
Exercises for a slim body. A set of effective exercises to create a beautiful figure Single leg lift

Quite recently, we talked about the standards of a slim figure and found out that there are different types of figures (morphs), therefore the concept of slimness is different for us all. And exercises for slim figure will be slightly different for different morphs.

Please note - exercises for a slim figure are not exactly the same as exercises for losing weight!

If we talk about women of the asthenic type, then they usually don’t need to lose weight. Asthenics have difficulty gaining fat and muscle mass.
But they need this so as not to look like a clothes hanger, but to have pleasant roundness where needed.
Of course, you can gain some fat by eating fatty foods, sweets and alcohol. But do we need it? No.
Then let's stick correct mode nutrition – we eat 4-5 times a day, don’t forget about sources of protein, drink a lot of water and be sure to have a light snack before bed.
But spending hours in the gym is not at all necessary.
After all, the task of asthenics is not to lose weight and burn fat, but to strengthen the heart muscle, while being careful and careful about the joints and ligaments, which are usually weak in ectomorphs.

So, what exercises for a slim figure are recommended for asthenics?

regular, trouble-free strength training;

no overload, they slow down muscle growth;

You need to exercise every other day, 20 minutes 3 times - in the morning, pay attention to the chest muscles and biceps, in the afternoon - to the shoulders and legs, in the evening - to the back muscles and triceps;
Stretching and warming up for at least 15 minutes are required (remember about weak ligaments);

Cardio exercise to a minimum, but regularly.

Normosthenics also need exercises for a slender figure, because at least their figure type is closest to the concept of a “slender figure”, and muscle mass They have it in moderation, but they gain weight easily. But they are also easy to reset.
For a slim figure, normosthenics need to balance their diet (mono-diets such as fruit or protein diets are absolutely not suitable for this type), limit carbohydrates, which, of course, are needed as a source of energy, but normosthenics themselves are energetic and cheerful, and consume only high-quality fats.

What should mesomorphs pay attention to when choosing exercises for their figure? For endurance training and fat burning.

So, what exercises for a slim figure are recommended for normosthenics?
for endurance, plus yoga or Pilates for stretching;

trainings are short, but maximally loaded - strength exercises and fast movements;

Sprint running no more than 75 minutes per week. That’s right – 3 times for 25 minutes, of which 5 minutes each for warming up and “cooling down”, and 15 minutes for the running itself;

intense loads for 4 weeks are interrupted by light loads for 1-2.

Of course, it is most difficult for women with a hypersthenic physique to maintain a slim figure.
They gain weight very, very quickly, but they are in no hurry to lose it.
And fat mass clearly prevails over muscle mass.
Therefore, the diet includes a minimum of fats and light carbohydrates, complex carbohydrates only in the first half of the day, meals 7 times a day and little by little, eggs, fish, chicken fillet, fermented milk and legumes are a must on the menu.

So, what exercises for a slim figure are recommended for hypersthenics?

compulsory morning exercises;

reducing fat mass (this is the primary task), building muscle;

the complex includes light exercises to develop endurance;

training 4-5 times a week, twice a day, split training - this means that every day we train different muscle groups;

exercises for training different groups muscle training is carried out in the evening, and basic exercises in the morning.


Spring is not only a time to change your wardrobe. This is still a period of active preparation of the body for the summer season.

In the fight for perfect body everyone pursues their own goals: someone wants to improve their health, while others want to meet the beach season slim and fit so that they can wear a new bikini or favorite shorts without hesitation.

Here are 5 almost magical exercises, at correct execution which, your body will soon be transformed.

Just 10 minutes every day, and in a month you won’t recognize him.

Exercises for an ideal figure

1. Plank

The plank is a static exercise.

This means that you don't need to move during the exercise, just keep your body in the correct position. The plank is considered a basic exercise.

To perform it correctly, follow the example shown in the picture above.

Support yourself on your elbows, forearms and the front of your feet. It is very important to keep your back completely straight. Try not to lower your waist so that your hip line is parallel to the floor.

If you don't have any difficulty doing the plank, it's strange to say the least. You should feel tension in almost every part of the body: the muscles of the back, abdomen, front of the thighs and muscles of the arms.

2. Push-ups (push up exercise)

Push-ups are another exercise that literally works every major muscle.

Thanks to this exercise you strengthen your body.

Perform it on a flat floor.

Fix your body position: n and with outstretched straight arms, hold the body for several seconds, while also supporting straight line of legs, back and buttocks.

Slowly lower your body, bending your elbows. Then, straightening your arms, also slowly return to the starting position. The most important thing is to always keep your back, buttocks and legs straight.

You should feel how muscles tense abdominals, arm muscles, as well as the anterior thigh muscles.

A set of exercises for a beautiful figure

3. Squats

Squats will help strengthen your thigh muscles, calf muscles, and also correct your posture. In addition, this exercise will improve the overall tone of the body and promote fat burning.

Place your feet shoulder-width apart or slightly wider. Extend your arms in front of you and then proceed directly to squats, keeping your head straight.

Try to perform the exercise with your back as straight as possible. Lower your pelvis until your thighs are parallel to the floor (as far as possible).

4. Hunting dog stance

Take the initial position as for doing a plank.

Pull your stomach in and simultaneously extend one leg and the opposite arm, while maintaining perfect balance.

Hold this position for at least a minute. Then slowly lower your arm and leg and repeat this exercise with the other leg and arm.

So-called hunting dog stance develops gluteal muscles, abdominal muscles, as well as muscles in the lumbar region.

5. Lying hip raise exercises

Raising your hips from a lying position is perfect exercise for body.

Thanks to him, you can develop your gluteal muscles, hamstrings, and strengthen your abdominal, back, and thigh muscles.

Lie on your back, bend your knees. The foot should be completely on the floor, arms extended to the sides at an angle of 45 degrees relative to the body.

Pull your buttocks in and lift your hips as high as possible. Fix your body in this position for a few seconds. Then slowly lower your pelvis and repeat the exercise again.

This program includes 5 basic exercises, consists of two workouts. Perform the exercises for 4 weeks in the following sequence, paying attention to the time for each type of exercise:

Workout 1:

1 minute plank

1 minute - push-ups

2 minutes - squats

1 minute – hunting dog stance

1 minute - raising hips from a lying position

1 minute plank

1 minute - push-ups

2 minutes – squats

*The break between exercises should be 10 seconds.

Workout 2:

3 minutes - plank

3 minutes - hunting dog stance

3 minutes - lifting hips from a lying position

1 minute - push-ups

*The break between exercises should be 15 seconds.

Perform a set of these exercises 6 times a week in the following sequence:

*Make the seventh day a day off.

Week 1:

Day 1: workout 1

Day 2: workout 2

Day 3: workout 1

Day 4: workout 2

Day 5: workout 1

Day 6: workout 2

Day 7: day off

Week 2:

Day 1: workout 2

Day 2: workout 1

Day 3: workout 2

Day 4: workout 1

Day 5: workout 2

Day 6: workout 1

Day 7: day off

Once you've completed Week 2, go back to rotating Week 1 exercises.

The results will not take long to arrive. After just 4 weeks you won’t recognize your body.

*It is worth adding that the effectiveness of these exercises will increase significantly when performed in combination with a proper diet.

We offer 6 effective exercises for a slim figure, which you can easily do at home!

Completing these will take you no more than 30 minutes a day. Perform each exercise in three approaches with a minimum interval. In one series, do 15-20 repetitions. If this exercise as if bilateral (for example, the right and left leg), perform at least 10 repetitions on each side. Include relaxation exercises in your workout: step, with a ball, 0.5-1 kg dumbbells (can be replaced with water bottles).

From this six exercises for a slim figure choose three, one for each body part you need to tone. Combine them with a cardio workout. And, voila, every day you will have a different set of exercises!

Exercises for firm buttocks

1) Starting position - lying on your back. Bend your legs at the knees and place your feet on the floor. Raise your hips up - together your torso and floor form a triangle.

A more complicated version of the exercise for the buttocks: straighten one leg, bend the other. On bent leg lift your hips up while keeping your other leg straight.

3) Get on your knees and lean on the floor with your arms bent at the elbows. Alternately swing your legs (straighten them vigorously) up. Do push-ups on your hands at the same time.


Exercises for a thin waist

1) Lie on your back. First, raise your straightened legs up, then top part torso, taking a sort of hammock position (arms extended in front of you), and then swing with short movements, increasing the swing. At the same time, make a slight turn to the sides.

2) Lie on the floor as if you were doing a push-up. Grab the large ball with your feet and try to hold it between your ankles (feet resting on the ball). Lean lightly on the floor bent arms, torso parallel to the floor. Perform turns to the sides of the body.

Exercises for graceful hands

1) Lie on your stomach. Bend your knees (feet up) and lift your torso with straight arms. Do push-ups at a fairly fast pace, bending your elbows. (palms under you). When tilted correctly, the chin should be 10 cm from the floor.

2) Stand against the wall, lean your back on the ball. Take dumbbells in your hands. Bend your legs slightly. Do a squat (move your back over the ball), while simultaneously raising your arms with dumbbells in front of you. Straighten up and lower your arms.

The main idea of ​​this article is that you don’t need to spend a lot of time to look beautiful and fit. There is a set of exercises that will help you become more attractive without much effort. This is not a promise to do nothing and lose weight and get better, but to perform a daily set of simple but effective exercises that will lead to results.

So, we present 6 effective exercises to maintain a slim figure.

Planck exercise

So, the most seemingly simple Planck exercise. But is it so easy to do it after holding on for 2 minutes in a tense state?

You need to lie on your stomach, then stand up, leaning only on your elbows and transfer the entire body weight to them, forearms and toes. The most important thing here is to stay in the air. You need to make sure that the body forms one continuous line. In this static state, you need to stand for 2 minutes and monitor your breathing. If standing in this position is too easy, it means the exercise is being performed incorrectly. By performing such a simple exercise, almost all muscle groups are toned, including the muscles of the arms, thighs, back and abdomen.

Push-ups are very effective for the arm and abdominal muscles. In order to perform this exercise correctly, you need to take the plank pose as the initial one and push up with your hands. The difficulty is that you need to return to the starting position as slowly as possible. The body must also be kept straight.


You need to bend your knees, stand on the floor, leaning on your hands. Then slowly straighten your leg and the opposite arm at the same time. Straighten up, hold your stance, do not bend your knee and elbow.


In order to squat correctly, you need to maintain balance. It is important to remember that with each squat you need to rest on the entire surface of the foot. Feet shoulder-width apart, then you need to imagine that you are sitting on a chair, while you need to stretch your arms forward with each squat. It is important to ensure that your knees and feet are at the same level and that your tailbone is pulled back. Efficiency lies in the fact that you need to rise as slowly as possible, then the result will be maximum.

Exercises for the abs

Perhaps the most favorite and popular are abdominal exercises. To perform the exercise, you need to lie on your back and stretch your arms above your head. Then you should slowly begin to lift bent knee and touch it with your hand. It is important to follow the execution technique: left leg - left hand, also simultaneously with the right. You need to repeat several times, 3-4 approaches, each time returning to the starting position.

For waist

For supporting beautiful waist There are several exercises, and here is one of the most effective. You need to lean against the wall, bend your knees, and spread your legs wide apart. Close your hands in front of you and take the ball, then slowly move from one side to the other, touching the wall. It is important that your back is straight.

With the help of such simple exercises, your figure will always be toned, and the time to complete the exercises will be minimal.

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It is possible and necessary. There are many sets of exercises for the figure. But even if you don’t need to lose extra pounds, you want to have a beautiful and toned body. You can achieve results in a month. How? Just do 7.


The most popular and simplest exercise for a beautiful figure is the plank. You don’t need to squat until you sweat, you just need to stand up correctly. The plank strengthens the muscles of the abdomen, arms, and front thigh.

Push ups

Push-ups are a necessary element in a set of exercises for a beautiful figure. Thanks to push-ups, you will tidy up your arms and abs. Do not forget that during this exercise your back, pelvis and legs should create a straight line.

Exercise for hips and buttocks

Start with a knee and handstand. Then raise your right leg in a straight line and left hand. Do the same with your left leg and right arm. This exercise for a beautiful figure will make your thighs and buttocks perfect.


Place your feet shoulder-width apart and slowly lower yourself, imagining that you are sitting on a chair. Try to “plant” the tailbone as far as possible so that during this exercise for a good figure, the leg from the feet to the knees is an even line perpendicular to the floor and does not move. For convenience, pull forward.

Ab exercise

Exercise for a beautiful waist

Take a ball in your hands or interlace your palms. Spread your legs wide and squat down a little. For convenience, stand near a wall, leaning your back on it. Move your hands slowly right side all the way - you need to touch the wall. Then repeat the same on the left side.

How to do figure exercises

These 7 exercises for a beautiful figure are easy to do at home. To “create” an ideal body in a month, you need to follow a plan. In the first week, do figure exercises for six days: plank for 2 minutes, push-ups, exercises for hips, buttocks, abs and waist for 1 minute and complete the set of figure exercises with a 2-minute plank. Do the same complex in the third week. The second and fourth weeks you need to train for six days and alternate two sets of exercises for the figure. First: plank, abs, thighs and buttocks for 3 minutes. Second: waist, push-ups, abs and buttocks, also for 3 minutes.