For beginners

Victoria's Secret Models Workout for Slim Legs. Be an angel. workout for slender legs of Victoria's secret models (photo) Train your gluteal muscles

Erin Heatherton: Ballet

Quite awkward as a child, Erin credits ballet classes for her figure, which helped her achieve correct posture, a smooth, sexy gait, and pump up her muscles. “Having gotten used to weighing myself every morning and working off every extra gram, I didn’t perceive working at Victoria’s Secret Angels as some kind of hard labor: it was my daily routine.”

Doutzen Kroes: Full gear


For Doutzen, the struggle for a perfect body has never been easy. She exercises every day, alternating strength training, cardio, running, boxing, jumping rope and Tabata training. Doutzen devotes two hours a day to sports: an hour in the morning and an hour in the evening, and she is so used to this schedule that she admits: “If I have to miss class because of an event or a party, I physically feel that I am missing something.”

Candice Swanepoel: It's all about the legs

Candice also exercises daily, but in her schedule, exercises for the legs and buttocks are mandatory, and the rest is optional. “Lunges - at least 100, cycling and running are sacred, but I do abdominal exercises maximum once a week,” she admits.

Lindsay Ellingson: Personal Trainer

Lindsay admits that she is a complete ignoramus when it comes to fitness and is most afraid that by training without the supervision of a trainer, she will ruin her figure, depriving it of its seductive volumes. Therefore, her own angel, Marie Hélène, closely monitors the beauty’s diet and exercises.

Josephine Skriver: Boxing

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By regularly hitting a punching bag, Josephine not only achieves an ideal body, defined muscles and burns calories, but also relieves stress. By the way, the model admits that she doesn’t exercise as regularly as she would like: “Sometimes I realize with horror that I haven’t paid attention to sports for a week. Then comes what I call the “Hell Weekend”, when I spend 3-4 hours in a row in the gym.”

Alessandra Ambrosio: Brazilian system

Alessandra is practically the only model who remained a Victoria’s Secret “angel” after giving birth to a child. Yoga, Pilates and the 10-day Brazilian Butt program, repeated every three months, aimed at strengthening the muscles of the abs, buttocks and thighs, helped her get into shape. True, such hard work was not in vain for Alessandra’s health: she injured her back and does not hide the fact that sometimes the pain she experiences prevents her from taking part in shows.

Karlie Kloss: Always on the move

Carly doesn't like routine: she constantly changes the type of fitness she does so that her workouts don't get boring. Totally agree Last year She has done ballet, variety dancing, stretching, running, swimming and cycling, but she tries to walk as much as possible, doesn't use elevators and starts the day with fifty sit-ups.

Behati Prinsloo: Pilates

Behati considers herself lucky: she doesn’t make any special efforts to stay in shape, she does Pilates five times a week for an hour, and swims in the pool when possible. For her magnificent figure, she thanks genetics and her mother, who taught her daughter to take care of herself from her youth.

Cara Delevingne: Yoga

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A darling of the entire fashion world, Cara practices yoga every day, which helps her not only strengthen her muscle corset without pumping up her muscles, but also calm her mind, relax and live at peace with herself. Although not just yoga: many noticed Kara’s love for boxing and saw how she dealt with a punching bag.

Tony Garn: Hardcore

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Tony does not eat sweets, is on a gluten-free diet and exercises daily, and at a strictly defined time. “The regimen and strict schedule, counting every calorie and exercises on a timer: without a clear organization, I would not be able to stay in shape,” says Tony. “It’s difficult, I constantly force myself to follow the schedule, but so far I think the result is worth it.”

Jasmine Tookes: Circuit Training

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“The more intense, the better, the more varied, the more fun” - this motto helps Jasmine spend an hour or more in the gym every day, changing the program, the equipment used and the sequence of exercises once a week. But a month before the show, Jasmine has to supplement her training schedule with a diet that excludes carbohydrates.

Justin Galband, the official trainer of Victoria's Secret models, declassified the training programs for the famous brand's "angels". There is no doubt that his system is effective: remember the silhouettes of Alessandra Ambrossio, Adriana Lima, Karlie Kloss, etc. “For most models, the effect is important.” smooth muscles“Toned, without excess definition, this is difficult to achieve with basic, multi-joint exercises, such as squats with a barbell or deadlifts with straight legs,” explains Tatiana Korsakova, fitness director of the FitFashion network of fitness clubs. “This requires isolated training of the muscles of the back, inner and outer surfaces of the thigh, and buttocks.” Therefore, to train their legs, “angels” use exercises with a rubber shock absorber.

“The presence of “rubber” plus forces the muscles to work in a static-dynamic mode, that is, constantly - both at the moment when you make a movement and when you return to the starting position,” says Batyr Minkhanov, personal trainer fitness center TERRASPORT Copernicus.

Exercises with shock absorbers are also good because they are suitable for fitnessists of any level. “This equipment allows you to work in a comfortable mode and amplitude convenient for you, as well as change the plane in which the exercise is performed in order to work the muscles as efficiently as possible, unlike, for example, simulators, where the trajectory of your movement is predetermined,” adds Tatyana Korsakova.

But it would be naive to believe that shock absorber exercises alone will bring you closer to the model standard for slender legs. “They need to be supplemented with balanced cardio training: 30-40-minute sessions 3-4 times a week,” advises Batyr Minkhanov. Suitable for this purpose are running and aerobics, which you need to do without leaving the

“Proper nutrition is also important. It should be balanced, without excessive amounts of fast carbohydrates, and in what mode depends on your preferences, says the fitness model Nadezhda Skripak. - For example, I adhere to separate meals. If we talk about some cosmetic procedures, courses help maintain muscle and skin tone sports massage every 2-3 months."

How to build a workout

* Before performing the complex, warm up and stretch after it.

*Complete 12-15 repetitions each exercise at an average pace (try not to leave the 2nd pulse zone).

*Practice 4 times a week.

*To complete the complex you will need a rubber shock absorber.

Stepping to the side

Stand straight, place your feet with shock absorbers wider than your shoulders. Bend your knees slightly, place your hands on your belt. Shift your body weight to your right leg and lift your left leg to the side as high as the shock absorber will allow. Return to starting position and repeat. After completing the required number of repetitions, perform the exercise on the other leg.

Step forward with a leg swing

Stand in the starting position of the previous exercise, placing your right foot behind you on your toes. Transfer your body weight to left leg and lower yourself into a lunge so that the thigh of your left leg and shin of your right are parallel to the floor. Return to the starting point and repeat. After completing the required number of repetitions, perform the exercise on the other leg.

Swing your leg back

Stand up straight, step back with your left leg, placing your foot on your toes, transfer your body weight to your right leg. Clasp your hands in front of your chest. While stretching the shock absorber, lift your left leg and move it back and up as high as possible. Return to starting position and repeat. After completing the required number of repetitions, perform the exercise on the other leg.

I think everyone will agree with me that Victoria's Secret angels have ideal bodies, one might even say perfect. After all, it's their job. Many will begin to say that they are lucky, they are slim from birth. However, behind any beautiful, toned figure hides hard work in gym and increased attention to diet. We managed to find out how to get the body of Victoria's Secret Angels. The girls told what kind of training and specific exercises help them keep their bodies in great shape, and also shared their favorite products.

8 All you have to do is follow these tips regularly and you will definitely have legs like those of the world's best top models.

Focus on cardio training Cardio training is the most effective and efficient method of losing weight. They will help a girl with any shape and any weight. Model trainer Michael Olajide Jr. believes this The best way get rid of excess weight

7 and keep your body in good shape. Cardio training increases your heart rate and makes blood move through your body faster. Big fans of intense training are also.

Sign up for ballet And they don’t leave ballet studios before the important annual Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show. This is because during ballet classes, absolutely every cell of the body tenses, which means everything muscle fibers

6 will be trained and fit.

This is the favorite drink of most supermodels. Coconut water has become popular because it is rich in potassium and electrolytes, which make it a natural sports drink. This hydrating and thirst-quenching drink is exactly what you need after... intense workout. Such water can be found in the refrigerators of Lily Aldridge and Lais Ribeiro.

5 Train your gluteal muscles

If you want to look like Victoria's Secret angels, then you must pay great attention to your elastic and pumped up butt. For example, he prefers Brazilian Butt Lift training, and gets his buttocks in shape with the help of balancing exercises. also pays a lot of attention to training aimed specifically at this part of the body. The girl admits that she loves squats most of all and recommends doing them slowly to feel the tension and strength of the muscles.

4 Choose interesting workouts

Running and squats are, of course, good and effective exercises, but if you start doing something creative, be it dancing or kickboxing, you will begin to enjoy your workout more. In addition, this will help distract you from heavy workload and fatigue during exercise. Boxer and fitness trainer Michael Olajide recommends just such training. He also noted that Adriana Lima very often attends boxing classes and BootCamp. The girl admits: “It’s great that I once discovered boxing... It’s very useful for the body and mind. When I come to training, I realize that I am taking a step forward and learning something new every day. Boxing is a challenge, and I love challenges.”

3 Change your training methods

Don't just do cardio or strength training. Try to change exercises or exercise styles regularly. Combine kickboxing and Pilates with an ab workout and vigorous Zumba. The body gets used to monotony and soon adapts to your lifestyle, so it periodically needs a shake-up.

Most models are enrolled in several diverse classes at once, where they engage in completely different types of fitness. For example, Lindsay Ellingson combines yoga, hip-hop dancing and strength exercises , which helps her always keep her body in good shape. Alessandra Ambrosio also combines different kinds Activities: “I love doing Pilates, yoga and cycling a lot of miles. I also often go to the beach and do any exercise. I like the weather in Los Angeles, so sometimes I can take time to surf.”

Many Victoria's Secret angels, and especially Doutzen Kroes and Adriana Lima, are big fans of jump rope. Girls report that jumping with this equipment is one of the main exercises in their training. A few weeks before the show, they jump rope every day.

We hope our fitness tips will help you get a body like the Victoria's Secret Angels. All you need is a great desire and a little effort.

There are only a few hours left until the 20th anniversary Victoria's Secret show in New York. The sexiest and most beautiful models will appear on the catwalk wearing lingerie from the brand's new collection. It's no secret that for the sake of slim figure“angels” have to sweat hard in the gym, sparing neither time nor effort. And before the show, training is even more intense.

The annual Victoria's Secret show is eagerly awaited by thousands of fans around the world. We will not exaggerate if we say that for the most part not because of seductive underwear, but because of the models who will demonstrate it on the catwalk. Girls fight for perfect figure It’s not life or death: while some spend several hours a day boxing in the ring, jumping rope and running tens of kilometers on a treadmill, others do aerial yoga and Zumba.

27-year-old model Candice Swanepoel is a famous yoga lover. The girl takes her exercise mat with her even on vacation. However, recently the celebrity has become interested in aerial yoga. Such activities have a positive effect on the digestive, endocrine, lymphatic, reproductive, respiratory and vascular systems of the body. When performing exercises in hammocks, not only the basic large groups muscles, but also stabilizing muscles - a strong muscular frame of the whole body is created.

“Even just walking on sand or water will do your butt a lot of good by unconsciously flexing your muscles and burning fat,” says Candice. But I don’t accept frantic training on simulators. Although the buttocks become stronger, they noticeably change shape, becoming square and muscular like a man,” the model admitted in an interview.

Gigi Hadid

20-year-old model Gigi Hadid found out that she would take part in the show just a couple of weeks ago, so she began to actively get into shape.

“Boxing is my new hobby, my the new kind a sport that helps me keep my body in good shape,” Gigi admitted in an interview with Vogue magazine.

Traditionally, boxing is considered a men's sport. However, if we are talking about the fact that you need to quickly lose weight and tone your muscles, then the fair sex should pay attention to it. During training, the muscles of the arms, legs and abs are used, coordination and reaction speed are increased. Not to mention the fact that, standing in the ring, you will forget about everyday problems. After all, during sparring, complete concentration on the process of battle is required, and extraneous thoughts lead to instant defeat.

Shanina Shaik

24-year-old Australian model Shanina Shaik knows better than anyone that beautiful figure requires serious work. Her contribution to the development own body- 500 squats a day.

“I’m not naturally muscular, so I have to work twice as hard to get definition. I did Zumba once a week and strength training twice a week,” the model admitted in an interview.

But favorite exercise to tone the model's muscles - squats. “They can change your body overnight. The key is to take it slow,” says Shayk.

Kendall Jenner

The model, who recently turned 20, believes that best workout- this is running, but she doesn’t always find time for it.

“I love running and even tried to resume my runs. But with such a busy work schedule, it’s not so easy,” says Kendall. In addition to fitness, there is another simple method:

“My beauty recipe for staying in shape during Fashion Week is to try to get enough sleep. Despite everything. Personally, to feel comfortable, I need at least seven, optimally eight hours of sleep,” said Kendall.

Justin Gelband, celebrity fitness instructor for Victoria's Secret Angels, believes that the success of a workout does not depend on the number of hours spent in the gym!

“My workouts last from 15 minutes to an hour. Instead of lunges and using kettlebells, weights, or anything over five pounds, I suggest focusing on the “internal” muscle groups. Use stretch bands and a Bosu balance machine. The most important thing in training is to combine the impact on different groups muscles,” explains Justin Gelband. After classes, according to the trainer, you should feel sexy, not tired. You should also pay special attention to balance and balance exercises.

Of course, such beauty is the result proper nutrition, good genetic inheritance, but first of all - this physical exercise and exercises that our “angels” perform.

They are not called Victoria's Secret Angels for nothing. Because such perfect forms are clearly of unearthly origin. Photos of Candice Swanepoel, Doutzen Kroes, Lindsay Ellingson, Alessandra Ambrosio and Adriana Lima can be used in all motivational tools for those who want to lose weight and get in shape. It would seem that in this perfect body there is nothing superfluous or unnecessary. Thin waist, slender and long legs, feminine forms - even a sculptor could not create a better example of a perfect body. Of course, such beauty is the result of proper nutrition, good genetic inheritance, but first of all, it is the physical activity and exercises that our “angels” perform. We bring to your attention video training sessions of these beauties. From our article you can learn the most effective exercises to give your body “unearthly” perfection.

Victoria's Secret Model Training Video

Victoria's Secret Model Training Video: Candice Swanepoel

As supermodel Candice Swanepoel points out, "Having a runway-ready body isn't easy." From our video you can find out what exercises Candice does with her fitness trainer Justin Gelband. The “three pillars” of her workouts are balance exercises, strength exercises and stretching. Her training involves all problematic parts of the body: hips, back, abs, arms. Candice actively uses various sports equipment - an expander, a punching bag and a stretching disc. The most important thing is to do the exercises as correctly as possible, because the main thing is not quantity, but quality, and you will be able to spend less time on training, but they will be much more effective.

Victoria's Secret Model Training Video: Doutzen Kroes

Another beauty who shares her training secrets with us, not Victoria, is Douttzen Kroes. With her trainer Michael Olajida, she will show us the exercises that help her be ready to show at any time. Everyone remembers how, as children, we jumped rope and performed various tricks. Then we didn’t know what it was - very good exercise, used by the beauty Doutzen to warm up her muscles. 25 minutes of reliving her childhood helps her tone her muscles and, her trainer says, burn millions of calories. Just like Candice Swanepoel, Doutzen includes boxing exercises in her workouts. The so-called “shadow boxing” has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system and tones the muscles.

Victoria's Secret Model Training Video: Lindsay Ellingson

Just like previous models, Lindsay Ellingson also works with a personal trainer - Marco Gordon. In this video, Lindsay will show us the most effective exercises for the legs and back. She starts by doing 10 lunges on each leg, which will tone her butt beautiful shape. Standing and maintaining balance on a special simulator (half-ball subtype) is a super effective exercise for your knee joints, buttocks and lower back. An exercise with an already whole ball - the main thing in it is to do everything slowly and with smooth movements. And again, the main thing is quality, not quantity. And the last exercise is a bridge with one outstretched leg. It also needs to be done very slowly and smoothly so as not to hurt yourself.

Victoria's Secret Model Training Video: Alessandra Ambrosio

Alessandra Ambrosio is assisted in her training by her personal trainer, Lendro Carvalho. The supermodel begins with a dance warm-up consisting of step-ups with her knees turned out. The elastic band adds resistance, making the exercise more effective. Next she applies elements of Brazilian martial art capoeiro, starting slowly but gradually speeding up. And finally, various types of leg swings that can be performed even while lying on the couch.

Victoria's Secret Model Training Video: Adriana Lima

And last on our list, but not at all in terms of beauty, is the stunning Adriana Lima. And again we will see the charming trainer Michael Olajide, with whom Adriana has been training for 6 years. As we can see, Michael uses the same exercises as with Doutzen Kroes. It all starts with active, varied jumping rope, which is very beneficial for the cardiovascular system. Next, the model moves on to boxing, which she loves so much, which we can notice from her superbly choreographed and strong blows, as well as incredibly fast response. Jabs, hooks and opercuts are the main components of her boxing training. Judging by the breathless but happy Adriana Lima, we can conclude that the training was a success in all respects.