
Exercises for the muscles of the shoulder girdle for women. Exercises for the shoulder girdle. Pulldowns in the simulator

Beauty criteria male body have their own standards. Outstanding and broad shoulders were and remain one of the main measures of attractiveness for a man. The width of the shoulders determines the proportions of the athlete's upper body. The larger it is, the narrower the waist looks. Consequently, the figure looks much more attractive. This is the reason for the high interest of those involved in building beautiful and relief body the most effective exercises for working the shoulder muscles.

The equipment used when performing shoulder exercises depends on the location of the training. In the gym it is best to exercise with a barbell, but at home it is much easier to use dumbbells. The latter have less weight than barbells, but you can also perform good and useful exercises with them.

The formation of the shoulder occurs with the participation deltoid muscle. It consists of an anterior, middle, and posterior bundle. To achieve proper development shoulder region, the load on all three beams should be absolutely uniform. This anatomical structure makes it quite difficult to train the shoulders. However, with some effort, the athlete can not only achieve the desired result, but also make the figure truly attractive.

The training is best composed of basic exercises aimed at engaging and working the entire delta. A separate bundle should be inflated only when the load placed on it was not enough and it began to lag behind the rest in development. In other cases, isolation exercises are not necessary.

You can train like gym, and at home. The main thing is that the athlete has equipment such as dumbbells and a barbell at his disposal. The weight is selected so that at least eight or ten lifts can be done in one approach. Take too much heavy weight It is not recommended to give the shoulders definition and width. Increasing loads, that is, working with heavier equipment, should be done when the main goal is to increase muscle strength. In this case, you need to lift the shells from five to eight times, perform four to five sets.

Beginner athletes are recommended to master and perfect the execution of one or two basic presses. They perfectly work the deltoid muscle and provide an even load on the entire shoulder girdle. When it is sufficiently trained, it becomes noticeable which of the beams requires more work. At this stage, you can add isolation exercises to the training, which are chosen depending on which muscle group needs additional work.

List of effective shoulder exercises

The main exercise for working the shoulder muscles. Its main emphasis is on medium bun deltas. However, pumping of this area occurs with the active participation of both the anterior and posterior bundles.

Initial position:

  • stand straight, spread your feet shoulder-width apart;
  • Take the projectile with a direct grip and lift it to chest level;


  • lift the projectile, exhaling at the end point;
  • take a break;
  • slowly, inhaling, lower the barbell to its original position, that is, to chest level.
  1. no need to take maximum weight;
  2. your back should be slightly arched;
  3. You can use dumbbells as an apparatus.

Basic exercise, which is entirely aimed at pumping up muscles shoulder girdle. Unlike the previous one, it is performed from a sitting position.

Initial position:

  • sit on a sports bench;
  • arch your back a little;
  • take the projectile with a wide grip.


  • simultaneously with exhalation, lift the barbell, while fully straightening your arms;
  • while inhaling, lower the projectile behind your head.
  1. The bench press must be performed smoothly, slowly, without jerking;
  2. The exercise can be diversified by alternating lowering the projectile behind the head and towards the chest.

Ideal training for pumping up the deltoid muscle at home. It is not only effective, but also accessible, since it is performed not with a barbell, which not every athlete has at home, but with dumbbells. Exercises using this sports equipment great for those who, for whatever reason, are unable to engage in gym, but wants to pump up his shoulders.

The training really works and allows you to achieve the desired result. The main thing is to be ready to give your best, be patient, and show diligence. Perseverance should be demonstrated not by the number of approaches, but by regular exercise. Otherwise, no significant effect will be achieved.

Initial position:

  • sitting on a bench with a back, keep your back straight and straight;
  • the chin should be parallel to the floor, the gaze should be straight;
  • keep the projectiles at eye level;
  • Extend your elbows, but make sure they are under your hands.


  • exhaling, squeeze the shells up;
  • Without turning your hands, bring the dumbbells together at the top point;
  • hold for a few seconds;
  • inhaling, smoothly return to the original position.
  1. hands must be moved in the same plane;
  2. to avoid adverse effects on the elbow joints, sharp straightening of the arms at the extreme point should not be allowed;
  3. It is strongly recommended not to bend back or bend your back.

This exercise has already become a classic in bodybuilding. Its effectiveness is beyond doubt. As is already clear from the name, this training was part of the mandatory training of Arnold Schwarzenegger, whose success in building sculpted and beautiful body Absolutely anyone knows, even those far from the world of sports.

Initial position:

  • sit on the bench, press your back to the back;
  • bend your knees so that they form a right angle;
  • spread your legs wide, place your feet as far as possible on the floor;
  • lift the dumbbells to neck level;
  • Bend your elbows at an angle of 90 degrees, turn your palms towards you.


  • exhaling, squeeze the shells vertically upward, turning your hands outward with your palms;
  • make sure that your palms are facing forward at the extreme point;
  • stay late;
  • take a breath, return the projectiles smoothly to the starting position.
  1. perform training better with more light dumbbells than for other exercises;
  2. The elbows at the extreme point should be left slightly bent, and not straightened to the end;
  3. The press must be performed straight, preferably without stopping in the lower position;
  4. In order not to have an additional impact on the spine, acceleration and jerking should be avoided.

Another exercise that is great to do at home. The training is isolating. It is aimed at working out and pumping up the side of the delta.

Initial position:

  • stand up, lean forward slightly;
  • lower your arms with the dumbbells down.


  • take a deep breath, spread your arms shoulder-width apart;
  • the back of the dumbbells at the most extreme point is slightly raised;
  • exhaling, gently lower your arms to their original position.
  • Cheating is unacceptable;
  • the entire load should be concentrated on the shoulders.

If there is cheating during the training, a completely different muscle group is involved. This reduces the result.

Aimed at working the back of the muscles of the shoulder girdle.

Initial position:

  • standing straight with dumbbells in your hands, lean your body forward at an acute angle;
  • lower your hands down.


  • taking a deep breath, spread the projectiles to the sides, raising them to the maximum possible height;
  • As you exhale, return your hands to their original position.
  • at the extreme point of lifting, the front part of the projectile should be slightly tilted forward;
  • You need to keep your back straight, but bend a little at the lower back;
  • You cannot round your back, as this can lead to injury.

Basic training, which is more aimed at working out the middle deltoids, but also pumps up the trapezius muscles.

Initial position:

  • standing straight, grab the barbell with an overhand grip, holding it down;
  • The distance between the palms should be about two fists.


  • exhaling, lift the projectile to your chin;
  • hold the barbell in the most extreme position;
  • take a breath, return to the starting position.
  1. elbows should be constantly apart and rise strictly vertically;
  2. You cannot bend your neck and back, your chin should be horizontal;
  3. when lifting the barbell to the chin, the bar must be raised above shoulder level;
  4. the weight of the projectile should not become an obstacle correct execution exercises.

The best exercises for training shoulders - Video

Let's sum it up

To achieve the desired result, you need to include the proposed exercises in your regular workout and practice on a regular basis. Don't focus solely on exercise. You also need to remember about proper nutrition.

If space for home workouts is limited, dumbbells are the safest equipment. It is better to perform bench presses at the beginning of training, that is, when there is no feeling of fatigue. By following the recommendations given, combining both basic and isolating exercises on the shoulder girdle, each athlete will be able to give their shoulders ideal proportions and make their waist visually narrower.

Correct posture and strong hands- the dream of not only athletes, but also women who want to keep themselves in shape. Exercises for the muscles of the neck and shoulder girdle during the right approach for training they will provide representatives of both sexes with a beautiful and fit figure, giving self-confidence and a feeling of a healthy body. But the desired results will not appear without hard work in the gym or systematic training at home.

What are the benefits of exercise?

Exercises for the muscles of the shoulder girdle can be aimed at increasing their volume and restoring after damage.

Such training is necessary not only for professional athletes and those who want to stand out beautiful figure, but also for those who, due to circumstances, must spend days in an uncomfortable sitting position or stand continuously. For athletes and office workers, warming up the cervical and shoulder region is beneficial due to what happens:

  • muscle relaxation and relief of tension accumulated during the day;
  • formation of a fit, strong figure;
  • increased self-esteem;
  • strengthening the muscles that form posture.

Exercises and their intensity are selected depending on the goal. If we are talking about professional sports or recruiting muscle mass, then a training system is needed, carried out under the supervision of a specialist and with special equipment. It will help pump the right muscle groups, prevent damage due to improper use of exercise equipment, and ensure a uniform increase in load.

People who work in an office can knead the neck area using a massager.

For office workers, a set of simple exercises is suitable that can be performed without leaving your workplace. This exercise will help relax the muscles of the shoulder girdle and also ensure their strengthening. After a working day, you can use a special neck massager, thereby providing high-quality relaxation.

For headaches and back pain, decreased immunity and psycho-emotional stress, a course of exercise therapy is often prescribed. It should be remembered that the neck contains many important nerves and vessels, so physiotherapy will strengthen muscle corset and protection for the structures of the nervous and cardiovascular systems. The shoulder girdle massager also has a positive effect on tissue performance and metabolism, which promotes relaxation. Therefore, recommendations regarding the development upper belt limbs include choosing a goal and a responsible approach to exercise.

Do you need a warm-up?

Before execution strength exercises it is necessary to prepare the muscles for work. Even a short warm-up before the main workout will help to avoid sprains and dislocations, improve blood circulation and elasticity of the fibers, and increase the effectiveness of training. To stretch the muscles of the neck and shoulder girdle, about 15 minutes are enough to complete the complex, which includes the following parts of the body:

Raising your hands clasped behind your back will help stretch your pectoral muscles.
  • Breast. To train the pectoral muscles, you need to put your hands behind your back and clasp them in a lock, then smoothly lift them until you feel tension. Next, you should straighten up and place your palms on the top of your head so that your elbows are at right angles to your body. In this position, pull the upper limbs back.
  • Neck and trapezius muscle. To perform the exercise, you need to tilt your head forward, pressing your chin tightly to your chest and holding for a quarter of a minute. Next, straighten up and press your ear to your shoulder for 20-30 seconds. Repeat on the other side. After performing, make rotational movements with your neck and head.
  • Shoulders and posterior deltoid muscles. To warm up, straighten your arms and rotate your torso alternately from side to side until it stops. Next, pull the elbow with the opposite limb until you feel a pulling sensation. Exercises are beneficial both for the muscles themselves and for the shoulder joint.

Warm-up should be comprehensive, so you cannot limit yourself to just one muscle group. Even if the emphasis is only on the shoulder girdle, you should thoroughly warm up the body and prepare the cardiovascular and nervous system for work.

Sets of exercises for the muscles of the shoulder girdle

The standing barbell press must be done at least 8 times.

During training, it is necessary to work out all muscle groups. It is recommended to start with exercises that cover the pumped belt as much as possible, then highlight more local ones and refine individual areas. For such training, a dumbbell and barbell are enough. The simulator provides the ability to pump individual muscle bundles with greater comfort and effectiveness, but they can be replaced with weight. A typical workout includes the following exercises:

  • "Butterfly". It is performed on a pull-block type simulator and develops the pectoral muscles. It involves bringing the straightened limbs together under the resistance of the load.
  • Barbell bench press. To develop the shoulder joint and nearby muscles, press from behind the head and from the chest. You can perform it sitting or standing, and select the weight so that you can do at least 8 approaches.
  • Swing your arms forward, backward and to the sides. Working with a simulator (crossover) allows you to capture most of the main muscles of the shoulder girdle and adjust the load by changing the weight.

Basic exercises with dumbbells

Visiting the gym is not a necessary condition for working out the shoulder girdle and neck. Many exercises can be performed at home with dumbbells, in extreme cases replacing them with bottles of water or sand. For a full workout, a suitable load, a chair and one hour a day are enough. Basic exercises are presented.

Video: training for shoulder muscles

Best Shoulder Exercises

The exercises presented below are part of a complex for developing primarily the muscles of the shoulder girdle. But they can also be used in training programs for other parts of the body, since some other muscles are trained to one degree or another.

After all, the shoulder girdle is one of the most prominent parts of any bodybuilder’s body. Developed core shoulders protrude effectively from under a T-shirt; they cannot be hidden under almost any clothing. Well, powerful hands - and even more so " business card"An athlete working out with iron. Beginners (and not only) often abuse pumping their arms, sometimes to the detriment of all other muscle groups.

Therefore, it is not surprising that many athletes intensively train the shoulder girdle.

Exercises for developing the shoulder girdle

These exercises will help almost everyone get well-shaped arms and shoulders:

  • Perhaps the most famous exercise. Alternating dumbbell bicep curls. It is recommended to perform the exercise with such a selection of weights that you can perform 3 sets of 6-8 repetitions.
  • Raising arms with dumbbells through the sides. Exercise for developing the shoulders - deltoid muscles. Also performed in 3 sets of 6-8 times.
  • Raising your arms with dumbbells in each hand through the sides up above your head. 3 sets of 6-8 times.
  • Abduction of arms with dumbbells to the sides from a forward bending position. The weights are selected so that you can perform 3 sets of 4-6 times.
  • Dumbbell chest press from a standing position - alternate for each arm. It is recommended to perform 3 sets of 6-8 repetitions.
  • Circular movements hands with dumbbells – also 3 sets of 6-8 repetitions.
  • From a sitting position - alternate hand press of dumbbells. 3 sets of 6-8 times.
  • Abduction of the arm to the side from a position lying on its side on incline bench. The slope should be approximately 45 degrees. 3 sets of 4-6 repetitions.
  • The same exercise - but the bench is located horizontally. 3 sets. The number of repetitions is from 4 to 6 in each set.
  • Raising your arms from dumbbells to shoulder level. Performed while lying on a flat surface horizontal bench. Also 3 sets of 4-6 repetitions.
  • Lying face down on a bench, move your arms with dumbbells to the sides. 3 sets of 4-6 repetitions.
  • Lying on your stomach on a bench, raise your arms forward. 3 4-6 times.
  • Raising both arms through the sides up in a block simulator. The body is kept strongly tilted forward. 3 6-8 times.
  • Side-to-side rows on a block machine. First the exercise is performed with one hand, then with the other. You should always start with a weak hand. 3 sets of 8-10 reps each set.
  • One-arm cable row up from the sides. The body is slightly tilted forward. Perform 3 approaches, 7-10 times each.
  • Abduction of arms to the sides on a block simulator from a standing position. The body is kept straight. The handle is held at waist level. You need to perform 3 sets for each arm, 6 to 8 repetitions in each approach.
  • From a sitting position, bring your arms to the sides, overcoming the resistance of the block simulator. In this case, the handle should be held at hip level. In the same way - 3 sets for each hand, from 6 to 8 repetitions in each approach.
  • Rowing the barbell to the chin in front of you from a standing position. 3 6-8 times.
  • Bench press with both hands from behind the head. This is a triceps exercise. The optimal would be 3 sets of 5-6 repetitions.
  • Raising the barbell with straight arms from a supine position. Before each repetition, start with the barbell on your hips. You need to perform 3 sets of 4-6 times each.
  • Bench press with a grip narrower than usual. At the same time, the triceps are actively involved in the work. After straightening your arms, you need to hold the barbell in your hands in a stationary position for some time, maintaining static tension. Perform 3 sets of 4-6 times each.

Exercise 1

Bent over arm extension

To perform the exercise, you will need dumbbells, the weight of which depends on your level of training. The choice of weight should be such that you can perform 10-12 repetitions in 1 set.

Place one hand and the same knee on any flat surface.

Your back is straight and tense, also tighten your abdominal muscles. The gaze is directed to the floor. The arm with the dumbbells is bent at the elbow.

Keeping your elbow stationary, slowly straighten your arm from the dumbbells. Under no circumstances should you raise your arm up: shoulder, elbow, hand - in one straight line. At the highest point, pause and turn your hand palm up. Return the brush to its previous position. Slowly return the hand with the dumbbell to the starting position. As you develop strength, increase the number of sets to 3 and repetitions to 15.

Option 1

Exercise 2

Extension of the arm from behind the head

To perform this you will need dumbbells, the weight of which depends on your level of training. At the initial stage, select the weight so that you can perform 10-12 repetitions in one set.

Sit up straight, tighten your abdominal and back muscles. Take the dumbbell with both hands by the bar closer to the top plate, bend your elbows - this will be your starting position. Slowly press the dumbbell up over your head. Without pausing, return to the starting position. As you develop strength, increase the number of sets to 3 and the number of repetitions to 20. When you can easily perform 3 sets, make it more difficult: do the movements with one hand (as in the picture). Rest 1-2 minutes between sets.

Option for beginners

Option for advanced

Exercise 3

French bench press

The exercise is similar to the previous one, with the only difference being that it needs to be performed while lying down.

Take a lying position on the floor or any elevation, hold dumbbells with straight arms above your face (starting position).

Slowly bend your elbows and lower the dumbbells behind your head. Without pausing, return to the starting position. If at the initial stage it is difficult for you to perform the movement with two dumbbells, modify the exercise: grab one dumbbell with both hands. When you can easily perform 3 sets of 15 repetitions each, switch to the version with two dumbbells, constantly increasing their weight. Rest 1-2 minutes between sets.

Exercise 4

Push ups

You should proceed to this exercise only if you can easily perform the previous three. In the world of fitness, push-ups data with narrow setting hands are considered the most difficult, but very effective.

At the initial stage, push-ups should be performed with emphasis on the knees and straight arms, and only after mastering this option, proceed to performing them on straight arms and legs (as shown in the figure). Take a lying position, place your palms closer so that thumbs and the index fingers formed a rhombus.

Tighten your abdominal muscles and, slowly bending your elbows, lower yourself to the floor - almost until your nose touches. Also slowly return to the starting position. Don't be discouraged if you get less than 5 times the first time. As you develop strength, you will be able to perform the movements up to 10–12, and then up to 20 times. As soon as you complete 20 repetitions, move on to the classic version (with the starting position - lying on your toes).

This set of exercises is ideal for those who are not satisfied rear surfaces hands (by the way, the most unpleasant place for women, because this is where fat is deposited most readily).

Exercise 5

Dumbbell press

Sculpted shoulder muscles will allow you to highlight not only your chest and top part body, but also visually reduce the lower one. In any open dress or top you will look simply seductive.

The following three exercises will also help you strengthen your shoulder muscles. To perform the exercise, you will need dumbbells weighing from 1.5 to 5 kg, depending on your level of training.

Place your feet shoulder-width apart, feet parallel or slightly apart, knees bent, abs tense. Hands with dumbbells are bent at the elbows and located at shoulder level, palms pointing inward, elbows pointing to the floor.

Inhale deeply, and as you exhale, slowly press the dumbbells up over your head and slightly forward, keeping your back completely straight. Hold at the top for a couple of seconds and return to the starting position.

At the initial stage, perform 2 sets of 8-10 repetitions. As you develop strength, increase the number of sets to 3 and repetitions to 12. Rest 1-2 minutes between sets.

Exercise 6

Moving the arm to the side

Lying on your left side on any inclined surface(bench angle 45°), take a dumbbell in your right hand, left hand bend at the elbow and place it under your head. Place your toes on the floor, crossing your legs. Extend your right arm so that it is parallel to your body, the dumbbell touches your thigh, and your palm is pointing down. From this position, raise your arm with the dumbbell, pause and return to the starting position. Without raising your shoulder, squeeze and lower your shoulder blades before each repetition. Change the position of your body and arms and perform the exercise in the other direction.

Select the weight of dumbbells depending on your level of training. At the initial stage, start with 1-2 sets of 8-10 repetitions each. As you develop strength, increase the weight of the dumbbells and vary the high load with the low one: do 2 kg in one workout, 4 kg in the next.

Attention: to avoid injuries to the elbow joint, keep the elbow of your working arm slightly bent, do not change the position of the dumbbell, that is, do not rotate it when lifting - this will reduce the effectiveness of the exercise; do not raise your hand too high; do not try to use too high a weight - you will overload the ligaments of the shoulder girdle and muscles. Rest 1-2 minutes between sets.

Exercise 7

Combined arm raise

For the exercise you will need dumbbells weighing 2-4 kg, depending on your level of training.

Place your feet shoulder-width apart, arms with dumbbells down, palms facing inward. Tighten your abdominal muscles, this will allow the spine to take a natural curve.

With your shoulder blades together, lift the dumbbells straight out in front of you to shoulder level, then lower them toward your hips. Without pausing, spread your arms to the sides also at shoulder height.

Return to the starting position and complete all given reps.

At the initial stage, start with 1-2 sets of 8-10 repetitions each. As you develop strength, increase the number of sets to 3 and repetitions to 12. Then gradually increase the weight of the weights. Rest 1-2 minutes between sets.

Exercise 8

Arm raise (butterfly) bent over

This exercise helps not only strengthen the muscles of the shoulder girdle, but also the back.

Take dumbbells and sit on the edge of a chair with your knees bent and directly above your ankles. Lower your shoulders, tighten your abs. Bend forward from your hips with your arms hanging down, palms facing each other, and elbows slightly bent. Connecting your shoulder blades, slowly spread your arms to the sides, then also slowly return to the starting position. At the initial stage, take dumbbells weighing from 2 to 4 kg, depending on your level of training. Start with 1-2 sets of 8-10 reps each. As you develop strength, increase the number of sets to 3 and repetitions to 12. Rest 1-2 minutes between sets.

Exercise 9

Biceps curl with dumbbells

To perform the exercise you will need a pair of dumbbells weighing from 2 to 4 kg.

Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, feet parallel, arms with dumbbells hanging freely down, palms facing forward.

Bend your knees slightly, tighten your abs, straighten your chest. Without moving your elbows, bend your arms and slowly lift the dumbbells.

Attention: at the top point, the knuckles should be directed upward, not towards you; inner side the forearm is pressed against the biceps.

Keeping your elbows close to your body, slowly return to the starting position. Initially, start with 1-2 sets of 12 repetitions each. As you develop strength, increase the number of sets to 13 and repetitions to 15. Rest 1-2 minutes between sets.

Exercise 10

Seated arm curl

To perform the exercise, you will need a pair of dumbbells weighing from 2 to 4 kg, depending on your level of training. The exercise ideally strengthens the shoulder muscles and biceps. Can be done while sitting on a chair or on a fitball. Sit on a fitball, knees bent, feet shoulder-width apart. Holding a dumbbell in your left hand, lean your body forward and lean the back of your shoulder on inner surface hips, palm freely lowered down and directed inward. Tighten your abs, straighten your back, and rest your right hand on your right thigh for support. Maintaining this position and without bending your wrist, lift the dumbbell to your shoulder. Slowly return to the starting position. First perform all repetitions with one hand, then with the other. This will be one set. At the initial stage, start with 1-2 sets of 8-10 repetitions each. As you develop strength, increase the number of sets to 3 and repetitions to 12. Rest 1-2 minutes between sets.

Attention! The first 4 exercises are aimed at strengthening the triceps, the next 4 - at strengthening the muscles of the shoulder girdle, and the last two - at the biceps. To create a cosplex, choose from the suggested exercises 2 for triceps, 2 for shoulder muscles and 2 for biceps and perform them 2-3 times a week. To avoid stagnation in your training, replace some exercises with others more often, this way you will achieve the desired results.

Or you can choose only those exercises that will help you correct your most important problem area. In this case, train 2 times a week, choosing at least 3-4 exercises.

To avoid injury and problems, be sure to stretch your muscles before and after your workout. I also recommend starting exercises only after warming up the muscles. To do this, you can perform jumping rope, running, dance steps, etc., any energetic movements for 3-5 minutes.

The good thing about the exercises offered to you is that at the same time they will help strengthen the muscles of the back and spine.

Stretching exercises for the upper body are important not only for preventing muscle stiffness, but also for improving posture and overall health. appearance. For example, inelastic or weak muscles in the chest and shoulder girdle can cause slouching and poor posture due to prolonged periods of sitting at a desk, computer, or driving a car. bent position. Incorrect posture, in turn, leads to a decrease in the respiratory capacity of the chest (since a full breath requires maximum extension of the spine), and insufficient breathing can negatively affect blood circulation.

Stretching exercises for the muscles of the shoulder girdle and chest reduces their tension, increases elasticity, increases blood circulation and makes breathing easier.

The exercises below are shown for only one half of the body. We will definitely repeat it for the other half. Hold in each position for at least 30 seconds.

When performing any type of stretching, you should always keep these six rules in mind:

1. WARM UP. Warming up increases muscle temperature, which increases blood flow to the tissues. In this case, muscle fibers will respond faster and more efficiently to stretching.

2. CAUTION. Do not use excessive force when stretching the muscle. It takes approximately 6-10 seconds before the muscle's internal defense mechanism adapts to the new condition. Then nervous system will allow muscle fibers relax and change your length.

3. Hold the final position for 30-60 SECONDS.

4. AVOID JERKING. Snatching puts stress on joints, ligaments and muscles.

5. BREATHING. Deep rhythmic breathing from the belly will help increase blood circulation in the muscle tissue. As a result, the supply of nutrients to muscle fibers increases. Breathing helps you concentrate your mind and helps you relax.

6. STRETCH BOTH SIDES. To maintain muscle balance and symmetry, always stretch your left and right side one area or another.

Exercise No. 1

Stretching the muscles that adduct the arm, extend the arm at the shoulder joint and abduct the shoulder joints (deltoid muscle, left latissimus muscle back, left triceps and left rhomboids)

Stand up straight and take a comfortable position, with your feet shoulder-width apart. Straighten your left arm and extend it in front of your chest. With your right hand, press your left elbow to your chest. To enhance the stretch, bend your right arm at the elbow and move it behind the back of your head. The face and shoulders should be facing straight forward. For more deep stretching Turn your torso and face to the right.

Exercise No. 2

Stretching the muscles that rotate the scapula

Stand up straight and take a comfortable position, with your feet shoulder-width apart. Bend your right arm at the elbow and place the back of your hand on your thigh. With the fingers of your left hand, grab your right elbow and pull it forward. As you become more flexible, your elbow will be almost directly in front of your chest.

Exercise No. 3

Stretching the muscles that adduct the arm, elevate and abduct the shoulder joints (right triceps, right latissimus dorsi, deltoid).

Stand up straight and take a comfortable position, with your feet shoulder-width apart. Keeping your neck and head straight, gently place your right elbow behind your head as shown in the photo. To reduce neck muscle tension, do not tilt your head forward. For a deeper stretch, tilt your torso to the left.

Exercise #4

Stretching the muscles that flex the arm at the shoulder joint and lower the shoulder joint (large pectoral muscle, anterior deltoid muscle, biceps).

Stand up straight and take a comfortable position, with your feet shoulder-width apart. As you inhale, lift your arms up to the sides, clasp your palms and turn them towards the ceiling. As you exhale, lengthen your palms and crown upward, pull your shoulders down from your ears, and keep your neck long. Feel how your right and left sides are stretched behind your hands. Then, as you exhale, move your arms as far behind your head as possible, opening your chest and shoulders. Make sure there is no excessive arching in the lower back.

Exercise #5

Stand up straight and take a comfortable position, with your feet shoulder-width apart. Clasp your palms behind your back. Next, be extremely careful: turn your clasped palms towards your buttocks, continue to turn them towards the floor. As a result, your palms will turn back. If you did it right - yours rib cage should open up, and the shoulders and shoulder blades will pull back. Take a deep breath and as you exhale, raise your arms up. At the extreme point, freeze.

If your shoulder joints are not mobile enough, use a towel to help.

For a deeper stretch, lean your body forward and gently pull your arms toward the floor, as shown in the photo.

Exercise #6

Shoulder Internal and External Rotator Stretch Using a Towel

Take the towel by the edges and stretch it with your hands so that outstretched arms it could be freely carried behind the back over the head. Don't strain or twist your arms. They should be far enough apart that you can lift them up over your head and behind your back without undue effort. To increase the load, reduce the distance between your hands and repeat the exercise without bending your elbows.

Exercise #7

Stretching the muscles that flex the arm at the shoulder joint (pectoralis major, anterior deltoid, biceps)

Stand in front of a chair, place your feet shoulder-width apart. Stretch your arms up. Lean forward with a straight back, place your palms on the back of the chair. Stretch your chest down, lengthen your crown forward, and pull your tailbone back.