
Marathon running: what distance and how long do modern marathon runners run? How much does it cost to run a marathon Race 42 km 195 meters history

Jogging in the morning is extremely beneficial, although not everyone has enough desire and willpower to exercise regularly. Even those people who are far from sports hobbies know: the marathon distance is about 40 km, a little more.

In fact, the length of the marathon distance is exactly 42,195 meters, which is surprising. Why not 42, not 43 km? Why couldn’t you stop at a nice, even number? To understand this issue in detail, you need to look into history.

Where does the marathon start?

According to history, in 490 BC the Battle of Marathon took place, in which the Greeks won. And a messenger was sent to Athens, who ran more than 30 km at the limit of his speed just to tell people this good news. The hero's name was Pheidippides, and having completed this race, with the last of his strength he shouted out the words that became legendary, calling on the Athenians to rejoice in victory. As the legend goes, after this he fell dead.

Of course modern athletes they end the run with a more positive outcome, although they also run at the limit of their strength, hoping to break the record and go down in history, to get a prize. Most likely, the ancient Greek hero fell due to the fact that he gave his all first on the battlefield, and then also took on the burden of a messenger. History is silent about this. But the distance from Marathon to Athens has become memorable, which is why it is called marathon.

Modern Olympics

Since the Olympics began to be revived in 1896 sports holidays, the marathon distance came back to mind. But they decided to change the route, laying it along another, longer road - this time it was about 40 km.

When it came to the fourth Olympics, which was held in Great Britain in 1908, the distance for marathon athletes changed again, to exactly 26 miles. In terms of more conventional units of space measurement, this distance is 41,843 meters. The race took place near Windsor Castle, and the distance ended at the Great Stadium.

Interesting fact: It was originally intended that the athletes would stop near the box, but then they decided to add another 352 meters to the original distance. This was a major milestone in the formation of modern distance.

The English route was taken as a model, and by 1921 in the Federation athletics a final decision was made regarding the length of the distance. Since history has not preserved the exact mileage of the first marathon runner, it was decided to require athletes to run a distance of 42,195 meters.

First marathon distances

Until this norm was adopted golden rule, marathon distances varied from one Olympics to another - however, the difference between the distances was not very significant. So, in 1896 in Athens they ran exactly 40 thousand meters, and in Paris in 1900 athletes had to overcome 260 meters more. In 1904, the Olympics were held in St. Louis, where they ran 39,996 meters, and only then the London Olympics in 1908 took place, within which the standard of 42,195 meters was formed.

However, after this incident, two more Olympics were held with “floating” distances, because the norm was approved a little later. In 1912, athletes gathered in Stockholm, where they had to overcome 40,200 meters, and then, in 1918, sporting event took place in Antwerp, with a distance of 42,750 meters.

Jogging for record holders and for ordinary athletes

Curious people would be interested to know how long it takes to overcome this distance. The world record currently belongs to Dennis Kimetto, a native of Kenya. The record was set on September 28, 2014 - the athlete was able to cover the distance in 2 hours, 2 minutes, 57 seconds. Having made the simplest calculations, you can understand that he developed a speed of over 20 kilometers per hour.

The marathon distance is not only for professionals in the world of sports. It is available to everyone; similar competitions are held in most countries several times a year. Amateurs of all ages are welcome at the races; they have the opportunity to compete with professional athletes and prove themselves. But not all marathons are open to the public - the most prestigious of them gather so many potential participants that they have to organize a lottery to draw free places between those interested.

Thus, the marathon is 42,195 meters because this is how it happened historically. And not because the ancient Greek messenger ran so much, but for the simple reason that the English marathon took root in sports, becoming a classic, universally recognized, and it was just such a distance.

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Despite the fact that the roots of this long-lasting sports competition go back to ancient times, today's official length of the marathon appeared only in the 20th century.

Marathon history

The first marathon was organized during the first modern Olympic Games, which took place in the Greek capital in 1896. The ancient Olympic Games never included a race over such a distance in the list of competitions. The idea of ​​the modern marathon is inspired by one of the Greek legends about a messenger who ran from the site of the Battle of Marathon all the way to Athens without stopping once. The distance of his race was about 40 km. The Battle of Marathon took place between the Greeks and the Persian army in 490 BC. e., according to legend, the ambassador only managed to report the victory of the Greeks and fell dead. To honor the memory of the persistent messenger, the distance of the first marathon was set at 40 km.

Modern distance

The following Olympic Games followed the same tradition, until the London Olympics in 1908. According to persistent rumors, the distance was increased to please royal family. Queen Alexandra asked that the race start at Windsor Palace so that the youngest members of the royal family could watch it from the windows of the children's room. Also, at Alexandra’s request, the race ended at the royal box of the Olympic Stadium. Thus, the distance of the 1908 marathon was 42 kilometers 195 meters. The accidental promotion has long remained in the history of athletics. In 1921, this particular length was recognized as the standard.

Today, marathons are held everywhere - from the North Pole to the Wall of China. There are currently more than 1,100 annual marathons registered in the United States alone. If in 1976, according to a statistical survey, about 25 thousand people participated in marathons, then in 2013 the number of participants more than doubled.

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Marathons are not uncommon among a large number of sports competitions. Both professional and experienced athletes, as well as amateur athletes, take part in them. How did the marathon distance appear and how many days in a row can you complete it?

What is the history of the marathon, which is more than 42 kilometers long, and what are the current ones for women and men? Who are the ten fastest marathon runners and what are they? interesting facts about a 42-kilometer marathon? Read this article for tips on preparing for and completing a marathon.

History of the 42-kilometer marathon

The marathon is Olympic discipline athletics, the length of the marathon is 42 kilometers, 195 meters (or 26 miles, 395 yards). On Olympic Games men have competed in this discipline since 1896 and women since 1984.

As a rule, marathons are held on the highway, although sometimes this word means competitions in running over long distances over rough terrain, as well as in extreme conditions (sometimes the distances can be different). Another popular running distance is the half marathon.


As the legend goes, Pheidippides, a warrior from Greece, in 490 BC, after the end of the Battle of Marathon, ran non-stop to Athens in order to notify his fellow tribesmen of the victory.

When he reached Athens, he fell dead, but still managed to shout: “Rejoice, Athenians, we have won!” This legend was first described by Plutarch in his work “The Glory of Athens,” more than half a millennium after the actual events.

According to another version (Herodotus tells about it), Pheidippides was a messenger. He was sent by the Athenians to the Spartans for reinforcements, and ran more than 230 kilometers in two days. However, his marathon was unsuccessful...

Our time

Frenchman Michel Breal came up with the idea of ​​organizing a marathon race. He dreamed that this distance would be included in the program of the Olympic Games in 1896 in Athens - the first in modern times. The Frenchman's idea was liked by Pierre de Coubertin, who was the founder of the modern Olympic Games.

The first qualifying marathon was eventually held in Greece, with the winner being Charilaos Vasilakos, who completed the distance in three hours and eighteen minutes. A Olympic champion became the Greek Spyridon Louis, completing the marathon distance in two hours, fifty-eight minutes and fifty seconds. Interestingly, on the way he stopped to have a glass of wine with his uncle.

Women's participation in the marathon during the Olympic Games took place for the first time at the games in Los Angeles (USA) - this was in 1984.

Marathon distance

At the first Olympic Games in 1896, the length of the marathon was forty kilometers (24.85 miles). Then it changed, and since 1924 it became 42.195 kilometers (26.22 miles) - this was established by the International Amateur Athletics Federation (the modern IAAF).

Olympic discipline

Since the first modern Olympic Games, the men's marathon has become the final easy program athletics. Marathon runners finished at the main Olympic stadium, either a few hours before the closing of the games, or at the same time as the closing.

Current world records

In men

The world record for men's marathon running belongs to Kenyan athlete Dennis Kimetto.

He ran a distance of 42 kilometers and 195 meters in two hours, two minutes and fifty seconds. This was in 2014.

In women

The women's world title belongs to British athlete Paula Radcliffe. In 2003, she ran the marathon in two hours, fifteen minutes and twenty-five seconds.

In 2012, Kenyan runner Mary Keitany tried to break this record, but she failed. She ran the marathon slower than Paula Radcliffe by more than three minutes.

Top ten fastest male marathon runners

The favorites here are mainly athletes from Kenya, as well as Ethiopia.

  1. Runner from Kenya Dennis Kimetto. He ran the Berlin Marathon on September 28, 2014 in 2 hours, 2 minutes and 57 seconds.
  2. Runner from Ethiopia's Kenenisa Bekele. He ran the Berlin Marathon on 25 September 2016 in 2 hours 3 minutes 3 seconds.
  3. Kenyan runner Eliud Kipchoge ran the London Marathon on 24 April 2016 in 2 hours 3 minutes and 5 seconds.
  4. Kenyan runner Emmanuel Mutai ran the Berlin Marathon on September 28, 2014 in 2 hours, 3 minutes and 13 seconds.
  5. Kenyan runner Wilson Kipsang ran the Berlin Marathon on September 29, 2013 in 2 hours, 3 minutes and 23 seconds.
  6. Kenyan runner Patrick Makau ran the Berlin Marathon on September 25, 2011 in 2 hours, 3 minutes and 38 seconds.
  7. Kenyan runner Stanley Biwott ran the London Marathon on 24 April 2016 in 2 hours 3 minutes and 51 seconds.
  8. An Ethiopian runner completed the Berlin Marathon in 2 hours, 3 minutes and 59 seconds. September 28, 2008.
  9. In 2 hours, 4 minutes Kenyan runner Elihu DKipchoge ran the Berlin Marathon September 27, 2015.
  10. Kenyan runner Geoffrey Mutai rounds out the top ten. who completed the Berlin Marathon on September 30, 2012 in 2 hours, 4 minutes and 15 seconds.

Top ten fastest female marathon runners

  1. In 2 hours 15 minutes and 25 seconds, an athlete from Great Britain Paula Radcliffe ran the London Marathon on April 13, 2003.
  2. In 2 hours 18 minutes and 37 seconds, the runner from Kenya Mary Keitany ran the London Marathon on April 22, 2012.
  3. In 2 hours 18 minutes and 47 seconds, the Kenyan runner Catherine Ndereba ran the Chicago Marathon on October 7, 2001.
  4. In 2 hours 18 minutes 58 seconds Ethiopian Tiki Gelana completed the Rotterdam Marathon on April 15, 2012.
  5. In 2 hours 19 minutes 12 seconds Japanese Mizuki Noguchi ran the Berlin Marathon on September 25, 2005
  6. In 2 hours 19 minutes 19 seconds, an athlete from Germany Irina Mikitenko ran the Berlin Marathon on September 28, 2008.
  7. In 2 hours 19 minutes 25 seconds Kenyan Gladys Cherono completed the Berlin Marathon on September 27, 2015.
  8. In 2 hours 19 minutes 31 seconds the runner from Ethiopia Aselefesh Mergia ran the Dubai Marathon on January 27, 2012.
  9. In 2 hours 19 minutes and 34 seconds, a runner from Kenya Lucy Kabuu completed the Dubai Marathon on January 27, 2012.
  10. Rounds out the top ten female marathon runners Dina Kastor from the USA, who ran the London Marathon in 2:19.36 on April 23, 2006.

  • Overcoming a running distance of 42 kilometers 195 meters is the third stage in the Ironman triathlon competition.
  • The marathon distance can be covered both during competitive and amateur races.
  • So, in 2003, Ranulph Fiennes from Great Britain ran seven marathons over seven days on seven different continents and parts of the world.
  • Belgian national Stephaan Engels decided in 2010 that he would run a marathon every day of the year, but he was injured in January, so he started all over again in February.
  • On March 30, the Belgian beat the result of the Spaniard Ricardo Abad Martinez, who ran 150 marathons in the same number of days in 2009. As a result, by February 2011, within a year, 49-year-old Stefan Engels completed the 365th marathon. On average, he spent four hours on the marathon and showed best result at two hours and 56 minutes.
  • Johnny Kelly took part in the Boston Marathon more than sixty times from 1928 to 1992, and eventually reached the finish line 58 times and won twice (in 1935 and 1945).
  • On December 31, 2010, 55-year-old Canadian citizen Martin Parnell ran 250 marathons during the year. During this time, he wore out 25 pairs of sneakers. Also, at times he had to run in temperatures below minus thirty degrees.
  • According to scientists from Spain, the bones of marathon runners for a long time in old age they are not subject to aging and destruction, unlike other people.
  • Russian runner Sergei Burlakov, who has both legs and hands amputated, competed in the New York City Marathon in 2003. He became the world's first marathon runner with a quadruple amputation.
  • Indian citizen Fauja Singh became the world's oldest marathon runner. He entered the Guinness Book of Records when he ran the marathon at the age of 100 in 8:11:06 in 2011. Now the athlete is over a hundred years old.
  • Australian farmer Cliff Young won the ultramarathon in 1961, despite the fact that he participated in it for the first time. The runner covered 875 km in five days, fifteen hours and four minutes. He moved at a slow pace, at first falling far behind the others, but eventually leaving the professional athletes behind. He succeeded in this because he moved without sleep (this became his habit, since as a farmer he worked for several days in a row - collecting sheep in the pastures).
  • British runner Steve Chalk raised the largest charity donation in marathon history, two million pounds. This happened during the London Marathon in April 2011.
  • Brian Price, 44, took part in the marathon less than a year after he underwent a heart transplant.
  • Radio operator from Sweden Andree Kelberg overcame a marathon distance while moving along the deck of the ship Sotello. In total, he ran 224 laps around the ship, taking four hours and four minutes.
  • American runner Margaret Hagerty took up running at the age of 72. By the age of 81, she had already participated in marathons on all seven continents of the world.
  • British runner Lloyd Scott completed the London Marathon in 202 wearing a diver's suit weighing 55 kilograms. He spent about five days doing this, setting a world record for the slowest marathon run. In 2011, he took part in the marathon dressed as a snail, spending 26 days in the race.
  • Ethiopian athlete Abebe Bakila won the Rome Marathon in 1960. Interestingly, he covered the entire distance barefoot.
  • As a rule, a professional marathon runner runs a marathon at a speed of 20 km/h, which is twice as fast as the migration of reindeer and saigas.

Marathon running standards

For women

for a marathon with a distance of 42 kilometers 195 meters for women are as follows:

  • Master of sports international class(MSMK) - 2:35.00;
  • Master of Sports (MS) - 2:48.00;
  • Candidate Master of Sports (CMS) - 3:00.00;
  • 1st category – 3:12.00;
  • 2nd category – 3:30.00;
  • 3rd category - Zak.Dist.

For men

Discharge standards Marathon races with a distance of 42 kilometers 195 meters for men are as follows:

  • Master of Sports of International Class (MSMK) - 2:13.30;
  • Master of Sports (MS) - 2:20.00;
  • Candidate Master of Sports (CMS) - 2:28.00;
  • 1st category – 2:37.00;
  • 2nd category – 2:48.00;
  • 3rd category - Zak.Dist.

How to prepare for a marathon in order to run it in the minimum amount of time?

Training mode

The most important - regular workouts, which must be started at least three months before the competition.

If your goal is to run a marathon in three hours, then you need to run at least five hundred kilometers during training in the last month. It is advisable to train as follows: three days of training, one day of rest.

Vitamins and diet

The following must be consumed as vitamins and microelements:

  • multivitamins,
  • calcium,
  • magnesium.

You can also try the popular “protein” diet before the marathon, and a week before the competition, stop eating foods that contain carbohydrates. At the same time, three days before the marathon you need to exclude foods containing proteins and eat foods containing carbohydrates.


  • The main thing is to choose comfortable and lightweight sneakers, the so-called “marathon” ones.
  • Places where friction may occur can be coated with petroleum jelly or baby oil.
  • It is better to give preference to high-quality clothing made from synthetic materials.
  • If the marathon takes place on a sunny day, a hat will be required, as well as a protective cream with a filter of at least 20-30.
  • Set a goal and clearly go towards it. For example, determine the time it will take you to cover the distance, as well as the average time.
  • There is no need to start quickly - this is one of the common mistakes of all newbies. It is better to distribute your forces evenly.
  • Remember: reaching the finish line is a worthy goal for a beginner.
  • During the marathon itself, you should definitely drink - either clean water, or energy drinks.
  • Various fruits will help replenish your strength, such as apples, bananas or citrus fruits, as well as dried fruits and nuts. Energy bars will also come in handy.

How many kilometers do you need to run to finish the marathon? The marathon distance, the coveted 42 km 195 m (26 miles 385 yards), can rightly be called the “queen” of endurance sports. Every year the popularity of marathon running is only growing, because overcoming such a distance seems to beginners a test, a test of strength, overcoming oneself, and the marathon has long gone beyond the boundaries of just one discipline of athletics.

Judge for yourself: do athletics competitions, say, at a distance of 800 or 3000 meters, attract a large number of participants? Now compare: in 2018, 52,813 people finished the New York Marathon! However, the marathon remains an Olympic discipline, and the records set at this distance are widely discussed.

Why is the marathon distance 42.195 km?

People often ask this question when they notice the latest announcements or news about the marathon, but are not keen on marathon running. The answer lies in the ancient Greek legend, which tells about the confrontation between the Greeks and Persians in 490 BC. e. And Marathon is a city located approximately 42 km from the capital of Greece, Athens, near which the battle took place, which became victorious for the Greeks.

The warrior Pheidippides was sent to the capital to report the Greek victory in the war. Exhausted, he ran 42 km without stopping and, having reached Athens, only managed to shout: “Rejoice, Athenians, we have won!”, after which he fell dead. Currently, more than 5 thousand athletes run along this route and become finishers of the Athens Classic Marathon - one of the toughest on the road.

Note that in 1896, when in Athens at the First Olympic Games of modern times, for the first time in history modern sports Marathon running competitions took place, International olympic committee measured the length of the distance from the battlefield to Athens, and it turned out to be 34.5 km (according to some sources - 40 km). This is exactly the distance that was approved at those games. The winner, Greek water carrier Spyridon Louis, ran with a result of 2:58:50.

The well-known 42 km 195 m were officially established in 1921. Interestingly, the runners owe the creation of such a distance to the British royal family: at the 1908 Olympics, the starting gates were specially moved so that they could comfortably watch the competition from the windows of Windsor Castle.

How marathon running went beyond the Olympic discipline

Marathon running has gained wide popularity and it is not surprising that in modern times the marathon is not only the classic 42.195 km along the highway. Sports organizations compete among themselves to surprise runners even more, organizing marathons in deserts, in the ice of Antarctica, along the Great Wall of China and even at Everest Base Camp.

Over time, the marathon itself acquired “brothers” who are no less popular: the half marathon 21 km 97.5 m, the ultramarathon or ultramarathon, the quarter marathon 10.55 km, the triathlon, the last stage of which consists of running a marathon distance.

Today, the most famous marathons that have attracted the main attention of the running public are the “Big Six” or “major” marathons. This prestigious series includes the Tokyo, London, Boston, Berlin, Chicago and New York Marathons. Due to the large number of people wishing to join the world event, the organizers of some “majors” are forced to allow participants to the start through a lottery or qualifying standards. Prize fund impressive at prestigious and mass races, and therefore they become the battlefield fastest people planets and a field for mind-blowing records.

photo: Getty Images

Records in marathon running: how long does it take modern runners to run a marathon?

The goal for most amateurs is to break 4 hours for the marathon. The average time to cover the distance goes beyond these 4 hours: for example, for men it is at least 4 hours 15 minutes, and for women – 4 hours 40 minutes.

The Mecca for record holders is the Berlin Marathon course, which is known for its lack of relief and a time of year with comfortable temperatures (the first Sunday in November). Elite athletes typically run behind pacemakers—runners who set the pace.

The men's world record of 2:01:39 was set in Berlin on September 16, 2018. Its author is a 34-year-old Kenyan runner. Before him, another Kenyan, Dennis Kimmeto, ran the distance on the same track in 2:02:57. His record lasted 4 years. In general, Kenyans and Ethiopians dominate the marathon and half marathon: they hold an impressive part of the records.

If you look at the women's statistics, the Berlin Marathon course is not conducive to records for women. The five fastest times were achieved at the London and Dubai Marathons. For a long time, since 2003, the record holder has been a European athlete - British Paula Radcliffe (2:15:25). The closest result belongs to Kenyan athlete Mary Keitany (2:17:01).

Surely those interested have heard that Eliud Kipchoge was 25 seconds short of breaking the two-hour barrier. Indeed, on May 6, 2017, as part of the Breaking2 project from Nike, Kipchoge ran a marathon distance in 2 hours and 25 seconds, but this result was not ratified as a record because the race did not meet the standards of the International Association of Athletics Federations.

Ready to run your first marathon? Then it's time to start preparing! Perhaps over time you will even be able to complete . If your running experience is short, then the main rule for you is to take your time and start small, training systematically. To avoid injuries and general discomfort during the distance, plan your first marathon start no earlier than after a year of running.

– Olympic running discipline. It is a road race over a distance of 42 km 195 meters. Marathons, the distances of which world records are recorded, should not have a height difference of more than 1 meter per kilometer of distance. However, marathons are held in completely different conditions. There are mountain marathons, when athletes cover a distance of 42 km 195 meters, running through the mountains; marathons are held in mines, in the Arctic, in deserts, etc.

1. World records in marathon running

The world record for men's marathon running is held by Kenyan athlete Dennis Kimetto, who covered 42 km 195 meters in 2 hours 2 minutes 57 seconds in 2014.

The world record in the women's marathon belongs to British athlete Paula Radcliffe, who completed the distance in 2 hours 15 minutes 25 seconds. This record has stood since 2003. In order to understand how outstanding this achievement is, it is worth saying that the closest result to the world record for women shown over the past 12 years is the result of Kenyan runner Mary Keitany, who ran the marathon in 2012 slower than Paula by 3 minutes 12 seconds .

2. Rank standards for marathon running among men

View Titles, ranks Youth
42 195 2:13.00 2:20.00 2:28.00 2:37.00 2:50.00 Zach. dist

2. Rank standards for marathon running among women

View Titles, ranks Youth
42 195 2:32.00 2:45.00 3:00.00 3:15.00 3:30.00 Zach. dist

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