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Yoga Nidra will help you fulfill your deepest desire. Reality Transurfing and Nidra Yoga. The esotericism of quantum mechanics and the power of tantra in one bottle. Yoga Nidra or the art of deep relaxation

All wish fulfillment techniques are associated with several points that make the formulas simple “you visualize the desire as if it has already come true”, “just consider yourself in a state where the desire has already come true” illusory. Nothing is simple...

First of all, almost everything, and reality transurfing including, the methods imply that this must be done regularly, often and with full involvement.

Secondly, a session of such transurfing practice should last for quite a long time.

Thirdly, many techniques for fulfilling desires, and transurfing too, require, if not faith in a religious sense, then an unyielding intention in a magical sense.

Now let's look at what is required from a person if he wants his desire to have a laptop to come true. Just that... After all, the authors and distributors of methods very often recommend giving priority to ordinary and material things. Realization of desire have a laptop, precisely without any effort in the usual sense, strictly according to transurfing, exclusively with the help slide visualization, just the perfect example of such a desire. According to the terms of the game, for the purity of the experiment, you will have to wait for some exceptional event. It’s not just to withdraw money from a book and buy it, it’s not just to earn money by saving for a new laptop, but something like this... Suddenly, unexpectedly, they gave a bonus at work, or friends, not knowing anything about the desire, came together and bought a laptop for their birthday as a gift . A consumer loan or part-time work in the evenings is the most common way; it doesn’t look much like transurfing.

What will be required of me? to make your wish come true- so small, modest?

1. With a certain regularity, consciously create a mental slide. See yourself as the owner of a laptop. He entered the room and slightly closed his eyes. “Oh, here it is - new - shining with its amazing design. HDD is simply dimensionless. The video card is excellent, quad-core processor, amazing color rendition, beautiful case.” Well, a fairy tale...

I went out to the kitchen and there was a laptop on the table. (In my mind, of course, this is working with mental slide.) How convenient - I want to listen to music in the kitchen, I want to write a book in the office!

I lay down on the sofa with cookies and some tea... And I saw (I didn’t just imagine, I saw) that there was a laptop on my stomach. How nice... Take it with you everywhere.

In addition, sessions of stable, static working with a slide. You close your eyes and for about 20 minutes you see yourself working at your laptop.

2. Confidence that this has already happened. In general, Zealand in terms of visualization practices I didn’t flavor it with anything original. Confidence and faith must be present... Simply for the reason that two thoughts “I have a laptop” and “I may not have a laptop” are two mutually negating signals. If there is confidence in the consciousness, and doubt in the subconscious, even so, then we will simply waste time.

These two points alone are enough to give up the idea.

Firstly, because by repeating a mantra, doing qigong, meditating (not on a laptop, but even on a Buddha statue), simply doing my regular work - I spend time in such a way that I have more confidence that I am using it for development .

Secondly, because developing confidence that there is a laptop, when in reality it is not yet there, will certainly give rise to internal conflict.

Thirdly, it takes energy. It is no coincidence that Zealand proposed monitoring the action of pendulums in order to prevent them from robbing us in the energetic sense, and to replenish their “energy reserves.” And here’s the big question... What’s better from the point of view of personal energy - just making money and buying it, or spending energy visualizing a laptop?

There are other reasons... In general transurfing system requires you to become a kind of child, to get into the world of naive faith in miracles. It requires confidence that my world loves me and will give me some necessary and not so necessary toys, including a laptop, if I have already decided realize your desire to possess it.

This state either appears or it does not. A laptop can also be a means of production. If I fail to develop such childlike confidence, then, again, I will waste time... Just the time that I could spend on making money in order to go the most ordinary way: if you want to buy, earn money and buy.

In addition, having very carefully read everything that concerns creating mental slides In general, I have not found any technique that would give me absolute confidence that this is my wish.

This is probably the main contradiction of Zealand. On the one hand, he proposes to implement something specific. A house, a car, a state when something has already happened. On the other hand, he also proposes to dampen the actions of pendulums. But how do I know - maybe this desire to have a new laptop is just as imposed on me by a pendulum, but in reality I want something else?

A mistake in this choice of desire can cost a very long period of time. And, the saddest thing, will lead to frustration at the time of receipt. Someone wanted an apartment, he got it. But that didn’t make me happy. And this is no joke. For example, the desire to change jobs may take a couple of years to materialize. And then, having changed it, you have to think for a long time about what to do now? It turned out that this is even worse than it was... In general, it is very difficult for people to understand what will happen until they have tried it.

The most striking example would be use of esoteric techniques to resolve the issue of relations between men and women. The guy wanted a girl, idolized her, created a mental image of her, endowed it with some properties. But she doesn't pay attention to him. He used any technique, even the same transurfing... And so: the girl became his wife. "God! What have I done! Got it!” - he screams already in the third month. There are thousands of such situations without any esotericism.

The situation seemed hopeless to me in terms of organizing my own work and life in a universe of options. Again, physics has remained a theory that has no direct connection with concrete life and the solution of specific problems? It was precisely this hopelessness that became the incentive for me to solve it. Simply for the reason that I don’t see any special feat in solving simple problems. You can only develop by solving very complex problems. I immediately decided to transfer everything to the method itself. The logic is quite clear. There are methods that do not raise any doubts.
Personally, I have no doubt that looking into the essence of the Buddha stops the internal dialogue, and not only that. That mantra yoga is a great thing that promotes spiritual growth and the emergence of special abilities. Several hundred such undoubted techniques and traditions can be listed, only those that are already well known and actively practiced by people.

This is how I saw the method, the technique itself.

  1. Practice of wish fulfillment should be enjoyable and useful in many ways. (This is so that you don’t feel sorry for the time spent if nothing was implemented.)
  2. Wish fulfillment method must allow the right desire, the true aspiration, to manifest itself from within. And there should not be a shadow of doubt about this desire. That it is correct.
  3. Practicing the wish fulfillment method itself must exclude the appearance of doubts. The practice itself should be carried out in a state where doubts will not arise.
  4. The method must be tested in practice...
And then I almost attributed it - and it was known to me personally. I'm looking for what I've already found.
At this moment all other reasoning ceased. This is what I already wrote about.

Fully meets all the principles stated above.

1. Yoga practice takes place while lying on your back, in a state of deep relaxation. This in itself is already useful. The work is very pleasant and does not create any negative aspects.
2. Nidra yoga includes sankalpa. This is a formula for strong determination. So solid that any sankalpa is realized, unless it contradicts the laws of the structure of the space of options.

Here is an example of a sankalpa that is never realized in its literal sense “The Rothschilds gave me their entire fortune.”. I won't speak for the Rothschilds. Maybe they are already mentally prepared. Only that people do such sankalpas as a mockery, joke, or want to prove that nidra yoga or transurfing do not work. And they will prove it... And the Rothschilds will not give them a single diamond. What they wanted is what they got - nothing. The formula of strong determination will work in any case. She will work. But what did you want when you came up with such a sankalpa? That's what will happen...

An example of a dubious sankalpa - “my son gets straight A’s”.

In order to become successful or talented, kind or good, rich or happy, you don’t have to get straight A’s. This time. Two - this sankalpa is aggressive. She makes your son “fall” into another universe, one where he is an excellent student. Such a forced transition from one line to another can be very dangerous. If you really want the best for your son, teach him nidra yoga. And let him implements their desires. There is also a version of nidra adapted for children.

Otherwise there are no rules. In general, these two - doubtful ones - are also being implemented. But why bother with such nonsense?

In general, sankalpa is a verbal formula. In our laptop example, this could be the formula "I have a laptop". However, practice has shown that in some cases the sankalpa turns into visualization in itself. It just appears so brightly in my eyes how I became somehow... ( Owning a laptop- this is a personal quality, by the way.)

After that, all I had to do was slightly increase the time allotted in nidra yoga to work with desire. And just not only repeat, but also visualize, just - create mental slides.

But the most important thing is that nidra yoga practice is possible even before the appearance of your basic desire. All nidra is divided into 5 steps. It is possible that someone will have a sankalpa only when they move to the second, or even the third stage. Of course practice reality transurfing in Zealand it is possible without desire. But then one of the main mezanisms stands idle - there is no desire, there is no desire to create any slide. In nidra, practice still happens. It’s just that the inner being has not yet made its main goal explicit. The very expectation of the emergence of a true desire is already the beginning of working with sankalpa.

I won’t hide, as I wrote earlier in one of my notes ““, I even made it my desire to see my real desire. And this also came true.

3. And now about faith and doubt. Reality Transurfing Zealand is practiced in a normal state of consciousness. Whereas nidra is a way of entering the special. After its appearance, practice is carried out there. It's called psychic sleep. You can call it something else, but it is not necessary. This is not a trance, far from a trance. This is not an ordinary dream. This is not a controlled dream, such as is mentioned in the books of Carlos Castaneda. This is an intermediate state between sleep and wakefulness. Sometimes you can “fly away” into sleep, and sometimes it turns into ordinary relaxation. But mostly classes take place in a state of mental sleep. And it is in him that true goals appear; there can be no doubt about him. The psyche is tuned to a completely different wave. And this is something that Zeland and other authors do not have. They are very close to figuring out how to practice correctly. But the strength of the state of mental sleep is replaced by the frequency and duration of the sessions themselves. Over the course of a year of visualizing the laptop, consciousness itself will sooner or later go into psychic sleep. But why leave this matter to chance?

Now about how the implementation occurs.

If a real goal has come, then a lot of others are simply solved automatically. All sorts of refrigerators, gas stoves, washing machines just appear from somewhere. The fact is that real desires, even if they are directed not specifically at oneself, but at something related to oneself, change consciousness and psyche so much that all these honorable objects of material happiness become some kind of symbolic retinue. Everything happens under the motto “If necessary, - in as soon as possible will". It doesn’t even matter how... Funds will appear from somewhere and everything will be resolved.

In addition, real desires make a person happy at the moment of their appearance. That's what I want to say "Wow! What a great desire, what a goal! It’s great that she came to mind!”
Thus, I modified the transurfing technique. Or maybe he even brought something that simply wasn’t in the transurfing system. Not a single outstanding and at the same time formal wish fulfillment practices.

Listen to Nidra Yoga recording and practice. This is the first step. To do this, you need to lie on your back (take shavasana) and follow the voice of the instructor. It will be necessary to pay attention to various areas body, count inhalations and exhalations, visualize various pictures. And, of course, at the beginning and at the end, work with sankalpa - the formula of firm determination. This video is not video, only audio. Posted for informational purposes only. It’s quite suitable for practice... At least for getting started. More in-depth work with desire, visualization of a slide, can be done when the practice itself is over.

What benefits do we get?

  1. Formal practice is acquired. With a clearly defined time range. We started at 1pm and finished at 2pm. There is no need to constantly visualize something, to bring desire to some kind of personal cult.
  2. Something real comes from the depths of consciousness. When sankalpa appears, wings grow. Words cannot describe it, you can only try it.
  3. It's yoga after all. Created by a famous master. It itself leads the mind to liberation. And very good for health. At least psychologically. It also eliminates problems that we owe to stress.
All sankalpas are realized. The next article will tell you a little about what they are and how to approach it. In the meantime, I recommend trying it. Just don’t rush to “make a wish.” It’s not like the New Year’s chimes - everything has its time.

Yoga Nidra is one of the most powerful techniques for conscious relaxation without falling asleep. Or rather, in a state of mental sleep. Often people, even when they sleep, cannot on a subconscious level free themselves from pressing problems and part with stress, and nidra yoga immerses them in a state that is completely free from the burden of reality. This is a divine relaxation that was developed by Satyananda Saraswati.

Yoga Nidra and has nothing in common with other types of rest or relaxation, since they do not provide similar sensations and results. Nidra allows you to relax mentally, physically and emotionally. It is often called psychic sleep, when contact between the subconscious and the conscious occurs at the boundary of wakefulness and sleep. Plunging into complete relaxation, a person is distracted from external impressions and moves into the most intimate corners of his psyche. Many people use this technique to cope with stress and relieve themselves a little when overworked. But for some, it is a unique tool for making their most important desires come true.

You can practice nidra yoga in special classes or at home, in a comfortable environment. The session usually lasts from 20 minutes to one hour. To conduct it, you need to be in a quiet room with closed windows and doors, the TV and receiver turned off so that nothing outside would interfere. Not only external factors should not distract you, but also your own feelings, for example, clothing - it should be as comfortable as possible.

There is no need to plunge into complete darkness or remain in bright light. The ideal option is twilight. It is recommended to practice regularly, without taking too long breaks between sessions. Best time for classes – early morning, about 4 – 6 o’clock. The evening, when you are getting ready to go to bed, is no less suitable. Nidra yoga will prepare the body for deep sleep.

You need to exercise every day on an empty stomach. At least not earlier than three hours after eating. Nidra yoga is not a complicated technique, so you can master it without a teacher. A recorded audio cassette is enough, even if you are taking your first steps in yoga. However, for those who met it for the first time, it is recommended to contact an experienced instructor. He will help you master a technique that everyone can practice completely alone in the future.

You need to turn on a recording where a yoga instructor, with his voice, will guide you into a world where there is nothing that irritates, worries or gnaws. Take the savasana pose and listen to this voice, following all its instructions. For this practice, awareness of actions is very important, so try not to fall asleep, but to achieve exactly that ghostly state after complete relaxation before sleep and stay in it.

Only in this state, armed with firm determination, will you be able to promote a sankalpa - a cherished desire in the form of a formula - into your consciousness. It needs to be formulated as clearly and clearly as possible; the final result of nidra yoga depends on this and whether the sankalpa can eliminate the block in the subconscious that you would like to get rid of. The attitude may sound something like this: “I am absolutely healthy!”, “I am active and awake!”, “I am successful at work!”, “I live in harmony with the world!”. But if you really need something more mundane and material, you shouldn’t deny yourself that either. The main thing is that it is not a whim, a momentary whim. Be sure that you really need it.

The wording should sound as if it has already happened, as a statement of reality and must be positive. Everyone chooses their own sankulpa depending on their personal needs and desires. Whatever you want can be anything. Not at all necessary - the most important thing... But it should be remembered that once chosen, the sankalpa, or formula of firm determination, should no longer be changed. Exactly until your desire is fully realized. In very simple terms, if you decide to become the owner of an apartment, and your sankalpa sounds like “I own my new apartment,” do not also practice “I have a new car” with it... You should not expect an immediate, instant result.

So, you cannot change the sankalpa you have once chosen, but stick to it at every nidra yoga session. Success in fulfilling a desire depends on many factors, the main one of which is the sincerity of intentions.

If you are interested in this yoga and want to try it right now, then do it now... The practice lasts 42 minutes. This post will give you a complete understanding of what yoga nidra is and how the practice works.

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Yoga Nidra practice - fulfillment of desires

Before execution

Yoga Nidra is the twilight state of mind between waking and falling asleep. Yoga Nidra is one of the most powerful methods of deep relaxation in a minimum amount of time: one hour of Yoga Nidra is equal to four hours of regular sleep.

Regular practice of Yoga Nidra is indicated for those who are physically and mentally exhausted, who are tired of a passive lifestyle, and who have lost interest in the world around them.

The practice of Yoga Nidra is especially recommended for those spiritual seekers who suffer from fear, tension, anger, greed and other disharmonies. It is also indicated for those who wish to develop greater awareness and mental clarity.

In the borderline state of Yoga Nidra, between sleep and wakefulness, you make contact with the superconscious part and the unconscious part of your psyche, where your past memories are collected. In Yoga Nidra we create our own dream by visualizing a wide variety of symbols that have powerful and universal meaning.

These “quick images” trigger other, generally unrelated memories from the depths of the subconscious, and each memory in turn is filled with emotional load. Thus, many types of tension go away, and the mind is freed from unnecessary information.

During Yoga Nidra, a decision is made, or sankalpa - an inner conviction that has reached the depths of the subconscious, which is regularly reproduced so that it becomes a reality.

In Yoga Nidra, the decisions we make and the thoughts we create become potentially very powerful. They go deep into the subconscious and over time they definitely become reality.


To conduct Yoga Nidra, we need to get comfortable, lying in Shavasana.

The legs are slightly apart, the arms lie freely along the body, palms up. Make sure that the position of your body and clothing are absolutely comfortable and that you do not have to make any movements during the practice.

Close your eyes and do not open them throughout the entire practice.

Check your body position and clothing again.

During Yoga Nidra you must remain aware. Don't let yourself sleep. Mentally say: “I will not sleep.”

Now take a deep breath and as you inhale, feel the calmness spreading throughout your body.

As you exhale, allow your body to completely relax.

Be aware of your entire body while lying on the floor in complete silence.

Become aware of your entire body from head to toe.

Allow every part of your body to completely relax. Make sure there is no tension anywhere.

Become aware of all parts of the body that are in contact with the floor.

Be aware of the contact of your arms, palms with the floor, elbows with the floor, shoulder blades, legs, heels with the floor, calves, back of the thighs and the floor, be aware of all parts of the body that are in contact with the floor.

Be aware of the contact between the head and the floor.

Become aware of the entire body that is in contact with the floor.

Feel that your whole body is becoming very heavy.

Awaken a feeling of heaviness in every part of your body.

The whole body becomes very heavy, so heavy that it simply sinks, sinks into the floor.

Become aware of this heaviness.

Feel a feeling of lightness in your body.

The whole body is permeated with a feeling of lightness, as if you are floating above the floor.

Feel this weightlessness. Now is the time to make a decision (sankalpa). The decision you make is repeated 3 times. Repeat this decision with expression and a sense of confidence. Remember that the decision made in Yoga Nidra will definitely come true.

Become aware of each part of your body in turn.

While some part of the body is being called, your consciousness should go to that part without any physical movements and switch from point to point as quickly as possible..

Become aware of your right thumb, second finger, third, fourth, little finger, back of the hand, palm, wrist, forearm, elbow, top part arms, shoulder, armpit, right side chest, right side of the waist, right thigh...

Be aware of your left thumb, second finger, third, fourth, little finger, back of the hand, palm, wrist, forearm, elbow, upper arm, shoulder, armpit, left side of the chest, left side of the waist, left thigh...

Be aware of your right big toe, second, third, fourth, little toe, top of foot, sole, heel, ankle, calf, knee, thigh, right buttock...

Be aware of your left big toe, second, third, fourth, little toe, top of foot, sole, heel, ankle, calf, knee, thigh, left buttock...

Be aware of the right buttock, the left buttock, both buttocks, bottom part back, mid back, upper back, right shoulder blade, left shoulder blade, the entire back of the neck, the entire back of the head, the entire face...

Be aware of the chin, lower lip, upper lip, right cheek, left cheek, right ear, left ear, nose, right nostril, left nostril, upper nose, right eye, left eye, right eyelid, left eyelid, right eyebrow, left eyebrow , forehead, center between the eyebrows.

Be aware of the center between the eyebrows... (You can move your attention to all parts of the body several times, as many times as you need to further relax.)

Be aware of the entire right leg, the whole left leg, both legs together...

Be aware of the entire right hand, the entire left hand, both hands together...

Be aware of the whole back of the body, the whole of the front of the body. Be aware of the whole head...

Be aware of the whole body as a whole.

Try to awaken a feeling of coldness in your body.

Imagine walking through the snow at night and your feet feel very cold. Your whole body freezes. Feel this feeling of cold.

Awaken a feeling of warmth in your body. Recreate the feeling of warmth you feel in summer.

Imagine that you are in the sun. Your whole body feels intense heat. Experience this feeling of warmth.

Remember the feeling of pain. Concentrate on it. It can be any type of pain: physical, mental, emotional. Try to awaken this feeling of pain.

Recreate the feeling of pleasure. Revive it. This can be any pleasure: physical, mental or emotional. Try to recreate this feeling to the fullest.

Now bring your attention to natural breathing. Don't try to change it, just monitor the entire breathing process.

Be aware of every inhalation and exhalation.

As you inhale, repeat silently: “I am aware that I am inhaling.”

As you exhale, repeat silently to yourself: “I am aware that I am exhaling.” Don't let any breath go unnoticed.

Having established your attention on your breathing, at the same time mentally count all your inhalations and exhalations in reverse order: “I am aware that I am inhaling-54, I am aware that I am exhaling-54, I am aware that I am inhaling-53, I I realize that I am exhaling -53”, etc. from 54 to 0. If you interrupt the counting, start again from 54. Don’t sleep!

Make sure you are awake and awake.

Now try to imagine yourself walking through the forest early in the morning. The sun hasn't risen yet. You are walking alone and there is no one around. This is a beautiful forest, calm and peaceful.

Tall trees surround you; atmosphere of freshness and coolness. As you move through the forest, you hear the sounds of dry leaves rustling under your feet and feel the pleasant aroma of the trees of a damp, mossy forest.

Around you are graceful beautiful flowers that seem to dance in the wind. Drops of dew sparkle on their petals.

Listen to the music of the birds as they whistle and call out to welcome the new day.

By chance you saw a rabbit eating grass, or you caught the eye of a shy young deer. The forest lives its own life, and you feel the high and harmonious energy of this forest.

There is a narrow stream nearby. As you cross it, you notice several small fish swimming in the water, a lizard that has crawled out of a crevice in the rock, several brightly colored butterflies fluttering gracefully in the air.

You walk among beautiful trees, wide-spread trees, tall and austere trees, bare trees, trees with a rich green crown.

You see a clearing between the trees, in which there is a small temple with an aura of light around it. As you approach it, you hear the sound of OM emanating from the temple and smell the divine scent of incense that reaches you with the wind.

Approach the temple door and enter. Inside the temple it is cool and dark. There are portraits of great saints on the walls.

The sound of OM becomes louder and clearer and you feel a vibration in your head. Seated in the center of the temple, the guru, dressed in a robe, recites the mantra OM. His eyes are closed and he is not aware of your presence.

Sit on the floor, close your eyes and don't move. Feel the deep peace and harmony that surrounds you while you listen to the sounds of the OM mantra.

Listen to these sounds and feel the peace and harmony...

Now be aware of your breathing. Become aware of your natural breathing.

Listen to outside sounds. Become aware of all the sounds that come from the world around you. Move your attention from sound to sound without trying to somehow determine the source. Don't classify sounds as pleasant or unpleasant, just keep track of each sound.

Gradually shift your attention from sounds that come from far away to sounds that are closer. Listen to the sounds that come directly from this room.

Repeat your decision (sankalpa) three more times with a feeling of confidence (the same decision you made at the beginning of the practice). Be aware of your entire physical body. Be aware of your entire body lying on the floor during practice.

Imagine that you are looking at yourself, at your body from above. Look at what you are wearing and what your face expresses.

Become aware of your entire body and the points where your body touches the floor.

Develop awareness of your surroundings.

Keep your eyes open and try to visualize your surroundings.

Now move your fingers, toes and with your eyes closed, slowly sit down in a comfortable cross-legged position.

Repeat the mantra OM three times. When you are fully aware of your surroundings, you can open your eyes.

Alternative series of visualizations

There are many variations that can be used in the practice of Yoga Nidra, for example, you can replace the visualization of a forest or a temple with another set of visualizations. For example, try to visualize the following as clearly as possible: clouds in the sky; red clouds; golden clouds; gray clouds; white clouds; birds in flight against the backdrop of the setting sun; the vast expanse of ocean; waves on the surface of the ocean; big waves; burning candle; figure of Christ; night storm; elephant; tiger; deer; horse; very black snake; sunrise; sunset; airplane taking off; high speed train; red triangle; a pond with many lotus flowers; pink lotus; white lotus; purple dot; silver ray of light; Egyptian pyramids; golden web; River bank; you yourself are flying; small golden egg; temple; cross over the church; praying priest; firefly; smoke from the chimney of an old house; golden bird; Krishna playing the flute; dancing gopis; a magnificent old tree; ringing temple bells; burning incense stick; your transparent body; cool dark forest; canopies from the trees above you; a narrow valley of green ferns; the damp, mossy smell of the forest; seashore before sunrise; seagulls in flight; a market filled with people; high mountains, covered with snow; sparks from electricity; waterfall; golden sands; deep well; peaceful Buddha; standing Christ; singing minstrel; the endless ocean is calm and quiet; green jungle on the ocean coast; jungle thickets; old cottage; an old rishi sitting reverently in front of this house; symbol OM; basket with flowers; red rose; yellow rose; bunch of grapes; ripe mango; cemetery at night; running clock; deep dark cave; light coming from the cave; multi-colored light; bright twinkling star; crystal rosary; you who put on new clothes; your reflection in the mirror; peacock spreading its tail; playing kittens; two horses fighting each other; a divine being playing a harp; waves crashing on the shore; stars in the night; waterless desert; sparkling fire; green oasis; full moon; wandering sadhu; crying child; yourself as a child; bright flashes in the sky; the sound of rain pattering on the roof; candle flame; sannyasin in meditation; your face; painting; river flow; children laughing and playing; lake with calm and clean water; reflection of the moon in the water.

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The body is an instrument given to our soul so that we can feel ourselves, feel the various manifestations of this world and be aware of our actions in it.

Our body is the key to our inner world and subconscious, to all its contents, including the stereotypes that have developed over life, accumulated grievances, negative beliefs and destructive attitudes, which we are not always aware of, but which affect our daily reality and that how this reality is built around us. They influence our every thought, choice, action and, as a result, our destiny.

These negative mental patterns prevent us from expressing our potential, our true soul desires (intentions) and cause us to waste our time and energy chasing things that we don’t really need.

After all, why is our Intention not embodied?

First reason, is that perhaps this Intention is not true. It is the desire of the mind, and only the mind. While the other part of you - your Higher Self - understands that in fact you don’t need what you want. The lack of synchrony between different parts of your being, the internal conflict of your “selves”, when one part of you wants something, and the other, even the one that you are not aware of, does not want it, gives rise to an internal conflict that consumes a lot of energy. Energy cannot be focused and directed entirely towards one goal, in one direction. She is “torn” into two opposite sides. As a result, there is no result.

For it to exist, you just need to bring all parts of your being into synchronicity. To achieve coordinated work of the mind and the Higher Self. And here we have two options.

The first and most correct one is to realize that you really don’t need it, that this is NOT the True intention, but only the weakness of the conditioned mind, the desire of the Ego, the desire to prove something to others or to yourself, or a desire instilled by society, and not coming from the core your true needs for happiness.

The second, quite stupid, is to try to “persuade” the Higher Self that you really need it, that this desire is true, and you can’t do without it. Sometimes it works. And synchrony happens. However, taking into account that our Higher Self is an order of magnitude wiser than the Mind, this does not end well. Yes, you can achieve a lot with stubbornness, the question is what it will cost you later. After all, our Higher Self sees and knows in advance what the mind does not know. And for some reason he decides that it is better not to give us what we ask. Having achieved what you want with incredible persistence, contrary to the original wisdom of the Higher Self, it will most likely turn sideways. You will still realize that you didn’t really want it or wanted it differently, or simply, having gotten what you wanted, you will end up in a lot of trouble.

Second reason the reason why the Intention is not embodied - even if the Intention is true, and all parts of your Self agree that it should be embodied - is that over the years of life, a huge number of childhood fears, teenage complexes, and traumas of adult life have accumulated and been preserved in all of us. They directly affect our ability to embody true Intentions. Fears whisper that this is impossible, we cannot be so lucky. Complexes make us doubt whether we are worthy of what we want, emotional traumas convince us that this time everything will end badly, “like then.” And again there is a lack of synchrony, again a waste of energy from the Intention on negative thoughts, again a lack of result, the reason for which is the lack of energy to implement this Intention. In this case, we ourselves are programming ourselves for failure, even if the Intention is initially true, and the Universe would be happy to give it to us.

However, it's not all bad. And inside the problem itself there always lies the key to its solution! The key is within us, in our body-mind, and we have the ability to get it.

The practice of yoga has not always been used only to strengthen muscles or even calm the mind. It can also be used for creative work with Intention, for the conscious creation of one’s Reality.

This process of working with Intention in asanas can be divided into two stages:

  • The first stage of working with Yoga of Intention is diagnostic. When the position of the body (asana), when combined with keeping one’s Intention in consciousness, acts as an indicator, a diagnostic tool that shows exactly where energy blocks are located in the body, what part of consciousness they are connected to, and shows how exactly this block in the body-consciousness prevents your Intention from being embodied in Reality. Due to the fact that each asana (different body positions) involves different parts of the body and “turns on” different chakras, changing the position of the body during practice and keeping the same Intention in the background of consciousness, we have the opportunity to track, in which position, in which parts of the body the blockages are felt, and also to realize what psychological problem or negative belief is behind it.
  • The second stage of working with Yoga of Intention is healing. When the asana works directly with the blocks found, cleansing the body and consciousness of them, thus helping to remove internal obstacles to translating the Intention into reality. The movement of energy flows in the body while performing an asana in a certain way breaks through blockages in energy channels, releases stagnant energy, breaks the “negative” neural connection established in the consciousness and allows you to “rewrite” your body-mind so that the Intention can finally be realized. “Chasing” our Intention through diagnostic body positions (asanas), we find blocks and realize the mental attitudes behind them, and then, using a certain method of performing the same asanas, we energetically cleanse the body and consciousness, opening the way for Intention and sending it into the Universe .

The possibilities of yoga and what it can give us are truly limitless, and the topic of working with Intention in asanas is so great and deep that it is not possible to describe the subtleties of this technique in the format of a short article. But I will talk about it December 18 at 18:00 on . Join us to learn more, try out this interesting technique of working with the body and subconscious for yourself, and of course, to remove obstacles from the path of realizing your true Intentions. We will form the right intentions for next year!

The New Year is always an opportunity to move into a new state of consciousness, a new quality of life, a new sense of self. However, very often the New Year's impulse is only enough for the first weeks of the new year, after which we return to the old, familiar way of living and thinking.

This 2-hour yoga workshop with elements of practice is dedicated to realizing the New Year's Intention. It will give you the opportunity to prepare your body, energy and mind for a radical transformation, will help cleanse the energy system and consciousness of internal blocks, fears, complexes and doubts that interfere with the realization of your desires.

You will be able to go to New Year in a new state of consciousness and a new sense of self!

A powerful group meditation at the end of the seminar will help you set your New Year's Intention correctly and implement it in your life in the new 2017.


It seems to many that yoga is inaccessible to them due to limited bodily capabilities. People think of yoga as something like advanced circus acrobatics. But there is a type of yoga that is accessible to absolutely everyone, because everyone knows how to... sleep! Yoga Nidra - sleep and make your wishes come true!

Nidra - dream dream

Sleep yoga (“nidra” - sleep in Sanskrit) is a practice that helps a person grow and improve not only in reality, while awake, but also in sleep. Sleep has great opportunities, because in sleep the body is completely relaxed, and the consciousness is not busy solving current daily problems. Advanced masters believe: yoga nidra is such a powerful practice that it is quite capable of influencing both sleep and wakefulness, making it happy and successful!

Before you practice yoga nidra, you need to know what it is.

What is the essence of yoga nidra

In a dream, of course! But this is not a dream in the literal sense of the word. We are awake - the encephalograph will display this active state as the beta rhythm of the EEG (frequency from 14 to 40 Hz). During sleep, our brain switches to the theta rhythm (frequency 4-8 Hz). In a state of deep sleep, the EEG will record the vibration of weak delta waves (1-4 Hz).

In a state called yoga nidra, between sleep and wakefulness, the brain works in alpha rhythms with a frequency of 8-12 Hz!
Such radiation is characteristic of the so-called hypnagogic state, which necessarily precedes falling asleep. It lasts about 5 minutes, is characterized by deep relaxation and the person’s ability to hear and perceive information from the outside. Yoga Nidra is the art of prolonging the state of “conscious sleep”.

Yoga Nidra or the art of deep relaxation

The state of conscious sleep is achieved through complete and deep relaxation. Actually, yoga nidra has a positive effect on the human body because it changes the nature of sleep. If we “fall” into normal sleep immediately, without prior relaxation, all muscle tension and negative daytime experiences remain with us. Relaxation in yoga nidra is not only about relaxing muscles and gaining clarity of consciousness, but also about removing mental and physical “garbage” from the body: all tensions.

In this state, it is possible to form a sankalpa - a firm intention, a certain internal conviction that penetrates into the deep layers of consciousness and can be realized in reality.

Origins of Yoga Nidra

Swami Satyananda created the method of yoga nidra based on the ancient Vedic traditions described in the late collection of yogic texts, Rigvidhana. He took as a basis one of the rituals described there - the sacrifice of Vishnu.

It sounds scary, but in fact this practice only means spiritual sacrifice. It looked like this: the person performing the ritual clearly imagined (visualized) the image of the deity. Then he presented the letters of the Sanskrit alphabet, and 16 verses from the 90th hymn of the Rigveda “Purusha-sukta” (the hymn describes the creation of the world from parts of the body of Purusha). Poems (mantras) were required to be “imposed” on various parts of Vishnu’s body in the imagination. Then imagine your own body - and “superimpose” images of sacred texts onto it. In this way, the performer of the ritual “became like” a deity. His body allegedly acquired the qualities of the divine - siddhi, supernatural abilities.

This practice is called “nyasa” (“gathering the mind into one point”).

Satyananda's method - gradual awareness of body parts and working with visual (imaginary) images - was created on the basis of nyasa. This is not classical yoga, since a certain work of consciousness is carried out (classical yoga presupposes its complete immobility). Of course, there is a lot here from tantra - Satyananda practiced it since childhood.

Scientific evidence for the benefits of nidra yoga

In the early 1970s, the Menninger Clinic in Kansas (USA) conducted a study of the brain function of a yogi in the state of yoga nidra. The object of the study was the famous yogi Swami Rama, who practiced in Himalayan caves until 1952. The scientific director was Dr. Elmer Green. An electroencephalograph recorded the biocurrents of the yogi’s brain during practice.

It was discovered that Swami Rama, even in a state of deep sleep (the yogi’s sleep was genuine, not feigned, the device recorded a sign of such sleep - delta waves) remained vigilant in consciousness! After waking up, he perfectly remembered what happened next to him during the experiment, including the questions asked to him by the scientists during deep sleep. Swami Rama could describe in detail all stages of sleep - he was lucid in each of them!

The superconscious (or, as yogis call it, turiya - the integration of consciousness, subconscious and unconscious) turned out to be a physiological reality! Of course, this opened up vast new possibilities.

Areas of application of yogic sleep

Currently, sleep state yoga is used:

  • V various systems training (to improve memory functions and cognitive abilities);
  • for the prevention and treatment of stressful conditions;
  • for therapy in the treatment of both acute and chronic forms of various diseases - cardiovascular, respiratory, gastrointestinal tract and others;
  • in the field of geriatrics and rehabilitation of elderly patients;
  • in the treatment of psychosomatic diseases;
  • in psychiatry.

Yoga Nidra for Beginners: Spiritual Aspect

Swami Satyananda himself called yoga nidra “the gateway to samadhi.” If you remove the pomposity, “the door to enlightenment” or, which suits a Western person more, “to perfection.”

Since sankalpa is carried out during this practice, unlimited opportunities open up for self-improvement and improving the quality of both sleep and life in general. It is not necessary to go specifically to enlightenment - but why not use a method that helps you become better and make life more joyful? You just need to form the sankalpa correctly: it can help get rid of bad habits, negative emotions, awaken creative powers, and give energy for the implementation of various projects.

How to practice yogic sleep?

The beginning of the practice is shavasana - also known as dead man's pose. You lie on your back, arms along your body, palms up, legs slightly apart. It is not for nothing that the asana is named this way: evaluate in advance the comfort of the pose and whether any details of clothing are restricting you. Nothing bothers a dead man, and neither should you.

Eyes must be closed. If you're not sure you can keep them closed, wear a bandage.
Breathe evenly, deeply, calmly. And begin to be aware of the body - everything, from head to toe. Anything that seems tense, gradually relax. Feel where and how your body is in contact with the floor surface.

Imagine your body absolutely motionless and unbearably heavy. Like a huge log, like a boulder. Feel that even the little finger of your hand cannot be lifted off the floor without effort.

Now imagine the feeling of extreme lightness. The body is weightless, like a balloon inflated with helium, like a cloud, it is about to soar above the floor...

Sankalpa time. Make a decision and repeat three times.

Begin to become aware of each part of the body in turn and separately. Without moving - with just consciousness. Literally every one (not only hands, but also fingers in turn). Start from the feet and gradually move towards the head. Everything is done only with consciousness, quickly moving attention from one part of the body to another. Be aware of the body holistically.

Become aware of your breath. Inhale and exhale 54 times with awareness of this. Make sure you are awake.

Now concentrate on the point between your eyebrows. This is the chidakasha space, the “visual screen” of the ajna chakra (often called the “third eye”). Concentrate on this darkness. If you see something (picture-image, colored spots), know that these are manifestations of your mind. You're not sleeping!

Engage in visualization that gives peace - imagine an image that you associate with peace and serenity: a deep clean lake with clear water, where every pebble is visible, a clear blue sky with slowly floating clouds, a large powerful tree, a sleeping animal, a sitting Buddha...

Visualizations are not available to everyone. If your perception of the world around you is more through hearing (you're an auditory learner) or touch (you're a kinesthetic learner), you may find it difficult to visualize images without falling out of a state of relaxation. So it’s not necessary.

Become aware of your breath again. Listen to the sounds of the world around you, without judging them in any way - they just sound. From distant sounds (outside the window, on the street) focus on close ones (sounds in the room).

Repeat the sankalpa three more times. Become aware of the body again, imagine it from the side, as if “rising” above it. Be aware of your surroundings. Move. Slowly sit down in a comfortable manner. Are you aware of everything that surrounds you? You are awake. Open your eyes.

The video provides a detailed guide - the practice of yoga nidra with consistent relaxation. Listen and follow everything you hear:

A certain mistake is typical for beginners: they are so eager to control the process of physical relaxation that they cannot relax mentally. It is better to completely “let go” of control and immerse yourself in the process of physical relaxation. Yes, perhaps at some moments you will fall into a normal, unconscious sleep - but this is the norm for starting practice! If you practice while listening to an audio recording, it is possible that you will hear the first command and the last one, but you will not remember at all what sounded and happened between them. No wonder: you are not Swami Rama yet.

“What am I doing if I’m just sleeping?”

You create optimal conditions for communication between consciousness and the unconscious. It is important not to try to force this process! The unconscious is timid, it needs to be “tamed” by calmly and detachedly observing what is happening. Let everything happen!

If you disconnect from observation, it’s okay, you’re just not yet relaxed enough for all your internal tensions to go away. Over time, they will be worked out and go away, and conscious sleep - yoga nidra - will gradually become more and more transparent. You will now consciously observe how this cloudy glass is cleared. And this will be what Swami Satyananda wrote about!

Don't start practicing immediately after an eventful day - you're not in the mood for it. Familiarize yourself with the basics of yoga - breathing practice (pranayama) and asanas. Calm your breathing, warm up your body through the active practice of asanas - this will help pacify the mind, which is still “drawn in” to the day’s events. A few active asanas will take your mind off them and help the mind relieve stress.

There is an opinion that at the beginning of practice it is better not to use sankalpa or to use it, but in a “general”, universal form. Invite the conscious and unconscious to find a solution on their own. The opinion is based on the fact that a neophyte who does not yet know how to “rise” above his “I” will formulate the sankalpa incorrectly; he does not see himself and his problems from the outside. And an erroneous sankalpa will not lead him out of the situation.

Perhaps this is too cautious an approach. And if you take into account some features of the practice, nothing terrible will happen even when a beginner forms a sankalpa.

Don't imagine sankalpa as a magic wand for fulfilling all your desires.

You can, of course, make a wish for the embodiment of a material desire - and you will get what you want, but the question is when. It may take a very, very long time before you no longer need it! And then, realize the main thing: behind any material desire there is a more important one - a spiritual one. Or not really. Have you wished for a yacht? Think about what is behind this desire. Do you dream of crossing the Atlantic alone? Or did you just dream since childhood that someone would die of envy? Or did he throw himself on your neck? Does this mean that you simply lack self-confidence?

So isn't it easier to form the intention to become a confident person?

A few rules for a competent sankalpa:

  1. We talk about what we want as if it already exists. Not “I want to become calmer,” but “I am a calm, balanced person.”
  2. It only concerns you. There is no need to make wishes about things related to other people: you do not know their wishes. Not “Bill Gates offered me a job,” but “I work for a great company,” “My talents in the IT field are in great demand.”
  3. Forget about the particle "not". The subconscious does NOT understand her, and hearing the desire: “I’m not afraid of the dark, cockroaches and Claudia Ivanovna,” it will perceive it the other way around! You will become even more afraid of dark entrances, mustachioed red creepers and mother-in-law.
  4. The greater the number of words, the more scattered and vague the subconscious perceives your intention. Not “I want to learn English perfectly, and not grab the dictionary every time,” but “I read Harry Potter (Shakespeare, whoever you want) in the original.”
  5. We do not discuss sankalpa with anyone. It will have a weaker effect. This is too subtle a matter... Have you heard of the saying “don’t tell me what you dream about - it won’t come true?” This is approximately how it works here.

The effect of meditation practice

By practicing yoga nidra, you will learn:

  • completely and effectively relax all the muscles of the body;
  • get rid of any emotional stress and stabilize the mind (the flow of garbage obsessive thoughts will dry up);
  • raise the level of stress resistance;
  • quickly restore strength and energy tone;
  • sleep well and efficiently (less time will be spent on sleep!);
  • rest so that after rest you are ready for any active actions;
  • consolidate the correct, positive attitudes in your mind - you will get rid of the habit of negative thoughts and reactions.

In addition, yoga nidra starts the process of self-healing of the body: you become calmer and more balanced at all levels, both mental and physical.

Do you want to try yoga nidra? Try it - you have nothing to lose, but you can gain a lot. And remember: you don’t need to quit practice if nothing works the first, second or third time. Throughout your life, you have pretty much “smeared” the glass of your consciousness. Give him time to cleanse himself.