For girls

Types of muscle fiber hypertrophy. Muscle hypertrophy: skeletal, muscular. Hypertrophy training

We will analyze muscle hypertrophy in detail, as well as how to use it to gain weight as quickly as possible.

What is the best way to achieve hypertrophy? The truth is that there is no one type of hypertrophy, and in order to achieve the two main types of hypertrophy, you must resort to various types training. So, all types of hypertrophy can be divided into two types.

Myofibril hypertrophy

Myofibrils are bundles of myofilaments (the contractile parts of the muscle - i.e. those parts that pull and squeeze weight). They are found in all skeletal muscle tissues.

Each muscle cell contains many myofibrils. Myofibril hypertrophy occurs due to an increase physical activity(when you lift weights greater than what your body is used to) which leads to damage to individual muscle cells. Your body reacts to this as an “injury” and, when recovering, “compensates with a reserve” for the resulting damage, increasing the volume and density of myofibrils so that the “injury” does not happen again.

This is one of the reasons why, in order to continue to achieve results, you need to subject your body to ever-increasing stress.

Muscle fiber

Sarcoplasmic hypertrophy

Sarcoplasm is the fluid that surrounds myofibrils in muscles and is a source of energy. It contains such “things” as glycogen, creatine phosphate and water.

Sarcoplasmic hypertrophy generally occurs in the same way as myofibrillar hypertrophy. The body, during the recovery period after the depletion of your energy reserves, “compensates with a reserve” for what was lost. Thus, the amount of energy reserves - such as ATP and glycogen - is increased in order to subsequently prevent their rapid depletion.

An increase in the size of the blood vessels that "deliver" blood to the muscles can also be included in sarcoplasmic hypertrophy. This phenomenon is often called capillarization.

So now you know the two types of hypertrophy. What's the best way to achieve both of them? Before answering this question, I would like to emphasize: match the weights to the number of repetitions, NOT the number of repetitions to the weights.

Progressive overload means gradually increasing the load on the muscle as it becomes stronger or more resilient. This means that you need to use weights and repetitions that will be very difficult to overcome.

You need to choose exactly the weight with which you can barely do the required number of repetitions. Do not take weights with which you cannot do the required number of repetitions or, conversely, at the end of the set you will be able to do many more repetitions. Therefore, if you need to do 12 repetitions in an exercise, choose a weight with which you can do exactly 12 repetitions.

Myofibril hypertrophy training

Strength training with weights of 80% or more of your one-rep maximum. 3-8 repetitions with pauses between sets of 2-4 minutes. Such a system will ensure a maximum increase in the volume and saturation of myofibrils. This means that if you want to achieve myofibrillar hypertrophy, you need to lift heavy weights. The more weight, the more quantity muscle fibers is involved, and therefore damaged. However, it is recommended to stick to 3-5 repetitions per set, as fewer results in more neuromuscular adaptations, which mainly develop strength.

In fact, low reps are critical for maximum growth.

Training for sarcoplasmic hypertrophy

Sarcoplasmic hypertrophy is achieved through so-called endurance training. The weights taken are approximately 75% of those that you can do at one time, and the number of repetitions is 10-15. The pause between sets is 45-90 seconds. This is called endurance training because it uses up large amounts of energy in the muscle cells very quickly, depleting the muscles.

When choosing the number of sets for such workouts, you need to take into account the amount of time spent under load. There is a minimum amount of time that must be spent under load to achieve hypertrophy. And for endurance training this time is longer than for strength training.

In endurance training, the time under tension should be greater than the reserves of energy available for expenditure. The main sources of energy for anaerobic exercise are ATP and creatine phosphate. They are short-lived and deplete after 7-10 seconds. After this, your body resorts to glycogen stores, which in turn causes the release of lactic acid (this is what causes a burning sensation in the muscles). This means that in endurance training, the time under load should exceed 10 seconds. This in turn means that performing slow reps and supersets is a great way to achieve sarcoplasmic hypertrophy.

Why can’t I achieve both types of hypertrophy at the same time?

Here is the range of number of repetitions required for sarcoplasmic and myofibrillar hypertrophy:

  • 1-5 repetitions– maximum increase in strength and myofibrillar hypertrophy.
  • 6-8 repetitions– “golden mean” between myofibrillar and sarcoplasmic hypertrophy.
  • 9-12 repetitions– maximum increase in sarcoplasmic hypertrophy.
  • 13-15 repetitions– slow achievement of hypertrophy.

Myofibril damage will not stop after 12 repetitions, but it will occur at a lower intensity and with fewer muscle fibers.

Why use a number of repetitions that does not achieve maximum result neither in myofibrillar nor in sarcoplasmic hypertrophy? After all, you can achieve both hypertrophies separately at maximum efficiency. I'll explain how to achieve this below.

So, we figured out that sarcoplasmic hypertrophy is achieved through endurance training, and myofibrillar hypertrophy through strength training. What's the best way to achieve them both?

I'm sure you are aware of the trends in power types sports that dominated the socialist camp in the 50-80s. One of these trends was.

In the West, periodization was primitive until it was discovered by the coaches of the Eastern bloc. Periodization is a method of training certain aspects in cycles. Periodization can be divided into three types:

  • Microcycle- about a week.
  • Mesocycle– usually several weeks.
  • Macrocycle– several months and even years.

Today, people usually use mesocycles in their training - let's say, they use strength programs lasting 8-12 weeks. Then they do an increased intensity program for the same 8-12 weeks. Although this approach may bring good results in one area, it is very linear, so in other areas you can regress. In addition, in programs lasting weeks and months, it is difficult to maintain a constant increase in working weight.

And here a technique originally from the USSR comes to the rescue. Many Soviet trainers used very short microcycles, developing different areas over several weeks. For example:

  • First week: power training.
  • Second week: speed and endurance training.

This system can be repeated for many months with only minor changes, and progress in training will be achieved much more easily, since the body will not be able to get used to the constantly changing loads.

Therefore, to achieve maximum hypertrophy, I advise using two to three week microcycles, for example:

  • First week: strength training 4 days a week.
  • Second week: endurance training 5 times a week.
  • Third week: recovery, 2 workouts per week for all muscle groups.

Even shorter sub-cycles can be used. For example, start strength training for the upper half of the body with 5-6 sets of 2-6 repetitions, then increase the number of repetitions to 8-15 and reduce the time between sets on the next 3-4 exercises.

A good example is a program that includes both low and high repetition exercises. It should be noted that in such programs, exercises with a low number of repetitions should come first. This is necessary in order to prepare nervous system to the subsequent load. Simply put, the nervous system warms up well through strength training and subsequently allows you to perform at peak efficiency.

A study comparing linear training and periodization showed that with linear training, athletes' strength increased by 14.15% over 12 weeks, while with periodization, strength increased by 23.53% over the same period.

So, here it is - a way to achieve muscle hypertrophy. If you like the idea, I advise you to try it. Personally, I tried many techniques and without any doubt I can say that the best solution for me was precisely the combination of short microcycles of small and large numbers of repetitions. Many other professionals also use this type of training.

Hyperplasia and muscle hypertrophy
- these are two different methods of increasing muscle volume. Muscle hypertrophy occurs due to an increase in the size of muscle fibers, and hyperplasia occurs due to an increase in their number. Accordingly, since the mechanism of muscle growth differs, it means that the method of training it also differs. It is not correct to say that any method is more or less effective, since two muscles are always more than one! Therefore, in your training cycle you should combine all types of training, but it is important to group them in the correct sequence. In this case, preference should be given first of all to muscle hypertrophy, since it is easier to achieve hypertrophy; moreover, most likely, to achieve hyperplasia of muscle fibers, you will need complex professional techniques that novice athletes simply cannot do. The training regimen should look something like this: 2 years of hypertrophy, six months of systemic growth, about another year of hyperplasia, and then training cycle repeats itself again.

If you are a complete beginner athlete and have just started going to the gym, then you should spend the first 2-3 months working on neuromuscular connections, using a training program for beginners. In the event that you have already adapted to classes in gym, have learned to feel your muscles and are now trying to build muscle mass, you need to constantly progress the load. During the first year of training in the gym, the progression of the load will occur quite naturally, you will not need complex training schemes or special techniques, you will progress just like that! The only thing we recommend using from the very beginning is a training diary to help you track your progress. So, as long as muscle hypertrophy occurs naturally, there is no need to reinvent the wheel. You simply choose a split for yourself - a three-day, two-day, or any other and train on it for 8-10 months, observing the principle of progression of loads, but when the effectiveness of training begins to fall, you need to apply building techniques muscle mass.

Muscle hypertrophy - diagrams

Classic scheme – once again let’s look in detail at what the most simple circuit training in the gym. Its essence lies in the fact that the athlete trains only some muscle qualities, without alternating training of different muscle fibers, but dividing his training only by muscle groups. Would it be more efficient to use more complex circuits? No! Firstly, by training on your own, you will not be able to do this, since this requires experience. Secondly, every workout you will train the most important muscle qualities for a bodybuilder, so you don’t need to deliberately work on other muscle qualities yet. Why will we have to use more complex training schemes in the future? The fact is that it makes sense to train muscles at the moment of supercompensation, to achieve which you will need more and more time. In addition, over time, it will become not just difficult, but impossible, to progress the load from training to training; you will have to increase the load in some more ingenious ways.

Cheating- not the best way to achieve hypertrophy of muscle fibers, but the most famous, and in the case when the athlete “cheats” correctly, a really effective and well-functioning method of progression. Its essence lies in the fact that the athlete takes more weight than he can perform exercises with. correct technique, and then, with the help of the assistants’ muscles, performs one or another exercise “dirty”. It should be noted here that the range of exercises in which “cheating” can be used is limited. For example, squats with a barbell or deadlifts with cheating can only be performed by a crazy person. Exercises in which cheating is acceptable include: dumbbell raises, biceps curls, various pull-ups and row variations, both with free weights and in block exercise machines. Also important be able to feel the working muscle group, since cheating is used not to load the muscle less, but to load it more, while giving it a new unusual stress. As a rule, cheating is performed by swinging the body, when the athlete seems to throw a barbell or dumbbells a little in the desired direction, while it is not necessary to perform the exercises in full amplitude.

Supersets- This is a simpler method of muscle training, which involves two options for grouping exercises. You can group exercises for antagonistic muscles in a super series, or exercises for one muscle group. In addition, a superset can consist of two or three exercises, while within the superset there is no rest between exercises. When an athlete trains antagonist muscles in super series. Thus, he increases the efficiency of his training, since he can perform more voluminous work in the same time. The classic muscle grouping options in the super series are: biceps and triceps, back and chest, quadriceps and hamstrings. Most often, super series are used in arm training. Exercises for one muscle group are super series consisting of basic exercises and isolation exercises, such as the bench press and French press. In this case, it is possible to concentrate the emphasis in the bench press on the stronger fascicles, and “finish off” the weaker triceps fascicles with an isolating exercise. Another option for a superset is a superset for synergistic muscles: chest and triceps, back and biceps, chest and shoulders, as well as large gluteal muscle and quadriceps femoris muscle. In this case, you should also use a basic exercise and an isolating one, for example, bench press and French press.

Forced reps – this is the so-called failure training, when the athlete can no longer perform the exercise on his own, but is still able to perform 1-3 repetitions with the help of a partner. Most likely, you have been using forced repetitions almost from your first workout, but you need to do it correctly. If almost the entire load is taken by a partner, then hypertrophy of muscle fibers will not occur. A partner should help you pull the weight “on your own” so that your muscles work to the limit. This type of training puts a lot of stress on the central nervous system, so it can be used no more than once every two weeks. In general, all these training methods are used to diversify the load inside training split, allowing the muscles to recover, thus it is possible to organize microperiodization, training various muscle qualities. As for forced repetitions, they are usually used on bench presses, although this technique can be used in almost any exercise.

Direct and reverse pyramids are a method of training with varying weights from approach to approach. The straight pyramid is what you, most likely, began to use from your first lesson in the gym. This training system involves increasing the working weight from approach to approach and decreasing the number of repetitions; sometimes the number of repetitions remains the same throughout the entire exercise. The reverse pyramid, accordingly, is the reverse process when the athlete takes heavy weight, and then gradually reduces it to maintain performance. The second method is more logical from an energy point of view, since the supply of glycogen and creatine phosphate is gradually depleted, but this method is more traumatic. This method can be combined with forced repetitions, especially using a straight pyramid scheme.

Negative repetitions - This is a very effective and unusual way of creating muscle stress, which promotes hypertrophy of predominantly slow muscle fibers. In general, muscle fibers can be divided according to different criteria, which requires a separate article, and which we will definitely write about as part of the stories in the “useful materials” section. The simplest division, which is quite sufficient from a practical point of view for most athletes, is the division into fast and slow muscle fibers. The ratio of these muscle fibers in the human body is set genetically and determined by the size of neurons, while it is impossible to change the muscle composition, and the athlete’s predisposition to a particular sport depends on the ratio of these fibers, as well as what type of training will be more effective for him . At the same time, it should be taken into account that in different muscles the ratio of fibers may be different, so it may be more effective to train biceps with pumping, and legs with strength training.

Returning to negative repetitions, it should be noted that there are two options for using them. The first option is when the athlete performs the entire approach in a “negative” manner, the second option is when the athlete performs the last few repetitions in a “negative” manner. As a rule, the last option is used, which looks like this: you perform the exercise, then your partner or two partners lift the apparatus in the active phase, and you only resist by lowering the barbell or dumbbells. An option when the exercise is performed entirely in the “negative” is, as a rule, the Smith press, during which the athlete slowly lowers the barbell to the chest, and then two people lift it up. This method has a very positive effect on strength in the bench press, which is why powerlifters also use it. Here we will draw your attention to static training, when the athlete simply removes the barbell from the rack, be it a bench press or squats with a barbell, and simply holds the weight, thereby getting used to it.

Dropsets– a system of fatigue of muscle fibers, stimulating their further hypertrophy due to increased stress and pumping. The dropset is performed with partial amplitude, a high number of repetitions and at an intense pace. You can often find options for performing dropsets in full amplitude, but this is not very meaningful, since the full amplitude of movement tears short muscle fibers and does not allow creating an optimal hormonal background that promotes further growth muscle tissue. Professor Seluyanov writes and talks about this in detail, whose theory of sports biochemistry is supported by Kravtsov, so this theory can be considered authoritative. Be that as it may, the drop set involves a gradual reduction in weight, but not between approaches, as was the case in pyramid schemes, but within the approach. The athlete takes a barbell weighing 50 kg, performs several repetitions, reaches failure, then his partners drop some weight, he performs several more repetitions and so on until he reaches empty neck, with which he will no longer be able to perform a single repetition. This method of training should be used no more than once a month or even a month and a half, since the muscles become overtired.

Scheme 21- This is another pumping option that stimulates muscle hypertrophy. This option involves performing the exercise in three phases, first the lower phase is worked out in 7 repetitions, then the upper phase is also worked in 7 repetitions, and the last 7 repetitions the athlete performs the exercise in full amplitude. It goes without saying that the appropriate weight should be selected, but almost any exercise can be performed in this style. The exercise should be performed at a fast pace so that the approach does not take more than 50 seconds, after which the bar should be put in place and rest for a minute, and then repeat the exercise. Sometimes this scheme is combined with dropsets or negative repetitions. Actually, these are all the basic muscle training schemes that are used in bodybuilding. To develop strength indicators, we use our own schemes, which involve the use of a pallet, ropes, chains, power rack, singles and many other interesting methods that develop high-threshold fast muscle fibers, but this will be discussed in another article.

Muscle hyperplasia - diagram

Hyperplasia is necessary because the growth of an individual muscle cell is limited, as a result of which at a certain stage the athlete reaches his “genetic ceiling” and does not progress further, or does so extremely slowly and ineffectively. Here it is necessary to make a reservation and immediately say that there were no official scientific statements that hyperplasia was possible at all. At the same time, experiments were conducted confirming that hyperplasia is possible. From a practical point of view, firstly, one way or another, the method that is used to stimulate hyperplasia of muscle tissue will serve as an unusual source of stress for the muscles, which in any case will contribute to their growth, while this method will relieve the central nervous system quite well. Secondly, if you think that something is impossible, then without trying it, you definitely won’t get the result, and since there is not much choice, it’s worth a try!

Hyperplasia involves the development of a non-contractile apparatus - the development of sarcoplasm. An increase in the size of the sarcoplasm occurs during training with a repetition range of about 8-12 per set, that is, 40-50 seconds. This fact explains why bodybuilders have more muscle cells than powerlifters, although the size of one cell in a powerlifter is larger. In other words, strength training has a greater effect on muscle fiber hypertrophy, while volume training has a greater effect on muscle hyperplasia. The process of hyperplasia supposedly looks like this: muscle cells grow in size, constantly becoming denser during hypertrophy, while becoming overgrown with sarcoplasm, after which there is an excess of sarcoplasm, which allows for a greater number of working myofibrils, as a result of which new cells are synthesized. But that is not all!

The muscles are enveloped by so-called fascia, which limits the size of the muscle. In order to stretch the muscle fascia, you will need pumping training, stretching the fascia and filling the muscles with blood. When the fascia stretches, the muscles swell, which allows the body to more easily synthesize organic tissues in them, so when working on hyperplasia, special attention should be paid quality nutrition. We recommend using a diet to gain muscle mass. Of course, after some time the fascia tightens back, but if you stretch it often enough, the body will have nowhere to go, and it will adapt to this, which will allow them to stretch a little forever. Thus, by training in a pumping style, using volume training with moderate weights and a high number of repetitions, you can stretch the muscle fascia and increase the volume of sarcoplasm, which will cause the synthesis of new muscle cells.

Hypertrophy is a medical term meaning the enlargement of a whole or part of an organ as a result of an increase in volume and or number of cells¹. Hypertrophy can be true and false - with false hypertrophy, the enlargement of the organ is due to the increased development of adipose tissue, while true hypertrophy is based on an increase in the volume of specific functioning elements of the organ.

Muscle hypertrophy refers to an increase in muscle mass of the body due to the growth of individual groups of skeletal muscles. It is hypertrophy that means muscle growth and is the main goal in bodybuilding, since without muscle growth it is impossible to either increase their strength or increase their volume. Essentially, strength training (especially strength training) makes hypertrophy its main goal.

In turn, muscle hypertrophy is divided into two types - myofibrillar and sarcoplasmic hypertrophy. The first is achieved by increasing the volume of muscle fiber cells (while the actual number of cells remains virtually unchanged), the second is achieved by increasing the nutrient fluid surrounding this fiber. In simple words, the first affects strength, the second affects muscle volume.

Types of muscle hypertrophy

Myofibrillar muscle hypertrophy is an increase in muscle fibers due to an increase in the volume and number of myofibrils. Sarcoplasmic hypertrophy is an increase in muscle fibers due to a predominant increase in the volume of sarcoplasm. Hypertrophy of this type occurs due to an increase in the content of mitochondria in muscle fibers, as well as creatine phosphate, glycogen, myoglobin, and so on.

Muscle gained by the athlete as a result various types hypertrophy (and different types of training) are fundamentally different from each other. Myofibrillar hypertrophy is characterized by “lean” and toned muscles, while sarcoplasmic hypertrophy is characterized by more voluminous and “pumped up” muscles. Processes are primarily focused on the processes of sarcoplasmic hypertrophy.

Hypertrophy training

Physical tension of the muscles during training and the creation of specific stress is key point triggering hypertrophy and muscle growth processes - this is why it is important to use heavy working weights in the exercise and constantly increase the complexity of the workout. Otherwise, the muscles will quickly adapt to the load and stop undergoing hypertrophy.

Note that fast muscle fibers respond better to myofibrillar hypertrophy, while slow muscle fibers respond better to sarcoplasmic hypertrophy. In fact, strength training with added weight develops fast muscle fibers, while developing slow muscle fibers will require static exercises, stretching and yoga. In addition, slow-twitch muscle fibers develop faster in long-distance runners.

Myofibrillar Hypertrophy: Muscle Strength

Myofibrillar hypertrophy involves the growth of muscle fibers and an increase in muscle strength with a moderate increase in volume. The necessary training strategy is with a heavy working weight and a small number of repetitions (3-6) in each exercise.

The key to myofibrillar hypertrophy is to use the maximum working weight in the exercises (about 80% of the weight of one maximum repetition) and constantly progress and increase this working weight. Otherwise, the muscles will adapt and stop growing².

Workouts for myofibrillar hypertrophy:

  • Strength training
  • Weightlifting
  • Powerlifting

Sarcoplasmic hypertrophy: muscle volume

Sarcoplasmic hypertrophy involves an increase in muscle volume by increasing the capacity of muscle energy depots (sarcoplasm). Increasing muscle strength is not the main thing. Training strategy - moderate load, high number of repetitions (8-12) and sets.

Examples of sarcoplasmic hypertrophy include endurance training ( marathon running, swims) and pumping (executing strength exercises with medium weight and high repetitions). Most often, pumping is used to increase muscle volume without increasing strength.

Training for Sarcoplasmic Hypertrophy:

  • Crossfit
  • Middle and long distance running
  • Swimming

Rules for training for hypertrophy

The total number of sets (approaches) per muscle group should be in the range from 10 to 15 - that is, it is enough to perform 3-4 exercises for 3-4 approaches. While providing sufficient load on the muscles in these sets, increasing the number of sets (or increasing the number of exercises) will not provide an additional increase in the effectiveness of hypertrophy training.

In addition, since during strength training the energy reserves in the working muscle are consumed in 10-12 seconds (which is why a low number of repetitions is recommended), the muscles need time to fully recover. Always make sure that the rest pauses between sets of the exercise are at least 45-60 seconds. Among other things, use technology regularly.

Sports supplements for muscle growth

Let us remember that the key fuel for muscle fibers is fast sources of energy - primarily creatine phosphate, BCAA amino acids and glycogen³. That is why additional intake of carbohydrates with a high glycemic index before training, as well as during it, helps muscles grow faster and makes hypertrophy training more effective.

A role is also played by the fact that muscle hypertrophy is physically impossible with a low caloric daily diet and necessarily implies adherence to a hypercaloric diet. In other words, to gain mass, an athlete with a current weight of 80 kg needs to consume at least 2500-3000 kilocalories daily, and about 1000 of these calories in the period 3-4 hours before and after hypertrophy training.


Muscle hypertrophy is the process of growth of muscle fiber and the surrounding nutrient fluid (sarcoplasm). There are two distinct types of hypertrophy. At strength training they act synergistically, but with a greater emphasis on myofibrillar hypertrophy of fast muscle fibers. The training strategy for hypertrophy is basic exercises and heavy working weights.

Scientific sources:

  1. Muscle hypertrophy,
  2. Hypertrophy and Muscle Growth,
  3. Muscle Growth: Why, And How, Does A Muscle Grow And Get Stronger, Casey Butt, Ph.D.,

From this article you will learn what myofibrillar and sarcoplasmic hypertrophy are, as well as the features of training for efficient growth muscle mass.

How to achieve hypertrophy faster and easier? There is no universal recipe here. For each of the two types of hypertrophy, different training programs have been developed.

Myofibrillar hypertrophy

Myofibrils are muscle fibers collected in bundles (myofilaments) that contract muscles and generate tension in them. Myofibrils are the basis of any muscle tissue in the body.

Myofibrillar hypertrophy occurs due to overstimulation of muscles (by lifting more weight than the body is accustomed to) and microtrauma to individual muscle fibers. By restoring microtraumas at the muscle fiber level, our body increases the density and volume of myofibrils to prevent similar injuries in the future.

This is why muscles need to be overloaded to achieve success.

Read also:

Sarcoplasmic hypertrophy

Sarcoplasm - a fluid and source of energy that surrounds and nourishes the myofibrils in the muscles. It contains ATP, glycogen, creatine phosphate and water. An increase in the size of the blood vessels that provide blood flow to the muscles may also be associated with sarcoplasmic hypertrophy.

This process occurs in almost the same way as myofibrillar hypertrophy: during recovery, the body tries to compensate for the energy reserve that was completely consumed during training. As a result, muscle stores of ATP and glycogen increase to prevent exhaustion during exercise.

What are the optimal ways to achieve the two types of hypertrophy described? To answer this question, you must first understand the following important rule.

Choose weight for reps, not reps for weight.

Progressive resistance training, or progressive overload as it is also called, means continually increasing the load on your muscles. This is the only way they will become stronger or more resilient. That is, to overcome resistance, you need to choose the weight and number of repetitions and approaches.

You must determine the weight that you are able to lift the desired number of times. Don't use too much heavy weight, otherwise you may not be able to complete all the planned repetitions. But too much a light weight, which allows you to do more repetitions, is of no use to you. In other words, for 12 repetitions of the exercise, choose a weight with which you can do exactly these 12 repetitions. No more and no less.

Training for myofibrillar hypertrophy

Strength training adding 80% of the weight to your one-rep max and 3-8 reps with 2-4 minutes of rest produces the greatest changes in myofiber volume and density. Therefore, if you want to achieve myofibrillar hypertrophy, you need to work with weights. The more weight you lift, the more muscle fibers you increase and damage. However, it is recommended to stick to 3-5 repetitions to allow for neuromuscular adaptation to improve the overall strength and endurance of the athlete rather than achieve myofibrillar hypertrophy alone.

Maximum growth comes from low reps.

Read also:

Training program for sarcoplasmic hypertrophy

Sarcoplasmic hypertrophy is achieved through exhaustive or fatigue training. This is a more intense workout with a weight of about 75% of your one-rep maximum and reps in the 10-15 range, followed by short rest periods of 45-90 seconds. This technique is called fatigue training because in this way the energy stored in muscle cells is quickly consumed and skeletal muscle fatigue is achieved.

When choosing the number of sets for your workouts, you should take into account the time of muscle tension or time under tension. There is a minimum time under load sufficient for muscle hypertrophy. Because of this, usually exhaustive workouts contain more sets of the same exercise than repetitions.

Fatigue training is designed to ensure that the time under tension exceeds the amount of energy available in the muscles. Energy is drawn from the reserves of ATP and creatine phosphate available in the muscles. But these sources are only enough for 7–10 seconds. Next, the body breaks down glycogen to obtain energy, resulting in a burning sensation in tense muscles (it is at this moment that they produce lactic acid). Therefore, in fatigue training, the time of muscle tension or time under load should be more than 10 seconds. This explains the effectiveness of slow repetitions, supersets and .

Why shouldn't you train in one rep range?

There are a number of repetition ranges through which myofibrillar and sarcoplasmic hypertrophy occur:

  • 1–5 reps leads to maximum increase in relative strength and increase in myofibrils;
  • 6–8 reps best average between myofibrillar and sarcoplasmic hypertrophy;
  • 9–12 reps increase sarcoplasmic hypertrophy to the maximum;
  • >15 repsmoving into the muscular endurance range where hypertrophy occurs slowly.

It is not easy to damage myofibrils with more than 12 repetitions, but it is still possible, although to a lesser extent and with fewer muscle fibers than with lower repetitions.

But why train at rep ranges that are ineffective for sarcoplasmic and myofibrillar hypertrophy? You can train in other ranges that give maximum growth. We will talk about this further.

So, myofibrillar hypertrophy is best achieved through strength training, and sarcoplasmic hypertrophy― through fatigue training. How to ensure in both cases maximum effect?


Periodization - This is a way to achieve certain specific goals using cycles. Periods can be divided into 3 main types:

  • microcycle: very short period, usually about a week;
  • mesocycle: long-term cycle, usually several weeks;
  • macrocycle: Long-term cycles over several months or even years.

Today, the most popular are mesocycles, in which strength training programs are developed for 8–12 weeks. Then the plan changes, and the next 8-12 weeks of training are aimed at developing speed and strength. As a result, certain results appear in one direction, and in another― disappear. Yes, and maintaining a high training pace and heavy loads for several weeks or months is quite difficult.

You can use microcycles by setting several different goals at the same time. For example:

  • week 1: strength training and weight training;
  • week 2: training to develop strength and speed.

The alternation of such microcycles can be carried out for several months in a row with minor changes. This approach causes frequent overloads, since it is much more difficult for the body to adapt to rapid changes in the training program.

To achieve maximum hypertrophy, the most effective will be alternating 2-3 week microcycles:

  • week 1: strength training, 4th day split;
  • week 2: fatigue training, 5th day split;
  • week 3: recovery, 2nd day split for the whole body.

You can also use even shorter intracycles, for example, starting with upper body strength exercises and repetitions in the 2-6 range for 5-6 sets, then increasing the intensity to 8-15 repetitions and shortening the workout itself to 3-4 exercises. A good example of such training― alternating minimum repetitions with maximum effort with more intense performance of the same exercise with a large number of repetitions, i.e. for fatigue.

If you decide to develop just such a program, you can easily be convinced of what you are doing in the first place. power load and do your best. This is necessary to warm up the nervous system before performing additional exercises. With the help of several strength sets you will effectively warm up and thus prepare the nervous system for further fatigue stress.

The training process based on periodization is on average 10% more effective than a linear training plan. Moreover, the maximum effect is achieved by short-term cycles alternating strength training and high-intensity training. training programs for fatigue.

Muscle hypertrophy is an increase in muscle mass that occurs due to the growth of individual groups of muscle fibers. It is the achievement of this state that is the main goal of training in bodybuilding; only by achieving the appearance of hypertrophy can an increase in strength and volume be achieved.

What is sarcoplasmic hypertrophy?

In the theory of bodybuilding, there are two types of hypertrophy, namely myofibrillar and sarcoplasmic. The first is obtained by increasing the volume of muscle fibers, the second occurs as a result of increasing the amount of nutrient fluid near the muscle cells. In this case, you can come across the concept of “hyperplasia”, which refers to the formation of new muscle fibers.

For a long time, the theory of hyperplasia was in doubt, and experienced athletes say that a predisposition to such an effect exists only in certain individuals. Substantial part ordinary people can achieve an increase in muscle volume by no more than 2 times.

Sarcoplasm is a fluid that surrounds the myofibrils in muscle fibers and is a source of energy. The appearance of sarcoplasmic hypertrophy is due to the fact that after consuming energy reserves as a result of training, the body compensates for what was spent with a reserve. As a result, there is an increase in energy reserves in the form of increased glycogen and ATP content, which allows further avoidance of exhaustion.

In addition, there is an increase in the size of blood vessels, which is also part of sarcoplasmic hypertrophy and is called “capillarization” among athletes.

Well-developed muscles provide the following benefits:

  • developed muscle groups;
  • stable weight indicators;
  • strong skeletal corset;
  • no problems with blood pressure;
  • good metabolic processes;
  • high ability to recover after training.

The appearance of an athlete varies greatly depending on the type of muscle hypertrophy. Myofibrillar gives the effect of dry toned muscles. Sarcoplasmic muscle hypertrophy leads to the volume and visual appearance of a pumped-up body.

In order to achieve the desired muscle hypertrophy, you need to adhere to radically different training strategies. Sarcoplasmic hypertrophy is possible due to work on the development of slow-type fibers. They are characterized by low speed and the ability to perform continuous work for a long time.

How to achieve sarcoplasmic hypertrophy?

Sarcoplasmic hypertrophy occurs when working with light weights and frequent repetitions. The basic rule of training is to ensure a moderate load and the number of repetitions from 10 to 15.

A larger amount of basic exercise is considered undesirable, since it is impossible to use the necessary weights and follow the execution technique, as a result of which the load on the muscle fibers is significantly reduced.

The development of sarcoplasmic muscle hypertrophy is possible with the following types classes:

  • marathon running;
  • pumping;
  • swims;
  • exercise with statics;
  • yoga classes.

The weight of sports equipment must be selected so that it is possible to do the required number of repetitions. However, you should not choose too heavy or light weight. If it is necessary to do 12 repetitions, the weight of the apparatus should be selected so that the last exercise is performed with maximum effort, but with the correct technique.

To achieve your goal, you need to choose programs to develop endurance. In this case, the weight is determined as 75% of the maximum. How to achieve sarcoplasmic muscle hypertrophy:

  • number of repetitions of the basic exercise from 10 to 15;
  • number of sets 4;
  • a break between each approach lasting from 1 to 2 minutes.

In this case, energy is quickly consumed. In such training, the time under load should be quite long. The main source of energy is ATP and creatine phosphate, which are short-lived and consumed on average after 7-10 seconds.

Next, the body begins to extract glycogen reserves, which leads to the production of lactic acid and a burning sensation in the muscles.

In this regard, when training for sarcoplasmic muscle hypertrophy, the time under load of the exercise should be at least 10 seconds. Instructors say that performing reps at a slow tempo in supersets is the best way

achieve sarcoplasmic hypertrophy.

  • The training program may not consist of the following basic exercises:
  • dumbbell raises in a sitting position in an inclined position to train the shoulder area;
  • one-arm extension with dumbbells for the triceps muscles;
  • standing dumbbell raises to work the shoulder muscles;
  • lifting dumbbells in a sitting position for biceps;
  • bench press in a seated position to work the shoulder area;
  • bent over barbell row to form abs;

bench press on a sports bench to work the chest muscles.

The exercises are performed in a circle, observing the recommended number of repetitions and rest time.

Basic rules of training Achieve sarcoplasmic muscle hypertrophy in more short time will allow consumption sports nutrition as protein shake

, gainer, creatine phosphate, glycogen.

The rules for achieving muscle hypertrophy are as follows:

  • it is necessary to provide stress to trigger hypertrophy and growth of muscle fibers, so it is necessary to progress and vary basic exercises, otherwise the body gets used to the existing loads;
  • the total number of repetitions per muscle group should be from 10 to 15, the number of basic exercises from 3 to 4 and the number of sets should be 4, increasing the recommended values ​​will not lead to an increase in the effectiveness of the exercises;
  • muscles need time to recover, so rest is required between workouts.

An important factor for achieving your goals is the proper organization of the day, a combination of active time and sleep.

Sarcoplasmic muscle hypertrophy is one of the ways to gain muscle mass. When the desired results are achieved, the athlete’s body gains volume and becomes pumped up. This effect can be achieved by using endurance training programs that involve the use of medium weights and a large number of basic exercises.