
How to exercise dumbbells at home. An effective set of exercises with dumbbells for men. Exercise with dumbbells for calf muscles

Dumbbells are very comfortable and effective tool for development muscle mass, losing weight and maintaining your health. How to properly train with dumbbells? How to use the full potential of this wonderful sports equipment?

Training with dumbbells is perfect for both men and women, teenagers, young men, mature and elderly people. This versatility of dumbbells is due to the fact that any exercise with dumbbells is always performed along a physiologically natural trajectory, since the dumbbells are not connected to each other and the arms act independently. The barbell in this regard is much inferior to dumbbells.

Dumbbells are a miniature gym at home. Taking up very little space, dumbbells really replace an entire fitness room. A variety of exercises performed with dumbbells allows you to develop or maintain tone in any muscle of the body. Several thousand exercises with dumbbells are known. Ten to twenty of them may well be enough to get yourself into good shape.

By training 3-4 times a week for 30-60 minutes, you can unexpectedly become a very athletic, strong, disciplined person with a great figure. And you need very little for this: just devote the necessary time to your studies. Visiting beauty salons, cosmetics, perfumes and even morning work-out, of course, are very important for an attractive appearance, but unfortunately, they do not in any way affect the elasticity of your buttocks, your posture or the condition of your waist.

So, if you want to train effectively with dumbbells, consider the following.

Choose the right dumbbell exercises

Don't use the first exercises you come across! For proper development bodies and individual muscles you need to choose them carefully.

Exercises with dumbbells for leg muscles

Exercises with dumbbells for the pectoral muscles

Exercises with dumbbells for back muscles

  • (different variants)*

Exercises with dumbbells for deltoid muscles

  • Upside down push-ups*

Exercises with dumbbells for arm muscles (biceps and triceps)

  • Dips*

Core exercises

Of course, you can use other exercises, for example with weights own body. I have marked such exercises in the list above with an asterisk*.

And if you train in gym, exercises with dumbbells can and should be supplemented with a barbell, exercise machines, etc.

Dumbbell workout

You must have a set of exercises

We have more or less decided on the exercises. But the list of exercises with dumbbells is not a complex yet! A set of exercises is the same list, but with the obligatory indication of important parameters:

  • number of sets and reps for each exercise (2, 3, 4 sets? 6, 8, 10 or more reps?)
  • working weight for each exercise (how many kilograms each dumbbell weighs for a given exercise)
  • rest time between exercises and approaches (1, 2 minutes?)
  • how many times a week do the exercises (2, 3, 4 or more times?)
  • breakdown by day, split, which set of exercises is performed on which day (these sets may be different)
  • what techniques are used in combination (a technique is a special training technique)
  • what nutrition system should you follow? this complex(it is advisable to adjust the nutrition to the goals of the complex, see below)
  • how the load increases or changes from workout to workout (you need to create a constant progression for the body to develop)

I believe you have realized that the complex is not just a list of exercises. To properly train with dumbbells, you need to do a complex with verified parameters.

The correct method of training with dumbbells

Methodology is the very heart of any set of exercises and training programs. Exercises are the building blocks, and technique is the glue that holds those building blocks together.

Exercises can be arranged in a certain sequence. Or they can be grouped. And the effect of the training will be completely different. There are dozens of different training methods. Here are just a few of them.

Examples of techniques

  • - combining two exercises for opposite muscles, performing these exercises without pause.
  • - combining two exercises that are not anatomically related in any way, performing them without a pause.
  • - combining 4-6 exercises into one cycle, performed without rest.

It is the technique, and not the exercises, that determines the effect of a set of exercises with dumbbells.

You must have a suitable power supply system

In order for training with dumbbells to bring tangible benefits, you need to adjust your nutrition system. It should at least generally help you achieve your goals.

If you work out with dumbbells to pump up your muscles, you just need to make sure you eat frequently and very densely. So that it has enough proteins, fats and carbohydrates, as well as calories. Otherwise, muscle mass and strength will not grow.

If you are working out with dumbbells to lose some weight, your diet should be low in calories and limited in carbohydrates. This mainly concerns “fast” carbohydrates - foods high in carbohydrates.

The reception will be very useful sports nutrition. To gain weight, it is recommended to supplement your diet with gainer and creatine. For weight loss - L-carnitine, omega-3, whey protein and BCAA. It would be nice to add multivitamins with minerals.

In a word, your nutrition system should help your workouts, not interfere with them!

Control system

Since training with dumbbells is a very time-consuming thing, it is necessary to somehow control the process and take regular measurements.

The simplest and most accessible methods of control: maintaining training diary, regular girth measurements, weighing, photography, resting heart rate and simple fitness tests.

Keeping a training diary

At each workout, you write down the name of the exercise, the weight of the dumbbells, the number of approaches and repetitions. Gradually you collect more statistics. Just a glance is enough to see that you have become stronger and more resilient than a month ago. After all, everything is learned by comparison. But the human brain is designed in such a way that it does not particularly notice slow changes. .

Body girths

Regularly take measurements with a measuring tape of the most important places: waist, hips, chest circumference, biceps, neck and legs. Record your results in a table or notebook. You will immediately see how your body changes from month to month. Take measurements at the same time of day, preferably in the morning on an empty stomach.


Every 2 weeks you should weigh yourself and record the result. However, weighing must be done correctly. More precisely, you need to correctly interpret the weighing results.

The fact is that a person’s weight on the scale depends greatly on the amount of water in the body. The water level fluctuates quite a lot (usually plus or minus a kilogram over several days). The water content in the body greatly depends on the weather, diet (especially salty foods and alcohol), physical activity, stress, sleep, tendency to edema, and in women also on the phase of the menstrual cycle. Therefore, you can often observe the following picture. A woman does a set of exercises to lose weight and adheres to a rational diet. However, after a week she discovers that her weight not only did not decrease, but even increased by 2-3 kg! The woman is in a panic. And completely in vain! It may not be a matter of fat at all, but just a phase of the menstrual cycle. Before menstruation, almost every woman notices increased swelling and weight gain of several kilograms. And it's just water! After completing the cycle, the weight quickly returns to normal and it becomes possible to see real changes in weight. Keep this in mind.

A person cannot gain 1 kg of fat per day! The metabolism is able to increase, under the most favorable conditions, no more than 1 kg of fat per week. Everything above is just water and fluctuations in its level in the body. And losing more than a kilogram a week is very harmful. This means that you are losing muscle mass, which is so important for health and beauty.


High-quality photos taken in the same place under the same lighting will very well show what and where you are changing as a result of training with dumbbells and proper nutrition.

Pulse measurement

It is very informative to measure your pulse immediately after waking up.

It is also very useful to note what your heart rate is after performing a certain exercise and how quickly your heart rate drops to normal. For example, we performed 30 squats and measured our pulse. If a month after the same 30 squats, this heart rate became several beats per minute lower, then you are in better shape!

Fitness tests

There are a lot of different fitness tests that help assess the initial state before training and periodically monitor this state, individual parameters, etc.

The bottom line is that you need to test yourself every 2-4 weeks using the same test and monitor the dynamics.

How to train with dumbbells correctly?

Increase the load

That's why training programs with dumbbells should be based on the principle of gradually increasing the training weight. This is the so-called. Without observing this fundamental principle, you cannot count on developing muscles or getting rid of extra pounds.

When you train with dumbbells, try to increase the weight of each dumbbell a little each week. For this, it is very convenient to have collapsible dumbbells with small pancakes weighing 0.5 kg. In total, it is advisable to have 4 such pancakes, two for each dumbbell.

Increasing the weight of dumbbells does not mean that with each workout it will be more and more difficult and unpleasant for you. Not at all! You are a living organism and therefore adapt to physical activity. What today seemed like an unbearably heavy load to you, in a week can bring pleasant sensations that you didn’t even know about before.

Dumbbells must be collapsible!

When buying dumbbells, remember: it makes no sense to buy a pair of dumbbells of a fixed weight. They can only be useful when weighing vegetables at the market. You should purchase either collapsible dumbbells or a set of dumbbells from 1 to 10 or more kg. A pair of collapsible dumbbells is definitely more convenient for home use. Today you can buy very comfortable, stylish and beautiful dumbbells with convenient locks that allow you to quickly change the set of weights on the bar.

Exercises with dumbbells are anaerobic exercise

This means that when training with dumbbells, physiological processes that do not require large amounts of oxygen predominate in the body. Physical exercise This kind of exercise perfectly develops muscles, gives a quick effect in reducing body fat, and quickly improves an athlete’s figure, as it speeds up metabolism and increases weight loss. However, for the full development of the body, for the full physical development, for getting maximum results in decline excess weight just needs to be supplemented power loads aerobic.

Aerobic exercise is brisk walking (including daily exercise), running, swimming, rowing, cycling, and working on a cardio machine. This is a type of exercise that lasts at least 15 minutes (ideally 20-30 minutes), which stimulates fairly deep breathing and an increase in heart rate to moderate to moderate pulse values ​​(120-150 beats per minute).

The maximum permissible heart rate for a person is determined by the formula: 220 - your age or by. In order for aerobic exercise to have a pronounced effect, it is necessary to achieve a heart rate of no less than 70-80% of the maximum permissible when performing it. But before you give yourself such a load, you should visit a doctor for consultation.

You can use dumbbells for aerobic training

That is, you can train with dumbbells in cardio training mode! It's similar to working out on a cardio machine or going for a run, only much cooler! To do this, you should take light dumbbells and perform various movements for at least 5-20 minutes: squats, lunges, jumps, presses, bending and straightening your arms, imitate the movements of a boxer, etc. But still, most people will prefer the classic aerobic movements listed above.

Keep the intensity

Intensity is the amount of work done per unit of time. At the same time, intensity is the degree of concentration on the work of the muscle. The higher the intensity, the greater and faster the result. This is the law of training with dumbbells. You need to constantly increase the intensity. To do this, it is enough to gradually increase the weight of the dumbbells.

Therefore, train closely, without too long pauses between sets. Exercise as often as is reasonable. Exercising once or twice a week will not give any effect.

Positive attitude

No achievements, even insignificant ones, are possible if the path to them lies through uncertainty, unfounded doubts, and fear of failure. You shouldn’t start a business if you are determined to fail in advance. This fully applies to exercises with dumbbells. Only a positive attitude, honest intensive work, a clear awareness of the goal - this is the mental basis for success in training. Create your image in your thoughts. Try to see yourself as more perfect, the way you want to become in the end, as a result of training. The ancient Greek mathematician Pappus said: “Consider what you are about to do done.” Think about these words!

Efforts must be done regularly and for a long time

A very significant feature of training with dumbbells is the gradualness of the results obtained. The growth of muscle mass and the reduction of body fat are gradual processes extended over time. And in order to achieve success, you should regularly create conditions for achieving them, that is, train, follow a certain (not so burdensome) daily routine, adhere to several simple rules in nutrition.

Don't think that after working out with dumbbells for a month you will become like Arnold Schwarzenegger. Don't think that you will reduce your weight by 10 kg in a month by exercising with dumbbells.

Any healthy process in the body does not occur in leaps and bounds. It always takes time. Too rapid changes in body weight and metabolism caused by taking pharmacological drugs or following extreme diets always have a bad effect on health and well-being.

Hence the haggard faces of people who have achieved “amazing success” in losing their weight in a week. Believe me, they are not happy about these successes. And this result is short-lived. Another thing is to achieve this gradually, giving the body the opportunity to adapt to new conditions of existence, giving the psyche the opportunity to build a new image of itself. A person cannot remain thin for a long time after extreme weight loss if his psyche is not ready for this. You should always start by building an image of yourself in your mind.

Indirect benefits of training with dumbbells

Regular training with dumbbells have a lot of positive side effects.

  • The habit of order and self-organization. Training teaches you how to plan time and do everything on time.
  • Exercising with dumbbells will help get rid of laziness. For many people, laziness is a completely unsolvable problem. Regular training will not leave any stone unturned against this disease.
  • Healthy eating habits.
  • Improved posture and flexibility. Sometimes decent posture determines the outcome of a meeting, conversation, or acquaintance.
  • Habit of discipline. This is simply a luxurious gift to yourself.
  • Knowing your body and its capabilities. And this, in turn, is confidence, charisma and charm.
  • Developing the ability to influence your body in healthy ways.

And this is not a complete list of the positive changes that occur with people who regularly exercise with dumbbells.

Dear friend, now you know enough to properly train with dumbbells on your own. Be healthy!

Dumbbells can be collapsible or non-collapsible. The latter have a given weight. Collapsible ones consist of a bar and a set of plates. If you plan to do strength training and gradually increase the load, buy collapsible equipment: they take up little space and allow you to select the weight for each exercise.

Collapsible dumbbells

You can buy non-separable ones, but take several weights at once for exercises. different groups muscles. For shoulders, biceps and triceps you need light dumbbells up to 5 kg. For squats, deadlifts and other exercises for large muscle groups, equipment weighing at least 16–20 kg is suitable.

Non-collapsible dumbbells

You can also find fitness dumbbells coated with neoprene or vinyl in stores. They are bright and pleasant to the touch, but too light for strength training and are only suitable for aerobic exercise sessions.

Dumbbells for fitness

Therefore, even if you are a complete beginner, do not take these dumbbells for strength training. As a last resort, you can always fill a plastic bottle with sand or water and get the same 1.5–2.5 kg.

What exercises to do

There are many exercises with dumbbells; it makes no sense to list them all. Lifehacker selected the most popular ones and divided them into muscle groups.

To create a full-body workout, just select 1-2 exercises from each group. Perform exercises in 3-5 sets of 8-12 times. Select the weight in such a way that the last part of the approach is difficult, but the technique does not deteriorate.

If your dumbbells are too light to thoroughly load your muscles in 12 reps, increase the number of repetitions per set. At the end of the exercise, the muscles should feel tired.

What exercises with dumbbells will pump up your biceps?

Take dumbbells and hold your hands with your palms facing your body. Bend your elbows and bring the dumbbells to your shoulders while turning your wrists outward. At the top point, the palms should be turned towards the body.

This isolated exercise for the biceps, only the forearms work in it. The rest of the body is not involved: there are no jerks, swings and other unnecessary movements.

Sit on incline bench, press your body to the back, feet to the floor. Lower your arms with dumbbells so that they hang freely along your body. From this position, lift the dumbbells to shoulder level and lower them back down. Always return to the starting position to work through the full range.

Sit on a bench, spread your legs wider, press your feet to the floor. Take the dumbbell in your right hand, pressing your shoulder to inside the right thigh is closer to the body. Do not place your elbow on your leg: this will take the load off the biceps and defeat the purpose of the exercise. Place your left hand on your left knee.

Perform a dumbbell lift. Return your hand to the starting position and repeat.

What exercises with dumbbells will pump up your triceps?

Rest your knee and palm on the bench. Take the dumbbell in your other hand. First, bend it at the elbow at a right angle, then straighten it, return it to its original position and repeat. Move only your forearm, do not change your body position until the end of the exercise.

This exercise is similar to the previous one, only performed without support. Tilt your body, bend your lower back slightly. Lower your shoulders and let your elbows form a right angle.

Extend your arms with dumbbells, return to the starting position and repeat. Do not change your body position until the end of the exercise.

Grasp the dumbbell plate with both hands and lift it above your head. Bend your elbows, lowering the projectile behind your back, lift it back and repeat. Don't move your shoulders: only your forearms work.

What exercises with dumbbells will pump up your shoulders?

Raise the dumbbells to shoulder level, open your chest, and squeeze your shoulder blades together. Now lower your shoulders. Press the dumbbells up and slightly behind your head. Lower them to the starting position and repeat.

Raise your arms with dumbbells to the sides to shoulder level, lower them back and repeat. Bend your elbows slightly to...

Tilt your body until it is parallel to the floor, slightly bend your knees. Extend your arms with dumbbells to the sides to shoulder level and return them back. Perform the movement smoothly, without jerking. Do not change your body position until the end of the exercise.

What exercises with dumbbells will pump up your back?

Lie on your stomach on an incline bench, lower your arms with dumbbells. Pull your fists with weight to your belt, squeeze your shoulder blades and lower your shoulders. Return your hands to the starting position and repeat.

2. Bent-over dumbbell row

Rest your left palm and knee on the bench, straighten your right leg, press your foot to the floor, extend your arm with the dumbbell down. Pull the weight toward your waist and lower it back down. Don't raise your shoulder, don't hunch. Do not change your body position throughout the entire exercise. Direct your gaze to the floor in front of you so that your neck is in line with your back.

Bend your back until it is parallel to the floor or slightly higher, holding the dumbbells outstretched arms. Lower and straighten your shoulders, pull the weight toward your waist, squeezing your shoulder blades, and then lower back down. Do not change your body position until the end of the exercise.

What exercises with dumbbells will pump up your chest?

Lie down on a bench with your feet flat on the floor. Bend your elbows at right angles, place your shoulders parallel to the floor or slightly lower. Hold your wrists as if. Press the dumbbells upward while simultaneously turning your arms with your palms facing each other and connecting them. Your fists should meet at the top. Lower your arms to the starting position and repeat.

Lie down on a bench with your feet flat on the floor. Bring your arms together with the dumbbells above you, and then spread them out to the sides, stretching pectoral muscles. Bend your elbows slightly to protect the joint. Bring your arms back to the starting position and repeat.

Lie down on a bench with your feet flat on the floor. Bend your elbows at right angles, turn your palms towards your body. Straighten your arms, but not completely: at the extreme point, leave them slightly bent to protect the joint. Return your forearms to the starting position and repeat.

What exercises with dumbbells will pump up your hips and buttocks?

Sit on the floor next to the bench, rest your back against it, bend your legs. Raise your pelvis without lifting your feet. Place your hands with dumbbells on your hips. Straining gluteal muscles, push your pelvis up until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Lower yourself to the starting position and repeat.

Stand up straight, hold dumbbells in outstretched arms, palms facing your body. Bend your knees slightly, bend over with your back straight, move your pelvis back and lower the exercises to the middle of your shin. Move the dumbbells close to your feet. Keep your back straight. Return to starting position and repeat.

Take dumbbells in your hands, lunge forward and touch the floor with the knee of your back leg. Make sure that the lower limbs are bent at right angles and the knee in front does not extend beyond the toe. You can perform lunges in or on the spot.

This version of the exercise pumps up not only the hips, but also the shoulders and core muscles. Don't immediately pick up a heavy dumbbell: first test your sense of balance by doing the exercise with a light weight.

Raise the projectile above your head, extend your other arm to the side. Perform lunges while moving around the room. Once you complete one set, repeat with the dumbbell in your other hand.

Place your feet shoulder-width apart and turn your toes to the sides. Hold dumbbells above your shoulders. Squat until your thighs are parallel to the floor or lower. Keep your back straight and your heels pressed to the floor. Straighten up and repeat.

This exercise involves several muscle groups at once: hips, buttocks, core muscles, shoulders and triceps. It is well suited for intense intervals and circuit training.

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and turn your toes out to the sides. Keep dumbbells close to your shoulders. Do a squat, straighten up and, without stopping the movement, squeeze the projectiles upward, slightly moving them behind your head.

You are not performing a press, but a push press: using the inertia of the lift to press the dumbbells upward. Therefore, do not pause between squats and bench presses.

Another exercise involving several muscle groups. Dumbbell swings engage the muscles of the hips and back, strengthening the shoulder girdle.

Place your feet shoulder-width apart and turn your toes slightly to the sides. Hold one dumbbell with both hands, bend your back straight, bend your knees and push your pelvis back. Place the dumbbell between your legs. With a sharp movement, push your pelvis forward, simultaneously straightening up and swinging the projectile upward. The dumbbell makes a semicircle and ends above your head. Then you return to the starting position and repeat the movement.

If you work with the pelvis, the exercise will load the buttocks well, if not, the back extensors. Although both muscle groups will work in any case.

Exercise with emphasis on inner part hips.

Place your feet 1.5–2 times wider than your shoulders, turn your toes to the sides. Grasp one dumbbell with both hands. Do a squat, spreading your knees out to the sides. Keep your back straight and squat until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Straighten up and repeat.

Take dumbbells in your hands, stand with your back to the elevation, place the toe of one foot on it. Do it. Check to see if your knee is coming out in front standing leg by the sock. If yes, move away from the support a little. While squatting, try to rotate your knee supporting leg out.

Walk up onto a hill with dumbbells in your hands. While lifting, try to slightly turn the knee of your supporting leg outward: this will keep the joint in a more stable position, which reduces the risk of injury.

Lie on the floor and place your feet on it, bending your knees at right angles. Raise one leg and straighten your knee, placing the dumbbell on your hips. Tightening your buttocks, push your pelvis up so that your body and raised leg are extended in one line. Lower your hips to the floor and repeat.

What exercises with dumbbells will pump up your abs and core muscles?

1. Turkish get-up with dumbbells

A great core exercise. It also improves coordination of movements.

Lie on the floor, straighten your legs. Take a dumbbell in your right hand and lift it in front of you, left hand pull to the side. Bend your right leg and place your foot on the floor. Leaning on your right leg and left arm, take a sitting position. Move the dumbbell up and hold it above your head. Translate left leg back and place it on your knee: now you are in a lunge position.

Stand up and then repeat in reverse order: the left leg goes back into a lunge and kneels, the left arm and right leg rest on the floor, the left leg moves forward and straightens, you sit down, then lower your back to the floor, extend your left arm to the side and straighten your right leg.

When you master the exercise on your comfortable side, change your hand and try on the other. Just start with a lighter dumbbell.

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart or slightly wider and grasp the dumbbell with both hands. Turn your body to the right and move the projectile up and to the side. At the same time, the heel of the left foot lifts off the floor and turns outward to provide a full rotation of the body. Expand the last one in left side while lowering the dumbbell to knee level. Imagine that you are doing the exercise in a rectangle: first you need to touch the upper right corner with the projectile, and then the lower left.

Perform an equal number of approaches in both directions.

Sit on the floor, grab a dumbbell with both hands, lift your legs off the floor, straighten your back. Rotate your body and arms with the weight to the right, and then repeat the same to the left. Try not to lower your feet to the floor until the end of the exercise.

Stretch out on the floor, place the dumbbell behind your head. At the same time, raise your body, arms and straight legs, touch the toes of your feet with the projectile. Lower yourself back down and repeat. While lifting, try to keep your back straight and not bend your knees too much.

The modern world offers a huge number of opportunities for people who want to improve their body and also become healthier.

Motivational advertising encourages people to take care of their body by showing massive athletes and bodybuilders in gyms, but does everyone want to be like them? Surely many, after deciding to do something, begin to feel the fear of failure, and some are afraid of “over-pumping,” which brings you to the topic of this article. The best choice– exercises with dumbbells at home.

Advantages of dumbbells

Dumbbells play an important role in sports, building and strengthening muscles for both professionals and ordinary people. It is almost impossible to remember all the exercises performed with their help.

Market sports equipment opens to the buyer a number of dumbbells of different types, divided into two main groups: with the ability to adjust the weight and without. Collapsible dumbbells will cost more. Over time, you will be able to increase the number of plates on the bar and continue to strengthen your muscles.

This article invites everyone interested to get acquainted with the world of dumbbells, and for experienced users to discover new information.

How to choose dumbbells

Each person is a person with individual taste and his own characteristics, so you need to select dumbbells to suit your needs. These tips will help you choose:

  1. Functionality. It is important to know that for optimal physical development you need to start small and take steps forward. It is useful to be able to increase and decrease the weight during dumbbell training at home, this is possible due to the number of weights on the bar. An important component of dumbbells are the weight plates. They are available in almost any weight, starting from 0.1 kg. We recommend pancakes weighing from 0.5 kg to 2 kg.
  2. Convenience– deposit successful training. Having chosen beautiful but uncomfortable shoes, it is very difficult to feel free and ready for achievements. Let's draw an analogy with sports. The equipment will be good if it suits you personally. Dumbbells must be made with high quality, and this is manifested in the covering of the bar with rubber or notches that help to hold the equipment during training.
  3. A less important point is appearance of this device. Exercises with dumbbells for women are why you need beautiful bright equipment. They should inspire a desire to work on oneself, and for some, a color that is pleasing to the eye will also be important.

Basic rules of training

Many people advise starting classes with an experienced trainer, because he helps determine what load will be optimal for training a particular person. Others do not advise getting upset if you are unable to visit the gym, because all the necessary information is on the Internet. This article will also help you understand an important component of training - dumbbells.

Every two months you should increase the load; the body begins to get used to the weight and does not make the necessary efforts to increase muscle mass. The next paragraph will give an example of an effective exercise with dumbbells at home. It's simple - by periodically lifting weights, the body strengthens and becomes stronger.

Warming up before starting classes performs the same important function as the workout itself. Preparing for a lesson makes it possible to improve processes in the body, without which there is a risk of serious injury.

The effectiveness of exercise depends first on the technique of execution, and only then on the weight of the dumbbells. It is worth noting that overwork has a very negative effect on subsequent training.

Stretching is performed after finishing a workout on a muscle group that was tense. The goal of a good one is to relieve fatigue and restore strength.

Proper nutrition is another extremely important condition effective training.

Exercises for Beginners

An exercise such as a squat can be performed with or without dumbbells. A more effective method is to use dumbbells. The list of exercises with dumbbells at home for men is constantly expanding, professionals create new ways to train muscles every day.

The following is a list of basic exercises with dumbbells for beginners, which will help you get into the rhythm of your training and understand the training system. The list includes a set of exercises performed to train all muscle groups:

  • squats;
  • bench press with dumbbells, performed with arms raised in front of you and from the sides;
  • alternating flexion hands in front of you, as well as from the hips;
  • traction (taking a standing or sitting position, you need to bend your arm, bringing it to the forearm and back);
  • at correct lifting shells above the body will put a load on the triceps;
  • to strengthen, you need to do arm raises while lying down;
  • shoulder muscles strengthened by spreading the arms in a forward bend;
  • the chest is trained by alternately pulling projectiles to the chest;
  • dumbbells significantly increase the effectiveness of lunges.

Workout program for men


This program is aimed at strengthening and increasing muscle mass. All exercises are selected for training with dumbbells at home for men. This program takes exactly four weeks, including 4 workouts every week.

The workouts are divided into four parts. Each one is designed for perfect pumping certain group muscles, namely:

  1. Pectoral and back muscles.
  2. Triceps and biceps.
  3. Abdominal and leg muscles.
  4. Shoulders.


The basic structure involves super sets consisting of three exercises, one after the other, and rest after finishing the last one. To go to next exercise, you need to complete all the approaches prescribed in the plan. These exercises are great for all categories of people.


A mandatory requirement for obtaining the desired result is the exact implementation of the plan.


  • 4 approaches;
  • 10 reps;
  • 60 or 0 seconds rest;
  • 2010 – temp.

Lying on the floor, hold the implements at chest level. Do not bend your elbows in a fixed position. Lower your arms down and then lift them, fixing them in the first position.

This exercise allows you to get a good feel for the fact that this provision quite stable, and this helps to lift heavy weight.

Taking dumbbells and taking a lying position (with your arms wide apart and your legs together), bend your elbows, lowering your body slowly and technically, and after reaching the minimum height, vigorously and quickly straighten your arms, returning to the first position.

Bend forward, holding the projectiles (palms should be directed towards each other), pull the projectiles towards your chest, and then technically lower them to the previous position.

This exercise pumps up the muscles of the upper back. Bottom part should also be tense.

After taking the required weight, be sure to lean forward. Keeping your back as straight as possible, lift the apparatus to shoulder height (elbows slightly bent), and then lower it back to the first position.

By doing the exercise correctly you can achieve great success in training the rear deltas and upper back.

This exercise requires you to take dumbbells while lying down (arms should be shoulder-width apart) and straighten up in a straight line from head to toe. By bending your elbows, lower your body little by little, and then vigorously rise to a fixed position.


Squat down, placing your elbows on your hips. Raise the dumbbells so that the biceps are tensed in the upper phase, and then smoothly lower them to the first position.

Standing straight, hold the projectile above your head in your previously chosen hand. Bend your arm, lowering the dumbbell behind your back, and then lift it to a fixed position. The exercise is performed with each hand in turn.

Holding the implements in your hands (arms bent), bend over, keeping your back straight. Straighten your arm and move it back, and then lower it to the first position. The exercise is performed with each hand in turn.

Standing straight, hold the dumbbells at your sides. The elbows should be pressed to the body so that other muscles do not strain while lifting to the shoulders. Only the biceps should work in the upper phase.

Taking a prone position, place your hands in such a position that the shells touch each other. Bend your arms, slowly lowering your body, and then vigorously rise to a fixed position.

Stand so that your back is straight and your arms with the apparatus are turned forward. Press your elbows to your body, lift the exercises to your shoulders (the biceps should work in the upper phase), and after doing this, lower your arms down to a fixed position.

Legs and abs

Standing straight, arch your back slightly and hold the apparatus in front of you. During the exercise, it is strictly forbidden to bend your back. Squat technically, without falling down, until the dumbbell is as close as possible to the floor, and then return to the first position.

This exercise is performed standing, holding the apparatus above you. Move the dumbbell clockwise the required number of times, and then change to the opposite direction.

Standing straight, hold the apparatus in both hands above your shoulder. Squat down a little, lower the projectile along an inclined line across the body, and then move backward, returning to the first position.

Standing straight, lower your arms with dumbbells along your body. Next, you need to take a step forward so that your legs are bent at a right angle, and then push with your front leg to stand up again and return to the first position. Switch legs after completing reps.

Standing up straight, with dumbbells already taken in each hand, begin to squat as low as possible, and after reaching the minimum height, begin to jerk the dumbbells upward in order to take the first position.

For this exercise you need to lie on the floor. The dumbbell should be at chest level. Start by tensing your abs, and then lift your torso and back to a fixed position.


This exercise is performed standing or sitting with dumbbells held at shoulder height. Start by raising the bar above your head until your arms are completely straight. After that, lower it to the first position.

This exercise is also performed standing with apparatus. Keep them at the front of your body without bending your elbows. Raise the dumbbells until they reach the level of your chin, and then lower them to the first position.

Perform this exercise standing by holding dumbbells and lowering them along your body. Turn your palms towards each other. Lifting in different directions, take a slight forward bend. After lifting, return to the fixed position at a moderate pace.

Shoulder Raise

This exercise is performed standing with your arms down. Take dumbbells in your hands, then begin to raise your shoulders, pausing. Then they return to a fixed position.

The exercise is performed standing or sitting with equipment previously taken in hand, raised to shoulder level with palms facing you. You must lift the implements above you, turning your wrists and straightening your arms as much as possible, and then lower them to a fixed position.

Stand straight, holding the implements in front of your body and do not bend your elbows. Raise the implements to shoulder level and back to the first position.

Exercises with dumbbells at home are no less important for women than for men. Every woman wants to look great, and dumbbells are perfect for this purpose. Fitness for women using weights plays an important role in building muscle mass and losing weight.

To perform the exercise you need to lie on the floor and bend your knees. Take the dumbbells in your hands and extend them in front of you, then bend your elbows 90 degrees and straighten them. Do everything slowly and technically.

Taking dumbbells, begin to lunge back with one leg and bring the other forward. Dumbbells should be held at head level with elbows bent. As you perform the lunge, your arms should press the dumbbells upward. Then the whole body returns to its original position.

Lift one leg up, bending it at the knee. Remain standing on the second one, raising and lowering your forearms above head level and down to shoulder level. Your arms should be bent at right angles.


Leaning forward slightly, bend your knees and straighten your back. You need to stretch your arm forward, the other back, and then change the position of your arms so that your back is in line with your front arm.

Lifting with dumbbells lying down

To complete this task, you need to lie down and bend your legs slightly or raise them in a bent position for a more intense load on the abdominal muscles. Start spreading your arms with dumbbells in different directions, bending them slightly, and then return them to a fixed position.

This exercise requires you to hold the apparatus with your palms facing your body. Next, begin to lift the dumbbell to your chin, while feeling the shoulder muscles, and then lower it to a fixed position.

Proper nutrition during training

Workout program for dumbbell exercises at home includes proper nutrition, necessary for the athlete. Every person who is interested in sports should know that nutrition plays as important a role as the workout itself.

There are several rules that professionals follow:

  • eat a lot of vegetables and fruits, which are easily digestible and do not provide extra calories;
  • be sure to calculate your diet for BZHU;
  • eat little but often;
  • drink at least 2 liters of water per day.


As you know, the main muscle growth occurs after the end of training, namely during rest. It is important to note that sleep is an essential component for quality training. Cycling of training performs one of the most important functions, so maintaining cyclicality affects the growth of muscle mass.


This video contains a 15-minute workout for girls with dumbbells.

3 day dumbbell training program at home for 8 weeks. Find out how you can fully train and gain muscle mass at home!

Purpose of the program Muscle gain
Program type For all muscle groups
Level of training For beginners
Duration of the program 8 weeks
Number of workouts per week 3
Necessary equipment Dumbbells
Duration of one workout 30 minutes
Floor For men, for women

Description of the home training program

The goal of home workouts with dumbbells is to focus on doing heavy lifting. basic exercises. This will lead to good results even with minimal equipment. You can train in this style for a long time to gain muscle mass.

Key elements to get the most out of this program andgain muscle mass for beginners:

  1. Progression of loads. Don't do sets in vain. Always try to complete more repetitions without compromising your technique. Once you can complete the maximum recommended number of reps on the first set, increase the weight.
  2. Refusal. You don't need to train to failure. End a set when you are unsure about your next rep.
  3. Nutrition. To build muscle, you need to eat more than you need to maintain weight. Without it, you won't be able to get bigger, although you will get stronger.

Note for girls : Women can easily train using this program. The recommended number of repetitions is 10–15 for most sets.

Trainings take place three times a week: on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Don't add extra exercises to these workouts. Cardio can be done in the morning or after strength training.

Useful article: 150 tips for gaining muscle mass for men and girls



Number of approaches

Number of repetitions

Squats with dumbbells


Dumbbell Bench Press


Bent-over dumbbell row


Standing dumbbell curls


French press sitting with dumbbells with both hands






Number of approaches

Number of repetitions

Walking with dumbbells


Deadlift dumbbells on straight legs


Seated dumbbell press


Standing single leg calf raise


Shrugs with dumbbells


Swing dumbbells to the sides




Number of approaches

Number of repetitions

Lunges with dumbbells


Dumbbell floor press


Pull-ups wide grip


Hammers with dumbbells standing


Lying dumbbell flyes


Lying leg raise


Dumbbells are quite simple, but very effective sports equipment, allowing you to involve a maximum of muscle groups in the work, that is, almost the entire body. It is very difficult to list exercises with dumbbells; there are countless of them.

The main advantage of dumbbells over most types sports equipment lies in versatility. They are suitable for both training in the gym and for independent training at home. People who are used to playing sports at home, in most cases give their preference to these equipment.

Manufacturers of sports equipment produce many different dumbbells. Collapsible ones are considered the most expensive. They differ from simple ones in the ability to adjust the weight, which is why they are much more expensive. This allows absolutely everyone to train with one piece of equipment, regardless of training level and gender.

Any burden requires compliance with certain precautions. They are aimed at minimizing the risk of injury and are as follows:

  1. It is necessary to warm up before starting the training. Warm-up should be aimed at thoroughly preparing joints and muscles for subsequent loads.
  2. Strict adherence to execution technique. The slightest deviation from correct execution can cause injury and corresponding negative consequences.

The number of approaches for home training ranges from 3 to 5 sets. The number of repetitions in each is from 6 to 10 times. The main guideline in building training should be the level of your own training and physical capabilities.

Beginners are recommended to train with a break of one or two days. This is because muscle fibers recover at a much lower rate in beginners than in more experienced athletes. The latter can train with dumbbells five or more days a week.

To get everyone involved muscle group, it is not easy to do individual exercises, but specially designed complexes. The main thing is to follow the recommendations and rules, including the order of execution. This allows you to influence in isolation the right muscles without involving other parts of the body.

A set of exercises with dumbbells

It is quite simple. Perfectly adapted for people with different levels of training. It includes only those exercises that literally everyone can do, regardless of their level of training. Some require the use of a chair or bench.

The legs are spaced a little more or at the same width level shoulder girdle. They hold dumbbells in their hands and begin to slowly squat. You need to lower yourself, inhaling air, until a parallel to the floor surface is formed, and rise to the initial position, exhaling. If you increase the amplitude of the squat, dropping below the right angle, the gluteal muscles will receive more load.

The optimal number of sets is 3-5 times, in each of which 10-15 repetitions are performed.

They stand up straight. The legs are placed the width of the shoulder girdle. Hands with palms turned towards you are lowered down.

The right arm, holding the dumbbell, is bent at the elbow and raised to the shoulder joint with exhalation or breath-holding. The starting position is taken with inhalation. Repeat the same action on the left hand.

The correct technique for performing the “hammer” implies complete immobility of the body and elbows. The pace should be slow to get a feel for how the biceps work. Sets of 8-12 “hammers” are made from 3 to 5.

It requires some preparation and is performed with a bench set at an angle of 30-40 degrees. It is securely fixed. She shouldn't wobble. They lie on the bench with their backs, and their feet are placed on the floor in the most comfortable position.

At the beginning of the exercise, your hands can be placed either at the same height or below the level of the bench. With an exhalation, raise your arms up. Return to the starting position while inhaling slowly. The exercise is similar to the barbell press, but only dumbbells are used here. Hands must be located at the same level with each other.

The number of presses in 3-5 approaches varies from 8 to 12.

Carried out using horizontal bench. Approaches are done exclusively with alternating hands.

The right hand and knee rest on the bench. The left leg, bent slightly at the knee joint, is placed on the floor surface, and the hand with the dumbbell is lowered. The working hand is pulled towards the waist, while the shoulder blades are brought together. The sides are changed after 10-15 lifts, and the number of sets is done from 3 to 5.

  1. They either sit on a chair or remain standing on the floor. IN the latter case feet are placed slightly wider than the shoulder girdle. The arms spread to the sides in both versions look up with the palms. They are bent at the elbow joint and raised together with dumbbells to shoulder level.
  2. Performed using a bench or chair. Sit on a supporting surface so that your back is slightly tilted forward and your legs are spread wide apart. The left elbow rests on the left knee. Bending the arm, it is brought to the shoulder. A similar action is done on the opposite side.

Both exercises involve twisting your hands outward at the top point. Do 10-15 repetitions on each side. The number of sets is 3-5.

Triceps workout

They stand up straight. The legs are placed at the same level as the shoulders. A dumbbell held with both hands is raised above your head. With a sigh, it lowers to the back of the head, and with an exhalation, it rises again. The elbow joints should be parallel to each other and not move to the sides.

Similar to the first, but done separately on both the right and left hands. Thus, the amplitude increases noticeably, and the dumbbell drops much lower.

For each hand you need to do from 8 to 12 repetitions. The optimal number of approaches, as in all other exercises, is from 3 to 5.

Exercise for shoulders and upper back

Involves performing a set of three exercises:

Standing on the floor, place your feet slightly wider than your shoulders. Hands with dumbbells are lowered down. Using the force of the trapezius dorsal muscles, exhaling, the shoulders are raised towards the ears. The elbow joint should remain straight. No bends should be allowed. Inhaling air, the shoulders slowly lower.

It involves simulating the movements that skiers perform with their hands. Feet the same width as shoulders. One of the arms, together with the dumbbell, is brought forward and bent at an angle of 90 degrees upward, and the other, on the contrary, is behind and bent at the elbow joint downward at a right angle. The exercise involves changing the position of the hands, that is, back and forth.

Swings with dumbbells

In a standing position, bring your legs together and bend your knees slightly. Hands with shells are lowered along the body. The dumbbells are lifted to the armpits, bending the elbows at a right angle, but only with them brought forward and turned outward. This allows you to use the shoulder muscles exclusively in isolation.

Exercises are done according to the 3-5x8-12 scheme.

To take the starting position, the torso is tilted forward at an angle of 90 degrees, while the legs are placed at shoulder level. The hands holding the projectiles are lowered, palms facing inward.

Execution involves raising your arms to the sides. A slight bend in the elbow joints is acceptable if you cannot keep them straight. You cannot straighten your torso. It should remain inclined for all repetitions, which are supposed to be done from 8 to 12 in each of 3-5 sets.

Standing on the floor, place your feet shoulder-width apart. This starting position assumes that those pressed to chest hands turned inward with palms. Hands are raised up, alternately turning outward the left and right palms. Only one turn is made on each side. When the hand is returned to the starting position, the palm is turned again and the hand is pressed against the chest. You need to do from three to five sets, the number of repetitions in which is from 8 to 12 times.

Consists of two exercises:

  1. To take the starting position, stand straight, placing your legs at a distance equal to the width of the shoulder girdle. Hold the dumbbell with both hands and extend it in front of you so that it is in line with your shoulders. The projectile is pulled to the chest by bending elbow joints. Return to the starting position.
  2. Performed from a similar position as the first. Hands, holding dumbbells, straighten in front of you and make overlaps, alternately moving one hand over the other, making movements similar to scissors.

You need to do at least 3-5 approaches, in which they perform 8-15 times.

Exercises for leg muscles

To develop and pump up muscles lower limbs When practicing on your own, you should do:

Alternately done on each side. The working left leg is placed forward, and the thigh becomes a support on which the hands holding the dumbbells rest. The right leg is pulled back. It is straightened, that is, not bent, but should not lie on the floor surface. The knee is suspended, and the emphasis is placed solely on the toe. When lunges to one side are done, change legs and repeat all the actions again.

Represent effective method engaging the leg muscles. Unlike lunges, it is performed from a standing position. Hands with projectiles play the role of additional weights and are extended to the sides of the body, which allows you to increase the load. The pull-ups themselves are carried out by transferring the body weight to the toes, when at the top point they linger for at least 5 or 10 seconds, and then lower back to the heels.

You need to do at least 3, maximum 5 approaches with 10-15 movements in each.

This list of exercises is not complete. There are many more variations on how to work with dumbbells, but the presented complex is enough to develop a strong body. When the technique is mastered and current weight it goes easily, it needs to be increased. The main thing is to do it gradually, and not start from the maximum. The number of repetitions and approaches is given relative and can increase with training, as well as taking into account the initial physical fitness, lack/presence of sports experience.