For girls

Julia Vince powerlifting. Russian powerlifting champion Yulia Vince (18 photos). Steroids and other sports supplements

Julia Vince is a powerlifter with the face of a Barbie doll. The Russian woman was born in 1996 on May 21 and gained enormous popularity thanks to her appearance.Height– 165 cm, and weight from 60 to 67 kg depending on preparation. The girl was repeatedly criticized among people and even athletes, because many did not understand such a transformation. It is contrary to feminine norms. However, Yulia herself is engaged in bodybuilding and powerlifting to assert herself.

There are many videos online with the champion’s master classes on training and nutrition. Sometimes Julia conducts small seminars in gyms.

Julia Vince before and after photos

At the beginning of our article you can see a photo of Julia Vince before and after playing sports. Many people wonder why she chose such a male sport. According to her, she just wanted to become more confident. At the age of 15 she visited for the first time Gym. For almost a year she studied according to a program that did not give her the desired result, and there was no one to advise her. Simply put, Julia trained what was not necessary.

In 2012, she began training in powerlifting, where new horizons opened up for her in her understanding of femininity and beauty. Many people began to be annoyed by the success, while others, on the contrary, admired the transformation. Progress gave Julia motivation to move on without envious people. The main thing is to set goals and achieve them. The girl likes the way she looks.

Julia believes that many young ladies live by stereotypes and believe that the female sex should be weak and fragile. It is not true. A person must become what he dreams of. The athlete regrets that she did not immediately get to to a good coach, who would help and give her advice.

She came to the hall as a modest girl. As a result, powerlifting gave her the confidence and courage to say whatever she wanted.

In 2016, the athlete was invited to the Primeval Labs team. This is an American company specializing in sports nutrition and various hormones. Judging by information from fans, the girl began to study powerlifting in 2012. Always wears a medallion around his neck.

Strength indicators of Julia Vince:

  • Squats – 202.5 kg;
  • Deadlift – 165 kg;
  • Bench press – 100 kg.

Julia also gained enormous fame in Europe and the USA. However, reviews from the international community are more negative than positive. Mostly female.

Conflict in 2014 in Saratov.

In 2014, on March 27, a dangerous conflict broke out at the Russian powerlifting champion of the IPA federation. During the weigh-in before the tournament, a fight broke out, and Svetlana Smirnova decided to spray pepper spray in Yulia’s eyes. Although the girl had a stun gun with her for safety, she did not use it. The beginning of the conflict was verbal battles under the photo of Julia Vince.

AWPC World Championships 2014.

In 2014, a girl with a doll's face collected 440 kilograms. In the bench press she achieved the coveted 100 kilograms, in the squats – 175 and in the deadlift – 165 kilograms. In 2015, on January 28, she received the title of Master of Sports of the International Class in powerlifting with doping control in the AWPC federation.

Steroids and other sports supplements

Yulia denies that she takes anabolic drugs and other potent drugs. To improve shape, uses exclusively sports nutrition: omega 3, BCAA, amino acids, Animal Pak and fat burners. However, such a huge increase in muscle mass with impressive strength indicators is possible only with the use of pharmacology.

Julia Vince's diet

Often athletes are asked when she eats, but few people ask what exactly she eats. Beginners want great results right away and don’t understand that sometimes you need to wait or find a problem. At first, Julia also worked out regularly and ate up to 3 times a day, but there was practically no result. The changes did not affect her at all. Although she understood how to correctly count calories, carbohydrates and proteins, she really didn’t think about the quality of her food intake.

Speaking of bodybuilding, few people imagine pumped-up women fervently flexing their muscles in public. On the contrary, images of Arnold Schwarzenegger, Frank Zane, Dwayne Johnson and others often come to mind. Yes, women also train and perform at international tournaments, however, the heroine of our article is a unique character. Why? Read about it further.

brief information

Yulia Viktorovna Vince is a well-known athlete in powerlifting circles, who became popular thanks to a series of photos posted on the Internet in 2013. She was immediately dubbed “the girl with the body of the Hulk and the cute face of Barbie,” which is not surprising, because Julia’s angelic face contrasts strongly with her pumped up muscles.

Julia Vince was born on May 21, 1996. The girl’s hometown was Engels (Saratov region), where she still lives. Before bodybuilding, her biography was not distinguished by interesting data for readers: she was born in an average family, went to a regular school and led a measured lifestyle. And only at the age of 15 did Yulia suddenly develop a love for iron sports. As the athlete herself says, she began bodybuilding to assert herself, because she was always insecure. Success in sports allowed her to get rid of this problem, thanks to which she became much stronger, braver, and even more determined. Today Julia Vince has the status of master of sports international class in powerlifting.

Start of training

As mentioned above, the young athlete began bodybuilding at the age of 15. Regularly attending training, Yulia Vince studied according to one of the programs, which was not at all suitable for a girl who wanted to gain weight. muscle mass. As a result, she practically wasted a year during which no good progress was observed.

In September 2012, Julia Vince, whose photo you can see in our article, switched from bodybuilding to powerlifting. The following months became a real breakthrough in sports life Julia. As the girl herself comments on her experience in powerlifting, she has many fans who find her attractive, and even more haters who are simply annoyed by Yulin’s success. But the progress I earned began to inspire me to further conquer heights, participate in championships, and taught me to understand people a little. Now she sets goals for herself and does everything to achieve them, and at the same time her body is changing dramatically. And most importantly, she likes her appearance herself.

The Birth of the “Hulk Girl”

Hard work with iron could not pass without a trace for a fragile girl. A year of hard work in the gym gave Yulia a pumped-up body, dozens of new friends, fans and, of course, envious people, whom she loves to ridicule on social networks. The achievements gained strengthened the girl’s fighting spirit and determination, which is why she can now solve the tasks and problems she has set for herself.

Julia's height is 165 centimeters. Moreover, before playing sports, she weighed 48 kilograms, and has now changed this figure to 65. Looking at her body from the outside, you readily believe in this figure, because a lot of muscle mass has been gained. the girl's is 40.5 centimeters. At one of the championships, Yulia succumbed to a barbell weighing 100 kilograms in the bench press exercise, in the deadlift - 165 kilograms, and in the squat - 175. An interesting fact is that in her training the girl uses large weights, but at competitions, due to medical reasons, she is not allowed to cope with them.

Personal life

Powerlifting affected all aspects of the athlete’s life, including her personal life. More recently, Julia Vince started dating a guy named Sergei, who was 29 years old. He and his girlfriend spend free time in the gym, doing what you love. Parents do not blame their daughter’s choice, supporting her in all endeavors, including sports career, promising Yulia good earnings. Nowadays, the girl glorifies her city of Engels (Saratov region), often being a guest in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Kyiv.

Athlete's nutrition

How did such a young girl manage to achieve amazing results? There are no secrets: hard training, adherence to the regime and balanced diet- these are the main engines of progress. Julia Vince talks quite a lot about her preferences in the kitchen, so we are happy to share useful information.

An athlete eats 5-6 times a day, which has long been considered the “golden rule” for a bodybuilder or powerlifter. Fractional nutrition in small portions is the key to success, because such a meal plan accelerates metabolism and also allows the absorption of most nutrients and minerals. The girl’s usual diet consists of all kinds of cereals (rice, buckwheat), fresh vegetables and fruits, dairy products, fish and lean meat. Plus, she adds sports nutrition, among which she gives pride of place to protein, creatine and amino acids. This prevents catabolism (destruction) muscle tissue and helps to build mass without fat deposits.

Powerlifting makes her diet somewhat simpler, because Julia has no need to strive for maximum definition and vascularity, which is what all athletes in bodybuilding desire. That is why the girl is no stranger to various indulgences, popularly called “cheat meals.” This term refers to planned (1-2 times a week) diet violations that allow you to relieve psychological stress. The girl occasionally allows herself sweets or a small snack at McDonald's.

Steroid use

Many haters and ill-wishers accuse the girl of tricking anabolic steroids, allowing to speed up muscle growth. Julia Vince, whose photos are often discussed on forums and on social networks, denies taking anabolic steroids. In 2014, she competed, where she was awarded the title of international master of sports according to the amateur World Powerlifting Congress (AWPC). At the event, Yulia underwent strict doping control, which did not reveal any prohibited substances in the girl’s blood.

Of course, it can be argued that Julia Vince “cleansed” her body before the competition, but this is far from the most important thing. Absolutely all bodybuilders and powerlifters of the “PRO” level take steroids, growth hormone and other substances that help “break” a person’s natural plateau. However, no one can admit this, since they are all constrained by the terms of contracts with various sponsors and the imperishable rules of iron sport. But anabolic steroids are not everything. Just hard work in the gym proper nutrition and adherence to the regime allow you to build beautiful muscles, and steroids only help speed up this process. Therefore, all the hype around anabolic steroids is just the envy of people who are unable to start working on themselves.

First successes

March 2014 was the starting point for sports competitions, where Julia took part. This tournament was the Russian IPA Championship, during which an unpleasant incident occurred. One of Julia’s competitors, 30-year-old Svetlana Smirnova, splashed it in the face of our heroine, as a result of which Vince suffered severe poisoning, and in the first minutes she could have died from suffocation due to pulmonary spasms. The athlete's vision also deteriorated. This scandal ended in court proceedings that continue to this day.

The above incident did not prevent the young athlete from continuing her training. Also in 2014, she took part in the AWPC World Championships, where she demonstrated best result in triathlon - 440 kilograms. Julia Vince, whose weight is 65 kilograms, became not only the best athlete of the season, but also the youngest. This allowed the girl to find sponsors and gain considerable fame in sports circles.


Over her 20 years, Julia Vince, whose biography was described in this article, has gained some fame in the world of sports, achieving excellent results in powerlifting. An important role in the popularization of the young athlete was played by social media, where her photographs and personal life are hotly discussed. Be that as it may, the Saratov girl already has achievements that she can boast of. And her career promises to be rosy.

Do you remember this girl from Saratov whose name is Yulia Vince? Her photographs often surfaced on the Internet, as she looked very much like a doll. Many compared her with Odessa Nahema...

This is what she looked like before:

I accidentally came across a photograph of Julia Vince on the Internet. And then I remembered my childhood experiments with dolls, when I, like little Professor Frankenstein, placed Barbie’s head on Ken’s torso. The result was a muscular doll with biceps, abs on the stomach and a heroic back

But I would rather believe in the healing power of the pyramids than in the fact that such a “hybrid” exists in nature. This is even after the world saw Odessa Barbie and her failed boyfriend Ken from the States. And here is a photo of Julia Vince... Her eyes are half-face-length. A shock of red curly hair. Plump lips, fair skin. And below the neck - a real athlete with biceps, a sculpted back and strong legs. Yulia is 17 years old, of which she has been involved in powerlifting for two years.

I decided to overcome modesty with a barbell

Our correspondence acquaintance took place over the phone. While the beeps were beeping, I was preparing myself to hear the voice with which they usually say the phrase: “Hey, check out the bitsukha.” But a voice was heard in the receiver, rather like Nastenka from the fairy tale “Morozko”. Julia suggested meeting at the gym...

And do you know what picture appeared before us when we arrived? A tall man struts glamorously on a treadmill, another pumps up with minimal calf weights, a third sweats while lifting five-kilogram weights. And next to her, a little girl (Yulia’s height is only 165 centimeters) is bench-pressing a 50-kilogram barbell...

Tell us why you even chose such a non-female sport?

It happened by accident,” recalls Yulia. - In the gym where I trained, there was only one trainer. He specialized in kettlebell lifting and powerlifting. I chose powerlifting because weight-lifting makes the female figure inharmonious.

But you could go, like other girls, to yoga or fitness?

I could, but I wanted to become strong.

Why would a 15-year-old girl need to build up her muscles? Yulia didn’t want to tell me for a long time.

The girl has never been overweight. But it is precisely the desire to get rid of excess weight most often makes ordinary girls turn into muscular girls. Yulia, when she first came to the gym, was only 48 kilograms.

“I had a lot of complexes even for no reason,” Yulia admitted. - At school I was very shy. That’s probably why my classmates tried to hurt me in every possible way. The boys often made fun of me and insulted me. I couldn’t answer them then. To be honest, I was afraid that the conflict would escalate.

And then there was no adult nearby who would have thought to explain to Yulia that the boys were simply flirting with a beautiful girl. But there was a gym very close by, where she decided to strengthen her self-confidence. Nobody harmed the girl here. And, a rare thing, Yulia was praised for every new “pancake” on the barbell.

Today she lifts more weight than she weighs: bench press - 75 kilograms, deadlift - 140 kilograms, leg press - 250 kilograms.

Thanks to sports, I finally realized that enough is enough. beautiful girl- says Yulia. “They won’t be able to offend me, much less break me, with someone’s stupid jokes.” Yes, I like the way my body is changing. Today I probably won’t be able to name the weight limit when I want to stop.

Instead of real friends, virtual fans

After ninth grade, Yulia left school for a technical school and now studies by correspondence so that classes do not interfere with her training. The parents, who were initially shocked by their daughter’s passion, eventually came to terms with it. How could it be otherwise, because the girl, besides them and the coach, had no one left. Former classmates now, seeing Yulia, wisely move to the other side of the road. True, friends do the same.

At first, the friends looked at Yulia with curiosity. Of course, their Yulka suddenly grew biceps, and a month later wing muscles became noticeable on her back. It was interesting to walk the streets with Yulia, everyone paid attention to them, asked to take pictures, their friends were delighted. But Julia was more suitable for the show than for heart-to-heart conversations. And it turned out that they had nothing to talk about. She tells them about training - they tell her about the club, she talks about competitions - they talk about boys, she talks about injuries - here they are already getting ready to go home.

But, having lost real friends, the girl found virtual ones. Now Yulia has more than 8 thousand friends on one of her social networks. These are mainly those who know the athlete only from photos.

Yulia has real fans who paint her portraits and do not skimp on compliments. The rumor about a girl with an unusual appearance has spread beyond the country, and now programs are being filmed about her in Japan, America, and Europe.

But the Internet also has a downside. As many positive reviews as a girl receives, there are just as many, or even more, negative ones. Moreover, former classmates still have to grow up to the “refined style” of Internet boors.

Mostly they are written by teenage boys, who in their entire lives have never lifted anything heavier than a computer mouse,” says Yulia. - They should be ashamed of their overall build, but they put naked-chested photos of themselves on their avatars. It makes no sense for grown men to assert themselves through insults. Although rare boors still exist. This is probably due to idleness at work.

Sport turns into addiction

Julia Vince is unique only in that she looks painfully like a Barbie doll. But in the country a huge number of girls are involved in powerlifting. And every year there are more and more of them.

Previously, in fitness rooms, if a woman with muscles appeared, she immediately became a “black sheep”, everyone looked at her, says Julia Vince. - Now girls have an athletic build in any gym a common phenomenon.

“What do such women do in ordinary gyms?” - you rightly ask. Let's answer: they come here to relax after the gym. Yes, they have training schedules agreed upon with the coach. But they can no longer go home after the gym, knit socks there or husk sunflower seeds in front of the TV. Sport turns into an addiction.

In the same social networks, entire groups dedicated to women’s powerlifting, bodybuilding, and weightlifting are thriving. Most women admit that they did not come to this male sport because of a good life. Some had complexes about their figure, some were abandoned by their husbands, some wanted to prove their willpower to their parents.

Moreover, almost all the girls in powerlifting did not come from the street. Many already had sports experience. What is characteristic is that these are not some power types sports like wrestling, but purely female ones: yoga, swimming, aerobics.

Women often come to the gym out of curiosity from some other gym, yoga or fitness, says Sergei Kartashov, a powerlifting coach. - They are trying to lift the barbell. They can do it. They decide to come again, then again... And when the result becomes visible, their body changes more in a month in the gym than in a year of fitness, and they quit classes in other gyms.

And if a woman sets out to improve herself, then there are no shores in sight. It's like with diets. Your pants are already falling off, and you still think you're fat. Now a new generation of women is replacing those who are always losing weight: they are sure that they are not pumped up enough.

Our photographer asked Yulia Vince to pose like bodybuilders: she had to tense her muscles and stand up impressively. Julia began to feel embarrassed. I thought it was awkward for her to show off her biceps, she’s a girl after all. And she hesitated and said:

Don't want. No biceps visible. Let's practice, then take a photo.

Age - 17 years

Weight - 58 kg

Height - 165 cm

Bench press - 75 kg

Leg press - 250 kg

Squat - 130 kg

Deadlift - 140 kg

Julia Vins (Julia Vins) is one of the strongest girls from the city of Saratov who began her training at the age of 15; after that she was so thin, she decided to gain muscle mass, but this did not happen, after a year of training she changed the type of training to a more difficult one and took up Powerlifting - in other words, powerlifting where the main base is squats, bench press, deadlift, where she achieved significant results in weight lifting, receiving Master of Sports of International Class (MSMS) Powerlifting competitions and made Julia Vince famous throughout the world as she pumped up her muscles like a hulk. as if they weren’t hers and it was photoshop but all the muscles were hers through diligent efforts long workouts she managed to gain weight and become a famous personality in the world of sports, fitness, bodybuilding, powerlifting.

Julia Vins

  • Weight 60-65 kg
  • Height 165 cm
  • Squats with barbell 202.5 kg
  • Deadlift 165 kg
  • Bench press 100 kg

Julia Vins before and after photos, biography, instagram, training programs in a swimsuit

Julia Vins before and after photos, biography, Instagram training program

The star's Instagram has 500 thousand subscribers with various photographs of her living and traveling around the world.

Effective press workouts on the website “Your Press Trainer”

For girls and men

Workout #1

Workout #2

Workout #3

Youtube channel has 36 thousand subscribers where she posts her training videos and moments from life.


Exercise 1 (superset):

  • : 5 sets of 15-20 repetitions. This exercise is performed at the beginning of a workout because it warms up the muscles well. If the exercise is too easy, you can use additional weight to increase the load.
  • Fitball: 5 sets of 15-20 repetitions. As you lift your legs, squeeze your buttocks and arch your lower back well. The higher you go, the better your glutes will feel.
  • Butt Blaster Trainer: 5 sets of 15-20 repetitions. A quick note, if you don't want to build muscle in your legs, don't choose too heavy weights.

Exercise 2 (superset):

  • Pulling the leg back on the lower block: 5 sets of 15-20 repetitions. In this exercise, the body must be kept parallel to the floor, and the leg must be thrown as high as possible. Training top part buttocks
  • Taking the leg to the side on the lower block: 5 sets of 15-20 repetitions. In this exercise, you should also try to raise your leg as high as possible.

Exercise 3 (superset):

  • 5 sets of 15-20 repetitions. During squats in the Smith machine, we pull the buttocks towards the floor. We also make sure that our knees do not go beyond our toes.
  • Balancing platform BOSU: 5 sets of 15-20 repetitions. Try to move your buttocks as far back as possible, squatting as low as possible.

When performing all these exercises, make sure that it is the buttocks that are working. Concentrate on reducing them and the end result will be the most beautiful, toned and sexy buttocks.