For girls

Exercises for wheels with handles. A small exercise machine for big success: exercises with an abdominal wheel. What is an ab wheel?

The roller allows you to work out the muscles of not only the abdomen, but also the back, chest, arms and legs at home. Many exercises with press wheel may not be easy for inexperienced athletes at first: a muscle base is needed to support the weight of the entire body. However, over time you will get used to it and improve your figure.

Features of abdominal roller exercises for beginners

  • Alternative sports equipment for beginner athletes there will be a gymnastic ball.
  • Watch your breathing.
  • An incomplete range of motion promotes effective muscle training and eliminates the possibility of pain.
  • Control the trajectory of the wheel.
  • Fix your position for a few seconds when you feel maximum muscle tension.

Ab wheel exercises for men

Training your abdominal muscles will become more effective if you use a wheel in your exercises. Next, we will tell you how to use an ab roller correctly, what muscles work, and whether such exercises are beneficial and effective. You can learn how to roll a wheel correctly from the video below.

By combining the roller with a gradual increase in the weight of the projectiles, you will perform effective work aimed at growth muscle mass of the whole body.

Ab workout with wheel for men

Rolling forward and back from your knees: video exercise with a roller

  1. Stand straight on your knees. Hold the roller in your hands. Lower the wheel to the floor.
  2. Extend your body until you reach a horizontal position.
  3. Return to the starting position. Your only support should be your knees and the roller. Use a gymnastics mat. Perform 2 sets of 12 reps.

Rolling forward and back with a roller from your knees

Frontal roll while standing

Front rolling is performed by experienced athletes. For others, there is the option of a wide leg stance. With each subsequent workout, beginners should try to reduce the distance between their feet.

  1. Stand up. The distance between your legs should be greater than the width of your shoulders.
  2. Bend over. Grasp the wheel handles. Make a rental. At the lowest point, the torso will become parallel to the floor. Watch your posture. Don't bend your elbows.
  3. Return to the starting position and repeat the already mastered movement 10 times.

Rolling on one hand

When rolling with a wheel on one hand, the weight of the entire body is supported by the limb being trained. You can start by performing this exercise on your knees.

  1. Get into the starting position with your knees on the floor. Grab the roller handle with one hand.
  2. Move forward slowly. Control your balance. Use your other hand as support.
  3. Return the body to an upright position. Do 6 repetitions of the movement with each arm for 3 sets.

Rolling on one hand with a wheel

Rolling along a diagonal path will strengthen the oblique abdominal muscles.

  1. Starting position: kneeling. Take sports equipment in your hands. Bend over and place the machine on the floor.
  2. Move diagonally. Then return to the starting point of the movement.
  3. Do 8 rolls for each side.

Walking on your hands is a common exercise. To perform the exercise, you must have a specialized wheel with leg locks.

  1. Place the wheel under your feet. Fix the position of your feet. Place your palms on the floor in a plank position.
  2. Move with your arms, tensing your abdominal muscles.
  3. Move in this way for several minutes.

Abdominal wheel exercises for girls and women

Wheel training is the best way for pumping up the press for girls and women. Exercises with a roller allow you to get rid of excess weight, create the desired relief for the abdominal muscles. A set of exercises developed by a professional trainer is suitable for both beginners and professional athletes. You can learn how to properly practice with a roller at home from our article.

Abdominal complex with wheel for women

For a comfortable rolled off your knees place something soft under your knee joints. Don't be afraid to use different rental lengths. This is the only way you will understand in which case the abdominal muscles will come into play.

  1. The knees should be used as support. Grab the handles of the roller and roll forward, stretching your arms in front of you. Try to lower your sternum as low as possible.
  2. Return to the starting position.
  3. Do the exercise 10 times in 3 sets.

The plank will help you understand how to maintain balance and work correctly with the roller.

  1. Get on all fours. Grab the handles of your equipment. Get into plank position: your torso should form a single line.
  2. Control the load on the muscles of the whole body for 1 minute.
  3. Perform the movement 2 more times.

  1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Bend at the back. Hold the roller in front of you in your hands. This will be the starting position.
  2. Roll forward to plank position. Hold for 1-2 seconds.
  3. Return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise 10 times in 3 sets.

To perform the following exercises, you need a special wheel with leg locks.

Pulling your legs toward your sternum requires maintaining balance.

  1. Secure the legs to the wheel with special clamps. Get into a plank position. The support will be the wheel and hands.
  2. Bend your knees alternately, pulling them towards your chest.
  3. Do 8 times in 3 sets.

  1. Attach the roller to your legs. Get into a plank position. This will be the starting position.
  2. Pull the wheel under your abdominal area, thus bending into hip joints. Try to keep your legs, arms and back straight. Choose the amplitude of movement depending on your stretch.
  3. Return to the starting position. Perform 3 times 12 repetitions.

Popular questions about roller exercises:

What is the benefit and effectiveness of training with a roller?

By performing exercises with an abdominal wheel, you will additionally engage your core muscles. After some time, notice the improvement in posture and functioning of internal organs, and a decrease in back pain. The development of muscle strength and effective training of their endurance are ensured. You will increase the amount of muscle mass throughout your body.

How to choose an Ab Roller exercise machine?

The simulator consists of two handles with a wheel, thanks to which it moves along the surface. Beginners should pay attention to several points when choosing a video:

  • Availability return mechanism will reduce the risk of injury.
  • It is easier to maintain balance when the exercise machine has more wheels. However, it is worth remembering that muscles are better loaded during exercises with a single roller.
  • It is important to make sure that the mounts on the simulator are secure.
  • The heavier the roller, the harder it will be for you to exercise.
  • The handles of the simulator should not slide under any circumstances.
  • You can use a roller with special fasteners for the legs.

What muscles are worked (involved) in exercises with a roller?

The roller allows athletes to work on the strength and definition of their abdominal muscles. When performing exercises with a wheel, the spine is stretched, and the rectus and transverse abdominal muscles are involved in the work. Additionally, almost all muscles of the body are involved: hips, shoulders, arms and latissimus muscle backs.

What are the possible contraindications?

If you have spinal injuries, lower back pain, exclude from training program exercises with a wheel. During pregnancy, it is also better not to perform the complex.


To achieve tangible results, adjust your diet and exercise regularly. Squats and push-ups diversify exercises with a roller and help achieve maximum effect.

Sooner or later, many people come to play sports - usually only at an amateur level. Some people want to restore their former shape after several years of a passive lifestyle, some want to return to their pre-pregnancy volumes, and some people dream about six-pack abs at night. The reasons are completely different for everyone, but the solution for them is the same - you need to start doing physical activity.

As a rule, after making a decision, any person goes to a nearby gym, buys an annual subscription, a new uniform, sneakers, sports underwear and a bunch of other fitness gadgets. The fuse runs out after about a month and a half, the new uniform is gathering dust somewhere in the depths of the closet, and the annual subscription was purchased in vain. Sounds familiar, doesn't it?

But you can approach it from the other side by reducing costs and starting to study at home. To get started, you don’t need a lot of equipment - just a couple of dumbbells and a gymnastic wheel. If working with dumbbells is familiar and understandable, then the gymnastic wheel is worth understanding.

What is a gymnastic wheel and who can use it?

This small exercise machine is designed to strengthen the abdominal muscles and create the notorious “cubes”. In addition, when working with a wheel (or roller, as it is also called), the muscles of the arms, buttocks and thighs are tense. Thus, you get an almost uniform load on different types of muscles, which makes it possible to maintain your body in good shape.

It is necessary to start the lesson with the equipment of the workplace - in order for there to be an effect, the exercises should be carried out in clothes that do not hinder movement and on a soft rug or blanket. It is also recommended to do a short warm-up before starting to use the machine.

Basic exercises

The basic set of exercises with a gymnastic wheel for a beginner is quite simple: there are several types of starting positions - kneeling, sitting on the floor. Let's take a closer look at each starting position and the exercises that can be done from this perspective.

  1. The simplest from a technical point of view and at the same time one of the most difficult to perform is bending forward from a “kneeling” position. With both hands, you lean on the handles of the wheel and smoothly tilt your body forward to the maximum. This exercise perfectly works the abs and upper thighs.
  2. The second most difficult exercise is with the starting position “sitting on the floor”. To do this, you need to sit down on the flooring, straighten your legs, and place the gymnastic roller along right side Push. Having turned the body towards the right, you need to grab the handles of the wheel and move it as far to the right as possible. Repeat the same for the left side.

A gymnastic abdominal wheel (also known as a gymnastic roller) is a small exercise machine with which you can achieve great success in strengthening your abdominal muscles. a short time. When performing several exercises of the same type, the muscles of the abs, thighs and buttocks receive a powerful load, resulting in a sculpted body. The list of gymnastic wheel exercises is small, but each of them is extremely effective.

Gymnastic wheel: how to do it

Photo by Shutterstock

The gymnastics wheel should not be underestimated just because of its small size. Yes, many modern exercise machines are impressive in their size and versatility, but often the effectiveness of training devices does not depend at all on their complexity. Not all of them can provide such quick and visible results as a simple gymnastic wheel. At the same time, there are a number of general rules, without following which it will be difficult to achieve efficiency.

These are the rules:

  • When training with the wheel, be sure to control your breathing
  • As you inhale, bend your torso forward, as you exhale, return to the starting position.
  • position your body parallel to the floor, resting your toes, and hold the wheel with your hands
  • to make training easier and not overstrain your muscles, at first, kneel first and from this position move forward as much as possible, and only after some time you can start exercises with your toes resting on the floor
  • do not train with a wheel without a mat
  • Before you start exercises and pump up your abs, be sure to do a warm-up

Exercise No. 1

Get on your knees with a distance of 10–15 cm between them. Take the gymnastic wheel in your hands, place it at your knees and slowly begin to move it forward, stretching your whole body behind it. Return to the starting position by rolling the wheel towards your knees.

You can make the exercise easier by performing it with your feet resting against the wall, or by making movements with a smaller amplitude

Do 10-15 times in 3 sets. Over time, increase the load with each approach.

Exercise No. 2

Get on your knees, gymnastics wheel in your hands. Lower it to the floor near your knees. Place both hands on the handles of the wheel and begin to slowly move it forward and at the same time tilt your body until your chest touches your hips. Return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise 10–15 times.

Exercise No. 3

Lie on the mat with your stomach down: your arms with the gymnastic wheel extended forward. Begin to bring the wheel closer to you, while arching your back, but without lifting your feet from the floor. Move the wheel as close to you as you can. At the critical point, fix the position for 3-5 seconds and return to the starting position. Try to do this exercise at least 10 times.

Exercise No. 4

Sit on the floor: keep your back straight, stretch your legs forward without bending your knees. Place the gymnastic wheel to your right. Then place your hands on it and begin to roll it to the right until your chest touches the floor. Slowly and smoothly return to the starting position. Move the wheel to your left and repeat the exercise on your left side. Do 10 times in each direction.

With this exercise you will perfectly work the oblique abdominal muscles, which form slim stomach and a beautiful waistline

Exercise No. 5

Sit on the floor, bend your knees. Place a gymnastic wheel under your feet. Begin to slowly straighten your knees (your feet “ride” on the wheel). Straighten your knees until your chest touches them. Only then return to the starting position. This is a very difficult exercise, you can’t do it right away, you need to show perseverance and the will to achieve the result - to get a sculpted, beautiful body. Do 10 times in 2 approaches.

Exercise No. 6

Starting position – standing: legs at shoulder level, straight, gymnastic wheel in hands. Lower the wheel to the floor in front of you. Having placed your hands on it, begin to move it forward smoothly and slowly. Roll the wheel as much as you can, hold in the final position for 3-5 seconds and return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise 10–15 times.

How to enhance the effect of exercises with a wheel

You can significantly enhance the effect and bring the result closer - slim beautiful body if, in parallel with training, you organize proper dietary nutrition for yourself.

Recommended diets – kefir and kefir-apple

The first is short-term, it is carried out in order to get rid of excess fluid in the body and cleanse the gastrointestinal tract and involves the use of one kefir for three days, after which other products are added to the diet. The second diet lasts a week and includes in the daily diet 1 liter of kefir and 1.5–2 kg of green apples (it is not forbidden to drink mineral water still and unsweetened green tea).

The next way to improve the results of exercises with a gymnastic wheel is daily water procedures. This can be swimming in the pool and in open natural reservoirs, contrast and circular showers, hydromassage, dousing with water, etc. Water perfectly tones the body, helps burn fat and form a beautiful body.

The press roller has a simple device: two handles connected to a wheel. But don't be fooled by such simplicity. Ab wheel exercises, when used correctly, create strong triceps, back and abdominal muscles.

The roller allows you to carry out effective training, and many exercises are only available to advanced athletes.

Types of ab rollers

The roller should support your body weight and move smoothly back and forth without jerking.

The rigid design of the gymnastic roller allows you to do exercises on a mat or tile without intermittent movements.

The dual wheel design has a wider base and distributes weight more evenly.

Choose a wheel that is stable under your weight and doesn't wobble or shake when you roll.

A wide wheel or roller with two parallel wheels has greater stability and is suitable for beginners. To achieve maximum stability on any surface, the wheel can be rubberized.

Pay attention to the ergonomic handles, which are made of foam - they help to firmly hold the wheel and maintain balance.

Some roller skate designs also have pedals in addition to handles, which increases the variety of exercises that can be performed with them. The handles should fit snugly on your palms, and the pedals should support your feet without slipping.

What muscles can you train?

Most ab roller exercises are very difficult for beginners. This is due to the fact that their implementation requires a thoroughly developed muscle base capable of supporting body weight during skating.

When using a foam roller, your body moves, stretching your spine through its full range of motion.

This exercise challenges the rectus abdominis muscles as well as the deep spinal stabilizers such as the transverse abdominis muscles. Therefore the video is great tool for the formation of strong and sculpted abs.

In addition, auxiliary muscles work: hips, shoulders, triceps and latissimus dorsi. They stabilize your body from your shoulders to your tailbone and help you maintain your balance as the wheel rolls underneath you.

All exercises with an ab roller

You should start with a regular wheeled plank until you feel ready for knee exercises, and then move on to full rolls and other advanced variations.

For absolute beginners, you can use a fitball instead of a roller.


The wheel plank will strengthen the necessary stabilizer muscles and give you a feel for how to properly hold the roller and maintain balance.

  • Get on all fours in front of the roller.
  • Grasp the handles of the roller with both hands, palms down.
  • Raise your torso to straighten your body in one straight line from head to toe.
  • Keep your core muscles tense and hold this position for 30-60 seconds. Repeat 3-4 times.

Rolling from your knees

This is the next step to performing a roller workout. For comfort, you can place a flat pillow or rolled up towel under your knees.

  • Kneel on the floor. Grab the handles of the wheel and extend your arms.
  • Tighten your abdominal muscles to prevent your lower back from arching.
  • Roll forward slowly as far as possible. Ideally, your arms are fully extended in front of you and rib cage slightly above the floor. If you can't do this, try going down only halfway.
  • Return to the starting position on your knees.
  • Do 5-10 reps.

It's best to start with short ranges of motion, gradually increasing the distance as you progress.

Experiment with different lengths to see which one allows you to push your abs back.

Rolled into the wall

Another exercise option for beginners that will help maintain the pace of the workout and the specified length of the roller. Use the wall as a focal point and perform the exercise very slowly.

  • Position yourself a meter away from the wall.
  • Roll from your knees until the roller makes contact with the wall.
  • Return to the starting position and do 5-10 repetitions.

Frontal rental with wide and narrow rack

Full roller skate is an exercise high level difficulties. A wide stance makes it a little easier to do.

As you progress, narrow your leg position until you can do a full front roll.

  • Stand with your feet wider than shoulder-width apart, bend at the waist, and grab the handles of the wheel on the floor in front of you.
  • Keeping your back and arms straight, roll forward until your body is horizontal above the floor. The support of the legs falls on the fingers, as in push-ups.
  • Roll the wheel back toward your feet, bending at the waist again to return to the starting position. Do 5-10 reps.

Once you have fully mastered the knee roll and wide stance, move on to the full knee roll with a narrow stance.

This exercise effectively engages the entire body, engaging the muscles of the arms, back and shoulders in much the same way as the abdominal muscles.

Oblique rolling

After mastering frontal exercises, add oblique rolls to your workout. This exercise places more emphasis on the obliques.

  • Get on your knees and grab the roller by the handles.
  • Instead of going straight, start rolling forward, then turn left 45 degrees and complete the exercise in that direction.
  • Return to the starting position, then slowly roll at an angle to the right.
  • Do 5 to 10 repetitions.

With one hand

The One Arm Roll is an extremely difficult version of the Full Front Roll. In this case, the hand on the roller supports the full weight of the body, and the stabilizer muscles experience additional tension.

You can practice this exercise up to full version, practicing it first from your knees.

  • Stand in front of the roller, or kneel down if you're training from your knees.
  • Bend at the waist and grasp the wheel handle with one hand.
  • Start moving forward slowly, focusing on your core. Make sure you don't tip over to the side. For additional balance, you can support the floor with your other hand.
  • Return to the starting position and do 3-5 repetitions.

On one leg

This is another challenging variation that requires significant stabilizing muscle strength. Try this exercise once you have mastered the full roll on both legs.

  • Stand directly in front of the roller. Bend at the waist and grasp the handles of the wheel.
  • Keep your back straight, extend your arms and begin to roll forward.
  • Lift one leg and extend it as you roll all the way forward.
  • Come back down, staying on one leg and bending at the waist again.
  • Do 5-10 reps.


For this exercise you will need a roller with foot pedals - rolling is done with your feet, not your hands.

In this case, the lower ones work abdominal muscles and stabilizers: obliques, arms and shoulders.

  • Secure your feet into the pedals and get into a plank position. Keep your arms extended directly under your shoulders.
  • Now roll the wheel with your feet, moving both knees towards your chest. Upper part keep your body motionless.
  • Straighten your knees until you return to plank position.
  • Do 8-12 reps.

Oblique fold

This version of the fold uses the obliques and stabilizers.

  • Now roll the wheel with your feet, moving your knees towards your right elbow.
  • Return to plank and then roll to the left.
  • Do 8-12 reps.


The exercise is similar to a fold, but your legs must be kept straight while rolling.

  • Secure your feet into the pedals and get into a plank position. Keep your arms extended directly under your shoulders.
  • Engage your core and slowly roll the wheel towards your upper body. Bend at the hips, lifting your butt up.
  • Roll back to the starting position.
  • Do 8-12 reps.

Precautionary measures

Using an ab roller may seem simple, but there are a few things to keep in mind when performing the exercise. The goal of the workout is to activate the core muscles.

If performed incorrectly, excess stress is placed on the back and hip flexor muscles, and there is a high risk of injury.

  • make sure it is the wheel that is rolling and not the rug underneath it;
  • do not bend your lower back, do not allow your knees or body to sag towards the floor;
  • keep your arms, legs and back straight;
  • exercises are done slowly and with caution, progress should be gradual;
  • if you experience shoulder pain, reduce your range of motion;
  • When doing this, focus on your abdominal muscles.

Try to maintain a slow speed throughout the workout. If you feel like you are arching your back, shorten the length of the exercise or do it from your knees. Keep your head in a neutral position with your chin tucked slightly to help protect bottom part back and neck.

Using a roller intensively engages several muscles in your body at the same time, so be sure to warm up before exercising. Finish your ab wheel workout with stretching exercises.

Start with a couple of repetitions a day and gradually increase the number of repetitions. For beginners, it is enough to use the video clip 1-2 times a week. As you progress, you can increase classes to 4-5 times a week.

There is a fairly common belief that to get an excellent figure you need to systematically go to the gym or do some kind of training. Lessons are talked about at home in passing and quite little, although this option is much cheaper and does not require travel time. It’s quite possible to replace expensive exercise equipment, or with less expensive and bulky exercise equipment. The main thing in home exercises is to exercise exactly according to the recommendations in order to avoid injury or lack of results.

What is the name of the ab wheel?

Exists sports wheel with handles for abdominal exercises. This simulator is quite easy to find in any sports store. They call it by different names, ab roller, ab wheel, gymnastic wheel, gymnastic roller, but under all the names that are similar in meaning there is one exercise machine. The only thing is that some of these sports equipment have not one, but two wheels. This is justified by the fact that such a gymnastic roller becomes more stable and, accordingly, more comfortable.

What muscles are used during training?

The gymnastic roller is one of those things that is both practical and useful. Transverse, rectus, oblique, in general, all abdominal muscles work at full strength when using an abdominal roller with maximum impact. Thanks to the exercise machine, not only the abdominal muscles are developed. The back muscles also take part in the process. It should also be noted that the muscles of the arms, chest, buttocks and legs work, although not with such effort.

Such a number of muscles involved gives excellent and quick results, if, of course, you train systematically and constantly. Any professional fitness instructor will tell you that best result can only be achieved with a load on all muscles. And with one such sports equipment it is quite possible to develop several muscle groups at once.
With regular use of the ab roller, the body will become more sculpted and stronger, the skin will be elastic, and in addition, many problem areas will be resolved, for example, the lower abdomen.

How to properly pump up your abs with a sports wheel

It should be taken into account that at first, for many, long exercises with this apparatus are not only difficult, but even seem unrealistic. But if you make an effort and constantly train, the benefits will become noticeable and the effort and effort expended will not be in vain.

To begin with, you should change into comfortable clothes that do not restrict movement, and remove all jewelry that could interfere or injure you during training. If necessary, create a hairstyle that will not interfere with exercise. It is advisable to lay a special soft mat for sports, but any other alternative to a mat is quite suitable.

One of the main conditions for working with sports equipment is breathing. At correct breathing a person gets tired more slowly, the blood is saturated with oxygen and, as a result, exercise becomes more effective. When bending over, you need to inhale air, and when returning to the starting position, exhale it. It's better to breathe through your nose.

It is advisable to warm up your muscles before using the machine. Any exercise aimed at warming up is suitable for this. A simple warm-up will reduce the risk of muscle strain and simply prepare the body for heavier exercise.

For an unprepared person, ten repetitions of each exercise will be enough, the number should be gradually increased, the main thing is to maintain the golden mean, because if you do not increase the load, the result will remain the same. Well, overdoing it can cause harm to your health.

First, you should practice resting on your knees, and over time, this period takes a certain amount of training for everyone, you can rest on your feet. Also, you should not roll out the wheel too far at first, otherwise you may not be able to hold the wheel. That is, the wheel will roll forward and it will be very difficult to keep from falling.

Contraindications include problems with the spine and cardiovascular system. Depending on the severity of the disease, you should either use the exercise machine while kneeling, or completely abandon such a simulator.

Exercises with a simulator for pumping the abs

Starting position: while kneeling, take the exercise machine comfortably and lean on the floor. Next, you need to slowly roll the wheel to the maximum distance forward, hold your body in this position for several seconds, and smoothly return to the starting position.

  • Lying on your stomach and holding a roller in your hands, you need to stretch out in front. While resting on the projectile, you need to roll it as close to yourself as possible and bend over. In this case, the arms should be extended and the legs pressed to the floor throughout the entire exercise. Returning to the starting position, you can rest for a few seconds.
  • You need to stand straight and place your feet shoulder-width apart. Holding the roller in your hands, lower yourself down and smoothly roll the wheel forward along the floor. Remembering to put pressure on the machine, try to move forward as much as possible. Freeze for a few seconds and return to the starting position.
  • For next exercise you need to sit on the floor and straighten your legs. Place the wheel to your right. By pressing down on it with your hands and bending your body, roll it as far as you can. Return to IP. Perform the same movements on the left side. Don't forget that you can't bend your legs.
  • To perform another exercise, you need to lie on the floor and bend your legs. Place the handles of the wheel under your feet and roll it with your feet. The further the projectile moves, the more your body should bend (your chest touches your knees in any case). P. Take a break for a couple of seconds and continue. The starting position is to sit on the floor with your legs extended together. Without bending your legs, you should roll the wheel out as far as possible.

It is advisable to exercise with such a simulator at least 4 times a week, and the results will not be long in coming!

Video: how a woman can exercise with a gymnastic roller

The video shows one of the most common and popular exercises using sports equipment– wheels with handles. Despite its apparent complexity, this exercise is very effective and allows you to work out various muscle groups. Before starting a workout, it is recommended to warm up the muscles to eliminate the possibility of injury.

Video: exercise with a fitness wheel for abs for men

Acquainted with effective exercises for men using a fitness wheel can be seen in this video. Regular and systematic implementation This set of exercises will allow you to pump up your abdominal, back and arm muscles in just 2-3 months. By following the recommendations, you can achieve the creation perfect abs at home, without visiting a fitness center.