
We perform the barbell press on an incline bench correctly. Bench press on an incline bench with a medium grip Angle press

Video Incline bench press for girls

Analysis of the exercise

Anatomy of an exercise: which muscles work?

Barbell press incline bench– a variation of the classic basic exercise for developing the pectoral muscles. Using an atypical position in this case allows you to distribute the load on the involved muscles in a new way and focus attention on the upper segment of the chest, which is fundamentally weak by nature. This advantage is used by bodybuilders to give the pectoral muscles a proportional shape and clear relief. In strength disciplines, incline presses are used as an auxiliary exercise to improve performance in the basic movement.

The workload in terms of muscles is distributed as follows:

Preparation for execution

Without focusing on the main part of the warm-up (conducting a light cardio session), let's immediately move on to a specialized block. “Introduction” to presses involves preparing for the work of the muscles involved and the main movers - the rotator cuff.

Additionally, pauses between sets can be “filled” with stretching movements for the chest, for example, pullovers or dumbbell flyes - this will not only loosen the muscles, but also work more effectively in the next set.

Proper execution


The “sharper” the angle, the less load goes to the target pectoral muscles. An inclination of 30 degrees from the horizontal is considered optimal, which allows you to turn off the triceps as much as possible. If the possibilities of adjusting the bench in your gym are limited, then when adjusting to the specifics of the equipment, keep in mind that the “borderline” value of the bench angle should not exceed 60 degrees. With a high inclination, the shoulder joints are under a lot of stress, and the training emphasis moves to the deltoid muscle.

When performing a bench press, your elbows should be strictly under the barbell and not towards your head or legs.

The working weights in the positive-inclined version of the press are always objectively smaller than in the classic exercise. This is explained by the fact that the effect on the pectoral muscles is more isolated, that is, the assisting muscles are less involved in the movement.

This technique in this exercise is a kind of cheating that makes it easier to overcome the weight, but is by no means “harmless” - pressing the barbell into a rebound can cause injury chest.

If you make such a mistake, it is easy to injure your hands. To prevent this, it is necessary to hold the hand firmly in line with the forearm.

Often the reason for this mistake is the motor skill formed in the classic bench press. Meanwhile, in this version of the bench press the rules change: the bar should be “directed” towards the collarbone area.

The incline barbell bench press involves the use of an overhand grip, in which thumb“lie down” on the bar opposite the others - this increases safety when performing the exercise. In addition, this grip option prevents relaxation of the hands and a decrease in the power of the pressing force.

Exercise effectiveness


Inclusion in the program

As a basic exercise, the angled barbell press is the “backbone” of the training program and is performed in the first part of the session. It can be placed immediately after the classic bench press sets or as an alternative to it.

If the incline bench press is the main exercise of “chest” training, it should be performed in a 6-12 repetition mode with a total set volume of 2 to 4 (we are talking about bodybuilding training programs). If the incline press is preceded by other heavy exercises, it is recommended to reduce the weight load and switch to the “pumping” mode with 12-15 repetitions per set.

In bodybuilding, the incline dumbbell press is one of the main exercises for working the chest group. Working with dumbbells at an angle has several distinct advantages over barbells and should definitely be included in the training program.

Benefits and disadvantages of exercise

The first and main advantage is that when lying on an incline bench, the bench press is used to a greater extent. pectoral muscles(involving triceps and deltoids). While when working with a barbell, the load is distributed almost evenly across the chest, deltoids and triceps. Therefore, for the target muscle, the dumbbell bench press at an angle becomes a higher priority.

Main advantages:

  • Working out all parts of the pectoral muscles;
  • Ability to manipulate the load focus using tilt;
  • Powerful stretch;
  • Development of coordination;
  • Increased range of motion.

Almost all the shortcomings relate to the execution technique. Basically, they are leveled out by mastering all the features of the movement and following the recommendations for implementation. Due to the need to work while almost sitting at an angle (applies only to the 45 degree backrest position), an important condition the load becomes concentrated on the chest and the execution is controlled (especially when lowering the weight to the chest).

The only pronounced disadvantage When performing movements at an upward angle, there is an increased risk of injury due to powerful stretching. It appears mainly when working with heavy weights and at critical points (throwing a projectile from a sitting position and completing an approach).

What muscles work

When performing a dumbbell bench press, almost the same muscles work as when working with a barbell. Also, due to the need to hold the weight with each hand separately, additional ones are involved in the work. However, due to the increased amplitude and the ability to “open” (or expand) the chest as much as possible, the incline press works better than other exercises target zone.

It lies on and, mainly they act as a means of maintaining the desired position of the hands.

Which angle to choose and what is the difference: 30 or 45 degrees

One of the main benefits of the exercise is flexibility, which manifests itself in the ability to shift the load to different areas.

  1. When working at an angle of 30 degrees, the load falls evenly on all areas of the chest.
  2. When performing the exercise at a 45-degree incline, the focus shifts to the top of the pecs (which is often classified as a lagging area).

Important to consider that when pressing at an angle of 45 degrees, the front deltoids are activated much more strongly and part of the load is switched to it. This can become a disadvantage only in cases where the training was preceded by active development of the deltas (with an increased volume, the anterior fascicle will recover worse).

In general, the choice depends on training goals, priorities and individual conditions (lagging areas of the chest for a particular athlete). A tilt of 30 degrees is considered universal and is used most often.

Execution technique

In the technique of bench press on an inclined bench at an upward angle, two phases are considered key - the immediate execution of the element and entering the starting position. Moreover, most injuries occur precisely at the stage of weight gain, so this stage should be considered separately.

The technique of entering a position is performed in two versions: independently and with the help of a partner.

  1. In the first option it is produced throwing a dumbbell using your legs. The implements are placed on the hips, after which they are lifted into position with a push and simultaneous force of the arms and hips.
  2. The option with a partner is safer. The partner simply places the projectiles one by one in the hands of the athlete, who has already taken the starting position.

Technique for performing dumbbell presses on an incline bench:

  1. Lie down on a bench, raise your arms with dumbbells up (fully straightened) so that your forearms are perpendicular to the floor. The back and the back of the head are pressed tightly against the back, the feet rest on the floor to fix the position of the body.
  2. Begin to slowly bend your elbows, lowering the dumbbells down.
  3. Squeeze your shoulder blades and push your chest forward as much as possible to stretch the muscles.
  4. Without pausing, press the weights back to the starting position at a faster pace.
  5. At the top point, the dumbbells should not touch each other.

In fact, working with dumbbells and a barbell are variations of the same exercise with a similar motor pattern (but shifted emphasis). Usually these options are alternated to fully work out the entire group.

  • Workout regimen for men(number of repetitions, sets, volumes, etc.) is no different between bench press with dumbbells and with a barbell. Classic 8-10 reps in 3-4 sets for mass and multi-rep mode with an emphasis on.
  • For girls It is recommended to work in the range of 10-12 repetitions; this is the optimal average option, in which you can achieve both an increase in pectoral mass and an improvement in muscle definition.

Due to the specific nature of the movement, the dumbbell bench press at an angle with your head up is usually placed immediately after working with the barbell. This allows you to better “load” the chest without the strong involvement of other groups.

How to replace the exercise

There are two obvious replacements for the dumbbell incline press:

  • A similar movement with a barbell (less priority, since the pecs are used a little worse);
  • Angle dumbbell press in video format

Or, simply put, the classic bench press.

Muscles that take part in the exercise:

  • Upper pectoral muscles
  • Deltoid muscles (anterior bundle)
  • Triceps


If you change your position, replacing a horizontal bench with an inclined one, in this case the muscles being worked remain the same, only the load on specific areas of the pectoral muscles changes, and you can choose which area is preferable for you to work on.

Load change depending on the selected angle:

  • "30" degrees - Middle part chest and a little upper
  • "45" degrees - Upper chest only
  • "60" degrees - The front deltoids, triceps, and the very top of the pectorals

Incline bench press technique:


Set the desired bench angle ( 30 - 45 degrees). Place the bar on supports, then equip it with the optimal weight of the burden. Lie down on a bench, grasping a loaded barbell with a grip slightly wider than your shoulders.


Lift the barbell up and hold it with straight arms. Inhaling slowly, lower the barbell until it touches your upper chest. Hold for 1 - 2 seconds, simultaneously squeezing your chest muscles. Then, using the force of the pectoral muscles, return the bar to its original position, exhaling at the same time. Repeat the specified number of times.

Alternative exercises:

In addition to the classic version, there are also alternative exercises:

  • Incline Dumbbell Press
  • Reverse Grip Press

  • The barbell must be held firmly in your hands, it should not swing
  • Choose the optimal weight for you, do not try to set a record
  • Place your feet firmly on the floor, the emphasis should be on the heel
  • You need to position yourself on the bench as follows: shoulder blades, sacrum, head, shoulders
  • There should be an arch in your lower back during execution.
  • It is advisable to keep the shoulder blades constantly retracted while performing
  • It is advisable for the bar to go down to the top of your chest (collarbone), try to move your head back when placing the bar in this area
  • You need to lower the barbell slower than you raise it
  • Try not to suddenly lift the barbell from your chest, do everything smoothly
  • As you stand on the bench, arch your back and push your chest forward
  • Do not lift your chest and shoulders off the bench while performing the exercise.

I suggest you check out this great exercise:

The most common strength exercise with a barbell in the gym, performed by almost every trainee, is the bench press from a lying position on a horizontal bench. This is evidenced by the constant queues at the horizontal bench, and the corner benches at this moment often remain unused. However, this approach does not ensure the correct formation of the pectoral muscles, when training which it is necessary to change the angle of lifting the weight.

The human pectoralis major muscle has three components: clavicular, sternocostal and abdominal. To train each of these parts, exercises are provided from a lying position:
- classic barbell bench press;
- squeezing the bar at an angle in the lower direction (decline);
- squeezing the bar at an angle in the upper direction (incline).

The last two exercises have not found proper distribution among practitioners of strength training with a barbell, despite their undoubted importance for the harmonious formation of the chest muscles.

Anatomical atlas of the work of the chest muscles during the bench press while lying on an inclined bench

On the front surface of the human chest there is a large fan-shaped superficial muscle, which is called the pectoralis major muscle. The fibers of this muscle are oriented in different directions, which ensures the corresponding angles of its stretch from the upper to the lower part of the chest. This muscle is attached to the place where the fibers of all three of its parts connect on the large tubercle, which is located on the crest of the humerus.

There are three heads in this muscle: clavicular, sternocostal and brachial. When squeezing the training apparatus upward at an angle, contractile tension occurs in the clavicular head, and when horizontal press barbell force occurs in the sternocostal head of this muscle. It is necessary to pay attention to the impossibility of completely eliminating the work of the fibers of the upper and lower regions of the pectoral muscle when squeezing in the lower direction at an angle of weight.

What are the benefits of squeezing the barbell at different angles?

A developed pectoral muscle is an indicator of the correct attitude towards its formation, and especially towards the most lagging upper part of the chest.

In order to strengthen the entire volume of the pectoral muscles, various variations of one strength exercise.

Squeezing a barbell while lying horizontally on a bench refers to basic exercises, which ensures the strengthening and growth of the pectoralis major muscle, its outer and lower regions. With this exercise, the entire volume of the chest is created harmoniously and correctly. However, it will not be possible to build a balanced and proportionately developed muscle structure with this exercise alone.

More developed is bottom part The pectoralis major muscle, and accordingly it has a greater number of fibers and volume than other parts. Therefore, only squeezing exercises at an angle can eliminate one-sided-flat development of the chest muscles.

The main goal of pressing the weight upward at an angle is to uniformly shape the muscles and create a square shape in them.

The benefits of squeezing a sports equipment up and at an angle

The main priority areas of the strength exercise of squeezing the barbell at an angle of 40 degrees upward include:

Simultaneous work on developing strength and volume certain groups muscles - pectoralis major and minor, triceps brachii and anterior deltoids;

A study of the electrical activity of muscles during squeezing at an angle of the barbell revealed the involvement of a significant number of fibers in the clavicular head of the pectoral muscle;

Overcoming the training burden and, as a result, improving the performance of the strength exercise - the classic barbell press.

Techniques for barbell push-ups using an incline bench

Correct execution of the exercise requires strict adherence to its technique, which ensures the optimal load on the target muscle group. The step-by-step guide below will help you achieve your desired result.

Stage No. 1.
Set the incline on the bench to 30-45%. Having placed the barbell on the rack supports, equip it with the required weight, making sure to secure it at both ends with clamps. From a lying position on a bench, grab the barbell with a grip slightly wider than shoulder-width. The starting position will be to lift the barbell with straight arms.

Stage No. 2.
Lowering the barbell until the bar touches your chest is done while inhaling. At the moment of contact, the movement is delayed for a second, while the pectoral muscles are tensed as much as possible.

Stage No. 3.
By tensing the pectoral muscles, after a delay, squeeze the barbell up to the starting position simultaneously with exhalation.
The exercise is repeated the required number of times, in accordance with the developed individual training program plan.

Squeezing weights on an incline bench as an exercise has several options for performing:

Use different grip widths, thereby redistributing the load. At wide grip the barbell puts the main force on the shoulders, and with a narrow bar, the triceps are more involved;

Change the angle of the bench to 30 degrees, 45 or 60, and also lower the bench to place the athlete upside down;

Squeeze the barbell with a reverse grip;

Use a Smith machine to press the weight at an upward angle;

Squeeze dumbbells;

Use a power rack to press the weight at an upward angle.

Exercise options in examples.

Practical instructions for performing the exercise

To achieve maximum efficiency from performing the angled up exercise, adhere to the following instructions:

The hands must hold the barbell firmly; if it is impossible to confidently hold the weight, it must be reduced;

The legs are fixed rigidly on the floor, with the heel being the support;

The athlete’s supporting points on the bench should be: head, shoulders, shoulder blades, sacrum;

While squeezing the barbell, it is necessary to maintain a natural arch in the lower back;

When performing the exercise, it is necessary to bring the shoulder blades together;

The lowering of the barbell to the top of the chest should be clear, and its bar should touch the collarbone, while the head may be slightly pulled back;

The concentric phase of the exercise - lifting the barbell - should be performed twice as fast as its eccentric phase, that is, lowering sports equipment;

The forearms are held vertically at the lowest amplitude point of the movement;

Inertia must be extinguished in order to prevent the bar from being knocked away from the chest;

Sitting on a bench, you need to push your chest forward, while bending in the lumbar region;

You cannot lift your shoulders off the bench while performing a training movement.

What exercises best develop the upper muscles?

All chest muscles are involved during the bench press. There is a common belief among many barbell practitioners that flat barbell presses work the muscles located in the mid-chest, while incline presses work the upper or lower chest muscles. However, this belief is refuted by the results of a scientific analysis conducted at the University of Queensland (Australia) by scientists from the Department of Anatomical Sciences and Department of Human Movement Studies.

Researchers used electromyography to obtain data on the degree of impact on various muscle fibers when bench pressing weights. As a result, it was found that the lower chest muscles are most active when pressing the weight horizontally than when tilting the bench, both up and down. The upper muscles are recruited more when pressing the weight up at an angle than when pressing down at an angle or pressing the weight horizontally.

An analysis of muscle activity was also carried out during various options grip of the barbell. The results showed that the combination of a high incline bench and a narrow grip on the bar was the best for effective development. upper muscles breasts The general conclusion of the researchers is that squeezing weights at different angles does not provide much benefit, so they recommended doing this exercise in a horizontal position.

What is the best press to speed up chest muscle growth?

Anyone who trusts the results of scientific research will be able to choose exercises that will ensure effective development of the pectoral muscles. For beginners strength training You should pay attention to periodically replacing the barbell with dumbbells, which provide greater stretching and a wide range of motion, which is very important for influencing the growth of the pectoral muscles.

To summarize, we can confidently say that in order to get developed, voluminous and massive breasts in training program The following strength exercises should be included:

Squeezing the barbell out of a horizontal position;
- squeezing dumbbells up at an angle;
- squeezing weights at an angle downwards using a Smith machine.

In conclusion, I would like to focus on the fact that everyone who has found the opportunity to carve out time for regular training, acquires not only an athletic appearance and external aesthetic appeal, but much more - strength and health.

Incline bench press is a basic exercise that primarily pumps the pectoralis major muscle, anterior deltoids, triceps and keeps a bunch of auxiliary muscles in tension. Other muscle groups that are under tension are also indirectly involved. The degrees of difficulty are directly related to the weight of the barbell involved. Beginner athletes should limit themselves to using only the bar. Performing an incline bench press even without plates requires proper technique. It is best to exercise under the strict guidance of a trainer or one of your experienced gym mates. This allows you to learn and consolidate the correct movements and easily move on to a more complex version of the exercise - using weights for the bar.

The exercise has the desired effect only when performed correctly. Each phase of the exercise requires careful attention.

To take the starting position, you must:

  • set the bench at an angle of 30-45 degrees;
  • sit on a bench, bring your shoulder blades together, and stick your chest forward;
  • while maintaining a bend in the lower back, grab the barbell;
  • hands on the bar are slightly wider than the shoulder girdle;
  • The barbell is removed from the stand and held with straight arms.


You need to move according to the following principle:

  • inhaling air, the barbell is lowered almost to top part chest, if it is difficult to hold the bar at a short distance, you can touch the chest with the projectile;
  • The barbell is pressed back (exhaling air) until the arms are completely straightened, and then, after a short pause, lowered again.

This movement must be brought to automaticity.

Important Features

Correct execution presupposes that it is impossible:

  1. Round your back or lift your head off shoulder girdle from the surface of the bench. If you allow this to happen, almost the entire load will fall on your shoulders.
  2. Set the incline bench to an angle greater than 60 degrees. Changing the slope causes the load on the delta to shift.
  3. Excessively arch the lumbar region. Otherwise, the back muscles will begin to engage to make lifting easier.

You should immediately take into account these features of the exercise and avoid such deviations.

To master correct technique execution, two important points should be taken into account:

  1. The elbows must be kept strictly under the bar and apart from the body to reduce the load on the triceps.
  2. Work with a partner when working with too much weight. Otherwise, there is a high risk of injury.

This is a variation of the exercise with narrow setting hands This type of press allows you to reduce the load on the chest and increase the impact on the front deltoids and triceps.

Anatomy of an exercise: which muscles work?

The barbell press, performed on an incline bench, is a variation of the basic classic exercise for developing the chest muscle cell. The atypical position allows you to redistribute the load and use the upper chest to a greater extent, which is naturally much less developed. Performing this exercise allows bodybuilders to give a given muscle group more strength. Consequently, the bodybuilder can develop a more proportional and sculpted chest shape. Incline presses for those involved by force sports are used as auxiliary and allow one to achieve better results.

The load falls on the following muscle groups:

  • clavicular region of the pectoralis major;
  • front beam - delta;
  • pectoralis minor;
  • triceps;
  • serrated anterior.

Preparation for execution

Any workout begins with a warm-up, and then moves on to performing a special block. To do a bench press, you need to properly prepare the muscles that are involved in the exercise - the shoulder rotators, which are the main engines.

These muscles can be warmed up using a special joint gymnastics. Make rotational movements with increasing amplitude. To prepare these muscles, carry out the following steps:

  • lightweight approaches to bench press on an inclined bench in a lying position, that is, half of the working first set;
  • classic push-ups from the floor surface with own weight, but without burden.

In the pauses between approaches, it is recommended to do stretching movements for the chest - pullovers, dumbbell flyes. Thanks to these exercises, the muscles are relaxed and sets become much more effective in the next approach.


  1. In the starting position, the bar is located above the collarbones. This makes it easier to lift the barbell to the upper chest.
  2. Raise and lower the projectile in one line, that is, exactly in the vertical direction.
  3. The shoulder blades are retracted and constantly held in this position. The chest is kept forward during each phase of the movement.
  4. The inclined version assumes a truncated amplitude. It is not recommended to touch the bar to your chest. Otherwise, there is a risk of injury, since the joints of the shoulders become sharply tense, which makes it difficult to perform a powerful push with the barbell upward. Touching is permissible in cases where specialized presses are performed to develop mobility of the shoulder joint, when minimal weights are used.
  5. The elbows are kept apart throughout the entire range of motion. They can be brought to the body. This position is also safe, which allows you to increase the degree of triceps involvement.
  6. The forearms at the lowest point of the movement, when the projectile is located at the upper chest area, are kept parallel to each other. To achieve this, you need to experiment with the width of your grip. This will allow you to choose the best option. Typically, the correct position can be achieved by using a grip when your hands are about 10-15 centimeters wider than your shoulders.
  7. Forced exhalation should occur at the moment of the press. Inhale while lowering the barbell. You should maintain this breathing rhythm throughout the entire exercise. It is recommended to exhale during the most difficult, difficult stage of the climb. If you exhale too early, the stability of the core will be compromised, which will reduce the power of the effort.
  8. The negative phase, that is, lowering the apparatus, should be twice as slow as the press.
  9. At the extreme top point you need to take a short pause. This allows you to improve the load on the chest, as well as improve the stability of the projectile.

Basic mistakes

Bench incline too much

The shallower the angle, the lower the load on the target pectoral muscles. The optimal inclination from the horizontal is 30 degrees, which helps to load the triceps. It is not always possible to adjust the position of the bench. If possibilities are limited, it should be taken into account that the maximum permissible angle is 60 degrees. In a high tilt, the shoulder joints experience greater tension, and the emphasis shifts to the deltoid muscle.

Removing the elbows from the projection of the bar

They must be under the bar of the projectile. You cannot move your elbows towards your legs or head.

Using the same weights as the horizontal press

The positive-inclined version assumes that working weights are always taken less than in the classic version. This is due to the fact that the exercise involves an isolated impact on the chest, when the assisting muscles are practically unused.

Spring blows with the bar on the chest

In this version of the barbell press, such a technique is cheating. It makes it easier to lift the working weight, but is unsafe. Hitting the barbell press can cause injury.

Wrist curl

Such a mistake leads to injury. Strict control over the fixation of the palms on the bar allows this to happen. They should always be in line with your forearms.

Lowering the barbell to the center of the chest

A strictly formed movement skill when performing a classic bench press usually leads to such an error. This option requires a change in direction to the collarbone area.

Bear grip

The correct execution technique involves the use of a lock upper grip when the thumb is opposite the others. This helps make the exercise as safe as possible. The hands should be quite tense at all times. Otherwise, the power of the pressing force will decrease.

How to get the maximum effect from the exercise?

Bench press on an incline bench in a lying position gives maximum result then when:

  1. Before lifting the apparatus, you should try to simply tense your chest muscles, and then focus all your attention on this sensation and record it in your memory.
  2. Targets the muscles of the chest. The main thing is to avoid imitating a bridge by lifting your lower back off the bench. There should be no gap between the support and the back. Otherwise, muscle work will become significantly more difficult. It is much easier to first perform the exercise on a bench if it has special foot rests.

These two simple rules allow you to make this bench press variation much more effective.


The exercise is not recommended for those who have problems with shoulder joints. When the situation is not critical, the barbell is replaced with dumbbells, which reduce the load. They allow the shoulder joints to move more freely and adapt to the kinematic optimal trajectory of the projectiles.