
How are dumbbells different from kettlebells? What is better to choose - a barbell or dumbbells? Improving Explosive Strength

Many people prefer to train at home, but some, knowing all the benefits of training with kettlebells and dumbbells, cannot make an informed choice in favor of one or another equipment. It's really about choosing sports equipment there is nothing complicated about strength training. It is necessary to determine the target as accurately as possible and weigh all the advantages of certain shells. Only after this will it become clear to everyone what kind of training to do and for what period of time.

Functional differences between kettlebells and dumbbells

Home dumbbell, a wide selection of which can be found in online store , differs significantly from a weight of the same weight. First of all, this difference lies in the range of exercises with its use, the way it affects muscles and muscle groups.

Even externally, training with these equipment has significant differences. If you look closely at the exercises with weights, you will notice that they are performed using a large number of muscle groups. With dumbbells, you can work out the smallest muscles in an isolated mode.

Specifics of training with dumbbells and kettlebells

If using dumbbells it is more convenient to perform exercises at a slow speed, then using a kettlebell it is better to do precisely those movements that are aimed at developing the speed-strength qualities of muscles and endurance. In other words, exercises with dumbbells are better designed for developing muscles, gaining muscle mass, creating relief and muscle strength, and kettlebells are better for overall body endurance.

Of course, you can train for endurance with the help of dumbbells, but dumbbells have a significant advantage - the ability to change the weight in small increments. For example, you can buy a 16 kg weight and perform with it various exercises, or you can also purchase dumbbells of the same weight, but with the ability to change its weight from 1 to 16 kg after 1 kg.

Therefore, dumbbells are better suited for solving problems of fitness, bodybuilding and similar areas, and kettlebells are better suited for improving overall physical training, developing speed, explosive strength, increasing coordination and strengthening all muscles. Kettlebells are best suited for athletes who specialize in lifting weights, throwing equipment, and also who practice various types of martial arts.

Is it possible to combine training with kettlebells and dumbbells?

Both considered power equipment are designed to solve similar problems, so training with their use can be varied in any combination. It should be remembered that the human body cannot simultaneously strive for several states. For example, it is impossible to immediately lose fat and gain muscle mass, as well as increase strength and increase endurance. Of course, you can try to achieve several goals at once, but the percentage of completion of the assigned tasks will be lower than if they were solved separately.

When can you use dumbbells and kettlebells together?

Still, kettlebells and dumbbells can be used to solve general problems. For example, when training your back muscles, if you don't have enough dumbbell weight, you can use a heavy kettlebell for bent-over rows. Dumbbells can also be used to warm up before lifting weights or used in light workouts instead of weights.

Thus, both kettlebells and dumbbells are power equipment that can be used separately to achieve different goals and together to solve the same training problems.

[Since you don't like him, I can't help but write. To be honest, I (as always) thought that everyone had known for a long time and why would I stick my neck out? It turns out that no one still knows anything... again himself... again about Gogol...

Pavel Tsatsouline is an excellent trainer and author (I have read almost all of his books), promotes effective forgotten exercises and techniques. At the same time, he does not insist on weights alone; he has well described exercises with both a barbell and own weight, also stretching and gymnastics for joints. He offers the best.

Fragment from the book Naked Warrior (Unarmed Fighter)]

Are strength exercises with your own body weight more effective than exercises with different equipment?

None of the types strength exercises is not superior to the other. Various projectiles have both their advantages and disadvantages. Here are the main differences.

Own body weight

The biggest advantage of these exercises is their accessibility. I could ramble unscientifically about the naturalness of gymnastics or pseudoscientifically about “open” and “closed” kinetic chains, but I won’t.
The main advantage of exercises with your own body is the fact that anyone can do them anywhere and at any time.

These exercises force you to maintain a functional and healthy body weight. You can get a heart attack while setting a bench press record, but that trick won't work with one-arm push-ups. A high level of relative strength cannot be achieved by carrying a bunch of excess fat(or extra muscle - for that matter).

The biggest disadvantage of bodyweight exercises is that without some kind of apparatus, you won't be able to do great full-body pulling movements: deadlift, snatch and power clean. These exercises lay the strength foundation for many sports. You can, of course, develop muscles back surface the body with bridges, extensions, etc., but loading muscles and lifting weights are “two big differences,” as they say in Odessa.

The authoritative Soviet yearbook “Boxing” recommended that athletes do snatches with a barbell of their own weight. Frank Shamrock had this to say in an interview with Mike Mahler: “The clean is a concerted, explosive effort from the entire body, from the feet all the way up, and that's exactly what we need in MMA. It all starts in the legs and ends in the fist. This connects all the muscles of the body, and if you learn to collect and transfer all the energy in this movement, you will be able to apply it in other activities. The body remembers everything and becomes stronger. It’s a lot like practicing punches.”


The barbell allows you to lift a lot, which is just fun. There's nothing better than pulling a weight that makes the bar bend.

But besides this testosterone joy, the barbell is good because it allows you to accurately set the desired working weight, for example, “82.5% of 1RM.” Why is it important? Because with it we can carry out a long strength cycle with prescribed working weights, gradually approaching a new record. This is a very simple but effective method.

It will not be possible to carry out such cycles with other projectiles, because the weight changes in too large steps. Even if you have an extensive row of dumbbells with 2.5 kg increments, the difference between a 10 kg dumbbell and a 12.5 kg dumbbell is 25%, and kettlebells traditionally use half and quarter pound increments. In exercises with your own weight, it is always constant, and changing the load (lever) will also not work with such precision as on a barbell.


Dumbbells add stress to the stabilizing muscles and allow you to work both arms equally, which is not possible with a barbell. But you need a huge row of dumbbells to use them for different muscle groups and exercises. Collapsible dumbbells are our choice.

But dumbbells are still not suitable for some great exercises. For example, a strong athlete will not be able to work his legs properly with them: their weight is not enough for a deadlift, they are uncomfortable to hold on your shoulders in a front squat and in front of you if you squat on one leg.


I have yet to meet an athlete who, having completed my kettlebell training course, did not admit that kettlebells are an ideal tool for improving physical fitness. Denis Kozlowski, Doctor of Chiropractic [chiropractor, but they still have a “doctor” degree] and silver medalist Olympic Games in classical wrestling, he directly says: “Training with kettlebells is 10 times more effective for me than with a barbell... If I had met Pavel in the early 80s, I could have won two gold medals. I am not kidding".

Thanks to its design, including the handle being further away from the center of gravity of the projectile, the kettlebell has some unique advantages. The thick, smooth handle combined with the ballistic nature of many kettlebell exercises “forges” steel grips and wrists. The forearms also get a lot of mileage from kettlebell lifts and upside down jerks. The shifted center of gravity is very effective both for stabilizing the shoulder joints and for developing mobility in the shoulder girdle.

The features of the kettlebell also allow you to perform various movements with an interception from hand to hand, the so-called “power juggling”, the benefits of which are noted by the State Committee for physical culture Russian Federation. These exercises develop dynamic strength and prevent injury by strengthening the body through multi-plane movements, as opposed to traditional single-plane exercises.

Another advantage kettlebell training- you only need weights, and not a bunch of shells, collapsible or not. Increasing the load is achieved by other methods, selection of exercises. For example, in squats, you can start by holding a kettlebell with both hands by the “horns” between your shoulder blades (which cannot be done with a dumbbell), then move on to front squats with weights on your shoulders (which is awkward to do with dumbbells and sometimes very painful with a barbell), then hack squats with a kettlebell behind your back below (which is again more difficult to do with a dumbbell) and finally one-leg squats with a kettlebell held by the “horns” in front of you, and for the most powerful guys - with a weight on your shoulder or above your head.

Thus, as you can see, you can increase the load with one projectile without going broke on a bunch of equipment that takes up a lot of space. That's why kettlebells are the ideal choice for many who want maximum performance with minimal investment.

Since I train with kettlebells myself, teach people to train with kettlebells, and sell kettlebells, I can praise them endlessly. But you need to remember one main idea: training with kettlebells is training with “iron balls”.

I only talked about the basic equipment for serious work on yourself and am not going to describe the entire equipment market. I hope you get the idea.

One tough parting thought: you should choose the equipment that best prepares you for your sport. For example, it is advisable for a gymnast to train with weights own body, and for a powerlifter - with a barbell.

Choice of shells for training with “iron” is the subject of various kinds of disputes, since some coaches and athletes believe that it is better to train with guns, others that It’s better to train with barbells, while others, in general, believe that it’s better to train with exercise machines. Who is right? You know, you can say that you are all right, but it would be more accurate to say that no one is right! Here you need to understand that training, even if its ultimate goal is the development of muscle mass, in the course of training at-let-ta can pursue various operational tasks. It is precisely for this reason that a person who believes that something is “better” without specifying why, most likely, is generally bad. bi-ra-et-sya in the matter.

It may be relevant to use both barbells and dumbbells, kettlebells, exercise machines, touring machines and any other equipment. The only question is what tasks the athlete is pursuing when using this or that sleep series. If a person at this stage of training is committed to the targeted development of strength indicators, training in the range of 2-6 reps, then in what way could it be useful for him to use a gun-te-li, and not a shtan-gu? On the other hand, if in the future the athlete uses restorative volumetric training, guns will be more suitable for these purposes. The same com-pot with exercise equipment, since there are times when exercise equipment is necessary, and it would be so that they are It's a waste of time. Come on, let's get going!

Pros and cons of the barbell

Pros: the ability to maximally innervate the target muscle group, thanks to the inclusion of all synergists and balancing the projectile. If you need to develop maximum strength, then this can only be done with a barbell, since the bar provides more comfortable and safe the position of the ligaments and joints, in connection with which, the central nervous system is ready to issue the most powerful nerve impulses, providing the maximum muscle contraction, allowing the maximum strength potential to be realized. That is why during power cycles the main volume of work is not done with a barbell, but dumbbells or a trainer are used -call only for special management.

Minuses: The barbell has no obvious disadvantages, since, in principle, you can work with the barbell both as a tool for general physical development, and as a projectile that provides yu-shim isolation target muscle group. Rather, the disadvantage of the barbell can be called the lack of advantages of other apparatus, therefore, yes, perform a number of special movements, such as, for example, supination of the hand, or connecting the muscles of the sta-bi-li-za-to-ry will not work. It’s not possible to complete the exercise even in a strictly specified amplitude, which is an unconditional problem for beginners, not who have developed a neuromuscular connection and technical proficiency, but, in general, it’s difficult to call all of these shortcomings; rather, it’s a lack of completeness. tele-options.

Pros and cons of dumbbells

Pros: the ability to use stabilizer muscles, which are activated due to the fact that the dumbbells are not connected to each other; in addition, this allows the use of a deeper range of motion, since the bar does not rest against the body. It’s also worth noting that dumbbells allow you to sup-up and pronate your hands, thanks to which you manage to work completely bodily functions of muscles. All this makes the gun an excellent personal tool for “pumping” muscles when the athlete uses high-volume training schemes or during recovery training within a three-strength cycle, and, of course, dumbbells can be used to improve your skills qi-al-nyh exercises, type of press for the middle delta, flyes, swings and others.

Minuses: firstly, with dumbbells you will never in your life bench press the same weight as you can press with a barbell, which indicates that the muscles are innervi- ru-yu-tsia is weaker, so if your goal is to achieve “failure,” then dumbbells are not suitable for you. Gan-te-li is quite difficult to take, therefore, if you perform an exercise with them, then you need at least one, or at least two training partners who they will serve you gan-te-li. If you use dumbbells to perform the same exercises that you can perform with a barbell, say, a bench press, then the weight that you can lift yourself hundred-I-tel-but, small for you. Also, in addition to the second point, it’s worth noting that with guns it’s much harder to progress the load, so yes, if you use them in time of development of speed-strength tools, then their use should be alternated with the use of a barbell, progressing the load with the last and fixed -ruya it with gan-te-la-mi.

Pros and cons of exercise machines

Pros: provide a given amplitude of movement, therefore, if you need to concentrate exclusively on the work of some muscle, then for this purpose you can use three -on-jer. The trainer allows you to perform even heavy “failure” moves without a partner, since you can always fix the bar. There are exercises that can only be performed on a machine, or that can be done more conveniently in a workout, such as scissor squats with a barbell on your back. It is clear that, mainly, beginners use the exercise machines, since athletes of a higher level have good training skills. developed tech-ni-ches-ki-mi-on-you, blah-da-why, it’s more convenient for them to do the exercises with free weight, but the given amplitude that movement poses but-vich-kam from many “ko-sya-kov”.

Minuses: Most exercises in simulators are not suitable for a huge number of people, since all simulators involve the use of a given amplitude of movement, and yes, it is suitable for the average person, and therefore, if you are far from the environment Because of them, you will simply feel uncomfortable in the simulator. On the other hand, it cannot be said that tre-na-drovs have some obvious disadvantages; rather, it is a tool that is intended to solve one’s own problems. specific tasks that are associated, mainly, with to-ni-zi-ru-y training and “relief” training. It is also worth noting the extreme effectiveness of training after an injury, when it is possible to avoid the load on the injured muscle, sus-tav or ligament, so, like everything else, use tre-na-s wisely!

It is impossible to say for sure which equipment is better suited for strength training - dumbbells or kettlebells. Because these two tools are suitable for achieving different goals. Today we will talk about what is the best equipment to use for training.

Many argue that it is better to buy weights. Their large selection on is presented at affordable prices. At the same time this salon sports equipment, is engaged in the sale of other sports equipment.

When should weights be used?

Many professionals say that kettlebells are a great addition to cardio workouts. During exercise, you can perform a wide range of different movements, which results in an increased heart rate and increased cardio load. This exercise option is ideal for people who do not like treadmills and other exercise equipment. Exercising with kettlebells will improve your endurance and train your cardiovascular system.

Exercises with kettlebells also help develop explosive strength. During these exercises you will be able to develop maximum strength in short period time. This training may be necessary for various types sports.

Such exercises can also train a specific muscle group, as well as the whole body. When performing swings with a kettlebell, not only the shoulders and chest muscles will work, but also the rest of the body. And accordingly, such training allows you to achieve uniform pumping of the whole body, develop its functionality and strength.

Dumbbells for training

This tool is perfect for most basic exercises. They can be used for standing or lying exercises. When using them, there is no weight swinging. And it is precisely for this reason that inertia does not make some things simple. basic exercises.

For beginners, dumbbells are much better because they are more stable and secure. You can easily select a whole range training complexes with dumbbells and skillfully combine them with each other.

They will also be perfect for performing isolated exercises. Therefore, using dumbbells, you can increase your absolute strength and muscle mass much faster. Therefore, if you want to achieve just such goals, then it is better to use dumbbells for exercise. When performing certain types of exercises, dumbbells can be an ideal replacement for kettlebells.

Supplementing strength training with cardio

Kettlebell exercises have a wide range of motion and significantly raise your heart rate, making them a cardio workout as well as a strength workout. This is a great option for those who hate treadmill and other cardio equipment.

By diversifying your workouts with kettlebell exercises, you will pump up your endurance and train your cardiovascular system.

Here are a few popular exercises with weights that will help you quickly:

2. Throwing weights onto your shoulders.

5. Kettlebell swings.

Explosive Strength Development

Many exercises with weights develop the ability to exert maximum strength in a minimum period of time.

Explosive strength is necessary for many sports, such as basketball and CrossFit. In addition, explosive exercises help overcome stagnation in training when the weight reaches a certain point, and then progress stops.

Here are some exercises to develop explosive strength with kettlebells:

Making exercises more difficult due to instability

Unlike dumbbells, kettlebells move the center of gravity 15-20 centimeters away from your hand, so they are more unstable. To hold the weights during exercises, you have to strain much more.

For example, if you do squats with a kettlebell, holding it in a vertical position with the heavy part facing up, you have to put in extra effort to keep the kettlebell from falling and hitting your arm. The same goes for the kettlebell snatch and overhead squats. These exercises will be easier to perform with dumbbells.

Uniform body development and functional strength training

Exercises with kettlebells do not involve any certain group muscles, but the whole body. For example, during kettlebell swings they work not only pectoral muscles and shoulders, but also all the muscles of the core, legs, buttocks.

By training with kettlebells, you evenly pump your entire body and develop functional strength, which can be useful in life.

Increased grip strength

Because the kettlebell handle is curved and often quite thick, it requires more wrist strength to hold it securely in your hands. This can be used to prepare your wrists for other exercises.

For example, bent-over kettlebell rows build grip strength and prepare your wrists for pull-ups and other bar exercises.

When is the best time to choose dumbbells?

Oleg Klementiev/

Dumbbells are a more popular piece of equipment than kettlebells, which are found in any gym. Dumbbells also have a wider range of weights.

To perform basic movements

Dumbbells are ideal for most basic movements. With them you can perform bench press, seated press, bent-over rows, squats with dumbbells on your shoulders.

With dumbbells, you don't swing the weight like you do with a barbell snatch or kettlebell swing, so momentum won't make the basic exercise easier.

For newbies

Dumbbells are more stable than kettlebells, making them easier and safer to exercise, which is good for beginners.

You can easily find or combine them with each other, while kettlebells are best left for training with a trainer. He will teach you correct technique and will ensure that you perform the exercises without risk of injury.

For isolated exercises and muscle hypertrophy

Isolated exercises with dumbbells will help you quickly increase absolute strength and build muscle mass. If this is what you came to the gym for, choose dumbbells and perform basic exercises. Cardio exercises can be done separately.

For most exercises

For some exercises, kettlebells can easily be replaced with dumbbells. For example, a kettlebell snatch can be replaced with dumbbell swings. The exercise will be different from the jerk at the top point, in addition, you will not be able to gain such inertia by shifting the center of gravity of the projectile. But in general, dumbbell swings will make the muscles of the arms, legs, and core work.

Turkish get-ups, jump squats, overhead lifts, side bends with weights - all of these exercises can be performed with dumbbells. The load distribution will change, but you will still work the target muscle groups.

If you don't have specific preferences regarding training methods and exercises, feel free to take dumbbells. They will be a worthy replacement for both barbells and kettlebells.

What to choose for studying at home

If you decide to exercise at home and are choosing between free weights, give preference to dumbbells. There are three reasons to make this choice:

  1. Dumbbells are a universal equipment. With them much more exercise than with weights, they are easier to find and combine.
  2. Most kettlebell movements involve a wide range of motion, swinging and swinging, and at home, especially if you are working out in a confined space, this can be quite dangerous. You may hit, break or scratch some objects.
  3. Set-up kettlebells are much harder to find than dumbbells. Mostly, weights are sold in one piece, but there are no problems with stacked dumbbells, because they are available almost everywhere. Stacked free weights save space and money. When you need to increase the load, you simply put on another plate.

It is better to train with weights in the gym, but dumbbells are more suitable for working out the body at home. Maybe you have a different opinion on this matter? Write in the comments which free weights you prefer.