
Exercises for the pectoralis major muscle at home. An effective complex for developing the pectoral muscles at home. Proper and balanced nutrition

We are all familiar with the situation when work schedules and other circumstances leave no chance to visit the gym. And then the logical question arises: “How to pump up pectoral muscles at home? Is this real? Yes, it's real. At the same time, you don’t need to kill yourself in the gym every evening. Do the exercises before you go for a walk or immediately after you return from work. It's easy and convenient! How to pump up your pectoral muscles at home? Simple and effective complex exercises

Do you think that it is impossible to pump up your pectoral muscles without a huge number of weights, barbells and dumbbells? In vain. You can have good shape without cluttering your apartment with a huge amount of equipment. All you need for this workout is enough free space.

Do calisthenics!

Calisthenics- methodology physical training, which uses exercises to overcome the body weight of the trainee. “Calisthenics” includes performing various exercises on outdoor sports grounds, namely on the following apparatus: crossbar, parallel bars, Swedish wall, monkey bars, etc., or without using them at all (on the ground).

The main emphasis is on work that involves overcoming weight own body performed for education strength abilities. People who are keen on such training call themselves differently: workout athletes, street (yard) athletes, etc.

Calisthenics is not only about the lungs morning exercises, these are exercises without additional equipment that allow you to increase strength, flexibility and strengthen muscle corset. Most exercises consist of pull-ups, push-ups, and jumping jacks. In this case, your own weight acts as a weighting agent. This training option is suitable for both girls and boys.

TOP 5 best chest exercises at home!

Benefits to alisthenics for the pectoral muscles!

So, we have decided that calisthenics is one of the ways to pump up your chest at home and without exercise equipment. What are the advantages of this type of training?

1. The ability to perform exercises without additional equipment

No need to spend money on expensive things sport equipment. Of course, there are always options for successful investments. If you want to take push-ups for the pectoral muscles to a whole new level, then it’s worth purchasing special supports. They cost very little, but will allow you to perform all possible push-up variations with maximum efficiency.

2. You can train anywhere

Being able to train anywhere and anytime is great. You save yourself the hassle of finding a suitable gym and gain the opportunity to be in shape anytime, anywhere.

3. Simultaneous pumping of several muscle groups

For any bodybuilder the ability to simultaneously use several muscle groups- great advantage. During push-ups, as a rule, the load goes not only on the pectoral muscles, but also, for example, on the triceps. The core muscles also work actively. It turns out that in order to pump up your pectoral muscles, abs and triceps, you just need to do push-ups.

4. Free workout

Having mastered the technique of performing basic exercises, you can later modify them in order to achieve your goals. By constantly changing the set of exercises, you will achieve best result. It's unlikely to happen quickly, but variety is the key to avoiding getting bored and giving up on exercise.

5. There are no excuses for skipping a workout.

You can train anytime, anywhere, you don't need any additional equipment, so there's no excuse for missing out. The inability to justify your laziness is a great motivation.

What to avoid when training at home

1. Overtraining

Don't exhaust yourself with countless approaches. More doesn't mean better. Practice the technique of performing the exercise, reduce the rest time between approaches. But don't try to exercise for several hours every day. Recovery is an important stage of muscle growth. Without giving your body time to recover, you will not only not gain any muscle mass, but very soon you will give up training due to a constant feeling of fatigue and even illness.

2. Excessive shoulder rotation

A common mistake made by those who are planning to pump up their chest with push-ups. You don't need to let your elbows move too far to the side, as most of the load goes to your arms and not to your pectoral muscles. In addition, it may cause injury.

3. Avoiding chest training

Never neglect exercises aimed at top part breasts This is the key to harmonious and beautiful shape. If you don’t want to look disproportionate and funny, then try to maintain balance and do exercises for all muscle groups.

4. If you do it, do it well

In every gym There is at least one person who trains as if he is late for a train. Unfortunately, when you focus on speed, you forget about technique and often the movement stops in the middle. It is better to perform 10 repetitions, but with maximum amplitude, to get a good feel for the work of each muscle.

It's time to figure out how to pump up your pectoral muscles at home

Now that we have learned the basic rules of how to pump up the pectoral muscles at home without exercise equipment, it’s time to move on directly to the exercises themselves.

1. Forward push-ups

  • Most likely you know classic position for push-ups. However, in this case you will need a bed or chair,
  • Place your feet on a bed or chair and place your hands on the floor.
  • The body should be at an angle of 15-45 degrees, no more. During push-ups, do not move your legs, as this can reduce the load on the pectoral muscles.
  • Your goal: 4 sets of 10 reps each. It may not work out the first time, do as many approaches as possible and gradually increase their number.


  • The muscles of the upper chest work.
  • Depending on the width of the arms, the core muscles are involved.

2. Bench push-ups

Exercise technique:

  • As opposed to the previous exercise, this option targets the muscles of the lower chest.
  • Place your hands on the bed or chair.
  • This version of the exercise partially removes the load from the shoulders, allowing you to focus on the muscles of the lower chest.
  • Goal: 20 reps. If you're not ready, don't try to do all 20. Start with 10 and gradually increase the number of repetitions. It is enough to do 1 approach.


  • The muscles of the lower chest work, less stress on the shoulders.
  • The muscles of the middle part of the body are involved.

3. Push-ups with wide arms

Exercise technique:

  • Get into the starting position of classic push-ups, but place your hands much wider than your shoulders.
  • As you inhale, lower yourself as low as possible.
  • As you exhale, push your hands off the floor and return to the starting position.
  • Pause at the top for a couple of seconds and repeat.


  • All chest muscles are involved.
  • 4. Narrow push-ups

    Exercise technique:

    • In this version of the exercise, the palms are located under the chest.
    • The closer the palms are to each other, the greater the load on the hands.
    • Having taken the starting position, slowly lower yourself as low as possible to the floor. Make sure that your elbows do not go to the side.
    • Breathe in the same way as when doing push-ups broad setting hands


    • Biceps and triceps are involved

    5. One-legged push-ups

    Exercise technique:

    • This is almost the same as classic push-ups, with a slight modification.
    • Get into the classic push-up position. Raise one leg up and, using only one leg, slowly lower yourself down.
    • Don't forget to breathe properly.
    • Do 10 reps, switch legs and do 10 more.


    • Since it is quite difficult to maintain balance in this position, the abdominal muscles actively work.
    • In addition, the thigh and calf muscles are involved.

    Now you know how to pump up your pectoral muscles with push-ups. The main thing is to pay attention to the technique of performing the exercise, since even a slight deviation can lead to serious injuries. Remember, safety comes first!

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    A fit body is as important for a person as is posture, neat appearance, and good manners. The lack of relief is especially noticeable on the beach and pool areas. Home workouts are chosen by people whose goal is not to become an athlete at a professional level, but simply want to have a beautifully built body.

    Today's article topic will be: How to pump up your pectoral muscles at home. Basic information: exercises and techniques, programs, sports nutrition.

    Anatomy of the pectoral muscles

    Every athlete needs an understanding of how his muscle corset is built and exactly how it works in order to correctly develop the relief, mass, and proportions of muscles, rationally select a set of tasks for the load, and calculate the recovery period of an individual group. Since today's topic is dedicated to the pectoral muscles, we bring to your attention this section of the article.

    In humans, they are located the same way, regardless of gender differences, with the only difference being that in women they are “covered” by breasts - mammary glands, which cannot be increased in size. So: muscles are divided into two types - superficial and internal. They consist of fractions, which in turn are made up of myofibrils - muscle fibers. Each fiber is divided into sarcomeres, in which protein is “stored,” and more specifically, actin and myosin.

    The first group includes the group located closer to the skin. It is called the pectoralis major muscle (musculus pectoralis major): the steam room is fan-shaped, flat, occupies a large area, and is easily amenable to force. It borders on the delta, serratus anterior (9 pieces - go from the ribs to the scapula), humerus, clavicle, sternum, rectus abdominis muscle. Participates in any pull-ups and turning the palm back to the thigh, bringing the upper limb to the body, lifting and lowering.

    Under it (with inside) lies the pectoralis minor - triangular in shape. It is attached to the ribs and shoulder blades, which it moves during contraction, and at the top it borders with the subclavian oblongata muscle (holds the clavicular bone in the joint). Both types are considered muscles shoulder girdle and arms, which athletes intensively train, giving the intended relief to the body.

    The second group includes the own intercostal muscles: external, internal - involved in inhalation and exhalation. Also included here is the diaphragm: a flat partition consisting of muscle-tendon fibers.

    What you need to grow chest muscles

    To increase muscle mass, you should load the weight as hard as possible. During training, microtraumas occur, that is, muscle fiber ruptures. The subsequent recovery period should ensure healing (fusion) of damaged tissues.

    They do not just grow to each other, but are connected at their ends behind the break, or several layers of new cells grow in that place. As a result, each fiber becomes thicker and denser, hypertrophy occurs. That is why it is increasing muscle volume, and the athlete can lift a new weight.

    A large range of motion is important for growth; for example, it is not suitable for bench press (read how to do it correctly). Since the barbell cannot increase them, it is better to use another sports tool, such as dumbbells.

    Attention should also be paid to the position of the torso during the task. On a horizontal elevation (bench and the like), the top and bottom of the chest are worked completely, over the entire area, but slightly touches its middle section.

    You must constantly ensure that your chest is working, and not your shoulder girdle or back. Avoid bending the body with a bridge in the lower back when performing. Inclined surface from 15° to 35° increases the load on the upper part of the muscle, and tilting in the opposite direction increases the load on the lower part. During the 1st set, it is recommended to reduce the angle with each approach until the board is horizontal to the floor.

    Separately, it should be taken into account that any weight gain implies a gradual continuous increase in working weight monthly by 1-5 kg. An important factor is the intensity of the training: technique for performing strength tasks, program and training regimen, speed of execution, rest time (?), number of repetitions, etc. Of the total training time, 2/3 of the duration should be devoted to the upper chest, and 1/3 to the lower chest.

    Nutrition for an athlete to gain weight:

    • animal protein at the rate of 2 g/1 kg of human weight
    • complex carbohydrates – 7 g/kg.
    • vegetable fats

    Approximately of the total diet, proteins will make up about 30%, fats will not exceed 10%, and carbohydrates will remain 60% total mass. Vegetables and fruits are a must, you can add sports nutrition: protein, amino acids, etc. The daily protein intake reduces the recovery period.

    Is it possible to pump up the pectoral muscles at home?

    Large and small muscles should be trained in different ways, or rather, at different angles and free weights, in order to increase their volume. You will also have to choose the right set of strength exercises. The most suitable are push-ups, elevations and bench presses.

    In the program, it is necessary to allocate 3-4 days of rest to give time to the fibers to recover and increase in volume. Daily training does not make sense, but it is also generally contraindicated: even professional athletes train for a maximum of 5 days in a row and take a break for 2 days.

    When choosing a complex with just push-ups, the training is carried out every other day, adding new types of tasks and weight - the free period can last 48-72 hours: the greater the load, the longer the rest, but no more than 5 days in a row for beginners and 3 - for experienced athletes. You need to exercise on the scheduled days, regardless of pain. You may have to adjust the initial weight or start working under your own weight.

    If there are injuries, first consult a doctor.

    What do you need to have for this?

    A clear goal, perseverance, and the right training schedule are the key to success for self-study at home. A sports fan and aspiring athlete should have free time for training (no longer than an hour) and space where there is room to exercise.

    If desired, they can purchase basic sports equipment, but usually, at the initial stage, there is no particular need for purchase.

    What can you use for training at home?

    There are no irreplaceable simulators. Such equipment is not always suitable for better pumping of these muscles. And everyone who wants to study at home has a minimum of equipment. Ideally, you can build a sports ground yourself in a spare corner of your home by purchasing small-sized equipment for your apartment.

    If this is not possible, you can make do with available materials, for example: use furniture instead of a bench, make elevations from a stack of books, put a heavy backpack on your back for weight, use similar tricks.

    For training you need free space, approximately 2 * 2 square meters. m, two stools, you can get a bench or replace it with a strong board (they place it on chairs for bench presses). In every residential yard or in the nearest educational institution there are horizontal bars and parallel bars.

    Experienced athletes who want to gain more muscle mass will later need to buy dumbbells with adjustable weights or go to the nearest gym. Some sports fans replace such equipment with plastic bottles filled with sand or other heavy material.

    Exercises you can use

    As stated above, the optimal strength tasks will be various presses,. For 1 set, do 4 sets of at least 10 repetitions (later increase to 20 times), then add weight of the projectile. The tasks presented are suitable for the classical program, they just need to be divided into days to avoid overtraining. Trainings are held on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday. Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday - rest or swimming.

    For tasks with weight on a horizontal surface, the following are suitable:

    • raising hands
    • pushes up

    Raising your arms with dumbbells drives the middle chest. For home workout I need furniture without a back. In our example, these will be several stools that are placed side by side so that it is comfortable to lie on your back.

    Take the starting position: lying on an improvised horizontal bench, feet resting on the floor, palms turned towards each other holding a load, hands brought together above the head, elbow joints bent. Movement: without sudden jerks, spread the dumbbells as far as possible to the sides, pull down with your elbows, then return to the original position, bringing the instrument back.

    To push the dumbbells up, you will need to lie down in the same way as in the previous task, but your hands are positioned differently, as if holding a straight barbell. The elbows are below the shoulder joints, the palms are turned away from the face, “looking” towards the wall. Movement: sharply lift both implements upward at the same time (control the degree of extension of the elbow joint to avoid injury), smoothly lower down, reaching deeper with your forearm to the ground.

    Experts have suggested the following push-up options:

    • from a flat surface
    • from elevation
    • on uneven bars

    For the first type, you only need a floor or a flat surface of the ground, where there is enough space for your dimensions. You can add weights to your shoulders (to make it heavier), lift your palms off and do one clap (to make it more difficult). There are two types of starting hand positions. Widely spread elbows help train the middle part, and those pressed to the sides transfer tension to the upper bundles of the pectoral muscles, triceps (), and front bundles of deltoids.

    Elevated push-ups replace a set of exercises on an inclined and horizontal bench and are considered a more complicated version of the previous task. They can be done from the edge of a sofa, armchair, on chairs and similar furniture. Method of performing on stools: they are placed in front of the sofa at a distance of body height from shoulders to ankles. And between them the space should be equal to the width of the elbows apart, in a straight line.

    Then you rest your toes on the edge of the sofa from above, place your palms on the stools - the position of the body corresponds to push-ups from the floor, the technique is the same, only you need to lower yourself below the level of the seats, bending deeper in your shoulders in order to stretch the fibers of the bundles more strongly. Usually do 4 sets of 20 repetitions with a break of about 2 minutes.

    They do push-ups on parallel bars to pump up the upper and lower sections. The elbow bends are spread wider to the sides, with shallow drops - this places the load on the chest rather than on the triceps.

    Which program to use

    The programs described below for pumping each zone focus on all types of push-ups. It is done in three sets of 15 repetitions, later they are increased to 20 times, and sets consist of 4. It is not recommended to force yourself into a certain framework, blindly performing the average number - the number of repetitions and weight are selected based on your physical capabilities.

    Exercise program example 1

    They train on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, leaving 4 days for rest. Between each approach, rest for 1 minute, do push-ups at a slow pace to feel the muscles working.

    Push-up schedule:

    • Mon: parallel bars, inclined, with clap
    • SR: with a stop, from a stack of books, with a lift off the floor
    • PT: with an incline, stop, on uneven bars

    Push-up technique:

    1. The lower chest is performed on the uneven bars, setting aside 15-30 minutes. Starting position: straight arms on the pipes (handles), legs bent and crossed at the shins. Range of movements: shallow descents with a delay at the end point for 3 seconds. It is forbidden to sag deeply or stick your elbows out to the sides.
    2. At an angle, when the feet are higher than the shoulders - this task pumps the upper bundles of the pectoral muscles. Performed in two variations: with a stop at the bottom for 2 seconds and with a lift off the ground for clapping. Beginners are advised to start with a minimum slope, gradually increasing it to the specified height.
    3. With a clap (lifting the palms): the starting position is “lying down”, the hands are spaced wider than the shoulders. Slowly going down. Then they rise up to half the movement, sharply push off from the surface so high that they have time to slam their palms and put them in place, and continue the rise. A difficult strength task, start with 2 approaches. The initial number of claps is unlimited. It is always done last due to the severity of the execution.
    4. With a stop: the classic form of the starting position for push-ups. During execution, the movement is delayed twice for 3 seconds - halfway down and at the lowest point.
    5. From a stack of books: make two identical elevations with books 14-15 cm high. The distance between them should be wider than the shoulders, approximately 65-70 cm. Take a “lying position”, place your palms on the edges of the stacks. They lower themselves for 8 seconds, getting as close to the floor as possible, then slowly straighten their arms.

    The last three types of tasks are performed to pump the middle section of the chest.

    Example program 2

    This complex is designed to develop the relief in order to have an aesthetically toned appearance. Done in 1-2 days.

    Dumbbell press lying on the ground: legs are bent, feet are slightly wider than hips, arms are perpendicular to the body, elbows are bent, and forearms and hands with the apparatus are directed towards the ceiling. As you exhale, lift up, hold for 2 seconds, and inhale and return back. While performing the downward movement of the arms, do not press the triceps to the surface.

    Push ups:

    1. From the floor in the classic version. Perform in 3 sets of 15 repetitions.
    2. From a horizontal surface (the central inner part). Starting position - lying down, palms placed narrower than shoulders, at a distance of about 10-15 cm from one another, and thumbs touched. Lower completely, touching the back of the hand, hold for 2 seconds and rise.
    3. At an angle: starting position - legs are thrown over the edge of the sofa, resting with your toes, palms are placed wider than shoulders, elbows are kept near the body. Lower and rise slowly, stopping for 3 seconds, doing 12 repetitions in 4 sets. To make it more difficult, add weight, but do not change the quantity.

    If finances allow, you can buy a folding athletic bench for your home. It will increase the effectiveness of training at home.

    What to drink from sports nutrition

    Let's say right away: before taking additional supplements, you should correctly create a diet. The ratio of proteins, carbohydrates and fats in an athlete’s diet is described in the section “What is needed for chest muscle growth.” Let’s just add that they eat 4-5 times, that is, snacks are required for the 2nd breakfast and afternoon snack. Complex carbohydrates are found in cereals and legumes.

    Watch the amount of confectionery you eat - they are too high in calories and can be deposited in the form of cellulite rather than mass. For other information on proper nutrition, please look in the relevant articles.

    As for sports nutrition: they are designed to supplement the gaps in the main diet if your nutrition is not complete. It is recommended to take it after consultation with a specialist if regular exercise does not bring results. Below are general guidelines for taking supplements.

    For the first 6 months, beginners must strictly adhere to their diet and sleep regime. From sports nutrition you can consume fast and slow proteins, which supplement the missing amount of protein for fiber growth. Supplements are useful if they are rationally structured into a daily schedule, the exercises are performed technically correctly, and the body gets quality rest during sleep.

    Gainers are diluted only with drinking water; protein can also be diluted with juice, low-fat milk or kefir.

    Amino acids

    There is a complex product of amino acids called BCAA, which includes valine, leucine, isoleucine. It is consumed with food during endurance training to reduce body fat.


    It is always produced in powders, divided into fast-acting and long-lasting products. The first is drunk before breakfast every day to quickly replenish energy and protein reserves for the formation of new cells during the recovery period, after exercise - if fat burning is necessary.

    The second is for the night, since it replenishes substances for a long time, for 6-8 hours. Take one and a half hours after dinner. Details: .


    Powdered combination preparation with a composition of carbohydrates and proteins. It has a quick recovery effect after strength training, increases the rate of fiber growth, reduces the degree of fatigue. Taken half an hour before training, it provides energy to all cells. You can’t drink during the first two days: fat will build up on your sides. Everything about him: ?


    Useful for the cardiovascular system, which receives additional climatic and/or physical activity, for example – summer heat, development of body endurance, burning subcutaneous fat. Both powder and tablets and capsules are produced.

    Energy products

    Available in liquid and powder form. Does not contain sugars, the components contain substances that support the heart. Increases energy during exercise and reduces fatigue.

    If you have diseases of the digestive system, diabetes and similar health conditions, all types of supplements are taken after consultation with a doctor.


    Now you know how to pump up your pectoral muscles at home. You can exercise at home and achieve positive results – it’s real. Trainers recommend making the first day of training the heaviest, and the subsequent days - each time lightening the weight or reducing repetitions.

    The basic rule remains the same: do a warm-up before classes, and do stretching exercises at the end. This reduces muscle pain on rest days. If you want to look decent at any age, devote a couple of hours a week to your body.

    Get better and stronger with

    Read other blog articles.

    Chest muscles- one of the most important muscle groups in our body, and it is not surprising that many people are interested in how to pump up the pectoral muscles.

    The purpose of this article is to put together basic recommendations regarding chest training. And, in my opinion, it is important not only to describe the exercises, but also to understand how everything happens. What I mean: understand how the chest muscles grow and how long they need to recover, understand what their structure is and protect yourself from injury, understand how to change the load across the width of the chest in order to pump up the lagging parts.

    Chest muscle recovery

    It is no secret that the human body has excellent ability to adapt to stress. If it encounters impacts that exceed its capabilities, the process of adaptation is activated, the body improves its physiological capabilities to be ready for repeated impacts.

    Our body has a very smart mechanism for reacting to external influences. If it is repeated, then it continues to “adapt” to the influence, but if the influence was one-time in nature and the expediency is not great, then the system returns to the previous state.

    The magnitude of the force impact is of great importance. Small impacts do not include the process of adaptation, since the body’s resources are completely sufficient to react to them. Too much exposure destroys our body, and when it cannot cope with a large volume of destructive factors, we get sick. In a painful state, we are no longer talking about improving the characteristics of the body; the body tries to preserve itself in all possible ways.

    What's all this for? And besides, in any sport, one of the most important tasks is to choose the right amount of load and recovery time.

    Approximate time for complete recovery of the pectoral muscles, about 8-10 days. Also add a few days for extra adaptation. So, if you are training drug-free, there is no point in doing heavy chest training more often than once every 10-14 days. You will have to choose your own recovery interval yourself. The main criterion is the following: if you have chosen the recovery time correctly, then next training session you will be able to do more repetitions or increase the weight in your exercise - increase your load. This principle is called principle of load progression. This is one of the most important principles in strength training.

    If you increase your performance (weight per exercise or number of repetitions) at every hard workout, it means you have chosen the recovery period well for yourself. If you cannot increase your performance from workout to workout, then your body is not recovering.

    Fashionable programs for pumping up the chest with chest workouts 1-2 times a week are designed for serious pharmaceutical support.

    Approximate recovery time is 10-14 days. You will have to choose your personal recovery time individually.

    The structure of the chest muscles

    Why is it important to understand anatomy first? This is necessary in order to understand how the muscle works and what needs to be done to load it. This will also help you see weak spots and prevent injuries.

    The pectoralis major muscle (what we generally mean by chest muscles) is attached to the humerus on one side, and on the other at three different angles: from above to the collarbone - a green stripe, further to the sternum - a pink stripe and from below to the cartilages of the upper ribs - yellow stripe.

    This is very important to understand, because it means that to fully train the chest, you need to use several angles of force application in order to pump up all three parts.

    Sometimes the part of the pectoralis major muscle that is attached to the collarbone is called the upper chest, and the part attached to the sternum is the lower chest. The chest can also be divided into 3 parts - lower, middle and upper.

    The front mount is marked in blue. deltoid muscle to the collarbone.

    The main function of the pectoralis major muscle is to bring the arm to the body, the additional function is to rotate it inward.

    As we can see, the contraction of the pectoral muscle is ensured by the mobility of the shoulder joint and it is on it that most of the load falls. Therefore, you should treat it very carefully and stop the exercise at the slightest pain in the shoulder joint. Pain indicates overload of the joint and possibly incorrect biomechanics of movement. If you feel pain, you should definitely think about what you are doing wrong, take a break from the exercises until the joint is completely restored and in the future correct the technique with lighter weights, choose the optimal angles in the position of the elbows, etc.

    What conclusions can be drawn?

    1. The upper and lower pectoral muscles require different angles of force application.
    2. The upper part cannot be engaged in isolation from the anterior deltoid. Both of these muscles attach to the collarbone, and in either case the anterior deltoid will be involved.
    3. You can also divide the chest into three parts - lower, middle and upper according to the type of attachment to the body.

    Still not counting calories? Are you sure that you have enough of them for growth? Check yours.

    How to pump up your pectoral muscles. Exercises for the chest muscles.

    There are various exercises for chest training, here are the main ones. Exercises can be divided into two groups: basic and formative. Basic - increase volume, formative - give shape.

    Basic exercises:

    1. Bench press lying on a horizontal bench. This is a basic free weight exercise that develops strength and increases the mass of the pectoral muscles. The main load falls on the pectoralis major muscle, less load on the triceps and the front part of the deltoids. Recommended.
    2. Barbell press incline bench . The angle of inclination shifts the load onto the front deltoid; the greater the angle, the more it turns on. The angle of inclination can vary from 20 to 50 degrees, while the emphasis of the load will shift. This exercise uses fairly large weights, although they are smaller than in the previous exercise, they are quite sufficient for high-quality chest work. This exercise develops the less developed upper chest. Recommended.
    3. Bench press with a negative incline. Focuses attention on the lower chest. In most people, the lower region itself is more developed. It’s worth doing if your triceps work great in the power bench press, but your chest lags behind and you have problems in the lower part of the amplitude. Recommended only to those who know why they need it.
    4. The same exercises, but with dumbbells . Good exercise for volume and good breast shape. The main difference in exercises with dumbbells is that the weight is looser. Movements with dumbbells force you to turn on more muscles stabilizers. Also, the main nuance in the dumbbell press is stretching in the final phase. The increased range of motion and the need to include stabilizers does not allow you to take the same weight as with a barbell bench press. The weights in this exercise will always be lower. But this does not mean that the effect will be less. It is recommended to alternate barbell and dumbbell presses.
    5. Dumbbell flyes . Applies to both isolation and basic exercises. The basic ones include flyes with heavy dumbbells. The exercise gives the breasts a convex shape and promotes separation between the right and left breasts. Recommended.
    6. Dips . A basic exercise that focuses on the lower chest. An important note is to spread your elbows to the sides and tilt your body forward - to maximize the inclusion of your pecs, or press your elbows into your torso and keep your body straight - emphasis on the triceps. If you do only this exercise to train your chest, you can get an imbalance between the upper and lower pectoral muscles, in which you will have a good bottom and a very lagging top.

    The key to successful training is a healthy heart, and take care of it.

    Formative exercises:

    1. Crossover . In the first years of training, you do not need this exercise, in principle, like all the other exercises on this list. At the initial stage, you should concentrate on basic exercises. No isolation.
    2. Smith machine press . The same barbell press, but excluding the work of stabilizer muscles.
    3. Reduction of arms in the simulator . An isolation exercise similar to dumbbell flyes, but without the inclusion of stabilizer muscles.

    Now, understanding the anatomy of the pectoral muscles and knowing the basic exercises for developing the chest, we can consider some of the nuances in the biomechanics of movements during the development of the pectoral muscles. The most clear and simple way in this regard will be to consider the technique of bench press.

    Pump up the pectoral muscles: nuances in pumping up the chest

    When performing basic exercises to train the chest, the triceps will be included in any case. As mentioned earlier, heavy chest training should not be performed more than once every 10-14 days. But you can and simply must maintain your muscles light workouts. Therefore, you can do the following: do one heavy workout for the chest (it will also be light for the triceps), the next time - a heavy workout for the triceps (it will also be light for the chest). This way, you will maintain muscle tone during light workouts and achieve over-adaptation during hard workouts. Make sure to increase the load during heavy workouts - this is a sure sign of progress. Progression of loads will force the body to turn on hypertrophy in any case.

    The number of working approaches to the chest is from 3 to 5. The number of warm-up exercises is any that brings you to full performance. You need to be very careful when increasing the number of working approaches. If you have less than one year of training experience, you should not do more than 3 working approaches. The higher your training experience, the more working approaches you can afford. Why? This can lead to overtraining and slower progress.

    The number of repetitions is from 6 to 12. A smaller amount develops strength, a larger amount develops muscle endurance.

    Pump up the pectoral muscles: nuances in exercises for the chest muscles

    To summarize, anatomically, everything basic exercises for the chest - these are presses. Either you push the weight away from you, or you push yourself (bars or push-ups).

    Therefore, to simplify the task, we will analyze the bench press, but the basic principles can be applied to any other presses.

    Why is it important to understand these nuances?

    Firstly, it avoids injury. Is this actually yours? the main task! Over time, you will be able to develop muscles to the volume you need, and it doesn’t matter so much whether it’s fast or not. The main thing is that you do not stumble upon an injury that can throw you away from your hopes and ambitions once and for all.

    Secondly, it allows you to load what you need. You can pump your chest for a long time, and instead get good triceps and anterior deltoid.

    It doesn’t matter whether you are progressing quickly or not, the main thing is what you do to achieve your goal.

    The effect of body tilt on the displacement of load along the length of muscles

    Allows you to shift the load along the length of the chest - lower, middle and upper. The bench press and dips practically do not develop the upper part of the pecs, so it is also worth including barbell or dumbbell presses in a positive inclination into your program.

    Example: positive incline press - top of the chest, bench press - middle of the chest, negative incline press - bottom of the chest.

    The influence of the position of the elbows on the displacement of the load along the width of the muscles

    The position of the elbows shifts the load from the triceps to the chest. If you press your elbows to your body, the load on the triceps is maximum. If you spread your elbows to the sides to an angle close to 90 degrees, then the load on the chest is maximum. An angle of 45 degrees is used to apply maximum force.

    To summarize:

    • elbows spread to the sides - emphasis on the chest
    • elbows at 45 degrees - maximum strength
    • elbows pressed to the body - emphasis on triceps

    Poor elbow and torso angle- may cause too much stress on the joint. Your personal anatomy may differ slightly from the standards. Therefore, when selecting the angle between the elbows and the torso, these differences must also be taken into account. Some angles can cause joint pain. Any pain in the joint is a signal that this variation of the exercise is not suitable for you and something needs to be changed.

    Grip width

    Allows you to shift the load across the width of the chest - external, middle and internal. The narrower the grip, the more the triceps are activated, so the width needs to be selected so that the load does not leave the chest, but is too wide grip may be too inconvenient. They generally use a grip slightly wider than shoulder width.

    Example: narrow grip for triceps and wide grip for chest.

    Other nuances in exercises for the chest muscles

    Bar grip

    • asymmetrical about the center— leads to skew, in which the bar is squeezed out unevenly ;
    • without a lock - can lead to the fact that the barbell can simply fall on your chest at one moment, very dangerous

    Straightening the elbows in the final phase.

    If you are preparing for a competition, then without straightening your elbows at the end point, the exercise will simply not be counted for you, but if you have other goals, then it is better not to straighten your elbows to the end. Why? Straightening your elbows at the end of a repetition is traumatic for your joints.

    On the other hand, when you straighten your elbows, you partially relax your chest and allow blood to circulate, which takes pressure off your heart. You just need to know this. On one side of the scale is pumping – on the other is the health of your heart.

    Bench press bridge

    Allows you to squeeze out more weight in the exercise and removes the load from your chest.

    Separation of heels and pelvis.

    Like a bridge, it allows you to press more weight, but takes the pressure off your chest.

    Relaxing the back muscles- may cause injury. Keep your back muscles engaged to protect yourself.

    Forearms are parallel to the floor at the end point of the press.

    Leg position

    By leaning on your legs you can maintain balance, which is important when bench pressing a heavy barbell. Also, if the position is incorrect, you can lose your balance when pressing dumbbells, you may simply be thrown back. When doing flyes with dumbbells, you can place your legs on a bench, this will allow you to place more emphasis on your chest.

    The important thing to know is that by using your legs, you will be able to press more weight, but will take the pressure off your pecs. Leg work is one of the tools in your arsenal that allows you to engage more muscles, but the more muscles we engage, the smaller percentage of the work falls on the chest.

    By raising your feet on the bench, you make the work more difficult for the chest.

    How the same exercise can be harder and easier

    The “tricks” described above are your tools in working with the pectoral muscles. Knowing them, you can make the same weight work easier or harder.

    And then - do what you want. If you want to bench more, reduce the load on your chest, bridge, use elbow position for maximum strength, work your legs and use all the tricks to achieve maximum strength.

    If you want more chest volume, increase the load on the target muscle. Do everything the same, but vice versa - don’t bridge, don’t use your legs and use your chest as much as possible, minimize the work of your triceps and deltoids.

    Most often, when assessing a person’s muscularity, we involuntarily pay attention to his arms and chest. These body parts are relatively easy to work on. They are the ones business card and the pride of every bodybuilder. About, at home, and will be discussed in this article.


    The upper girdle of the limbs consists of many small and large muscles.

    The arm muscles are divided into the following large groups:

      Brachialis – all muscles above the elbow. These include the brachialis, biceps, triceps, coracobrachialis, and elbow muscles.

      Forearms - below the elbow. These include the brachialis and brachioradialis muscles.

    Also, all muscles in our body are divided into deep and superficial.

    Most often, athletes “hear” the biceps (it has a long and short head), triceps (lateral, medial and long) and brachialis - the brachial muscle. They perform various functions: the biceps bends the limb, the triceps extends the arms and brings them closer to each other, the brachialis bends the elbow and raises the biceps, forming its peak.


    Depending on the functions performed, the chest muscles vary greatly in shape and appearance. The small muscles involved in breathing - intercostal and subcostal - are located deep in chest and envelop each rib, connecting them together. The diaphragm is also associated with breathing. These muscles are not involved in active movement, so they cannot be pumped up in a targeted manner.

    "Active" chest muscles:

      serratus anterior;


      pectoralis minor;

      large chest.

    The small one is responsible for the movement of the shoulder blades, the large one is responsible for raising the arms and turning them inward.

    Fun fact: size big muscle, which has the shape of a fan, depends more than other muscles on a person’s height.

    The chest muscles are involved in the processes of breathing, digestion, and movement. They protect bones, internal organs and large blood vessels.

    Methods for pumping at home without exercise equipment

    Pump up your arms and chest at home possible thanks to training with own weight. You can also use inexpensive, compact and mobile Sports Equipment: weights, dumbbells, universal expander. More recommend practicing in public sports grounds, training on the uneven bars and horizontal bar.

    Push-ups, dips, pull-ups, and exercises with dumbbells are very effective. To quickly pump up your arms and chest, you need to decide on the final goal. If you want to achieve great definition, you need to perform exercises in a dynamic mode and do shallow push-ups and curls. If your goal is to gain a large amount of muscle mass, you need to increase the weight of the equipment and reduce the number of approaches.

    How to quickly pump up your arms

    Since the upper limbs consist of many muscle groups, we will briefly consider exercises for each part of the arm.

    Small muscles: fingers, hands and wrists

    It is not surprising that without tenacious, muscular fingers and strong palms it is impossible to achieve success in many sports. Listed below are the most effective exercises to train these parts of the hands.

    Push-ups on fingers

    Such practices were considered the basis during the training of students of oriental martial arts. Real masters could support their body weight on just a few phalanges.


      Place your palms slightly narrower than shoulder width. Shift your weight to your fingers. It is imperative to ensure that your fingers do not bend too much or change their position during movement, otherwise it will be very difficult to avoid injury.

      It is necessary to go down while exhaling, as with the usual type of push-ups, only gradually it is recommended to reduce the number of supporting fingers. If such a load is still too heavy for you, you can lean on your knees.

      It is advisable to touch the floor with your chest while bending your elbows. You need to return to the starting position while inhaling.

    Do 2-3 sets of 15-20 repetitions.

    Hanging with weights

    This seemingly simple exercise can tone the muscles of your hands, forearms and back. Also, any hanging on the crossbar has a beneficial effect on the condition of the spinal column.

    Stages and features:

      Starting position: hanging on a high horizontal bar, palms placed with a straight grip at a distance of about twenty centimeters from each other. You can use a heavy backpack as a weight.

      With straightened legs, trying not to sway, you need to hang for 80-90 seconds.

    This exercise greatly pumps up your fingers and strengthens the small tendons of your hand.

    Wrist flexion

    In this case, you can use dumbbells, kettlebells or a barbell.

    You need to do the following:

      Sit on a bench, place your feet shoulder-width apart, straighten your back and slightly tilt your body forward, place your forearms on your hips. Each hand must have a projectile.

      Perform flexion and extension of the wrists, raising the hand with the equipment up and down. It is advisable to linger at the extreme points and change the pace - from fast to slow and vice versa.

    Do the exercise for two to three minutes.


    Pull-ups on fingers

    The exercise is considered very difficult, so you can start it only if you have a sufficient level physical training.


      Hanging on a high horizontal bar, legs crossed, you can hold the weight on a maximum of three fingers.

      As you exhale, rise up, bending your elbows, and as you inhale, lower down.

    You need to do at least two sets of 15-18 repetitions.

    Holding a kettlebell with your fingers

    You need to hold a kettlebell or other heavy object—barbell plates are most often used. If the plates are thin, you can only hold them with your fingers to develop grip strength. Beginners are advised to lift weights while sitting on a bench to avoid accidentally dropping the weight on their feet. When you are already confident in your abilities, you can hold the kettlebell at waist level in a standing position.

    The exercise should take three to four minutes of the static part. It is better to divide this time into several periods - 70-90 seconds each. You can train by squeezing a circular expander if you don’t yet risk working with massive equipment. After lifting weights, it is better to stretch your forearm to relieve tension in the muscles.

    Dumbbell Curl

    The exercise is very simple and effective.

    Execution steps:

      Starting position: sitting on a bench, feet shoulder-width apart, a dumbbell in each hand, forearms resting on your hips.

      With your hands with the weights hanging from your knees, you need to bend your wrists, raising and lowering the dumbbells. Any type of grip will do.

    Such movements should take three to four minutes in duration. These elements of hand training will help make your forearms very prominent.

    Arms above shoulder: biceps, triceps, brachialis

    These muscle groups can withstand very heavy loads. During training, you can use various equipment: weights, dumbbells, a universal expander, barbell, or train without weights.

    "Hammer" with dumbbells

    The exercise is aimed at working the biceps. Hammer curls are the basis of a set of workouts with dumbbells at home and in the gym. Shells need to be held neutral grip to lift them vertically, the axis of the dumbbell must remain perpendicular to the floor.

    The exercise consists of the following steps:

      Standing or sitting on a bench, the body needs to be aligned, keeping tense arms pressed to the body.

      As you exhale, you need to bend your elbow, bring the projectile closer to your shoulder and stay in this position for 2-3 seconds. You should return to the starting position smoothly and while inhaling.

    Minimum number of movements: three sets of 20-25 times.

    Concentrated one-arm curls

    Another good way pump up your biceps. You can lift the apparatus alternately with one hand or conduct entire workouts only for the right or left hand, alternating approaches no more than once an hour.

    Features and rules of implementation:

      Sit on a horizontal surface, resting your palm on your knee. With your other hand, take a dumbbell and hang it from your hip.

      Exhale – bend the elbow and quickly lift the dumbbell to the shoulder. Inhale - return to the starting point.

    It is advisable to do the exercise quickly, while in aerobic mode. The number of repetitions should reach eighty, divided into several sets.

    Dumbbell Bench Press

    The triceps, anterior and middle sections of the shoulder, and chest work actively.

    The exercise looks like this:

      Lying on sports bench , shoulders lie on a horizontal surface, elbows are bent and slightly apart, dumbbells should be placed in the hand above the chest at the level of the collarbones.

      Tightening your muscles, you should forcefully push the shells upward, fully straightening your arms.

      Stay at the top and smoothly bend your arms, returning down.

    You need to perform at least two or three sets of 18-22 repetitions.

    Lifting the barbell

    Works the biceps, brachialis, triceps and upper chest.

    Exercise diagram:

      Standing with your feet slightly wider than your shoulders, hold the bar with an overhand grip.

      As you exhale, lift the barbell to your chest, hold at the top and smoothly lower the barbell as you inhale.

    You need to lift the barbell ten to fifteen times. You shouldn't overload your muscles, so more doesn't always mean better.

    With elastic band

    Instead of tape, you can use a universal expander with silicone or rubber ropes. It is necessary to bend your arms while standing on the band - this will work the biceps, brachialis, muscles of the forearm and chest.

    Execution steps:

      Stand in the middle of the expander so that your legs become the point of application of the elastic forces of the elastic bands. Hold the projectile handles tightly in your palms.

      With your knees bent, you should bring your hands closer to your collarbones.

      Stay at the highest point for two to three seconds and return down while inhaling.

    It is better to wear protective gloves to reduce the risk of injury to your palms. Perform a minimum of 2-3 sets of 20 times.

    French press with dumbbells

    This exercise is considered a classic for pumping up and stretching all triceps heads. The upper chest is also well used.

    The procedure is as follows:

      You can stand or sit with your shoulder blades together. Keep your arms bent at the elbows above your head so that the dumbbells touch your shoulder blades.

      As you exhale, straighten your arms, pushing out the dumbbells, and lower yourself down, making several springing movements. Bring your hands back as you inhale.

    The minimum number of times is 2-3 sets of 20-25 series.

    Diamond push-ups

    “Diamond” is a triangle that should be between the palms when they are on the floor. To work the brachialis, biceps, back and shoulders, you need to connect your thumbs and index fingers.

    You need to do the following:

      The legs are next to each other, the palms are connected in a triangle, the elbows are pressed tightly to the sides.

      Exhale – bend your arms, preferably touching your chest to the floor. Inhale – return to the starting position.

    Do 3-4 sets of at least 20 repetitions. Ideally, you need to do 100 push-ups.

    Backward push-ups

    In this case, the brushes must be installed on some elevation. The triceps, back, forearm and back of the thighs receive a very good load.

    The exercise consists of several steps:

      Place your hands above floor level, shoulder width apart. The face should be directed upward, the heels should be firmly planted on the floor.

      Bend your arms and lower yourself down so that your back remains straight and your legs are straight at the knees. You should lower while inhaling and as low as possible. As you exhale, return to the starting position, straightening your upper limbs.

    Minimum number of repetitions: 3-4 sets of 22-25 repetitions.


    The brachialis muscle consists of several sections due to the interweaving of fibers. In total, there are three types of brachial (deltoid) muscle bundles: anterior, middle and posterior. Let's briefly look at the basic deltoids exercises.

    Kettlebell Snatch

    A great way to get a full-body workout is to do the kettlebell snatch.

    It consists of five steps and is performed as follows:

      Start. You need to stand straight, with your feet shoulder-width apart. The kettlebell is located nearby, the handle is parallel to the athlete’s body. You must use an overhand grip. Your knees should be bent, your torso should be slightly tilted, and your free arm should be pulled back.

      Swing. With your knees straight, you need to lift the weight and swing between your legs.

      Detonation. You should quickly straighten your torso and legs, as a result the weight is pushed up with force. Thanks to inertia, the hand does not participate in lifting the projectile.

      Podsed. When your back straightens, you need to sit under the apparatus. The weaker the detonation, the deeper the element must be performed at this stage. The equipment should go behind the forearm so as not to damage the hand. Getting up from the afterbirth is allowed only without sudden movements.

      Fixation. When the weight is at the very top, you need to stay in this position, extending your free arm to the side for balance.

    The whole complex is carried out similarly on the other hand. The execution time should not exceed 35-50 seconds.

    Dumbbell lateral raises

    This exercise is aimed at all departments brachialis muscle, but the rear deltoids are best pumped. They give width to your shoulders, so you can’t do without this exercise if you want to look “powerful.”

    Characteristics of the stages:

      Standing bent over, back straight, feet at a distance of double hip width, arms with dumbbells straight and lowered down.

      As you exhale, you need to raise your limbs to the side to shoulder level, stay in this position for 2-3 seconds and lower the dumbbells as you inhale.

    Do three sets of 20-25 reps.

    Pull-up by the head

    All shoulder bands, biceps, brachialis, back and chest are trained.

    The correct technique is as follows:

      Hanging on a high horizontal bar, hands with a straight grip, arms and legs straight. It is necessary to take a position so that the spine is strictly under the crossbar.

      As you exhale, you need to rise up until your shoulder blades come together. The head should almost touch the crossbar with the back of the head. As you inhale, you should smoothly lower down.

    This part of the workout is considered difficult even among advanced and amateurs. It is not suitable for beginners. Recommended load: two sets of 10-15 pull-ups.

    Strengthening the upper pectoral muscles

    Explosive push-ups

    Chest and abs will help train these push-ups accompanied by clapping. They also Help pump up your arms and buttocks.


      Palms should be placed shoulder-width apart. Elbows are slightly spread to the sides. The back is straight, the legs are as close to each other as possible.

      As you inhale, lower yourself, touching your chest to the floor, and as you exhale, sharply push yourself up, lifting your hands off the ground. You can change the position of your hands - wide or narrow grip. You can clap in front of your chest and behind your back during the flight stage. This already depends on the physical preparation of a particular person.

    Do 2-3 sets of at least 20 push-ups. If you are a beginner, you can do the exercise without clapping.

    Push-ups with a stop

    This exercise is almost no different in technique from the “classic” push-up. His distinctive feature– long delay when lowering down.

    Features and rules:

      Starting position: hands shoulder-width apart. First lowering your chest, and only then your hips, you need to bend your elbows and stay halfway down the “way” for as long as possible.

      Then he will go down and take another long pause near the floor. Such stops are very effective and provide good pumping lower press and breasts.

    Do 2-3 sets of 20-25 push-ups. In total, the pause should be 10-15 seconds per “path” down.

    Incline push-ups

    There are two variations: when the legs are higher than the head and installed on a hill, and vice versa. If your palms are placed on a bench, this option is much simpler than the classic push-up, so it is only suitable as a good workout for children and young girls.

    When your feet are on the bench, your body weight is almost completely transferred to your palms, which allows you to quickly pump up your abs , upper chest, front deltoids, triceps and back.

    Execution technique and main steps:

      Place your palms wider than your shoulders, feet on your toes on a sports bench.

      As you inhale, you need to lower yourself down, almost touching your forehead to the floor. It is forbidden to throw your head back too much! As you exhale, straighten your elbows and return to the starting position.

    This exercise pumps up the abs at home, in addition to the muscles of the upper body. You can also pump up your abs by combining push-ups with incline and stops. Perform 2-3 sets of 20-22 times.

    Exercises for the lower chest


    They help pump up your breasts regular push-ups on uneven bars. Before you begin this part of the workout, you need to be able to do a handstand on the parallel bars for at least four minutes.

    Push-up nuances:

      Starting position: standing on your hands, elbows straight, legs bent at the knees, shins pressed against each other.

      As you inhale, you should go down as low as possible, and as you exhale, straighten your elbows and rise up.

    Do a total of 60-70 repetitions, divided into 3-4 sets.


    From this video you will learn how to pump up the muscles of your arms and chest.

    Beautiful sculpted muscles The shoulder girdle makes the figure slim and athletic. Many girls strive for this. What exercises are needed to achieve the goal and how quickly can you expect results?

    In order to pump up your breasts at home, you need to use, first of all, power loads for girls and women.

    To get the desired proportions, you need to train regularly, while following the necessary recommendations.

    It is a combination of muscle and glandular tissue. The pectoralis major and minor, serratus anterior, and subclavian muscles are the target group that will need to be worked with. Big and small muscle consist of muscle fibers located in different directions. By working them, you can ensure that the muscles become prominent, and the mammary glands rise and become more elastic. find out here.

    The anatomical structure is clearly visible in this atlas:

    We perform twelve repetitions in several approaches for an advanced level. For beginners, we start with seven exercises. Don’t forget to relax your muscles between approaches – up to one minute. Is it possible to build muscle with just your own weight? Definitely yes, unless you are able to perform 4 sets of 12 reps with perfect technique. In this case, weights will be needed.

    2. Bench press on a horizontal bench

    The dumbbell press allows you to use more muscles than the bar press, since you have to control the position of your arms relative to each other. This is one of the best of its kind. Horizontal gymnastic bench, which allows you to change the angle of inclination, helps to work out different parts of the pectoral muscles - upper, middle and lower. In a horizontal position, the middle part receives the greatest load.

    4 myths about the effect of the “Bench Press” on the female breast find it here.

    1. We sit on a bench, holding dumbbells in the chest area.
    2. We squeeze the dumbbell or barbell up; you don’t need to fully straighten your elbows.
    3. Hands at maximum point parallel to each other.

    We perform twelve repetitions in several approaches.

    3. Positive Angle Press

    An excellent exercise for pumping up and enlarging the upper pectoral muscles.

    1. We lie on a bench, dumbbells are in the chest area.
    2. We place our feet on the floor, as in the previous version. Squeeze the weights up
    3. The dumbbells are not brought together at their maximum point - there should be such a distance between them that the arms are parallel.

    We perform as many repetitions as possible.

    4. Head down press

    Back incline press We perform it by lowering the corner of the bench. Upgrading bottom part target muscles.

    1. We lie down on a bench, dumbbells above our chests.
    2. We place our legs, bent at the knee, with the entire area of ​​the foot firmly on the edge of the bench or on a stand.
    3. Press the dumbbell or barbell up. Controlling the position of the hands: parallel to the floor.

    We perform ten to twelve repetitions in several approaches.

    5. Dumbbell flyes lying on an incline bench

    Experienced trainers advise choosing the angle of inclination individually for each person - about thirty-five degrees. Dumbbell flyes while lying down help pump up different areas of the pectoral muscles. By changing the angle of inclination, you can work out the lower, middle and upper parts of the body. This movement is great.

    1. Lying on a horizontal bench, place dumbbells in the middle part of the chest.
    2. The entire area of ​​the foot rests on the floor.
    3. Raise the dumbbells up and spread your arms to the sides. Slightly bent Elbows should be pointing down. This is important for comfortable performance of the exercise.
    4. We pay attention to how the pectoral muscles stretch

    We start by using the minimum weight. Remember that weight can be adjusted not only towards increase, but also towards reduction. Muscle relaxation time between approaches is up to one minute. We add the number of approaches gradually, focusing on your condition.

    Carefully! If you overdo it, you can “rip off” your shoulder. Add load gradually.

    6. Pullover

    We pump up the pectoralis major, serratus anterior muscles, and triceps.

    The exercise is popular because it can help you effectively work out the target muscles.

    1. It is performed lying down with the upper back across the bench. We put our feet on the floor, there should be a right angle at the knees.
    2. We hold the dumbbell bar in the lower chest area with both hands.
    3. We lower our hands with the dumbbell behind our heads and slowly raise them.

    For beginners, we start with seven repetitions.

    7. Downward Facing Dog

    from eastern practice. Excellent for stretching muscles and developing joints.

    1. We become a “bridge”, resting on the palms of our feet.
    2. Fully straighten your knees, press your feet to the floor with their entire area: You can’t stand on your toes.
    3. We stretch our tailbone up and our palms forward. Hold the resulting triangle for one minute.

    We repeat three times.

    8. “Upward Facing Dog”

    We stretch the muscles, develop joints, and train the flexibility of the spine.

    1. We lie on our stomachs, arms bent at the elbows, palms resting on the floor.
    2. Bringing your shoulder blades together, gradually straighten your shoulders, straighten your arms, and smoothly bend your back.

    We repeat too three times.

    When performing strength exercises, you need to remember the following recommendations:

    • The importance of warming up. Start off power training you need a quality warm-up to warm up the muscles of the shoulder girdle. Starting to use weights without warming up can result in serious injury.
    • How to warm up. Some trainers recommend training with minimal weights as a warm-up. You can use push-ups when doing this - the main thing is not only to warm up the muscles, but also to save strength for the main loads.
    • Relaxation between sets. Between approaches, you need to give the muscles time to relax for about one minute. At this time, you can change your body position or walk around.
    • We always do effort (presses, push-ups, flyes) while exhaling, and relaxation while inhaling. At first you need to constantly focus on this, and in subsequent stages it should be done automatically.
    • You can perform the entire complex, and also choose from it the exercises that are most suitable for you. Alternate and change loads if necessary. The main thing is that the target muscles are worked.
    • Temporary training regimen. In order to allow muscles to increase in volume and recover, they need to be given rest. Therefore, the optimal training regimen is considered to be every other day.
    • The importance of proper nutrition. Training requires a lot of energy and strength. To replenish them, do not forget about proper and nutritious nutrition. The menu should be balanced in terms of protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals.
    Important! Drink enough water. The body should not feel thirsty. A bottle of water should always be on hand.

    11 more methods for tightening the décolleté area

    Only a systematic approach will give a lasting result in the form of a beautiful bust. Check out the following proven ways to combat sagging breasts:

    1. And . Proper nutrition– the key to healthy and beautiful skin. The thoughtless use of various diets can worsen appearance and skin condition. Flabbiness, age spots, dryness, redness may be a sign that we are not getting the necessary nutrients from food.
    2. Supports the bust in the correct position, prevents it from sagging and the skin from stretching. A properly selected bra creates a beautiful, slender and attractive female silhouette.
    3. And . Saturate the skin with beneficial substances. Creams that contain various natural ingredients will help moisturize the skin, increase its elasticity, and cope with sagging and uneven pigmentation. It is better to use various pharmaceutical products, as well as products prepared at home, in courses, and then take a break.
    4. The basis of masks can be a wide variety of substances that tighten the skin, fight its sagging, tone and moisturize. For their components, fermented milk products, fruit and berry purees, and vegetable oils are used. Course use of masks is much more useful than constant use
    5. The skin of the bust is delicate and needs constant care. For wraps, various compositions are used to exfoliate, nourish and moisturize the skin. Due to the thermal effect, their effect increases. They are carried out in courses of an average of ten procedures.
    6. Minimum gymnastic exercises It is recommended to do this constantly. This will help keep the muscle corset in good shape, form perfect posture and self-confidence. Gymnastics can also be used as a method of preventing bust sagging.
    7. Cold and hot shower. The procedure is easy to perform and pleasant, rejuvenates, tightens the skin, and removes sagging. Perform douches, alternating hot and cold water. You need to get used to the procedure gradually, starting with a small temperature difference. It is advisable to first apply just cool water to the chest area, alternating it with warm water. After a few days of such procedures, cool water can be gradually replaced with colder water. Exposure to cold should last half as long as exposure to heat. Contrast dousing must be completed with cold.