For beginners

Spreading your legs to the sides. Why this exercise puts your buttocks at risk: leg raises and leg extensions Exercises for the inner thighs

Reading time: 27 minutes

Do you want to get slim? toned legs, but the fat on your inner thigh is keeping you from getting closer to your desired goal? We offer you a unique selection of exercises for the inner thigh without equipment + a ready-made lesson plan that can be performed even at home.

Ready-made training scheme for the inner thigh

On the inner side of the thigh are the adductor muscles of the thigh, which are most effectively worked through isolation exercises. But for losing weight in the inner thigh in addition to strengthening the adductor muscles, you must also eliminate the fat layer, which is located above the muscles.

We offer you a ready-made training scheme that will help you not only effectively work the adductor muscles, but also enhance the fat burning process.

This circuit includes 3 types of exercises for the inner thigh:

  • Exercises that are performed while standing (squats and lunges)
  • Cardio exercises (with emphasis on inner part hips)
  • Floor exercises (leg raises and raises)

It means that your workout should be divided into three segments of approximately equal time. For example, if you exercise for 45 minutes, then spend 15 minutes on each exercise group. If you train for 30 minutes, each segment will last 10 minutes. Thanks to this exercise regimen for the inner thigh, you will tighten your muscles, reduce body fat, and improve the lines of your legs.

Below are visual pictures of exercises for the inner thigh and ready-made execution schemes. You can take our version of classes, or you can create your own program. But before moving directly to the exercises, let's clarify some points about the features of training on the inner thigh.

Questions and answers on inner thigh training

1. What if I'm a beginner?

If you are just starting to exercise, then allocate no more than 15-20 minutes a day for training. Take breaks, keep a moderate pace and gradually increase the time, number of repetitions and complexity of the exercises.

2. What if I don't like cardio exercises?

5. How can you complicate the proposed exercises?

You can easily make inner thigh exercises more challenging by using leg weights or (although dumbbells are not suitable for all exercises). You can also use a fitness band - this is one of the most effective devices for strengthening your leg muscles.

6. How often should I do inner thigh exercises?

Exercise no more than 2-3 times a week. On average, it is enough to devote about 1 hour per week to the problem area. It is also very important to train not only the adductor muscles, but also the quadriceps, hamstrings, muscle corset And gluteal muscles. It makes no sense to exercise only a separate muscle group - you need to train the whole body. Be sure to check out:

First segment of the workout: standing inner thigh exercises

During squats and lunges, watch your posture, your back should remain straight, your knees should not go beyond your toes. Also try not to tilt your back forward or arch your lower back, otherwise the load on your leg muscles will decrease. If you lack hip rotation (knees do not point in opposite directions), It's OK. Choose the maximum possible for you stable position. Perform inner thigh exercises within your capabilities.

If you have trouble maintaining balance in the plie squat (with legs spread wide and feet turned out), That you can use a chair as a support. This selection of exercises will help you not only work your inner thighs, but also your gluteal muscles and quadriceps.

2. Plie squats with one toe raise

Execution diagram

We offer you 3 options for combinations of exercises to choose from. The number of repetitions is indicated next to the exercise. If you are a beginner, do the minimum number of repetitions.

Your workout will consist of 6 exercises, which are repeated in 2-3 circles. Rest between exercises for 15-30 seconds. Rest between circles for 1 minute.

Example 1:

    25-35 times 20-30 times 20-30 times 10-15 times on each side

Example 2:

  • Plie squats with one toe raise (right leg): 20-30 reps
  • 10-15 times on each side
  • Plie squats with one toe raise ( left leg): 20-30 times
  • Side lunge on toes (right leg): 10-20 times
  • 20-30 times
  • Side lunge on toes (left leg): 10-20 times

Example 3:

    20-30 times
  • Side lunge (right leg): 15-25 reps
  • 20-30 times
  • Side lunge (left leg): 15-25 reps
  • 10-15 times on each side 25-35 times

You can alternate between 3 options for inner thigh exercise combinations, choose just one option, or create your own exercise plan. After completing the segment with squats and lunges, we move on to cardio exercises for the inner thigh.

Second segment of the workout: cardio exercises for the inner thighs

Plyometric (jumping) training is one of the most effective ways burning fat in the lower body and shaping slender legs. If you have no contraindications, then cardio training should definitely become part of your fitness plan.

The presented cardio exercises for the inner thighs are formed by level from simple to complex. You can choose only a few exercises that suit your level of difficulty or alternate groups of exercises with each other. Perform exercises only in sneakers!

3. Plank jumps with legs raised

Execution diagram

We offer you 2 options for combinations of cardio exercises for the inner thigh: for beginners and for advanced.

An example of an inner thigh cardio workout for beginners:

  • Jumping in plank with legs raised

We perform the exercises according to the scheme: 30 seconds of work + 30 seconds of rest (for example, we perform Jumping Jumps with arms and legs raised for 30 seconds, then rest for 30 seconds, then move on to Plyometric side lunge– 30 seconds, then 30 seconds rest, etc.). We repeat the exercises in 2 circles, in the second circle we perform a side lunge on the other leg. Rest 1 minute between circles. This cardio workout option will last 10 minutes.

Example of an advanced inner thigh cardio workout:

  • Plank jump with legs raised

We perform the exercises according to the following scheme: 45 seconds of work + 15 seconds of rest (for example, we perform a Jump into a wide squat for 45 seconds, then rest for 15 seconds, then move on to a Plank Jump with legs raised - 45 seconds, then rest for 15 seconds, etc.). We repeat the exercises in 2 circles, 1 minute of rest between circles. This cardio workout option will last 10 minutes.

After cardio exercises, we move on to exercises for the inner thighs on the floor.

Third segment of the workout: exercises for the inner thighs on the floor

These inner thigh exercises are performed on the floor. They are low-impact and do not put stress on joints and blood vessels, so you can perform them if you are bothered by your knees or varicose veins. While doing the exercises, try to keep your leg muscles tense and your stomach tucked.

Thanks to YouTube channels for the gifs: mfit, Linda Wooldridge, Jessica Valant Pilates, Christina Carlyle.

Execution diagram

We offer you 3 options for combinations of exercises for the inner thigh to choose from. The number of repetitions is indicated next to the exercise. If you are a beginner, do the minimum number of repetitions.

Your workout will consist of 8 exercises, which are performed in 1-2 circles. Rest between exercises for 15-30 seconds. Rest between circles for 1 minute.

Example 1:

    25-35 times
  • Leg raises for inner thigh (right leg): 15-25 reps
  • Leg raises for inner thigh (left leg): 15-25 times
  • 30-40 times

Example 2:

  • Circular movements lying on your side (right leg): 15-30 times
  • Circular movements lying on your side (left leg): 15-30 times
  • Complicated shell (right leg): 15-25 times
  • 20-25 times on each leg
  • Advanced shell (left leg): 15-25 times
  • Leg raise ( Right side): 10-20 times
  • Leg raises (left side): 10-20 times
  • 15-25 times

Example 3:

  • Hip adduction while lying on your side (right leg): 20-35 times
  • Hip adduction while lying on your side (left leg): 20-35 times
  • Shell (right leg): 20-30 times
  • 15-25 times
  • Shell (left leg): 20-30 times
  • Leg raises with chair (right leg): 15-25 times
  • Leg raises with a chair (left leg): 15-25 times
  • 20-30 times

You can alternate between 3 options for inner thigh exercise combinations, choose just one option, or create your own exercise plan.

Basic rules of exercises for the inner thigh

  1. Always start your workout with a warm-up and end with stretching. Never exercise without warming up, otherwise you risk injury!
  2. You should feel the target muscles as you perform inner thigh exercises. Keep your body collected and concentrated, do not perform the exercises thoughtlessly and laxly.
  3. Try to change exercises periodically, do not constantly perform the same exercises. Don't let your muscles adapt to the load.
  4. If cardio exercises are especially difficult for you, then you can start your workout with them rather than with squats and lunges. But you shouldn’t put cardio at the end of the session; it’s better to perform exercises on the local zone after aerobic exercise to increase blood circulation in the target area of ​​the body.
  5. remember, that inner side hips will only decrease with overall body weight loss, so reasonable dietary restrictions are a prerequisite for getting rid of fat in this area.
  6. Isolated adductor exercises are very useful for eliminating the problem area on the inner thighs, but don't forget about exercises for the rest of the muscles of your legs and core. With balanced work on all muscle groups, you will achieve your goal much faster.
  7. Remember that fat does not melt in the part of the body that you work hard. The whole body loses weight. But you can help him eliminate the problem area by doing interval training and working on body tone.
  8. If you like to do ready-made video workouts, then be sure to watch our selection: Top 25 best videos for the inner thigh.

Video for the inner thigh in Russian

1. How to create a gap between the thighs

2. Exercises for the inner thigh

3. Inner thigh

Secret firm buttocks and slender hips regular training And correct technique exercises. To complete the complex you will need a mat and a cheerful working mood. The entire training takes place in an intensive mode. After completing all the exercises from the list, rest for 1-2 minutes and repeat the entire complex for another 2-3 circles. Work out twice a week and stay in shape!

Set of exercises

Starting position – legs together.

We take a step to the side and lower ourselves into a squat. We return to the starting position and repeat the exercise with a step in the other direction.

Follow all the rules of squatting technique. Don’t fall on one hip - take a step and sit up straight. Squat until parallel to the floor. We don’t push our knees inward; when squatting, we push them outward. Keep your back straight. We tilt the body forward a little, but do not bend the spine. The lower back is tense. We bring our hands in front of us to create natural balance.

Perform 20 repetitions on each side.

Lunges are one of the best exercises, which lifts the buttocks upward.

Starting position - stand up straight and take a wide step back, the front leg remains in place, back leg move it slightly in line as shown in the photo.

Get down. You can tilt your body forward slightly, feeling how your buttocks stretch. Keep your hips straight, do not turn your pelvis. When lowering down, the knee of the front leg should not go forward. Lift your body using your buttock muscles.

Perform 20 repetitions on each leg.

3. Bend forward (Good Morning)

Good Morning is an exercise that works well on the upper buttocks.

Starting position – stand straight and bend your knees slightly. Place your feet at a distance of 15-20 centimeters from each other.

Bend forward and use your buttocks to lift yourself up. The lower back is fixed. We hold our hands in front of us. We bend over as low as the stretching of the buttocks allows. It is very important not to round your back when performing the exercise.

Perform 20-50 repetitions.

Starting position - lie on your back on the mat, legs bent at the knees, toes pointing down.

Straighten your legs up, then spread them apart. Next, bring your legs together and return to the starting position. The exercise is performed at an intense pace. When spreading your legs to the sides, exhale. Make sure that when straightening your legs, they are tense. Perform leg extensions to the sides only after you have fully straightened your legs at the top point.

Perform 20-30 repetitions.

5. Hip raises while lying on your stomach

Starting position - lie on your stomach, legs bent at the knees, heels together, toes apart. We keep our legs at right angles. We place our hands in front of us on our elbows and rest our foreheads on them.

Initial position: lying on your back, arms extended along the body.

Raise both legs up. Don't bend your knees.

Spread both legs to the sides at the same time. To increase the load, do this exercise slowly for 10 beats.

Do 3 approach to 20 once.

8. Butterfly pose

Baddha-konasana, or butterfly pose, is also a yoga exercise. "Butterfly" is useful for any woman to do every day. Try to keep the load within 200-500 swings "Butterfly" improves blood circulation in the pelvic area, abdomen and back. If you have problems with the ovaries and genitourinary system, then you should perform this exercise 2-3 times a day.

Sit on the floor, straighten your back, bend your knees, and bring your heels together. Pull your feet towards your perineum. Start raising and lowering your knees up and down, as if a butterfly is flapping its wings. Keep your back straight. Try to touch your knees to the floor. But if it doesn’t work out yet, just follow your capabilities.

If it is difficult for you to do the exercise with a straight back, make it easier - lean your hands behind you, but keep your back straight.

9. Relaxation

In order for the body to absorb the load, it must be relaxed.

Lie on the floor, spread your arms and legs to the sides, relax your neck and facial muscles. Try not to think about anything, just imagine your ideal belly and body, full of health and beauty.

By performing this simple set of exercises, you will regain your slim stomach, create powerful support for internal organs due to worked muscles and gain the necessary tone that sports gives us.. By the way, this cycle of exercises is completely universal. It can be performed by both women who have given birth and women who have not given birth, young and old - it is equally useful for everyone!

What woman doesn’t want to have a beautiful, toned figure after pregnancy and childbirth? So that the abs are present and the back remains slender like a girl?

Such women inspire admiration, especially if you see them with a horde of kids on the beach...

During pregnancy, as the fetus grows, the rectus abdominis muscles move apart. Internal organs - the intestines, the bladder - with each month of pregnancy experience more and more stress and sink down, changing their natural position. Our task is to return all organs to their places and help the rectus muscles close.

It is a mistake to think that abdominal exercises will help you regain a flat stomach. In fact, such exercises are even contraindicated during the postpartum period. And “inverted” poses and exercises that are performed lying on your side or back are good.

Ideally, everything will “return to its place by itself” in 3-4 months. But after the second pregnancy it becomes more and more difficult. Therefore, it is important to make efforts in time so that the recovery period coincides with the start of your training.

Immediately after the birth of a child, there is still a lot of space left in the lower abdomen - and the intestines rush there, squeezing the uterus along with the vagina. That is why the mother’s diet in the first months should be easily digestible; in no case should you overeat, so as not to aggravate the pressure on the organs.

After childbirth, many women begin to suffer from hemorrhoids, constipation, and uterine prolapse. But the reason is still the same - the intestines shifted down during pregnancy, like in a sagging hammock. And now it compresses organs that cease to function normally, blood circulation is disrupted in them and congestion appears.

And if the rectus abdominis muscles are not closed and the stomach sticks out like a ball, then the intestines are in no hurry to return to their place.

All this can be avoided and you can have the desired abs even after your fourth pregnancy - if you follow the rules and connect correct load, strengthening the abdominal muscles.

These are enough simple exercises Any woman can do it. Do them regularly, morning and evening.

It is important to do the complex on an empty stomach. The best times for this are early in the morning, after a walk before lunch, and in the evening before bed (at least 2 hours should pass after dinner). The complex consists of 9 exercises 3 approaches each (except massage and relaxation), which will take 20 minutes of your time.

Rest between sets should be no more than a minute. Increase the load if the exercises do not seem difficult to you, but gradually.

1. Abdominal retraction (Uddiyana bandha)

This exercise is very popular in wumbling - it trains the vagina, which means it enhances the pleasant sensations during sex.

Yogis call it uddiyana-bandha, and small children often depict Koshchei the Immortal.

Uddiyana bandha literally means “sunrise of upward flight.”
Initial position: stand up straight, place your feet parallel to each other, slightly wider than your shoulders, relax your knees.

Now slowly take 4 deep breaths. On your last exhalation, hold your breath, bend your knees slightly and place your hands on the front of your thighs. Stretch your spine and with internal effort, pull your stomach up under your ribs. Pull up bottom part belly up towards the diaphragm. You can see that the stomach is relaxed at this moment and looks like a bag. Don't be upset - after a month of classes the picture will change a lot.

To accurately perform uddiyana bandha, you need to do two root lock: at the top - in the neck area, and at the bottom - straining the perineal area. Root and cervical locks prevent air from getting inside - and only in this case the exercise will be effective.

Mula bandha (root lock) is performed by pulling inward
and tension in the pelvic floor muscles - anus and perineum.

A neck lock is a simultaneous pulling of the crown of the head up
and lowering the chin down towards the chest.

Women who are not familiar with uddiyana may experience a headache and a feeling of nagging pain in the abdomen at first. Therefore, increase the load gradually; in the beginning it will be enough to do everything 5 exercises. A healthy person is able to perform 200 repetitions per day.

This exercise strengthens internal muscles, which should keep the organs in their places.

2. Massage of internal organs

This exercise helps improve blood circulation in the pelvic organs and accelerates intestinal motility. An ideal early morning activity. Sit on the floor on your knees, spread your knees wider and lower your pelvis onto the mat (or onto your heels).
Now lean forward, move your hands down to your stomach and start massaging it. Do not overdo it; If you feel pain, reduce the pressure. You should massage the liver and intestines well. Tissues will receive more oxygen, and feces will leave your body more quickly. It is best to massage with the whole palm, do not do it with two fingers. Perform a massage 3-5 minutes .

Attention! If there are inflammatory processes in this place,
then massage is contraindicated for you.
Any sharp pain should be a signal to stop the exercise!
If you are unsure that everything has healed well
after childbirth (for example, during caesarean section),
then also refrain from this exercise.

3. "Bicycle"

A classic exercise that gynecologists recommend doing when the uterus and vaginal walls prolapse.
Lying on your back, stretch your arms along your body, press your lower back to the floor. Raise both legs and begin to bend them at the knees one at a time, imitating riding a bicycle.

Do 3 approach to 20 rotations.

4. "Birch"

Like the “bicycle”, it strengthens the abdominal muscles and removes the sag in the lower back, which often forms after pregnancy.
Initial position: lying on your back.

Place your legs behind your head, place your hands under your shoulder blades, leaning on your hands, shift your body weight to your shoulders - but not on the neck! – stretch your legs up. Achieve a position so that your back is straight and your legs do not fall in different directions.

Stay in the pose 10 inhalations and exhalations.

Do 3 approach.

5. "Plow"
After the “birch tree”, do this exercise. While doing this, tighten your stomach by doing a light uddiyana bandha.

Initial position:"Birch" pose
Slowly, adjusting the force, move your legs behind your head. Touch the floor with your toes. Gradually move your legs farther away from your head. Body weight is on the shoulders; under no circumstances on the neck!

Do 3 approach.

6. Lowering your legs while lying at an angle of 45 degrees.

This exercise strengthens lower press.
Lying on your back, legs together, arms extended along the body. The lower back is pressed to the floor

Slowly raise your legs up to a 45 degree angle. Then slowly lower them down as well. You can count to 10 so you don't rush. Gradually increase the time range to 40 ticks. Try to relax the muscles of your face and arms. All the effort is made by the legs and lower abs.

Do 3 approach to 5-10 once.

7. Leg extensions to the sides
Initial position: lying on your back, arms extended along the body. Raise both legs up. Don't bend your knees

Spread both legs to the sides at the same time. To increase the load, do this exercise slowly for 10 beats.

Do 3 approach to 20 once.

8. Butterfly pose

Baddha-konasana, or “butterfly” pose is also a yoga exercise. “Butterfly” is useful for any woman to do every day. Try to keep the load within 200-500 swings “Butterfly” improves blood circulation in the pelvic area, abdomen and back. If you have problems with the ovaries and genitourinary system, then you should perform this exercise 2-3 times a day.
Sit on the floor, straighten your back, bend your knees, and bring your heels together. Pull your feet towards your perineum. Start raising and lowering your knees up and down, as if a butterfly is flapping its wings. Keep your back straight. Try to touch your knees to the floor. But if it doesn’t work out yet, just follow your capabilities.
If it is difficult for you to do the exercise with a straight back, make it easier - lean your hands behind you, but keep your back straight.

9. Relaxation

In order for the body to absorb the load, it must be relaxed.

Lie on the floor, spread your arms and legs to the sides, relax your neck and facial muscles. Try not to think about anything, just imagine your ideal belly and body, full of health and beauty.

By performing this simple set of exercises, you will regain your flat stomach, create powerful support for your internal organs due to worked muscles, and gain the necessary tone that sports gives us.

By the way, this cycle of exercises is completely universal. It can be performed by both women who have given birth and women who have not given birth, young and old - it is equally useful for everyone!

The secret to firm buttocks and slender thighs is regular exercise and proper exercise technique. To complete the complex you will need a mat and a cheerful working mood. The entire training takes place in an intensive mode. After completing all the exercises from the list, rest for 1-2 minutes and repeat the entire complex for another 2-3 circles. Work out twice a week and stay in shape!

Set of exercises

Starting position – legs together.

We take a step to the side and lower ourselves into a squat. We return to the starting position and repeat the exercise with a step in the other direction.

Follow all the rules of squatting technique. Don’t fall on one hip - take a step and sit up straight. Squat until parallel to the floor. We don’t push our knees inward; when squatting, we push them outward. Keep your back straight. We tilt the body forward a little, but do not bend the spine. The lower back is tense. We bring our hands in front of us to create natural balance.

Perform 20 repetitions on each side.

Lunges are one of the best exercises that lift your buttocks upward.

Starting position - stand up straight and take a wide step back, the front leg remains in place, move the back leg slightly to the side as shown in the photo.

Get down. You can tilt your body forward slightly, feeling how your buttocks stretch. Keep your hips straight, do not turn your pelvis. When lowering down, the knee of the front leg should not go forward. Lift your body using your buttock muscles.

Perform 20 repetitions on each leg.

3. Bend forward (Good Morning)

Good Morning is an exercise that works well on the upper buttocks.

Starting position – stand straight and bend your knees slightly. Place your feet at a distance of 15-20 centimeters from each other.

Bend forward and use your buttocks to lift yourself up. The lower back is fixed. We hold our hands in front of us. We bend over as low as the stretching of the buttocks allows. It is very important not to round your back when performing the exercise.

Perform 20-50 repetitions.

Starting position - lie on your back on the mat, legs bent at the knees, toes pointing down.

Straighten your legs up, then spread them apart. Next, bring your legs together and return to the starting position. The exercise is performed at an intense pace. When spreading your legs to the sides, exhale. Make sure that when straightening your legs, they are tense. Perform leg extensions to the sides only after you have fully straightened your legs at the top point.

Perform 20-30 repetitions.

5. Hip raises while lying on your stomach

Starting position - lie on your stomach, legs bent at the knees, heels together, toes apart. We keep our legs at right angles. We place our hands in front of us on our elbows and rest our foreheads on them.