I didn’t even write about all sorts of testosterone boosters like Tribulus, since this is all marketing clean water, and the effectiveness of these drugs is close to zero. There is no need to spend money on this nonsense, the price of this supplement will cover your entire full-fledged item.

Friends, take care of your health, you have only one, but there are many stupid advisers. Never take a course without sufficient funds for regular tests and medications. Read more information and always do everything wisely. If you don’t have time to read or are just lazy, then contact competent people, but don’t ask hucksters for advice, because it’s in their interest to sell you as much as possible and they don’t care about your health.

Good day, dear readers of the sports blog sportivs. Since recently, in view of your interests, I began to publish articles on pharmacology, I would like to talk about such a topic as post-cycle therapy after steroids. This is extremely necessary, because correct PCT will allow you to maintain the gained weight, cleanse the liver and the body as a whole. Let's go.

What is it used for?

In the world of bodybuilding there is such a phenomenon - kickback. It is accompanied by a decrease in gained mass and a deterioration in strength indicators. This happens upon completion of the course. For the most part, a course of anabolic steroids contains testosterone, a male sex hormone that affects muscle growth. As a result, hormonal levels are disrupted due to the entry of artificial testosterone into the body, which is why natural testosterone ceases to be produced in proper quantities.

Post-cycle therapy will help improve hormonal balance and stop the transformation of testosterone into the female sex hormone - estrogen. If PCT is not done, a number of side effects and diseases may occur.

The most common are acne, testicular atrophy, impaired male libido, excessive flooding, and gynecomastia. These are only the most popular ones, but now think about whether you need all of this. This is why post-cycle therapy is necessary.

When to do PCT

Post-cycle therapy should be taken after all steroids have left the body. Oral drugs - steroids in tablets are eliminated from the body in about 24 hours. However, injectable steroids have a longer half-life. After Winstrol and methane, PCT begins after one day.

  • After PCT, you should start 14 days after the last injection.
  • PCT after testosterone is taken depending on the testosterone ester. If the broadcast is long, then after 10-12 days, if the broadcast is short, then 3 days.
  • – it is also a combination of 4 testosterone esters that takes the longest to be removed from the body. Therefore, it is recommended to do PCT after Sustanon 21 days later.

What to use as PCT

Clomid or tamoxifen is almost always used. These drugs help cleanse the liver. They are also estrogen receptor blockers. Now I’ll tell you how this happens. Throughout the course, when testosterone enters the body in artificial form, it ceases to produce its own in the required quantities, because if it comes from outside, why try and produce more of your own?

However, after that? Once the course ends and there is no artificial testosterone, it is difficult for your own to recover and begin to synthesize production back. In its place, estrogen receptors begin to actively work. To ensure that there is no female sex hormone in the body, drugs such as Clomid and Tamoxifen are taken.

The dosages of these drugs depend on the complexity and duration of the course.

If you used a weak oral one - for example, turinabol, then after it 1 tablet is enough for 14 days. To return your own testosterone levels to normal, you can use gonadotropin. Many professional athletes use Proviron as an androgen.

In terms of its composition and cost, tamoxifen is better than Clomid. However, it is not recommended for use in cycles that included nandrolone and trenbolone, as it will be the main factor in increasing side effects.

If you notice excessive waterlogging, acne or gynecomastia, then estrogen receptors are used. In this case, you need to start taking anastrazole - it will help get rid of these unpleasant side effects.

To gently exit the course, you need to properly combine post-course therapy with sleep, proper nutrition and training. Very often, athletes make the main bet on steroids, thereby reducing physical activity. This is stupid. Playing sports should be fun and you should be completely dedicated to it. In general, I do not recommend using steroids unless you are preparing to compete in bodybuilding or powerlifting.

Nowadays, without pharmacology, it is not possible to become a bodybuilder who is able to win awards on stage. If you work out for yourself, then believe me, you can achieve incredible results thanks to complete dedication, discipline and, of course, desire. Eat right, choose the right program workouts, use sports nutrition.

Well, our next article has come to an end. If you liked the information, do not forget to share it on social networks with your friends. Leave comments and suggestions - they will help the blog develop. Finally, I recommend watching the interesting video that I attached. Be healthy and have a nice summer.

Goals and objectives of the FCT

First and main task PCT is the restoration of the production of both your own testosterone (ideally, after the “cycle”, the level of your own “dough” should even increase slightly) and spermatogenesis (however, fertility is sometimes preserved even during a very difficult “cycle”).

An equally important task can be considered to normalize the ratio of testosterone and estradiol levels (let me remind you: this norm lies in the range from 200:1 to 300:1). Strictly speaking, this ratio should eventually fall within the normal limits on its own, but the process can be accelerated.

Task number three is to reduce the level of cortisol - a hormone that can easily multiply all our achievements by zero. That is, we will try to maintain what we have achieved during the “course”. Finally, last - on the list, but not least - is maintaining libido at the proper level, which may weaken somewhat at the end of the “course”.

It is also impossible not to mention the restoration of the normal functioning of other systems of our body, in particular the liver, but this issue is beyond the scope of this article.


Use in high dosages for a long time during a period when LH levels are within normal limits can lead to desensitization (reduced sensitivity) of Leidig cells. Which is no better than lowering LH levels. That is, long-term use of this hormone to increase sports results at a time when the athlete's testosterone levels are within normal limits, can be counterproductive.

It’s worth talking about one more thing: many doctors believe that periodically “stimulating” the production of your own testosterone during a “course” of AAS can subsequently facilitate the recovery procedure. In the above-mentioned article, I wrote that I do not consider the use of gonadotropin during the “cycle” to be vital; I still adhere to this opinion - so far there is no reliable evidence of the positive effect of gonadotropin used during the “course” of AAS on the rate of restoration of the production of one’s own testosterone. But, nevertheless, I agree that 2-3 small-volume (500-1000 IU) injections of gonadotropin every 6-8 weeks of a long “course” or 2 weeks before the end of a medium-length “course” may not be superfluous.

In the vast majority of cases, gonadotropin alone is sufficient to restore both the production of your own testosterone and spermatogenesis (in this case I do not mean the use of selective estrogen receptor modulators - SERMs, such as Clomid or tamoxifen: it is mandatory). In particular severe cases However, it may be necessary to use menotropin, a very, very expensive drug, together with gonadotropin.

Antiestrogens and prolactin secretion inhibitors


SERMs are selective estrogen receptor modulators. This class usually includes (clomiphene citrate) and, although recently some new drugs have appeared here, such as toremifene, for example. Both Clomid and tamoxifen (we will talk only about these two drugs) stimulate the secretion of luteinizing hormone by gonadotropic cells. Clomid copes with this task somewhat better, in addition, it does not have the pronounced suppression of IGF-1 secretion in the liver, which is observed with tamoxifen. On the other hand, tamoxifen has the ability to increase the number of specific LH receptors, which Clomid does not have. In addition, tamoxifen has much higher anti-estrogenic activity (especially for the hypothalmus and pituitary gland).

In general, doctors usually include both drugs in the recovery course. We will do exactly the same.

Aromatase inhibitors

SERMs do not help reduce estradiol levels - they only block its action. prevent the formation of estradiol from testosterone.

In fact, the use of aromatase inhibitors is not so necessary - the level of estradiol in the blood of men will return to normal on its own along with the regulation (first a decrease, then an increase) of testosterone levels. At a time when estradiol levels remain too high, its action will be blocked by SERMs.

But if you want to play it safe or speed up the process, you can use one of the aromatase inhibitors in last week“course” and in the first week after its completion (half a tablet every other day will be quite enough).

Prolactin and inhibitors of its secretion

Prolactin is dangerous, first of all, by suppressing the secretion of its own testosterone. That is, after the “course,” the level of your own testosterone may, despite all the tricks, never recover if your prolactin level is consistently elevated. Elevated levels of prolactin affect libido and spermatogenesis - not for the better, of course.

To combat prolactin, you can use anti-estrogenic drugs during the “course”, but you can, having found out that your level of this hormone is either elevated or simply close to the upper limit, use one of the inhibitors of prolactin secretion - bromocriptine or cabergoline. I won’t talk about them in detail - anyone who wants to can refer to the above article. I will only say that it is advisable to lower the prolactin level BEFORE PCT STARTS.


It can not only reduce estradiol levels. It can increase libido and stimulate spermatogenesis (however, for this you need to take 3 tablets a day throughout the entire spermatogenesis cycle, that is, 90 days). So it is quite possible to include it in our arsenal, although it is still impossible to call Proviron an obligatory element of PCT.

The most important component of the complex for us in this case is zinc, a microelement, the amount of which in the body decreases under conditions of intensive training. And low zinc levels lead to an increase in the number of estrogen receptors in the body and a decrease in the number of androgen receptors. In addition, with a low level of zinc, the aromatization process is facilitated, that is, the testosterone / estradiol ratio sharply shifts towards the latter. In any case, we need zinc. Especially during the recovery period after the “course”.

Vitamin D

Stimulates testosterone secretion and also inhibits aromatization. It is always needed, but especially during the PCT period.

D-aspartic acid

One of those supplements that can be called absolutely useful. D-aspartic acid helps increase luteinizing hormone levels, meaning it can be used as a supplement to (but not as a replacement for) SERMs.

Eurycoma longifolia

This is basically an aphrodisiac, that is, a drug designed to increase. But it can also help restore the secretion of your own testosterone. With regard to Eurycoma, it has been reliably established exactly how its extract helps increase testosterone levels: the matter is in the activity of the substance 13-alpha (21) epoxy-eurycomanone, which increases both the level of luteinizing and follicle-stimulating hormones. Again, this is not a replacement for the core components of PCT, but rather an addition that may provide some benefit.

Spermatogenesis stimulants

Spermatogenesis is stimulated not only by proviron. Drugs such as “Fortege” and “Speman”, based on plant components, can somewhat “spur” spermatogenesis and increase the speed of metabolic processes in the body.

Did you find any vitamin E here, which is considered to be the “reproduction vitamin”? The fact is that the ability of tocopherol to stimulate spermatogenesis and increase sperm motility remains unproven. Should I use vitamin E simply as an antioxidant? For this there is the best means. And in general, the usefulness of this vitamin is greatly exaggerated (especially since it should not be taken in those “elephant” dosages that many manufacturers offer). So it definitely won't be on my list.

Fight cortisol

The problem is that the level of cortisol constantly increases during the course in response to a decrease in its effectiveness (AAS molecules block cortisol receptors). It is precisely in order to protect the muscles nurtured during the AAS “course” from destruction (and very often this destruction can be such that no stone will be left unturned from your achievements), all kinds of “bridges” are built.

Means of combating cortisol (drugs with anti-catabolic activity) include:

  • and anabolic steroids
  • growth factors


If your primary goal is to restore the production of your own testosterone and LH levels, you will have to forget about the use of any drugs belonging to the class of androgens and anabolic steroids.

If you are ready to sacrifice the speed of recovery processes, but do not agree to give up a single gram of muscle mass gained, you can use either those drugs that affect the production of your own testosterone to the least extent ( - 20-30 mg/day, - 200 mg/week. ), or use an intermittent AAS regimen, which is described in detail here.


One of the most powerful anti-catabolics. The problem is that insulin is also a powerful anabolic agent for fat tissue. If the prospect of gaining some fat scares you much less than the prospect of losing some muscle, use it during the recovery period DAILY (one injection per day) or every other day (two injections throughout the day). Injections should be small in volume - 5-10 IU. It is better to give one injection in the morning after waking up, the second (if two are planned) - immediately after the end of the workout.

I would like to warn you: the duration of insulin use when used daily should not exceed one month.

Growth hormone, fragment and IGF-1

Another good anti-catabolic when it comes to muscles. At the same time it stimulates adipose tissue. Growth hormone works in synergy with insulin to promote growth muscle tissue, so the two peptides can be used together. Again: one small injection (2 IU) should be administered in the morning after waking up, the second after training.

There are also growth hormone secretion stimulants - for our purposes they can also be used (instead of growth hormone). A combination of CJC-1295 DAC (0.5-1 mg 2 times a week) and one of the GHRP group peptides (2-3 times a day 100-150 mcg) will give very good results.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the “fragment” - the HGH Frag 176-191 peptide. It has both anti-catabolic abilities (muscles) and the ability to stimulate lipolysis very well (in fact, this is its main purpose). Unlike growth hormone, the “fragment” does not have anabolic abilities. Using it in conjunction with insulin is not only pointless, but also contraindicated - the latter will reduce the performance of the “fragment” to almost zero.

Finally, it is worth mentioning growth factors. From my point of view, the use of MFR is preferable (assuming that you somehow miraculously managed to get a quality drug) - it attaches much better to specific IGF-1 receptors in muscle tissue than IGF-1 itself.


Clenbuterol, in general, is a fairly mediocre fat burner, but a fairly good anti-catabolic. So it is quite possible to include it in the general scheme. You can take 80 mcg every other day (for example, on days when you are not planning to use insulin).


This (essentially a neuropeptide, that is, a type of protein molecule formed in nervous system) I have not experienced it either on myself or on my students. But it has a rich clinical history, so certain conclusions can be drawn about the performance of DSIP in the direction we are interested in.

In theory, DSIP can:

  • Reduce the level of (-ACTH) and block its release into the blood. ACTH is the hormone that directly affects the secretion of cortisol (and others).
  • Stimulate the secretion of luteinizing hormone.
  • Stimulate the secretion of somatoliberin and somatotropin and suppress the secretion of somatostatin. That is, it helps to increase the level of growth hormone in the body.

Is everything just great? Not so much. Let me start with the fact that DSIP was sold for some time in pharmacies in both Ukraine and Russia under the name “Deltaran” (in fact, “Deltaran” was created in Russia). If I'm not mistaken, the registration certificate of the drug in Ukraine expired in 2009; registration was not renewed. Deltaran also disappeared from Russian pharmacies. Why?

It turned out that in the doses recommended by the manufacturer of Deltaran, the drug has no effect at all. That is, it is, in fact, a dummy. Sellers of peptide preparations recommend diluting DSIP with water and instilling it into the nasal passage. But at the same time, the effectiveness of the drug is greatly reduced. The recommended dose of 1 mg per day is not that cheap and will not lead to any visible results.

Which one will lead? Approximately 3-5 mg per day when administered intravenously. Not only is it very expensive (growth hormone is cheaper), but also the safety of such a dose is very much in question.

In general, DSP is the kind of drug that you can look at and click your tongue at. And then just put it out of your head.

Practical implementation of the above

The “classical” procedure for recovery after a “course” of AAS can be, for example, like this (it is assumed that the duration of the “course” was 6-12 weeks, rather “heavy” drugs were used).

Basic procedure

  • Gonadotropin - 2500 IU every third day for three weeks
  • Clomid - 150 mg in the first 3-5 days, then 50 mg per day for five weeks
  • Tamoxifen - 20 mg per day for five weeks
  • Proviron - 75 mg per day for 3-5 weeks (if necessary; in case of serious impairment of spermatogenesis, Proviron will need to be taken for 90 days at the indicated dosage)
  • Vitamin D, ZMA - throughout the entire recovery period in the dosages recommended by the manufacturer
  • D-aspartic acid, Eurycoma longifolia - as needed in the dosages recommended by the manufacturer

As for long and extra-long “courses,” recovery after them can last longer, sometimes significantly (up to six months). In addition, it is quite possible, along with gonadotropin (and in higher dosages - up to 5000 IU every 2-3 days), to use the very expensive drug menotropin. But let's hope that this is not about us.


It is assumed that we do not use AAS in this case. In this case, our “bridge” might look something like this:

  • Insulin - 5-10 IU twice a day (every other day)
  • - 1 mg twice a week
  • - 2-3 minutes
  • total training duration - 30-35 minutes
  • number of training sessions per week - 3

Must be excluded - only allowed hiking. During the recovery period, you should get good sleep - the magnesium contained in ZMA will help normalize sleep. As for nutrition, baked goods and simple sugars should be completely excluded.