
Vertical barbell press. Vertical press machine. Smith machine press to work the pectoral muscles

Describes the correct execution of the seated press up in the simulator, other exercises on the front, for maximum pumping deltoid muscles with important points + training video.

Exercise technique

The sitting press up in the simulator is a good example for replacing the standing barbell press ( military press), this significantly relieves the load on the lumbar region. Perform this exercise at the end of a front delt workout to finish off an already tired delt and give it maximum pumping.

Basic Rules

1. At the top point, the weight must be squeezed out to the end; at the bottom, only when you feel a good stretch in the muscle, lift the weight up again without a pause.

2. Use a weight that will allow you to do 8 clean reps; if you can’t do them, then reduce the kilograms you set.

3. When performing the exercise, your back is pressed tightly against the back of the machine, rib cage leaned forward a little, the pelvis sits tightly on the bench, the legs rest firmly on the floor.

4. Don’t deceive yourself, completely lower and raise the weight, the greater the amplitude, the better the muscle stretches and the better the load is felt, but do not lower the handles of the machine much lower than your shoulders, otherwise you will injure the deltoid muscle.

5. Remember, this is not a basic exercise, do not perform it at the beginning of training the front deltoid, only at the end.

6. Breathe correctly, when lowering the weight, take a deep breath, when lifting it, exhale completely, breathe full breasts without holding your breath.

The vertical leg press allows you to train your lower body muscles from different angles. Of all the leg presses, the vertical one places the main emphasis on the hamstrings and glutes. The Panatta Vertical Press exercise machine is very popular with women and athletes who have to run, jump...

For bodybuilding, the vertical leg press stimulates the thigh muscles, providing the best stretch for the muscles. Leg contractions can be modulated at will by changing various machine settings as well as leg placement to place primary emphasis on the quadriceps, hamstrings or glutes. The vertical leg press can also be used to train your glutes, demonstrating its versatility.

A large number of settings and leg positions

All muscles trained by the Vertical Leg Press can be modulated as you wish between the quadriceps, hamstrings and glutes, this is due to the many ingenious settings available on the Panatta machine.

1) Back adjustments

The very first setting is the back of the machine. It can be adjusted to any inclination relative to the ground.

2) Foot platform adjustments

The second setting is the platform that you push with your feet. It can be any inclination you choose. In addition, the compact platform allows for different leg placements. We did this because the position of the legs will greatly influence the pattern of muscle development

Position selection and adjustments to better target the quadriceps muscle

The lower the back, the more the quadriceps will be worked. A highly inclined platform relative to the ground will cause the quadriceps muscle to contract more intensely.

The more your feet are under your buttocks, the more your quadriceps will work. The closer your feet are together, the more you will limit your range of motion, which will encourage quadriceps engagement.

Position selection and adjustment for better hamstring work

By placing your feet under your face, you activate your hamstrings.

The more you spread your legs out to the sides, the lower your legs can go before touching your torso, which provides a greater stretch to the muscles, helping to restore the hamstrings and adductors.

Position selection and adjustment for better buttock training

A higher back position will help work the buttocks. Likewise, placing the platform parallel to the ground will help expand the glutes.

Muscle anatomy lower limbs

The lower extremity kinetic chain is present in deadlift exercises performed with the leg press and consists of three rings connected in series: the hip, knee, and ankle. These joints open and close thanks to the support of many muscle groups that work together; Among the most important are the quadriceps, hamstrings and gluteus maximus.

The quadriceps muscle consists of four muscle fibers in the front of the thigh.

  • Rectus Femoris:

it is two-joint, it remains vertical along the thigh; crosses the hip joint and knee.

  • Vastus Medialis - Vastus Lateralis - Vastus Intermedius

Single-joint, they are placed in internal area, outer, front part of the thigh and involve only the knee joint.

  • Working out the quadriceps muscle:

at knee level, the leg is extended above the thigh; at the level of the hip joint, the thigh bends over the thigh and participates in flexion of the hip over the hips.

The hamstrings are made up of four muscle bands at the back of the thigh:

Hamstring muscles

  • They consist of two different muscle bundles: The long head of the biceps, which is biarticular and crosses the hip joint and the knee joint.
  • Long Bicep Head, which is mono-articular and just crosses the knee joint.
  • Half-dendin and half-membrane.
  • Double-jointed, they cross the medial region of the leg, including the hip and knee joints.

Hamstring muscle performance:

  • At the level of the knee they flex the leg; at the level of the hip joint they flex the thigh and finally promote the expansion of the thigh at the thigh.
  • Muscles gluteal muscle consist of three other muscle bundles: Gluteus Maximus, Gluteus Medium and Gluteus Minimus.
  • The Gluteus Maximus crosses the hip joint and partially connects the ilium, creating an anatomical and indirect connection also with the knee joint.
  • Performance of Gluteus Maximus: It extends the thigh over the thigh, rotating it externally; promotes abduction of the hip along with the small and middle gluteal. With a bilateral contraction, the hip extends to the thighs.

How to do the exercise?

After adjusting the machine, lie on your back and squeeze your lower back well. Raise your legs to rest your feet on the platform. After stopping, straighten your knees, which will automatically remove the clamps blocking the foot platform. Lower your legs until they touch your torso. Then straighten your legs and repeat the movement as many times as necessary.

You'll want to start with a moderate range of motion to get your hamstrings and glutes accustomed to the intense stretch this movement provides. Slowly increase your range of motion as you progress.

With four long barbells and additional weights available for training on the machine, even the strongest athletes will have something to do with the Panatta Vertical Press.

Safety first

When using traditional vertical presses, the more you bend bottom part back, lifting the buttocks off the seat, the greater the range of motion, but at the expense of jeopardizing the lumbar discs.

To prevent users from making this classic training mistake, the Panatta Vertical Press has an ergonomic backrest. Thanks to the anatomically curved backrest, full lumbar protection is maintained throughout the entire movement.

The second danger inherent in traditional vertical presses is the possibility of getting stuck under the machine in case of muscle weakness. This risk can be avoided on the Panatta Vertical Press as it has adjustable safety arms located on both sides of the machine. They will stop the load:

1) This will help prevent the footrest from crushing the unfortunate user.

2) Additionally, provide the athlete with the ability to easily exit from under the machine.

Foot training

By straightening your legs, keeping only your toes on the footrest to release your heels, it becomes possible to work your calves on a vertical leg press. This exercise is reminiscent of a donkey's inverted calf raises, but with the lumbar vertebrae perfectly protected by the anatomically curved backrest.

Unlike foot machines, the pressure on the back is much lower, while the feet benefit from a fuller stretch because the hips are perpendicular to the torso rather than the axis of the spine.

The big benefit of having your feet in the air is that lactic acid can't sit in your calves like it does with all the other exercises that put your feet down. With the vertical leg press, lactic acid is immediately removed by gravity, allowing you to push your series harder by performing more reps with heavier weights.

Ideal for professional athletes

Of all the leg presses, the vertical leg press is the most suitable for athletes who run, jump, ski, bike..., emphasizing the work of the glutes, hamstrings and adductors. Sports activities put a lot of strain on the hind legs, which can easily damage the hamstrings and adductor muscles.

By training the hamstrings and adductors in a tight, stretched position, the vertical leg press is ideal for not only increasing sports results, but also to train muscles, which will help prevent common injuries that regularly plague runners.

  1. What muscles work when doing a standing barbell press?
  2. Technique for performing the exercise;
  3. Typical beginner mistakes;
  4. CrossFit complexes containing military press.

What muscles work when performing this exercise?

The key muscle group that works when doing a standing barbell press from the chest up is the shoulders. The largest part of the load is concentrated on the front delta, a little less on the middle delta; the rear delta is practically not involved in the movement, but carries an indirect static load.

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A small part of the load is also shifted by top part breasts and trapezius muscles. The triceps are also actively involved in the movement; approximately the last third of the movement is covered by them. The wider the grip, the shorter the amplitude and the less the triceps are activated; The narrower the grip, the lower the amplitude and the more the triceps are activated.

For optimal load distribution and maximum control over movement, I recommend using a grip slightly wider than shoulder width.

It should be noted that despite all the benefits of the military press, this exercise alone is clearly not enough for the uniform and aesthetic development of the deltoid muscles.

Yes, it creates enormous stress for the anterior deltoid, but remember the following principle of deltoid training: if you want to build truly voluminous and spherical shoulders, it is advisable to pay no less attention to working out the middle and posterior deltoid muscles than the anterior one, since the anatomically posterior the beam is larger than the other two, the developed rear delta will “push” the middle delta outward, due to which the visual massiveness of the shoulder will be created. Use dumbbell swings to the sides various options

performances for the development of the middle bundle and swinging dumbbells in an inclination/abduction of the arms in a simulator for the development of the posterior bundle of the deltoid muscle.

Moreover, for those athletes who have difficulty feeling the contraction of the deltoid muscles during the military press, I would recommend placing the standing press at the very end of the shoulder workout. The point of this is that shoulders that are tired from swings, abductions in the machine and rows to the chin will react to the military press in a completely different way, all the load will fall on the deltoids in isolation. Of course, the working weights will be significantly less, but this method of shoulder training is also extremely effective.

Standing barbell press technique Let's talk about the technique of performing the standing barbell press in more detail. It's no secret that basic movements with a barbell are a universal indicator of the strength of our torso and overall physical training , and set directly depends on the progress in strength indicators in such exercises - the more you lift, the bigger you become. However, this statement should not be taken too literally; it makes no sense for an amateur athlete to work on the military bench press with a monstrous weight without observing correct technique execution and doing only 2-3 repetitions.

Less - you won’t have time to properly feel and “pump” your shoulders with blood; more - the strength component of the exercise is lost; such high-repetition work is best left for isolating movements, such as standing dumbbell swings to the sides, barbell rows to the chin, one-arm swings from the lower block and etc.

Doing a standing barbell press using the correct technique should be done as follows.

Initial position

Remove the bar from the racks or pick it up from the floor. In both cases, you should grab the barbell with a grip slightly wider than your shoulders and begin the movement, maintaining the natural lordosis in the lumbar spine. If you want to reduce the degree of axial load on the spine and prevent the appearance of an umbilical hernia, use athletic belt. Use a straight closed grip; we need a tight grip on the bar with your palms. If your working weight is quite large, and the bars in your gym are no longer the newest, use magnesium.

Place the barbell on your upper chest, the bar should “hang” on your fingers, while your elbows should be brought forward and spread slightly to the sides - the position is similar to front squats with a barbell. The head is slightly tilted back, the gaze is directed forward. There is another option: simply hold the barbell at the level of your collarbones, while your elbows are located towards the floor. The second option is more suitable for those who perform military presses as part of the CrossFit complex, in this option it is easier for us to work with greater speed and in a more explosive manner, or for those who do not have sufficient flexibility in the elbows and hands and experience discomfort when holding the barbell top of the chest.

Barbell bench press

Grasp the bar tightly with your palms and begin to press the barbell up using the deltoid muscles., at the same time moving your head back a little, maintaining a slight arch in the lower back. The position should be stable and level, the lower back and legs should not be involved in the work. The movement should be explosive and accompanied by a powerful exhalation. Perform one repetition at full amplitude, straighten your elbows and hold for a second in this position, keeping your body straight.

We begin to lower the barbell down. Some professional CrossFit athletes and weightlifters do the lowering quickly and sharply, literally “dropping” the barbell onto their chest. I don’t advise amateur athletes to repeat after them. It is necessary to understand that professional athletes are at a completely different level of physical fitness than ordinary gym-goers. When doing barbell presses or push presses, they feel every muscle fiber, each ligament and joint, and when performed, such a sharp lowering does not pose an unnecessary risk of injury. Therefore, everyone else is advised to lower the barbell smoothly and under control, not forgetting how easily the shoulder joint can be injured.

This video explains well which muscles work and how to perform the exercise correctly:

Typical beginner mistakes

Along with , and , the military press is an exercise that can not only contribute to the all-round development of an athlete, but also cause irreparable harm to health, and recovery from the injury can take more than one month. Therefore, if you recognize yourself in one of the points described below, you should reconsider your military press technique, starting from the very basics, and even better, do not repeat your mistakes and seek help from an experienced, highly qualified instructor.

Neglecting warm-up

Before performing a classic standing barbell press, due attention should be paid to joint warm-up; shoulders, hands and elbows should be thoroughly warmed up and prepared for work. If your working weight in the military press is high enough, take the time to perform several warm-up approaches, starting with an empty bar and gradually increasing the weight of the apparatus. It is also recommended to stretch the triceps separately, since it receives a decent load in this exercise, several sets of extensions with upper block with a little weight will only be beneficial.

Too much weight

Standing barbell press – excellent utility exercises for the bench press, but even with this it is not recommended to work in a very low repetition range and with a huge weight. If you lift a weight that is too heavy, you lose almost all the benefits of doing this exercise, since you do not have time to put enough stress on the deltoids (shoulders do not like work in low rep ranges; our deltoids and shoulder joints are simply not designed for strength work). You also overload the rotator cuff and ligaments of the shoulders, elbows and hands, which can lead to injury.


In such traumatic exercises, you should never deviate from the correct technique in favor of heavier weights or more repetitions. Including additional work muscle groups(legs, lower back), you not only reduce the effectiveness of the standing barbell press, since the shoulders receive less load, but you also risk serious spinal injury due to severe compression of the intervertebral discs in the lumbar region.

Fixation at the top point

You should not fixate at the top point for more than a few seconds - this will increase the axial load on the spine significantly, as in squats with a barbell overhead.

Incorrect position of the bar

The projectile should be located on the chest or in close proximity to it and the collarbones. If the barbell is brought forward too much, the shoulder joint moves a little forward, and the position of the elbow is also unstable. Doing a military press in this position, I give a 99% guarantee that you will get injured.

Choose the right shoes

Take this point seriously, remember that your legs are your foundation, and the entire result depends on how strong and stable it is. If you find it difficult to maintain balance during the approach, try changing your training shoes; it is best to use sneakers with a rigid sole without a heel or instep.

Don't experiment with overhead presses

If you have mastered the correct technique of the military press and have developed a good neuromuscular connection in it, leave this shoulder exercise as the main one in your arsenal, do not try to replace it with the barbell overhead press. The load in these two exercises is almost the same, the main part of it falls on the anterior delta, but when pressing from behind the head, the shoulder joint is fixed in an unnatural position, due to which it is often subject to injury.

Video from Alexey Nemtsov about common mistakes beginners make when performing standing barbell presses:

Training programs

The military press is added to the beginning of shoulder training. As a rule, they are trained either on a separate day or with legs.

The most popular split programs:

Shoulders on a separate day
Exercise Sets x reps
Standing barbell press4х15,12,10,8
Seated dumbbell press4x12
Broach wide grip 4x12
Dumbbell swings while standing to the sides3x15
Bent over dumbbell swings4x15
Arm raises in the rear deltoid machine4x15
Exercise Sets x reps
Leg press in the simulator3x12
Bending in a lying machine4x15
Bend one leg while standing in the simulator4x12
Standing barbell press4х15,12,10,8
Wide grip pull4x15
Side bend swings4x15

CrossFit complexes that contain military presses

Below is a number of functional complexes, the main ones strength exercise in which is the classic standing barbell press. I recommend trying each of them for those athletes who are serious about developing strength and increasing muscle mass in their shoulder girdle.

What exercises should you use for your workout?

Article by Dmitry Smirnov, fitness editor of the Russian publication "Mens Health".

A simple diagram shows which exercises are most important for training and health. It is advisable that the training includes exercises from each group.

Horizontal presses and rows.
- Vertical presses and rows.
- Knee-dominant exercises.
- Pelvic-dominant exercises.
- VPN - exercises.
- Exercises for the core.

1. Horizontal presses.
This is any movement that involves flexion of the shoulder and is similar to a bench press.

The exercises themselves:
- pushups;
- dumbbell bench press;
- push-ups on parallel bars;
- bench press;
- bench press of one dumbbell;
- press on the block while standing with one hand forward.

2. Vertical presses.
Exercises that involve shoulder abduction.

The exercises themselves:
- corner push-ups, feet on a bench;
- seated dumbbell press;
- high row with a barbell from the knees;
- Shvung press;
- Shvung of one dumbbell while standing.

3. Horizontal thrusts.
Movements that are the opposite of horizontal presses. Such exercises train the main area responsible for normal posture of the thoracic spine and stability of the shoulder joints. The main thing is to always concentrate on clearly bringing your shoulder blades together!

The exercises themselves:
- pull-ups on a low bar;
- dumbbell rows while lying on an incline bench;
- pull of the block to the stomach narrow grip sitting;
- bent over barbell row;
- bent over dumbbell row without support.

4. Vertical rods.
Movements reverse to vertical presses.

The exercises themselves:
- vertical row of a block to the chest with a wide grip;
- simplified pull-ups;
- wide grip pull-ups to the chest;
- pull-ups with a medium reverse grip;
- traction vertical block with one hand.

5. Knee-dominant exercises:
The main movement in exercises of this type is straightening the leg at the knee, and the knee joint. Its amplitude is always greater compared to the hip joint, which is also often involved in most movements of this type.

The exercises themselves:
- Bulgarian split squats;
- Zercher squats;
- front squats;
- squats with a low stick (bar);
- squats on one leg.

6. Pelvic-dominant exercises:
Unlike knee-dominant ones, they create a load on the back of the thigh. This type of exercise is THE MOST IMPORTANT for health. All strength, potency, longevity and even safety lie in your own buttocks! A person who leads a sedentary lifestyle typical of modern society often has very big problems with the strength of his rear. What if the buttocks and muscles back surface the hips are weak, problems with the back and knees are practically guaranteed. But strong hip extensors can reduce the load on the vulnerable and often injured cruciate ligament of the knee and provide stability to the lumbar spine.

The exercises themselves:
- gluteal bridge one leg;
- Romanian deadlift;
- the same on one leg;
- deadlift;
- the same on one leg.

7. VPN - exercises (rotating the shoulder outward):
When we do vertical and horizontal presses and rows, we heavily load the pectoralis major, anterior deltoid and latissimus muscles. If you do not balance such a load with VPN exercises, you can disrupt the natural geometry of the unfortunate shoulder joints - which have become much more strong muscles piercing the shoulder, chronically rotate the humerus inward. The result is the same as from squats, bringing your knees together, or deadlifts, rounding your back - injuries and chronic pain. Anatomically, VPN exercises contain such a rare movement in training as shoulder supination, that’s all. Their task is to BALANCE all that huge number of exercises that rotate the shoulder inward.

The exercises themselves:
- L-leads standing with shock absorber;
- lifting dumbbells to the chest while sitting;
- lifting one dumbbell to the chest while standing;
- lifting the barbell to the chest from the bench;
- jerk with a barbell from the bench;
- jerking one dumbbell from the floor.

8. Exercises that train the core.

Front core:
- crunches on a fitball;
- front plank with elbows resting on a fitball, feet on a bench;
- rollouts on fitball.

Back core:
- hyperextension on a fitball;
- gluteal bridge on a fitball;

The exercises listed below, as a practicing coach and active athlete, I consider harmful. Unfortunately, their harm is not noticeable to everyone, not suddenly and not immediately. I don’t know how interested you are in such arguments, but along with the increased risk of injury, these exercises simply steal our time. I sincerely recommend that you spend your priceless
Kunda of your own life, spent in the gym, wisely and never resort to the help of such nonsense!

1. Sisyphus squats.

These “squats” are called squats in vain. "Sissy squat" - "squat for weaklings" - is a single-joint exercise, usually performed with own weight, although there are kamikazes who also load a couple of discs from the barbell onto their chests. Have you ever heard that squats are bad for your knees? So, if we are talking about Sisyphus squats, this is not a myth! Thanks to the very strong movement of the knees forward, the anterior cruciate ligament of the knee experiences such terrible overloads that the moment may come when the real Zeus with a scalpel in his hands will no longer help you. The funny thing is that these squats are used to “bulge” the quadriceps when viewed from the side. I don’t know why Sisyphus lovers didn’t like the Bulgarian split squats, which do the same thing with the shape of the hip, but without the slightest traumatic load on the knees.

2. Leg press.

The leg press, although sometimes useful, is not used in modern fitness for its intended purpose. The leg press machine came to us from sports, where with its help athletes were able to train the endurance of their thigh muscles without putting unnecessary strain on the lower back. Example of Eric Hayden, champion Olympic Games By speed skating, who did several hundred repetitions of leg presses in his training, there is very strong evidence of this. But in our time, the leg press is used to set very conditionally “strength” records. But in vain - when performing a power-style leg press, your blood pressure can easily exceed 400 units. With that kind of pressure, a stroke is just around the corner. In addition, due to the very small amplitude and rigid fixation of the back, the “heavy” leg press greatly overloads the knees, hip joints and often the lower back. If you still decide to subject yourself to this test, at least press one leg - you can reduce the negative effects on your health by at least half.

3. Standing chin rows.

When performing such rows, the humerus is rotated inward as much as possible, which over time inevitably leads to chronic injuries to the shoulder joint. Try to replace it with power cleans or snatches as often as possible - you won’t regret it!

4. French press lying down (and especially sitting).

Do you want sore elbows by the age of 30-35? Then train your triceps more often and start with these exercises. If you don't want it, work on it horizontal presses and be happy!

5. Hack machine.

Do you know what the “drawer effect” is? This is a traumatic syndrome of the knee joint, in which the patient’s femur tends to protrude forward relative to the shin bones, like a drawer. This is exactly the load you put on your knees when training your hips with the help of a hack machine. By the way, all of the above practically does not apply to hack squats with a barbell, especially if you do them with your entire foot on the floor and do not place bars, disks and other accessories that kill your own knees under your heels.

6. Concentrated biceps curls.

This is the most useless exercise you can do in the gym. It doesn’t develop any “peak” biceps, especially if you don’t have biceps yet.

7. Lying dumbbell flyes.

From my own experience, I know that convincing a committed bodybuilder not to do lifts is more difficult than convincing an ossified bachelor to wash the dishes immediately after eating. Any arguments, such as excessive load on the shoulder joint and the uselessness of single-joint exercises in developing strength, do not work on these guys. I really hope that you are not one of those stubborn people.


The weight block simulator is designed to work out the deltoid muscles (front and rear). The seated vertical press exercise is an alternative to basic sets with a barbell or dumbbells and additionally engages the triceps and pecs.

Different handles allow you to diversify the process. Thanks to the seat with height adjustments, athletes of any height can train.


  • The base is made of high-strength steel (pipe Ø108 mm).
  • Painting is carried out non-contact electrostatically with the application of powder paint in two layers. The color of the model is determined by the customer when making a purchase.
  • To drive the block system, a stainless steel cable with a diameter of 5 mm can withstand up to 1 ton is used.
  • The cargo block weighs 85 kg and consists of rubberized metal plates weighing 5 kg. Equipped with Teflon bushings for better block sliding. Steel spring selectors make resistance selection easy.
  • The bearings in the rotation units are closed, that is, they do not require special maintenance. service.
  • The seat and back are covered with wear-resistant polymer leather and filled with secondary foam.
  • Three supports are equipped with rubber seals to protect the floor covering from scratches. They also improve traction on the floor and reduce vibration when the weight stacks are in use.
  • Weight: 200 kg
  • Dimensions: 1700 x 950 x 2160 mm.

Product ID: ST-000974

Additional Information

Sports equipment is intended for placement in professional gyms and fitness clubs. The main part is made of high-quality metal to achieve the longest possible service life under heavy loads.

A design solution in the form of a slight tilt of the support back provides more effective strengthening shoulder girdle.

Training on this power machine should be done at a slow pace and without jerking. Smooth pushes with your arms vertically up have the most productive effect on the shoulder muscles.

A fixed trajectory of movement with a limitation at the bottom point (for insurance) allows athletes with any level of physical fitness, including novice bodybuilders, to exercise. To improve performance training process It is recommended to combine it with exercises with free weights in a safe manner.