
Regulations on holding school chess competitions. Regulations on the chess tournament Regulations of the school chess championship

on holding the Moscow Chess Championship 2018 (semi-final)
among boys and girls under 11, 13 years old, boys under 15 years old.

(Sports discipline code number 0880012811Ya)

- Selection of the strongest to participate in the finals of the Moscow Chess Championship 2018 among boys and girls under 11, 13 years old, boys under 15 years old.
- Further popularization and development of children's chess in Moscow;
- Improving the skills of young chess players.

The general management of the competition is carried out by: Public organization - the Moscow Chess Federation (hereinafter referred to as SHFM) and Moskomsport.
The actual conduct of the competition is entrusted to local panels of judges. Main judges:
SSHOR No. 54 - Perevertkin V.V. SVK
RGSU - Akhmetov A.Z. SVK
Chess club named after. T.V. Petrosyan - Reshetnikov E.A. SVK
School of Anatoly Karpov - Plotnikov P.A. SVK
Palace - Fokin S.S. SVK
“The Thinker” Butovo - Volkova E.I. SVK

The competition is held in accordance with the Rules of the sport "chess", approved by Order of the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation No. 654 dated July 17, 2017, as amended by Order of the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation No. 1087 dated December 19, 2017 and not contradicting the FIDE Rules of the Game of Chess. The behavior of participants is regulated by the current Regulations “On sports sanctions in the sport of chess” and in accordance with the requirements of the current Regulations on interregional and all-Russian official sports competitions in chess.
Tournaments are held with the calculation of the Russian rating.
Semi-final competitions are held in the following age categories:
Boys and girls under 11 years old (born in 2009 and younger), boys and girls under 13 years old (born in 2007-2008), boys under 15 years old (born in 2005-2006).
In the age group up to 15 years (girls), up to 17 years (boys and girls), up to 19 years (boys and girls), only final competitions are held.
The semi-final competitions are held according to the Swiss system in 7 rounds using the Swissmanager computer draw.
Time control: 50 minutes +10 sec. on the go.
Late arrivals for tours are permitted no more than 30 minutes. A participant who is late for the round by more than 30 minutes, or who does not show up at all, receives a “minus”, while his opponent receives a “plus”.
In case of failure to appear for a round without a valid reason, the athlete is excluded from the tournament and from the draw.

Brief information on the semi-finals:

Group Yu-15:
1. Sh/kl. T. Petrosyan (Bolshaya Dmitrovka str. 11 building 2), Teatralnaya metro station,
Okhotny Ryad - October 6, 7, 13 and 14: from 16.00. Pre-registration by e-mail is required: [email protected]
Confirmation of participation on October 6 from 15.00 to 15.45

Group M-13. There are 4 semi-finals:
Confirmation of participation on October 19 from 16.15 to 16.45
2. MCSHOS RGSU (V. Pika St., 4, building 3, room 300), metro Botanical Garden - October 25, 26, 27, 28: on weekdays from 16.00, on weekends from 11.00. Pre-registration by e-mail: [email protected].

3. SSHOR No. 54 (Perovo) (Federative Ave., 37b), Novogireevo metro station - October 20, 21, 27 and 28 from 15.00. Pre-registration is required by e-mail: [email protected]

4. School named after. M. Botvinnik (Palace) (Kosygina St., 17, building 8), metro station Leninsky Prospekt, Vorobyovy Gory - October 4, 5, 6 and 7: from 12.00. Pre-registration is required by e-mail: [email protected]
Confirmation of participation on October 4th from 11.15 to 11.45

Group D-13. 1 semi-final is held:
1. School named after. A. Karpova (Khoroshevskoe highway 1), Begovaya metro station - October 19, 20 and 21: on the 19th from 17.00, other days from 11.00. Pre-registration is required by e-mail: [email protected]
Confirmation of participation on October 19 from 16.15 to 16.45;

Group M-11. There are 6 semi-finals:
1. SSHOR No. 54 (Perovo) (Federative Ave., 37b), Novogireevo metro station - October 20, 21, 27 and 28 from 15.00. Pre-registration is required by e-mail: [email protected]
Confirmation of participation on October 20 from 14.15 to 14.45;
2. Sh/kl. them. T. Petrosyan (Bolshaya Dmitrovka str. 11 building 2), Teatralnaya metro station, Okhotny Ryad - October 20, 21, 27 and 28. from 16.00. Pre-registration is required by e-mail: [email protected]
Confirmation of participation on October 20 from 15.00 to 15.45;
3. School named after. M. Botvinnik (Palace) (Kosygina St., 17, building 8), metro station Leninsky Prospekt, Vorobyovy Gory - October 4, 5, 6 and 7: from 12.00. Pre-registration is required by e-mail: [email protected]

4. School named after. A. Karpova (Khoroshevskoe highway 1), Begovaya metro station - October 12, 13 and 14. 12 Oct. (Friday) from 17.00, weekends from 11.00. Pre-registration is required by e-mail: [email protected]
Confirmation of participation on October 12 from 16.15 to 16.45.
5. MSHSHO RGSU (V. Pika St., 4, building 3, room 300), metro Botanical Garden - October 25, 26, 27, 28: on weekdays from 16.00, on weekends from 11.00. Pre-registration by e-mail: [email protected]
Confirmation of participation on October 25 from 15.00 to 15.45;
6. “The Thinker” (Butovo, Polyany St., 53) metro station Admiral Ushakov Boulevard - October 20, 21, 27: from 10.00. Pre-registration is required on the website link
Confirmation of participation October 20 from 9.30 to 9.55

Group D-11. There are 2 semi-finals:
1. School named after. M. Botvinnik (Palace) (Kosygina St., 17, building 8), metro station Leninsky Prospekt, Vorobyovy Gory - October 4, 5, 6 and 7: from 12.00. Pre-registration is required by e-mail: [email protected]
Confirmation of participation on October 4th from 11.15 to 11.45;
2. MSHSHO RGSU (V. Pika St., 4, building 3, room 300), metro Botanical Garden - October 25, 26, 27, 28: on weekdays from 16.00, on weekends from 11.00. Pre-registration by e-mail: [email protected]
Confirmation of participation October 25 from 15.00 to 15.45
Be careful!
The organizers reserve the right to limit the number of participants. Once the required number of participants has been reached, those who did not have time will be asked to choose another tournament.

Athletes with citizenship are allowed to participate in the competition Russian Federation living in Moscow (having permanent or temporary registration), or belonging to a physical education and sports organization or educational organization, carrying out activities in the field of physical culture and sports in the city of Moscow.
Table of admissions to semi-finals and finals:










Year of birth

200 9 and younger

2009 and younger

200 7 -2008

200 7 -2008

200 5 -2006

200 5 -200 6

200 3 -200 4

200 3 -2004


no selection

no selection

no selection


Under 19 years old: born 2001-2002 Finals: U-19 rating 1700 and above, D-19 rating 1450 and above, no semi-finals.
Admission to the semi-finals and finals in Moscow will be based on the RCF rating list on September 1 or October 1, 2018.
Participation in the semi-finals and finals of Moscow is possible only in one age group.

Only children participating in the selection are allowed into the semi-finals. Participation in tournaments outside of competition for training purposes is not permitted. Thus, girls wishing to play in the semi-finals of boys or boys younger age Those wishing to play among the seniors are allowed into the relevant semi-finals only if they have a written statement of refusal to participate in their final group and a request to be included in the selection among the seniors or among boys (for girls). By all age groups You can participate in the selection only in one semi-final.
Athletes who took part in the Moscow Region Championship or in any other qualifying stage of the Russian Championship competition are not allowed to participate in the semi-finals and finals of the Moscow Championship.
To register, you must send an application to the organizers' e-mail, scans of the receipt for payment of the tournament fee and a birth certificate.
A participant is allowed to compete only upon presentation of a receipt for payment of the tournament fee upon registration at the venue.
The tournament fee for the semi-finals is 2000 rubles, for admission to the Duke and Duma Club - 3000 rubles.
If you refuse to participate in the tournament without a good reason, your fees will not be refunded.
The registration fee (in rubles) is transferred to the current account of the Chess at School Foundation, details: Recipient of the payment: Chess at School Foundation
INN 7720317950 KPP 772001001 BIC 044525593
Account number 40703810801300000136 at Alfa Bank JSC, Moscow Account number 30101810200000000593
Name of payment: Tournament fee for statutory activities (PMP - 2018).
Download the receipt.

Places in the semi-final competitions are determined by the highest number of points scored. In case of equality of points, places are distributed according to additional indicators:
- according to the Buchholz coefficient;
- according to the truncated Buchholz coefficient (without one worst result);
- by the number of victories;
- based on the result of a personal meeting.

Participants who score 5 points or more are admitted to the finals of the Moscow Championship.

The winners and prize-winners of the semi-finals are awarded diplomas, medals and cash prizes. Cash prizes will be awarded by transferring them to the recipient's bank account.

Chess competitions are held for the following purposes:

    attracting students to a healthy lifestyle through classes various types sports;

    identifying the strongest athletes to form a school team;

    popularization and propaganda of chess among school students;

    involving students in active activities physical culture and sports, developing their analytical and mental abilities.

    Venue and dates

The competition is held on January 11, 2018. on the basis of MBOU "Lyceum No. 3". The competition starts at 10:00.

    Competition participants

Winners of the class chess tour are allowed to participate in the competition. 2nd grade students play in pairs according to their parallel.

    Conditions for the tournament

Move concept

The partner who has the white pieces (right of concession) starts. Then, until the game ends, moves are made alternately. The color of the partners' pieces in amateur games is determined by lot, and in competitions - by the rules of the game. If a game is mistakenly started by a participant playing with black pieces, it is canceled and played again. When counting moves made, White's move followed by Black's response is counted as one.

The player is the partner whose turn it is to move.

Determination of the move. A move is the movement of a piece from one square to another, either free or occupied by an enemy piece. When castling, the position of the king and rook changes. Apart from the knight and rook, when it moves over the king during castling, pieces cannot cross occupied squares.

A move to a square occupied by an opponent's piece means capturing it, and it must be immediately removed from the board (see below about capturing “on the pass”).

Moves of the pieces. The king moves to any adjacent square that is not under attack.

Castling is a two-pronged move involving the movement of the king and the rook: first, the king moves two squares towards the rook, which is then transferred across it to the square adjacent to it. If the player touches the rook and then the king, then castling is impossible. The move must be made in accordance with the “Touching a Piece” rule.

If the player touches first the king and then the rook (or both pieces at the same time), but castling is impossible, then a move with the king or castling in the opposite direction must be made. It may turn out that these requirements are impossible to meet. Then touching the figure does not entail any consequences. The player has the right to continue the game with any move. Castling is completely impossible: 1) if the king has already moved 2) with a rook that has previously moved.

When castling, the king cannot cross a square attacked by enemy pieces.

If the king of one of the sides was attacked on the previous move (check was declared), then on the current move the player is obliged to eliminate the attack on the king: escape with the king from under attack, cover the king from the attacking piece, or cut down the attacking piece. The queen moves to any square vertically, horizontally and diagonally on which it is located.

    Determination of the winner

The goal of the game of chess is to checkmate the opponent's king.Mat - an irresistible attack on the king. In case of checkmate, he cannot evade or be covered from a blow; defense by capturing an attacking piece is also excluded.

    Tournament management

The general management of the competition is carried out by the administration of the Lyceum.

The main judge of the competition is the head of the ShMO for physical culture Magomedova Kh.M.

7. Awards

Participants who take first place in the individual competition are awarded diplomas and medals of the corresponding degrees. All other tournament participants are awarded certificates.

“Compiled” “I approve”

Deputy Broadband Director Director of State Educational Establishment Center No. 2010

E.V.Leonova ___________E.N.Karpov


about a school chess tournament

    Goals and objectives

Checkers competitions are held for the following purposes:

    attracting students to a healthy lifestyle through various sports;

    identifying the strongest athletes to form a school team;

    popularization and propaganda of checkers among school students;

    involving students in active physical education and sports, developing their analytical and mental abilities.

    Venue and dates

Competitions are held once every quarter in two buildings of the State Educational Institution Central Educational Center No. 2010. Competitions begin at 15.00.

    Competition participants

Winners of the class chess tour are allowed to participate in the tournament. Students in grades 3-9 play in pairs according to their GPA parallel.

    Conditions for the tournament

Move concept

The partner who has the white pieces (the right to speak) starts. Then, until the game ends, moves are made alternately. The color of the partners' pieces in amateur games is determined by lot, and in competitions - by the rules of the game. If a game is mistakenly started by a participant playing with black pieces, it is canceled and played again. When counting moves made, White's move followed by Black's response is counted as one.

The player is the partner whose turn it is to move.

Determination of the move. A move is the movement of a piece from one square to another, either free or occupied by an enemy piece. When castling, the position of the king and rook changes. Apart from the knight and rook, when it moves over the king during castling, pieces cannot cross occupied squares.

A move to a square occupied by an opponent's piece means capturing it, and it must be immediately removed from the board (see below about capturing “on the pass”).

Moves of the pieces. The king moves to any adjacent square that is not under attack.

Castling is a two-pronged move involving the movement of the king and the rook: first, the king moves two squares towards the rook, which is then transferred across it to the square adjacent to it. If the player touches the rook and then the king, then castling is impossible. The move must be made in accordance with the “Touching a Piece” rule.

If the player touches first the king and then the rook (or both pieces at the same time), but castling is impossible, then a move with the king or castling in the opposite direction must be made. It may turn out that these requirements are impossible to meet. Then touching the figure does not entail any consequences. The player has the right to continue the game with any move. Castling is completely impossible: 1) if the king has already moved 2) with a rook that has previously moved.

When castling, the king cannot cross a square attacked by enemy pieces.

If the king of one of the sides was attacked on the previous move (check was declared), then on the current move the player is obliged to eliminate the king’s attack: escape with the king from under attack, cover the king from the attacking piece, or cut down the attacking piece. The queen moves to any square vertically, horizontally and diagonally on which it is located.

    Determination of the winner

The goal of the game of chess is to checkmate the opponent's king. Mat- an irresistible attack on the king. In case of checkmate, he cannot evade or be covered from a blow; defense by capturing an attacking piece is also excluded.

    Tournament management

General management is carried out by the Deputy Director for Broadband Access.

The main judge of the competition is the chairman of the school Duma (chairman of the council of high school students)

7. Awards

Participants who take first place in the individual competition are awarded diplomas and personal prizes. All other tournament participants are awarded certificates.


on holding a chess and checkers tournament

within network interaction

among B-grade students of the Kharp school

and students of the children's association "Kartingist" of the Municipal Educational Institution "Levsha"


The purpose of holding a chess and checkers tournament is to develop

schoolchildren of mass interest in systematic studies


    development of chess and checkers as an intellectual and rapidly developing sport

    involving students of general education institutions in sports life village

    popularization of chess and checkers among students


Competitions are held at the Municipal Department of DDT “Levsha” at the address: Kharp, apt. Severny d.3.


Initiator and organizer of the event chess tournament- children's association "Karting Player" of the MU DO DDT "Levsha".

During the period of the tournament, an Organizing Committee is created, which is entrusted with the responsibility for organizing, preparing and conducting the competition. Direct organization is carried out by a panel of judges. The panel of judges includes: the chief judge, judges and secretary, who are approved by the Organizing Committee.

Composition of the panel of judges:

Chief judge at competitions

chess competition referee

referee of checkers competitions -


Students representing the 6th grade of the school in the village of Kharpi, students of the children's association "Karting Player" of the Municipal Educational Institution "Levsha" are allowed to participate in the tournament. The number of participants is not limited.

Summing up will take place in 2 groups separately:

Time control – 15 minutes per game for each participant.

The tournament was held according to the “Swiss” system.

Swiss system

The Swiss system is a system for holding tournaments. It was first used in Zurich in 1895. Using this system allows you to identify winners in fewer games than with round robin system.


1.The number of players must be even.

3. The first from the first group plays with the first from the second. Those. with 20 participants, the 1st plays with the 11th, the 2nd with the 12th, etc.

4.In the second round, the program divides the players into three groups:


    with a draw result


If there is an odd number of players in one of the groups, then the last player from the previous group moves down to the bottom group and plays in pairs with the top participant from this group.

5. For the second and subsequent rounds, the players of each score group are determined in the same way as in paragraphs 1-3.

Features of the rules:

    A player cannot play two or more games with the same opponent.

    The colors of the pieces in the games must alternate. If both players have the same number of games played with each color, then the one who played the last game with black plays white. In any case, a player should not play more than 3 games in a row with the same color. The rule does not apply to combat chess, where the right to make the first move is always determined by lot.

3. If the opponent does not show up for the game, the player receives a point as the winner.

4.The number of rounds is the same as with the play-off system for a given number of participants.


    Places are distributed based on the amount of points scored.

    If the players have the same number of points, then the Buchholz coefficient is used to determine the winner. A player's Buchholz coefficient is the sum of all the points of the opponents with whom the given participant played, regardless of the result of the meetings between them.


The winners' places are determined by the sum of points scored by all participants according to the results table (Appendix 1).

If two or more participants vying for prizes have equal points, the following are taken into account to determine the winner and prize-winners:

    Number of wins

    Result of personal meeting


The winners and prize-winners of the chess and checkers tournament will be awarded diplomas of the corresponding degrees.