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Skiing on water. Water skiing. The history of water skiing


The history of the birth of such a sport as water skiing goes back 90 years. In 2022, it will be time to celebrate the centenary of the invention of the method of skiing on water. Of course, walking on water is a divine gift, but gliding on the surface of the water turned out to be accessible to those who were interested in it. The first to try sliding on water was the American Ralph Samuelson, a native of Minnesota and a big fan of alpine skiing. Minnesota is famous for its large number of lakes, including the Great Lakes. Having the calm water surface of these lakes available, Samuelson decided to experiment and placed on the water surface the prototype of modern water skiing - two wooden boards made of pine with “clasps” for the legs. Another American, Fred Waller, 3 years later, in 1925, patented his invention - boards for sliding on water, which he called “Dolphin Akwa-Skees”. And 3 years later, in 1928, again an American, Don Ibsen from Washington state demonstrated his invention, which also qualified as Sports Equipment for sliding on water, i.e. water skiing. Thus, over the course of 6 years, three Americans, independently of each other, showed the world devices for water skiing.

Water ski materials and design

Initially, water skis were made from impregnated pine boards with rubber fasteners installed on them. Later, with the invention of various types of plastics, water skis began to be made of polyurethane foam; modern technologies use fiberglass, carbon fiber, aluminum alloys and other strong and durable materials that have high quality sliding on the surface of the water. The design of water skis has also been improved to master the various dynamic qualities of this sports equipment, from the shape of the ski and guide grooves, to the processing of the edges and the type of fastening for the legs, and also some water skis have a special protrusion on the lower side (the sliding side) - the keel. For beginner water skiers, there is a more stable ski design, with an extension in the front and rear of the ski: this is made for more easy start so that the nose of the ski does not bury itself in the water, and stability on the water, because the ski rests on the water with a larger surface. But such skis are less agile and not very fast. Skis of higher speed and mobility are produced for professionals. You can ask the instructor at the club about all the subtleties of choice.

Water skiing disciplines

Today water skiing is divided into three groups: freestyle (easy style gliding or artistic water skiing), slalom (moving along markings) and jumping with springboard (drive on the move from the water to the “stand” and twist the jump back to the surface of the water). From the names you can clearly see how water skiing has something in common with alpine skiing. Only in water skiing the force that imparts speed in sliding is not the descent from the mountain, but a tug - a motor boat that moves at a given speed and a given trajectory.

In the post-war years, from the second half of the 20th century, the popularity of water skiing has been growing rapidly. European and world championships are held, water skiers are invited to demonstration performances, in the nineties water skiing was recommended for introduction into Olympic sports, sports and training facilities are being developed.

Types of water skis

Jet skis are not all created equal. There are two basic forms of water skis: singles and doubles . A single ski or monoski is designed for slalom and freestyle, paired skis are for freestyle and jumping.

Freestyle skis (figure skis) are shorter, wider and lighter than skis for other disciplines. The design of the ski provides for the same width along the entire length and a slight bend in the front and back of the ski.

Slalom skis longer than figure skis, the nose of the slalom ski is slightly more steeply curved upward, slalom skis taper towards the rear, which gives greater maneuverability when turning. Slalom skis are equipped with a keel on the sliding side.

Jump skis also long. The tip of the jumping ski is fairly bent, which ensures a clean exit onto the jumping hill; the tip of the ski does not bury itself in the water. At the same time, the back of the ski can expand, giving a larger area of ​​​​support on the water.

Learning to “wheel” on water skis is not the most difficult work. If you have skiing skills and the ability to swim, then you can get on water skis without difficulty. But even if you are getting acquainted with skiing for the first time, but are quite athletic and have a good sense of balance, you will definitely conquer water skiing.

Water skiing is a fairly simple way to actively relax and get a lot of positive emotions, because you don’t need to have any special skills, and simple skiing does not require suitable weather conditions and the presence of waves on the water surface. There are practically no requirements for the tug, because all that is needed is a suitable speed to create the necessary resistance.

Water skis are a little reminiscent of those used for walks in winter, and the main difference lies in the special geometry and material used for manufacturing. If we remember the time when water skiing was just in its infancy, skis were made from various types of wood with high resistance to stress and moisture, but this outdated technology has long since sunk into oblivion. Nowadays water skis are high-tech devices made from polyurethane foam, which has significantly less weight with increased gliding characteristics. Therefore, it is safe to use them in any case.

It is noteworthy that today water skiing is not only an interesting entertainment, but also a full-fledged sport, despite its absence in the Olympic competitions. Skis practically have different characteristics and features depending on the intended purpose. So, there are pair, jumping and slalom skis. The latter are designed to perform the most difficult tricks on water, and accordingly, they are able to withstand excessive loads with enviable ease.

Plastic water skis, as a rule, have a special longitudinal groove, which significantly increases stability, making them most suitable for those who are just starting to master this type of sports recreation. Jump skis are much heavier than pair skis, and in addition, they are somewhat larger. Because of this, only an experienced athlete can handle them. As for the slalom ski, it is a cross between pair skis and a wakeboard (board with a wake). This is the most complex projectile, requiring a certain skill and experience.

When choosing skis, it is important to pay attention to the flexibility indicator. This parameter is the most important, because it is responsible for the ability of the projectile to absorb the shock of waves when moving. Water skis with high flexibility are characterized by increased maneuverability and stability, but at the same time they are not capable of developing high speed, which is most suitable for beginners. Skis with increased hardness are less stable, but can develop decent speed. Despite these features, both options are fiberglass reinforced and have a flared rear section for easier gliding.

However, not only do water skis differ in their technical characteristics, the price also has a wide range, because everything depends on the quality of the manufactured product, material, and manufacturer. Today, many companies produce quite acceptable sports equipment with a suitable price-quality ratio, but you should not save on this equipment, because not only health, but also life may depend on it.

Water sports (aquatics) is a sport involving water. Aquatic species Sports are held both in open water and in special premises - swimming pools. Since this site is dedicated to the sea, we will be interested only in those types of water sports that take place directly on open water. These include such types as: surfing, diving, snorkeling, regatta, kayaking or canoeing, kayaking, water skiing, swimming. Let's look at each in more detail.

C urfing- one of extreme species sports. This is the name of riding on sea and ocean waves, standing on a special “board”, which is actually made of various synthetic materials. Surfing requires courage, good coordination and patience from the athlete. After all, to master the art of conquering waves, you will need to spend several months, or even years.

This sport first appeared in the Hawaiian Islands and was the entertainment of kings and their entourage. At that time, surfboards were made of wood, they were very heavy and large (up to 6 meters in length). Even then, the first surfing competitions were held. Much has changed now, but Hawaii is still a favorite destination for surfers becauseThese places have the highest waves.

Nowadays there are a large number of surfboards. The choice depends on the level of professionalism, as well as on the types of surfing. For example, beginners are usually offered long (up to 3 meters) boards that are easier to handle. There are shorter boards (about 2 meters), and tau surfing professionals use very short boards with leg attachments. There is also a type of surfing - boogieboarding, in which athletes ride while lying on a board.

In the second half of the twentieth century, another type of surfing appeared - windsurfing. The first windsurfing board was patented in 1968 by Jim Drake and Hoyle Schweitzer. It was a board with a small sail. You can move freely on it on a smooth surface. The great availability of this type has ensured windsurfing enormous popularity. And in 1984 this sport became an Olympic sport.

Diving(from English) diving - diving) is scuba diving with special equipment. The beginning of mass diving as a form of entertainment and sport was laid by Jacques-Yves Cousteau. It is to him and his friend, the French engineer Gagnan, that we owe the creation of scuba gear. While diving you can touch underwater objects and get to know the flora and fauna of the seas and oceans.

Now the world is familiar with several types of diving, some of which are considered to be entertainment or sport, while others are professional activities. The first is recreational diving, as well as sports and technical diving, which involve diving to great depths and using gas mixtures. The second is commercial and military diving, performing ordered underwater work, such as installation and dismantling of equipment, lifting ships, searching, installing and destroying mines, anti-submarine barriers, etc. These types of diving are considered the most high-tech and, as a rule, are classified.

Snorkeling(or snorkeling, from the English snorkel - snorkel) is scuba diving with a mask and snorkel for the purpose of independently exploring the underwater world, obtaining aesthetic pleasure, photographing its landscapes, inhabitants, etc.

In tropical latitudes, snorkeling is very popular. After all, a large number of different marine inhabitants live in warm waters. That's why scuba diving attracts people. After all, everyone wants to look at strange fish and corals. The underwater world simply captivates with its beauty.

Unlike diving, snorkeling does not require special expensive equipment. A mask and snorkel are the most important equipment for snorkeling. You can also purchase fins, with which you can swim and dive much faster. Some people also use a wetsuit for snorkeling, which protects against hypothermia, cuts, and burns.

Regatta - a large, usually traditional, sailing or rowing competition consisting of a series of races for ships of different classes.
One of the first famous regattas was the Venice Gondolier Regatta, which took place in 1740. From the middle of the 19th century. Regattas in sailing and rowing began to be held in Great Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Switzerland, Belgium, from the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th centuries. — in the Scandinavian countries, Russia, USA, Canada, Latin American countries, etc.

Sailing competitions included in the program Olympic Games also called a regatta.
Regattas are designed to identify the strongest among yachtsmen. Since sailing is a technical sport and much of the results depend on the yacht, the main task is to correctly compare the results in order to reveal the actual skill of the yachtsman.

Kayaking - sport for the brave

Initially, a kayak was a small fishing boat of the peoples of Kamchatka, which was a lattice frame covered with leather. The rower was attached to the boat using a belt and steered the kayak using a single-bladed oar. On such boats they usually hunted sea animals or fished. Today's kayak serves completely different purposes - it is a means of active recreation, sports and tourism. In the modern classification, the following types of kayaking are distinguished:

Recreational kayaking (Touring / recreationalkayaking) are walks on smooth water (lakes, lowland rivers) on fast, stable kayaks for the purpose of relaxation and rest. Recreational kayaking is becoming increasingly popular among tourists and is being successfully adopted by advanced hotels in exotic countries. If the same recreation takes place along the sea coastline, then this is already sea kayaking;

White water kayaking (Whitewaterkayaking) is associated with overcoming obstacles in a water flow, be it a mountain river, rapids or their elements in lowland rivers or sea waters. The key point here is getting pleasure from passing all these obstacles, and such concepts as “heroism”, “feat”, “conquest”, in general, are not important.

The programs of international sports competitions include the following types of kayaking:

Rowing slalom - its essence is to pass the path between the pegs in the shortest possible time on a turbulent section of the river. Rowing slalom was included in the Olympic program in 1992.

Kayaking and canoeing – classic olympic event sports on smooth water, the highest speed in a straight line is important.

Downhill racing is a popular type of competition in Europe and America, but practically undeveloped in our country, which consists of passing a turbulent section of a river downstream."race".

Canopolo is a variant of kayak water polo.

Water skiing - a popular sport and entertainment - movement on the surface of the water on a specially shaped ski, on a cable (called a “halyard”) connected to a boat or other floating device that provides forward movement.

Water skis come in singles and pairs. Pairs include: figure and jumping. For singles: figure and slalom (mono) skis. At first glance, water skiing vaguely resembles winter skiing. But water skis are wider, have a special geometry and are made of a special material.

Most water skis are made from foamed plastic - polyurethane foam, since it has significantly less weight and has better glide than wood.

Water skiing first appeared in 1922, when an American from Minnesota, Ralph Samuelson, experimenting with regular winter skis, decided to try them on the water. Two pine wide boards he equipped it with fasteners for the legs. After which the inventor successfully tested the skis on the waters of the lake in Lake City.

Not knowing about Samuelson’s invention, in 1925 Fred Waller (USA) received the first ever patent for a water ski model he had invented, also made of pine, “DolphinAkwa- Skees».

In 1928, Don Ibsen of Bellevue, Washington, unaware of previous discoveries, invented his water ski and thus became the third person recognized as the inventor of this sport.

The three pairs of skis that appeared were very similar to each other: they were all made of pine, with special impregnation, and had rubber fastenings for the feet.

Water skiing in the USSR began to develop in the late 50s - early 60sXXcentury. In 1964, largely on the initiative of the first cosmonaut of the Earth, Yu. A. Gagarin, who was an ardent fan of water skiing, the country's Water Ski Federation was created, and in 1965 the first USSR water skiing championship was held.

Today this sport has become so spectacular and popular that in 1998 the Greek Olympic Committee recommended introducing water skiing into the program of the 2004 Olympics in Athens. In 2000, the Professional Association of Towing Water Sports was formed (PTWA), once and for all separating amateur records from professional competitions.

One of the most popular sports isswimming.

Swimming is rightfully considered the most effective sport that has no competitors in its health-improving effects on the human body. Swimming has a particularly strong positive effect on the cardiovascular and respiratory system, muscular system, joints, musculoskeletal system. In addition, swimming is one of the types of hardening and has a positive effect on the immune system.

This sport is also relevant for those who want to get rid of excess weight, because during swimming, extra calories are “burned” very quickly (2-4 times faster than during similar periods of time and power load classes in the gym).

A huge advantage of swimming is that it has virtually no side effects and contraindications.

Swimming helps develop body flexibility, increase endurance, increase efficiency, improve mood and effectively combat stressful situations.

The effectiveness of swimming depends, first of all, on the correct execution of swimming movements and proper breathing. Minimum movements – maximum efficiency.

Or another floating device that provides forward motion.

Riding on the Volga

Water skis come in singles and pairs. Pairs include: figure and jumping. For singles: figure and slalom (mono) skis. Figure skis are short, wide, slightly curved at both ends. Jumpers are long, with a strongly curved nose. A slalom ski is long, with a curved tip and is tapered at the back. At first glance, water skiing vaguely resembles winter skiing. But water skis are wider, have a special geometry and are made of a special material. In addition, slalom skis have a keel on their tails (the side that glides through the water).

At the dawn of water skiing, skis were made from specially treated wood. Nowadays, most water skis are made from foamed plastic - polyurethane foam, since it has significantly less weight and has better glide than wood (although wooden water skis can still be found at various recreation centers and rental points to this day).

Modern plastic skis have a special groove-shaped sliding surface profile, which makes them more stable than wooden ones.

Today, this sport has become so spectacular and popular that in 1998, the National Olympic Committee of Greece recommended introducing water skiing into the program of the 2004 Olympics in Athens.


Water skiing first appeared in 1922, when an American from Minnesota, Ralph Samuelson, experimenting with regular winter skis, decided to try them on the water. He equipped two wide pine boards with fasteners for the legs. After which the inventor successfully tested the skis on the waters of the lake Pepin (English). Archived from the original on August 17, 2012. near the city of Lake City.

Not knowing about Samuelson's invention, in 1925 Fred Waller (USA) received the first ever patent for the water ski model he invented, also made of pine, “Dolphin Akwa-Skees”.

In 1928, Don Ibsen of Bellevue, Washington, unaware of previous discoveries, invented his water ski and thus became the third person recognized as the inventor of this sport.

The three pairs of skis that appeared were very similar to each other: they were all made of pine, with a special impregnation, and had rubber fastenings for the feet.

Water skiing in the USSR began to develop in the late 50s - early 60s of the 20th century. In 1964, largely on the initiative of the first cosmonaut of the Earth Yu. A. Gagarin, who was an ardent fan of water skiing, the country's Water Ski Federation was created, and in 1965 the first USSR water skiing championship was held. In 1977, Marina Cheresova, a student of the water ski school of the brothers Valery and Yuri Nekhaevsky from the city of Dubna (Moscow region), was the first Soviet water skier to set a European record in figure skating on water skiing; in 1979, her classmate Natalya Rumyantseva, also the first water skier of the USSR, set a world record in this event and became world champion. The name of this athlete is immortalized in the Hall of Fame of the International Water Ski and Wakeboard Federation (IWWF): she has 5 world and 7 European records in figure skating in water skiing, 4 gold medals at the World Championships and 24 gold medals at the European Championships.


see also

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    See what “Waterskiing” is in other dictionaries: Water skiing - Water skiing. WATER SKIING, a competition of athletes sliding in tow behind a boat on the surface of the water on special skis. As a sport, it was formed in the 1930s. in USA; since the 1950s cultivated in the USSR. Founded in 1947... ...

    Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary- WATER SKIING, a competition of athletes sliding in tow behind a boat on the surface of the water on special skis. As a sport, it was formed in the 1930s. in USA; since the 1950s cultivated in the USSR. The World Water Ski Union was founded in 1947... Modern encyclopedia

    Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary- a sport based on the movement of an athlete through the water on special skis with the help of a towing boat. As a sport, it was formed in the 1930s. in USA. The International Water Ski Federation (founded in 1947) includes St. 60... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    water skiing- a sport based on the movement of an athlete through the water on special skis with the help of a towing boat. As a sport, it was formed in the 1930s. in USA. The International Water Ski Federation (founded in 1947) includes about... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    water skiing- vandens slidinėjimas statusas T sritis Kūno kultūra ir sportas apibrėžtis Vandens sporto šaka – slydimas vandens paviršiumi viena arba dviem slidėmis, laikantis už specialios maždaug 23 m ilgio virvės, kurią tempia motorinė valtis. Vandens… …Sporto terminų žodynas

    See what “Waterskiing” is in other dictionaries:- a sport based on the movement of an athlete on the surface of the water on water skis with the help of a towing boat; includes slalom, ski jumping, figure skating, as well as various all-around events. Usually… … Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    water skiing- Moving on water on special skis with the help of a towing boat; kind of sport … Dictionary of many expressions

    long distance water skiing- ilgųjų nuotolių vandens slidinėjimas statusas T sritis Kūno kultūra ir sportas apibrėžtis Vandens sporto varžybų rūšis – slydimas vandens paviršiumi kuo ilgesnį nuotolį nesustojant. Yra žinomas toks rekordas: slidininkas per daugiau kaip 35 val.… … Sporto terminų žodynas

    water skiing with hang glider- vandens slidinėjimas su skraidykle statusas T sritis Kūno kultūra ir sportas apibrėžtis Pramoginė vandens sporto šaka – sportininko su skraidykle, tempiamo 50 km/val. (ir daugiau) greičiu, slydimas vandeniu, pakilimas į orą ir sklandymas.… … Sporto terminų žodynas

    speed water skiing- greitasis vandens slidinėjimas statusas T sritis Kūno kultūra ir sportas apibrėžtis Vandens sporto varžybų rūšis – slydimas vandens paviršiumi, stengiantis įgyti kuo didesnį greitį. Geriausi sportininkai vyrai slysta iki 200 km/val., moterys –… … Sporto terminų žodynas

V.M. Alekseev
KiYa Magazine No. 2 1964

Water skiing quickly found recognition in many countries around the world and is currently various types The water skiing world championship is already underway. Who and when was the founder of this new sport is unknown. Some claim that the first were the inhabitants of the Alps, who tried to glide across the water on their ordinary skis, on which they Descend from the snowy peaks; others consider water skiing to be a form of wave boarding, an activity long known to the Hawaiians.

When an athlete glides through the water on a flat surface (be it water skis or an aquaplane towed by a boat, or simply a board sliding along the side of a wave under the influence of human gravity), a force T acts on its lower surface, directed perpendicular to the plane of this planing surface. This force T can be decomposed into two components; a force R directed horizontally and a force A directed vertically. Force R is the resistance of water to the movement of the planing plate, balanced by the thrust force Рн of the boat; force A is the hydrodynamic support force that balances the athlete’s weight Pc.

Force A is calculated by the expression:
A = K51S v 2 ,
where S is the total wetted area of ​​the plate, m2; v- movement speed, m/sec.

The value of the coefficient K depends on the ratio of the plate length l to its width b (for water skis l/b=10) and
from the angle of meeting of the plate with the oncoming water flow - angle of attack a. For water skis, usually K = 0.06. From the above equation it can be seen that the size of the ski depends on the skier's speed through the water.

Types of water skiing. Currently, water skiers are united in the International Union of Water Skiers. International competitions water skiing was first held in France in 1949. In the USSR, the first major competitions were held in 1962, Competitions are held according to the following types: slalom, ski jumping and figure skating. International Union water skiers have established uniform rules for competitions.

Slalom. Each competitor must pass the 4m wide start control gate, go around 6 buoys spaced 90m apart and go through the finish gate (also 4m wide). The gates are marked with buoys. If a skier touches the buoy or fails to go around it, he will be awarded penalty points. The boat towing the skier makes the first tack in the middle of the track at a speed of 42, and the second (reverse) tack at a speed of 45 km/h, and passes the control gate at the prescribed speed. The speed of the towing boat is controlled by the judge.

The skier is given the right to compete on two or one ski.

Jumping. Jumping is carried out from a springboard with a height of 1.5 m for men and 1.5 m for women; its width is 2 by 3 m. Only the length of the jump is counted.

Figure skating. In figure skating, both the style of performance and the complexity of the figure are taken into account; Skiing is carried out on two or one ski. Here are some exercises: moving on one ski, turning 180° and moving backwards; movement, holding the handle of the sling with your foot, teeth, neck; jumping over a tow rope, etc.

Towing boat. Any boat with a speed of more than 35 km/h is suitable for towing skiers. You need to start training at low speeds, since if you fall at high speed you can break into the water. For experienced skiers who want to practice regularly, they need a boat with a powerful engine (60 to 100 hp) and a speed of up to 55 km/h.
The boat towing a skier should pick up speed smoothly and easily. In addition, the boat should have a low stern wave, since a high “rooster” behind the transom prevents the skier from making sharp turns and causes sharp jerks in the cable. And finally, the third requirement: the towing boat must have great lateral stability so that the danger of capsizing from the side tug of the cable that the skier is holding onto is eliminated. Typically, the stability of boats with a wide flat stern is quite sufficient.

The athlete can be towed even by a light motor boat with an outboard motor (for example, “Kazanka”). The author went water skiing behind a sports motorboat of the Strela type with a Moskva engine.

If the skier is being towed by a light motorboat, the cable should be secured to the eyelets attached to the transom approximately 10 cm below the edge of the deck. To ensure the turning ability of the towing vehicle, the skier in circulation must turn along a radius significantly larger than the radius of circulation of the motorboat. This circumstance should never be forgotten when using small boats and motorboats.

On a large and powerful boat, it is best to attach the towing rope to a bit at a height of about 50 cm above the deck in the center of rotation of the boat (slightly ahead of the stabilizer fin).

Planing boats with water jet propulsion are best suited for towing skiers; when using them, there is no danger of injuring the athlete with the boat propeller, and the skier can start from shallow water.

As we already know, people standing on skis press on the surface of the water with their weight, therefore, in order not to plunge into the water, they must move along it at a higher speed, the greater their weight and the smaller the size of their skis. This requires increasing the engine power of the towing boat. For a boat with a length of 4.5 and a width of 1.35 m, the number and weight of towed athletes depend on the engine power as follows:

Skis. Water skis for each type of competition have some features in design and dimensions. The size of the skis also depends on the weight of the athlete.

Regular recreational skis are 18 cm wide and 1.5 cm thick; their length is chosen depending on the weight of the athlete:

The tips of the ski are slightly rounded, and the ski as a whole may have a slight convex towards the sliding surface. Skis are attached to the legs with elastic rubber fastenings that fit the leg.

If an athlete falls, the skis should be easily removed from the feet and float up next to the skier.

Jumping skis are made somewhat heavier; their center of gravity must be behind the bow bindings so much that when jumping, the skis sag back and cannot stick their toes into the water (in this case, the skier can break their chest and stomach on the water, stretching the ligaments in the ankle joints).

Experienced slalom skiers often perform on one ski 180 cm long and 20 cm wide. Such a ski, in addition to the usual binding, is equipped with another nose binding located behind the first. Athletes sometimes even ski with dimensions of 165X18 cm. In order for such skis to handle better, they are tapered at the ends so that they resemble a banana in shape.

Skis for figure skating, in principle, are no different from slalom skis, only they are made more curved.

A lightweight aluminum fin is attached to the rear ends of the sliding surface of the skis to increase stability. Skis with such a fin are usually used by beginner athletes.

Cable. To tow athletes, you can use any soft cable with a length of 18 to 30 m. A good nylon cord with a diameter of 6 by 8 mm is that it does not rot from frequent wetting, is lightweight and does not form so-called “pegs” (knots) when unraveling from the coil. A manila cable will also work.

It is best if the cable is painted in a bright color and floats on the surface; then the athlete can see it well, and the cable will probably not get into the boat’s propeller. Abroad, a special plastic jacket is put on the cable, which keeps it afloat.

For water skiing competitions, the total length of the cable must be 22.5 m; of which 1.5 m in length are slings for handles. Handles of round or oval cross-section are made of wood or plastic. The ends of the slings are connected to each other to a thimble, and the thimble of each sling is connected to the cable thimble using carabiners, staples or swivels.

For figure skating, a special device is used: the transverse handle is attached to the cable with a steel yoke with an eye; a leg mount slides along the yoke, which is used when towing by the foot.

First of all, it should be noted that only healthy and, in any case, people who can swim can practice water skiing. If a skier falls, he must be able not only to stay on the water for a long time until the boat turns around and approaches him, but also to quickly free himself from his skis. Beginners should wear life jackets, peacoats or inflatable belts when practicing on the water.

Slalom lanyard.
1 - handles; 2 - thimble; 3 - tow rope. A - knot for sealing slings in the handle

Figure skating handle.
1 - handle; 2, 3 - yoke; 4 - tow rope; 5 - belt for the foot.

“Snow” skiers and slalomists, who are accustomed to maintaining balance in the most difficult conditions, are trained easier and faster than others.

You need to start training on the shore. First, put on the nose clip, adjust the heel clip and tighten the adjustment screws. The rope handles are held with arms extended forward. The teacher holds the rope taut. The student, squatting, slightly spreading his skis (but keeping them parallel) and holding the cable, rises slightly bent legs, with the body weight behind the heels. The body is held by a cable, the slack of which is selected by the trainer. When the student has learned the first lesson and stops falling to the side, they begin training in water, repeating the same exercises.

Particular attention should be paid to ensuring that the student holds the Lizhi parallel to the taut tow rope. This is usually difficult to achieve, since the skier is now free to float in the water. Sitting on the backs of the skis, the beginner swims up to the instructor, who pulls him up by the rope. Skis should protrude slightly above the surface. Only after beginners learn to control their body in the water do they begin training with a boat, which is better to start on larger spoons.

Having assumed the starting position, the ends of the skis are shown above the surface as a sign of readiness to move. The boat quickly and smoothly, without jerking, picks up speed. The skier unbends smoothly and energetically, holding the skis at a certain angle to the surface of the water and leaning back slightly; Having gained speed, the skis are held almost horizontally.

First lesson on the shore.

the student rises to his feet from the “sitting on skis” position

First lesson on the water.
Maintaining balance in water.

The skier begins to ski, straightening his legs.

If a motorboat with a low-power engine is used as a towing vehicle, they start with booms. The skier sits on the boom, puts on his skis, lays out the cable and makes a sign to start moving. 2-3 seconds before the cable is pulled out, the skier jumps from the boom onto the skis; the skis do not have time to sink deeply, and therefore the skier’s resistance is not yet very high. The motorboat quickly goes into planing mode and pulls the skier to the surface. It's good to start with a sheet of plywood, standing in shallow water.

Ski jump.

A skier softens the impact on the springboard with his feet

Classic execution jump.

To make turns easily, you must remember that during circulation the boat usually reduces speed, so the skier must turn along a curve of a larger radius, reaching outside turn. To turn, the athlete leans toward the inside of the turn, loading the inside edges of the skis. Sharp turns can be made by bending hip joint, similar to how slalom skiers make angular movements on snow.

To stop, the skier signals to the boat. The boat stops, and the skier, after walking a few more meters, smoothly descends into the water. You can drop the skier off on a boom or other vessel. To do this, the boat passes at a distance of 4-5 m from the vessel or boom, the skier releases the cable in advance and stops at the intended place. Naturally, this method requires a certain amount of training and a developed eye.

You can stop by driving out into shallow water. Here the whitefish, having lost speed, easily sinks to the bottom of the reservoir. You need to put one leg forward 10-15 cm and transfer your body weight to back leg so as not to fall forward when stopping suddenly when the skis come into contact with the ground.

Jumping. Having mastered the movement on two skis well and learned to turn, they move on to studying the jumping technique.

First, they jump from the stern wave of the boat, crossing its wake from one side to the other; then they move to the springboard. The dimensions of the upper table of the springboard are 2X5 m. The height of the upper edge is adjusted depending on the training of the athletes. They start, of course, with a low height and low towing speed. The boat goes to the springboard and passes next to it at a distance of 4-5 m. The skier takes a parallel course and heads to the springboard, standing slightly with bent knees and a straightened body, and having entered the springboard, he slightly presses his legs, grouping himself. In flight, he straightens up again, and then, elastically bending his knees, “splashes down.” The athlete's movements are similar to the movements of a skier overcoming a small hill while descending from a mountain.

The exercise is then made more difficult by increasing the speed. A classic jump will be when a skier at a speed of 57 km/h (for women 50 km/h) approaches the springboard in a high stance, squats, pushes off with his feet and flies straight up over the water. The skis are held in flight horizontally or with the toes slightly raised. Having touched the water, the skier continues on his way.

Slalom on one ski. The athlete first glides on two skis, then takes off one of them and leaves it on the water, and places his free foot on the back of the ski. Now, by bending the body and standing slightly on the edge of the ski, the athlete can change the direction of movement.

When passing a slalom course, a ski 20 cm wide, equipped with two bindings, is used. Handles for the left and right hands are attached to the tow rope.

The highest skiing technique is figure skating on one or two skis using a special handle.

Making simple skis. Water skis are commercially available, but they are relatively expensive (more expensive than slalom skis). Naturally, many athletes make water skis on their own, especially since it is not difficult.

Ski sizes are selected depending on the weight of the athlete. The materials are boards and plywood.

The board is marked according to the accepted length. Using a hacksaw, make cross cuts at the toe. Then a piece of plywood is placed on the area of ​​the cuts, greased with waterproof glue, a wooden block is placed - a wedge processed in the shape of the bend of the toe - and the ski is pressed against it with a clamp. The plywood, when glued, does not allow the end of the board to bend; The ski blank is covered with any fabric using waterproof glue.

It is best to glue skis from plywood.
Two sheets of plywood (1500X1500 mm) are glued together, butted together, then strips of the required width (180X200 mm) are cut out and assembled into a bag until the desired thickness is obtained. The strips are coated with glue and laid on a wooden beam (the surface of which is cut into the shape of a ski), pressing with clamps or nails. After gluing, the skis are trimmed, sanded and painted. The paint is constantly renewed during operation. It should be remembered that the slightest scratch or abrasion significantly reduces the service life of the ski; As a result of swelling and warping, the shape of the skis changes significantly, making them difficult to use.


1 - nose mount (rubber); 2 - heel fastening (rubber); 3 - pressure strip (metal, plywood); 4 - screws; 5 - lambs.

The shape of the ski in plan can be very diverse. Typically the maximum width is located in the middle; the ski is slightly rounded towards the nose, and goes straight or narrows towards the rear end, which makes turns easier.