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How to learn to do a backflip. How to learn to do back and forth somersaults at home. Training complexes for crossfit

Somersault(Italian salto - jump) - a rotational movement of 360° or more from a place over the head to the feet. Happens different types: in a tuck (regular somersault), at an angle, in a semi-tuck (ragged tuck), bent and arched (straightened).

The somersault is a basic element in sports acrobatics. It involves a flip in the air over your head. Done with or without grouping. Usually a somersault is performed from the feet, which requires the development of a certain jumping ability in the athlete.

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Types of somersaults

Various types There are a huge variety of somersaults. Here are some of them:

Front flip

A front somersault is a forward flip in the air over your head. It is performed by swinging the arms from behind the head with a simultaneous sharp and strong push with the legs. Options: tucked front somersault, tucked front somersault (straightened up, sometimes called a forward blanche), bent forward front somersault (at an angle), double/triple front somersault.

A simple front somersault (forward somersault) can be started in three main ways:

  • Front flip with a top swing- the arms are raised above the head at the moment of the pounce. However, there should not be a strong swing of the arms from top to bottom, so as not to counteract the jumping up. In this version, the forward somersault has good rotational energy, but low height (due only to the push with the legs).
  • Front flip with a downswing- the hands are slightly behind the back at the moment of the attack. When jumping out, you swing your arms from the bottom up and forward. It is important to make this swing in a balanced manner so as not to counteract the forward twisting of the body, which is caused by the stopping attack and the strong push of the pelvis by the legs. In this form, the forward somersault is high (because it involves a throw with the arms and a push with the legs), but does not have a high torque. Therefore, for successful finishing, a very tight grouping is necessary.
  • Front flip "goat"- at the moment of pouncing, the arms are extended in front, at chest level. In the process of jumping out, a strong swing is made behind the back with the arms. This somersault requires precise movement of the arms so that you do not get a braking backward throw or a “dropping” forward throw. But, when mastering the correct swing, the “Goat” somersault combines the advantages of the previous described options without adding any disadvantages. This method is characterized by both high height and high rotational energy, which allows it to be done in a loose grouping, without grouping at all, from a standstill, in a bunch of elements, when the forward speed is lost
  • Webster (fly forward somersault) - swing your leg back over yourself. The swing of the arms is done either down to the feet or in a “goat” manner. It is done in a tuck or without it with a deflection (gymnastic version).
  • Internal - forward somersault with back push.


Backflip is the same as forward. To do it, you need to strongly and sharply push your legs up, making a sharp swing with your arms from the “At the seams” position up, then take a tight group in the air, or straighten up rigidly (if this is a blanche). As options: back flip in a tuck group, bent back somersault (at an angle), blanche (bent over, straightened up, tempo), double/triple back somersault. Can be performed after a rounddade or flake. Options you can consider:

  1. The goat backflip is a significantly more complicated variation of the back somersault. If in the front somersault the swing of the arms with a “goat” adds height and helps to spin, then in the back somersault this swing does not give height and stops the rotation, so this element is much more complex and incomprehensible than a regular back somersault.
  2. Strekosat (backflip somersault) - swing your leg forward over your head. Like Webster, you can do it in a tuck or without it with a deflection (gymnastic version).
  3. Gainer - backflip while moving forward. Performed with two legs from a standing position.
  4. Lemming - gainer, swinging your leg forward through you. Performed from a running start.
  5. Cheat gainer - backflip, swing your leg to the side. Done from a running start.
  6. Overbach - the so-called "blanche gainer" - a backflip while moving forward with a back arch and without tuck. It is done with two legs from a standing position.

Side somersault

Side flip or sideflip. A somersault is performed with two legs, standing or running, by swinging one arm sideways with a “goat” and the other arm with an upper or lower swing. It is also possible to perform a double or triple side somersault.

  • Doubleleg (eng. Doubleleg) - a side somersault in a “bent over” position, with straight legs, after which you need to stand with your back forward. IN artistic gymnastics is considered a serious mistake.
  • Erial (English) Aerial - wheel without hands. Performed with a high leg swing through a butterfly (Bedouin jump).

Screw (pirouette)

A screw is a type of somersault in which the body must turn around its axis in the air. It is performed by twisting yourself with your shoulders and arms while flying in a somersault.

A forward somersault with a screw is usually performed not with a full turn, but with a half, that is, 180 degrees (known as barani or front half twist), 540 degrees (rudy) or 900 degrees (randy). When performing on a trampoline, large rotations are also possible - 1260 degrees (adolph) or even 1620 degrees (frydolph).

A back flip with a screw (back full twist) is performed with a full turn. Rotations of 360, 720, 1080 or, when performed on a trampoline, even 1440, 1800 degrees are possible.

It is also possible to perform a side somersault with a twist (side full twist). Usually a full rotation is performed. This element is more difficult than front or back spinners because to perform it you must first spin a side somersault without tuck, and then tighten the spinner before landing. It is possible to make no more than two full screws using this technique.

There is such an original kind of somersault as the “twist” (Arabian). The approach to it is made like a back somersault with a propeller. When the body turns 180 degrees, you need to take a tuck as in a front somersault and complete the element.

Screws can be performed without performing a somersault. Oddly enough, it is more difficult to perform a large number of revolutions in such a plane, since the body begins to shift, and there is a high risk of falling. This element is often used in freerunning as precision jumps.

The trampoline also performs an original variation of screws without somersaults, called cat twist. To perform it, you need to jump and land on your back, then push from your back to complete a full rotation along the screw in a horizontal plane, and then land on your back again. It is possible to perform two, three or more revolutions using this technique. It is also possible to perform variations of this trick: pushing not from the back, but from the stomach or seat, landing on the stomach or in the seat, respectively.

Wall somersault

Wall flip - a somersault performed after one, two or more steps up the wall. There are several types:

  1. Wall flip or wall back flip (backflip from the wall) - a backflip after 1-2 or more steps along the wall. After running up the wall, the body begins to deviate from the wall and takes a position almost parallel to the ground. In this case, there must be a swing with the free leg (if it is a somersault with one or a maximum of two steps), and the somersault can be performed both in a tuck and without it. With a larger number of steps, the leg swing will not work, so a powerful jerk with a bend is needed. It is also possible to design with turns: 180 degrees, the so-called wall arabian twist, 360 degrees, that is, with a full screw (wall full twist), or even 720 degrees, that is, with two screws (wall double full twist ).
  2. Wall front flip (forward somersault from the wall) - an internal forward somersault after 1 or more steps along the wall. It can be performed with turns of 180 degrees (wall barani) or 540 degrees (wall rudy).
  3. Wall side flip (side somersault from the wall) - an internal side somersault after 1 or more steps along the wall. It can be designed with a 360 degree rotation, that is, a full screw (wall side full twist).
  4. Wall gainer (the element differs from all the main ones in that it has a non-standard push and is considered one of the most difficult) - a gainer (a backflip while moving forward), performed after 1 or more steps along the wall and a 180-degree turn. There is also a variation of the EW gainer (when performing, you need to take two steps along the wall: the first step facing the wall, the second with your back to the wall, after turning 180 degrees in the air, and then doing a gainer (back somersault while moving forward)). There is also the EW front flip element, with a push similar to the EW gainer element, only when performed after the turn, it is not a gainer, but a regular front somersault.
  5. Palm flip - back somersault after pushing with your hands from the wall (you need to run up to the wall, and, after jumping, put your hands on the wall, then, pushing with your hands from the wall, complete the back somersault). Also, the palm flip can be performed with 1 or more steps (during the execution, first a step is taken along the wall, then, having pushed up with the foot, the hands are placed and the palmflip is performed).
  6. Rayden - somersault from the wall after pushing away from it with your back (to perform it, you need to run up to the wall and perform a somersault forward with your arms out, and when your back touches the wall, you need to push off from it with your arms and back and complete the somersault).
  7. Wall spin or palm spin - a side somersault-throw over a wall or over a small obstacle using your hands (you need to run up to the wall, then put your hands on the side, and holding on with your hands, throw your legs over your head). Also performed after 1 or more steps.

Somersault from the horizontal bar (crossbar)

In artistic gymnastics or street sports, dismount somersaults from the horizontal bar are also common. There are several types:

  1. Lach gainer (back somersault from the horizontal bar while moving forward) is the most common dismount. It is performed as a normal back somersault after swinging on the horizontal bar and breaking the hands when moving the final swing forward on the horizontal bar. It is possible to perform in a group, bent over, bending over, with a screw: 180 degrees (twist from the horizontal bar) (lach arabian), 360 degrees (lach full twist), 720, 1080 degrees. Double or even triple backflips from the horizontal bar with or without turns are also performed.
  2. Lach inward front flip (forward somersault from the horizontal bar while moving backwards) - a similar trick to the lach gainer. It is performed as a normal front somersault after swinging on the horizontal bar and breaking the hands when moving the final swing backwards on the horizontal bar. This element is somewhat more difficult than the lach gainer. It is possible to perform in a group, bent over, bending over, with a screw: 180 degrees (lach inward barani), 540 degrees (lach inward rudy), 900 degrees (lach inward randy). Double or even triple forward somersaults from the horizontal bar with or without turns are also performed.
  3. Hatchet - half back somersault from the horizontal bar, swinging and falling from the knees. It is the simplest dismount. Performed without grouping. A variation is possible with a 360 degree screw or 180 with a transition to a hanging position. It is also possible to perform one and a half back somersaults from a hatchet, that is, after performing a fall from the knees, you need to take a tuck and spin the back somersault.
  4. Kumquat - backflip off the horizontal bar from a squat position on the knees. To perform this, you need to sit on top of the horizontal bar, securing it between bent legs, then push off by sharply extending your legs and perform a back somersault. Usually performed without grouping, but can also be performed in grouping. As an option: kumquat full - somersault with a 360 degree spin from the knees.
  5. Countertempo backflip or back to back - a backflip after swinging on the horizontal bar and breaking your hands when moving the final swing back. To perform it, you need to make a sharp whip with your feet and push off a little from the horizontal bar with your hands. This element is much more difficult than a regular lach gainer. Usually performed in a group. Possible to use with a screw.
  6. Countertempo forward somersault or front to front - a forward somersault after swinging on the horizontal bar and breaking your hands when moving the final swing forward. The element is one of the most difficult because it requires a very strong counter-tempo swing of the legs. Usually performed in a group. Possible to use with a half-screw.


Before you start learning somersaults, it is important to strengthen your body muscles. Otherwise, you can get seriously injured the first time you try to do a trick.

Train your vestibular apparatus. To do this, master a handstand and then walk on your hands. Move on to somersault training when your muscles are strong enough. Buy a sports mat, it will help avoid injuries.

Start learning the movement algorithm on the mat. Essentially, a somersault is the same, but only in the air. It’s too early to jump, first the body must remember the mechanism of performing the exercise.

To properly perform a forward roll on the mat, place your feet together, bend your knees, and squat slightly. Extend your arms forward and bend your head. Transfer your weight to your back and shoulders and roll into a smooth, smooth motion.

Perform somersaults on the mat every day, this will strengthen the vestibular system and allow you to remember the sequence of movements. During the exercises, dizziness and discomfort in the area may occur. Don’t give up training, your body will adapt in the future and the discomfort will go away.

Once the forward somersault is perfect, move on to learning somersaults. You will need several mats that need to be placed on top of each other. This will make the landing safer.

Starting position – sitting, legs extended. Pull your feet towards you, hold for 3-5 seconds, relax. Repeat 3-5 times.

Spread your legs as wide as possible. Pull your feet towards you, relax. Do it 2-3 times.

Perform slow head rotations counterclockwise and backwards. Repeat for a minute.

Extend your right arm forward, straighten your palm. Take your fingers with your left hand right hand and stretch them towards the body. Hold for 3-5 seconds, then relax. Repeat similar exercise with the other hand.

Straighten your arms in front of you, rotate your hands left and right. The total stretching time is 3-5 minutes.

Try doing a somersault. Run up a little, taking 4-5 steps. Push off with your feet, and at the same time make a sharp upward swing with your hands.

Bring your body up. In the air, group yourself for a somersault; to do this, pull your knees towards you and clasp them with your hands.

Roll forward, but only in the air. Try to land with your legs bent to prevent joint injuries. Stand up straight with your back straight.

It is impossible to do a somersault well the first time. Regular training will allow you to correctly shift the center of gravity and group.

Once you've mastered the forward somersault, try learning how to do this exercise backwards. It is also called a backflip. Before learning it, you need to practice a back somersault.

Squat down with your back to the mat. Tilt your head forward. Bring your knees to your chest.

Place your palms in front of you. Push off vigorously and smoothly roll onto your back.

Move your hands towards your head. Lean on your fingers to reduce the load on your head and neck. You cannot straighten your back or legs.

Roll over your head. Extend your knees. Take a “crouched” position.

Practice jumping without a run-up. Swing your arms sharply and jump from your seat, pushing off with both feet. You can jump over objects.

As a warm-up before doing a backflip, do a few squat jumps. Straighten your body completely.

Perform upward jumps, grouping in the air. To do this, press your knees towards your stomach.

After warming up, try doing a backflip. Accept next position: Stand straight, bend your legs slightly, lean forward slightly. Lower your arms down.

Jump up, pushing off with both feet as hard as you can. Be sure to help yourself with your hands by making a sharp upward swing.

At the maximum point of the jump, throw your head back and leave it in this position until the end of the exercise. If this is not done, the balance will be disrupted.

Make the turn using your hips; it is they, not your shoulders, that allow you to do a somersault. Group yourself and begin to twist backwards.

At the highest point of the somersault, tuck your legs under you. When your chest is parallel to the ceiling, press your knees toward your chest, but not toward your chin. Otherwise, the jump speed will drop and the somersault will not work.

Lower your hands to your feet, grasping your knees or hamstrings. During the tuck, the torso may lean to the side. Most likely, this is the body's reaction to fear. Regular, persistent training will help you overcome it.

As you approach the floor, begin to straighten up; to do this, stretch your lower back and legs. Land with your legs half-bent, on your entire foot. Your arms should be parallel to the floor.

During the exercise, do not close your eyes, but look straight ahead. This will allow you to control your body position and not lose spatial orientation. If you look back ahead of time, the tilt of the body will change, the speed of rotation will slow down, which will negatively affect the quality of the trick.


1. When performing a somersault, it is very important to follow safety precautions.
2. The wrong order of performing a trick can result in severe injuries (to the skull, spine, joints, etc.).
3. Before a somersault, a warm-up is required to warm up the muscles.

Helpful advice

To learn how to do back and forth somersaults, you can contact a professional trainer who will provide useful recommendations and monitor the process of performing exercises.

There are so many sensations left from watching acrobatic stunts being performed; the emotions simply go beyond all limits! It's incredibly rewarding to learn how to do it yourself, and to do it on top level.

You will need

  • - mats
  • - Casual clothes
  • - backup by two people


Face the gymnastic bench. Raise your arms, then move them back as if swinging. Bend your body and squat down. Throw your arms forward and jump onto the bench with a sharp push. Get down to the floor. Do 6-8 jumps.

Grasp the barbell with an overhand grip and place it behind your head on your shoulders. Bend your knees slightly. Arching your back, lean forward until your body is parallel to the floor. Return to the starting position. Repeat 8 times.

Stand with the platform between your feet. Do a half squat and jump onto the platform with both legs at the same time. Jump slightly and jump back to the starting position. Try not to pause between jumps and clearly control the moment of landing. Do 3-4 sets of 10-12 repetitions.

Lunge and stand on the platform with your right foot, bending your left leg at the knee. Lower your arms freely and help them maintain balance. Jump up sharply using your thigh muscles. At the top point, change legs. Now it's on the platform left leg. Without pausing, push yourself out again and change legs as you jump. Control the moment of landing, try not to jump high. Perform 4 sets of 10 jumps.

Place the dumbbell to the right of the platform at a distance of 60–70 cm. Stand sideways to the left of the platform. Jump over it by pushing off with both feet. After landing, squat down, take the dumbbell in your hand and jump back over the platform. Place the weight in left hand and place it on the floor. Jump over the platform. Go back. Lift the dumbbell again and jump over the platform. Perform this exercise non-stop for 30 seconds at a fast pace. Do three sets, resting 30 seconds between sets.

Video on the topic

Extreme views Sports both frighten and delight a lot of people, and it is not surprising that the number of people who want to take up such sports is not decreasing, but increasing. One of the most difficult, but spectacular and popular extreme sports is parkour - the art of overcoming urban obstacles. The tricks performed by parkour masters amaze beginners, but everyone should know that key moment in any trick it’s a landing. If you decide to study parkour and learn unusual tricks, you first need to learn how to land correctly in order to maintain your health and ensure the safety of your jumps.


You should start working on your landing technique from a low height - no more than two meters. Always jump only to the one you can visually track from your jump point. Determine where exactly you are going to land, visually imagine the landing process.

To prepare your body for a safe landing, push off the surface from which you are about to jump, pushing yourself up - this way, when you land, you will spring back and the push will be softened. As you push into a jump, pull your knees toward your chest to help you tuck yourself in and judge your landing path below.

In addition, you should land not on your full foot, but on it - this will also allow you to spring against the ground. Don't forget to balance with your arms, adjusting the position of your torso in space - your arms should work harmoniously with your legs, and you need to train them as carefully and often as your ankles.

Muffle the impact when landing not only with your feet, but also with your palms. Once you learn how to land correctly, you will master the skill of parkour quickly enough.

Somersault is one of the elements of acrobatics and the modern art of jumping - parkour. Experienced jumpers can perform different types of it: back, front and side. You can learn these techniques yourself, and then delight your friends and guests with their masterful performance.

You will need

  • mats or soft flooring


If you want to do side flips, you need to find a room that is very floored. Anything with mats is especially good for this purpose. Find a suitable room, start training. You need to perform a somersault by pushing one leg and simultaneously swinging the other, followed by pushing off the ground with both legs. Start the movement with a running start, then jump, making the following movements with your hands: the one that goes in the direction of rotation should go back, and the opposite one should go forward. When pushing off, the first hand moves forward, and the second - from front to back. Be sure to master this jump before you move on to performing a somersault.

Once the jump is mastered, start learning how to fly out of it. You need to do this so that you land on straight legs. Then start performing the actual somersault. They usually do this in the direction in which they do it. But before performing a somersault, you must decide in which direction you will do it. It usually depends on where it turns out better.

Look forward with your face and chest as you begin to move. If you want to perform it towards the right, then you need to make a turn with the help of your right leg and swing the corresponding arm up, while your left shoulder at this moment should go down.

But don’t forget to roll from heel to toe before pushing off. You need to place your foot this way so that the push when jumping is stronger, even though this position is very uncomfortable. Finish the swing of your right leg by bending it at the knee.

The key to a successful coup is also an early grouping of the whole body. By the time you leave the floor, your body should be carefully collected into a single group. It must be grabbed with a sweeping movement of the hand. But in order to get out of the coup easily and painlessly, there is no need to form a group that is too dense. Otherwise, you will not be able to make a single movement inside it.

When exiting a somersault, learn to straighten your legs correctly. To do this, you need to straighten the swing leg first, and then the pushing leg. The final landing can cause a lot of difficulties. If performed incorrectly, you can easily suffer serious knee injuries. To prevent this from happening, practice in advance: lie with your back on an elevated plane at the edge, group yourself and start rolling from the point of the cliff to your feet. It is advisable to do this on a soft surface, all the same gym.

A good jump is necessary in almost all team sports. Basketball, volleyball, parkour and streetball - it is difficult to imagine an athlete who has achieved success in these sports and cannot jump high and powerfully. If you don't have this skill, don't despair. Any ability can be developed. Include the necessary exercises in your training program.

You will need

  • - dumbbells;
  • - rod;
  • - gymnastic bench;
  • - step platform 30 cm high.


Take a wide lunge. The right leg is in front on the platform, the left leg is behind, bent at the knee. The arms are slightly bent at the elbows.
Squat down slightly, spring your legs and push yourself up sharply. Use your hands to help yourself jump out. During the flight phase, switch legs.
The left leg is now on the platform in front, and the right leg is behind. Almost without pausing, jump back up and switch legs.
Do 4 sets of 10-12 jumps.
Do not try to jump high, the main thing is to perform the exercise technically. The jump should be carried out through the work of the hips.

Stand at the beginning or other flat surface. You can also do . Sit in a deep position, hands on knees.
Start moving forward in this position, count to yourself or out loud, and on the count of five, jump sharply up, fully straightening your body, and clap your hands above your head.
Push yourself as high as possible. Land in the same place you jumped from. Lower yourself back into a deep squat and continue moving forward with a count. Walk at this pace for 100 meters.
This is one set, do three sets three minutes apart.

Place your feet wide. Place the platform on the floor between your feet.
Squat down slightly, push off, and jump onto the platform with both feet at once. Without pausing, quickly jump to the floor with your feet on either side of the platform.
Continue jumping on and off the platform for 30 seconds. Rest 1 minute and repeat.

Stand in front of a barbell lying on the floor. Bend your knees slightly, bend over and grab the barbell overhand grip, hands slightly wider than shoulders. Do not arch your back at the lower back or round it.
Straighten up. Only the leg muscles work, but not the back muscles. Ask the instructor to check the position of your back as it straightens. Fix your body position for 2 seconds and return to the starting position.
Perform 2 sets of 8 repetitions.

Stand up straight. Dumbbells in lowered hands. Feet shoulder width apart.
Sit down deeply, keep your back straight, look ahead. Push yourself out with a sharp push and try to go as high as possible. When landing, your legs should spring slightly at the knees.
Perform 3 sets of 12 jumps.

Stand facing the gymnastics bench.
Squat down slightly and jump onto the bench with both feet. To strengthen the push, help yourself by waving your arms. Without lingering on the bench, return to the starting position and jump again.
If the exercise is easy for you, add weights. This could be a belt with pads or dumbbells. Do three sets of 8 jumps.

Several muscle groups are involved in a human jump. First, the back muscles begin to work, then the femoral and calf muscles. It is these muscle groups that are trained by athletes, in whose achievements they play a major role. high jumps.


Before performing a set of exercises for the muscles, you need to thoroughly warm them up and stretch them. This will help avoid injury during training. Start your warm-up by running. If you are working out in a small room, regular running can be replaced on the spot or by jumping rope. Five minutes will be enough. After warming up, you can start stretching. Stretch your muscles, tendons, and stretch your joints.

Then start training your upper body. Perform 4 sets of push-ups. They put stress on the chest muscles. After push-ups, move on to pull-ups. They load the back and biceps. Your goal is to reach 60 push-ups and 30 pull-ups.

Do half squats. Make sure your thighs are parallel to the floor while squatting. For this exercise, 4 sets of 10 times are enough. Do not squat too deeply to avoid knee injuries. If you squat with, use elastic knee bands.

When half-squats become easy enough for you, you can move on to the “Step-ups” and “Frog” exercises. The first exercise is performed as follows: place one foot on a hill, push off with the other and jump supporting leg. Alternate your legs. The “Frog” exercise involves jumping from a full long squat position.

The last muscle group responsible for jumping power is the calf muscles. To develop them, do calf raises with weights. Standing on a slight elevation so that your heels do not touch the floor, rise on each leg in turn.

Jumping on one leg also gives a good effect. Starting small, gradually increase the number of jumps to 100. Keep in mind that during this exercise your joints receive serious stress.


  • Basketball.

You have heard more than once that “Dreaming is not harmful,” but you have not yet been able to discover the benefits of this activity. After all, in your fantasies, life is filled with interesting events and good luck, why is reality so different? Perhaps it's just that you want it wrong.


Form your desires precisely. Do you want a new car? Present it in detail. Model, color, upholstery... Imagine how you get into it, drive down the street, drive up to your friends, how they react to your car. The more detailed and specific your dreams are, the more likely they are to come true. This method is called visualization. The point is that the better you understand what exactly you want, the easier it is to achieve it.

Do the same with abstract desires. Instead of “I want to get married,” think better: “I want to meet a rich, good-looking young man.” “I want” won’t work either. Think about exactly how you could implement it. “I want to find a great idea for a business and make a lot of money from it” - this will work out much better. Imagine events as if they have already happened. And thank fate for this. Make your wish list and repeat it regularly in the perfect tense - “It’s great that I have a wonderful husband, a favorite job, a great apartment and a new dress. I am very grateful to life for all this.”

Create a “wish collage”. Take an A4 sheet of paper or a whole Whatman paper and try to depict your dream on it. Write bright inscriptions, draw, glue magazine clippings. Let everything you want be here. Hang the collage in a prominent place and look at it often. It works very simply: your brain records what exactly needs to be achieved and is already looking for ways to realize all your desires. And then you come up with unexpected ideas that bring success.

Do something. Lying on the couch, intensely daydreaming, is not the most effective option. Turn your dream into a goal and think about what you could do to achieve it. Do at least every day small step towards your goal. Summarize the day, week, month: what did you manage to achieve during this time? What opportunities did you miss? Such summing up allows you to avoid repeating your mistakes in the future.

He can do a somersault, but this is much more difficult for adults. However, many people want to learn how to do somersaults in different variations. There are several types - front, back, from the wall, double, side and pirouette.

How to learn to do a forward somersault

For any acrobatic stunt you need a good physical training to avoid unpleasant consequences in the form of injuries, sprains, bruises and fractures. Therefore, if you want to learn how to do somersaults, start doing physical exercise daily. Light, somersaults on the floor are mandatory exercises to prepare the muscles for further training.

In general, in any city there are special halls where well-trained trainers will help you learn how to do a correct and safe somersault. Such halls are equipped with mats, small trampolines and other equipment.

It is believed that the forward somersault is the most basic exercise and this is where all training should begin. Only after learning how to correctly perform a front somersault can you gradually move towards the back somersault and other varieties.

After lower limbs and the muscles on them are prepared, you can start jumping up with with outstretched arms and somersaults from standing and sitting positions. After this, you can stand up against the wall and jump with your arms outstretched. The legs should be slightly further than the body, after which a turn is performed. Legs should be bent at the knees, buttocks should stretch upward. Next, a tuck occurs - your knees move toward your shoulders, and you try to land on the floor on your toes, bending your knees slightly. All jumps and landings are made on both feet and very softly.

Another option for learning how to do a forward somersault is. As children, many people went for a swim in the river and jumped off the shoulders or crossed arms of friends. This is exactly the option you can use to learn a front somersault. You can also try jumping from a hill into a hole with sand, but the main thing is to take all precautions.

How to learn to do a backflip

It will require practicing a back flip without any deviations. Everything must be done as accurately and smoothly as possible. If you decide to do a somersault for the first time, then it is better to do it in the company of several people so that they can help, secure you, turn you over and group you correctly.

To do a backflip, you need to stand straight to the wall, facing it. Next, push off from the floor, straightening your body, but then pressing your knees to your chest as much as possible. It is quite possible that you will not be able to land on your feet right away, so do the exercises on mats and preferably wearing knee pads.

After you start to get on a flat surface, you can move to small hills and do somersaults from them, landing softly on the floor or ground. In winter, a good option would be to land in a large snowdrift.

By the way, you can learn how to do somersaults with towers, on which you first need to jump, get your balance, and then you can try to do somersaults forward or backward, landing in the water. Also nice hall for training they can become, and in the summer you can try to do somersaults by bungee jumping into a pond or river.

How to learn to do somersaults at home

Of course, you don’t have to go to the gym and work out with a trainer. You can learn all this yourself at home. The main thing is not to forget about precautions and safety. Do not try to do a somersault right away; this requires patience and many days of constant training. At first, it is better to perform all workouts on the floor covered with a mat, mattress or soft blankets, and do not forget about knee pads. All tips for training and honing your skills can be found on the Internet in video tutorials.

Well, who in childhood did not want to learn how to make bacon?

A very cool skill that looks quite beautiful from the outside and can attract attention to you, including the attention of the opposite sex. However, how can one learn to do a somersault correctly, is it difficult and dangerous? In this article we will try to answer all the necessary questions.

In principle, you can learn how to do a somersault quite quickly. It all depends on your personal desire. However, in pursuit of speed, one should not forget about safety. Be sure to lay mats or at least a blanket and pillows on the floor.

We'll show you how to do a front flip and how to do a back flip. But since the first option is easier and safer, we’ll start with it.

How to quickly learn how to do a forward somersault from a standing position.

  1. The first thing you need to master is forward somersaults. Sit in frog pose and pull the top of your head down. Hands must be on the floor! When you do a somersault, it is important that you land on the floor not with your head or neck, but with your shoulder blades.
  2. When you start doing somersaults forward, try doing the same somersaults, only jumping a little higher. In this variation, your hands go forward and they touch the floor first. Landing the same way should be on your shoulder blades.
  3. In principle, let's master forward somersaults, you are ready to approach somersaults, there is only one problem left, namely psychological. You need to train your brain to these movements, otherwise at a key moment, it will start to fuss and your body will not make the necessary movements. To train confidence there is next exercise. Go to the windowsill, stand facing it, grab it with your hands and jump so that your groove goes up and your head goes down. Once you master this exercise, you can move on to a forward somersault.
  4. It is best to do your first somersaults into the water. However, if it is not summer and there is no suitable body of water, you can try to do somersaults in the gym or at home, the main thing is that there is a soft surface on the floor.

How to quickly learn how to do a backflip from a standing position.

  1. You need to understand that a backflip is a rather complex and dangerous element. Therefore, you need to be very careful and careful here. Proceed with the back somersault only when you have mastered the front somersault well.
  2. Start with back flips the same way. Make them even, so that your body does not move to the side.
  3. Stand up straight, place mats or something soft behind you, and push high up from the spot and land on your back.
  4. When you feel that you are already able to make confident jumps, try doing a somersault. It’s good if there is an opportunity for someone to back you up from behind.

Basically, just by doing regular somersaults back, forward, sideways, at some point you will be able to do somersaults on an intuitive level. Why just do more sports and boldly try to master new elements and somersaults.

Without a doubt, the most famous and popular movement is the somersault. While looking beautiful and impressive from the outside, the somersault (both forward and backward) is also one of the easiest tricks to master. In vain, many believe that learning to perform such a movement is difficult and time-consuming. In fact, mastering the trick is quite simple, and now together we will figure out the sequence and the main nuances of its implementation.

How to learn to do a front somersault

Compared to a backflip (or backflip as it is more commonly called), performing this forward trick is a much simpler and easier task for a beginner. Basically, the question of how to learn how to do a front somersault interests young guys who are interested in parkour. This trend gained quite serious popularity at the beginning of the first decade of this century, and is still very widespread both in Russia and in other countries.

Now we list the main nuances of studying this movement.


Even though the front flip is one of the main tricks, it is still not the simplest and most basic. Therefore, before starting the practice, it is necessary to prepare properly. If you analyze this movement sequentially, you can easily see that it is a combination of a jump and a somersault. Now - sequentially and in detail:

  1. Jumping rope. Jumping rope is a great place to start - jump often, jump for a long time, jump in a variety of ways. This will strengthen exactly those leg muscles that are used when performing somersaults. In addition, you will learn how to jump correctly - which, in fact, is not so easy. The ankle joint also develops and is at serious risk when performing the stunt.
  2. Regular jumps. In addition to the jump rope, train to jump in place (in height), from a place and from a running forward. The correctness of the movement at the beginning of the study largely depends on how correctly and naturally you can perform the jump. At the same time, we try not only to jump further and higher, but also to land correctly. This should not be done on the heels (this can seriously “beat them off”), but softly and smoothly, on the toes.
  3. Somersaults. If you want to know how to learn how to do a front somersault and try to perform this trick, you first need to master its second “component”. By the way, a normal forward somersault is not an easy task for an adult. A movement that seemed natural and simple to us at school will cause difficulties even a few years later. Therefore, practice the most common forward somersaults regularly and often. Pay special attention to grouping: a correctly “assembled” body will allow you to perform a somersault clearly and beautifully.
  4. Additional muscle training. The muscles of the legs and abs (when grouping the body) take part in performing the trick. Therefore, it is recommended to perform additional exercises to develop them. It could be like working with own weight(twisting, hanging raises, for legs - squats, lunges), and working with "".


Now let's look at the process of performing the trick itself. First, the main nuances:

  1. The most important and most important nuance: the trick is quite dangerous, and if performed incorrectly, you risk not only falling painfully, but also breaking your neck. Therefore, you should not start practicing without preliminary preparation, or if you are unsure of yourself.
  2. Another, no less important and serious nuance: do not be afraid . Performing the trick will not be difficult if you overcome your own fear - it is the main problem when mastering the movement.
  3. Use a soft surface to practice. This could be a mat in the gym, a sand pit in the schoolyard, or even a mattress (if you decide to practice somersaults at home). This will allow you to avoid a painful fall on your back (if you don’t complete the flip) or an incorrect and hard landing on your heels.
  4. Start your attempts either from a running start or from a hill (a curb, a wheel dug into the ground in a schoolyard, a fence). Moreover, the first option is much safer - inertia will allow you to more easily complete the trick and land on your feet, while somersaulting from a hill with inexperience will often lead to injury (if you don’t jump far enough forward and get caught on a fence or wheel).

Well, now let’s describe the correct sequence of movements:

  1. We take a short run. Of course, you don’t need to run a hundred meters to do a somersault – 5-10 steps will be enough.
  2. We perform the jump with two legs, with the arms either “looking” up (an additional swing of the arms downwards will help give a little inertia to the movement) or pressed against the body.
  3. Having pushed off the surface as hard as possible, we simultaneously begin to twist the body (group) and perform the somersault itself (i.e., a forward somersault).
  4. We try to land smoothly and softly, on our toes, slightly bending our knees. At the same time, beginners often fall forward due to inertia - so be prepared for this and put your hands forward.

There is nothing complicated about the movement - the main problem is fear. Having overcome it, you will certainly cope with the task - maybe not the first time. Having mastered the running somersault and “accustomed” the body to the correct movements, you can begin to complicate the trick: perform it from a place forward, on the spot, include it in combinations (if you are into parkour).

How to learn to do a backflip

But this trick is much more difficult to master. If almost every athlete can perform a forward somersault without any problems (with a small number of attempts), then it will not be possible to master the backward movement on the fly. If you want to know how to learn how to do a back somersault, first you should master a front somersault, and in general, be in good physical shape.


In fact, preparation for movement is only partially different from the sequence described above. The first two points are identical, so we will only examine the existing differences:

  1. Back somersault. Everything is the same, only, of course, we train the back somersault.
  2. Additional muscle training. In addition to the leg and abdominal muscles, pay attention to the spinal extensor muscles. and - here are the main exercises for this muscle group.


If you want to figure out how to learn how to do a back flip, remember the tips given above - in this case they are just as relevant and applicable. The only caveat is that, of course, you won’t be able to perform the trick from a running start. You should start your practice from a slight elevation. At the same time, pay special attention to jumping not only up, but also back - so as not to catch your feet on a hill when landing.

The sequence, of course, is also practically the same, with the only difference that you will have to rotate not forward, but backward.

These elements will also be useful in -e.