For beginners

Thin waist and flat tummy at home. Exercises for a thin waist and flat stomach. A set of exercises for the waist

How to make a thin waist at home - an eternal question for every girl.

Start working on yourself without wasting a minute, and we will be happy to help you with this.

How to make a thin waist at home and get a flat stomach?

The following factors can be identified that affect waist size:

  1. Fat on the sides
  2. Volume of back and abdominal muscles
  3. The amount of hormones, especially estrogen, in the body
  4. Those proportions that nature has endowed you with

So, how to make a thin waist at home quickly and effectively?

Take advantage of the complex we offer, consisting of proper nutrition.

You can learn more about how to make a belt area a little later, but first, here are the basic secrets that will help you get started:

  1. Start drinking cool water, this will help speed up your metabolism and increase the rate of burning excess fat.
  2. Have a full breakfast- it is necessary. In the morning, all the body's metabolic processes start, you wake up and are ready to start burning fat in the morning.
  3. If you think that if you just start pumping up your abs, get the expected effect- alas , not where we want.

An integrated approach will help you achieve the long-awaited result.

Proper diet

The first step you should take is- is to count all the calories you eat day after day.

This action is important for reducing body volume, and primarily the waist.

Here is a list of products that will come in handy for weight loss:

  1. Olive oil and avocado. The latter is a supplier of fatty acids. They are the ones who prevent fat from accumulating in problem areas.
  2. Pine nuts and their oil speeds up metabolism, improves the release of hormones that can suppress appetite.
  3. We must not forget about fruits: raspberries, grapefruit, pineapple. They are the ones who have fat-burning properties, which they know how to make a thin waist at home. About their positive effects on the body a lot has already been written reviews.
  4. Fish fat, with its help you can reduce the level of body fat, and it is possible that it stimulates lipid oxidation.
  5. Oatmeal, a must-have product for those who have a desire to change their figure. It contains fiber and complex carbohydrates, which lower cholesterol levels and prevent obesity. In this way, you can increase testosterone levels, force the body to burn fat, and begin to build muscle mass.

Tip: try not to overeat, you should eat 4-5 small portions a day, 3 hours before bedtime.

Exercises for a slim body

Another quite important part of the plan,- exercises.

It is with their help that you can get rid of the hated sides, tighten your stomach, straighten your posture, and the results are obvious- a slender wasp waist and no gyms, money and problems, just half an hour of work every day at home at any convenient time.

The first results will become noticeable after three to four weeks of training.

Hula Hup

First step - . Many people do not believe that it can help, but this is absolutely not true.

It is with it that you will be able to work for a long time and influence the problem area in which there are extra folds and centimeters.

Using a light hoop that can be held in your hand and on your body without any problems, proportions are formed due to constant, intense work with your hips.

If it is not difficult for you to start your exercises with a weighted version, which is equipped with massage inserts, the effect will be extended to the entire body in a comprehensive manner.

At the same time, you can improve blood circulation, increase muscle tone, and the skin itself will become more elastic.

Jump rope

Second step - . When you start exercising on it, you jump, your muscles are tense, and your metabolism speeds up.

As a result of constant training, you lose weight, and at the same time your waist becomes much smaller.

The workout should go something like this: work very quickly and intensely for 45 seconds, rest for 15 seconds, moderately jump for 45 seconds, rest again for 15 seconds, slow for 45 seconds, and rest for 15 seconds.

This is just one circle, do several approaches.

Advice: in search of an answer to the question of how to make a thin waist at home, look at different pictures, with their help you will understand whether you are performing all the exercises correctly.


Third step - This is an exercise aimed at strengthening.

Formation beautiful waist a woman is completely dependent on completing each step, without excluding this.

To begin, lie on your back, arms palms down, legs bent and slightly raised.

Start turning your legs one by one in different directions, your knees should touch the floor. Do 20 times in both directions.

Do planks regularly

Almighty bar

Fourth step - . With its help they become much stronger deep muscles, a press is gradually being created.

The whole body is in tension. Rely solely on your toes, palms, and stretch out horizontally.

To begin with, try to stay in one position for about a minute, each time you can increase the time, taking into account only your strength. Do 3 to 4 hikes.

Search by topic "" photo , and, having familiarized yourself with them in detail, check the correctness of the exercise.

We also have on our website how to do the plank correctly, with detailed description all variations of the exercise.

water pump

Fifth step - water pump. This exercise will help you quickly make your waist narrower.

It should also be done after childbirth, it will remove extra centimeters.

By influencing the transverse abdominal muscle, the pump holds all the internal organs and plays the role of a natural corset.

For correct execution you need to lean forward a little and at the same time rest your palms on your knees. Take a breath and sharply exhale all the air that was in your lungs, hold your breath.

Pull your stomach in all the way to your spine as far as you can.

Hold your breath for 15 seconds, and begin to increase the time with each workout.

Tip: if you are interested in how to make a thin waist at home, you can watch video tutorials that will help you cope with problem areas in the abdomen and waist.

It is possible to create a thin waist at home!

Magic exercise

Sixth step - exercises on the floor. Lie on the floor and perform a small complex.

Stretch to the sides, while your back should remain straight and your legs- bent, one arm behind the head, and one shoulder lifting off the floor, the opposite arm begins to reach towards the heel.

Now you need to do the same, but cross your legs, alternately performing turns.

And the last thing: with your legs bent again, start lowering your knees in one direction, your head in the opposite direction, and vice versa, try to lower them as low as possible.

Now you know some secrets and faster.

But still, do not give in to temptation. These are different kinds of diets, although they all promise quick results, in the future they will come back to haunt you with double force.

It’s better to eat more natural foods, practice breathing exercises, and learn breathing exercises.

This way you can get the thin waist you've been dreaming of for so long.

Don’t stop once you’ve reached your goal, continue to eat right and it will never be a bad thing, because unwanted centimeters can always return.

At the same time, in the pursuit of perfection, do not lose yourself, but simply listen to our advice and review, how to make a thin waist at home in this useful video:

Flat toned stomach many girls want to have. You can achieve the desired result even at home by regularly performing special exercises aimed at training the abdominal muscles. We’ll talk in more detail in the article about the anatomy of a woman’s muscular torso, what exercises are considered effective, how to perform them and with what regularity (training program).

The main mistake of beginners in losing weight is that they try to fully perform all the loads intended for already trained people. You can’t do this - you need to increase the intensity of exercise gradually, allowing the body to get used to the load.

  1. Following the plan. To make progress, it is recommended to make a plan for future training before starting to work on yourself. The plan should be as convenient as possible so that it can be easily remembered, and most importantly, follow it without retreating.
  2. Combination. Among other things, do not forget that training should be combined with proper nutrition. The effect of exercise will be achieved only in conjunction with dietary restrictions.

Warm up before training

An important rule for playing sports is to start your workout with a warm-up.

A simple warm-up includes the following steps:

  1. Place your palms on your sides and spread your legs wider. Turn the body in different directions until it stops. Do 20 times.
  2. Hands down, legs apart. Without lifting your feet from the floor, bend down so that your hands can reach the tips of your toes. Perform 15 times.
  3. Extend your straightened arms in front of you. Alternately raise the right foot to the left palm, and the left foot to the right palm as high as possible. Repeat no more than 20 times.
  4. Extend your arms, spread your legs. Without lifting your feet from the floor, squat as low as possible. Number of squats - 20.

On average, the warm-up lasts 15-20 minutes.


The first effective exercise for the abdominal muscles is “Bicycle”.

It is important that the part of the workout that requires a lying position is carried out on the floor (it is acceptable to practice on a special carpet).


  1. Lie on your back;
  2. Place your hands behind your head ( elbow joints must be divorced);
  3. Bend your legs and raise them above the floor (10-15 cm);
  4. Raise your shoulders above the floor, at the same time bend and straighten your legs, simulating movements like when riding a bicycle.

You need to do the bike 7-10 times, 2-3 approaches.


Exercises for flat stomach at home almost always include the bar:

For beginners, one approach is enough. Every day you can gradually increase the time it takes to complete the plank. Many professional trainers advise placing a mirror in front of you when performing this exercise. With it you can monitor the correct position and straightness of your back.

Side plank


One approach is enough for each side.

Plank with leg raises

The third variety of the famous exercise is the plank with leg raises:

Performing the exercise costs the same as a regular plank - 25-30 seconds.

Plank with leg and arm raise

This variation of the plank is more difficult than the previous ones, but it loads the abdominal muscles more effectively:

During the exercise, you should try to maintain balance and not lean to the sides. Do 2 sets of 20-30 seconds on each side.


Crunches will also be useful in losing weight:

Do 15-20 times, 3 approaches.



Perform 10-15 times, 2 approaches.


Abdominal exercises are not only power loads, but also breathing exercises. A flat stomach at home helps to create a vacuum.


  1. Lie on your back, arms along your body;
  2. Bend your knees, inhale and exhale several times;
  3. Inhale deeply, then exhale sharply, releasing all the air from the lungs and at the same time drawing in the stomach as much as possible;
  4. Do not breathe for 12-15 seconds without moving;
  5. Relax, breathe deeply.

Lunges with rotation

Rotation lunges are done from a standing position and are not as popular as planks or vacuums, but are quite effective.


  1. Stand up, place your palms on your sides;
  2. Without bending your back, lunge forward with your right leg so that your left knee touches the floor and your right leg is at a 90-degree angle;
  3. Straighten up from the accepted position, do not bend your back;
  4. Change legs (now lunge with your left), then perform the exercise, alternately lunging with your left and then with your right.

Lying leg raise

Lying leg raises are a standard abdominal exercise:

Leg circles

Exercises for a flat stomach at home can be both complex and simple, but they are all equally effective for the abs and more. For example, leg circles strengthen not only the abdominal muscles, but also the buttocks.


  1. Lie down, arms along the body;
  2. Raise your legs so that your toes point towards the ceiling;
  3. “Draw” large circles on the ceiling, first with your right foot, then with your left foot (from left to right, without lowering the other foot to the floor).

You need to do three approaches 10-15 times.


This element of training is called so because of the position in which it needs to be done: it is somewhat reminiscent of the structure of the paws of the animal of the same name.


  1. Lie on your back, bend your legs and put your feet together;
  2. Lower your knees slightly, but without tension;
  3. Place your hands behind your head;
  4. Raise your torso, tighten your stomach as much as possible;
  5. Stay in the accepted position for as long as possible;
  6. Lower yourself down without lowering your head to the floor. Repeat 5-10 times, do 2 approaches.

Walking on hands from a lying position



The alligator exercise should be performed by clearing 10-20 meters of flat floor surface in front of you.

In addition, you will need something that will allow you to slide across the floor without friction (bag/towel).


  1. Wrap your feet in the selected towel/bag;
  2. Take a lying position;
  3. Using only your hands, “walk” to the end of the freed part of the floor (you just need to drag your torso along with you);
  4. Having gone to the end, rest for 60 seconds and come back, then repeat the exercise one more time.


This exercise, familiar to many, strengthens the lower abdominal muscles. Before performing, trainers recommend stretching your neck.


  1. Lie on your back, place your hands under your buttocks;
  2. Raise your legs straight;
  3. Raise your pelvis above the floor, moving your legs as far as possible, try to keep your hands in their original position on the floor;
  4. Hold for a couple of seconds, then lower to the floor.

You need to repeat the birch tree 5-10 times.

Cardio training

What are the benefits of cardio training?

Cardio training, unlike regular exercises, is aimed not only at strengthening muscles, but also at maintaining the tone of the cardiovascular system. Thanks to cardio training, a person’s blood circulation improves and the heart muscle strengthens. This type of exercise also keeps the heart and blood vessels in healthy tone.

In addition, this sport develops endurance, which is important, including when losing weight. When the heart rate increases during cardio training, the body begins to intensively burn fat, spending it on energy for exercise.

Important! People with hypertension should be careful about cardio training. They are not contraindicated for this disease, but hypertensive patients need to monitor their heart rate during training and avoid overexertion.

Types of Cardio Training

Cardio training includes several types of sports, so everyone can choose what is convenient for them:

  • Running/fast walking;
  • Exercises on a bicycle/exercise bike;
  • Exercises with a skipping rope;
  • Exercises on a treadmill;
  • Jumping training.

So, it is quite possible to do cardio training at home.

A set of exercises with a hoop

Hula hoop exercises are also good for a flat stomach:

Fitball exercises

Fitball ( gymnastic ball) - Another effective remedy for training at home.


  1. Holding the fitball in your outstretched arms, squat 10-30 times. In this case, the body should be positioned straight;
  2. Hold the fitball between your legs (the middle of the ball should be at knee level), then squat with it, forming a right angle with your knees. Stay in this position for 20-30 seconds. Repeat 17 times;
  3. Stand up and place the fitball on the floor behind you. Then lean your knee on it. Step forward with your other foot, also bending your knee. Try to straighten your leg on the ball. Do 5-10 times;
  4. Place the ball in front of you, then take the position for a regular plank, but place your elbows not on the floor, but on the fitball. Hold this position for 25 seconds;
  5. Lie on the floor, hold the fitball with straight arms, and stretch out your legs. Slowly raise your legs and arms at the same time without releasing the ball. At the extreme point, “pass” the fitball from your hands and hold it between your ankles, then, holding the ball with your feet, lower to the floor. Repeat - 7-10 times.

Yoga for a flat stomach

Exercises for a flat stomach at home can be supplemented with yoga classes. Many experts recommend them as an effective fat burner.


Paripurna Navasana:

  1. Lie down with your arms along your body (back side down).
  2. After inhaling, raise your legs straight.
  3. After this, stretch your arms, trying to reach your toes with your fingertips.
  4. Hold the pose at a 45-degree angle for 10-20 seconds, then lower to the floor, exhaling deeply.
  5. Repeat 4-7 times.



  1. Lying on your stomach, bend your knees.
  2. Raise your shins up, then stretch your arms behind your back, clasp your ankles with your palms.
  3. Bend over backwards.
  4. Breathing evenly, lie there for 20-30 seconds.

Adho Mukha Svanasana:

  1. Get on all fours, stretch your arms forward.
  2. Inhale, then as you exhale, straighten your legs and raise your pelvis.
  3. The head should be tilted down.
  4. Stay in this position for 20-30 seconds, then straighten up, after a while do it another 3-4 times.

Breathing exercises for a flat stomach

Among other things, it is more important in losing weight breathing exercises:

A set of exercises for the week


  • Warm-up;
  • Bike;
  • Vacuum;
  • Hoop exercises;



  • Warm-up;
  • Plank;
  • Cardio training (20-30 min.);
  • Breathing exercises.

Thursday: rest.


  • Warm-up;
  • Bike;
  • Yoga;
  • Breathing exercises.


  • Warm-up;
  • Plank with leg raises;
  • Cot;
  • Hoop exercises;
  • Yoga.


  • Warm-up;
  • "Alligator";
  • Leg circles;
  • Cardio training (15-20 minutes);
  • Breathing exercises.

This is how, with the help of simple exercises, you can lose weight and create a flat stomach at home.

Video: exercises for a flat stomach

Effective exercises for a flat stomach in a video clip:

Flat stomach in two weeks, watch the video:

All women dream of having perfect figure, and especially a thin waist. This can be done with the help of diet and exercises that are aimed at burning fat deposits in the sides and abdomen.

Diet for a wasp waist

For each woman, the diet is selected individually, since age, height, and weight are taken into account. But even in this case, since simple carbohydrates are quickly digested and turn into fat, reduce their consumption to a minimum.

What foods contain simple carbohydrates? Their source is all confectionery products, for example, chocolate, pastries, cakes. Many simple carbohydrates are found in pasta, baked goods, soda and sugar. If you don't follow a diet, extra body fat will not disappear from the sides and abdomen and they will turn into muscles, and the waist will not become thin. Therefore, in order to get a beautiful thin waist, you must also follow the exercises.

Effective exercises for a thin waist

Waist exercises give firmness and elasticity to the skin in this area, and therefore maximum impact on this area is necessary. Before you start, you need to warm up your body for 5 minutes by squatting, running, or dancing.

  1. Hoop

To reduce your waist size, use a hoop or hula hoop. He is considered one of effective methods. It was used at the beginning of the last century. Right choice The hoop will help reduce your waist. You can choose metal or massage hoop, Remember that the abdomen must be constantly in tension during torsion. It should spin for at least 1.5 hours with 2 breaks, which are no more than 2 - 3 minutes. By diligently doing such training, you can get a thin waist and lose extra pounds. According to fitness trainers, if you spin a hula hoop correctly, you will burn more than 300 kcal in an hour.

Watch this exercise in this video.

A good and most popular exercise for the abdominal muscles, in addition to crunches, is the plank. But many people do it the wrong way. To engage the abs, you need to squeeze your buttocks and hold your body straight. When your buttocks contract, it tightens the back of your thighs, which in turn engages your abdominal muscles to a greater extent. Try to make sure that your hips do not drop, because when they drop, the abs will not tense and thus you will not achieve your goal.

  1. Side plank

This exercise targets the lateral internal external abdominal muscles. It does not create a rough look, but rather strengthens and shapes the oblique muscles.

Watch the video below to see how the plank is performed.

Accept the plank position and improve it. There are many exercises with rolling on a fitball. The main workout begins with placing your hands and elbows on a fitball. While maintaining the plank position, roll the ball slightly forward. Back and forth movements done with balance and control are great for the abs because they work the lower back and obliques well.

With the help of such lifts, the transverse muscles are activated. It is important to do this exercise correctly. By performing it, the tendons and hips are stretched. Assume an inverted L position: Lie on your back and raise your legs so that your feet are in line with your hips. From this position, lift your hips off the floor and reach your feet toward the ceiling. While performing this exercise, you need to make sure that your legs do not swing or bend at the knees.

This exercise looks strange, but it forces the transverse muscles to work. To perform it correctly, get on all fours and exhale completely. From this position, pull your stomach in and hold for 10 seconds. Repeat the movement several times, but try to do it in such a way that you do not get out of breath and maintain a neutral position of your neck and back.

  1. "Vacuum"

For a thin waist and flat stomach, this exercise is a good solution. The main trick is that through deep breathing, reaching the transverse abdominal muscle, it is responsible for a thin waist and flat stomach. Watch this video for details:

By doing this exercise, you will get a belly fat burn and a cardio workout. By alternating between raising your knees and twisting your body, you create an impulse that makes your heart beat faster. Involving the lower and top parts body, you use all the muscles in the abdominal area. These bicycle crunches cause your abdominal muscles to burn more than other ab workouts.

Without stress on the hips, no waist exercise will be perfect. Glut bridge and hip loads are directed to the muscles of the buttocks and lower back. By doing these exercises, strengthen your muscles and shape your buttocks. This is an excellent way to develop the oblique muscles and make the waist appear thin.

At fat burning Jumping with legs spread is very effective. Ski twists can be used instead of regular ones. When doing twists, you jump in the usual way, but keep your feet together and instead of raising your arms above your head, you rotate your hips. So, you jump, turn left, then right and straight ahead. An exercise aimed at rotating the abdominal function also burns calories.

A great way to achieve a sleek waist is to jump rope, because thanks to it, material metabolism is enhanced and the abs are tightened, which is very effective. When doing this exercise, complicate the movements, engage your abdominal muscles, that is, while you jump, turn left and right. Get used to this movement. After a few days, try training with high intensity and pauses:

  • jump on the jump rope for 40 seconds and as quickly as possible;
  • Rest for 15 seconds;
  • Repeat 5 times, rest for a minute and start again.

With this method you will burn a lot of calories and after the exercise you will gain a fat burning effect.

  1. "Swimming"

Regular repetition of this set of exercises will make your waist attractive and thin. So, lie on your stomach and press your thighs to the floor. Place your feet shoulder-width apart and extend your arms in front of you. Lift it off the floor at the same time outstretched arms and chest and bend your arms towards your body, pull your elbows and squeeze your shoulder blades together as if you were swimming like a leopard. After returning to the starting position, repeat the exercise again.

Various exercises to acquire thin waist you can watch this video:

A thin waist of no more than 60 cm is the standard that most girls around the world strive for. However, this criterion has not been the norm for quite some time. The ideal volume depends on your body type and height. It is believed that it can be calculated by subtracting 100 cm from the figure that makes up the height. The resulting value will become an approximate guideline. But this does not mean that minor deviations in one direction or another are unacceptable. According to the second method, the waist-to-hip ratio should be 0.7. If a woman broad bone, you need to add 3-5 cm to the resulting result; if it is narrow, on the contrary, subtract it.


Irina Pegova shocked everyone with her weight loss recipe:“I lost 27 kg and continue to lose weight, I just brew it at night...” Read more >>

The best helpers in the fight for ideal parameters There will be exercises for the waist, aimed at creating a chiseled, feminine silhouette. You can perform them at home, without using expensive equipment or weights.

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    Factors affecting waist size

    The anatomical features of many women and girls do not allow them to form wasp waist for a number of reasons, and they do not always involve being overweight. There are several factors that influence volume:

    • Classes in gym using weights - they make the figure more massive and do not allow the muscle corset to fully stretch.
    • An unhealthy diet with a predominance of fatty foods, proteins, and confectionery products provokes the deposition of fat in the sides, abdomen, and lower back.
    • Increasing the volume of the fascia, which is a thin film that envelops the muscle corset, visually increases the waist. To avoid this, it is recommended to perform stretching exercises that strengthen the muscles without increasing volume.

    Common Mistakes

    In the struggle for a thin waist, women of any age often make mistakes and instead of the long-awaited result, on the contrary, they get an increase in volume.

    Strict diet

    The most common and widespread mistake is following a strict diet and limiting vital proteins and fats in the diet, which leads to inevitable periodic breakdowns.

    As a result, the woman gains back the lost weight “with a reserve”, and it becomes more and more difficult to get rid of fat accumulations.

    Application of a corset

    Using a corset to reduce volume is another common mistake. As a result of constant compression, the functioning of internal organs, the secretion and outflow of bile, and digestion are impaired.

    Stagnation of food in different parts of the gastrointestinal tract invariably leads to weight gain in the waist, abdomen and sides.

    Wrong choice of exercises

    Those who strive for a wasp waist should avoid the following exercises:

    • Bends the torso to the sides from a standing position - popular exercise in different gymnastics complexes, which provokes shortening and increase in volume of the lateral muscles, which leads to loss of harmony.
    • Squats with weights- effective for the muscles of the legs, buttocks, and back, but their waist becomes fuller, since weights contribute to the growth of muscle mass.
    • Torso twisting from a supine position. By simultaneously pulling your head and knees towards each other, you can pump up your abs and at the same time increase the volume of your waist due to shortening and growth of muscles.

    Another mistake beginners make is diligently performing the Russian twist exercise, the essence of which consists of turning the body from a sitting position on the floor with slightly bent knees and raised legs. At this time, the arms are placed in front of the body, at chest level, and rotate with it. Some people use a small weight to increase the load, which they hold in their hands and move from side to side when turning.

    The exercise is definitely useful for strengthening muscle corset and eliminating fat deposits from the sides, abdomen, lower back, but in the fight for a thin waist it is not recommended to use it, especially with weights.

    Warm-up block

    For those who do not have the opportunity to devote time to training in the gym, there is a set of simple exercises that can be performed at home.

    The best option would be morning workouts, when the body burns extra calories. Exercising in the evening increases the risk of increasing muscle volume.

    Before starting the main complex, it is recommended to perform several warm-up exercises. This will help avoid accidental injury and sprains.

    Warm up with a few simple exercises:

    • Turn your head in different directions while standing with your feet shoulder-width apart for 30 seconds.
    • Slow rotation of straightened arms in a circle for 20-30 seconds.
    • Bend your torso forward and backward from a standing position with your feet shoulder-width apart for 30 seconds.
    • Bend forward to straightened and connected legs from a sitting position on the mat. You need to do 10 bends, trying to touch your forehead to your legs.

    Exercises must be performed slowly, feeling each muscle and how it stretches. This simple complex will help prepare the body for the upcoming loads.

    The best exercises for a small waist

    The most cool exercises for home use, they are simple and effective, promote weight loss, form narrow waist and a flat stomach.

    To carry out some of them, you will need a special foam roller or roller, which should be purchased at the store. sports equipment. It will help reduce the load on psoas muscles, stimulates blood circulation and lymphatic drainage.

    Jumping rope

    Everyone famous exercise, which allows you to use almost all muscles, promotes weight loss, forms a wasp waist and a slender silhouette with smooth curves.

    To perform this, you should purchase a jump rope that matches your height. A consultant at a sports store will help you make your choice. You need to start training with 20-30 jumps on two legs. As the loads increase, it is allowed to increase their number to 60-80 per lesson.

    The pace should be uniform, movements should be smooth. After completion, you should pause for a minute to restore your breathing rhythm.


    It is considered the best exercise for developing all muscles and shaping a feminine silhouette. Used in almost all types of gymnastics.

    Execution algorithm:

    1. 1. From a standing position, quickly squat down, touching the floor with your hands.
    2. 2. From this position, take a push-up position: straighten your legs and stand on your toes.
    3. 3. Do 1 push-up.
    4. 4. Return to the squat position, bringing your knees to your chest.
    5. 5. Jump up, raising your arms above your head.

    Repeat at least 10 times at a measured pace.

    "Bicycle" with twisting

    A well-known exercise with a small addition that will allow you to form a wasp waist in 3-4 weeks.

    Algorithm of actions:

    1. 1. Take the starting position lying on your back with your knees bent and your arms clasped together and placed under your head.
    2. 2. Perform standard sit-ups to pump up your abs, each time touching the elbow of one arm to the knee of the opposite leg.

    You need to do at least 3 approaches 5 times. The pace depends on physical fitness.

    Vertical hip raises


    1. 1. Take the starting position in the shape of an inverted letter “L”: lying on your back, raise your legs so that your feet are in line with your hips.
    2. 2. Lift your hips off the floor and stretch your feet toward the ceiling.

    It is important to ensure that your legs do not sway or bend at the knees.

    You need to repeat the exercise at least 10 times. For trained and endurance people, up to 50 repetitions are allowed. Hip raises not only make your waist appear slimmer, but also reduce fat in the lower abdomen.

    Air twist

    Effective exercise for strengthening and shaping the muscle corset and losing weight.


    1. 1. Stand on a flat surface, straighten your legs connected together.
    2. 2. Jump while rotating your hips in the air and landing with your feet facing the other way.

    Perform 15-20 jumps at a measured pace. Better - slowly: this will help you concentrate on muscle work.

    Side plank

    The best exercise aimed at eliminating fat folds from the sides.

    Execution algorithm:

    1. 1. Lie on your side, bend your knees.
    2. 3. Rise up with your arm and legs straight, and raise the opposite arm perpendicular to the floor or place it on your waist.
    3. 4. Stay in this position for 20 seconds.

    For each side, the plank must be repeated at least 5 times. During execution, it is recommended to ensure that the body is elongated in an even line.


    One of the best exercises for forming a wasp waist and a flat stomach with elastic muscles.


    1. 1. Take the starting position lying on your back with your legs bent at the knees and your arms along your torso.
    2. 2. Take several breaths with the diaphragm, inflating your stomach.
    3. 3. As you exhale, the stomach should be pulled in as much as possible, creating a vacuum for 5-10 seconds. Repeat at least 10 times.

    If it is impossible to hold your breath while exhaling for up to 10 seconds, you are allowed to hold it for a shorter amount of time. It is allowed to perform the exercise while sitting on your knees bent with your hands resting on your hips.


    Helps in short term reduce waist size, strengthen back and arm muscles.


    1. 1. Get into the starting position: feet wider than shoulders.
    2. 2. Bend forward so that your torso is parallel to the floor.
    3. 3. Spread your arms outstretched and alternately touch the floor with the fingers of each hand while swinging.

    Perform for at least 30 seconds. For beginners and untrained people, 15 seconds is enough.

    "Snow angel"

    A simple and at the same time effective exercise for shaping a feminine silhouette is performed like this:

    1. 1. Starting position - lying on your back with your legs spread shoulder-width apart and your arms straightened, removed from the body by about 20 cm.
    2. 2. You need to simultaneously place your hands behind your head, without lifting them from the floor, and try to spread your legs as wide as possible.

    Movements should be rhythmic and slow. Perform the exercise for a minute, trying to keep your arms and legs moving in the same rhythm.

    Pelvic lift


    1. 1. Take the starting position lying on your back with your legs bent at the knees.
    2. 2. Place your arms along your body.
    3. 3. Raise your pelvis, leaving only your shoulders and arms on the floor.

    You need to stay in the final position for 5-10 seconds. Repeat at least 15 times.


    To perform this exercise correctly, you will need a foam roller purchased from a specialty store.

    Algorithm of actions:

    1. 1. Take the starting position lying on your side with straight legs. The feet are located on the roller.
    2. 2. Lean on your arm bent at the elbow and raise the opposite arm perpendicular to the floor.
    3. 3. Lean forward a little, trying to touch the fingers of your straight arm to the floor, without turning your whole body.

    For both sides, perform 10 times. During repetitions, it is necessary to ensure that the legs located on the roller remain motionless.

    Leg Raising

    One of the best exercises aimed at strengthening the muscles of the thighs and lateral abdominal muscles. Helps achieve a smooth and feminine silhouette.


    1. 1. Lie on your side with your legs straight and joined together.
    2. 2. Lean on your arm, bent at the elbow.
    3. 3. Raise your straight leg quite slowly as high as possible, trying not to move the rest of your body.

    Repeat 15 times for both sides. After several sessions, it is recommended to perform the exercise even more slowly to ensure maximum muscle tension.

    Roller skating with your back and side

    An effective exercise to achieve a thin waist and expand volume chest is done as follows:

    1. 1. Take the starting position lying on your back with your legs bent at the knees.
    2. 2. Place a cushion under your shoulders, clasp your hands together and place them under your head.
    3. 3. Roll with your back on the roller, keeping your head and arms 10 cm from the floor, trying not to bend in the lower back.

    Continue for one minute. During repetitions, be sure to ensure that the torso is straightened in one line.

    Rolling sideways on a foam roller looks almost the same, only you need to roll while lying on your side. The hands are placed behind the head and clasped. You should continue for at least a minute.

    It is important that your knees are bent and remain motionless during the roll: this will ensure that your oblique muscles are trained.

    Rolling with a fitball

    For this exercise you will need a fitball, which should be purchased at a specialty store.


    1. 1. Rest against the ball with straightened arms, resting on the toes of your straight legs.
    2. 2. Gradually roll so that the ball moves under the body.
    3. 3. At the end of the roll, the fitball should be supported not by the arms, but by straight and connected legs.

    You need to perform at least 10 approaches, making sure that the body does not bend anywhere and is stretched in one straight line.

    Spinning the hoop

    A hoop is considered the best device for shaping a thin waist. You can choose the right one at a sporting goods store. It is worth giving preference to a model with medium weight. The height should not be lower than the navel line.

    There are several proven exercises that will help you achieve the desired results in a short time:

    • Simply spinning around your waist for 5-15 minutes a day will help improve blood circulation and remove fat deposits in the problem area.
    • Bends forward with emphasis on a vertical hoop will help work the oblique muscles and back.
    • Rotating the hoop in a standing position with your legs slightly bent at the knees for 3-5 minutes helps you lose weight and strengthen your entire body.

    After several workouts, you are allowed to complicate exercises with a hoop, do bends and lunges while rotating. However, this method is dangerous because it increases the risk of injury during bending. It is recommended to start training with a plastic hoop. It is more difficult to keep it suspended, which creates additional stress on the abdominal and side muscles, while the risk of injury is minimal.

    Spins on a gymnastic disc

    Simple device - gymnastic disk- will help you form a thin waist at home without any extra effort.

    Exercise options:

    1. 1. Kneel on the disk and rest your hands on the floor, turn your torso from side to side, leaving your hands in place, for 2 minutes.
    2. 2. Stand against the wall and lean your hands on it. Place your feet on the disk, try to turn your torso, leaving your arms motionless. Perform for 1-3 minutes.
    3. 3. Stand on the disc without support and turn your arms in one direction, and your legs and torso in the other, creating tension in the sides and abdomen.
    4. 4. Sit on the disc, rest your hands on the floor behind your body, raise your legs bent at the knees 10-15 cm from the floor. Turn your body in different directions, without moving your arms, for 2-5 minutes.

    10-15 minutes a day are enough to form an ideal waist in 3-6 weeks. It is important to listen to your feelings during exercise and not make sudden movements.

    Any physical exercise, aimed at reducing waist size, is recommended to be combined with proper nutrition, which is dominated by fresh vegetables, fruits, herbs and other healthy foods.

    And a little about secrets...

    The story of one of our readers Alina R.:

    I was especially depressed about my weight. I gained a lot, after pregnancy I weighed as much as 3 sumo wrestlers together, namely 92 kg with a height of 165. I thought the belly would go away after giving birth, but no, on the contrary, I began to gain weight. How to cope with hormonal changes and obesity? But nothing disfigures or makes a person look younger than his figure. In my 20s, I first learned that fat girls they call it “WOMAN” and that “they don’t make these sizes.” Then at the age of 29, divorce from my husband and depression...

    But what can you do to lose weight? Laser liposuction surgery? I found out - no less than 5 thousand dollars. Hardware procedures - LPG massage, cavitation, RF lifting, myostimulation? A little more affordable - the course costs from 80 thousand rubles with a nutritionist consultant. You can, of course, try to run on a treadmill until you go crazy.

    And when will you find time for all this? And it's still very expensive. Especially now. That's why I chose a different method for myself...

Olya Likhacheva

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious it is:)

A thin waist has always been considered beautiful, and given that the body, when storing fat, first does so in the abdomen and sides, maintaining good shape is not an easy task. Previously, in order to look impressive, women and girls wore tightly tightened corsets, the use of which had a negative impact on health. Now there are exercises for a thin waist. The method is not as radical as a corset, but it requires a lot of effort and serious motivation.

What determines the thinness of the waist?

For a number of factors, the figure depends on the body type and heredity. Hypersthenics (big-boned people) can achieve good results It will be much more difficult than for asthenics (not prone to being overweight). Making a thin waist will be difficult for those who have a small distance between the ribs and the pelvic bone. Hormonal levels also play an important role. With an excess of estrogen (the female sex hormone) in the blood, the figure becomes more feminine and the waist becomes thinner. With its deficiency, the opposite effect is observed.

A thin waist is a relative value. The main thing is that it is proportional. For women with a normal build, normal waist size is determined by subtracting 100 cm from height. Those. with a height of 175 cm, a girl’s normal height should be 75 cm. Naturally, these figures are only approximate, but from them you can understand that you should not torment yourself with diets, striving for a waist of 60 cm, since your type requires other parameters. Another way to get your body proportions is to calculate 70% of your hip size. To have a slim waist:

  • Lose weight holistically, using your entire body.
  • Eliminating flour, sweets, and alcohol will help you quickly get the desired result.
  • Diet and exercise will help you achieve a thin waist; they are only effective together.
  • Target exercise to burn fat. If it is not there, then power training will increase your waist size.

Rules for performing exercises

Waist size directly depends on the amount of fat present in it, which is removed through training. Don’t think that with pumped up abs the situation will improve. Increasing the load on the muscles contributes to the growth of their volume, and therefore the waist. The best solution is to build muscle after removing the fat layer, or to combine strength and cardio exercises into one workout.

Aimed at burning fat rather than gaining weight, cardio training helps stretch the heart muscle, improve blood circulation, increase endurance, and normalize breathing. Exercises for the waist include hula-hooping and dancing using the abdominal muscles. Concentrate on those types that engage the obliques, the core stabilizers. You shouldn't spend a lot of time bending to the side: they can make your waist thicker. These tips will help you when doing the exercises:

  • If you can't go to the gym with a professional trainer, do exercises at home.
  • The key to success is regularity. If you lack time or energy, reduce the load level, reduce the number of exercises performed for a thin waist to improve the quality.
  • Measure your waist size before starting classes to monitor your progress.
  • Follow the instructions strictly, perform the workout conscientiously, slowly, to feel how each abdominal muscle works. Then the result will not be long in coming, and your waist will become slimmer faster.
  • The larger the layer of fat on the sides and abdomen, the more difficult it will be to do the exercises. Over time, exercise will become easier, and the fat will go away.
  • Train in a well-ventilated area.
  • Don't hold your breath while exercising.
  • You should exercise on an empty stomach or 2 hours after eating.
  • To prevent muscle pain, stretch every time after the complex.
  • Stimulate yourself with motivational videos, photos with the desired result.

How to get a thin waist in a week: effective exercises

Sometimes there are situations when an invitation to an important event unexpectedly arrives, and you need to make a thin waist in a week. Even in this case, there is a way out, but it is better not to allow this to happen. The method is not harsh, as it may seem initially, but sudden weight loss is, in any case, stress for the body. At all times, you must follow three rules:

  • Make a fasting day, eating your choice: fruit, buckwheat or kefir.
  • Always adhere to a strict diet, completely abandoning flour, fatty, fried, sweet, coffee, and industrially produced sauces. Meals should be every 3-4 hours, without having dinner after 6 pm. The diet should include low-fat vegetable soups, weak green tea, fresh vegetables, boiled chicken breast, two apples daily, low-fat cottage cheese.
  • Perform special exercises for a thin waist.

The duration of the workout should be more than 60 minutes. This time is due to the fat burning process, which begins after 40 minutes of exercise, and this is the main goal. The first 20 minutes will be spent pedaling on an exercise bike, four minutes at speed 1-2, then another four at speed 3-4. There are no breaks, breathing should be even. After a short break, proceed directly to exercises to train the abdominal muscles.

  • Lying on your back, place your hands behind your head. Place your legs on your feet, bending your knees. Slowly lift your body until your shoulder blades lift off the floor, keeping your hips still. Pausing at the top, slowly lower down.
  • Without standing up, place your hands on your knees. Rise up slowly, stretching your arms forward. You need to stand up only using your abdominal muscles. After pausing at the top, slowly lower yourself.
  • Without getting up, clasp your hands behind your head, bend your knees, and then turn to the side until you touch the floor, keeping your back straight. Return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise on the other side.

The entire complex must be performed in two approaches. On the first day, 10 times, increasing the amount by two daily. After performing the exercises, it is advisable to resort to massages, wraps, and application of anti-cellulite cream, depending on your preferences. After finishing the procedure and taking a shower, drink a cup of herbal tea. If you take this method seriously, you can lose 2-4 cm from your waist in a week.

Thin waist and flat stomach: the best exercises with photos

To maintain a thin waist, you need to exercise at least four times a week. Thanks to several exercises, each of which will take about a minute, and a minute of rest between them, the muscles will be toned, and the fat will not have time to set in. At the initial stage, two approaches are needed. Over time, you can increase the number to four, and reduce the time between exercises to 30 seconds.

  • Lie down and place your feet on the floor with your knees bent. Touching your temples with your hands, raise your shoulder blades, pulling your body toward your knees while doing the exercise.

  • Get into a plank position, resting on your toes and palms. Hands should be under the shoulders, back straight. Take a “step” by rearranging left hand, leg, and then add your right limbs. Return to the starting position, repeating the action on the other side.

  • In a sitting position, bent legs Place your feet on the floor, rest your hands slightly behind. While doing the exercise, raise your legs until your calves are parallel to the floor, clasp your arms across your chest and begin to rotate your body in both directions.

  • Lying on your back, place your hands behind your head. Tear it off the mat along with your shoulders. Raise your legs up and keep them at right angles to your body, lowering them alternately until they are parallel to the floor.

  • Lying on your back, put your hands behind your head, place your bent legs and feet on the floor. Raising your head and shoulder blades, reach your right leg with your left hand, and then do the exercise in reverse.

  • In a sitting position, place your legs bent with your feet on the floor, your hands slightly behind. Leaning your body back, extend your right leg forward. After returning to the starting position, repeat the exercise with the other leg.

  • Lie on your left side, place your left hand on the floor and your right hand behind your head. Leaning on your hand, you need to raise your right leg and body at the same time. Turn around and do the exercise in the other direction.

  • Lying on your stomach, keep your feet shoulder-width apart and your arms extended in front of you. Raise your legs and chest at the same time.


There are many sets of exercises that can make your waist thinner. With minor differences in implementation, in the end they will all lead to the fact that you do not recognize yourself in the mirror. A man with strong abs will watch from there, toned body and slender forms. You just need to not deviate from the training schedule and perform all the movements.

For a more visual example, watch the video below, where the complex contains exercises to create a thin waist, strengthen the abdominal muscles and form a flat stomach. Regularly performing these simple exercises will improve blood circulation, heart function, respiratory system, digestion, and will help increase self-confidence.

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