
When is the best time to take creatine? Creatine - when to take and how much? Optimal dosage regimen How to drink creatine with water

Greetings, my dear readers. Anyone who is seriously involved in sports or who uses it to lose weight needs sports nutrition. In addition to its quality, its proper use plays a significant role. Today I want to talk about taking creatine. What kind of supplement is this, but I will repeat myself a little in this article.

Creatine (also called carboxylic acid or nitrogen amine) increases endurance and affects muscle mass. Therefore, if you want to study intensively, for a long time and effectively, you need it. Especially if the goal is not just to get rid of extra pounds, but also to pump up.

The most effective form today is creatine monohydrate. It is produced in different forms: capsules, tablets, powder. Liquid forms even appeared. Their manufacturers claim that liquid creatine is better absorbed. This is true because the powder supplement dissolves less well in the stomach. But the manufacturer is silent that liquid creatine has very low effectiveness.

There are many sports nutrition regimens. If you work with a trainer, he can develop an individual program for you. I will provide a diagram that is suitable for supplements from most creatine manufacturers.

Reception without loading

According to this scheme, carboxylic acid should be taken 5-6 g daily. You are probably interested in 5 grams of creatine - how many spoons is that?

This is an ordinary teaspoon. On training days, monohydrate is consumed after training for 1 hour. It is better if you drink the powder along with a protein shake, 5 grams of amino acids or simple carbohydrates.

When you have a break between workouts, it is better to drink the powder between meals. Combining the intake with protein, juice, gainer or amino acids. According to this scheme, you can use sports nutrition for at least 8 weeks. Then you need to take a break for 1 month.

Reception with loading

Creatine loading involves consuming large doses of the powder in the first week. It is important to break them down into several steps. The first week - a teaspoon of powder 4 times a day. You should drink it between meals. And on training days, drink one serving immediately after training. The powder or capsule can be washed down with a protein shake, gainer, or juice. It is also drunk with amino acids.

After a week, the dose is reduced to 2-3 g (half a teaspoon). Drink capsules or powder once a day immediately after training. On rest days, it is better to take the supplement between meals. This course lasts 4 weeks, then you should take a break for 3-4 weeks. You need to take the monohydrate with 1 glass of liquid. If you dilute the powder in water, its volume should be at least 1 cup.

When to take creatine

One of the important parameters of the effectiveness of sports nutrition is the time of administration. It is selected in such a way that the supplement is well absorbed. So, is it better to take it before or after a workout? As the study showed, best time for absorption of the supplement - after training. It is at this time that metabolism increases and blood flow improves. All this contributes to maximum absorption.

But using this sports nutrition before training is not the best solution. Because the water balance may be disturbed. The exception is when taken during pre-workout preparation. This scheme is suitable for improving strength performance. And also for increasing muscles.

Unlike protein, it is not advisable to take nitrogen amine during exercise. Moreover, studies have shown that it is difficult to exercise after taking creatine. This is due to the development of temporary dehydration (dehydration).

On rest days, most experts advise drinking monohydrate in the morning. This is no coincidence. It is in the morning that our body has a high concentration of growth hormone. It improves the transport of nutrients to organs and systems. This means that carboxylic acid will go directly into the muscles.

Before or after meals

There is no consensus on whether to take the supplement before or after meals. Many scientists advise drinking creatine before meals. The argument is the fact that food impairs the absorption of carboxylic acid. Because of this, the powder or tablet lingers in the stomach. Although recent studies have proven that the acidic contents of the stomach do not significantly destroy the monohydrate. Therefore, there is no huge difference in consuming sports nutrition after or before meals.

8 years ago, Deldicque L conducted a study that confirmed the almost complete absorption of monohydrate. Regardless of whether it was drunk on an empty stomach or on a full one.

Many experts agree that it is better to use nitrogen amine simultaneously with “transport systems”. These can be fast carbohydrates, protein shakes, amino acids, etc. Therefore, another good option is to add it to protein shakes, which are consumed as a snack.

Optimal dosages of creatine

The dosage of this sports nutrition depends on the dosage regimen. For the loading phase - one dosage, for the maintenance phase - another.

Not long ago, the most common way to consume carboxylic acid was to take varying doses. Even now, many athletes train using the loading system. For 5-9 days, take one tsp 4 times a day. creatine (5 g) with a glass of juice. Afterwards, during the maintenance phase, the dose is reduced to only 2 g per day.

Taking more than 30 grams of a supplement per day does not make it more effective. A muscle can hold 0.35 -0.4 g of creatine per kilogram of weight. Anything beyond that simply will not be absorbed by the body.

But Swedish scientists have proven that using the loading phase technique is inappropriate. For testing, they divided the athletes into two groups. The first group of subjects took monohydrate according to the above-mentioned standard regimen. About 20 g per day for one week. Then we switched to taking 2 g per day for another four weeks.

The second group took 3 g of this sports nutrition daily for a whole month. As a result, it was found that in the muscles the level of the substance in the subjects of both groups increased by the same 20 percent. Even though the second group received much less of it. The conclusion is simple, just raise daily dose nitrogen amine up to 3 g, then the loading phase is not needed. This option turns out to be even cost-effective :)

As a result of the studies, the following creatine intake is adequate:

  • for the first 15 days do not exceed the dose of 5 grams per day - the muscles will be fully loaded;
  • then switch to the maintenance regimen - half a teaspoon (2-3 g) daily or only at training days.

This reception system is the most appropriate. There is no point in loading yourself with a large volume if the body does not accept it.

What can you take with it?

It’s clear how to take nitrogen-containing carboxylic acid in tablets and capsules. You just need to drink it with water. How to take creatine monohydrate powder? There is nothing complicated here either. The powder is added to water. It tastes bitter, so you can add sugar or honey to the water.

Better yet, take the supplement with juice. Since the absorption of nitrogen amine with carbohydrates is better. True, not every juice is suitable. Preferably grape, apple (sweet varieties), cherry. Orange or grapefruit are not suitable. Increased acidity has a bad effect on the structure of the monohydrate.

Never add powder to hot drinks. This will spoil the monohydrate and it will have no effect. Also, do not drink it with milk. It contains slow protein - casein. It impairs the absorption of nitrogen amine. Caffeine has a completely detrimental effect on the absorption of creatine.

The most successful transport systems are considered to be fast carbohydrates and fast proteins (whey protein isolate or amino acids). These substances have a very good effect on the absorption of carboxylic acid. Therefore, it is effective to mix creatine with a gainer that already contains proteins and carbohydrates.

Manufacturers often combine creatine and carbohydrates, amino acids, protein, flavorings in one bottle... and many other things. But it’s better to buy the formulations separately so as not to overpay for extra additives. And only then decide for yourself how much and what to mix with.

Taking monohydrate when drying

Separately, I would like to say about the use of powder during drying. Experts advise not to consume carboxylic acid during this period. Due to water retention in the body, an athlete may increase body weight. Which he doesn’t need during the drying period. Water is retained only in muscle tissue. Other organs may experience a lack of it. And then dehydration begins. Which can cause significant harm to health.

Nevertheless, many athletes still use this sports nutrition during drying. And they note only positive effects. Since nitrogen amine increases their endurance. It also improves strength and speeds up recovery. The difficult drying period is easier and more productive. Take the supplement 5 g per day. Together with fat burners, protein and pre-workout shakes.

I found one more good video about taking creatine:

Perhaps you have experience using monohydrate and your own regimens. Let's discuss all the pros and cons. And of course, subscribe to updates and join me on in social networks. I'm always glad to have new readers. Until next time.

(aminocaboxylic acid) is a source of energy and a compound that has a beneficial effect on the quality of muscles, increasing their strength and endurance. It is believed that the body contains an average of 100-140 g of the substance, 95% of which is contained in the muscles in a free state and in the form of phosphate.

It is synthesized with the participation of , and , forming an amino acid complex. Approximately 2 g are consumed per day with food, mainly with fish and meat. For athletes involved in by force sports (bodybuilding, crossfit and others), this is not enough. Additional dosages in such forms as creatine powder, tablets or capsules increase the effect of training and accelerate the process of weight loss (fat burning).

Optimal dosage regimens

For better absorption (monohydrate) or hydrochloride, take together with other sports supplements - containing protein, or aminocarboxylic acids - at least 5 g in both options below. You can mix creatine in grape, apple and cherry juice. If there is no sweet juice, you can drink sugar dissolved in water.

No download

  • Daily dose - 5-6 g.
  • On training days, take creatine after physical activity. During the rest period - in the morning.
  • The course of admission is 2 months, the duration of the break is 1 month.

This scheme leads to a noticeable increase muscle mass and strength indicators.

With loading

In the first week, start by consuming 5 g of creatine 4 times a day in between meals (on training days, one serving should be taken after physical activity). After 5 days, the dosage is reduced to 2-3 g, taken once a day after training or in the morning on rest days. The duration of admission and break is 1 month.

Muscle creatine levels remain consistently high even after 12 weeks of maintenance dosing.

If standard doses are not suitable for an athlete (beginners, teenagers, girls), the individual formula for calculating creatine will be as follows:

  • 300 mg/kg – during the loading period;
  • 30 mg/kg – during the maintenance period.


Consists of 3 stages (dosage is calculated for an athlete weighing 100 kg):

  • Take 5 g of creatine in the morning after breakfast, 5 g before and the same amount within 3 hours after training. The remaining 10 g (5+5) are consumed together with a gainer - in the evening or in the morning.
  • Do not take aminocarboxylic acid for three days.

Over the course of 8 weeks, 3 days of use alternate with 3 days of abstinence. At the end, it is recommended to take a 7-day break from training (non-training period). During the last 3 days of rest, you need to start taking creatine again.

The cycling scheme aims to ensure high absorption of creatine and achieve its increased concentration in myocytes, eliminating possible disruption of transport mechanisms. But many consider the scheme described above to be erroneous.

Low doses

Low doses of creatine (0.03 g/kg or 2 g/day) show extremely low effectiveness in terms of gaining muscle mass or increasing strength. That's why sports doctors and trainers do not recommend such a regimen for taking this sports supplement.

Reception when drying

Whether or not to take creatine during cutting is up to the athlete to decide individually or with a coach.

Let's look at the arguments for and against.


The additive, by promoting water retention in muscle tissue during the drying period, promotes dehydration of the body, which negatively affects the athlete’s well-being.


Some athletes note an increase in strength and endurance while taking 5 g of creatine along with protein shakes and fat burners.

Optimal doses

No more than 3.5 g of the supplement can be absorbed per day for an athlete weighing 70 kg at a rate of 50 mg/kg. Excess substance is excreted by the kidneys. Therefore, if you weigh 120 kg, it makes no sense to take more than 6 g of the supplement.

It is undesirable to use dietary supplements before bed due to the activation of energy processes in the body.

In urine and blood serum, creatine is determined by the kinetic method using a set of DDS reagents.

When to take

The best time to take creatine is the first minutes after completing a workout, as physiological changes in metabolism contribute to this maximum. Use during training is not advisable.

Myocytes are forced to expend resources to utilize the substance, which prevents the execution of physical standards. On rest days, the compound is better absorbed in the morning, which appears to be beneficial

Specialized stores sell creatine with ready-made transport systems. At the same time, in order to prevent dehydration caused by the use of creatine-containing dietary supplements, it is recommended to take the dietary supplement with a large volume of water (5 g/250 ml).

It is important to remember that under no circumstances should you mix or allow the following additives to be used at the same time:

  • with any hot drinks (high temperature contributes to the destruction of the substance);
  • milk (impairs the absorption of creatine);
  • coffee (the effect of caffeine is similar to casein).

To avoid possible errors When using aminocarboxylic acid, it is recommended to carefully study the instructions for use of the dietary supplement.

Duration of the course

Most athletes and coaches accept the possibility of using creatine on an ongoing basis, although the athletes themselves note after about 2 months of daily use a clear decrease in susceptibility to the substance muscle tissue. To prevent a decrease in the sensitivity of myocytes, it is recommended to take a 6-week course, which is alternated with a 4-week break.

Creatine is a supplement that is often used by those who want to build muscle mass. There are rumors, speculations, doubts, and a lot of questions about the effectiveness of this supplement. How does it work and how to take it?

We will answer your questions and more.

If you look into a sports nutrition store and read the names of some fitness supplements on the labels, it becomes clear that you did not attend biology classes at school. What can you remember about creatine? Well, that's what I'm talking about.

Creatine is one of the most well-known weightlifting and best-selling supplements on the market. Its popularity is justified. Creatine is one of the safest and most effective supplements. However, not everyone who drinks it understands what the essence of this supplement is, how to properly take creatine to gain muscle mass and in what dosages. More details from here.

Creatine, from a biological point of view, is an organic acid that is produced by the body. Its purpose is to provide the body with adenosine triphosphate (ATP). ATP gives the body a short-term boost of energy and strength.

Here's how it works: Creatine is converted to phosphocreatine, which in turn produces ATP. When the body is under stress, as during exercise, ATP is released, providing the body with additional energy.

This process may seem simple, but this is creatine in its base form. There are actually many types of creatine, such as crealkaline. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages.

The best creatine and its most popular types

You will also be interested to know what they exist and why you should use it.

Creatine monohydrate

Creatine monohydrate is the most sold and used form of creatine. This is the original type of creatine and has some disadvantages. For example, some people may experience bloating or other minor side effects.

Creatine hydrochloride

This form of creatine is said to eliminate the side effects found with creatine monohydrate. However, there is no research to prove that this is true. What has been proven is that creatine hydrochloride is more soluble in water and is taken in a lower dose.

Micronized Creatine

Micronized creatine is essentially the same product as creatine monohydrate. It is only produced in the form of crushed powder, which, according to manufacturers, improves solubility in water and absorption into the body. Read below about how to drink creatine monohydrate powder.

Creatine ethyl acetate

This supplement is a combination of creatine and an ester. Although it is not as well studied, many argue that it is not much different from creatine monohydrate.

Buffered Creatine

Buffered creatine is creatine fortified with magnesium, which improves the absorption of creatine by the body. According to the manufacturers, this supplement is capable of removing the byproduct of creatine, creatinine.

The consistency of creatine supplements varies, for example, it is available in the form of tablets, capsules, powder or liquid. Which form of supplement release you accept and take is, of course, up to you, because each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Liquid creatine most often has a good and pleasant taste, but, as many believe, is not very effective. The powdered supplement is the most popular and is easily soluble in any drink. Creatine tablets are slow to digest, but this may be a benefit for some people.

Why is creatine so popular?

Creatine is popular because it is one of the most purchased supplements on the market. There have been countless studies showing that creatine provides a short-term boost of energy and strength, reduces fatigue, and increases muscle mass. Simply put, it will increase the duration and effectiveness of your workout and is considered one of the most best supplements for building muscle mass.

Apart from this, cretin is considered to be the safest supplement you could find. A number of studies have been conducted on the potential harm of taking this supplement, but the results of almost all of them indicate a relatively small risk associated with taking creatine. Creatine is considered the most studied supplement, and to this day there is no evidence of its harm.

Another reason for creatine's popularity is that it has beneficial effects on the human brain.


Cells such as neurons require a lot of energy. When these brain cells receive additional energy from the increase in creatine, the brain begins to function better, namely increased intellectual potential and memory.

Creatine is usually inexpensive, but it is very effective. That is why most beginner weightlifters prefer this supplement.

Unlike other inexpensive supplements, creatine works. It brings results and does it quickly enough. If you want to build muscle quickly, effectively and without much investment, choose this supplement.

How to take creatine correctly?

Another important aspect that requires special attention is the question of how to take creatine. If taken incorrectly, the effect of the supplement is reduced significantly or is completely absent. And yet, how to use a supplement to gain muscle mass?! Go!

How to Take Creatine During the Loading Phase

During the loading phase, creatine is taken in a large dose for short period time. Loading usually takes 1-2 weeks. For maximum effectiveness, about 20-25 grams daily is recommended for the first 5 to 7 days. This amount of supplement should be divided into several doses per day. Why? Taking it daily will completely enrich your body and muscles with creatine.

Some people prefer to take a lower dose of creatine during the loading phase. They do this in hopes of avoiding excessive fluid accumulation in the body and problems with the digestive tract. If you don’t like this scenario, then you should use 10-12 grams per day, divided into small doses, for 10-14 days. This loading phase will reduce the initial effectiveness of the supplement, but the benefits of taking this dose of creatine will not be diminished.

The loading phase is initially aimed at obtaining maximum benefit from creatine, although some people do without this phase.


The reason for this is that under the influence of creatine, the process of fluid accumulation begins in the body. Increased fluid levels can lead to swelling and problems with the digestive tract. However, research has proven that creatine does not cause these symptoms on a physiological level, since water is retained directly in the cells and not in tissues and organs.

Although the effectiveness of the supplement will be reduced, this phase can still be skipped.

How to take creatine correctly during the maintenance phase

The maintenance phase follows immediately after the loading phase.

How long should you take creatine during this phase? — This period lasts about a month.

How much to consume per day at this stage? - During this time, the dose of creatine should gradually decrease and reach 3-5 g per day.

During this phase, your muscles will be saturated with the creatine accumulated during the loading phase, if you had any, of course. The maintenance phase is needed to replenish the creatine reserves that you lose throughout the day or during training.

Research shows that after the muscles have already been filled with creatine during the loading period, they only need 3-5 grams of creatine per day. This means that if you still continue to take creatine in high doses, your muscles will still not absorb it, and all the excess will simply disappear as unnecessary. But you don't need this.

All about the washout phase

The washout phase is the period during which you stop taking creatine. This phase allows your body to get rid of excess creatine and is very important. During this time, your body parameters return to their normal values.


Prolonged periods of creatine supplementation without a washout phase will reduce the effectiveness of the supplement and may lead to potential health risks.

The washout phase should last about 4 weeks. The body needs this four-week period to restore its normal levels. After 4 weeks, start again with the loading phase, after which move on to the maintenance phase.

Most recent research concludes that the washout phase is useless and does not provide any benefit to training. Some argue that cyclic creatine supplementation reduces its effectiveness. Creatine is usually most effective when muscles are saturated. And during cyclic use of creatine, the muscles do not have time to be sufficiently saturated, and because of this, its effectiveness decreases.

When and how is it best to take it?

This is one of the most frequently asked questions about when is the best time to take creatine. Some people believe that it should be taken before training. Others claim that taking creatine after a workout increases its effectiveness.

When you drink the supplement is, of course, up to you, but it is recommended that during the loading phase you drink it in equal portions throughout the day. During the maintenance phase, the dose of creatine is lower and it is recommended to take it in equal proportions before and after training.


This will allow your muscles to be fully saturated, ensuring that the creatine used during your workout is fully recovered afterward.

Indications for use

Creatine is one of the preferred supplements for most athletes due to its ability to increase performance and energy and reduce fatigue. It is very useful for people leading an active and sporty lifestyle. It is especially useful for those who engage in sports that require short, repetitive and powerful movements. These are sports such as weightlifting, baseball, golf or football. The use of creatine by athletes will help them enjoy an additional boost of energy and strength, as well as good performance.

It is also suitable for those athletes whose sports involve testing endurance. For example, this supplement may help a marathon runner reduce fatigue and recover faster. Everyone who ran long distances, knows what it's like to feel tired too early. Right choice for creatine as it can help in this matter.

It is useful not only for weightlifters and athletes. Dozens of clinical studies have proven a direct connection between creatine and the brain. This means that the supplement can improve brain function even ordinary person. It is used as a treatment for depression throughout the world, although the link between creatine and this mental disorder has not been scientifically established.


It improves brain function and bone and muscle health.

Some myths about creatine

“Creatine harms the liver and kidneys.”

This myth comes about because creatine creates a byproduct called creatinine. Doctors check creatinine levels when looking at the health and function of your kidneys. Typically, when creatinine levels are elevated, the problem is not the supplement you are taking, but an underlying medical condition.

“Creatine does not make muscles bigger. It only promotes fluid accumulation.”

During the first two weeks, this statement will be considered true. During the loading phase, the body begins to retain fluid. After this stage, creatine begins to act at full capacity, increasing size. muscle fibers, their specific gravity and density.

“Cretin causes dehydration.”

This statement appeared a long time ago. Many people are afraid to take the supplement due to fear of dehydration. Of course, this statement is just a myth. As mentioned above, creatine promotes fluid retention in the body. Read on to find out what you can take creatine with.

“Creatine causes stomach pain.”

A small caveat needs to be added to this statement. Yes, many people complain of stomach pain when taking the supplement, but the main reason for this is the wrong dosage or frequency of taking creatine. If you don't eat right and take large amounts of creatine, then you can't avoid stomach pain. Follow the recommendations and stomach pain will not become a problem for you.


It is also worth mentioning what to take creatine with. For maximum effectiveness, it is recommended to use the supplement with fruit or vegetable juice.


The reason for this is that creatine is better absorbed by the body when insulin levels spike. The juice contains glucose and carbohydrates necessary for the body to absorb creatine.

Although creatine is considered a relatively safe product, the instructions for use of creatine on the packaging will not be superfluous to familiarize yourself with. If you experience any side effects while taking creatine, stop taking it immediately and contact your healthcare professional.

Despite the fact that creatine monohydrate is one of the most researched sports supplements in bodybuilding, the question regarding the optimal regimen for its administration is still relevant. Manufacturers are actively introducing new forms and trying to create something original: all this gives rise to many erroneous judgments that are associated with methods of taking the supplement. Let’s try to figure out for ourselves how best to take this type of sports nutrition, we’ll suggest best rate creatine.

Course of taking creatine: with and without loading

There are two optimal regimens for taking creatine, which can be used regardless of the manufacturer and form of the supplement. A course of taking creatine can be carried out with or without loading.

Course without download– This is taking up to 6 grams of monohydrate supplements daily. The duration of the course is up to 2 months, after which a break of up to 4 weeks is necessary. On class days gym creatine is taken after strength training. The additive itself can be mixed with sweet juice or added to protein cocktail or gainer. On non-training days, the supplement is taken in the morning.

Creatine loading regimen differs in that in the first 6 days you should take about 20 g of the supplement per day. The entire dosage is divided into 4 doses of 5 g. Creatine is consumed in between meals. On training days, one of the servings is taken after training in the gym. After the loading period, the dosage is reduced to 2 g per day. On training days, this dose is taken after classes, and on rest days - in the morning. The duration of this course is 1 month, after which you need to take a break from creatine for up to 4 weeks.

According to recent research, the loading phase is not necessary at all. The fact is that the result from the technique with and without loading ultimately led to the same result. The only difference is that when you consume 20 grams daily during the first week, the visible result comes earlier. In other words, if you want to see changes immediately, then a downloadable course is the way to go. If you are not in a hurry and you are only interested in the end result, then you can try taking creatine without loading.

Also, opponents of taking the drug with loading claim a high probability of side effects. There is undoubtedly some truth in this. However, side effects when consuming large doses usually manifest themselves in the form of dehydration. Creatine collects water in large quantities in the muscles, and other body systems do not receive enough of it. This side effect can be easily avoided by drinking enough water.

Taking creatine on rest and training days

According to the results of one of the scientists' experiments, the best time to take creatine is after physical activity. This fact is explained by the fact that with increased blood flow and acceleration of metabolic processes in the body, the absorption of the supplement also improves. The worst time to take creatine was the period before going to the gym. The fact is that this approach can provoke an imbalance of water balance, and in general any transport systems (which is creatine) are wiser to use after physical activity. An exception, perhaps, is pre-workout complexes.

This statement was finally confirmed by researchers from Nova Southeastern University in 2013. During the experiments, it was found that consuming creatine after training has the best effect on both muscle gain and strength gains.

Another unwise use of creatine is during exercise. Studies have shown that this approach to taking the supplement is not correct, because it can provoke transient dehydration. This phenomenon will negatively affect the quality of the exercises.

On rest days, it is best to take creatine in the morning because it is best absorbed at this time of day. This fact is quite easy to explain: in the morning, the concentration of growth hormone in the blood is at its peak, and this has the best effect on the transport of creatine into the muscles.

Regimen for taking creatine with other supplements

The most difficult stage of creatine absorption is its transport into the muscle cell. At this stage, most of the additive “disappears”. Long-standing research has shown that certain substances help muscles absorb creatine better and more. The best intermediary in the transport of creatine is one of the most important anabolic hormones - insulin. Its anabolic effect helps muscles absorb almost all nutritional components, including creatine.

To stimulate insulin production, you just need to eat fast carbohydrates or fast protein. When consuming creatine, for better absorption it is enough to drink a little sweet juice or a serving of protein. Also great for improving creatine and amino acid transport. It is enough to drink 5-15 grams of amino acids with creatine to trigger the mechanism for complete absorption of creatine monohydrate by the muscles.

It is still unknown how effective the use of creatine with other transport systems (taurine, arginine, CLA, etc.) is. Their effectiveness and impact on improving transport are still in doubt.

A course of creatine supplementation may also include anabolic steroid and hormones. Creatine can be combined with insulin, growth hormone and thyroxine. However, in this case, it is necessary to remember about the increased possibility of dehydration of the body, because anabolic steroids also tend to “collect” water in the muscles.

If you want to diversify your sports set with this supplement, then you have a chance


All the nuances of taking creatine. Options with and without loading. What is the best thing to mix it with? Drink the supplement before or after training.

Scientists know this substance as a nitrogen-containing carboxylic acid, and we (ordinary people and athletes) know it as creatine. The purpose of the component is to ensure energy metabolism in cells, increase strength and endurance. In general, without it it is impossible to imagine the normal functioning of our muscles and the body as a whole.


Taking creatine provides a number of effects - increased strength due to the production of additional ATP molecules and increased muscle mass. As a rule, after 30-40 days of use you can get up to five kilograms of “dry” muscle mass. In addition, nitrogen-containing acid promotes the rapid production of anabolic hormones in the body and improves muscle definition.

Studies have shown that supplemental creatine supplementation in athletes helps suppress lactic acid production. As a result, you feel less tired and can train longer and more intensely.

Reception features

The main problem is that not everyone knows how to take creatine correctly. There are many assumptions and theories that confuse the athlete more than simplify his task. Let's look at the main subtleties of the technique: