
How to strengthen your thighs from the inside. How to quickly lose fat on the inner thigh. All methods and procedures. Lunges forward and left-right

Fit and slender legs are the envy and dream of many women. And they are also a subject of delight and attractiveness for men. But it takes a lot of work to win a guy over with just a hip swing.

Everything is clear with the back and front muscles of the thighs; they tense under normal loads: squats on a chair or walking.

And the inner surface, like the outer one, is very “lazy”. To make it work, you need to try hard. It so happens that all the calories accumulated during the day stick to this part of the body.

Warm up before exercise

To slim your legs, it is not enough just to eat right. If it is not possible to go to Gym, then you need to perform training on inner surface hip exercises for weight loss at home. They will be discussed in more detail below. The inner surface requires special attention. To work it out, you need to combine strength and cardio exercises.

Cardio focuses its power on burning fat in hard-to-reach areas. A set of strength training leads to skin inside tones the thighs and can help avoid the accumulation of excess fat. When performing exercises to reduce the inner thigh, you need to use dumbbells, a fitball, weights, a gymnastic tape or an expander.

Warm-up is the basis effective training. You need to start warming up with light cardio. This includes jumping rope and running in place. Don't neglect warm-up training. It is necessary to rotate with your toes, pelvis or knees. They are mandatory points for elaboration. Usually the warm-up lasts no more than 10 minutes.

The most effective exercises for weight loss

After a good warm-up, you need to start the workout itself. Selected exercises for the inner thigh will be described below. In one workout you need to perform no more than three or four exercises. The number of required approaches and repetitions is indicated in each method separately.

Lying leg extensions to the sides:

  1. The work is done in the desired area, while the thigh muscles become toned.
  2. And also involved Bottom part press.
  3. This exercise helps remove excess fat from the hip.
  4. The workout is of average difficulty; if necessary, the workout can be supplemented with weights.

When performing the exercise, stretching also develops. Exercise has a beneficial effect on the reproductive system, creating blood flow to groin area. How to do the exercise correctly:

When performing the exercise, you must be slow and careful. Excessive zeal can lead to sprained ligaments.

The squat is your "best friend" for toning your lower body. Suitable for working with hips. In addition to the inner thigh, the gluteal muscles and calves will be strengthened. The exercise refers to high level difficulties. Squats with dumbbells, barbells or other weights are considered especially effective. How to do the exercise:

Please note:

  1. This squat is multifunctional and effective if you rise onto your toes at the bottom.
  2. The effort to maintain coordination increases, and there is also an excellent load on the calves.

This activity perfectly stretches the ligaments and affects inner part hips. It is not complicated, so you need to take extra dumbbell in hand. This exercise targets the desired area of ​​the thigh, in addition, Lunges are good for tightening the buttock muscles. How to do the exercise:

Lunges are applied 15 times in each direction for three approaches. Before performing the exercise, you need to warm up the ligaments of the pelvic area well. If this is not done, you can get a sprain, and in the worst case, a ligament tear can occur.

Ball pinching

This training is static. Its basis is considered to be muscle contraction and retention in the starting position. In addition to the load on the thigh, muscle tension in the buttocks. Exercise refers to simple, it is aimed at endurance and concentration. Is wonderful static exercise for the legs, which is inferior in efficiency to the “chair”. Technique:

Exercise in progress 15 times in four sets. This exercise can be performed while sitting on a chair, armchair or sofa. The rules for performing the exercise remain the same. Only if you perform the workout while sitting, you need to monitor the curve of your lower back. The back should be straight and the lower back should be slightly tucked inward.

There are several types of training. Below we will discuss 3 methods. Each exercise has a unique amplitude and strength complexity. Workout is great works the inner thighs, wherein buttocks, back and outer thighs are developed. And also training will help a woman get rid of riding breeches. Technique for performing exercises on the inner thigh at home in the first version:

Second option:

  1. The initial position is the same, only the fixation is above the forearm, the lower leg is along the body, the upper one is bent at the knee and lies on the lower one.
  2. As you inhale, you need to push your knee out bent leg forward.
  3. As you exhale, you need to return to the starting position.
  4. At the end of the workout on one leg, you need to turn over and do the same exercises for the other leg.

Third option:

  1. The starting position is lying on your side, the lower leg is straightened, the upper leg is bent at the knee and located in front of the body, the feet are pressed tightly to the mat.
  2. As you inhale, you need to lift your straightened leg off the floor.
  3. As you exhale, lower your leg to the floor.
  4. The same must be repeated on the opposite leg.
  5. If necessary, you can include several swing methods in your training or choose the one you like best.
  6. In one workout you need to do 15 swings on one side in four approaches.
  7. If desired, the exercise can be complicated by attaching weights to your legs.
  8. In the first version of the workout, you can use a gymnastic tape, securing it around your feet.

Effective exercises for the inner thigh: Support may be needed to perform the workout. Need to approach a chair, the back of a sofa, armchair, door or wall. And also this exercise can be done without support. The swing is directed in two directions - sideways or forwards and backwards. When swinging back and forth, the front and back surface the bottom of the body, and straight - the outer surface. The rules for performing both swings are the same.

How to do the exercise correctly:


This exercise works not only your thighs, but also your abs. The difficulty is average, but the training requires endurance. The most effective exercise for the inner thigh:

  1. You need to lie on your back, legs straight and extended.
  2. Place your hands along the body.
  3. As you inhale, you need to raise your legs 45 degrees from the mat and make swings, imitating the action of scissors.
  4. After 35 seconds, exhale and lower your legs to the floor.

When performing an exercise on the floor, be sure to use a sports mat, blanket or towel to avoid bruises. We must not forget about warm-up and cool-down. Stretching after exercise reduces muscle pain and helps a woman relax. When training one muscle group, you need to take a break. During this time, the muscles should rest and recover. Only in this case can you hope to improve muscle tone and muscle growth.

To quickly get rid of excess fat, you need to monitor proper nutrition. The diet should include plenty of water, cottage cheese, chicken, fatty fish, fruits, vegetables and turkey. This will have a positive effect not only on the figure, but on the entire body as a whole. To get rid of sagging skin and cellulite, you must definitely use cosmetics. Before applying them, you need to thoroughly steam the lower body and treat the skin with any scrub, then you need to treat the body with a washcloth or brush, then wipe and apply a warm or cool commercial anti-cellulite cream. You need to wrap yourself in film and wrap yourself up.

If there is no cream, you need to mix cosmetic clay with water and add a few drops of clove, mint or cinnamon essential oil to the mixture. You don't need to expect instant results from training. The first visible results will appear only after a month systematic training And proper nutrition. To look good, you need to get enough sleep, walk more and enjoy life. In addition to the above exercises, to train the surface of the thighs you need to use other exercises:

  1. Bike.
  2. Stepping onto the platform.
  3. Downward and upward facing dog.
  4. Walking on your buttocks.
  5. Deadlift and hyperextension from Anita Lutsenko.

By following simple rules at home, you can change your figure beyond recognition and remove excess fat. You need to start with the first gymnastics, and then it will be easier to practice. To find the figure of your dreams, you just need to try a little, and then everything will work out! To look great you need to drink more water, walk on fresh air and exercise at least three times a week.

Attention, TODAY only!

The inner thigh is the most problematic area that requires more attention than the rest of the body. An integrated approach is required - special exercises, proper nutrition.

The content of the article:

Slender legs are every girl's dream and a wide variety of means are used for this. There are often situations when strict diets are followed and exhausting workouts are carried out, but the desired result still cannot be achieved. Simple recommendations and expert advice will help you cope with this problem.

Where to start losing weight at home?

Much of your success depends on regular training and proper nutrition. First you need to understand in more detail the human anatomy - the largest and strong muscles are the thigh muscles, which are responsible for joint mobility, extension and flexion.

The anterior group of muscles is adductor, while the posterior one works in the opposite direction and is considered medial. In order to pump up this muscle group, you need to work hard, since without special load during everyday life they are practically not used. No matter how intensely you move throughout the day, this part of the body is more prone to storing fat deposits.

Even when performing classic leg exercises, this muscle group practically does not work. To not only get rid of accumulated fat deposits, but also to model beautiful shape muscles, you need to regularly perform a special set of exercises.

To ensure full load on this part of the body outside the gym, no special exercise equipment or devices are required. But you will immediately have to prepare yourself for the fact that the training will be difficult and exhausting, but only in this case will you be able to achieve the desired result.

How to tighten the inner thigh - exercises to work on at home

First of all, to avoid injury during training, you need to warm up. The following most popular exercises can be used to work the inner thigh.


Of course, it may seem strange to some girls, but the muscles of the inner thigh respond perfectly to the simplest squats. This exercise is not only included in various complexes, but is also one of the most popular and effective.

Squats can be performed in several ways, but they will have different effects on the muscles. For example, in the case when the muscles in this zone do not receive any load at all, all movements should be very careful - the legs are spread as wide as possible, the toes are turned in different directions.

The depth of the squat is also important, as it directly affects muscle contraction and how correctly they stretch. The back should remain perfectly straight, with a deflection in the lower back. If you neglect this advice, there is a risk of damaging your spine.

While working on the technique of performing this exercise, you need to feel how the muscles located on the inside of the thigh begin to work. During the first workout, you should not give a heavy load or use weights. The muscles must adapt and adjust to the new mode of operation.

Over time, the correct technique will be developed, and it will be possible to gradually add weight. If there are problems associated with the spine, it is recommended to exercise in a special belt that will properly fix the lower back.

Must be adhered to correct technique squats:

  • feet spaced shoulder-width apart or slightly wider;
  • if weights are used, the main emphasis is on the heels, but not on the toes;
  • during a squat you should feel tension in the muscles;
  • at least 10 squats are performed;

Leg abduction

This exercise should only be performed on a hard and level surface:

  • take the starting position lying on your side, legs remaining straight;
  • lift your straight leg up and stay in this position for 5 seconds;
  • return to the starting position;
  • you need to lower your leg slowly, without jerking;
  • perform at least 10 repetitions, gradually increasing to 20.
First, perform one set, take a break for 30 seconds, and perform the second set. After 10 lifts with your right leg are completed, you need to turn over to the other side and perform the exercise for your left leg. It is important that during the exercise the body is straight, the toes are not working, and the leg muscles are as stretched as possible.

Exercise "scissors"

  1. To perform this exercise, you need to lie on your back on the floor, with your arms along your body.
  2. Place your palms under your buttocks.
  3. Perform a leg lift of 15 cm, then you can increase it to 25 cm.
  4. Perform approximately 20 leg crossings within a minute.
  5. To achieve the benefits of performing this exercise, you need to perform 2-3 repetitions.
When performing this exercise, you need to be careful to ensure that your lower back remains pressed to the floor.

Jumping to the side

After completing the exercises described above, you need to switch things up a little and perform more active actions. To work the inner thigh, it is recommended to do side jumps. This exercise helps to more actively burn existing body fat in this area.

First, jump on the right leg for a minute, and then on the left. Do 2 sets of 20 jumps for each leg.

Lunges forward

This exercise is one of the most effective for the inner thigh, as it promotes effective strengthening muscles. But you can also get a wonderful bonus - the muscles of the lower abs are intensively worked out.

You need to perform forward lunges according to the following scheme:

  1. Stand straight, your back remains perfectly straight, your arms are located along your body, your legs are spread to the sides, look in front of you.
  2. As you inhale, take a step forward, transferring the weight of your body to your extended leg.
  3. Perform 10 lunges, then change legs.
While performing this exercise, you should not push off, trying to help yourself in this way, since this is precisely the benefit of the load applied. It is necessary to constantly ensure that the body remains completely straight during exercise.

At the end of the set of exercises, proper stretching must be performed. This will help relieve tension from tired muscles, and also minimize the likelihood of unpleasant muscle soreness the next day.

Stretching must be done correctly:

  • first sit on the floor, your back remains perfectly straight;
  • bend your legs and slowly spread them apart until your knees touch the floor;
  • At first this exercise may seem very difficult, but after a week it will become much easier to do stretching;
  • During the exercise, you need to ensure that your back remains straight;
  • feet should be pressed against each other;
  • Stay in this position for a few minutes and lightly spring your legs so that they gradually fall lower.
It is recommended to perform the exercises described above three times a week - this is the optimal load on the muscles. Only on condition regular training a positive result will be noticeable.

An exercise with a fitball would be an excellent addition to the complex, but if it is not possible to use it, you can replace it with a simple ball, which should be relatively small in size:

  • take the ball and lie on the floor;
  • bend your legs at the knees;
  • place a ball or fitball between your knees;
  • hold it with your leg muscles - press in and stay in this position for 5–8 seconds;
  • then relax your muscles;
  • for beginners, it will be enough to complete 20 repetitions, then take a short break and perform another approach.

How to tighten your inner thighs in the gym?

If it is not possible to train at home, then it is better to purchase a gym membership. You can exercise on the machines yourself or use the services of a trainer who will help you create an individual training program, focusing on problem areas.

The program is not the most difficult, and you also need to start with light loads so as not to accidentally get injured. IN gym There is a special simulator that allows you to work specifically the inner thigh. It is very easy to use, and no special physical training is required.

You can also use a simulator such as an expander. There are several options for training on it, but the simplest is the following - stand straight on the machine and perform side swings (10 repetitions for each leg).

You can do it in the gym the following exercises which allow you to effectively work out the inner thigh:

  1. Leg bending on the simulator can be a great stretch before weighted squats.
  2. Press with broad setting legs It is important to straighten your knees completely; the technique must be strictly followed. If your toes are pointed in one direction, your knees should be in the same direction.
  3. Squat with weight. Your feet should be wider than shoulder-width apart, your toes turned to the side, your back completely straight. A slow squat is performed, with dumbbells in your hands, the weight of which can be 3–6 kg, depending on your initial physical fitness. The dumbbells are placed in front of you, then pressed to your chest. 15 squats are performed, a break is taken and two more approaches are taken.

How to remove fat deposits from the inner thigh?

Cellulite very often appears in this area, so you will have to work hard to get slender legs. It is worth considering the fact that fat deposits in this area appear very quickly. To avoid this unpleasant phenomenon, you need to regularly perform a special set of exercises, lead an active lifestyle and, instead of relaxing on the couch, choose a walk in the park. Don't forget about the need balanced nutrition and properly care for the skin in this area.

It is necessary to adhere to several simple rules power supply:

  • the diet should contain a large amount of raw vegetables and fruits;
  • try to completely avoid potatoes, but occasionally you can bake them in their skins;
  • remove everything fried and fatty from your diet;
  • It is necessary to regularly consume a sufficient amount of fiber;
  • do not overuse flour products; first of all, this rule applies to baked goods, white bread and puff pastries;
  • it is important to properly combine slow carbohydrates and protein foods;
  • Pickles and canned food are strictly prohibited;
  • Don’t overeat before bed;
  • you need to give up sweet milk, coffee with sugar, including sweet carbonated drinks, and store-bought juices;
  • It is important to drink a sufficient amount of plain water, but without gas - at least 1.5 liters per day; homemade juices and herbal teas are beneficial.
In the fight against this problem, effective home remedies also come to the rescue. cosmetic procedures. It is recommended to regularly use homemade scrubs. For example, a mixture of sour cream combined with coarse sea salt gives an amazing result:

To treat problem areas where there are fat deposits and signs of cellulite, you can use a coffee scrub, which is prepared as follows:

  1. Take brewed coffee (100 g), it is advisable to use freshly ground product. Instant coffee or coffee powder is not suitable.
  2. Olive oil (2 tbsp) is added to the coffee.
  3. All components are mixed, and liquid honey (1 tsp) is added.
  4. The resulting mass is applied to steamed skin after taking a shower, and the skin is worked through with a massage mitt.
Such scrubs perfectly prepare the skin and help remove excess fluid. After completing the peeling, it is recommended to apply any massage oil to the skin. Olive oil is an excellent option, but add no more than 5 drops of orange essential oil. Thanks to this, the composition works much more actively and removes signs of cellulite faster.

An integrated approach to solving the problem is very important, so it is additionally recommended to use seaweed wraps. You can purchase them not only in a specialized store, but also in any pharmacy. For one procedure, several sheets of kelp will be enough, which are pre-soaked in water and applied to problem areas. The algae is fixed with a layer of plastic film. After about an hour, the compress is removed and the skin is rinsed with water, preferably taking a contrast shower. At the end, be sure to apply a moisturizing lotion or skin cream.

It is important not only to know what means and techniques will help tighten the inner thigh, but also what absolutely should not be done. It is prohibited to apply any warming creams designed to combat cellulite to this area. Also, do not rub this area too aggressively with a massage mitt or do a pinching massage. The fact is that in this area there is very sensitive, thin and delicate skin, while the vessels are located very close and as a result, unsightly and painful bruises may appear on the body.

Only literate and the right approach will help tighten the inner thighs and get rid of the signs of cellulite. To do this, it is enough to exercise regularly, monitor your diet, completely eliminating harmful and high-calorie foods from your diet, including sweets.

How to dry the inner thigh, see the video below:

What are the adductor muscles of the thigh, exercises for them - these questions are of interest. People who try to bring their physical fitness in order and tighten the adductor muscles of the thigh, they want to know what exercises should be performed. First of all, you should understand what the adductor muscle of the thigh is, where it is located and what its significance is.

Human leg muscles

The hip adductors (adductors) are the bulkiest muscle tissue in the medial series. They are located above the thin muscle and begin with a short tendon.

The muscle knots dissolve and attach to the femur.

This is a large adductor group to which individual groups belong muscle tissue.

Adductor longus femoris muscle. This part of the fabric has a triangular shape in appearance. It starts from the outer plane of the superior ramus of the pubis and from the pubic tubercle, sending downward, the adductor increases and joins the medial part of the linea aspera of the femur. It is located on top of the adductor magnus node, thus partially hiding it. The fundamental purpose of this adductor tissue is to adduct the hip and participate in the flexion and external rotation of the hip itself.

Adductor brevis muscle. It starts on the facial plane of the inferior ramus of the pubis and covers the lateral part of the gracilis muscle. In a downward and outward direction, the muscle tissue expands and is further attached to the upper third of the middle lip of the linea aspera of the femur. The leading function of this adductor section is considered to be adduction and partial participation in hip flexion.

Adductor magnus muscle. It is the most powerful, located deeper than the muscle sections described above, outside the thin one. This adductor complex originates from a short tendon from the lower branch of the pubis and the branch of the ischium. The adductor nodes branch in a fan-shaped manner towards the bottom and outwards, and are attached by a voluminous tendon to the middle lip in the area of ​​the linea aspera of the femur.

It is this section of the adductor that performs the fundamental function of the entire muscle part: adductor or adductor. Along with this function, the large adductor is directly involved in the extension of the thigh in relation to the pelvis or pelvis to the thigh.

Thin muscle. This part of the muscle tissue plays a minimal role in the adductor function, however, due to the fact that it is located in the same part of the thigh and is still involved in adductor processes, work should be done on its development. Of all the adductors, this adductor is the only two-part adductor, since its tendons connect with the tendons of the sartorius and semitendinosus adductor, with the connective tissue membrane of the lower leg, forming a flat pes anserine.

When studying the issue, you should pay special attention to the quadriceps muscle (quadriceps). Since the values ​​of adductor and rectifier adductors are certainly interconnected. The quadriceps is one of the largest and most powerful muscle joints, this part is considered the main straightener of the knee joint.

The quadriceps femoris muscle is composed of the rectus femoris, medialis femoris, lateral femoris, and medialis femoris. Quadriceps has distinctive feature, which is based on the fact that it often consists of two types muscle fibers: fast-twitch and slow-twitch fibers. The quadriceps have two functions:

  • static, preventing bending of the knees when a person stands straight;
  • dynamic, which consists in straightening the knees at various physical actions(running, jumping).

What exercises will strengthen your muscles?

Exercises to strengthen muscles. How to strengthen the muscles of the inner thigh? What kind of trainer can I use? It is worth noting that the exercises for the quadriceps and adductor muscles are slightly different. However, it is quite possible to give simultaneous load to both the first and second groups of adductors. Simulator and special machines for physical exercise will be able to give better and faster results, but if a person really decides to pump up the muscles in this area, then exercising at home with the means at hand will definitely give an amazing result.

Thigh adductor muscles, exercises:

  1. Exercises for the thigh muscles. Normal hip adduction. You will need a chair for this activity. Starting position: lying on your side, one leg on the seat of a chair, the other under the chair. Lift up slowly lower leg and hold the position for 3 seconds, returning the leg to the starting position. Repeat 12 times. Then we change legs. If internal muscles or posterior muscles your hips begin to hurt, you should reduce the number of repetitions, and then consistently increase the number of repetitions during the next sessions.
  2. Exercise "Scissors". Starting position: lying on the floor, palms under the buttocks. Raise your legs 30 cm from the floor, and then spread and cross your legs (like scissors). Repeat 20 times. After rest, you can repeat this exercise again.
  3. Exercises for the muscles of the thighs and buttocks. Leg bending with knees apart. Starting position: lying on the floor, with your palms under your buttocks for comfort. We raise our legs up, keeping our feet closed, bend our legs and at the same time spread our knees, bringing our feet as close as possible to the groin. This exercise is performed slowly 12 times. After resting, repeat a few more approaches.
  4. Here is the “Stretching” exercise. This inner thigh exercise is a standard stretch. The starting position is sitting on the floor with your knees abducted and your feet touching together. We bend forward slightly, while keeping our back straight. You can apply a little pressure on your knees with your elbows to clearly feel the tension in the muscles of this part of the thigh. Do 10 bends, 5-10 approaches.
  5. Squats. Exercises with squats are considered one of the most effective training exercises in athletics. Starting position: standing straight, with your feet slightly apart. We do squats, making sure that the back is always straight (ideally, the line of the back and the line of the hips are equal to 90º). We return to the starting position. For a more noticeable result, you can do squats as slowly as possible, putting stress on all the muscles involved in this process. We do 30 squats in 2-5 approaches, depending on physical fitness.
  6. How to pump up the rectus femoris muscle? Exercise "Lunges". Starting position: stand straight, legs apart, hands on your belt. We make a sharp lunge with one leg first: bend the leg at the knee and “spring” it a little, then change the leg. We do the exercise 15-20 times for each leg. Repeat in 5-10 approaches with breaks. In fitness centers, you will be offered a special exercise machine for such classes, and all exercises will be performed under the guidance of a trainer.


It is not uncommon that while exercising at home, or using a machine in the gym, a person may experience stretched muscle tissue. Such problems appear almost instantly and are characterized by intense pain in the area of ​​the femoral adductors. The occurrence of hematoma and swelling in the affected area is often observed.

For treatment and complete rehabilitation of the functions of the leg after such an injury, you should take care for several weeks or even months. The leg must be protected from any, even small, loads; cold compresses should be applied to the affected part of the leg.

Beautiful and slender legs- this is the dream of every woman. But it is important that the legs are not just free of fatty layers under the skin, but elastic and toned. Few representatives of the fair sex pay attention to the elasticity and strengthening of the inner thigh. You can strengthen your legs only by performing special physical exercises, as this material will tell you about.

To quickly and effectively train your inner thighs, you can sign up for a gym and exercise under the supervision of a trainer. But at the same time, the cost of visiting the gym and paying for the services of a personal trainer will entail considerable expenses, so if you are not ready to make such sacrifices, then you can strengthen your hips at home, which we will learn about later.

How to tighten and pump up the inner thigh?

The “scissors” exercise helps to effectively tighten the inner thighs. It can be performed in three versions. The first option is suitable for those who are not yet ready for big power loads and who have little physical training. The second option is more difficult than the first, since here in addition the abdominal muscles are involved. And the third option is for people with good physical training and endurance.

  • 1st option. First you need to lie on your back, put your hands under your butt and at the same time press your back tightly to the floor. Then raise your legs 30 centimeters from the floor, spread your legs to the sides and cross your legs. Make sure to keep your inner thighs tight. The exercise must be repeated 20 times, after which take a 20-second break and do 2 more such approaches.
  • 2nd option. Lying on your back, stretch your arms along your torso, lift your head and shoulders slightly. The lower back should fit snugly to the floor. Raise your legs 30 degrees from the floor and cross your legs. Do the exercise about 25 times. Then take a 30 second break and repeat the exercise again. Number of approaches – 3 times.
  • 3rd option. Lying on your back, raise your legs 90 degrees and spread them to the sides. First, spread your legs wide with this torso and lift up with your hands, as if pumping out your abs, then bring your legs together and at the same time place your torso on the floor. The exercise is done 20 times in 3 sets with a 30 second break.

Alternatively, you can do the scissors exercise, but do not cross your legs. The legs should be raised 30 centimeters from the floor, with the arms straight along the body. First, spread your legs wide apart, then bring them together, but not all the way. Leave a gap of 20 centimeters between them. There should be 20 such repetitions. Do 3 sets of 20 repetitions of the exercise in total. After doing these exercises, it will also be effective to do exercises for the pelvic floor muscles.

A set of exercises at home

If you don’t have the opportunity to find a couple of hours of free time to work out in the gym, and problem areas of the hips require urgent intervention, then organize effective home workouts for yourself. Subject to regularity and self-control, you can achieve no less tangible results than in the gym. Just don’t start complex physical exercises right away.

To home workout was not very grueling and most effective, start it with a small warm-up. This way you will prepare problematic muscle groups for the main part of the training, and avoid unpleasant injuries and accidental sprains. Jumping rope or a short jog on the treadmill are great ways to warm up. Warm-up will set the right mood and tone for the body, push you to intensive combustion fat After this, proceed to the main exercises of the complex.

Wide squats

In terms of efficiency and energy consumption, only a few exercises can compare with wide squats, or Sumo squats, as they are often called by fitness trainers due to the maximally separated legs. When performing such squats, the main load falls on the muscles of the inner thigh - the quadriceps, and with them the areas of the back and buttocks are indirectly worked out.

Turn your legs to the sides with your knees outward as wide as possible. It is advisable that the angle of rotation of the toes is 50-70 degrees, but at the same time you can squat without losing your balance. Keep your back perfectly straight; if you can’t, then bend it a little, making the spine more rounded. Slowly bend your legs and squat as deeply as possible, then rise up just as smoothly.

Remember that the spine should remain straight and not bend. Make movements, avoiding sudden lunges - smoothly, carefully. When you feel that you have mastered this exercise, complicate it with a load - dumbbells - and perform squats, holding it alternately in each hand or with both hands at once. This exercise should be done for 1-2 minutes in 2 approaches with a half-minute interval.

Shifting weight in a squat (rolling left and right)

This exercise can also be performed with or without weights, depending on your fitness level. Squat down on your supporting leg until your knee is at a 90-degree angle. Place your other leg as far to the side as possible. Keep your body straight, palms can be rested on your hips or held in front of you.

With a smooth movement, transfer your weight from one leg to the other, as if rolling your pelvis along the floor. At the same time, your back should be straight, and your pelvis should not rise up (at one point you will want to straighten both legs). There should also be no sharp corners in the knees - this is unsafe for the joints.

Perform rolls in three sets of 20-25 times (right-left is one time). The inner thigh will work harder in this exercise if you pick up additional weight - a dumbbell or a plate. Adjust the load according to your feelings.


To do this exercise at home you will need a chair. Stand behind the chair, at a distance of about 30-40 cm. Leave your hands on the back of the chair. To make it easier to maintain balance, lean slightly forward. We shift our body weight first to our right leg, and swing to the side with our left leg.

Do 15-20 swings on each leg, you can do several approaches. In order to pump up the abdominal muscles in these actions, you just need to ensure that they are tense when performing the exercise.


Let's stand up straight. We place our legs shoulder-width apart. If you are in the gym, then you can perform these squats with empty neck. At home, you can pick up a towel or simply do it with your arms straight. So, put your hands in front of you. At the same time, your socks point to the sides. Start doing deep and leisurely squats.

When performing them, make sure that your knees do not visually go beyond the toes of your feet. Also be careful not to arch your back too much. It is very important to squat low enough, this is where the effect will be felt. With these actions, the buttocks are also worked out, additionally they work calf muscles, in general, such squats are extremely useful for a girl. Ideally, you should do three sets of these squats 10 times.


This is where the exercises for the inner thighs, strengthening and losing weight, which Anita Lutsenko advises, end. All that remains is to make the last push - the usual “swallow”. Those who still have difficulty with balance are allowed to hold on to a chair.

We simply lift one leg back, leaning forward slightly. Hands to the sides like wings. According to Lutsenko, the trick of this exercise for the inner thighs is that when balancing, both the inner and back surfaces work.

Perform as long as you have the strength, and another 5 seconds after that.


To perform it, you will need an expander: in the form of a regular wide elastic band, or a ready-made exercise machine. If you have an elastic band on hand, then one end of it must be securely fastened to something, and the other to your leg. Stand up straight, leaning on the support and begin to move your leg with the elastic band to the side, trying to tighten the expander as much as possible, then return to the starting position. Two sets of 20 repetitions per day will be enough.

If you have a special simulator, then you need to place it between your legs and try to squeeze it as hard as possible. The starting position for performing this exercise can be lying on your back, legs bent at the knees, or sitting on the edge of a bed, sofa, couch, chair, etc., the expander is clamped in both cases between the knees. Two sets per day of 20 repetitions each.

Effective exercises for losing weight in the inner thighs

While improving their physical fitness, many may have noticed that even with heavy loads, the inner thighs remain insufficiently toned. The solution to this problem will be special training, during which attention is concentrated precisely on this zone. Therefore, today we offer you an overview of the Top 7 most effective exercises for the inner thigh.

There are many exercises that use your legs. However, not all of them “specialize” in restoring tone to the thigh muscles. At the same time, there are several very successful and effective exercises that help eliminate sagging and reduce the volume of the problem area for many women and men. We will talk about them further.

For those who are interested in how to pump up their thigh muscles and get their legs in order, it will be useful to know the structural features of the body. This will allow you to understand how effective one or another is.

The inner part of the thighs is designed in such a way that flexion and rotation movements are possible due to the work of the large, short and long adductor muscles, as well as the gracilis and pectineus muscles. They are the most important and extensive; they are activated when climbing or walking up stairs. At the same time, they are considered the weakest, since they are most rarely used by a person in everyday life. And it was for them that a set of exercises was developed to restore the tone and attractiveness of the problem area. At the same time, during their execution, the muscles responsible for excellent appearance legs, particularly the inner thighs and groin.

In addition, exercises designed to activate the adductors not only help strengthen muscles, but also allow you to get a lot of pleasant bonuses. Among the main benefits of such training:

  • Reducing the risk of injury, which is possible due to weakness of the thigh muscles;
  • Attractiveness and harmony of this area;
  • Improved coordination and stability while standing, as well as during walking and movement;
  • Attractiveness of gait;
  • Correct and beautiful posture.

You can experience all the charm and benefits of training if you approach the problem with responsibility and exercise regularly at home, at outdoors or in the gym. So, let's begin.

Exercise No. 1 – Plie

On the way to ideal forms Be sure to try plie squats, also known as sumo squats. It is very simple and accessible to many, and to increase the load it can also be performed with weights.

During this exercise, it is worth monitoring the work of the muscles in the problem area. It is very important that it is the inner thighs that are pumped. To do this, you need to perform squats from the starting position - standing with your legs wide apart and your toes turned to the sides. During a squat, you need to bend your knees so that they point in the same direction as your toes.

Having taken the starting position, straighten your back and clasp your hands at chest level. Slowly lower yourself as far as you can to feel the tension in your inner thigh. After a 1-2 second pause, smoothly return to i. p. You can start by doing 10-15 squats, increasing the number of approaches and repetitions in them. “Advanced” athletes can perform 2-4 sets of 20 squats each with additional weight.

When you are ready for more serious loads, you can use weights to enhance the effect of squats. When working out in the gym, you can use a kettlebell or dumbbells for these purposes, or at home - a bottle filled with sand. Holding the weight with both hands, perform a squat, smoothly lowering until a right angle is formed in your knees, and also smoothly return to the starting position.

Exercise #2 – Scissors

one more thing is very simple, but very effective exercise, which allows you to thoroughly work out the muscles of the inner thigh - swinging your legs on an incline or simply “scissors”.

Starting position – lying on your back with straight legs and arms parallel to the body. Raising your legs approximately 45-50 cm from the floor (approximately 45⁰), spread them as far as possible, then bring them together and cross them. The next approach is the same, but when crossing, change legs. It is recommended to perform 2-3 sets and 15-20 approaches each.

This scissor variation is also useful because it uses this area well. As a result, you can improve not only the appearance of your thighs in the area between your legs, but also tighten your abs, which is very important for most girls. (Note - exercise is contraindicated if).

Exercise #3 – Side Lunges

As in the previous case, this exercise will help quickly restore elasticity to the leg muscles. It is performed from the starting position - standing straight with your feet shoulder-width apart and your hands clasped at chest level.

Lunge with one leg to the side, keeping your knees and toes pointed in the same direction. Keeping your back straight, perform a lunge through the push with the other leg. Make sure that your knees maintain their correct position and do not go beyond the line of your toes. Such lunges will help pump up your inner thighs if you perform them for 2-3 sets and 15-20 repetitions.

Exercise No. 4 – Jumping

Jumping with legs crossed in the air is another exercise that justifiably takes its position in the TOP-7. It has brought a lot of benefits to many girls suffering from sagging and large thighs.

Starting position – standing straight with a straight back and tense abs. After jumping, lower yourself to the floor, crossing your legs so that your toes point in the same direction, but one leg is in front of the other, as shown in the photo. Next time you jump, switch legs. And repeat this 15-20 times for 2-3 sets.

It is worth noting that this exercise can also be useful for the muscles of the arms and upper shoulder girdle. In order to simultaneously tighten them, during jumps you can use the same technique to cross your arms extended in front of you.

Exercise No. 5 – Lying hip adduction

Leg raises while lying down are an equally effective exercise that activates the most deep muscles the inner thighs, helping to strengthen them. To perform it, you need to lie on your side on the floor, leaning on your elbow, as shown in the next photo.

The leg that lies on the floor must be left straight, and the other leg must be bent at the knee and placed behind. In this position, you should perform hip adduction with a delay of 2-3 seconds at the top point.

To obtain maximum effect from the exercise and strengthen the problem area of ​​​​the hips, it is better to perform movements slowly. This will allow you to feel how each muscle group is pumped and understand whether you are reproducing the movements correctly.

Exercise No. 6 – Leg adduction with an expander

To perform this, you will need an expander, which can be purchased at any sporting goods store. Hook one end of the expander onto a stand or support at a distance of approximately 10-15 cm from the floor. Stand with your right side to the support and put the loop on your right leg. This leg will be the working leg, and the left leg will be the supporting leg.

From this position, stretching the expander, bring your working leg forward, trying to create a single line with supporting leg(see photo). After completing 3 sets of 10 reps each, repeat the same with the other leg.

A similar exercise is performed by gym goers. Leg abduction in the exercise machine (crossover) is more convenient, because you have the opportunity to set and adjust the weight. Over time, the load can be increased, thereby increasing the effectiveness of training.

Exercise No. 7 – Leg abduction on the machine

Another exercise that is considered a favorite among many girls who visit the gym. It is performed on a special simulator and allows you to tighten the inner thighs.

To begin, go to the machine and set the required weight. Sit on the seat and press your straight back tightly against the backrest, while grabbing the special handrails with your hands. Position your legs so that your feet are on the pads and your inner thighs are firmly pressed against the bolsters. As you exhale, bring your legs together using the muscles of your thighs. Pause at the extreme point and return your legs under control to the starting position.


These are perhaps the most effective exercises, which will help many pump up and make their leg muscles stronger, as well. The technique for performing some of them can be learned by watching the attached video.

And in order to enjoy the result to the maximum short term, keep in mind the basic rule: every workout for the inner thigh should begin with a warm-up and end with stretching.

Before you begin the main part of your workout, do a few warm-up exercises. Such exercise can consist of jumping, bending, swinging legs, etc. And after training, gymnastics should follow, aimed at stretching the adductor muscles.

A huge advantage of exercises aimed at developing the inner thighs is that they can be performed with own weight and in any conditions - at home or outdoors. What’s even better is that this way you can increase the effectiveness of your workout by saturating your body with oxygen. Well, if you can’t exercise outdoors, try to thoroughly ventilate the room before practicing at home.