
How can you replace hanging leg raises in the gym (exercises for the “lower” abs). Leg raises on the elbows Leg raises on the elbows

Muscle training abdominals using leg lifts in support, or hanging on a bar and simulator

In professional and mass sports It is very important to be physically equipped. An important role in physical fitness the abdominal muscles play. It is necessary to constantly keep your abdominal muscles in good shape in order to have a sculpted or flat stomach. Before you start training your abdominal muscles, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with this issue in theory.


  1. External oblique muscle. This superficial muscles abdomen begins on the side chest and continues the external intercostal muscles, as if covering the ribs.
  2. The internal oblique muscle takes its position under the external oblique muscle
  3. The transverse abdominis muscle lies internally and runs horizontally along the sides of the abdomen

Exist different kinds exercises aimed at developing the abdominal press: dynamic, static and anaerobic. During dynamic loads, the student performs various vigorous repetitions of movements. With static loads, the body is fixed in a certain position, in which the press is in tension. Anaerobic exercise is aimed at burning fat tissue and at the same time tightening muscles.

One of the classic and simplest is leg raises on the machine, leaning on your elbows or forearms. When lifting up on your elbows, the rectus abdominis and oblique abdominal muscles work. The flexors receive the load indirectly hip joint. Lifting lower limbs with emphasis on the elbows statically loads shoulder girdle and hands. To avoid harming yourself during the exercise, you must adhere to safety precautions. Before starting classes, you need to make sure that the machine is stable, since a shaky position of the machine can lead to a fall, and, as a result, injury. You need to make sure that your elbows and forearms do not move, which can also be traumatic.


  • when performing it, a large number of muscles work;
  • promotes the development of correct posture;
  • when performing hanging on your hands, the spinal column is stretched;
  • at correct execution the lower back is not at risk;
  • a good alternative to abdominal crunches for people with lower back problems;
  • variability of execution.

Correct execution of the exercise:

Also this exercise can be performed hanging on your elbows using parallel bars:

  • Starting position: - arms straight, back straight, abs tense, shoulders do not move, they are fixed, the pelvis is slightly tilted forward;
  • As you exhale, you need to raise your legs as high as possible, while inhaling, lower your legs slowly, after holding in a fixed position for 1 - 2 seconds.

Exercises must be performed 15-20 times in 3 or 4 approaches. Photos of the exercise can be found on the Internet.

Beginners should not raise straight legs, since this is followed by too much load on the lower back, which for an untrained body can lead to injury. You need to raise your legs with your knees bent, and the more your legs are bent, the easier it will be to perform the exercise. For advanced bodybuilders or trained athletes, it is advisable to use additional weight such as Velcro weights or a weight plate between the knees. You can attach fixed rubber to the ankles and to the machine, this will put additional stress on the abs, and you will need to resist it.

Errors during the exercise

There are many various exercises to strengthen the press, we bring to your attention one of the most effective and interesting exercisesleg raises on parallel bars. By performing this simple exercise daily, or every other day, and following the recommendations for implementation, you can get slim stomach, relief press and a beautiful healthy body. The result will not come immediately, but after months of hard training, it will be noticeable to you and others. The main thing is to continue studying despite being tired and busy at work or school.

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Date of: 2012-05-29 Views: 1 598 569 Grade: 5.0

Why medals are given to articles:

Core muscles- iliopsoas
Additional -
Difficulty of execution- average

Leg raises - video

Weight and reps for beginners

For men: 10 - 15 repetitions without weight. 2 - 3 approaches.
For women: 10 - 15 repetitions without weight. 2 - 3 approaches.

Load by muscle group

The load is indicated on a 10-point scale (the total load is summed up)

Description of the exercise

To make it more difficult for yourself, try to barely bend your knees. If you twist your pelvis further, the rectus abdominis muscle will work harder.

Main features

1. There is no need to raise your legs completely straight. Then the press turns off from work, and mainly the iliopsoas muscle works. 2. The legs should be slightly bent, and the pelvis should be twisted upward at the end of the movement. It is then that the press actively comes into play. 3. In general, the more your legs are bent, the easier it is. You can simply pull your knees to your chest, while not forgetting to twist your pelvis. 4. It happens that some beginners (especially those who have a lot of excess weight) cannot do this exercise because they slide down. That is, their shoulder girdle cannot support their weight own body. Then pump up your abs with other exercises. And you will return to this exercise in a couple of months, when you get stronger. 5. As a weight, you can hold a dumbbell between your feet, or place a disc from a barbell on your feet. In this case, not only will it become more difficult for you to do the exercise, but you will be forced to do it more slowly so that the disc or dumbbell does not fall off. 6. You don’t have to lower your legs all the way down to constantly keep your abs tense.

An exercise such as leg raises is a mandatory element of any complex training press. The main emphasis of leg lifts on parallel bars is on the lower part of the rectus abdominis muscle (the main problem area of ​​the male and female body).

The exercise can be performed either on a special simulator with soft supports (the athlete places his forearms on them) or on uneven bars (this option is suitable for more experienced athletes).

In addition to the fact that lifting the legs with emphasis on the elbows helps to work all the abdominal muscles, the exercise also provides a static load on the shoulder girdle and arms.

In general, both beginners and those who have been involved in sports for a long time can include such training in their program. It is recommended that people who are overweight, as well as those who have injured shoulder, elbow joints or wrists, avoid performing the exercise.

Correct technique

How to perform a press exercise with emphasis on the elbows in the simulator:

  • Starting position – forearms are fixed on a soft support, the back is straight and pressed tightly against the back of the structure. You need to hold the special handles firmly with your hands.
  • As you exhale, you should slowly raise your legs up as high as possible. In the first stages, beginners are allowed to bend their knees; experienced athletes should raise their legs straight. When lifting, you should move your pelvis forward - this way the abdominal muscles are loaded as efficiently as possible. At the extreme point, the body is fixed for 1-2 seconds.
  • After this, while inhaling, you should gradually, without throwing your legs down, take the starting position. Without relaxing your abdominal muscles, you should move on to the next repetition.

How to perform the exercise hanging leg raises while hanging on your elbows using parallel bars:

  • Starting position - straight arms rest on the bars, the back is straightened as much as possible, the abs are tense, the shoulders are fixed at the same level, the pelvis must be slightly moved forward.
  • As you exhale, as in the previous version, your legs should be raised as high as possible, fixate at the extreme point for 1-2 seconds, then gradually return to the starting position while inhaling.

The described actions are performed 20-25 times in 3-4 approaches. The basic rule is no sudden jerks or movements, lifting and lowering are performed smoothly, slowly, the abdominal muscles should be as tense as possible all the time.

Leg raises - basic exercise, for the development of abdominal muscles. Loads the entire abdominal area and includes both the upper and lower abs, as well as the rectus abdominis muscle. This exercise is similar to leg raises on the bar, only easier to perform. Mainly included in the work Bottom part press than the upper one.

Main working muscle group: oblique muscles and rectus abdominis.

Auxiliary muscle group: hip flexors.

Leg raises in stops - execution technique.

1. Take the starting position, standing on the stands of the exercise machine, press your back against its back, place your forearms on the soft supports, clasp the handles with your hands for greater stability.

2. Bend your legs at the knees and do not straighten them completely throughout the entire approach, otherwise you will weaken (turn off) the working muscles, because the entire load will immediately go away if your legs hang freely.

3. While holding your breath with the strength of the trained muscles, raise your knees to your very limit.

4. At the top point of the movement, tighten your abdominal muscles as much as possible, hold for a second and, exhaling, slowly lower your legs down, but as I said, not until they are completely straightened.

5. Complete the required number of repetitions. You can also perform this exercise while focusing on outstretched arms- as an option.

The exercise is aimed at working out the relief of the abdominal muscles, so do not neglect it; you can also perform it in a superset with other exercises for the abdominal muscles.

While moving, do not sway if there is no supporting backrest!