
How to properly perform a standing military press: nuances of technique and possible mistakes. Standing barbell press from the chest: technique of performing Barbell standing military press

The most effective exercises for gaining muscle mass are basic when at least 2-3 muscle groups are included in the work. The energy consumption of the body is very high in relation to isolating exercises, which means that significantly more testosterone will be released in the body.

It should be borne in mind that all basic exercises must be performed using a very strict and specific technique, otherwise this can lead to injuries, especially among beginners, because the torso stabilizer muscles and back muscles are not strengthened.

The standing barbell press is one of the most important exercises to develop a powerful shoulder girdle. It was once included in the program Olympic Games, showing an assessment of an athlete's upper body strength. Many athletes recognize that barbell presses will help build excellent deltoid muscles. Wiring is also good, of course, but it’s still not basic exercise, they should be done after bench press standing or sitting. These exercises should be performed after a good warm-up. The shoulder joint is very susceptible to overload and injury, so before doing barbell presses you should stretch your deltoids with dumbbells.

This exercise requires a lot of dedication, only then will it make sense; it should be performed after warming up well, as well as warming up the shoulder joint. It is best to start the exercise by gradually increasing the weight, that is, in a pyramid.

It is also important to have good stretching and flexibility of the shoulder joint, otherwise the exercise will be performed incorrectly, then you will have to work the deltoids with other exercises, not forgetting to also train the flexibility of the joint.

What muscles are included during the standing barbell press?

  1. The standing barbell press helps build up your shoulder girdle.
  2. The middle fascicles of the deltas are especially well worked out, but you can emphasize the load on the anterior fascicles if you point your elbows forward when doing the bench press.
  3. The posterior deltoid is also partly included in the presses. Since the elbows move from the lowest possible position to the highest possible level, this creates all the conditions for a total workout of the deltoid muscle group.
  4. Since the shoulder girdle is raised, the work also includes trapezius muscles, the triceps of the arms are responsible for extending the elbow.
  5. The back is like the main stabilizer in this exercise.
  6. The top of the pectoral muscle helps raise the elbows to the level of the deltoids.
  7. The forearms also work, helping to hold the barbell above your head and then lower it.
  8. Also, an indirect role is played by the lower leg, gluteal and thigh muscles, as well as the abs.
  9. The load on the triceps is very significant, since the moment of maximum contraction at the top and the moment of full extension coincide. Thanks to this, not only the deltoids get a good workout, but also the triceps muscle of the arm.

The participation of so many large muscle groups means that standing presses involve almost the entire body of the athlete, which means that they have a very strong impact on the metabolism.

When performing the exercise, the stabilizer muscles - psoas backs and abdominal Press, must be in constant static tension, because otherwise you can get injured. It is also necessary to take stable position legs gluteal muscles.

Correct execution of the exercise

  1. The barbell must be taken slightly wider than the deltoids and, straightening the body and tensing the muscles of the back and abs, it is necessary to take the barbell to the chest.
  2. The legs are located at a level slightly wider than the shoulders; to increase stability, you can bend your knees slightly.
  3. After this, the bar barely touches the upper part of the pectoral muscles, the back is straightened and arched in the lumbar region, the shoulders should not be compressed, but rather straightened, the chest moves forward.
  4. After this, while inhaling and holding your breath, press the barbell upward.
  5. After that, fix it at the highest point and, exhaling, slowly lower the bar to its original position.

Remember - the most important thing here is not so much to raise, but to lower the projectile correctly. Muscles grow precisely in the negative phase, which means we need to lower the bar approximately 3 times slower than we press it. You should always control this moment, because among beginners this mistake is repeated almost 90%.

With a large weight, shock absorption with the legs is necessary, that is, when lifting, we seem to sit down at the knees, and then we stand up when the bar is almost at the top, bringing it to the final upper limit. This technique is completely unsuitable for beginners and is only suitable for fairly experienced athletes, because in any case, it is impossible to shake a very heavy barbell cleanly, so there will still be some kind of shvung (swing). But this is also not so scary, because the main thing here, again, is the negative phase, the main thing is to slowly lower the bar to your chest, while feeling how your deltoid muscles work.

Standing overhead barbell press

In general, this exercise is usually performed by people with good flexibility of the shoulder joint. This is a very dangerous exercise and it is not recommended to perform it with heavy weight. The exercise itself is anatomically incorrect and is not recommended for beginners.

The main load falls on the front deltoid, although many believe that the rear deltoid works more. In general, as a result of this exercise, there is a high chance of injury to the tendons and shoulder joints, so you should definitely not abuse it.

  1. The barbell should be placed on vertical racks, approached under it as if you were doing squats, and carefully positioned just below neck level.
  2. The back is tense, the head looks straight.
  3. There can be no shung here, so be very careful when choosing the weight.
  4. Lowering the bar should be brought to approximately eye level and should be done very slowly and smoothly, just like lifting.
  5. The elbows are not brought forward in any case, but are strictly under the bar.
  6. At the top point it is also fixed for a few seconds, and then lowered.

Perform the exercise very smoothly and carefully. If you feel bad pain in the shoulder joint, then it is better to abandon this exercise and replace it with something alternative.

Standing chest press

  1. You need to stand in front of the rack, on which there is a barbell at the level of the shoulder girdle.
  2. Take the projectile so that the hand is not bent too far back.
  3. The legs stand approximately a little further than shoulder level; the toes can be slightly spread to the sides for greater stability.
  4. The bar should rest on your protruding chest.
  5. The back in the lumbar region is slightly arched, but not much, so as not to overload.
  6. A very high load is placed on the lumbar back, so the choice of weight must also be carefully considered.
  7. Taking a deep breath, we lift the bar straight up, holding our breath.
  8. After this, the bar is fixed at the top for a few seconds.
  9. You need to feel how the deltoid muscles work and slowly, about 3 times slower than lifting, lower it to the starting position.

It is very important to understand the exercise, to understand lowering the barbell - then you can understand the whole essence of this very useful exercise.

Standing barbell row to the chin

Standing barbell row to the chin is one of the basic exercises. Not only the deltoid muscles work, and especially the middle fascicles, but also the trapezius muscles.

  1. The bar is taken with an overhand grip slightly narrower than the width of the shoulder girdle.
  2. Straight stance, straightened deltoids, protruding chest.
  3. Inhaling, we lift the projectile vertically up with our elbows.
  4. The elbows always go first, not the forearms, which is also a common mistake.
  5. The bar rises to the level of your chin, then is fixed for a few seconds, and then lowered as slowly as possible, while exhaling air.

The exercise should be performed slowly and technically. By raising your elbows not to the sides, but forward, you focus on the front deltoids and trapezius. A very narrow grip will force your elbows forward, which means it will remove a significant part of the load from the middle fascicles of your deltoids. Also, heavy weight is often a mistake when performing this exercise. It disrupts all technicality and leads to poor muscle development.

Standing barbell rows can also be performed using a Smith machine (a bodybuilding machine). It's best to do this with one hand! Because the trapezius muscles are switched off, the amplitude of the working path increases, that is, movement becomes freer and the deltoid muscles can be worked much harder.

French press with a barbell

Though French press standing with a barbell is isolated (works on certain group muscles) it is still a very good assistant in developing triceps strength and working out all three of its bundles. It will also help with bench presses, chest presses, and will perfectly emphasize triceps muscle shoulder Compared to the French bench press, the standing press allows you to target your triceps throughout the entire exercise, without any rest point.

  1. Take a barbell, preferably an EZ bar ( curved neck) narrow grip and fix it above your head.
  2. Feet are approximately at shoulder level.
  3. Inhaling, slowly lower the barbell behind your head, fixing it at the bottom for a few seconds.

You cannot use any cheating (wrong execution), or spread your elbows apart. It is also worth paying attention correct technique and do not chase the weights in this exercise. It is suitable for final hammering of the triceps and is performed, for example, after close-grip presses or weighted dips. It is most convenient to do the French press while sitting on a bench with an upper incline.

Which barbell press is better: standing or seated?

It is impossible to answer this question unambiguously. If we bench press a barbell while standing, the load is removed from the lumbar region, because we are also stabilized by the leg muscles and gluteal muscles. In seated presses, the load on the lumbar region is very high, but the exercises can only be performed very technically and without cheating or shunting. Thus, while sitting, a lot of work occurs on the muscles of the shoulder girdle.

Everyone decides for themselves what is best for them. People who want to gain muscle mass in general should do the barbell press while standing, and professionals who want to work more specifically the deltoid muscles can do already well-prepared deltoids while sitting.

You can also take more weight while standing, again due to the depreciation of the legs and gluteal muscles; while sitting, lifting large weights is quite traumatic. When performing a standing press, you can also safely throw the barbell slightly forward if something suddenly goes wrong. It’s much harder to do this when doing a seated press.

You will find the technique and tips regarding the standing barbell press in the following video:

To summarize, we can say that lifting a barbell while standing is basic and very useful exercise for bombing deltoid muscles. These exercises will increase your overall muscle size. Before performing such exercises, you should consult a doctor, especially those who have back and spinal injuries.

You need to perform all these exercises without throwing the barbell. You should also fixate at the extreme point. You can use dumbbells instead of a barbell, as they will help provide greater amplitude for working the deltoid muscles. There is a great option to “finish off” the deltas - this is to do several repetitions of dumbbell presses alternately in each hand immediately after the barbell presses.

In general, the standing press exercise is quite difficult; a good muscle coordination. You need to learn to feel the work of the deltoid muscles, only then this exercise will become most effective for you. To gain muscle mass in the shoulder girdle, this is the number one exercise!

As for seated presses, there is a large load on the lumbar back, there is no shock absorption of the legs, which means that large weights cannot be taken, the general muscle mass will not be gained as effectively as with a standing press, but there will be a more in-depth development of the deltoid muscles, without including the legs and buttocks. The best thing is to include in different training periods A variety of exercises that constantly shock and surprise your muscles.

Standing barbell presses of any kind will make your shoulders strong, prominent, and voluminous. This is one of the most basic exercises after the bench press, squats and deadlifts.

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In this article we will look at standing press, as an exercise in the bodybuilding environment, not weightlifting (there are serious differences between the two).

Standing press in bodybuilding

The standing barbell press is a multi-joint, complex exercise that perfectly loads muscles such as deltoids, triceps, etc.

The classic standing chest press is a powerful base for your upper body.

The standing position engages stabilizer muscles that help hold the body in space. At the same time, the load from the barbell in a standing position will be evenly distributed through the legs to the feet, protecting your spine from injury. Because The standing press exercise is basic, we should load the target and indirect muscles efficiently and safely.

Initial position

Place the barbell on racks or a power rack at a height just below your shoulders. Why not from the floor? Don't lift the barbell off the floor! In the presence of heavy weight– You will not always be able to fix the correct and comfortable position when you throw the barbell onto your chest. Plus, the clean movement itself requires a lot of force and, without proper attention to it, will lead to injury and frustration from training.

You should approach the bar and sit down a little and place it on the chest (not on the deltoids), as close to the neck as possible. Your elbows should be tucked under the bar, your hands will naturally be turned toward your face, and your palms will be facing upward.

Starting position for standing press

It is worth saying that there is no uniquely correct and comfortable grip width for everyone when performing a standing bench press with a barbell. You will have to choose it yourself through practice. Start from 5-10 cm from the shoulder. Your forearms should be parallel to each other.

Performing the exercise

Take a deep breath and hold your breath. This little life hack will help your back bear the load more smoothly. Without jerks, explosions or squats, just with the movement of your hands, start squeezing the barbell up. Slightly tilting your body and head back, keep your center of gravity passing through the center of your feet.

The deflection in the lower back is present as a natural position of the body - the barbell is forward, the body is back. This prevents you from losing your balance. Control the curvature of your back. Try to make it as small as possible - this will protect you from injury.

The trajectory of the barbell during the standing press

When the bar passes your face and goes above your head, the body moves forward, the bar goes back along the trajectory, as a result, the projection of the bar with your body forms a straight line.

In the final part of the movement, with a powerful exhalation, the barbell is pressed overhead, fixing the elbows in a straight position. This is how we maximally load the deltoid muscles and triceps. Then, while inhaling, we slowly and under control lower the barbell to the same starting position, on the chest.

The effect of this exercise is achieved by observing several factors:

  • Correct body position in the initial state. We repeat once again, the barbell is on the chest, as close to the neck as possible, the elbows are tucked under the bar, the hands are turned towards the face.
  • Correct body position in the final state. Mandatory straightening of the elbows at the end point of the amplitude. A straightened arm is a natural position for our body. The center of gravity passes through the middle of the bar, head, shoulders, pelvis, middle of the foot.
  • Firmly fix your back and stabilizer muscles. Maintain this tension until the end of the set.
  • Avoid excessive arching in the lower back, sudden, jerking movements, perform the exercise slowly and under control.
  • Look only forward.
  • Lock your elbows in a straight position - this will be the maximum impact on the deltoids and triceps.
  • Don't put one foot in front of the other! Never.

A few more words

Having mastered knowledge, we master technology. Don't rush to hang huge pancakes. Don't be shy about working with light weights. Spend at least a few months working with light weights. In something like the standing press, technique plays a key role. Your body will get used to this movement, and the muscles involved in the exercise will get stronger and be ready for heavy loads.

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Additional load is received by:

  1. Trapeze.
  2. Triceps.
  3. Levator scapulae muscle.
  4. Upper pectoralis major.
  5. Coracobrachial.
  6. Anterior serratus.

As you can see, several muscle groups work at once. This makes the exercise technically difficult, because it is necessary to coordinate their movements.

Correct technique

  1. Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart and parallel, legs slightly bent at the knees. One leg can be moved forward for greater stability.
  2. Grab the barbell with an overhand grip slightly wider than shoulder width and lift it towards your chest, touching the top of the bar. In this case, your back should be slightly arched and securely fixed, your shoulders should be straightened. It is better to use a power frame, but small scales You can also pick it up from the floor.
  3. Inhale, holding your breath, and press the barbell straight up over your head. After passing the most difficult part of the climb, you can exhale.
  4. Push the barbell to the top point: arms straight, shoulders raised.
  5. Pause at the top while tightening your deltoids.
  6. Inhale, hold your breath and lower the barbell to your chest under control.




The exercise is very dangerous. That is why it must be done with the most precise technique, otherwise you can stretch the ligaments and knock out the shoulder joints. Even if you feel that you can take more weight, but you are just mastering this exercise, do not do it. Long period of study with empty neck will help you progress faster without injury.

It is preferable to take the barbell from a power rack. Pancakes must be secured with a lock.

Additional equipment

If you are doing an exercise with tangible weights, wear it heavy athletic belt. It will support your lower back, which is often a problem when performing standing presses, especially if you do them with cheating, throwing weights and helping yourself with your whole body.

You will also need sports gloves to prevent the bar from rubbing with calluses, hand bandages, since a lot of stress is placed on the wrists.

Common mistakes

The error may not even be in a certain technical moment, but in the very style of performing the exercise. It is better to do it at a calm, measured pace, without unnecessary jerks and without allowing the barbell to “fly”. At least this way it works the muscles better - weightlifters and lifters prefer explosive technology, but she is more dangerous. Which one to choose in the end is up to you.

Other mistakes often made when performing the military press:

  • relaxation of the abdominal and lower back muscles. This can lead to vertebral displacement and even more serious injuries;
  • head dressing. Many people follow the bar with their eyes, which is not necessary - look only forward. If you want to see movement, do it in front of the mirror. If you lift your head, your body will also lean back a little. And this is a sure way to bend your lower back too much, overloading it, or even topple over;
  • The greater the amplitude of movement, the better, so the arms straighten to the end. However, many people do this by “clicking” their elbows. This is unnecessary - it will just wear out your joints ahead of time.

  • performing bench presses while sitting on a bench without a backrest. Sitting without support, you will definitely lean back, arching your lower back too much and overloading it;
  • curved trajectory of the press. When the bar is not pressed overhead, but slightly in front, the chance of losing balance increases. Just move your head back a little.

People often ask what is the best way to do chest presses – standing or sitting. As you prefer. If you have problems with your back, it’s better to sit down, but there must be support on your back. In the standing version it turns on more muscles, stabilizing the body position, and therefore the exercise causes a greater anabolic response.

It is not intended for working on terrain– performing it in a multi-repetition mode is justified only at the stage of studying the technique. Choose a weight with which you can do 6-10 repetitions with 3-4 sets: this way you will build muscle more effectively.

In order not to injure the lower back, you can move the pelvis back a little, reducing the deflection in it - it should be no more than natural. Doing a breath-holding exercise helps stabilize your body position.

Another “trick” for holding the body - keep your elbows turned out to the sides. This significantly facilitates movement, but not at the expense of reducing the load on the target muscle groups.

A competitor to chest presses is overhead barbell presses, which work almost the same muscle groups. IN gyms You'll often see the "over-the-head" version because it has a shorter range of motion and is therefore easier to perform. However, chest presses cannot be neglected - they load the front delts better.

Army press standing is a subtype of basic exercises that helps to maximally load the deltoid muscles, shoulders and develop strength. Thanks to the powerful load, it helps to increase the bench press. Let's find out what the army version is, what muscles are involved, technique, benefits and interesting facts.

What muscles work?

The main load falls on the shoulders. The exercise pumps up the front deltoids more powerfully. At the same time, the rear and middle deltas are actively involved in the work, although they receive less load.

Military style work involves the trapezius and pectoral muscles. Squeezing the bar upward engages the triceps. Using wide grip bar, the load is reduced on the triceps. Narrow grip style – increases.

The world record in the military bench press is 235 kg.

The classic grip is slightly wider than shoulder width. As a result, the body core will be stabilized.

The wide range of effectiveness of the military press for the development of an aesthetic body core requires the use of additional exercises. It is impossible to get impressive shoulders by working exclusively on the front deltoids. It is prudent to rock three bundles together. This one is suitable, it will force the middle delta to come out. You will have bulging, pumped up arms. To do this, take into account the following varieties:

  • Army style.

It is appropriate to include the military press after the main chest workout. Then swings, machines and bar rows to the neck. Your deltoid muscles are fully pumped. It is inappropriate to use huge weights on deltoids.

Military bench press: execution technique

After information about which muscles are effectively loaded while standing, let’s consider the technical component. Knowing the secrets will allow you to take the right steps to get into athletic shape quickly.


We begin mastering the technique with a warm-up. Well-warmed joints and muscles will protect you from stretch marks, dislocations or severe fractures.

Weight fixation

An important nuance that experienced athletes often forget about. Before starting the press, try to check the fixed weight with the levers. Rational weight selection will increase delta hypertrophy.

Approach to the projectile

We take the barbell in our hands and at the same time look a little upward. We take one step back with each foot. We become comfortable. We place our feet shoulder-width apart, and our toes point to the sides. Bend your legs at the knees. The back should be in one position - flat. Bend your lower back slightly. You cannot bend back or forward - this is a chance of getting a serious spinal injury.

Now we place the bar on the chest. It should lightly touch the upper chest.

Working with the fingerboard

Take a deep breath, tense your body from the very bottom. Hold your breath a little and press the barbell above your head. At the level of the mouth we begin to exhale air. It is not necessary to straighten your elbows. It is better to keep them in a slightly bent position.

At the top, pause for a second to feel the tension in your deltoids. Return to the starting point. Touch your chest and do more reps.

We do it as many times as necessary. We lower the barbell to the chest and place it on the platform racks.

Errors during execution:

  1. You cannot jerk the barbell;
  2. Push randomly along a different trajectory, removing the stability of the body.

The military bench press with a barbell is one of the powerful exercises for the back and lower back. To stabilize the body and spine, it is better to wear a weightlifting leather belt. It will help to properly fix the spine, and the internal pressure outward will not bother you.

Military dumbbell press

This option involves regular dumbbells. Which is better to choose? Everything depends on you. The strategy can be based on changing the bar with dumbbells every two weeks. Two styles specifically target the anterior deltoid, so do it for variety.

Dumbbells are better for beginners. For athletes with straight shoulders, it is advisable to supplement delt training with dumbbells. Athletes whose shoulders have become curved or convex primarily work with the bar. Please note that the recommendation is conditional. It is not supported by research. Every rule has an exception, so use what you like.

Other types of execution

Vary the activity, including options:

  • behind the head and immediately on the chest;
  • to the top of the head - half the trajectory.

The seated military press will allow you to concentrate on pumping up your shoulders. You don't have to worry about stabilizing your body.

Other subtypes of execution are more necessary for variety of training. Any option is effective if done correctly. Different methods are suitable for other exercises and will help you get relief and beautiful volume of deltas.

What should I replace it with?

The military standing press is a basic exercise for working out the relief and increasing strength indicators. At the same time, many people are interested in what to replace it with? It happens that the exercise needs to be changed. Building mass on the shoulders depends on a set of combinations with other vertical and horizontal training. It cannot be completely replaced.


Let's summarize. The army version is aimed at almost one group. Combined with isolation exercises, the upper body responds significantly. It is difficult to replace it in terms of efficiency, so you will have to learn how to work with it. It is very valuable and often underestimated by many athletes. In the hall you can see that many people’s shoulders are lagging behind.

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Or military press– a heavy basic exercise, one of the best for the development of deltoid muscles, popular in all power types sports, including powerlifting. This exercise is considered one of the best for training the shoulder girdle, and since the deltoids are involved in the bench press, a competitive movement in powerlifting, training the shoulders is one of the components of success in the bench press.

The standing barbell press in powerlifting is often used as utility exercise to improve bench press results. In the 20th century, the military press was a mandatory Olympic movement in weightlifting competitions, but due to the high number of injuries it was removed from there, we can conclude that this exercise should be performed very carefully, observing all technical aspects.

Muscles worked during the standing press

The main load during the military press falls on the anterior and middle deltoid muscles; the rear deltoids, triceps, and upper pectoral muscles and upper back. As you can see, there are many muscles working that are also used when bench pressing, so we recommend that all strength athletes include the standing press in their training program.

Since the standing barbell press puts a lot of stress on your back, you can bench press the barbell while sitting, so you will be able to better concentrate on working your deltoids.

Safety while standing barbell press in powerlifting

As you already understand, the military press puts a lot of stress on your back, so it is better to wear an athletic belt while performing it. It is very important to follow the technique of performing the exercise, since the shoulder joint, due to its enormous mobility, is often subject to injury.

The standing overhead bench press is also popular among athletes, as it allows you to lift more compared to the chest press. This exercise is not recommended for use in powerlifting because it forces the shoulder joint to move unnaturally and thereby exposes it to injury. When pressing overhead, athletes can twist a joint and lose months, or even years, as the recovery process will take a long time. Use the standard military press in your workouts, although the working weights are smaller, you will protect yourself from shoulder injuries and will work with increased amplitude.

Technique for performing a standing barbell press on video