
The best cardio at home. Cardio training: misconceptions and myths. Alternating cardio and strength training for men

Cardio training for men designed for the same workouts for women- strengthening the work of the heart muscle, increasing overall endurance, strengthening muscle tone, getting rid of excess fat deposits.

A wide variety of such exercises allows each person to choose according to their wishes. appropriate level and type of activity. Cardio training can be done independently at home or in the gym under the guidance of a trainer, with or without the use of various exercise equipment.

Benefits of cardio training for men

Cardio training has positive effect on men's health:

  • During physical activity the heart and respiratory system are trained.
  • The capillaries open and blood flows well through them. By increasing the intensity of blood supply to the brain, headaches go away, memory improves, and the risk of blood clots decreases.
  • Due to the regularity of training, blood vessels gain elasticity and blood pressure normalizes.
  • Improves the functioning of the nervous system, sleep becomes better.
  • Happening fast burning fat

Rules for cardio training at home for men

One of the basic rules for performing home cardio training for men is constant control over heart rate (heart rate).

When performing exercises slowly your heart rate will be lower than normal, so you may not notice any obvious results from your training. However too intense exercise, in which the pulse rises above normal, will lead to overload of the heart muscle.

During cardio training, it is important to keep your heart rate within 130-150 beats per minute. These limits are optimal for high-quality and heart-safe training. This pulse allows you to quickly burn calories.

Tips for effective implementation cardio exercises:

  • It is best to choose a complex for everything muscle groups, This way fat will be burned more efficiently.
  • During classes, open a window or practice on fresh air . It is important to ensure an influx of oxygen, which the body consumes in large quantities at this time.
  • A fat burning workout should last at least 30 minutes.. Optimal time - 40-60 minutes, but no more. In the first half hour, the body uses up glycogen reserves in the muscles and liver, and only then does fat deposits burn.
  • Always do cardio exercises at home in sneakers, and not barefoot or wearing socks. Exercising without shoes is dangerous because it can cause joint problems. It is also necessary to pay attention to the presence of high-quality instep support in sneakers, which will eliminate possible injuries during intense exercise.

Photo 1. The process of training at home. Classes take place in sportswear and shoes.

  • If you have varicose veins, use compression stockings or knee socks, protecting veins from overload and injury. It's better not to do this jumping exercises, as they lead to unnecessary stress on the veins of the legs.

Cardio exercises at home

There are several types of cardio exercises you can do at home.

Push-up exercises

The most commonly used push-up methods are:

It is necessary to take a horizontal position, resting your hands on the floor. First, a downward movement is made. After this, you need to sharply push off from the floor and clap your palms in front of your chest. For those doing the exercise for the first time, It is recommended to place a pillow down. If you can’t make a clap, then you can start by simply lifting your hands off the floor.

Photo 2. Technique for performing push-ups with cotton. For beginners, it is recommended to use insurance.

Plank and burpees


  • Lie down so that your forearm and toes rest on the floor.
  • The body is as aligned as possible.
  • Stay in this position for as long as possible.


  • Starting position: squatting with emphasis on the palms.
  • The legs bounce back.
  • Return to original position.

With this exercise All muscle groups are trained.

Running up stairs and in place

Running is one of the best exercises for cardio training at home. For this you need quality running shoes. It is recommended to start the race from 20 minutes, gradually increasing the time until 40-60 minutes. Running up stairs is a fairly monotonous activity. The structure of the body is such that during training, rapid adaptation to the load occurs and muscle groups stop developing. In order to avoid monotony, you can vary the number of approaches and change the pace of your run.

Photo 3. Technique for running in place. The raised leg should form an angle of 90 degrees.

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Jumping rope

Jumping rope is performed in two sets of 2 minutes each. Between exercises 20 seconds rest. At first, there is no need to rush: 10 minutes will be enough for training. Then you can gradually increase the training time up to 20 minutes.

Reference. The above classes refer to the first part of cardio training. Once they have been mastered and perfected, You can move on to the second part of the lesson: working with dumbbells, squats, side planks.

Alternating cardio and strength training for men

Strength training includes a complex physical activities with weights to build muscle mass and muscle mass.

Cardio training is an excellent prevention of cardiovascular diseases; thanks to exercise, blood supply to all muscles and cells of the body improves.

That's why It is advisable to combine strength exercises with cardio training.

Heart disease is a common occurrence among weightlifters, and all because at one time they neglected aerobic exercise.

Many people wonder - How to properly combine strength training with cardio?

Cardio after strength training

At this time, the body is exhausted and wants rest, but you should not relax, a sharp transition from strength exercises to rest will lead to negative consequences. Cardio training will not allow the body to relax quickly, but at the same time it will help the muscles to calm down. The initial lesson is carried out for 10-15 minutes. And each time slightly increasing this time, the duration of the workout is increased up to half an hour.

Avoid intense exercise otherwise, cortisol will begin to be released, which will begin to burn body fat, and muscle tissue, extracting energy from protein.


If you do cardio before strength training, then Possible negative result: the muscles will not be able to work properly; excess stress will be placed on the joints.

And also, these activities will use up that part of the energy that is necessary for strength training, and as a result, the latter will be less effective. Therefore, it is worth taking time for cardio training before strength training. no more than 15% of the total time of all classes.

Separate classes

This is the best option for training. Cardio and strength training can be carried out on different days or, for example, alternate during the day: One type of exercise in the morning, and another in the evening. In 6-8 hours with help proper nutrition and rest, you can restore your strength and begin new workouts.

Until recently, it was believed that cardio is best view workouts for weight loss, as it works on fat burning, and not on increasing muscle mass. But then research data was published, which said that strength exercises contribute much better to weight loss - and everyone unanimously switched to hardware, buying subscriptions to GYM's. Despite this, aerobic exercise continues to be at the peak of popularity, and many remain faithful to it.

What it is

Cardio training is a form physical activity, aimed at improving the functioning of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, as well as endurance. They are used not only to improve the health of the body, but also for weight loss, as they are able to intensively burn fat.

Examples: running, jumping rope, burpees, crunches, swimming, walking. There are also exercises that combine cardio and strength training - the same push-ups or planks. You shouldn’t differentiate between them and deal exclusively with one thing: as practice shows, the greatest result can be achieved by correctly combining both types (we talked about how to do this correctly).

Despite criticism, cardio is enough effective workouts For fast weight loss because they allow you to burn a lot of calories. With proper nutrition or diet, you can achieve excellent results with their help.

Effect on the body

Cardio training is not originally intended for weight loss. Her the main task- improve the functioning of the lungs and heart through regular exercise. At the same time, the body experiences enormous stress, and if initially everything is not in order with health, it can be seriously harmed. That’s why it’s so important to imagine what will happen to him if you start studying.

Endurance indicators increase: the body acquires the ability to perform longer and faster different types loads, which allows him to burn the maximum number of calories per session.

Strengthens the cardiovascular system:

  • blood circulation is normalized;
  • the heart muscle is toned;
  • blood vessels become more elastic;
  • blood pressure stabilizes;
  • blood sugar and cholesterol levels decrease;
  • the risk of heart disease and vegetative-vascular dystonia is reduced.

The functioning of the respiratory system improves. Subcutaneous fat is burned, metabolic processes are accelerated.

Cardio exercises are also used in strength sports: they renew muscle glycogen reserves and improve their blood supply and nutrition. Some bodybuilders (most often women) use them to reduce muscle mass in a specific area while pumping it up.

With regular and well-organized cardio training, a person quickly reaches the desired mark on the scales and at the same time significantly improves his well-being. But all this is possible only in the absence of serious health problems. Therefore, you must first consult your doctor.

For people who have just had a heart attack, suffer from tuberculosis or other heart and lung diseases, such exercise is contraindicated.

Heart rate calculation

When doing cardio, your heart rate is important. It is due to an increase in heart rate (HR) that the body begins to spend more and more energy. First, glycogen from the liver is consumed, and after 20 minutes of intense exercise, the fat burning process begins directly.

To calculate the upper limit of the permissible heart rate, you can use the Karvonen formula:

Heart rate max = 220 - age (in years) = number of beats/minute.

After this, you can select the heart rate zone in which you will work.

Description of pulse zones

Depending on the physical training, choosing a pulse zone is quite easy: gradually move from the minimum values ​​to the maximum. This will ensure quick and effective weight loss without harm to health. The moment of transition from one pulse zone in another, each person feels it himself or the trainer who observes your classes can tell about it. Usually each of them takes 1-2 months.

Therefore, when organizing cardio training, it makes sense to get a heart rate monitor - it will make your workouts more productive.


There are HIIT (high-intensity interval cardio) and NICT (low-intensity cardio at a constant pace).

With HIIT, the person losing weight performs short period time maximum load at the limit of one’s strength and capabilities, and then rests for a short interval, restoring breathing and energy supply muscle tissue.

With NICT, the main task is to keep the pulse in the zone that you have determined for yourself, that is, to evenly distribute the forces for a sufficiently long period of time.

An illustrative example: with HIIT a person runs for only 10 minutes, but with maximum speed, trying to improve the result each time, and with NICT, jogging can take a whole hour, but at a constant pace, without taking into account speed.

It is believed that best cardio for weight loss - HIIT, which:

  • provide high speed;
  • minimize catabolic processes;
  • accelerate protein synthesis, which allows them to be equated with strength loads;
  • increase oxygen consumption, providing the effect of delayed fat burning;
  • “unload” the hormonal system;
  • improve explosive strength indicators, i.e. increase the number of muscles working in basic exercises.

However, high-intensity interval cardio training has significant disadvantages:

  • they are not compatible with strength training, as they increase muscle recovery time after it;
  • contraindicated for joint injuries, spinal curvature, poor posture, bipolar disorder, increased excitability of the nervous system;
  • not intended for beginners;
  • can cause fatigue, insomnia, and reduce immunity;
  • the most painful side effect is muscle overtraining;
  • if not properly organized, they can lead to depletion of the adrenal cortex and provoke hormonal imbalance;
  • dangerous for joints and ligaments.

Therefore, despite the hype around HIIT, low-intensity cardio is still safer and more versatile. It is prescribed for treatment, recovery after injuries and operations, and physical activity of pregnant women. And the most important thing is that everyone can do it, regardless of their level of physical fitness.

What do they include

To create a cardio training program, you need to know basic exercises for them and those simulators, work on which will put a strain on the cardiovascular and respiratory system and will help you lose weight (our article will help you choose a cardio machine).

How long does it take to do?

No less than 40 minutes and no more than an hour.

How many times a week?

For weight loss - up to 5 times. To stabilize weight - 3 times.

What's the best thing to eat before cardio?

Quick protein (eggs and milk) or Whey Protein and BCAA, which must be purchased in the form of dietary supplements.

Losing weight with cardio is considered one of the most effective if you properly organize your workouts and supplement them with an appropriate nutrition system. Their combination with power loads will allow you to become the owner perfect body and good health.

Having landed on this page, you probably wondered how to do cardio training at home, without using any equipment or exercise equipment. Of course, you can go to the nearest stadium or park and run a couple of kilometers around the park, but when there is mud and slush on the street, but you need to train, then our article will come to your aid. In it we will tell you about a wonderful set of exercises from which we will create a program for you.

The main goal of such training is to burn fat. Of course, it will be difficult to achieve impressive results if you do not eat right.

Cardio workout at home

So, enough talk, let's get to action. Below are 5 exercises that must be performed in the order in which they are shown. It's pretty simple exercises, you won’t need much time to master them. Your main task is to do all the exercises as quickly as possible, but at the same time, do not forget about technique. Choose the optimal speed, but the faster you go, the more your fat will hate you. And after a month of training, he will become seriously offended by you and leave forever.

Explosive push-ups

We stand upright lying down. We lower ourselves down, as with regular push-ups, then push with all our might from the floor, so that your palms come off it. Then land softly back to the starting position.

Over time, make push-ups more difficult by adding a clap the moment your hands leave the floor. Do 15 repetitions and move on to the next exercise.


This exercise is noticeably more difficult than the previous one. To begin, get on all fours so that your knees touch your chest. Then, with a sharp movement, stretch your legs back so that you are in a prone position. Next move return to all fours, and then push your legs up as high as possible. After landing, return to your starting position.

Do 20 burpees and start another exercise.

Rock climber

Starting position: lying position. With a sharp movement, pull your right leg towards your right hand, then return to the starting position. With the next movement, pull up left leg to your left hand and return to the prone position again. Imagine that someone is chasing you, and suddenly a steep hill appears in front of you. Get on it as quickly as possible.

Do 30 repetitions of this exercise and move on.


Sumo squats

We stand up straight, keeping our back straight. We squat and place our hands on the floor at a distance between our legs. With the next sharp movement, we push our legs back and stand in a lying position. For 1 repetition to count, you need to return to the starting position by performing the exercise in reverse order.

Do 15 of these squats and the first round of your workout is over.

Cardio training program at home

Well, you have completed the first round of 5 exercises. Now rest until your breathing is completely restored and repeat this circle at least 3 more times. Below we have placed a table in which we have described the sequence of exercises and the number of repetitions for each of them. Print it out or add this page to your favorites to do these exercises 3 to 4 times a week.

Do at least 4 circuits of these 5 exercises.

This is a high-intensity cardio workout for home, thanks to which you can quickly lose weight and get your body in good shape.

You don't have to have a gym membership to get in good shape. There are many places where you can get a great workout. For example, at home!

We all have busy schedules, but all this cardio workout requires is a little motivation and determination. And you won't have to try to fit travel time into your schedule. Let me guess: You have two little ones running around the house and no one to watch them while you're at the gym? Or do you have too much work to do even during your lunch break? Are there any gyms near your home?

Whatever the reason you're not working out, try a HIIT workout at home today. HIIT workout (high intensity interval training) is designed to provide a challenge, motivate and give a boost of energy.

HIIT training is a popular type of training that combines 2 of the most effective methods bring you to a good place physical fitness: build muscle mass and increase heart rate. This type of training involves new exercises and helps you set bigger goals. But above all, it’s fun and very convenient!

Push ups

It is best to start your workout with active stretching.

  1. Starting position: Stand straight, legs together, core muscles tense.
  2. Bend over and try to reach your hands to the floor. As soon as your fingertips touch the floor, move your hands to a lying position. This stretching exercise will improve your posture and flexibility.
  3. The main thing is to keep your legs straight so that you feel tension in the back of your thighs. If you lack flexibility, you can bend your knees to reach the floor.
  1. Once you're in a prone position, perform one push-up, squeezing your core, chest, and back to lower your chest toward the floor. Stop when the distance between your chest and the floor is 5 cm. Push your hands off the floor to return to the prone position.
  2. Lifting your hips up, move your hands back. When the entire surface of your feet is in contact with the floor, bend down again and then straighten up to the starting position.
  3. Do 10 reps.


Now that you're warmed up, it's time for burpees. Burpee – great exercise to burn calories.

  1. Squat down and place your palms on the floor.
  2. Push your feet off the floor and throw them back so that you are in a prone position. Try to keep your toes on the floor when your feet land.
  3. It will be easier for you to push your feet off the floor and kick them back at the same time if you spread them wider.
  1. When your feet are on the floor, push them off the floor and pull them towards you so that your knees are close to your elbows. At the same time, the feet should be brought together.
  2. Stand tall and then jump up, stretching your arms above your head. These movements constitute one repetition
  3. Complete 10 reps.

Plank with transition to prone position

Get ready to work your core muscles.

  1. Take a lying position with your hands shoulder-width apart. Bring your legs together to make the exercise more difficult, or spread apart to make it easier. The abdominal muscles should be tense. Your body should be in a straight line from your hips to your head.
  2. Keeping your body in this line, lift your left palm off the floor and place your left forearm on the floor. Perform the same movement with your right hand. Now both forearms are on the floor. Tighten your core muscles. Don't rock your hips back and forth.
  3. Hold this position for a second, and then lift your left forearm off the floor and place your left palm on the floor. Repeat for the right hand. These movements constitute one repetition.
  4. Do 20 reps.


Now it's time to work on your lower body. Don't be surprised if your legs feel a little sore after your first workout.

  1. Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, toes pointing forward. Place your hands behind your head and interlock your fingers. Don't pull your head forward.
  2. Direct your gaze forward and tighten your core muscles. Bend forward, pushing your pelvis back and bending your knees. Your knees should not move forward further than your toes, and you should be able to see the tips of the front of your feet. Squat until you are parallel to the floor (as if sitting on an imaginary chair). The body weight should be placed on the heels.
  1. When you sit in your imaginary chair, hold this position for 2 seconds.
  2. Extending your knees, explosively push your heels off the floor and return to the starting position. Remember to keep your butt muscles tight!
  3. Complete 30 reps.

Running while lying down

  1. Take a lying position. Hands and feet shoulder width apart. Tighten your core muscles to Bottom part the back did not sag. The hips and head should be in line.
  2. Pull your right knee towards your chest, or raise it as high as you can.
  3. As you move your right leg back to the starting position, pull your left knee towards your chest. The core muscles should be tense and the back should be in a straight position throughout the entire exercise. Imagine that you are running in place.
  4. Perform 20 reps on each leg (40 reps total).

Jumping Jack

This exercise provides both cardio and power load, making it a great full-body circuit exercise. As with all other exercises, you don't need any equipment. All you need is some free space in your home.

  1. Stand up straight with your arms at your sides.
  2. In one motion, jump your legs and raise your arms above your head.
  3. Immediately do the same movements in the opposite direction: bring your legs together in a jump, and lower your arms along your body.
  4. Complete 50 reps.

Running in place with high knees

  1. Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, look forward, arms at your sides.
  2. Tightening your abdominal muscles, quickly lift your right knee up towards your chest. You should raise your knee to the level of your hips. Keep your core muscles tight. Bent at the elbow left hand lift up as if running.
  3. At the same speed, lower your right leg to the floor and lift your left knee up towards your chest as quickly as possible. Right hand make the appropriate movement. You should lower your feet to the floor on the forefoot (on the ball of the foot).
  4. Perform a total of 60 repetitions.

Cardio training program at home

Repeat this workout for 30 minutes. See how many times you can repeat this program in a week and track your progress.

Week 1

Repeat the program as many times as you can within 30 minutes.

  1. Push-ups – 10 reps
  2. Burpees – 10 reps
  3. Transition plank – 10 reps
  4. Squats – 30 reps
  5. Running while lying down - 40 repetitions
  6. Jumping Jack – 50 reps
  7. Running in place - 60 reps

Week 2

Next week we change the program: perform each exercise for 1 minute with 10 second breaks between them.

  1. Push-ups – 1 minute

Break 10 seconds

  1. Burpee – 1 minute

Break 10 seconds

  1. Plank with transition - 1 minute

Break 10 seconds

  1. Squats – 1 minute

Break 10 seconds

  1. Running in prone position – 1 minute

Break 10 seconds

  1. Jumping Jack – 1 minute

Break 10 seconds

  1. Running in place – 1 minute

The best cardio workout for home: video


These HIIT workouts don't require a lot of space in your home. All you have to do is get off the couch and put on your sneakers, so you don't have any excuses to skip them.

Cardio complex 15 minutes - Yoga for beginners

Based on materials:


Cardio training is not only useful for strengthening the cardiovascular system, but can also be used for weight loss. If you want to learn how to quickly burn fat and get an ideal figure, then this article is just for you. The relevance of cardio is emphasized by the popularity of such exercise equipment as treadmill and an exercise bike, but they are bought primarily by those who need to watch their figure or lose excess weight.

Be careful, because without special knowledge and basic skills in conducting such training, you risk not only wasting time, but also exhausting your heart, which is why it is quite possible to become disabled.

Any active sport is an excellent cardio workout: Athletics, football, tennis, hockey. If you analyze the common features of these types of exercises, you can identify a common feature - high intensity training with minimal load.


Moreover, such exercises always involve measuring heart rate, which is easiest to do with a heart rate monitor. This is necessary in order to prevent the heart rate from leaving certain limits during training. This is the only way the heart will really train.

If you simply walk on a treadmill for a long time or do exercises slowly, your heart will not accelerate and the effect will be minimal. If you accelerate yourself to such an extent that it jumps out of your chest, you won’t last long, but the heart itself, on the contrary, will become overtired. Too strong workouts in youth often led newcomers to heart disease in later life.

Determining individual heart rate limits for proper training is quite simple. First, let's determine the maximum heart rate value, which should not be exceeded:

  • for men: maximum heart rate = 220-age;
  • for women: maximum heart rate = 214-age.

Higher values ​​during exercise lead to worsening heart health. Next, if you want to do a cardio workout that will strengthen the cardiovascular system, multiply the result by 0,75-0,9 and get a window within which your activities will make sense.

If you want to lose weight without straining your heart, you should multiply by 0,6-0,7 . If you keep your heart rate in this range, you will be absolutely safe for your heart to burn fat.

Calculation example

Woman aged 23 years. Max. Heart rate = 214 - 23 = 191 beats/min. For cardio training you need to adhere to:

  • lower limit = 191*0.75 = 143.25 beats/min
  • upper limit = 191*0.9 = 171.9 beats/min

The range is 143.25-171.9 beats/min.

For efficient combustion fat:

  • lower limit = 191*0.6 = 114.6 beats/min
  • upper limit = 191*0.7 = 133.7 beats/min

The range is 114.6-133.7 beats/min.

Optimal heart rate calculator

There are many formulas for such calculations, but this is the most universal and simple, and accurate enough to help you make your workout useful without side effects. It is suitable for people of any build and level of training, with the only difference being that sports person It’s easier to stick to your maximum heart rate for a long time.

Remember the numbers obtained as a result of calculations by heart and look at your heart rate monitor more often. If purchasing a heart rate monitor is a big deal for you, then first get used to measuring the pulse in the arteries, counting only the first 15 seconds and multiplying by 4, because on average, in a minute a person’s heart manages to return to normal and calm down, which is necessary during cardio training avoid.

In the following image you can see what will develop in the body when training in different operating ranges from the maximum heart rate:

How to conduct classes at home?

At home, cardio training can be done through exercises or on special machines, which were mentioned above. When considering them, it is worth giving an exercise bike (how to choose the right one) more preference than a treadmill.

Our body's joints are not designed to withstand the stress caused by running as an overweight person. Therefore, many who lose weight on the treadmill develop joint diseases.

Rules for exercising on cardio equipment

  • Consult your doctor before starting exercise.
  • Check that the cardio machine is installed and assembled correctly. Follow the operating rules specified in the instructions.
  • Don't exercise for more than an hour. Long-term exercise promotes the production of cortisol, a muscle-destroying hormone. A 30-45 minute workout will be optimal and will promote the production of endorphins - the hormones of joy and testosterone.
  • If you feel dizzy, headache, nausea or very tired during exercise, stop immediately. If these symptoms recur, consult your doctor.
  • Always warm up before using the machine.
  • Don't suddenly stop exercising. Lower your heart rate gradually towards the end of the workout.
  • After training, do stretching exercises and let your muscles relax.

And if there is no simulator, you can completely get by with exercises, of which a great many have been invented, filmed and recorded. Below are examples of things you can do in tight spaces.

Cardio training consists of so-called explosive exercises, the common feature of which is high speed, instantaneous force and push. Some of these exercises are also called plyometric (the striking method of Soviet athletes).

Complex No. 1

Plyometric push-ups

Take the position as if regular push-up- on the floor, placing your legs and arms as comfortably as possible. Be sure to keep your body and legs on the same line. Lower yourself to the floor until your nose touches the surface, then push your body up with maximum force - your palms should come off the floor. Ideally you need to make cotton. In any case, try, and in the end you will succeed. The main thing is to land softly, absorbing the fall, so as not to hit your chin or nose on the floor.


Squat down and push your pelvis back without lifting your heels off the ground or bending over. Now push off with your legs, extending them like a frog. Just like with push-ups, make sure you land safely, but don’t forget about obstacles above (chandeliers, open cabinet doors, ceilings).

Exit at point-blank range

Squat down without lifting your heels off the ground and place your hands on the floor. Shift your weight to your hands and jump lightly, straightening your legs back. After going into a lying position, repeat your steps in reverse order, returning to a standing position.

Complex No. 2

Climber Push-Ups

From a lying position, do push-ups, during which press your right and left legs in turn so that your knee touches your elbow. You can then make the exercise more difficult by extending one of the arms opposite the extended leg as far forward as possible, as if you were crawling along a steep slope. It is advisable to choose a sliding surface for this push-up to make it easier to extend your arms. Other types of push-ups.

Running at a low start

Take a pose similar to low start. Tuck one leg under you as much as possible, and stretch the other back. Then start switching your legs at the same time - they should push off from the floor, and the weight should be transferred to your hands. This exercise can also be performed symmetrically with both legs, but it is much more difficult.


From a traditional prone position, lower yourself onto your elbows, transferring your weight to the entire area of ​​your forearm. Without bending your lower back, push your body back with your shoulders, sliding your feet along the floor. Return to the starting position without moving your legs, but using only your hands.

Cardio training should begin with complex 1. Perform 30 repetitions of each exercise in a row without rest at maximum speed.

You should determine how long it took you to complete the cycle. Next, move on to the second complex and perform the exercises in the same mode, but with short breaks. With little experience similar activities It’s better to start small - 10-15 repetitions of each exercise, and then increase the number to 30. When you feel like it’s not enough, just increase the number of cycles.

How much time should I spend on training?

If losing weight through cardio training is of any importance to you, then it is worth knowing an important rule: any workout should last more than 30 minutes. During the first half hour of active exercise, you do not burn a single gram of fat. During this period, the human body uses up glycogen stores in the liver and muscles, and only then turns to fat.

Due to the fact that fat is the most energy-intensive fuel (remember the school course: 1 gram of fat = 38.9 kJ, or 9 kcal of energy), it is not so easy to spend it. Especially when the first half hour of training has already passed and fatigue begins to set in, which, by the way, arises due to the waste of glycogen. Nevertheless, you need to force yourself to continue the activity, otherwise it will be useless.

Monitor the heart rate monitor and keep your heart rate in the zone of 60-70% of the maximum. Exercise and extend your workout to at least an hour, or even two. In two hours of intensive training, you can burn about 100 grams of fat.

In conclusion, I would like to say that you do not forget to monitor your condition, because often health problems are identified during cardio training, which is why doctors use them in stress tests for heart patients.

Open windows and doors to create a constant flow of oxygen. Follow all the above rules, be persistent and your body will be healthier than ever. And in a healthy body there is a healthy mind!

Speeding up metabolism

One way to increase the effectiveness of your workouts is to speed up your metabolism. Metabolism is the metabolism that continuously occurs in the human body. We consume nutrients, which are then used for energy. Metabolic rate is influenced by factors such as age, gender, body weight, body fat percentage and various diseases.

Metabolic rate has a big impact on the body. The production of hormones, the number of kilocalories necessary to maintain human life, as well as the percentage of fat depend on it. Accordingly, a fast metabolism will help you more easily achieve a slim and toned figure. Some people have a faster metabolism, while others have a slower one. But there are ways to influence its speed.

  • Eat 4-6 times a day. You can have, for example, three main meals and two snacks. Do not use too large portions.
  • Keep your diet proportional: 50% carbohydrates, 30% proteins, 20% fats.
  • Avoid saturated and trans fats (margarine).
  • Try to consume less fast carbohydrates (foods containing sugar).
  • Consume more foods rich in fiber (buckwheat, vegetables, fruits).
  • Include nuts, greens, and red fish in your diet; they contain many healthy fats.
  • Accept vitamin complexes(selmevit, complivit).
  • Sleep at least 7-8 hours a day. If your age is under 16 or over 60, sleep 8-9 hours.

Secondly, follow these rules to increase your metabolic rate:

  • Build up muscle mass. 1 kilogram of muscle burns about 100 kilocalories.
  • Eat proteins. Without them, you won't be able to gain muscle mass. Also, much more calories are spent on digesting protein foods than on breaking down carbohydrates and fats.
  • Drink more water. Every glass of cold water you drink speeds up your metabolism by 30 minutes.
  • Have a hearty breakfast. Breakfast is the main meal of the day and will boost your metabolism throughout the day.
  • Be active, a sedentary lifestyle is the enemy of metabolism. Muscles will only burn calories if you use them.
  • Get rid of all bad habits. Alcohol reduces the production of testosterone, a hormone responsible for metabolic rate and muscle growth in the body. Nicotine leads to dehydration of the body.

Music for training

Each person begins to train with a specific goal: he wants to get beautiful body, achieve high sports results and then win various competitions, takes care of his health, wants to take a break from boring work, and just works out in the company of loved ones.

Everyone takes on their first training sessions with enthusiasm, faith in success and in their own strength. But in reality, everything turns out to be not so simple. Constant fatigue, lack of time and quick results make people despondent, and they begin to skip training, and then quit training altogether. But there is a great way to make training enjoyable, interesting, and also get a lot of pleasant emotions and impressions from them. You just need to take a player, a pair of conveniently shaped headphones and select a suitable playlist.

Music has many positive effects on the athlete’s body:

  1. While listening to music, the body feels 10 percent less tired.
  2. The athlete focuses on training and does not waste time on talking and obsessive thoughts. This allows for more intense workout without spending a lot of time on it, and also improves your mood.
  3. By distracting yourself from thoughts about work and other difficulties, you can improve your mental state.
  4. Stamina increases by 15 percent.
  5. Active training with music stimulates the production of adrenaline.
  6. The motivating lyrics of the song allow you to jump above the ceiling and overcome your capabilities.
  7. Studies have proven that music helps reduce oxygen consumption; a person uses his strength and energy more economically, without reducing the load.

Music for cardio training should be chosen in advance. It should play without interruption so that it does not have to be interrupted to start a new composition. The workout begins with a warm-up, then the main part, and at the end there is a cool-down (stretching). So make the following playlist:

  1. Slow first tracks.
  2. Next, increase the tempo, the music should become more rhythmic. Rhythmic music will speed up your reactions, stimulate your psyche and allow you to synchronize your movements with the tempo of the music.
  3. Don't overdo the tempo! Remember that you should keep your heart rate within certain limits, soberly assess your strength and preparation, otherwise you will get tired ahead of time.
  4. If you have a favorite composition that always lifts your spirit and mood, then you can play it immediately after calm compositions, this will be a good start to your workout.
  5. At the end, play calm music, this will relieve tension and gradually slow down your heart rate.
  6. When choosing specific songs for your workout, be guided primarily by your tastes. Music should bring you joy and pleasure.
  • Thomas Newton – Starlit
  • Ludovico Einaudi – Experience
  • Ludovico Einaudi – Una Mattina
  • Henry Jackman – Epilogue
  • Coldplay – The Scientist
  • Tom Chaplin – Quicksand

For the main part you can choose music from three different styles: rock, electronic music and rap/hip-hop. For rock fans, an excellent choice will be songs by such artists as Rammstein, Linkin Park, Nirvana, Nickelback, Bring Me The Horizon, Skillet, Evanescence, Imagine Dragons. For those who prefer electronic music, Armin van Buuren, Enter Shikari, Daft Punk, Garbage, LMFAO, Julien-K are suitable. From rap you can include Eminem, 2Pac, 50 Cent, Lil Wayne, Dr. Dre, Jay-Z.

Fitness trainer, group exercise instructor, nutritionist

Provides general consultations on nutrition, selection of a diet for pregnant women, weight correction, selection of nutrition for exhaustion, selection of nutrition for obesity, selection of an individual diet and therapeutic nutrition. Also specializes in modern methods of functional testing in sports; athlete recovery.