
What does protein taste like? Which protein is better? Do beginners need protein?

Pure Protein, Unflavored

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Pure, tasteless protein is a natural product that contains no harmful additives. It is undesirable for various sweeteners, flavor enhancers, dyes and other ballast substances to enter our body. The best protein option is natural. It comes in powder form and has a neutral taste.

If you need an additional source of vegetarian protein, pure protein is the best choice. It is also suitable for people on various diets. Pure protein powder contains no artificial additives that are harmful to health. Why shouldn't you buy flavored protein powders? Let's look at this in the article.

What's the point of this choice?

Natural protein without additives is an element sports nutrition, designed for extension muscle mass and supplying the muscles with the necessary. It is also used for. Many popular blends are proteins and additives used to improve the less-than-palatable end product.

The only source of high quality protein is pure protein without additives. In sports nutrition, a combination of several protein supplements in powder form is used.

Many athletes prefer high-quality protein that does not contain various additives.

Conventionally, all types of organic protein are divided into two groups:

  • animal origin (, egg, casein);
  • plant-based or vegetarian (soy, rice and others).

The vegetarian version of the protein is labeled "raw" on the package. Unsweetened protein has a neutral taste and is well absorbed by the body.

The enhanced cleaning system eliminates unnecessary additives in the composition:

  • fats;
  • artificial sweeteners (aspartame, acesulfame sodium, sucralose);
  • flavor enhancers (for example, monosodium glutamate);
  • hormones;
  • antibiotics;
  • heavy metals.

For weight loss, it is recommended to use vegetarian protein that does not contain any impurities of animal origin. Its only drawback is the peculiar taste of the mixture, which you need to get used to. If the taste of the protein is still important, it is important to choose a product that contains only natural additives. Stevia provides a sweet taste, while vanilla is used for a pleasant aroma.

Types of proteins without taste

Pure protein powder is a source of amino acids necessary for our body. The classification includes the following types:

Sports nutrition is necessary, but you just need to choose it correctly

  • whey (easily digestible milk protein, which has several purification methods);
  • (“slow” protein obtained by curdling milk is used for long-term saturation of muscles with amino acids);
  • soy (has a high concentration of lysine and glutamine, suitable for people with lactose intolerance);
  • milk (medium digestibility, includes a high level of lactose);
  • egg (with high biological value does not contain lactose, since it is an extract of egg white);
  • collagen (used for intensive construction and further restoration of connective tissue);
  • combined mixture (a universal product that includes several types of protein).

Easily digestible whey protein, in turn, has the following subtypes:

  • concentrate (cheap protein obtained with minimal purification);
  • (more complex purification, providing a high level of pure protein with a minimum lactose content);
  • hydrolyzate (maximum quality of purification, ensuring good digestibility).

Highly purified whey protein has a complex production process. It breaks down quickly compared to whole proteins. At maximum purification, protein without additives has a high price compared to other products.

How to choose a product?

Many sports nutrition brands produce protein powder in the form of isolates or concentrates.

It is important to understand that protein is a raw material that should be natural in its essence.

When choosing a safe product, it is important to pay attention to:

  1. Composition of the product. This is the percentage of protein in a serving, the type of processing, and necessarily the amino acid composition. The mixtures are additionally enriched with vitamins, minerals, creatinine, glutamine. The healthy product does not contain “ballast” substances that create additional stress on the body.
  2. Manufacturer's company. Protein powder without additives is available from most sports nutrition brands. In each case, the product is selected individually. Not only the purpose of use matters, but also the ratio of price and quality.
  3. Supplements An important point is that gainers are not used as natural protein. These are special mixtures used to build muscle mass as quickly as possible.

When choosing vegetarian protein, you should give preference to brands with a good reputation. Buy products that are certified organic. This means compliance with established quality standards for sports nutrition in this category.

You should be careful with the “bio” mark. Such marking does not require pre-certification, which is why the quality of the final product is not guaranteed.

Product rating without taste

According to reviews, the best unflavored proteins are products from the following companies:

Today there are many manufacturers who produce powder without various impurities - dyes, lactose, fats, and so on.


Sunwarrior offers raw fermented protein based on sprouted brown rice. It is made from whole grains using low temperatures, but without the use of hydrolysis or other harmful processes. Quickly absorbed by the body, enriched with lysine and leucine. Additional source of calcium, iron and sodium. Does not contain soy protein, gluten.

Ezy Protein

Certified organic plant protein. It is also produced on the basis of sprouted rice. Made in Australia using safe technologies. Biofermentation technology makes it quickly digestible. Contains 80% natural protein. Hypoallergenic product that does not contain dyes or other harmful additives.

Amazonia Raw Protein

A vegetarian product consisting of two main components: fermented rice and pea protein. Additionally, it alkalizes and serves as a source of enzymes and alpha amino acids. This ensures better protein digestibility.

Garden of Life's Protein

Plant protein without additives. Contains special sprouted ingredients, probiotic bacteria, a complex of vitamins, alpha amino acids. An additional source of vitamin C. The product is available in the form of chewable capsules.

Vital Greens Rea Protein

A vegetarian, although not raw, protein source based on pea protein. Isolate, contains 18 alpha amino acids. Made in New Zealand. Contains probiotics, prebiotics, vitamins, minerals.

Hemp Foods Hemp Protein

Vegetarian protein based on hemp protein. Source of omega acids, alpha amino acids, lysine. This composition provides maximum nutritional value. A significant disadvantage of the product is its rather specific taste.


Natural protein without additives or dyes is a powder form of the product. It is a source of high quality plant or animal protein. Raw, or vegetarian, protein often has a specific taste. This product does not contain fats, dyes, artificial sweeteners and other additives that reduce the effectiveness of training.

When choosing protein powder, it is important to consider the following criteria: product composition, protein content, manufacturing company. A popular combination of several types of protein supplements is used in different time days.

When you choose a quality protein powder, you read the labels carefully. How much protein is there in a serving? Whey protein isolate or concentrate? How is whey protein produced: through the ion exchange process or through microfiltration? Which is better: slow-digesting protein powder or fast-digesting pure whey protein? And what kind of acesulfame potassium is this?

Unfortunately, the main criterion for choosing a protein powder is often the cool-sounding words on the label. Although the buyer has no idea what these words mean and how they relate to the quality of the protein.

Luckily, you don't need a PhD to choose a good protein. The taste of a product can tell a lot about its quality. All you need are your taste buds and a little common sense. Of course, not always and not everywhere you will be offered to try protein before purchasing. But even if the purchase has already taken place, then by the taste of the protein powder you can determine whether it is worth buying in the future.

So here are a few things to look for the next time you open a jar of your magic muscle-building elixir.

Does the protein taste clean, fresh? A high-quality protein powder should have a creamy texture and a fresh, milky taste (or flavor) when mixed with water. If you feel an unpleasant or clearly unnatural taste, then this is a sign of poor quality of the product. If the protein tastes like some kind of chemical from a test tube, then it is isolated from the raw material using chemicals.

Does it have an unpleasant aftertaste? You're probably familiar with the bitter aftertaste of diet soda. Maybe you no longer feel it because you are used to it. However, the aftertaste that diet soda has is because it contains artificial sweeteners. The same thing happens with protein powder. Look for a protein that is naturally sweetened, but be careful. Some all-natural products may contain sugar alcohols or fructose, which are almost as harmful as artificial sweeteners. High quality protein does not have an unpleasant aftertaste and does not have such side effects like bloating and indigestion.

Is the protein taste balanced? You don't need to have the highly sensitive taste buds of a professional taster to know there's something wrong with the taste. A quality protein powder has a light, fresh taste. The flavors should be mild and not overpowering. If the protein is too sweet, tasteless or has too aggressive a taste, then it is because the manufacturers are masking something in this way. Low quality protein is damaged protein. Damaged protein tastes disgusting and is unhealthy. This taste is masked by a large number of flavors and sweeteners. A good protein has nothing to hide.

If you want to make sure that you have chosen a really high-quality protein, then you don’t need to listen to the well-read, pumped-up guy in gym, no need to look for the answer in bodybuilding magazines, no need to be fooled by buzzwords on the product label. Let your taste buds judge. Everything can be determined by the taste of the product.

Protein, is undoubtedly the most popular supplement used by athletes and amateurs alike. This is not surprising, given the extensive collection of studies that have shown that the daily amount of protein should be increased in active people, and especially those who regularly exercise, build muscle mass, or, conversely, lose weight.

It should be noted that protein itself is a source of nutrition. Don’t believe “especially smart” people who say that this is a chemical that will “make your liver fall off,” “stop standing,” and other nonsense that can only be heard from an uneducated person. So what protein to choose? In fact protein selection depends on several factors such as budget, quality, taste, lactose tolerance and purpose.

The price of protein depends on several factors: percentage of protein, speed of digestibility and biological value.
By protein percentage, protein is divided into hydrolyzate, isolate, whey, concentrate (arranged in order of decreasing prices). The higher the protein content, the higher the price.
By speed of digestibility, as we already know, protein can be fast and slow. Typically casein (a slow protein) has a higher cost compared to whey.
Biological value is a value that determines the degree of digestibility of protein (how many percent it will be digested). Calculated on a scale from 0 to 1, chicken egg white is taken as the standard, its value is 1 (100% digestible), so egg protein is more expensive due to its high digestibility.
We have already discussed the above types of protein in detail in.

The highest quality, of course well-promoted brands, such as Optimum Nutrition And Dymatize. They are known all over the world and will not risk their name by producing low-quality products. But the cost of protein from these companies is much higher. You can take medium-sized manufacturers (for example San, CytoSport etc.), but I don’t recommend choosing completely unknown and rare brands. I also recommend purchase protein in large specialized stores, to avoid purchasing a counterfeit.

Now there are a huge number of protein flavors from banana and strawberry to alpine chocolate. But most athletes complain about the chemical taste. Of course, as they say, taste and color... Opinion about taste is purely subjective and what is good for one may be bad for another. Personally, I have never come across a protein that was so disgusting that I couldn’t drink it. If you are afraid that you will not like the taste, it is better to take chocolate protein. Chocolate flavor is generally well tolerated, even despite the chemical origin.

Lactose intolerance
There are people who suffer from genetic lactose intolerance; their digestive tract does not have the enzyme lactase, which helps digest it. Best choice will egg white, or isolate (hydrolysate)

Depending on what goal you are pursuing: gaining muscle mass or cutting, depends on the choice of protein.
If, when gaining muscle mass, it is acceptable (and even desirable) to contain carbohydrates and fats in the protein, then when cutting, when every calorie counts, it is better to choose pure protein (isolate)

Rating of the best proteins

(in terms of price-quality ratio)

1. Whey protein

1) 100% Whey Gold Standard from Optimum nutrition . It’s not for nothing that this supplement is called the “gold standard.” A high-protein blend of whey protein concentrates and isolates. A variety of flavors, a global manufacturer, excellent quality - these are the main advantages of Gold Standart from ON.

Whey gold standard compound:

2)100% Pure Platinum Whey (SAN). Contains anabolic nutrients that provide the body with energy and prolong the anabolic state after taking a serving of Pure Platinum for up to 4 hours.

Compound 100% Pure Platinum Whey from SAN

3) Elite Whey Protein by Dymatize

Uniqueness Elite Whey is that in addition to protein, the composition contains digestive enzymes that improve the digestion of nutrients.

2. Slow protein (casein)

1) Elite Casein by Dymatize.

From the very beginning, we will disappoint some readers: here we will not talk about specific brands of specific manufacturers, but will consider only general criteria that will allow you to choose and. In order to answer the question of which protein is better, you need to understand from the very beginning exactly what you need it for. It’s one thing if you want to gain weight, another thing if you want to maintain muscle mass while losing weight or cutting, and a third thing when you just need to get protein, which for some reason is missing. And so on. In all cases, the required protein may be different. Another nuance: in what mode are you going to consume protein? But this moment depends on the previous one. For example, you want to build muscle mass. Which protein will be better? Firstly, fast - to provide the muscles with nutrition during training. Secondly, slow - to provide the muscles with nutrition during long breaks without food (say, during sleep). In the first case, you need to focus on whey protein. And in the second casein is better. Complex protein is suitable for taking after a workout - it will provide muscles with nutrition very quickly, and will provide them for quite a long time.

So, to the question: tell me the best protein for gaining weight - we can only answer that there is no better one. A good combination for this is fast protein with slow - they need to be taken separately, fast before training (or immediately after), slow - before bed (or during any long breaks between meals). It is also good to take immediately after training to stimulate muscle growth and suppress catabolism (as well as speed up recovery). There is no special protein in nature for gaining muscle mass. Three factors determine weight gain - 1) positive energy balance (we eat more than we spend), 2) good power training, providing the muscles with sufficient stress to grow, plus 3) good food muscles (supplying them with the necessary amount and other substances necessary for growth). Protein in this case is an important part of the third factor (and partly the first). And all sorts of nuances of a specific situation depend on current circumstances and adjust the choice and mode of its use.

In addition, you need to take care of yourself - how does the body react to training and diet? And adjust as you go. Simply mechanically buying a pack labeled “the best protein for muscle growth” and expecting stunning results is counterproductive.

Complex protein, from our point of view, is good when it is necessary to ensure a uniform supply of protein over a long period of time. That is, it is best suited for those who do not set the goal of muscle growth, but simply engage in fitness for health and well-being. Complex proteins have one more point that some may consider a disadvantage - they often equalize the amino acid profile and absorption rate due to components of very different origins (synthetic amino acids, plant proteins, various types of enzymes, fats, etc.). That is, the proportion of any chemosis in such proteins is very often higher than in simple whey concentrate. If this doesn't scare you, great.

In addition, in order to choose the most suitable protein for yourself, you need to pay attention to several things. Firstly, as we have already said, the type of protein according to the speed of absorption (fast or slow). Secondly, the composition of protein supplements that we see in sports nutrition stores. And, finally, how the body accepts this particular protein from a given manufacturer. If (if taken in the required dosages) it causes digestive problems or any other negative effects, this does not mean that this protein is bad or fake. This means, most likely, that this is simply not your protein. Naturally, we are talking about a normal, high-quality product from well-known manufacturers.

When choosing protein in a store, you need to have a calculator in your hands. Let's say the famous synta-6 contains 31.8% carbohydrates (15 g per 47.2 g serving) and only 46.6% protein (22 g per the same serving). Yes, it is complex, it is good, tasty, etc. But it's more likely than protein. If you are, you don’t have to be too picky. But if you and any extra calories instantly turn into fat cells, then look for another protein.

Of course, synth is the most striking example. But other manufacturers also have not everything chocolate in their composition. Therefore, read the list of ingredients carefully. And count. Always. If you have even the slightest doubt, don’t buy it. Let them fight for your money, and not you worry about how to make their protein work for you.

Don’t try to read the reviews too much - the reviews for whey protein are usually not very clear (as for any other protein, for that matter). Firstly, everyone’s body is different and everyone takes protein differently. They also train very differently, just as they set different goals. We don't know any of this about the person who wrote the review. Well, what value does it have for us then? Yes, he liked the taste (for example). So what? Taste and color... The tastes of top manufacturers are almost always excellent. The German chemical industry producing flavors has achieved almost perfection. Another thing is that some people drool at the mere mention of chocolate, while for others it makes them gag. But all this has nothing to do with the quality of the protein, and most importantly, with how much this protein can help you achieve your goal. After all, the whole question is this: is this particular protein good for you or not?

Don't attach much importance to taste - you're not choosing a cake. The main thing is that it doesn’t feel disgusting. Moreover, almost any taste (especially bright, very pleasant) becomes boring over time, and what seemed delicious when tasting began to cause disgust in the second or third week of daily use.

If you are concerned specifically about the quality of protein and its content in the mixture, we recommend paying attention to domestic producers. Yes, there are notorious names among them, but there are also others who care about quality. They will have protein good quality and at a lower price (taking into account competition in the industry - close to cost).

So, the best protein for bulking (and other purposes) is the one you like. Which provides you with the desired increase in dry mass. Naturally, if you eat normally and have just started working out, your muscles will grow quite well even without protein. Therefore, do not be deceived - perhaps in your good growth protein played no role. But then, when you reach a certain limit - then you will need to increase the amount of protein in your diet and fight for every gram of dry (precisely dry) mass - this is where the choice of protein will become especially relevant.

Thus, to choose which protein is better, you need to decide on several points.

1. Purpose. Why do you need protein? For ? To keep muscles dry? To replenish missing proteins in the diet? Depending on the answer to these questions, we determine the type of protein needed: fast or slow, or complex, or two at once. Whey or casein, egg or soy.

2. Constitution. Endomorphs need to be more careful when choosing protein, choosing one that contains fewer carbohydrates. Although here you can simply adjust your diet. But it’s always easy to overdo it, and eliminating something from an already too meager carbohydrate diet is difficult. And is it necessary to do this if you can simply take a “cleaner” protein?

3. Contraindications for health . Some are allergic to soy, others are allergic to gluten. And some are simply afraid to eat foods that contain aspartame (for example). Therefore, it is necessary to carefully read the composition of the protein mixture so as not to buy something that will then have to be thrown away.

4. Price. If you have so much money that you can’t count it, buy an expensive isolate or hydrolyzate. If you want to save money, give preference to concentrate. Moreover, if, for example, we talk about whey protein, then the difference of several percent in the rate of absorption (between concentrate and isolate) is in no way covered by the twofold difference in price (about 1 thousand rubles per 1 kg of concentrate versus about 2 thousand per 1 kg of isolate). There is also a difference in the specific amount of protein in the supplement (50-75% in concentrates and 65-85 in isolates).

5. Manufacturer. If you firmly believe that only abroad can help us provide high-quality protein, choose a foreign manufacturer. Just remember that sometimes different brands belong to the same manufacturers (for example, thus separating the economy and premium segments). If you are only interested in quality, look for a manufacturer in your home country: many manufacturers, trying to get to the top, rely on the quality of their products and supply the market with elite-level goods at very reasonable prices (they have not yet become popular).

6. Taste. Yes, yes, exactly the last point. When you have chosen the type of protein and found the protein of the desired type and composition from the selected manufacturer, only then look at what flavors this brand has. You may be disappointed - this brand does not have your favorite taste. It's okay - take any that doesn't make you sick. The taste of protein is needed only so that eating it does not feel like torture. But not for you to enjoy the delicious food. Enjoy good things protein shake with a pleasant taste - there is nothing wrong with that. It's bad when taste becomes the main selection criterion. Remember - the most delicious proteins contain the least protein (in their price niche). Because protein is not tangerines. Its taste is achieved by using synthetic flavors, sweeteners, thickeners, emulsifiers, etc. The more there are, the less space remains for the protein itself. The tastier they are, the more expensive they are – and the cheaper the raw materials for protein are used, since you need to stay in your price niche.

If you follow the simple procedure indicated above, you can easily choose for yourself which will be the best, since it will be effective specifically for you.