
Geography of the Winter Olympic Games student project. Project work on the topic: “Olympic Games in ancient and modern times. International Olympic Committee

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The official logo of the Olympic Games consists of five interlocking circles or rings. This symbol was designed by the founder of the modern Olympic Games, Baron Pierre de Coubertin in 1913. The five rings are believed to be a symbol of the five continents. Official logo COLORS OF THE OLYMPIC RINGS Blue Europe Black Africa Red America Yellow Asia Green Australia

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The official flag of the Olympic Games is an image of the Olympic logo on a white background. The color white symbolizes peace during the Games. The Olympic flag is used in the opening and closing ceremonies of each Olympics. At the closing ceremony, the mayor of the host city of the past Games hands over the flag to the mayor of the host city of the next Games. For four years, the flag remains in the city hall building, which is preparing for the next Games. The IOC flag is a combination of the Olympic logo and the Olympic motto. National Olympic Committee flags must contain the five-ring emblem. Official flag

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Olympic motto The Olympic motto consists of three Latin words - Citius, Altius, Fortius - “Faster, higher, stronger”.

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ATHLETES “On behalf of all athletes, I promise that we will participate in these Olympic Games respecting and abiding by the rules under which they are held, in a true spirit of sportsmanship, for the glory of the sport and the honor of our teams.” JUDGES “On behalf of all judges and officials, I promise that we will perform our duties at these Olympic Games with complete impartiality, respecting and abiding by the rules under which they are conducted, in the true spirit of sportsmanship.” Olympic Oath

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Olympic principle was defined in 1896 by the founder modern Games Pierre de Coubertin. “The most important thing in the Olympic Games is not victory, but participation, just as the most important thing in life is not triumph, but struggle.” Olympic principle

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Olympic flame. The Olympic flame symbolizes purity, the attempt to improve and the struggle for victory, as well as peace and friendship. The torch is lit in Olympia by a directed beam of sunlight formed by a concave mirror. The relay race to deliver the torch to the host city of the Games first took place in 1936. The Olympic torch is delivered to the main stadium of the Games during the opening ceremony, where it is used to light a fire in a special bowl in the stadium. The Olympic flame burns until the end of the Olympics. Olympic flame

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The winner receives gold medal(This medal is actually silver, but covered with a relatively thick layer of gold). For second place they give silver medal, for the third - bronze. And the winners and prize-winners are awarded with badges, IOC diplomas, and commemorative medals are awarded to all participants in the Games Athens, 2004 Olympic awards Beijing 2008

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First olympic mascots appeared at the Winter Games in Grenoble in 1968. And since then they have become an integral attribute of all Olympics. Since then, 2 dogs (Waldi the dachshund in Munich and Kobe the puppy in Barcelona), a beaver (Amik in Montreal), a bear cub (the unforgettable Moscow Misha), an eaglet (Sam in Los Angeles), and a tiger cub (Khodori in Seoul) have since become cute symbols of the Games. , an incomprehensible “virtual” creature (Izzy in Atlanta) and three representatives of the unique Australian fauna (Olly the kookaburra, Sid the platypus and Millie the echidna in Sydney), funny people and dolls. Game mascots

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1984, Los Angeles 1972, Munich 2000, Sydney 1996, Atlanta 1988, Seoul 2000, Sydney Games mascots

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Tokyo 1964 Munich 1972 Los Angeles 1984 Barcelona 1992 Sydney 2000 Mexico City 1968 Moscow 1980 Seoul 1988 Atlanta 1996 Athens 2004 Sports logos

Presentation of the project " Olympic Games: history, geography"

Contents of the work: Chapter 1: From the history of the Olympic Games, Olympic symbols International Olympic Committee Chapter 2: “Geographical chronology” of the Olympic Games Chapter 3: Cities - capitals of future Olympics (Beijing, Vancouver, London) Why Moscow did not become the capital of the 2008 Olympics Prospects for Sochi as the capital of the 2014 Olympics Appendix - electronic map “Geography of the Olympic Games”

Birthplace of the Olympic Games Arch of the ancient stadium in Olympia Map Ancient Greece“There is nothing more noble than the Sun, which gives so much light and warmth.

So people glorify those competitions, the grandest of which there is nothing - the Olympic Games.”


Olympic symbols Official flag The color white symbolizes peace during the Games. The flag was planned to be used for the first time at the 1916 Games, but they did not take place due to the war, so the flag first appeared at the 1920 Olympic Games in Antwerp (Belgium). The Olympic flag is used in the opening and closing ceremonies of each Olympics. The IOC flag is a combination of the Olympic logo and the Olympic motto.

Olympic symbols Olympic motto “Faster, higher, stronger” “Faster, higher, stronger”

Olympic symbols The Olympic principle was defined in 1896 by the founder of the modern Games, Pierre de Coubertin. “The most important thing in the Olympic Games is not victory, but participation, just as the most important thing in life is not triumph, but struggle.”

Olympic symbols Olympic oath. The text of the oath was proposed by Pierre de Coubertin, later it changed somewhat and now reads like this: “On behalf of all participants in the competition, I promise that we will participate in these Olympic Games, respecting and observing the rules by which they are held, in a true sportsmanship spirit, in the glory of sport and the honor of our teams." In 2000, at the Sydney Olympics, words about non-doping in competitions appeared for the first time in the text of the oath.

Olympic symbolism Olympic flame The ritual of lighting the sacred fire comes from the ancient Greeks and was revived by Coubertin in 1912. The torch is lit at Olympia by a directed beam of sunlight formed by a concave mirror. The Olympic flame symbolizes purity, the attempt to improve and the struggle for victory, as well as peace and friendship. The tradition of lighting fires in stadiums began in 1928 (at Winter Games– in 1952). The relay to deliver the torch to the host city of the Games first took place in 1936. Athens, 2004

Olympic symbols Olympic medals Athens, 1896 Rome, 1960 Moscow, 1980 Sarajevo, 1984 Los Angeles, 1984 Calgary, 1988 Seoul, 1988 Albertville, 1992 Barcelona, ​​1992 Lillehammer, 1994 Atlanta, 1996 Nagano, 1998 Sydney 2000 Salt Lake City , 2002 Athens, 2004 Medals of the Turin Olympics, 2006

ATHENS, 1896 Rome, 1960 Moscow, 1980 Sarajevo, 1984 Los Angeles, 1984

Calgary, 1988 Seoul, 1988 Albertville, 1992 Barcelona, ​​1992 Lillehammer, 1994

Athens, 2004 Salt Lake City, 2002 Sydney, 2000 Atlanta, 1996

The IOC International Olympic Committee is an international non-governmental organization established for non-profit purposes, in the form of an association with legal personality recognized by the Swiss Federal Council. The mission of the IOC is to govern the Olympic Movement in accordance with the Olympic Charter. IOC decisions taken on the basis of the provisions Olympic Charter, are final. The IOC has among its members active athletes, presidents or senior officials of ISFs and NOCs. The total number of IOC members shall not exceed 115, subject to rotation provisions. The official languages ​​of the IOC are French and English.

The IOC International Olympic Committee is permanently located in Lausanne (Switzerland)

"Geographical chronology" of the Summer Olympic Games

"Geographical chronology" of the Winter Olympic Games

Results of the XX Olympic Games in Turin

Beijing is the capital summer olympiad-2008 The Beijing Olympics will have five mascots: a fish, a panda, the spirit of the Olympic flame, a Tibetan antelope and a swallow. The motto of the Olympics is “One world - one dream.” The emblem is in the form of a running man, which looks like a Chinese character meaning “capital”.

Vancouver, Canada; 2010 At the 115th session of the International Olympic Committee, held in Prague on July 2, the Canadian city of Vancouver acquired the right to host the 2010 Winter Olympic Games. Vancouver won the second round of voting. In the last stage of the capital elections Winter Olympics Vancouver competed with Austrian Salzburg and South Korean Pyeongchang.

Vancouver, Canada; 2010 Vancouver is a city in southwestern Canada, in the province of British Columbia. Located on the shores of Burrard Bay, near the US border. The third largest city in the country (after Montreal and Toronto) - 955 thousand people. V. was founded in 1886 on the site of old Indian sites and the later European settlement of Granville. Vancouver is the main port for the export of wheat (from the steppe provinces of Canada), timber and non-ferrous metals (from British Columbia). Large railway station at the western terminus of two Trans-Canada lines. Near Vancouver - Sea Island Airport. The city is named after J. Vancouver, an English navigator and explorer of the Pacific coast of North America.

London - the capital of the 2012 Summer Olympics London became the capital of the 2012 Olympic Games. This decision was made at the 117th IOC session in Singapore. In the final vote, the capital of Great Britain beat the capital of France, Paris. Moscow was eliminated in the first round, New York was eliminated in the second round, and Madrid was eliminated in the third. In the final round, the British capital received more than fifty percent of the votes. Let's remember that London has already hosted the Olympic Games twice - in 1908 and 1948.

Geography of future Olympics

Prospects for Sochi as the capital of the 2014 Olympics Sochi is a unique resort, open to visitors all year round. The city is located in the very south of Russia, on the shores of the Black Sea. Beautiful beaches reminiscent of the Mediterranean area are adjacent to ski resort Krasnaya Polyana, bordering the State Caucasian Biosphere Reserve - a UNESCO World Natural Heritage Site. Krasnaya Polyana is located just an hour away from the city. The mountain peaks of the resort reach heights of more than 2000 m above sea level. The Krasnaya Polyana resort got its name thanks to the magnificent decoration of fiery red foliage that covers the mountains in autumn until the first snow. Sochi can confidently be called “a city for all seasons.” Here the sun and snow are constant neighbors.

“Trump cards” of Sochi in the pre-Olympic fight:?favorable climatic conditions?developed transport network?developed hotel infrastructure

WE BELIEVE IN SOCHI'S VICTORY! According to world experts, due to its geographical location and transport accessibility of the Olympic venues, Sochi has a good chance of winning this race (the election of the capital of the 2014 Winter Games). Vladimir Putin, for his part, noted: “We still have to develop Sochi. This one of the favorite vacation spots of Russian citizens. The incentive to host the Olympics should be used to the maximum,” the Russian President said.

The main source of information used in the work on the project is the World Wide Web INTERNET Encyclopedia @ - Information site "Turin - 2006" - Russian Olympic Committee - http: // Information site NEWSru - Sites dedicated to the Olympic Games -,, ,,,, Official website of the city of Sochi - Sports news site -, sport Encyclopedias -,

Src="" alt="> Olympic Games: history, geography">!}

Src="" alt="> The history of the development of sports has unusually long roots n"> История развития спорта имеет необычайно давние корни n Ритуальные соревнования в честь бога Мардука, покровителя Вавилона, более чем на тысячу лет предварили древнегреческие Олимпиады. n В соревнования входили: стрельба из лука, борьба на поясах, фехтование на мечах, кулачный бой, скачки в седле, гонки на колесницах, метание копья и охота.!}

Src="" alt="> Homeland of the Olympic Games "There is nothing nobler The arch of the ancient stadium at Olympia of the Sun ,"> Родина олимпийских игр «Нет ничего благороднее Арка древнего стадиона в Олимпии Солнца, дающего столько света и тепла. Так и люди прославляют те состязания, величественнее которых нет ничего, - Олимпийские игры. » Пиндар Карта Древней Греции!}

Src="" alt=">Greece n Olympia (southern Greece) – place of the games n"> Греция n Олимпия (юг Греции) – место игр n Олимп (гора на севере Греции) – место обитания греческих богов n «Олимпийцы» - 12 греческих богов n «Олимпионики» - победители Олимпийских игр n проводится раз в 4 года!}

Src="" alt=">the god Cronus and his wife the goddess Rhea">!}

Src="" alt=">Zeus is the son of Cronus and Rhea">!}

Src="" alt="> Only free Greeks took part in the Olympic Games -"> В Олимпийских играх принимали участие только свободные греки – мужчины. n Игры проходили летом и длились 5 дней: n 1 день-атлеты приносили жертвы богам n 2, 3, 4 - состязания n 5 - награждение!}

Src="" alt="> Olympic athletes competed completely naked">!}

Src="" alt=">n The first Olympic Games took place in 776 BC. Became a champion"> n Первые олимпийские игры состоялись в 776 году до н. э. Чемпионом стал молодой пекарь по имени Корэб, сумевший выиграть забег на 192 метра, 27 см.!}

Src="" alt="> Pankration n Pankration is an ancient form of wrestling without rules."> Панкратион n Панкратион - это древний вид борьбы без правил. Вернее, правила были, целых два. Первое запрещало выцарапывать противнику глаза, второе - кусаться. Противники просто дрались и боролись - без разделения на !} weight categories, no rounds. For breaking the rules, the judge beat the violator with a stick

Src="" alt="> Women's sport games n As you know, women were forbidden to attend the Olympic Games."> Women's Sports Games n As you know, women were forbidden to attend the Olympic Games. However, liberal-minded authorities decided to hold special women's sports games. The winner received an olive wreath and food supplies, in particular, meat.

Src="" alt=">Then, in 720 BC it was added like this called"> Потом, в 720 году до н. э. был добавлен так называемый "долиходром" - бег на 24 стадии. На 18 -й олимпиаде появилось пятиборье, включающее бег, прыжки в длину, метание копья, метание диска и собственно борьба. В 688 году до н. э. добавлен кулачный бой,!}

Src="" alt="> Glory to the winners! Award to the winners at Olympia n Olive wreath n"> Слава победителям! Награда победителям в Олимпии n Оливковый венок n Прижизненная статуя (для победителей 3 Олимпиад)!}

Src="" alt="> From the history of the Olympic Games The first Olympics 776 BC."> Из истории олимпийских игр Первая Олимпиада 776 г. до нашей эры. Указ Феодосия Ι о запрете 394 г. нашей эры олимпийских игр Комиссия по возрождению 23 июня 1894 г. Олимпийских игр в Париже; возникновение МОК Первая олимпиада нашей Апрель 1896 г. эры (Греция, Афины) Начало факельных эстафет 1936 год Первые зимние игры 1924 год (Шамони, Франция)!}

Src="" alt=">Founder of the modern Olympic Games Pierre de Coubertin (France) (1863 - 1937)">!}

Src="" alt=">The IOC International Olympic Committee is permanently located in Lausanne (Switzerland)">!}

Src="" alt="> International Olympic Committee n The IOC is an international non-governmental organization created not"> Международный олимпийский комитет n МОК является международной неправительственной организацией, созданной не для извлечения прибыли, в форме ассоциации со статусом юридического лица, признанной Швейцарским федеральным советом. n Официальными языками МОК являются французский и английский.!}

Src="" alt="> International Olympic Committee INTERNATIONAL OLYMPIC COMMITTEE Presidents"> Международный олимпийский комитет INTERNATIONAL OLYMPIC COMMITTEE Президенты МОК в разные годы Жак Рогг Бельгия 2001– Хуан Антонио Самаранч (почетный президент МОК Испания 1980– 2001 пожизненно) Лорд Килланин Ирландия 1972– 1980 Авери Брундаж США 1952– 1972 Дж. Зигфрид Эдстром Швеция 1946– 1952 Ле Комте Генри де Бель-Лятур Бельгия 1925– 1942 Барон Пьер де Кубертен Франция 1896– 1925 Деметриус Викелас Греция 1894– 1896!}

Src="" alt="> MENU Demetrius Vikelas Pierre de Coubertin Henri"> МЕНЮ Деметриус Викелас Пьер де Кубертен Анри де Байе – Латур Зигфрид Эдстрем 1894 -1896 1896 - 1924 1925 -1942 1942 -1952 Эвери Брендедж Майкл Килланин 1972 - Хуан Антонио Саморанч 1952 -1972 1980!}

Src="" alt="> Olympic symbols Official logo COLORS OF THE OLYMPIC RINGS"> Олимпийская символика Официальный логотип ЦВЕТА ОЛИМПИЙСКИХ КОЛЕЦ Синий Европа Черный Африка Красный Америка Желтый Азия Зеленый Австралия!}

Src="" alt=">Olympic symbols Official flag The color white symbolizes peace during the Games."> Олимпийская символика Официальный флаг Белый цвет символизирует мир во время Игр. Флаг планировалось впервые использовать на Играх 1916 года, но они не состоялись из- за войны, поэтому впервые флаг появился на Олимпийских играх 1920 года в Антверпене (Бельгия). Олимпийский флаг используется в церемониях открытия и закрытия каждой Олимпиады.!}

Src="" alt=">Olympic symbols Olympic motto">!}

Src="" alt="> Olympic symbols The Olympic principle was defined in 1896 by the founder of modern"> Олимпийская символика Олимпийский принцип был определен в 1896 году основателем современных Игр Пьером де Кубертеном. «Самое важное в Олимпийских играх – не победа, а участие, также как в жизни самое главное – не триумф, а борьба» .!}

Src="" alt=">Talismans">!}

Src="" alt="> Olympic symbols Olympic oath. n Text of the oath"> Олимпийская символика Олимпийская клятва. n Текст клятвы предложил Пьер де Кубертен, впоследствии он несколько изменился и сейчас звучит так: «От имени всех участников соревнований, я обещаю что мы будем участвовать в этих Олимпийских Играх, уважая и соблюдая правила, по которым они проводятся, в истинно спортивном духе, во славу спорта и чести наших команд» . n В 2000 году на Олимпиаде в Сиднее впервые в тексте клятвы появились слова о неиспользовании допинга в соревнованиях.!}

Src="" alt=">Olympic Oath to Lead Fairly wrestling for the benefit of sport and their homeland. ">

Src="" alt=">Olympic flame Athens, 2004">!}

Src="" alt="> Olympic symbols Olympic medals n Athens, 1896 n Rome,"> Олимпийская символика Олимпийские медали n Афины, 1896 n Рим, 1960 n Москва, 1980 n Сараево, 1984 n Лос-Анджелес, 1984 n Калгари, 1988 n Сеул, 1988 n Альбервилль, 1992 n Барселона, 1992 n Лиллехаммер, 1994 Медали олимпиады Атланта, 1996 n n Нагано, 1998 в Турине, 2006 n Сидней, 2000 n Солт-Лейк-Сити, 2002 n Афины, 2004!}

Src="" alt="> ATHENS, 1896 Rome, 1960 Sarajevo,"> АФИНЫ, 1896 Рим, 1960 Сараево, 1984 Москва, 1980 Лос-Анджелес, 1984!}

Src="" alt=">Calgary, 1988 Barcelona, ​​1992 Seoul, 1988 Albertville, 1992"> Калгари, 1988 Барселона, 1992 Сеул, 1988 Альбервилль, 1992 Лиллехаммер, 1994!}

Src="" alt=">Atlanta, 1996 Athens, 2004 Sydney, 2000 Salt Lake- City, 2002">!}

Src="" alt="> I Olympic Games - Athens 1896 n"> I олимпийские игры - Афины 1896 г n Участвовало 13 стран: Австралия, Австрия, Болгария, Великобритания, Венгрия, Германия, Дания, США, Франция, Чили, Швейцария, Швеция, Греция. n 311 спортсменов n Несмотря на то что в МОК был представитель России - генерал А. Д. Буковский, спортсмены России все-таки не приняли участия в I Олимпиаде.!}

Src="" alt="> II OLYMPIC GAMES – 1900 PARIS n For the first time"> II ОЛИМПИЙСКИЕ ИГРЫ – 1900 ПАРИЖ n Впервые приняли участие спортсмены Бельгии, Богемии (входившей тогда в состав Австро- Венгерской империи), Гаити, Испании, Италии, Канады, Кубы, Нидерландов, Норвегии. Первым государством Азии, представленным на Олимпийских играх, стала Индия. n Соревнования по !} athletics and gymnastics took place in July, swimming and rowing - in August, cycling - in September; n In the official documents of the International Olympic Committee, three representatives of Russia appear among the participants in the Second Olympic Games - two horsemen and one shooter.

Src="" alt=">n Summer Olympics Badminton n Basketball n Boxing n"> n Летние Олимпийские игры Бадминтон n Баскетбол n Бокс n Борьба: !} Greco-Roman wrestling, Freestyle wrestling n Cycling: Cycling-BMX, Cycling-Road, Cycling-Track, Cycling-Mountain Bike n Water sports: swimming, synchronized swimming, diving, water polo, open water, water skiing n Volleyball: volleyball, Beach volleyball n Handball n Gymnastics: gymnastics, gymnastics, trampolining n Rowing n Kayaking and canoeing n Judo n Equestrianism n Athletics n Table tennis n Sailing n Modern pentathlon n Archery n Shooting: bullet shooting, clay pigeon shooting n Tennis n Triathlon n Taekwondo n Weightlifting n Fencing n Football n Field hockey

Src="" alt="> “Geographical chronology” of the Summer Olympic Games I 1896 Athens, Greece II 1900"> «Географическая хронология» летних олимпийских игр I 1896 Афины, Греция II 1900 Париж, Франция III 1904 Сент-Луис, США Доп. 1906 Афины, Греция IV 1908 Лондон, Великобритания V 1912 Стокгольм, Швеция VI 1916 (нет) Берлин, Германия VII 1920 Антверпен, Бельгия VIII 1924 Париж, Франция IX 1928 Амстердам, Голландия X 1932 Лос-Анджелес, США XI 1936 Берлин, Германия XII 1940 (нет) Токио, Япония / Хельсинки, Финляндия XIII 1944 (нет) Лондон, Великобритания!}

Src="" alt="> “Geographical chronology” of the XV 1952 Summer Olympic Games"> «Географическая хронология» летних олимпийских игр XV 1952 Хельсинки, Финляндия XVI 1956 Мельбурн, Австралия (Стокгольм, Швеция*3) XVII 1960 Рим, Италия XVIII 1964 Токио, Япония XIX 1968 Мехико, Мексика XX 1972 Мюнхен, ФРГ XXI 1976 Монреаль, Канада XXII 1980 Москва, СССР XXIII 1984 Лос-Анджелес, США XXIV 1988 Сеул, Южная Корея XXV 1992 Барселона, Испания XXVI 1996 Атланта, США XXVII 2000 Сидней, Австралия XXVIII 2004 Афины, Греция XXIX 2008 Пекин, Китай XXX 2012 Лондон, Великобритания!}

Src="" alt="> Russia First participation - in 1912 in Stockholm (summer"> Россия Первое участие – в 1912 году в Стокгольме (!} summer games)

Src="" alt="> Winter Olympic Games Sports n Biathlon n Bobsleigh: bobsleigh, skeleton"> Зимние Олимпийские игры Виды спорта n Биатлон n Бобслей: бобслей, скелетон n Конькобежный спорт: !} skating, figure skating, short track n Curling n skiing: skiing, Nordic combined, ski race, ski jumping, snowboarding, freestyle n Luge n Ice hockey

Src="" alt="> “Geographical chronology” of the Winter Olympic Games I 1924 Chamonix, France II"> «Географическая хронология» зимних олимпийских игр I 1924 Шамони, Франция II 1928 Санкт-Мориц, Швейцария III 1932 Лейк-Плэсид, США IV 1936 Гармиш-Партенкирхен, Германия - 1940 Саппоро, Япония / Санкт-Мориц, Швейцария - 1944 Кортина д"Ампеццо, Италия V 1948 Санкт-Мориц, Швейцария VI 1952 Осло, Норвегия VII 1956 Кортина д"Ампеццо, Италия VIII 1960 Скво-Вэлли, США IX 1964 Инсбрук, Австрия X 1968 Гренобль, Франция XI 1972 Саппоро, Япония!}

Src="" alt="> “Geographical chronology” of the Winter Olympic Games XII 1976 Innsbruck, Austria XIII"> «Географическая хронология» зимних олимпийских игр XII 1976 Инсбрук, Австрия XIII 1980 Лейк-Плэсид, США XIV 1984 Сараево, Югославия XV 1988 Калгари, Канада XVI 1992 Альбервилль, Франция XVII 1994 Лиллехаммер, Норвегия XVIII 1998 Нагано, Япония XIX 2002 Солт-Лейк-Сити, США XX 2006 Турин, Италия XXI 2010 Ванкувер, Канада!}

Src="" alt="> Paralympics The first Games for the disabled were held in 1948"> Паралимпиада Первые Игры для инвалидов были проведены в 1948 году в английском городе Сток Мандевилль. Паралимпийские Игры проводятся в том же городе, что и Олимпийские Игры.!}

Src="" alt="> Results of the XX Olympic Games in Turin COUNTRY OF GOLD"> Итоги XX олимпийских игр в Турине СТРАНА ЗОЛОТЫЕ СЕРЕБРЯННЕ БРОНЗОВЫЕ ВСЕГО Германия 11 12 6 29 США 9 9 7 25 Австрия 9 7 7 23 РОССИЯ 8 6 8 22 Канада 7 10 7 24 Швеция 7 2 5 14 Корея 6 3 2 11 Швейцария 5 4 5 14 Италия 5 0 6 11 Нидерланды 3 2 4 9!}

Src="" alt=">Geography of future Olympiads">!}

Src="" alt="> Sochi as the capital of the 2014 Olympics n Sochi is a unique resort, open"> Сочи как столица олимпиады -2014 n Сочи – уникальный курорт, открытый для посещения круглый год. Город раскинулся на самом юге России, на берегу Черного моря. Прекрасные пляжи, напоминающие район Средиземноморья, соседствуют с горнолыжным курортом Красная Поляна, граничащим с Государственным Кавказским биосферным заповедником – объектом всемирного природного наследия ЮНЕСКО.!}

Src="" alt="> "Trump cards" of Sochi in the pre-Olympic fight: favorable climatic conditions developed transport"> «Козыри» Сочи в предолимпийский борьбе: благоприятные климатические условия развитая транспортная сеть развитая гостиничная инфраструктура!}


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Presentation of the project “Olympic Games: history, geography” Performed by Anastasia Zamyatina, 10th grade “a”

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Birthplace of the Olympic Games Arch of the ancient stadium in Olympia Map of Ancient Greece “There is nothing more noble than the Sun, which gives so much light and warmth. So people glorify those competitions, the grandest of which there is nothing - the Olympic Games.” Pindar

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Olympic symbolism Olympic flame The ritual of lighting the sacred fire comes from the ancient Greeks and was revived by Coubertin in 1912. The torch is lit at Olympia by a directed beam of sunlight formed by a concave mirror. The Olympic flame symbolizes purity, the attempt to improve and the struggle for victory, as well as peace and friendship. The tradition of lighting fires in stadiums began in 1928 (at the Winter Games - in 1952). The relay to deliver the torch to the host city of the Games first took place in 1936. Athens, 2004

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The IOC International Olympic Committee is an international non-governmental organization established for non-profit purposes, in the form of an association with legal personality recognized by the Swiss Federal Council. The mission of the IOC is to govern the Olympic Movement in accordance with the Olympic Charter. Decisions of the IOC taken on the basis of the provisions of the Olympic Charter are final. The IOC has among its members active athletes, presidents or senior officials of ISFs and NOCs. The total number of IOC members shall not exceed 115, subject to rotation provisions. The official languages ​​of the IOC are French and English.

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Vancouver, Canada; 2010 At the 115th session of the International Olympic Committee, held in Prague on July 2, the Canadian city of Vancouver acquired the right to host the 2010 Winter Olympic Games.

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Vancouver, Canada; 2010 Vancouver is a city in southwestern Canada, in the province of British Columbia. Located on the shores of Burrard Bay, near the US border. The third largest city in the country by population - 955 thousand people. V. was founded in 1886 on the site of old Indian sites and the later European settlement of Granville.

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London - the capital of the 2012 Summer Olympics London became the capital of the 2012 Olympic Games. This decision was made at the 117th IOC session in Singapore. In the final vote, the capital of Great Britain beat the capital of France, Paris. Moscow was eliminated in the first round, New York was eliminated in the second round, and Madrid was eliminated in the third. In the final round, the British capital received more than fifty percent of the votes. Let's remember that London has already hosted the Olympic Games twice - in 1908 and 1948.

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Prospects for Sochi as the capital of the 2014 Olympics Sochi is a unique resort, open to visitors all year round. The city is located in the very south of Russia, on the shores of the Black Sea. Beautiful beaches reminiscent of the Mediterranean region are adjacent to the Krasnaya Polyana ski resort, bordering the State Caucasus Biosphere Reserve, a UNESCO World Natural Heritage Site. Krasnaya Polyana is located just an hour from the city. The mountain peaks of the resort reach heights of more than 2000 m above sea level. The Krasnaya Polyana resort got its name thanks to the magnificent decoration of fiery red foliage that covers the mountains in the fall until the first snow. Sochi can confidently be called “a city for all seasons.” Here the sun and snow are constant neighbors.

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WE BELIEVE IN SOCHI'S VICTORY! Vladimir Putin, for his part, noted: “We still have to develop Sochi. This is one of the favorite vacation spots of Russian citizens. The incentive to host the Olympics should be used to the maximum,” the Russian President said.