
What drugs make muscles grow? Pharmaceutical preparations in bodybuilding and fitness for weight, for cutting, accelerating the basal metabolism, method of application, courses. Insulin is the best pharmaceutical steroid

Most men are concerned about their weight. But most of them are not concerned about excess, but rather the lack of kilograms. Indeed, thanks to the sufficient mass, with the help proper nutrition And power loads you can give yourself the body of your dreams.

But, unfortunately, not all adult men or young people find it easy to add kilograms in order to later turn it into sculpted muscles. That's why many people take pills to gain weight.

How to gain weight

Basically, regular physical work above oneself.
But for many, such methods seem too time-consuming or inconvenient. It is these men who turn to pharmaceuticals to buy pills to change their weight. A huge number of tablets and various medications have been created for people who want to increase weight. Basically, they are hormonal, but it happens that the medicine is completely unsuitable for increasing weight.

These pills should not be considered a drug for any thin person. Thinness is caused by various reasons, they can be both chronic diseases and heredity. One of the reasons may be poor nutrition. People who are in a constant state of stress also gain weight poorly. Perhaps for some it is enough to use sedatives and it will begin to gain weight on its own, but other people suffering from a lack of kilograms need to visit a doctor.

Precisely in order to protect your body. Before you start taking pills, you need to be fully examined by specialists in order not to harm yourself.

Only a doctor who is aware of the individual characteristics of the patient has the right to prescribe pills for weight gain. This will allow you to select a drug that will correspond to the individual structure of the human body.
Men use such substances to build muscle during intense training and accelerate muscle growth results. But it’s impossible to gain kilograms quickly just by taking pills; you also need to exercise and choose a diet to stick to. Only with the help of this entire complex is it possible to gain weight in a fairly short time.

These pills are mainly used by women and girls suffering from anorexia, but they can also be prescribed to men who may also suffer from this disease. Medicines that help increase weight can also be prescribed after operations, if necessary, or after a person has suffered a serious illness. They are also recommended if a person’s body does not absorb nutrients well.

Mass gain pills

What hormonal pills can you gain weight by taking?

Many hormonal medications affect weight, so before you decide to take them, you need to find the problem that is causing you to lose weight through proper caloric nutrition and physical activity.

Drugs to gain weight

Among the many products for weight change: Oxandrolone, Duphaston, Andriol, Nutrizon, Riboxin, Glutamic acid, yeast and many other drugs.

Initially, Duphaston was intended for the female body, it was taken only by pregnant women or those planning a pregnancy, but over time its effect as a drug that increases weight was revealed. This happens because Duphaston increases the production of female hormones. Before using these pills, you must visit an endocrinologist, since taking medications can cause quite severe disruptions in the hormonal background of the male body.

What pharmaceutical products are most often used to gain muscle mass?

Pharmacy drugs for weight gain may not be completely safe and without any side effects. They allow you to get better, but at the same time they can harm other functions of the body.

Oxandrolone is also a hormonal agent that is very helpful in gaining weight even after very serious illnesses or operations. Like other hormonal drugs, you can take it only after visiting a specialist who will write a prescription to purchase the tablets at the pharmacy.
Nutrizon is considered one of the most popular drugs at the moment.
Nutrizon has no contraindications and is considered quite safe even for people who have suffered serious illnesses. It helps to compensate for the lack of protein in the body, which allows you to add kilograms. Nutrizon is considered a protein product.

Testosterone is the main substance that makes up Andriol. These pills are prescribed to men who have any sexual disorders caused by a lack of testosterone. In order to increase weight with their help, you need to consult a doctor.
With the help of Peritol, weight increases, the drug calms the nervous system, and this allows nutrients to be absorbed in the body much better than under stress.

Riboxin has a positive effect on the condition of the human body, but it can only help with weight gain if the person eats high-calorie foods and has the necessary physical activity, selected individually for each person.
Many men use Dexamethasone, it allows you to quickly increase weight because it improves glucose tolerance, but it also has side effects in the form of the development of diabetes and many other diseases. This drug should be taken with caution.

Glutamic acid is mainly used by athletes; it is a fairly safe remedy that does not harm the body, but on the contrary, improves metabolism, improves energy balance, and also helps improve blood circulation in the body.

The safest and most harmless way to gain the missing kilos is considered to be taking brewer's yeast. Yeast tablets have positive properties that help not only increase weight, but also improve metabolism, improve digestion, and also improve the condition of hair and skin if taken for at least thirty days. Brewer's yeast can even be called a natural remedy for weight gain. It is even prescribed to people suffering from anorexia.

Vitamins for weight gain are used only to strengthen your body. Vitamins do not help you gain weight, but they have a good effect on the body as a whole, strengthening the immune system, improving metabolism and digestion, and improving the internal functions of the body. And these are important factors in order to gain weight.
Sometimes they may be prescribed to take pills such as Mezim. They help digest food and do not harm the body as much as many other drugs.

Another way is to take steroids. This is a very dangerous way to add weight. Many men, and in particular athletes, prefer to take steroid-based products.
Steroids have a fairly quick and obvious effect, simulating testosterone. Taking such drugs really allows you to gain muscle, not fat mass. But it is necessary to take into account the negative consequences of taking it.
Steroids cause hair loss on the head, impotence, enlarged prostate gland, testicular atrophy, increased appetite, possible severe acne on both the face and the entire body, and many other negative reactions of the body to anabolic drugs.
If you start taking steroids in order to increase weight, you need constant physical activity, without which the muscles acquired over the entire period will simply deflate.


This happens because muscles grow too quickly and not with the help of safe means, but due to synthetic substances in anabolic steroids. This effect on the human body is very dangerous, so you need to choose methods of gaining weight that are less harmful to your body. This will help you maintain your health and avoid dangerous consequences in the future. In most countries, taking steroids is illegal, but Somatostatin was created. It is a safe analogue of many steroid drugs. Somatostatin is a pancreatic hormone. Such pills do not harm as much as steroids do. It helps to burn body fat, and at the same time helps muscle growth.

Chinese weight gain products are also popular among those men who want to gain weight quickly and safely. It is believed that these drugs are created using natural ingredients that are absolutely safe for health. They can also be used to increase muscle size.
With the help of drugs, it became possible to gain kilograms much faster if you also regularly exercise and eat a properly balanced diet. You definitely need to think about your health, which can be ruined by the wrong medications, which allow you to gain pounds at an accelerated rate. Recommendations from a specialist and a complete examination of the body are necessary in order to correctly identify the cause of lack of weight.

Tablets are combined with balanced diet

If you start taking hormonal drugs, severe complications may appear, which in some cases turn into cancer. Other negative consequences may include hormonal disruptions in the body, hair loss, endocrine system disorders, increased skin oiliness, and the appearance of severe acne. In men, such problems can also include: impotence, some prostate diseases, tumors. The functions of the gonads are also inhibited, which means that sperm is not produced or is produced in insufficient quantities.

For most men, appearance plays a very important role, due to the large number muscle mass many feel much more confident. But in addition to external data, you must remember about your health, which can significantly deteriorate when using such drugs.

From a variety of hormonal pills that can be used to increase weight and, in particular, muscle mass. The main thing is to choose them correctly. You should not choose such serious means on your own. Before prescribing the drug, doctors recommend undergoing a full examination, as a result of which the necessary pills or injections will be prescribed, which happens much less frequently.

Hormonal products for men can have many negative consequences, so before you start taking them, you should consult a doctor. You can also try less dangerous medications that allow you to add weight, for example, Nutrizon, brewer's yeast tablets or other tablets that are individually suitable for a particular organism.

There are drugs that may not only not be suitable, but also harm the human body. When choosing the right medication, it is necessary to take into account the state of the endocrine system, hormonal levels, the lifestyle of the person who wants to gain weight, as well as his individual needs. It is imperative to choose a diet and some physical exercises so that the emerging mass is consolidated and has a permanent foundation. And at the same time, the product should have as few side effects as possible, which greatly inhibit the protective function of the body.

In any case, before taking any drug, be it hormonal or of natural origin, consultation with a specialist is necessary.

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The vast majority of athletes prefer to train in a natural way, namely, without the use of steroids, and in order to improve the quality and speed of recovery after training, they use only some, relatively harmless, non-doping drugs, including creatine, protein, amino acids, gainers, free sold in specialized sports nutrition stores. For the same purposes, athletes widely use a number of medications that are available in regular pharmacies and are available without a prescription.

But, nevertheless, despite the relative harmlessness and availability of such pharmaceutical drugs, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the instructions attached to them and it is advisable to consult a doctor about their use before taking them. This article reviews the main medications used in bodybuilding, discusses their significance and effect on the athlete’s body, contraindications and possible side effects.

The composition also includes magnesium in a form that is easily absorbed by the human body - aspartate. Potassium and magnesium help normalize metabolic processes in muscle cells, maintaining normal osmotic pressure in them. This is realized through the potassium-sodium pump (the predominant location of potassium inside the cell, and sodium outside the cell space). However, the operation of the potassium-sodium pump will be ensured only if a sufficient amount of energy is supplied to the cells, for which magnesium is responsible.

Aspartate facilitates the transport of potassium and magnesium into cells, which has a beneficial effect on the athlete’s body. The drug increases performance, which contributes to the speed of muscle growth. Magnesium, which is involved in protein metabolism and supplies energy in this process, allows the athlete to effectively build muscle during strength training.

Asparkam is also used by athletes for the purpose of rapid weight loss, when this is necessary in case of weight gain due to the fat component or excess fluid. Excess fat is removed by combining increased protein nutrition with active training, and to prevent possible intoxication, they drink a lot of fluid, along with which the body removes potassium and magnesium, so asparkam is necessary here, as it restores the balance of potassium and magnesium. When there is fluid retention in the body and swelling, diuretics are used simultaneously with asparkam, which helps prevent the body from losing essential minerals and related complications.

The drug helps fight cramps and also significantly increases the endurance of an athlete training in high ambient temperatures. Asparkam is produced in the form of tablets. Dosages and method of use are indicated in the attached instructions; as a rule, this is taking one or two tablets three times a day. The drug should be taken in the morning and during the day, since in the evening, magnesium and potassium are absorbed worse by the body. The duration of the course of taking asparkam by a bodybuilder is individual and determined by a sports doctor. It is recommended to take 1-2 tablets 3 times a day, preferably in the morning and afternoon.

Being a stimulator of biochemical processes, it can have a beneficial effect on the athlete’s cardiovascular system. The drug increases the force of heart contractions, increasing stroke volume and coronary blood supply, and has anabolic and antiarrhythmic effects. Riboxin improves blood supply to muscle tissue, normalizes energy metabolism, activates metabolic processes in the myocardium, as well as a number of enzymes. In addition to its positive effect on the heart, Riboxin improves regeneration muscle tissue. But for effective recovery After heavy loads, Riboxin alone is not enough, so it is recommended to take it in combination with potassium orotate.

Riboxin can replace ATP. The drug is effective in combination with potassium orotate. It is taken for 1-3 months according to the regimen of 0.2 g 3-4 times a day.

The drug is a stimulator of endogenous biochemical processes and is classified as a metabolic drug. It is produced mainly in tablet form and is sold in pharmacies without a prescription. The average dosage for an athlete is 1.5-2 g per day. Essentially, potassium orotate is a common mineral salt found in the tissues of any living organism. The drug helps strengthen the cardiovascular system and has an anabolic effect, allowing the athlete to recover faster after training. The drug increases diuresis and improves appetite. The drug is not particularly effective for noticeable progress of a bodybuilder, but, nevertheless, in general it is beneficial for the body, is well tolerated by the athlete and has no side effects.

The drug is taken according to the following scheme: an hour before meals, 1 tablet 3-4 times a day. The duration of the treatment course is 21-24 days.


Mildronate is classified as a cardioprotector. The drug is designed to increase the athlete's performance, compensating for the manifestations of mental and physical fatigue syndrome. Mildronate normalizes metabolic processes and regulates cellular immunity. As a rule, mildronate is prescribed at a rate of 15-20 mg per kilogram of weight. The drug is taken as prescribed by a doctor, so it is recommended to consult before you start taking it.

The daily dosage of the drug is determined at the rate of 15-20 mg/kg of body weight, which is on average 1-2 g, taken in 4 divided doses. Course duration is 14 days, repeated after 2-3 weeks.

Agapurin is available in tablet form and is relatively inexpensive. Drugs based on a similar active ingredient are trental and pentoxifylline. Agapurin is taken separately from other drugs. It increases vascular tone, reduces blood viscosity and increases blood flow speed, which is important for an athlete who feels the maximum pumping of working muscles. The drug is used mainly by experienced bodybuilders - agapurine should be taken carefully, following the instructions, in order to avoid side effects of the drug.

In bodybuilding, Agapurin is taken according to the following scheme:

  • on training days 3 times 2 tablets;
  • on rest days, 3 times 1 tablet.

The duration of the course of Agapurin is 20 days. After a 4-week break, the course is repeated. Take the tablets with plenty of water. To avoid side effects, it is forbidden to take the drug without consulting your doctor.

The plant grows in the western and eastern parts of Siberia, in the Altai mountains and in Central Asia. It contains phytoexidones - substances identical to steroid compounds that have a pronounced anabolic effect. activates protein synthesis and its accumulation in the tissue of muscles, heart, liver and kidneys. The drug helps increase physical endurance and intellectual performance. Long-term use of Leuzea strengthens the vascular bed and thereby improves overall blood circulation. The drug reduces the heart rate. Leuzea is part of food additives, which is called Levzeya-P. One tablet of the supplement contains about 0.85 mg of the active substance - ecdisthene; the cost of supplements in sports stores varies between 700-1800 rubles.

The drug is capable of causing hypoglycemia (a drop in blood sugar levels) and is more effective than individual RA adaptogens. Since, as a result of hypoglycemia, a release of somatotropic hormone is observed, taking Manchurian aralia helps to achieve high anabolic effect– the athlete’s appetite improves and body weight increases. The drug is classified as an anabolic stimulant. Aralia tincture is sold in every pharmacy. Take it in a dose of 20-30 drops in the morning on an empty stomach and an hour before training.

As for vitamins taken individually:

Thiamine (B1) participates in the activities of the main body systems: cardiovascular, nervous and digestive. Affects growth and energy balance. A lack of vitamin B1 causes irritability, lack of appetite, increased fatigue and associated health disorders.

Cyanocobalamin (B12) increases protein synthesis and its accumulation in tissues, is an effective anabolic agent.

Pyridoxine (B6) plays an important role in metabolism and normal functioning nervous system.

Ascorbic acid (C)– an antioxidant and reducing agent involved in metabolic processes.

B vitamins are available in injection form; as a rule, an ampoule contains 1 ml of a substance of 5% concentration. It is unacceptable to administer all vitamins simultaneously on one day - each vitamin is administered sequentially on a separate day, adhering to cyclicity. Injections are given intramuscularly; the administration of B1 and B6 may be somewhat painful.

Diabeton MV is a pharmaceutical drug sold freely. One of the strongest anabolic steroids. How medicine used as a pancreas stimulant in the complex treatment of diabetes. Bodybuilders use this drug to maintain high level anabolism in the off-season. In terms of effectiveness, it is close to insulin injections, and in terms of general action, it is similar to methandrostenolone. The drug allows the athlete to quickly gain weight.

Available in the form of 30 mg tablets. They start with a dose of 30 mg per day, which, if necessary, in the next course (the course lasts one and a half to two months) can be increased to 60 mg. Diabeton MV should not be taken with other medications. Take it with breakfast once a day. The anabolic effect of diabeton is to stimulate the production of one of the anabolic hormones - insulin. For the drug to be effective, it is recommended to eat at least six meals a day with a small amount of fat and a high amount of protein. While taking Diabeton, low-calorie diets are prohibited to avoid the development of side effects of the drug, in particular hypoglycemia.

Tamoxifen is classified as an antiestrogen. The drug is used by bodybuilders to increase testosterone levels in the body, which blocks estrogen. Tamoxifen is used in combination with other drugs for the most effective effects in long courses, for at least 6-8 weeks. Tamoxifen becomes especially popular among bodybuilders during cutting, as it accelerates and enhances fat burning processes. In cases where an athlete has a tendency to water retention due to the use of anabolic steroids, taking tamoxifen becomes mandatory. The drug is also valuable in bodybuilding because it allows the bodybuilder to effectively increase muscle density. Like any highly effective drug, tamoxifen has many side effects and contraindications, so it should be taken strictly as prescribed by a sports doctor.

It is an analogue and belongs to the category of effective fat burners. Available in pharmacies without a prescription. The drug provides an increase in body temperature by one degree, which allows you to mobilize fat from the depot and convert it into energy. Possible side effects when taking it include nervousness and hand tremors. On average, take 3-5 tablets per day in three doses (based on a tablet per 25 kg of athlete’s weight). The course lasting 6 weeks is repeated after 1.5 months.

Indications for taking glycerophosphate as a medicine are fatigue, dystrophy, and rickets. For a bodybuilder, the drug is valuable because it accelerates the absorption of protein and improves metabolism. Calcium glycerophosphate also helps increase appetite. While taking the drug, it is necessary to limit fats in the diet, replacing them with proteins. It is recommended to take the drug in courses. There are no analogues of calcium glycerophosphate. Approximate daily dose The drug is calculated based on the ratio of 100 mg for every 8 kilograms of weight. The daily dosage of calcium glycerophosphate is 1000 mg for a weight of 80 kg. It is divided into 5 doses, one tablet (200 mg). Time to take the drug: morning 2 hours before training. The course for weight lasts 1.5-2 months.

In terms of action, trimetazidine is close to the well-known mildronate, but is much cheaper than the latter. The drug promotes greater oxygen delivery to cells, preserves intracellular potential, counteracts the formation of free radicals, and increases the athlete’s endurance. Taking the drug allows you to significantly increase the load and intensity of training. Trimetazidine can be replaced with a similar agent containing , which, however, will not be an equivalent replacement in terms of effectiveness. It is possible to combine the drug with other drugs.

Vinpocetine is a drug that corrects cerebral circulatory disorders. The active ingredient of the drug is apovincaminate. Vinpocetine has a direct effect on metabolic processes in brain tissue. It has a vasodilating effect and improves blood supply to brain tissue. Vinpocetine increases tissue resistance to hypoxia, activates glucose utilization and the exchange of serotonin and norepinephrine in brain tissue. The drug prevents platelet aggregation, thereby reducing blood viscosity. Vinpocetine has a positive effect not only on the brain, but also on muscle tissue, promoting a better supply of oxygen and nutrients. The drug is usually taken in a dose of 5 to 30 mg 30 minutes to an hour before training. Vinpocetine does not have side effects classic “energy drinks” in the form of insomnia or hand tremors.

The mechanism of action of metformin is based on its ability to suppress gluconeogenesis in the liver, prevent the absorption of glucose in the intestine and its better utilization in muscle tissue. Accelerates the process of transition of glucose into glycogen. Reduces appetite, due to which weight decreases or stabilizes. Does not have a hypoglycemic effect. Before use, the athlete should consult a doctor, as the drug has many contraindications and may have side effects.

Rhodiola rosea is also called Golden Root. Its habitats are Eastern Siberia, the Far East, Altai, and Sayan Mountains. The pharmacological properties of golden root are due to the active substances present in it - rhodioliside and rhodosin. In pharmacies you can find them in their pure form. Main feature Rhodiola rosea has an effect on muscle tissue, manifested in improving energy metabolism in them. Taking the drug helps increase endurance and muscle strength. At the same time, the activity of contractile proteins – myosin and actin – increases at the cellular level, and mitochondria increase in size. Rhodiola rosea tincture is taken 2-3 times before meals in the amount of 20-25 drops.

What can you buy at the PHARMACY - Video

What weight gain pills are there, how to get those coveted round shapes and what to eat to gain weight? Most girls dream of losing weight and having a beautiful, healthy, slender, but curvy and rounded body in the right places, like on the cover of a fashion or sports magazine. But it happens on the contrary, very thin girls dream of gaining weight and getting those appetizing shapes that they dreamed of. Men are also often dissatisfied with their thin, unmuscular body, because the definition of their muscles betrays their masculinity, social status, and shows their strength and health. Pills for quick weight gain will be one of the steps in achieving your cherished goal.

The right diet

The first thought in your head is about what people who are losing weight avoid eating. “Yeah, floury, sweet, fatty, fried and salty. You need to eat it in large quantities!” - you might think. These thoughts are completely wrong! First, you need to understand that you cannot eat anything and everything in order to gain weight, and especially what those who are losing weight avoid eating. It is necessary to correctly distribute your diet throughout the day, calculate its calorie content and create a complete menu for yourself, taking into account the proper consumption of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

    Weight gain pills for men

    To achieve the figure you want, you can resort to additional weight gain medications for men and women that will speed up the approach of your cherished goal. Most weight gain pills for men contain the male hormone testosterone. In order to do this, it is necessary to “start” the process of growth and restoration of cells in his body. The list of tablets is as follows:

  1. 1. Duphaston - hormonal tablets with properties similar to the natural hormone progesterone. Mainly used by women to plan and maintain pregnancy or normalize the menstrual cycle. Duphaston increases the production of female hormones in the body, which causes weight gain and the appearance of roundness on the body (chest, hips, legs, stomach). Men should consult an endocrinologist before taking pills to avoid serious hormonal imbalances caused by improper use of the medication.
  2. 2. Oxandrolone (Anavar) - hormonal pills used in medicine in the postoperative period for recovery after operations or serious illnesses. An anabolic steroid with moderate anabolic and weak androgenic effects. Available in tablets and injections. Can be purchased at a pharmacy with a doctor’s prescription or from private dealers, and also purchased on websites that sell sports nutrition (search in the anabolic steroids section).
  3. 3. Andriol is a hormonal drug containing testosterone as an active substance. The drug stimulates the development of male genital organs and secondary sexual characteristics. There are contraindications, consultation with a specialist is required.
  4. 4. Peritol - a medicine produced in the form of tablets and syrup, pharmacological action - antihistamine and antiallergic. Peritol has a calming effect on the body, thereby promoting better absorption of nutrients that contribute to weight gain. Used for anorexia. Dispensed with a doctor's prescription.
  5. 5. Dexamethasone is a topical hormonal agent. Injection parenterally orally, locally: conjunctivally, intraarticularly, into the external auditory canal. Has many contraindications. Regulates metabolism, but leads to the development of diabetes.
  6. 6. Glutamic acid is an inexpensive and popular drug among athletes. Glutamine is an amino acid that stimulates the central nervous system. Takes part in the metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the body. Regulates many metabolic processes in the body, improves blood circulation and oxygen transfer to vital organs.
  7. 7. Brewer's yeast is a safe and harmless preparation, rich in vitamins. Used as a biologically active substance. In general, it has a beneficial effect on the body, increases the body's resistance to stress, improves overall well-being and increases performance, increases body tone, and normalizes metabolic processes. In addition to increasing body weight, brewer's yeast has a pronounced cosmetic effect - the condition of the skin and hair improves.

Attention! Before taking tablets, you should consult your doctor. There are contraindications.

Medicines for women

Weight gain medications for women may contain both female and male hormones. Hormonal pills are best taken to gain weight, which is why many birth control medications that contain hormones have weight gain as a side effect. The male hormone testosterone in large quantities is dangerous for female reproductive health, it is better to use female hormones for weight gain:

  1. 1. Duphaston is a hormonal drug containing the active substance dydrogesterone, which promotes weight gain. Before using it for women, girls should consult an endocrinologist and gynecologist.
  2. 2. Benzodiazepine is a drug aimed at combating epilepsy, relieving anxiety, seizures, panic attacks, anxiety, insomnia, and agitation. Side effect - can be used as a pill to gain weight. Addictive.
  3. 3. Elkar is a medicine in the form of a solution used for growth retardation, anorexia, and also in sports medicine for prolonged physical and emotional stress and intense training.
  4. 4. Anadrol (oxymetholone) is one of the powerful anabolic and androgenic steroids. Stimulates rapid growth of muscle mass and strength, but has a toxic effect on the liver. Applied by the course.

Women can also take peritol, riboxin, glutamic acid, and brewer's yeast.

A big problem for modern women is excess weight. However, for a number of reasons, the opposite situation may arise when, due to various circumstances, a girl, even with constant consumption of high-calorie and fatty foods, fails to gain weight corresponding to her height.

How to gain weight for a girl? How to achieve seductive breasts and rounded buttocks if angular, thin shapes are genetically inherent? To do this, it is necessary not only to change your diet, taking into account the characteristics of your metabolism, but also to engage in physical exercises that help gain muscle mass in problem areas.

How to quickly gain weight for a girl

Excessive thinness is not just a lack of figure. Lack of muscle and fat body mass can cause many problems - from difficulties conceiving a child to the development of various chronic diseases, including decreased immunity, food allergies, and digestive disorders. If such a constitution is not hereditary, but acquired, it is necessary to consult a doctor, as this may indicate the development of cancer.

The best way to find out how to gain weight for a girl is to consult a doctor. It is he who will be able to determine the reasons that caused weight loss and recommend the necessary diet. Since eating high-calorie and fatty foods in most cases does not bring the desired result, you need to start with measures aimed at increasing appetite.

There are various ways to increase the natural desire to eat a lot and with pleasure. The simplest and most effective is to spend more time outdoors. After a walk, a healthy appetite usually appears, and at the same time the metabolism necessary for more complete absorption of food improves.

If on a walk fresh air If you don’t have enough time, it is recommended to drink a glass of fresh natural juice or red wine before eating. At the same time, you need to eat at least 5-6 times a day, snacking on what you want most at this time - fruit, a glass of kefir or nuts.

Many doctors, answering the question of how to gain weight for a girl, advise not to fuss after eating, but to rest for about half an hour. For thin people, this is a good way to improve digestion, which will allow maximum absorption of all beneficial substances.

Since it is quite difficult for a girl to gain weight, she needs to adjust her diet, giving priority to protein-carbohydrate foods. It is necessary that at least half of the proteins come from eggs, meat and fish. Poultry meat is considered healthy - it is lean and nutritious, and the protein it contains will allow you to quickly build muscle mass for the desired body contour.

Daily consumption of low-fat fermented milk products will also help improve digestion, and, therefore, improve metabolic processes. For breakfast, full-fat cottage cheese with a small amount of homemade sour cream or an energy cocktail consisting of a glass of heavy cream, 100 g of cottage cheese and a few tablespoons of jam or honey are quite suitable.

When choosing a diet and deciding how to gain weight for a girl, you need to remember that the body needs fats, for which you need to use olive and soybean oils for dressing salads. They are rich in vitamin E, which gives elasticity to blood vessels and has a rejuvenating effect. Also, to quickly increase subcutaneous fat, you do not need to neglect foods containing carbohydrates - pasta, potatoes, white bread, sugar and various sweets.

I lost weight. How to gain weight?

Quite often you can find a discussion of the situation: “I have lost weight. How to gain weight? Is just following a diet enough for this?”

According to many doctors, after undergoing examinations confirming the absence of the disease, for more speed dial weight simply following a diet is often not enough. Performing aerobic and strength exercises with dumbbells helps improve metabolism and at the same time build muscle mass.

Usually, trainers, when advising how to gain weight for a girl, do not recommend overloading yourself with physical activity in the first month. During this time, the body will have time to adjust to the new regime. Subsequently, it will be possible to increase the weight of the dumbbells and the number of repetitions of the exercises. You can exercise independently according to a program selected by a trainer or by visiting a fitness club. Moreover, such training should be combined with swimming in the pool, rollerblading and cycling, and active games. If after several months your body weight stops increasing, it is worth changing the program and diet.

What pills to use to gain weight

Lack of weight is not an independent symptom, but a consequence of various problems with both physical and mental health. When asking your doctor which pills to gain weight with, you need to ask him about the list of possible effects they have on the body.

When deciding how to gain weight for a woman, you need to understand that any hormonal drugs interfere with the functioning of the body, destroying some of its systems. However, in some cases it will be almost impossible to restore it.

Among the pills that a doctor may recommend may be hormonal drugs, most often oral contraceptives. Weight gain is a fairly common side effect. According to the results of many studies, long-term use of hormonal contraceptives will lead to persistent weight gain, but doctors note that it will be quite difficult to get rid of it. Before giving advice on how to quickly gain weight for girls 13-15 years old, you need to take into account all the possible consequences and weigh the benefits and the existing risks.

Many women, when discussing which pills to gain weight, recommend drinking brewer's yeast. Their action is aimed at regulating metabolic processes by replenishing the deficiency of vitamins of various groups (especially group B, necessary for the nervous system) and essential proteins and fats. In addition, brewer's yeast promotes:

  • Strengthening vascular walls;
  • Reducing the amount of harmful fats in the blood;
  • Improving immunity and performance;
  • Removing toxic metabolic products from the body;
  • Increasing the body's resistance to the effects of many adverse environmental factors;
  • Improving overall well-being.

When discussing how to gain weight for a woman, many note that brewer's yeast is a good addition to diet and physical activity. By normalizing intestinal function, they improve appetite and promote more complete absorption of food. In addition to weight gain, many note an improvement in well-being and mood.

Before deciding how to gain weight for a girl, you need to find out the reasons causing weight loss. In many cases, losing weight is associated with psychological trauma and problems that a psychologist can help solve. Even if you don’t seek help from professionals, you need to know that many problems in the body are directly related to psychological attitude. Therefore, while following the doctor’s recommendations, do not forget that you need to love yourself with all your shortcomings.

Most athletes do not stop only at physical activity and in order to achieve maximum results resort to dietary supplements that help build muscle mass. Supplements for gaining muscle mass vary both in their effect on the body and in their price range. Recently, to increase the effectiveness of training, and, accordingly, the effect from them, athletes have begun to resort to drugs that can be purchased at the nearest pharmacy.

But, before deciding to take such a step, it is necessary to study the effect that drugs or tablets have on the body. It is not recommended to abuse them, as they can cause significant harm to the body.

The drug Methionine in bodybuilding

Pharmacy substitute for supplements

Before you go to the pharmacy and choose a set of drugs that are intended for muscle growth, you need to understand exactly what drugs are needed and what they are responsible for. Sometimes the purchased product may not be suitable for a person who has hypersensitivity to the components included in its composition.

Considering this, you should not neglect the preliminary study of the instructions. This will avoid negative consequences for the body and get the expected result.

  • Glutamic acid. This acid promotes the flow of nitrogen into the body and its distribution, thereby achieving accelerated nitrogen metabolism. And, as you know, with the help of nitrogen metabolism, growth processes are activated, including muscle mass. It is recommended to take glutamic acid tablets twice a day when playing sports. You should not take more than 2 tablets at one time. In addition to the fact that glutamic acid is intended for muscle growth, it also affects the body's immune defense. This fact allows you to use this acid as a means to prevent most diseases or during the use of anabolic steroids. After all, when they are consumed, the body’s immune defense is significantly reduced, due to which its vulnerability increases.

Glutamic acid Solgar

  • Methionine is a beneficial amino acid for the body, which is present in some foods and is used for rapid muscle growth. This drug, like other stimulants, can be used by athletes. If the rate of use of Methionine is provided for in a course that provides 1-2 grams of the substance, then when playing sports, the established dose can be adjusted.
    The advantage, as, in fact, the demand for Methionine, is due not only to the fact that capsules of this product are available, but also to the fact that, in addition to the positive effect on weight gain, proper liver protection is provided. This fact allows the use of Methionine in cases where there are oral steroids that harm the liver.
  • Alvezin can also be included in the complex for weight gain. Despite the inconveniences associated with the administration of Alvezin, which occurs intravenously, this solution, which contains amino acids and protein beneficial to the body, has pronounced properties. With this solution, which is recommended for athletes to administer three times a week, the body receives everything essential amino acids to carry out the process of increasing mass. A solution administered intravenously is absorbed faster by the body, and accordingly, the result will follow faster. Experts believe that Alvezin should be administered at the moment when the load has reached its maximum.

Alvezin can be included in a complex for weight gain

  • Nonsteroidal drugs that can be purchased at a pharmacy for weight gain when playing sports are presented in the form of potassium orotate. Potassium orotate has a positive effect on metabolic processes in the body, promoting their activation. Due to this, protein synthesis increases. In addition to the fact that such drugs act as growth stimulants, they are included in the nutritional complex of athletes also because they protect the heart from debilitating loads. This method helps to avoid heart problems, including heart attacks. To start, it is recommended to take one capsule of Potassium Orotate three times a day. The optimal time to take them is 1.5-2 hours before the intended meal. Gradually the dosage can be doubled.
  • Safinor in its effects has a certain similarity with potassium ororate, which is part of it. But, if potassium Ororate helps to protect the heart muscle to a greater extent, then Safinor acts as a means that allows the body to adapt to a new load and weight. The complex of drugs used by the athlete must contain Safinor.

Potassium Ororate is similar to Safinor

  • Weight gain stimulants are also represented by such a drug as Ecdysterone. In addition to the fact that the use of Ecdysterone is used to increase muscle mass, it has no contraindications and is harmless to the athlete’s body. Therefore, the complex of drugs used by people related to sports should include it. As for its composition, Ecdysterone capsules consist of an extract of the roots of Leuzea safflower. The drug has a tonic effect on the body. At the same time, it is possible to increase strength, endurance, and, of course, add muscle mass in a shorter time.
    In order to achieve maximum results, Ecdysterone must be taken after meals. If an athlete has three main meals per day, then the drug should be taken 2-3 capsules after each meal.
  • Riboxin can be purchased at any pharmacy without any difficulty. Riboxin causes processes in the body to have an anabolic effect and provides reliable protection to the heart, which is very important when performing regular physical activity. Riboxin, which is part of a complex of drugs that act as a replacement for dietary supplements, has an effect on the rapid restoration of muscle tissue after training. Riboxin tablets provide sufficient blood supply to tissues and participate in energy metabolism . As a rule, at the beginning of the course, which can be 3 months, 1 capsule of Riboxin per day is enough. The minimum dosage is observed for 4 days, after which it is increased to 2 capsules 3 times a day. Additionally, you should worry about taking Riboxin before training.
  • People for whom sports, first of all, have heard about a drug called Betimil. Pharmaceutical drugs designed to increase muscle mass are the best substitutes for supplements, which are often inaccessible to many athletes due to their cost. Betimil and similar drugs can be taken by athletes as drugs that promote muscle gain and allow them to achieve greater performance by increasing endurance and charging the body with energy.
    With proper use of Betimil, athletes have repeatedly managed to double their achievements. In order for the effect of using this product to be maximum, you need to take 2-4 Betimil tablets per day. The duration of the course should not exceed 6 days, after which you will need to take a break of 3 days.

You can buy drugs for weight gain on the American website, where there are always promotions, and using our link you are guaranteed to receive an additional 5% discount. It also works. Therefore, if you have already decided which weight gain drugs are best for you, then they can be found on.

Now athletes who want to increase muscle mass at an accelerated pace know how to achieve this and what the most effective stimulants exist for this. Therefore, if it is not possible to resort to sports nutrition that is designed specifically for this purpose, then you should not be upset. After all, you can look for a more suitable option, affordable among the drugs that are presented in pharmacies in any city in the country. By putting together the necessary complex, which contains the best means that have the necessary effect on the body, you can achieve results no worse than using special supplements for building muscle mass.

Masmedia dictates its own rules to us and sets standards of beauty, those parameters to which girls and boys then strive. This refers to the fit and pumped up guys on the covers of glossy magazines and the cute athletic girls who stand next to them. Everyone wants to look beautiful, but how to build your body? There is a slow and fast way. The first option is a long lesson in gyms, maintaining proper nutrition. The second way to use drugs that stimulate muscle growth. Next, we will talk about which anabolic steroids for muscle growth anyone can buy in a pharmacy without having a prescription from a doctor.

What are steroids?

Promotion of a healthy lifestyle has reached every corner of our country. Playing sports has now become fashionable. Wherever you spit, you’ll end up hitting a turnstile athlete, a bodybuilder, or a crossfitter. Over the past ten years, society has changed a little in terms of the number of people involved in sports. Young people are actively storming the fitness halls, the courtyard sports grounds don’t look so empty, and sometimes there are kids there who are trying to learn something.

In order to look beautiful, give their body aesthetics and be pumped up, athletes often cross the line between sports nutrition and everyday food and neglect to use various types of supplements. Anabolic steroids for muscle growth - this is their name among common people. These additives are used in medicine only for medicinal purposes and under the supervision of medical professionals.

Anabolic steroids are taken for serious illnesses, problems with internal organs, blood diseases, and so on. However, even constant monitoring by medical staff does not guarantee safe treatment. In any case, there is a possibility that the patient will become dependent on the drug and will not be able to exist without its dosages in the future.

Side effects of anabolic steroids

Let's fantasize and imagine what will happen to an ordinary person or an athlete who takes anabolic steroids for muscle growth in unlimited dosages, does not control the lines and generally does not monitor his health or changes in the hormonal system. Impotence and infertility are a mild trend of consequences that an athlete can get away with after taking such drugs.

Regular dosages are fraught with rapid wear and tear of the cellular structure. After all, the result of taking steroids is accelerated muscle growth, which stimulates the work of human cells at an accelerated pace. After completing the course or after several such courses, the human body begins to age quickly; it is not able to independently produce the hormones necessary for life. After all, before this, anabolic drugs helped him perfectly.

This is if we talk about strong steroids, which are strictly prohibited for sale and use. Get it a good product very difficult and expensive. However, there is another option, to find their substitutes. Next, the conversation will focus on what anabolic steroids for muscle growth an ordinary passerby can buy in a pharmacy, and how to find and obtain pharmaceuticals in medical institutions.

Anabolic steroids for muscle growth in the pharmacy - legal pharmacy

Pharmacological drugs should be separated to those that are in closed access, they cannot be found in the open market and on free anabolic steroids in the pharmacy, or rather drugs intended to treat serious diseases in patients. But when used correctly in combination with proper training, they can easily replace the steroids we know. Before purchasing any supplements, consult your doctor; do not think that you know more than a qualified specialist and that you do not need his opinion.

What anabolic steroids can be purchased for muscle growth at the pharmacy for anyone? We will tell you which supplements are absolutely safe for human health, without taking into account personal intolerance to the drug, the use of which will accelerate the growth of muscle mass several times.

1. Insulin is the best pharmaceutical steroid

Insulin in the scientific literature is called a transport hormone that regulates blood sugar levels and reduces glucose levels. This hormone has gained some popularity in the world of bodybuilding due to its unique property of enhancing the process of protein synthesis. More than one experiment confirmed this; a positive effect of the transport hormone on stimulating the growth of muscle tissue was also observed.

Pros of using insulin:

Ø Insulin is anti-catabolic
Ø Stimulates muscle growth
Ø Accelerates protein synthesis in the body
Ø Fatty acid production increases

Thanks to insulin, sugar levels in the liver decrease, it stimulates the production of glycogen enzymes, increasing their total volume. The merit of the transport hormone lies in reducing the rate of protein breakdown and reducing the level of fatty acids that go into the blood.

What types of insulin are there in the pharmacy?

Athletes and bodybuilders inject two types of insulin: short-acting and ultra-short-acting. The second type begins to manifest itself after 15 minutes and reaches its peak 2 hours after the injection. Removed from the body in 3-4 hours. It is recommended to take insulin both before (10 minutes before) and after meals (immediately).

Short-acting insulin activates its work in the body after half an hour. The dosage is administered under the skin 40 minutes before meals. The maximum is reached after a couple of hours and completely disappears after 5-6 hours.

Pros of insulin

For muscle growth in the pharmacy drug better than insulin It's hard to find because it:

Ø Available (easy to buy at the pharmacy)
Ø Inexpensive (cheaper than steroids)
Ø Very high quality (there are almost no fakes in the pharmacy - 95%)
Ø Non-toxic
Ø Minimal set of side effects
Ø Has anabolic effects
Ø Compatible with all drugs

Disadvantages of pharmaceutical anabolic steroids

Ø Blood sugar levels drop
Ø Tendency to fat deposits
Ø It is not so easy to accept and compile courses

Side effects of insulin

Insulin, as a drug that occupies the first line of the “hit parade” of legal steroids called “ anabolic steroids for muscle growth in the pharmacy"has its own side effects on the body, and more specifically:

Ø Itching may occur at the injection site
Ø Risk of allergic reactions
Ø Imbalance in the production of your own hormone

2. Riboxin and bodybuilding

In second place on the hit parade is Riboxin, a drug that bodybuilders use for muscle growth and can be bought at a simple pharmacy. The supplement is considered an excellent source of energy, which cells use in building new ones. muscle fibers. Thanks to Riboxin, restoration processes occur with greater intensity, tissues receive energy, and internal systems do not suffer from a lack of oxygen.

The positive aspects of taking Riboxin are:

Ø Plays a key role in protein and nucleic acid synthesis
Ø Prevents tissues from starving and lacking oxygen
Ø Prevents our heart from contracting coronary disease
Ø Positively affects recovery processes
Ø Creates balance in energy processes
Ø Controls heart function

Thanks to taking Riboxin, the athlete increases endurance, accelerates the growth of muscle fibers, and strengthens the immune system. Regular use of the drug allows the athlete to stay in the gym longer and recover faster after a hard workout.

Riboxin form and dosage

At the pharmacy, anabolic steroids can be purchased in tablets, solutions and capsules. The price per record is no more than 40 rubles. Ampoules are more expensive, 70-140 rubles, solution 60-150 rubles.

If we talk about tableted Riboxin, athletes take 3-4 tablets 3-4 times a day before meals. To begin with, the normal dose is 1 tablet 3-4 times a day. A unique course of taking Riboxin can take from a month to 90 days. Next, we give the body rest for 30-45 days and you can re-use the anabolic steroid.

Side effects of Riboxin

The side effects of Riboxin are subtle. This can only include personal intolerance to the drug or those components that are included in the composition. If you take more than what is indicated on the package, you can get an allergic reaction, your heart will start beating faster, your blood pressure will rise.

3. Clenbuterol – a powerful fat burner and muscle mass stimulator

Anabolic steroids for muscle growth in the pharmacy do not end there, and the next drug on our list is clenbuterol. The main objective of the supplement is to increase the athlete’s endurance. But the drug is prohibited for use; it is used to treat asthmatics and people suffering from lung diseases. There are cases when anabolic steroids were administered to animals in order for them to gain muscle mass - that is, used in agriculture.

Clenbuterol, as an anabolic for muscle growth, has all the properties such as accelerating protein synthesis, recovery processes and fat burning. Studies conducted with clenbuterol on animals showed that the drug burns well subcutaneous fat, it has no analogues.

Clenbuterol has the following benefits:

Ø Prevents muscle tissue from breaking down during drying periods
Ø Accelerates anabolism
Ø Removes subcutaneous deposits
Ø Lost appetite
Ø Maintains muscle tone

Dosages and release forms

Steroids are available in both tablet and injectable form. Clenbuterol is available in liquid form. In the first days you should not inject more than 20 mcg of the drug. For 5 days, take 40 mcg. From days 6 to 12, divide 120 mcg into two doses. Then in two days lower it to 8 mcg, and then 40 mcg every day. Then we take a two-week break and repeat the procedure.

How to get maximum effectiveness from clenbuterol?

In order for a steroid for muscle growth purchased at a pharmacy to give 100% impact, it must be combined in tandem with ketotifen. The additive will enhance the interaction and give a pronounced result. Ketafen should be included in the course at its completion stage.

Side effects of clenbuterol

Anabolic steroids, which are used for muscle growth and are freely sold in pharmacies, do not have strong side effects compared to steroids that are prohibited for sale. However, you should know the following about clenbuterol: improper use of the drug can lead to death, cells may begin to die, there is a risk of hypertrophy, arrhythmia, and so on. Side effects are considered to be:

Ø High blood pressure
Ø You may feel dizzy and have a headache
Ø Nausea and vomiting
Ø Sweat begins to appear actively
Ø Seizures
Ø Potassium is lost

4. Tamoxifen

Most steroids consist of components that, under certain conditions, are transformed into female sex hormones. Tamoxifen interferes with this process and blocks the conversion. Athletes and bodybuilders take tamoxifen in order to gain muscle, and some claim that without a “miracle drug” it is impossible to climb to Olympus.