For girls

Exercise toad. “Frog” - a very deep stretch of the groin area! Will help better than a gynecologist. Suitable for children


How to do the “Frog” exercise correctly

Exercise "Frog" familiar to us from childhood. Remember in kindergarten Among other outdoor games, we moved forward in a line, jumping up from a sitting position and helping ourselves to push off the floor with our arms and legs at the same time?

Classic “Frog” – a more serious element physical activity, than a gaming option for kids, but it is also quite suitable for children.

How to do it, what are its benefits for our body if performed regularly, and what types of exercise exist? Find out everything right now.

What muscles are involved?

First of all - the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall, pelvis, oblique abdominal muscles, gluteal and all the muscles that support the corset of the torso, back, starting from the lumbar region to latissimus muscle. Also The muscles of the arms actively work - from the shoulder to the hand.

5 useful properties of the classic version

1. Strengthening the abdominal muscles.

Pledge successful implementation exercise - work muscle corset torso with a predominant load on the abs.

2. Strengthening the muscles of the arms and back, increasing the elasticity of the hips and buttocks.

The arms play the role of a support, on which, when lifting the legs, the entire weight of the body raised up falls, so over time, their strength and ability to withstand loads begins to grow. The muscles of the back, hips and buttocks tense every time the legs leave the ground, and also take on the load from the weight own body, strengthening from lesson to lesson.

3. Improved coordination.

Often, beginners, behind the apparent simplicity of the exercise, do not see the threat of losing coordination and overestimate their strength. When balancing on weak arms, you may lose your balance, sway too much forward or backward, and hit the floor with your face or tailbone. With each lesson, the functioning of the vestibular apparatus improves, concentration increases, and you become more and more in control of your own body.

4. Suitable for children.

In children's training, it is used as an element of acrobatics. When lifting the body, the muscles take on the load, but the joints and spine, on the contrary, are unloaded. Therefore, the exercise is extremely useful for children suffering from spinal curvature, scoliosis, etc.

5. Promotes weight loss and is indicated for all categories of exercisers.

The basis of the exercise is a static load, its goal is to burn fat, i.e., calories, even at a low heart rate. In addition, the load on the abdominal and pelvic muscles stimulates the work of the intestines and endocrine glands. This leads to a more active metabolism, and as a result, to losing weight in the most natural and beneficial way. Suitable for people different ages and fitness levels.

4 movement options

A movement with this name exists in a variety of areas of fitness, sports and even dance., differing in execution technique and emphasis on different muscle groups. We offer an introduction to some of them.

During the first training sessions, in order to avoid injuries, it is necessary to perform the exercise on a shock-absorbing surface., place a pillow or soft rug.

1. The starting position is to squat down, resting on the palms of your hands and toes (this is exactly how a frog sits: hands with fingers apart on the inside, legs bent at the knees on the outside). Bend your arms slightly at the elbows, this will make the load on them “softer”. The bent knees of the legs should be at the level of the elbows and slightly pressed against them. Look forward, the whole body, from head to tailbone, forms a diagonal. Take a breath.

2. As you exhale, lift your legs off the floor and bring your soles together, as if forming a diamond with your legs. Lean on your arms slightly bent at the elbows. Your body should form a horizontal line. Hold the raised body for a few seconds.

3. As you inhale, carefully return to the starting position.

The described cycle is one repetition. 10-20 repetitions make up 1 approach. If you do 3 sets of 10-20 repetitions daily, then within 5-6 weeks the result of working on yourself will become obvious and will please you. You can carry out the exercise until you hold the position in the lift from several seconds to several minutes. This movement is great.


Avoid putting too much pressure on your arms at first and don't open your legs too wide when lifting, as you risk straining the muscles in your arms and legs. For the first training, simply pressing your knees to your chest while lifting your legs off the floor is also suitable.

This variety of crunch from the Bruce Lee Complex is often found in fitness programs for women. who exercise not for the sake of building muscle mass, but want to achieve a flat stomach from the process of training. Its goal is to strengthen and dry the abdominal muscles, and at the same time provide a slight stretch.

The frog exercise for the press is performed as follows:

1. Starting position – lying on your back, legs bent at the knees. Open your legs like a book, while bringing your feet together - a diamond is formed, while your knees drop down, but freely - do not try to press them to the floor. Hands - behind the head or crossed on the chest.

2. By tensing your abdominal muscles, lift top part body, at the top point hold for 2 counts, at the lowest point - your shoulders barely touch the floor for a moment before lifting again. The abdominal muscles are constantly tense, but the knees and neck are as relaxed as possible.

Do 3-4 sets of 15-20 repetitions with a break of 30 seconds.

Peculiarity! If your abdominal muscles are weak, rest while performing the complex with outstretched arms to the floor at the back. This will relieve tension from the lower back, because... If abdominal muscles cannot cope with the load, the lower back takes on all its burden, and as a result, it is greatly overstrained.

This movement is widely used in gymnastics. The benefits of a good leg stretch aren't just your graceful gait. This gymnastic movement improves mobility hip joints, increases blood circulation in the abdominal cavity and pelvis, as a result - reducing the risk of many diseases. The frog exercise for the buttocks and legs is aimed at stretching the muscles. inner surface hips. This movement helps.

Execution sequence:

1. Starting position - on all fours, spread your knees to the sides, shin and thigh at right angles to each other.

2. Smoothly lower your forearms to the floor, arching your back as much as possible. It is better if a training partner helps you keep your feet on the floor in the correct position. Stay in this position for 30 seconds and return to the starting position.

2 sets of 6-8 repetitions will help improve blood circulation in muscle tissue hips and groin, increase the flow of oxygen to them. You can do more if you feel you can.

Option for beginners, without back arching. Lie on your back, open your legs as much as possible, bringing your soles together. In the groin area there is no pain, but a feeling of stretching and warmth.

Important! Don't overdo it: be flexible and physical training your body. Inappropriate jerking will not do any good, but will only lead to unwanted injuries and throw you off your training schedule.

Regular performance of this exercise develops flexibility, stretches, strengthens the hips and buttocks, has a tonic effect on the whole body and a balancing effect on the hormonal system.

1. Starting position – lie on your stomach, bend your lower back. We clasp our toes with our hands, taking a boat position.

2. As you exhale, slowly and very carefully press your hands on your feet, trying to reach your heels to the pelvis. If stretching allows, we continue to press until the heels touch the floor. Don't lift your hips off the floor. While inhaling, return to the starting position. published

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness, we are changing the world together! © econet

The articulatory apparatus is a complex system of organs and muscles that require training, like the rest of the muscles in our body. Articulatory gymnastics “Frog” strengthens the muscles of the lips, cheeks, soft palate and prepares the speech apparatus for pronouncing the sounds [s], [s'], [z], [z'], [l], [l']. You need to study even if the child does not speak at all yet - then the baby will have the basis for producing the sounds of his native language.

The role of articulatory gymnastics

To prepare a child to master speech skills, it is necessary to perform a whole range of exercises. The muscles of the tongue, cheeks, lips, and soft palate need exercise, just as the human body needs exercise in the morning or physical exercise. Gymnastics increases muscle tone and improves blood circulation in them.

If a child has a weak articulatory apparatus, his speech will be incoherent and unintelligible, and then classes with a speech therapist cannot be avoided. Speech impairment leads to reading and writing impairments, learning difficulties and school failure. The role of daily articulatory gymnastics in a child’s life cannot be underestimated. All children need gymnastics, not just those who already have speech problems.

Exercise "Frog"

The “frog” articulation exercise is performed both as part of a general complex of speech therapy gymnastics and for producing individual sounds. You need to correctly explain and show the baby what they want from him.

When doing gymnastics, you can be guided by the following rules:

  • perform the exercise every day so that the child develops the necessary skills;
  • practice while sitting, without slouching, keep your arms and legs calm;
  • It is advisable to place a mirror in front of the child: it helps to concentrate and also allows the baby to see his movements;
  • first tell the child about the exercise, and then show how to do it;
  • correct the baby in a gentle manner, do not scold him, do not make rude remarks.

We perform the “Frog” exercise:

  1. we smile, stretch the corners of our mouth, show our teeth;
  2. We close our jaws, as with a correct bite;
  3. hold your lips in this position for 5 seconds, in the future the time can be increased;
  4. repeat the exercise 3 or 4 times.

Let's exercise and play

The effect of gymnastics accumulates gradually, so you need to do it every day. It is easier to explain to a five-year-old child why he needs to practice every day: “so that his tongue doesn’t hurt,” “so that he can speak like big children,” “so that he doesn’t have to go to a speech therapist and study with him for a long time,” etc.

It is more difficult to work with small children; they often cannot even be persuaded to sit in one place for 5 minutes. You can captivate your baby only with something that interests him. Therefore, to perform the “Frog” exercise, you can prepare a toy or a picture with a cheerful frog and tell, for example, the following story:

“Once upon a time there was a kind little frog in the world. He was the most smiling frog in the world and made his mother frog very happy.

This frog smiled at everyone he met on his way, even the serious and gloomy crocodile! He wasn't afraid of him at all.

The little frog sang a cheerful song, and this made everyone who met him smile too - like this (we show the exercise, tell the rhyme):

We imitate frogs:
We pull the lips straight towards the ears.
You pull your lips together -
I'll see your teeth.
We will pull and stop,
And we won’t get tired at all.

The little frog smiled not only at animals. He loved nature and smiled at flowers, trees and the sun, like this:

Kwaki's mouth is up to his ears,

At least sew on the ties.

The little frog was happy even with his reflection in the puddle. He thought he had met another frog! Let's imagine that we are also smiling frogs:

We are cheerful frogs, we pull our lips straight to our ears.
They pulled and stopped. And we weren’t at all tired!”

The articulation exercise “Frog” trains the mobility of the speech organs, and also helps to develop the correct position of the muscles for the further development of speech. For clear pronunciation, strong, strong muscles of the lips, cheeks, and tongue are needed, and articulatory gymnastics should become the same daily ritual as brushing your teeth or bathing before bed.

The “Frog” exercise is a type of crunch that is done while lying on the floor or on a training bench. It is often included in fitness complexes to strengthen and dry abdominal muscles and light stretching inner thighs.

There are several ways to perform the “Frog”: classic lying on your back, classic and their variations.

Classic "Frog" on the back

The classic “Frog” exercise for the abs is performed while lying on your back.

  1. Bend your knees and bring your feet together. In this position, allow your knees to drop down, but do not strain them. This is the starting position.
  2. Raise your upper body as much as possible and tighten your abs. Please pay attention to several important nuances:
    • The lower back is pressed tightly to the floor. This is facilitated by the position of the legs. Knees are relaxed.
    • The neck is not tense.
    • Don't pull your chin forward. Body movement occurs only due to contraction of the abdominal muscles.
  3. At the highest point, hold for two counts.
  4. When going down, do not relax your abdominal muscles. They should be constantly tense during the exercise. At the lowest point, the shoulders just touch the floor.

The hands can be in any position that provides balance and precise technique for performing the “Frog”: behind the head with elbows out, behind the head with elbows forward (photo 1) or crossed on the chest.

Repeat 15-20 times.

Not many people know that this particular classic exercise is part of the so-called “Bruce Lee complex.” It not only strengthens the muscles, but also dries them out, making them more prominent. Therefore, this type of exercise “Frog” is popular among women who need not muscle mass, A slim stomach with a beautiful, but non-convex relief. The number of approaches increases from one to three or four. The break between approaches is 30 seconds.

Complicated version

In this variation, the “Frog” exercise for the press (photo 2) looks a little different.

  1. Sitting on the floor, stretch your legs forward.
  2. Spread your arms out to the sides.
  3. With your knees slightly bent, lift your feet off the floor and lift them up at a 45-degree angle. The body is in a V-shaped position. This is the starting position.
  4. Bring your knees close to your chest and wrap your arms around your legs over your shins.
  5. Squeeze your abdominal muscles as much as possible and hold in this position for two counts.
  6. Return to the starting position.

To make the exercise more difficult, keep your legs spread apart in the starting position.

If your abdominal muscles are weak, stretch your arms back and place them on the floor. Keep them in this position for the entire set. This will relieve tension from the lower back (which tends to get very tight when the abdominal muscles are unable to cope with the load).

Repeat 10-15 times.

Classic "Frog" on the stomach

Less well known is the “Frog” exercise on the stomach. Many people know how to do this option, but under a different name - “Basket”. Yogis know it as Dhanurasana, or bow pose. With its help, they stretch the abdominal muscles, strengthen the back, increase the flexibility of the spine and tighten the buttocks.

  1. Starting position - lying on your stomach. Straight legs extended. The arms lie along the body.
  2. Bend your knees and lift them as high as possible.
  3. With your hands, try to reach your ankles and grab them. If it doesn’t work, then simply raise your arms extended back as far as possible.
  4. Tighten your gluteal muscles and hold this position for two counts. (Photo 3).
  5. When going down, do not relax your abs. Keep him constantly on edge.

Repeat 5-10 times.

Exercise "Frog" on the stomach - a lightweight version

The previous exercise may be difficult for beginners. Then you can do a lighter version of the “Frog” on the stomach to strengthen the muscles of the whole body. In yoga it is called Naukasana (boat pose) and is considered good method rejuvenation of the body and improvement of digestion.

  1. Lie on your stomach. Straight legs are extended and lie on the floor, arms are extended forward and are also on the floor.
  2. Raise your legs and arms extended forward as far as possible. Tighten your whole body.
  3. Stay in this position for a two count. (Photo 4).
  4. Lower your arms and legs to the floor, but do not relax your stomach.

Repeat 10-15 times.

This type of “Frog” is also done to compensate for tension in the abdominal muscles.

The indicated number of repetitions is the minimum for each option. In order for any Frog exercise to be effective, the number of times must be increased by 5 every two weeks.

In pursuit of beauty and slim figure Everyone wants to make their legs slim. Here is a workout that you can use at home, in the gym, in the park, and anywhere.

In pursuit of a beautiful and slender figure, everyone wants to make their legs slender. From the point of view of modeling the contours of the figure, the thighs and buttocks are among the most problematic anatomical areas, but do not be afraid - we have a workout for them that can be used at home, in the gym, in the park, and generally anywhere. For some exercises, you may need a partner to support or back up. If you plan to perform all the suggested exercises, we recommend starting with the lower limit of the recommended number of repetitions. Watch, learn and try - you will feel the burning in your muscles and get your legs in great shape!

1. Lifting the buttocks while lying down

An excellent choice for the first exercise of any thigh and butt workout. The slow movement involves all the muscles of the legs, especially the quadriceps and back surface thighs, and at the top point a noticeable load falls on all the gluteal muscles.

How to perform

Lie on the floor or on a gymnastics mat, bend your knees, and place your feet on the floor. Place your feet shoulder-width apart. As you inhale, push off the floor with your heels and slowly rise to a bridge position. Start from the tailbone and smoothly lift your back off the floor. Once on the bridge, pause for a couple of seconds. As you exhale, lower your back, vertebra by vertebra, until your tailbone touches the floor. You can perform from 10 to 30 repetitions (depending on how many exercises are in your workout).

2. Pelvic nod

Pelvic nods - great exercise to strengthen the buttocks and work out the pelvic floor muscles. It is also effective in preventing prolapse in older women. But this is not a lightning-fast pelvic nod. To engage the glutes, you need to perform the movement very smoothly and not allow the quadriceps and hip flexors to participate.

How to perform

Lie on your back, place your feet shoulder-width apart and move into a low bridge, lifting your buttocks and lower back off the floor (your upper back remains on the floor). Slowly rotate your pelvis so that your tailbone tilts upward and your lower back still doesn't touch the floor. Return your pelvis to a neutral position and repeat 10 to 30 times.

This is a more advanced version of the lying butt lift. For it you will need a training bench and a barbell with weights from 5 to 10 kg (depending on your capabilities). Lifting the buttocks with a barbell specifically works the buttocks with the participation of all leg muscles. Due to the position of the barbell, the abdominal muscles will also feel the load.

How to perform

Rest your back on the bench just below your shoulder blades and place the barbell on your pelvic area (use a towel as a pad to prevent the bar from putting pressure on your bones). Grab the fretboard overhand grip and smoothly lift your buttocks off the floor. Generate force from your torso and heels to lift your pelvis just above knee level (if possible). Then slowly return to the starting position and repeat 10 to 30 times depending on your fitness level.

The jump squat (a variation on the traditional squat) is one of the most intense exercises. It will make your heart jump out of your chest (in a good way).

How to perform

We start from the position - the press is tense, inner part hips and buttock muscles too, feet rest on the floor. In one jump, move your feet to your hands and jump up. As you jump, spread your legs out to the sides so that they land on the sides of the gymnastics mat. Squat down, and then in one jump, move your legs back and return to the plank position. Repeat 10-20 times.

5. Jack Squats

During the torso flexion with rotation, you not only work the leg muscles, but also connect the oblique abdominal muscles.

How to perform

Stand straight, feet together, arms at your sides. Jump up and spread your legs out to the sides. At the same time, bend your legs, tilting and rotating your body to the side. With your right hand, touch the floor near your left foot. Jump up, return to the starting position and repeat, alternating arms and sides. Perform 10 to 20 repetitions.

6. Speed ​​Skater

Another great exercise for many muscle groups. It involves the buttocks, arms, outer thighs and obliques. Plus, it raises your heart rate.

How to perform

Stand on the edge of the fitness mat and jump to the left. Land on your left foot and bring your right foot back. At the same time, swing your arms in the direction of the opposite leg. If you land on your left foot, right hand swipe forward towards your left leg and vice versa. Repeat the movement 10 to 20 times.

This movement is similar to a simple and familiar jump squat and works the glutes, quads, and calves. The muscles of the torso should be tense at all times, as this is necessary to maintain balance.

How to perform

Start the exercise in a deep squat, feet turned out at 2 and 10 o'clock. Hands hang to the floor between the legs (frog pose). After jumping, relax your arms and legs. Once you land, lower yourself back into a deep squat with your arms hanging toward the floor. Repeat 10 to 20 times.

8. Jumping Diamond

The exercise is named after the diamond, the shape of which follows the movement of the arms and legs during movement.

How to perform

Take a standing position, feet shoulder-width apart, arms at your sides. Tighten your core muscles (this won't happen on its own, but it's very important to avoid injury), swing your arms up and jump. The palms should face each other, the arms should be bent in elbow joints, touching fingertips (diamond shape). During the jump, the knees are turned outward and bent, the soles of the feet touch and the legs also form a diamond shape. Land with your feet hip-width apart and facing forward, repeat. After doing 10 to 30 repetitions, you will definitely feel how your muscles work.

Remember when you were a kid and your gym teacher asked you, “how high can you jump?” Jumping really makes your thigh muscles burn and, with a certain number of repetitions, successfully sculpts their contours.

How to perform

In the initial standing position, the legs are slightly bent at the knees, the feet are parallel and hip-width apart. Tighten your abdominal muscles and bend down slightly. Then swing your arms up and jump. Try to jump high enough so that your legs are fully extended. When you land, bend your knees slightly and repeat the exercise without pausing. Make sure your toes point forward and your knees are level with your second toe (next to your big toe) to avoid injury. Do 10 to 30 repetitions depending on your capabilities and endurance.

Plie squats are a great choice for focusing on your lower glutes and inner thighs. As a bonus when correct execution they involve the pelvic floor muscles, which are not easy to reach.

How to perform

When standing, keep your legs wide apart (about 80 cm or a meter, depending on your height), with your feet facing outward. Tuck your tailbone under you and tighten your lower abdominal muscles. As you begin to squat, imagine your spine sliding down an imaginary wall behind you. This should help you keep your tailbone in the correct position. Try to place your feet wide enough so that at the bottom of the trajectory your knees are almost above your ankle joints. As you squat, raise your arms in front of you for balance. Make sure there is no arch in your lower back and keep your back straight throughout the entire squat. Repeat the squat 10 to 30 times.

With the help of the appropriate equipment, anyone can perform complex pistol squats. The exercise involves the quadriceps, buttocks and calf muscles and produces noticeable results.

How to perform

Using a rope or TRX training straps as a support point, stand on one leg. Extend your other leg in front of you and lift it as high as you can without discomfort. Tighten your abdominal muscles, move your shoulders down and back, and squat on one leg. Bent knee should be located exactly above the ankle joint. When squatting, do not let your straight leg touch the floor. When your buttocks touch the floor (or almost touch it), your free leg should be parallel to the floor, a few centimeters above the surface. Slowly rise up, pushing through your heel, making sure that your knee and shin do not go too far forward. Do 10 to 15 repetitions on each leg and feel the burn in your muscles.

This variation on the traditional goblet squat takes already heavy squats to a whole new level. They're working through deep muscles gluteal region and legs, and at the same time load the arms and muscles of the torso.

How to perform

Stand in a grand plié pose (feet about a meter wide and turned outward), holding a kettlebell or dumbbell at chest level. Engaging your abdominal muscles, squat as deeply as possible. With your body aligned, perform two-arm bicep curls: touch the weight to the floor and lift it toward your chest. Be careful not to rock back and forth on your heels as you lift the weights. And don’t use momentum for this: if it’s hard, it’s better to reduce the weight. Continue to remain in a deep squat after biceps curls. Slowly move the kettlebell to one side, allowing your torso to follow. Then move the projectile to the other leg, maintaining balance. Returning to the center position, rise up and repeat. Perform 10 to 20 repetitions, or as many as you can with proper form.

Sumo squats with dumbbells are a modified version of goblet squats. Instead of keeping it centered chest massive dumbbell, like in goblet squats, you will use two dumbbells (one in each hand). The exercise involves the gluteal muscles, which you so want to tighten and make elastic, as well as the quadriceps and hamstring muscles.

How to perform

Stand straight with your feet 60 cm to a meter apart. Hold the dumbbells by one end so they hang down. Tighten your core muscles and slowly squat down, lowering your heel as low as you can without shifting your center of gravity forward. It should be level with your heels. When the dumbbells touch the floor, push through your heels and return to the starting position. Repeat 10 to 20 times.

After intense workout legs using all kinds of squats, side lunges continue to work the buttocks and quadriceps, but from a different angle, offering the muscles a slightly different load option.

How to perform

From the starting position (standing, feet together), lunge to the side with your right foot. Shift your center of gravity to your right leg and bend it at the knee, keeping your left leg straight. Push up with your right foot to return to a standing position with your feet together. Perform the movement carefully, control the movement, do not use momentum to return to a standing position. Do 10-20 lunges with each leg.

15. Pretzel

The pretzel is one of those tricky exercises that puts a lot of stress on an area that is difficult to work: the outer buttocks. Monitor your technique to ensure that the outer gluteal muscles are engaged in the exercise. Change the position of your feet and legs based on your degree of flexibility.

How to perform

Sit on the floor or gymnastics mat. Left leg bent, heel facing towards buttocks. The right leg is bent in the same direction, the heel almost touching the upper quadriceps of the left leg. The arms and chest are facing the right leg. The sit bones are located on the floor. Smoothly lift your left knee off the floor while keeping your left foot flat on the ground. Lower your knee. Perform 30 repetitions and then switch legs.

16. Fire hydrant

The fire hydrant is an amazing leg abduction exercise that targets the outer buttocks and thighs. It also helps stretch the hip joints and inner thighs.

How to perform

Get on all fours, straightening your leg at the ankle joint. Place your knees directly under your hips and your shoulders over your hands. The legs are hip-width apart. Engage all the muscles of your torso and, maintaining a right angle at the knee joint, slowly lift your right leg and move it to the side. Maintain a bend in your knee throughout the movement and lift your leg until it is at hip height (or as high as you can without leaning to the opposite side). The abdominal muscles must be tense at all times so that the hip joints remain motionless. Don't slouch your shoulders, keep your neck straight and your chin an equal distance from your shoulders. The leg that is on the floor is in a vertical position; actively use your abdominal muscles to keep it in this position. Do 10 to 30 repetitions with each leg.

Swing your leg - great exercise for the hamstrings, a great choice to end your workout (although it can be done at any stage of your workout).

How to perform

Get on all fours, straightening your leg at the ankle joint. Align your knees directly under your hips and your shoulders above your hands. The legs are hip-width apart. Engage all the muscles of your torso and, maintaining a right angle at the knee joint, slowly lift your right leg back and up, bending your foot. Raise your leg as high as you can without arching your lower back or shoulders. The abdominal muscles must be toned to keep the hip joints motionless throughout the movement. Do not allow the other leg or hip to swing away from the raised leg. Place your right foot on the gymnastics mat and do 10 to 30 repetitions with each leg.

What do you think?

Have you already used any of the suggested exercises to make your legs slender? What result did they give? What other exercises do you use? We'd also like to hear your thoughts and recommendations for other exercises that have helped you tighten and shape your buttocks. Leave your comments, tips and questions!

Benefits of leg stretching exercises for women

Good leg stretching is a special pride of the fair sex. In addition to the graceful and easy gait, beautiful posture, graceful and toned legs, leg stretching exercises are also useful for women because when they are performed regularly, the mobility of the sacrum and hip joints noticeably improves, blood circulation in the abdominal cavity and pelvis improves, and the likelihood of diseases of the genitourinary system decreases. In addition, elastic ligaments and a mobile pelvis will be very useful to you during pregnancy and will be the key to an easy birth.

It is important that good stretch The legs will strengthen the abs and leg muscles, making them more prominent and attractive.

However, if you haven’t exercised for a long time, you’re unlikely to be able to do the splits right away. To prepare for cross twine Auxiliary stretching exercises for the legs will help. Today we will talk about one of these exercises - the Frog.

How to do the Frog exercise to stretch your legs

This exercise is aimed at stretching the muscles of the inner thigh and groin area from a sitting position. When performing it, it is important to monitor your breathing in order to improve blood circulation in muscle tissue and increase the flow of oxygen and nutrients. Don't over-exert yourself: stretch as much as your body flexibility allows. Excessive jerking can cause unwanted injuries.

To avoid this, it is best to perform this exercise in turn with a friend who will monitor the correct technique of the exercise, or with a fitness trainer.

Technique for performing the “Frog” exercise

  1. Get on all fours and slowly spread your knees to both sides so that your shin and thigh are at right angles to each other, and your pubic bone is perpendicular to the floor.
  2. Smoothly move your pelvic bones forward, lowering your forearms to the floor. The back bends backward as much as possible, the soles of the feet touch each other. It’s good if a friend helps you keep your feet on the floor in the correct position.
  3. Lock in this position for 30 seconds, then return to the starting position.
  4. Do the required number of repetitions.

P.S. There is another lightweight version of the “Frog” exercise, in which you just need to lie with your back on the floor, spread your knees and shins as far as possible, while connecting the soles of your feet so that you feel a good stretch in the groin area. This version is suitable for beginners who have not yet managed to master back arches.