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Must have skis. How to buy the right skis: selection by height and weight. Let's go to the mountains: which skis to choose

With the arrival of the most fabulous and magical time of the year, it would be worth thinking about what you can do with yourself in winter? Just think about playing snowballs, sledding, ice skating and, of course, skiing. Why not bring to life the best moments of the past? Today, store shelves with equipment for skiing are filled with different goods, so the question is more pressing than ever: how to choose skis, mountain or cross-country?

How to choose the right skis: deciding on your riding style

Before you go shopping at a specialized store, you should decide what style of riding you have.

If you are new to skiing and want to buy a pair of skis for walking in the winter forest, then most likely your skiing style is classic. This style is inherent in almost all people who start skiing.

The second style is skating. A skier in this style resembles a speed skater, pushing off internal part ski tracks from snow. This type requires a wide track and dense snow.

Having set yourself the goal of how to choose skis for a beginner, do not try to adopt the riding style of a pro, since it will be problematic to move around a snow-covered forest on skating skis.

We're going to the mountains: which skis to choose?

Skis for skiing on mountainous terrain are called mountain skis. Depending on the target audience, they come in several types:

  • professional- the name speaks for itself, this type is designed for professionals. They are marked with the English word “Sport”. For buyers of such skis, there is no question of how to choose the right skis. These are people who have been riding for many years and have professional riding skills. Professional alpine skis are very light in weight, but the most expensive in price;

  • amateur skiing- this type of ski is also sports and is labeled “Fitness”. These skis should be chosen by people who have been skiing for a short time and do not consider themselves skiing professionals. They are much heavier in weight than professional skis, but also more affordable;
  • tourist or "Touring"- this type is intended for long and complex tourist trips. The width of touring skis is much larger than others, as is the weight, which sometimes reaches 1.5 kg. They are more rigid in their structure and often come with notches to avoid slipping;

  • recreational- they are a little similar in appearance appearance with touring skis, but are lighter in weight. Pleasure skis are intended for short skiing over short distances on snowy plains; beginners can choose them;
  • children's or teenagers- this type is marked with the word “Junior”. They are often made of plastic; skis of this type have fasteners for a regular boot. These skis are light and comfortable for a child to ride; choosing from the range of this series of skis is a pleasure.

How to choose alpine skis according to a person's height

Before choosing alpine skis, pay attention to their length or, as they also say, size. If a person is a beginner and is not confident in his abilities in skiing, then it is better to take skis at the rate of minus 20 cm from the person’s height.

A person with an average level of training should pay attention to skis whose length is 10 cm less than his height. Professionals choose alpine skis according to their height or 10-15 cm less.

Choosing cross-country and skating skis correctly

Buy ski equipment only in specialized stores, check for certificates of product compliance with European standards.

Before you start giving advice, how to choose skis running and skating, you need to clarify what kind of riding they are suitable for. Cross-country skis are designed for fast skiing. short distances, they are light, smooth, sliding.

Skate skis are the hardest; their main visual difference is that they do not have an upward-curved corner.

How to choose cross-country skis

  • Choose cross-country skiing follows individual parameters, such as height, weight, professional skills and, of course, financial capabilities.
  • Cross-country skis are selected based on +15, 20, 25 cm to a person’s height.

  • The weight of skis and poles should not be too heavy. Cross-country skiing involves a fast pace of skiing, pay attention to these parameters, as they are very important.

How to choose skate skis

  • Skating skis must be rigid, because when moving, the ski block must spring back and push the skier forward. This type has a blunt, not curved toe, and the length of the ski track should exceed a person’s height by 17-20 cm.
  • Determine hardness. Place the two ski tracks vertically, with the sliding surface facing each other, and, squeezing the pads with all your might, look at the gap between them. If the clearance is 3-4 mm, then these skis will suit you. If it is only 1-2 mm, then it is better to refuse the purchase due to insufficient rigidity.

How to choose skis by height? The table will help you determine the length of skis and poles for an adult.

How to choose skis and poles according to your child’s height

Children's and teenagers' skis should first of all be soft, which will allow the child to quickly learn how to ski and get maximum pleasure from riding. Many parents, in an effort to save money, buy skis for their children to grow into.

Longer skis are harder to control; a child may not be able to handle it, and this will discourage him from wanting to ski. When choosing skis for a child who is just learning to ski, you need to calculate the size of the skis according to the child’s weight: if the weight is about 20 kg, then the length of the skis should be 70 cm, 20-30 kg - it is better for the child to buy 90 cm skis.

« How to choose skis child so that he does not get injured while riding them? - This question worries many parents. If skis and equipment are selected correctly, the child will feel comfortable on the ski slope, and the likelihood of injury will be significantly reduced.

It should be noted that it is not at all necessary to buy expensive skis for a child to ride. Children grow up and are often not advanced skiing professionals; what is more important to them is the feeling that close people are nearby and doing something together.

This table will help you choose the right length of skis and poles for your child:

Making the right choice: wood or plastic

Wooden e is a classic and ecological type of ski, proven over the years. The disadvantages of wooden skis include the fact that they are not as slippery as plastic. In addition, their weight is significantly greater.

Plastic skis more practical and modern. They excel in operation under different weather conditions and snow conditions. If snow makes it difficult to ski on wooden skis in above-zero temperatures, then plastic will pass this test with a bang.

Besides, plastic skis durable, they do not deform like wood from moisture and dampness.

Take it for yourself and tell your friends!

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In the winter season, skiing is a favorite sport for many. In addition to the fact that skiing involves a long stay on fresh air, they also provide physical activity, strengthen muscles and develop endurance. Yes, it’s just fun and great to go to the winter forest with the whole family for an unforgettable experience. In order for your child to love such trips, you need to choose the right ski kit for him.

At what age should you buy skis?

The age at which a child can start skiing is, of course, not strictly defined. It depends on the desire of the child himself and the patience and perseverance of the parents. A child who has barely learned to balance on his feet is unlikely to enjoy riding.

Set for a small skier

Some parents teach children to participate in active sports as early as 2 years and 5 months. At this age, you can already take your baby on his first ski trips, but be prepared that you will often have to take his skis off, ride him, entertain him with games, etc.

A 3-year-old child already has much more developed concentration, perseverance and focus on results. Children 4–5 years old can easily spend about half an hour on the ski track and enjoy skiing down small slides.

Mountain or cross-country

It is recommended to start skiing with cross-country skiing. They make it easier and safer to learn to maintain balance and master sliding skills. However, parents who actively ski from the mountains often put their children straight into downhill skiing. On ski slopes Today you can often see nimble skiers gliding quickly down the slope, while they are barely knee-high to an adult. Constantly striving to learn and master a new space, a child often shows perseverance that is enviable for an adult. Therefore, when choosing the type of skis, you need to be guided not only by your own preferences and safety issues, but also by the child’s inclinations.

If the terrain allows you to choose between two types of skiing, perhaps you should not rush into purchasing skis at first, but invite your child to try both types of loads by renting equipment.

Selection of skis for children of different ages

Up to three years

At this age, skis are chosen to be short and wide. The child does not yet need to develop speed, hone technique or fit into turns. He must learn to maintain balance and master sliding. Long skis will only make pushing and cornering more difficult.

The first ones to use are short (40 cm) wide (8 cm) plastic skis with rounded ends. Once you gain confidence, you can switch to wooden or plastic skis equal in length to the child’s height. Plastic is a more versatile material, as it is equally suitable for wet and dry snow.

Skis for the little ones

IN early age purchasing special boots is hardly advisable. The size of a child's feet changes quickly. In addition, it will have time to grow from the first skis in one or two seasons. Therefore, metal fastenings with rubber straps are considered the best option. This design can easily be attached to a child’s comfortable, familiar winter shoes.

Keep in mind that there is no need to purchase poles at this age, since the main goal at this age is to gain balance when skiing and master the principles of sliding.

From 4 to 10 years

If you are buying skis for a child who by this age has already learned to ski on a simple model, it makes sense to purchase a more sporty option. Narrower (5 cm wide) and longer skis are selected. Ski length is calculated using the formula: height + 15 cm.

Children's skis with semi-rigid binding

Age 11–15 years

For teenage children, skis are selected not only based on weight and height, but also depending on their preferred style.

There are three types of cross-country skis:

High-quality skis do not differ from each other in weight, length and width. Make sure that the sliding side has a smooth groove and is free of scratches and cracks.

Important! Children's skis must be soft. Hard skis will not allow you to make comfortable pushes and can turn being on the track into torture.

A typical mistake is buying skis “for growth.” Keep in mind that longer skis also have greater stiffness. This means they will be difficult to operate for a small child.

When choosing materials, plastic is preferred. Firstly, it is more durable, stronger and more resistant to changing weather conditions than wood. Secondly, wooden skis They are gradually leaving the market, and it will soon be impossible to find them at all.

Table of the correct ski length depending on the height and weight of the child

Child's height, cm Child's weight, cm Ski length, cm
100–110 20–25 105–115
110–125 25–30 115–135
125–140 30–35 135–165
140–150 35–45 165–180
150–160 45–55 180–195
160–170 55–65 195–200


Types of bindings for children's skis:

Boots and bindings of the old type are much cheaper than modern ones, but are suitable only for the classic ride.

Which boots to buy

If the child is no more than 6 years old and does not show a persistent desire to turn ski racing into a favorite pastime, the issue of purchasing boots need not be raised. Sliding semi-rigid bindings will allow you to use skis for several seasons, even taking into account the constant growth of your feet and changes in shoe size. If in ski lessons

If the child shows enviable constancy and perseverance, then you can buy special shoes.

Boots designed for old-style bindings range from size 28. Distinguished by their relatively low cost, they cannot boast of versatility: such shoes are not suitable for skating. Modern shoes equipped SNS mounts

and NNN are much more expensive. Keep in mind that your child’s shoes and bindings will last for one or two seasons.

How to choose ski poles

We have already decided that the youngest children taking their first steps on the ski track do not need poles. When the child masters the principle of sliding, pushing off and alternating steps, then we can talk about poles, which will give additional speed and confidence on the track. For children 3–7 years old, choose sticks that reach the armpits.

The model should be equipped with rubberized handles and straps so that the poles do not drop or get lost when walking. The tip of the stick should not be sharp. The tip is in the shape of a ring or an asterisk.

For older children, poles are selected taking into account their riding style. In skating and classic styles, poles of fundamentally different lengths are used. If for the classics you need to choose poles no higher than your armpits, then for the skate they should reach shoulder height.

Table for calculating the length of poles Height, cm Length of poles for classic walking, cm
100 80 90
110 85 95
115 90 100
120 95 105
125 100 110
130 105 115
140 115 125
150 125 135
160 135 145
170 145 155

Length of skating poles

Video: how to choose skis for a child Choosing skis for a child is a simple and enjoyable task. The diversity of the modern market will allow you to choose something that is not only suitable in height and size, but also to your liking. Before you go shopping for skis for your child, evaluate how often he intends to use them. If winter walks

happen in your family from time to time, perhaps it would be more advisable to abandon the purchase altogether and use rental services.

How to choose skis? This question primarily arises for a beginner who is just planning to take up skiing.

  1. Classic, involving movement on the ski track.
  2. Skating, when an athlete overcomes a wide, specially prepared track.

Skis designed for classic skiing can be either with or without notching. When wondering how to choose skis for a child or a beginner, you should give preference to the first option. In this case, the notches prevent the skis from slipping back, which greatly facilitates the skiing process. But it should be understood that the speed in this case will be slightly lower compared to a smooth surface.

Important! Smooth skis can only be used with a special grip ointment, which will prevent them from slipping back. Otherwise, riding will be not only uncomfortable, but also unsafe.

Stiffness is an important indicator

When thinking about how to choose cross-country skis based on height and weight, you should not least pay attention to the rigidity of the products. The performance of skis is largely determined by the degree of deflection, which requires a certain weight of the rider to achieve. Speaking in simple language, different models require different amounts of force to push them through.

Important! The easiest way to determine the stiffness of classic skis. To do this, you just need to stand on your skis, making sure they are in full contact with the floor. If this does not work, then it is necessary to select products with less rigidity.

Most modern manufacturers indicate the weight range of athletes for which their products are designed. For beginners, it is best to choose skis of medium hardness.

Length selection

How to choose skis according to your height? This is a very important nuance that should be taken into account when choosing. Everything is simple here:

  1. If we are talking about classic skis, then 30 cm must be added to the athlete’s height. The result obtained will be the length of the skis.
  2. When choosing skating or cross-country skiing, we add 15 cm to your height.
Skier's height Classic skis Skis Skis for Classic walking poles Sticks for
universal skating skating
150 170/180 170 165 120 130
155 180 170/180 170 125 135
160 185 180 175 130 140
165 190 185 180 135 145
170 195 190 185 140 150
175 200 195/200 190 145 155
180 205 200/205 190/195 150 160
185 205/210 205 195 155 165
190 210 205 195 160 170
195 210 205 195 165 175

Table: how to choose skis and poles by height

The length of most products is directly proportional to their rigidity. Therefore, if the model chosen for its length turns out to be too soft, then it is advisable to purchase a longer version.

Features of choosing ski poles

No less important than the choice of skis themselves is the selection of poles. First of all, you need to understand the materials from which these products are made:

  1. Fiberglass. This is the cheapest option, which is characterized by low strength and rigidity. At the same time, they are quite heavy, but quite suitable for beginners.
  2. Carbon fiber. Light, tough, but expensive.
  3. Composite, made of carbon fiber and fiberglass. In this case, strength and cost directly depend on the percentage of carbon in the composition.
  4. Aluminum. Are good choice for beginners and people with heavy weight due to its strength. They are very affordable.

Advice! When choosing ski poles, it is advisable to give preference to those models that have hand loops. They must be securely fixed with Velcro.


How to choose the right skis was discussed in detail above. This process is not particularly difficult, but it requires certain knowledge that will help any novice skier master this sport. You should also pay attention to protection and equipment.

Skiing is one of the most widespread and prestigious sports and leisure activities. But riding will be fun if people know how to choose the right skis for their height and weight. In addition, they come in mountain, racing, and recreational styles and differ in shape and size.

Types of winter skiing

Selection alpine skiing- not an easy task. First you need to decide what kind of skiing you need them for. Models are universal, piste, freeski. Accordingly, the shape is also different.

On a note: The first pair of skis was made back then, when people wore skins. Rock paintings depicting skiers date back to the Stone Age. However, the Scandinavians are considered the founders of skiing. Their mythology even has special deities, patrons of skiing - Ull and Skadi.


These skis are purchased more often than others. Their second name is All-mountain, and they are even used off-piste, on snow blows. They have low longitudinal and torsional rigidity. Waist –73-105 mm, rocker reaches 10-20% of the total length.

Before choosing alpine skis, you need to know the characteristics of the terrain. For broken slopes, they should have a waist of 85-105 cm, a front rocker of 15%, preferably a rear rocker (5-10%). Modern models have a honeycomb structure on the toe and heel, reinforced with carbon and titanol.


This type of skiing is also called carving skiing. They are created for downhill on prepared slopes, where their full potential is revealed. They differ from previous models by higher levels of longitudinal and torsional rigidity. This is necessary for compensation centrifugal forces at significant speeds and “crashing” into snow or ice when edging.

Modern technology involves skating not in a straight line, but along an arcuate path. And the larger the arc radius, the higher the speed. Therefore, when selecting piste skis, take into account that they are:

  • short-radius (9-12 m);
  • medium-radius (12-17 m);
  • long-radius (17-25 m).

On the latter it is possible to accelerate to 80 km/h or more.


These models are chosen for free style, performing jumps and tricks. Freeskies are divided into the following categories:

  • Freeride (Freeride) – for riding off-prepared trails. They have a waist - from 98 mm, rockers: front - 25-30%, rear - 10-15%, side cutout radius - 17-30 cm.
  • Puffy (Powder) – have a waist of 120-130 mm, more often used in deep snow.
  • Freestal (Park & ​​pipe) - designed for jumping and tricks. They are characterized by a twin-type, that is, identical bends in the front and rear (rocker 10-20%).
  • Ski tour (Ski tour) - these are fairly light models for climbing mountain peaks.

Types of racing or cross-country skis

Racing products also have their own gradation, which must be taken into account when deciding which skis are best.

For a classic move

These are quite long skis - up to 207 cm. They are soft and have a sharp tip.

An athlete who decides which ski is better must take into account the significant power of the leg push and give preference to a stiffer surface. Beginners and amateurs need softer models that are easier to maintain balance on.

If you are going to ride at very low temperatures, then the canvas should be more elastic and softer. Such skis do not need to be lubricated with a large layer of ointment. For temperatures above zero and frost slightly below zero, the lubricant is applied in a fairly thick layer. That's why they choose harder skis. The rule applies to all types of sports equipment.

For skating

Skate skis differ from classic skis in their shorter length - maximum 192 cm. They are stiffer, so they require certain skills. Their toes are blunt.

When talking about how to choose the right skis, experts recommend paying attention to the toe part. For cold, dry weather, they prefer a pair where the toes touch when squeezed. For walking on wet snow, choose those that diverge slightly at the toe.


These models are suitable for both “classics” and skating. Their maximum length does not exceed 200 cm in order to prevent skis from advancing on each other when skating. In design they are closer to the classic ones.

Fact: V modern models skis of the same length. This was not always the case: in the Middle Ages, one was shorter and was used for pushing. The one used for riding was covered with skins.

Which skis are better: selection criteria

When wondering how to choose skis, you need to take other characteristics into account. For example, the longer the length, the greater the stability and stability. The longest ones are used on high mountains, long, wide routes.

Medium skis are nimble, maneuverable, and move easier on icy, uneven surfaces. The smallest ones are good on short groomed slopes.

As an example, several ski models different types with indicative price tags:

Handling depends on weight. The heavier the model, the more difficult it is to handle. At the same time, vibration resistance (the ability to absorb vibrations) decreases. Manufacturers reduce weight by using a honeycomb structure on the toe and heel parts, preferring light wood species.

The selection of skis for walking is carried out according to the same principle as for the classic ski. People with large weights prefer products with the highest rigidity. When you step on your ski, you need to ensure that there is at least a small distance under the shoe block to the floor surface. If the model is too soft, take a longer pair.

The length and type of skis depends on the physical parameters of the athlete.

Expand ski table by height (adjust by weight and other parameters)

Children under 6 years old choose models that are slightly taller; those over 6 years old are 15-20 cm taller. For any selection of skis, the “30 cm rule” applies. This means that the length of the couple should be 15 cm lower or higher than the person.

To purchase suitable skis, it is not necessary to use height and weight tables. A couple is chosen like this:

  1. Using a flex tester, the balance line is determined and marked with a marker.
  2. Place the skis on a flat surface and stand on them, placing the toes of your shoes against the marked mark.
  3. Distribute body weight on two legs.
  4. They ask the assistant to hold a sheet of office paper under the ski.
  5. The pair is suitable if the sheet moves freely from the balance line towards the toe at a distance of 25 cm (depending on the length of the equipment), as well as to the end of the foot.
  6. If this distance is smaller, take a more rigid model, and vice versa.

This method is used for products used in classical technique skating. Almost the same test is carried out with a pair for skating. Take a very thin sheet of paper, which is moved forward at a distance of at least 40 cm, behind the foot - 10 cm from the heel. Next, they simulate pushing off - then the total length of the gap should be 30-40 cm, the area under the foot is not pinched.

Ski length depends on the level of training of their owner and the type of riding:

  • for beginners, with short-radius carving - 0-15 cm below height;
  • universal (track, freeride), for medium-radius carving - 15 cm higher or 15 cm lower;
  • for freeride and speed skating - 5-20 cm higher than height.

This is the basic criterion. At the purchasing stage, other factors are also taken into account.

Expand the table for selecting the length of alpine skis by weight

When calculating, it is necessary to take into account level of training:

  1. beginner – -20 cm;
  2. average – -5 cm;
  3. advanced - the same;
  4. expert – +5 cm;
  5. prorides – + 10 cm.

When selecting skis based on height, weight, and level of preparation for off-piste skiing, another 5 cm is added to the resulting length.

According to the 30 cm rule, if a person’s height is 173 cm, then weight correction is not carried out, since the ideal initial length of the ski is indicated. Next, adjustments are made depending on the level of skiing skill, location and skiing technique.

The correct purchase of poles is also important: they are 15-20 cm shorter than your height.

Rules for storing and preparing skis

Not only beginners, but also experienced athletes make mistakes here. However, organizing ski storage is not difficult. To do this, you must comply with the following requirements:

  • After returning from a walk, wipe the wood and fastenings with a dry rag and dry, do not tie. Do not hang sticks by rings or lanyards.
  • Transport and carry skis with slides inside in a cover, tying the heel and toe parts together.
  • Do not use an open trunk for transportation. Reagents and dirt dull edges, destroy protective coatings, and damage wood.
  • After drying, check the fasteners for rust.
  • Do not leave to dry near a radiator or other heating devices.
  • Treat the surface with paraffin before storing your skis. A whitish coating on the slipper along the edges is a sign that the paraffin layer has worn off and needs to be restored.
  • Before preservation, apply aerosol ointment to the fasteners - this will protect the metal from oxidation.

For beginners, the best option is considered to be walking models that do not have a specific riding style.

In terms of their capabilities and characteristics, they are much inferior to professional ones, but their low cost makes them attractive especially for beginners.

A distinctive feature is the presence of notches on the sliding surface, replacing preliminary preparation skis They do not require preparation (lubrication) before riding.

The best-selling touring model for beginner adult skiers. It is easy to control and highly stable.

Does not require lubrication due to the presence of notches. Primary colors – red, black. They are produced using the technologies of the Austrian company Atomic in Bulgaria.

  • stable sliding characteristics;
  • do not require lubrication due to the presence of “scales” (notches);
  • high quality deflection;
  • precision in control;
  • a light weight;
  • safe fastenings;
  • unlimited temperature range of use;
  • universal – work in any snow conditions, including poorly prepared trails;
  • unisex - suitable for men and women.

  • higher price compared to similar models of other brands;
  • intended mainly for walks in the forest;
  • not suitable for obtaining professional results;
  • require drying and storage in a dry, ventilated area;
  • They are afraid of ultraviolet radiation and heating to temperatures above 60°C.

Features of Atomic Motion 46 Grip

  • recreational skiing classic move;
  • outdoor fitness;
  • They have a straight geometry that allows a beginner to quickly master the technical skills of skating.

  • geometry (toe-waist-heel, mm) – traditional narrow skis (46-46-46);
  • size (length) – 179-207 cm;
  • pair weight – 1400 g (186 cm);
  • composition – synthetic materials (Densolit core, lightening the weight of the ski) + plastic;
  • system of notches - in the area of ​​​​the G2 Sincro pad (scales) on the sliding surface, neutralizing recoil and allowing you to move on skis without wax;
  • sliding surface – 1500;
  • hardness – low;
  • color – black-red-white or black-blue-white.

Atomic Motion 46 Grip equipment

  • installed in optimal position Auto Universal (SNS) fastenings on the ski;
  • laser marking for each pair with information about the permissible weight of the skier.

  • ski bag;
  • Lite ski poles (combination of carbon and fiberglass), Nordic Motion Comp;
  • Motion 25 (SNS compatible, water-repellent front cuff keeps feet dry in all weather conditions);
  • Nordic bag with adjustable strap and thermal flask.

Designed for sweeping herringbone movements that are the basis of the skating style. They have greater strength than classic models due to the significant load placed on them while riding.

This type of movement is used mainly for uphill climbs and cornering on wide, well-prepared and compacted roads.

Review Fischer models RCS SK Plus Stiff NIS

The best skating model, designed for adult athletes and advanced amateurs. Included in the 2015/2016 season collection. In the 2016/2017 season, the Fischer RCS SK Plus Stiff NIS Hole 2017 with a hole in the toe was released.

Produced by the Austrian company Fischer in Austria. Primary colors – black, yellow, white. They have a blunt toe and require careful preparation.

  • swept profile that improves ski performance;
  • reinforced edging, extending service life;
  • high fracture strength;
  • the sliding surface works ideally in wet snow conditions at temperatures from -5°C and above;
  • high accuracy in selecting a pair of skis based on similar parameters;
  • toe weight reduced by 5 g;
  • minimal vibrations.

  • high price;
  • require professional technical skills;
  • The choice of ski boots is limited to the NNN binding system.

Functions of Fischer RCS SK Plus Stiff NIS

  • toe – 41 mm, waist – 44 mm, heel – 44 mm;
  • length – 172-192 cm;
  • weight – 1090 g (187 cm);
  • core – carbon cellular Air Core Carbon, containing 80% air;
  • the toe and heel are ultra-light from special laminates that reduce weight and vibration;
  • fastening method – NIS;
  • stiffness – stiff – adjusted to the stiffness of the ski track (for soft – the toe and heel are made soft, for hard – hard);
  • sliding surface treatment – ​​Finish First, including grinding, application of Plus structure using natural diamond, filling with base paraffin;
  • computer hardness control;
  • edges – Power Edge reinforced, guaranteeing the durability of the skis;
  • color – black-yellow-white.

  • there are no fastenings;
  • platform for NIS NNN bindings, allowing you to quickly install and remove bindings from the ski.

Accessories from Fischer

  • SpeedMax ski poles;
  • Xcelerator Skate 2.0 NIS mounts;
  • cover for a pair of skis;
  • Velcro for easy carrying of skis;
  • cross-country ski boots for skating RCS Carbon Lite Skating;
  • boot bag.

Designed for athletes and amateurs weighing more than 100 kg.

A distinctive feature is the increased stiffness of the skis, which is selected according to the weight of the skier using a special flex tester device, which is available in all serious specialized stores.

Salomon Carbon Skate Lab Carbon Blue review

The latest development of the French manufacturer Salomon for professionals and experts of skating style. They have an extra stiff last with a special setting for heavy skiers with ultra-low weight skis, as well as dynamic stiffness control.

Received the name “the future of cross-country skiing”, opened a new level in the world ski racing. Produced in Austria.

  • ultra-light weight;
  • extra-hard last for heavy skiers;
  • digital hardness control;
  • full carbon construction;
  • increased sliding phase;
  • more powerful push and enhanced energy transfer due to the ultra-responsive forward-shifted carbon pad;
  • soft toe and heel with rigid twist;
  • choice of ski structure - universal (fresh snow) and for any snow conditions.
  • versatility - designed for gliding on any tracks, regardless of their condition and air temperature.

  • only for advanced amateurs and professionals;
  • high price.

Features of Salomon Carbon Skate Lab Carbon Blue

  • world championship level skating skiing;
  • glide without additional effort in any weather.

  • weight – 980 g (187 cm);
  • length – 182-192 cm;
  • gender – unisex;
  • core – lightweight Stiff Nomex honeycomb;
  • transparent sliding surface G5;
  • protection of the sliding surface with film;
  • hardness control – digital functionality D2FC;
  • toe and heel – low profile, minimal thickness;
  • structure – universal WCU or upon request AM7 (universal) or AC5 (colder).

  • without fastenings.

Accessories from Salomon

  • skating mounts ski SNS Pilot Sport Combi;
  • ski bag;
  • boot bag;
  • S-Lab Overboot ski boots;
  • Equip 100 Carbon ski poles.

For active recreation of children aged 4 years and older. They are distinguished by their stability, increased width and bright design. For little ones from 4 to 7 years old, skis come complete with bindings, boots and poles.

The main purpose of children's models is to teach a child to stand and move confidently on skis.

Review of the Fischer Snowstar NIS Kids model

Walking skis for the youngest lovers. They feature a bright, beautiful design. Available in several colors: blue, green, pink (for girls and boys).

They have installed NNN fasteners and a notch system for better grip. Designed for classic riding. Developed by the Austrian company Fischer, produced in Ukraine. Included in the 2015/2016 collection.

  • wide stable profile;
  • special Crown notches that improve traction and make it easier to climb uphill;
  • treatment of the sliding surface under any weather conditions;
  • a core with a selected system of air channels that increases strength and evenly distributes weight;
  • easy gliding on rough roads.

  • require storage in a dry room away from heat sources;
  • manual fixation of fasteners.

Functions of Fischer Snowstar NIS Kids

  • toe – 54 mm, waist – 48 mm, heel – 52 mm;
  • size – 90-140 cm;
  • weight – 0.69 kg (110 cm);
  • materials – wood and multi-component plastic composites;
  • core – Air Channel;
  • special “scales” – Crown notches on the sliding surface that prevent the ski from slipping back;
  • base – Sintec;
  • gender – for girls and boys;
  • color - black-pink-white, black-green-white and black-blue-white.
  • fastening method – NIS.

  • installed NNN mounts (XC Snowstar NIS).

Accessories Fischer Snowstar NIS Kids

  • ski bag;
  • boot cover;
  • children's running shoes;
  • Sprint ski poles;
  • RCS Junior ski poles;
  • RaceCode ski cuffs.

Available as a separate type “back country”. When choosing, not only the weight of the skier in a suit and equipment is taken into account, but the weight of the backpack that he carries on his shoulders.

In terms of price, models for tourism are in the same price niche as recreational ones. Designed for short and long walks on rough trails.

A product of the Austrian company Atomic, one of the leaders in the ski equipment market. They first appeared in the 2011/2012 collection as a universal option for men and women (unisex).

The design of the skis is updated every year; in the 2015/2016 season, separate women's models with a stylish design appeared. In women's models, the letter “W” was added to the marking.

Lightweight, easy-to-handle skis allow you to hike for several hours without fatigue. Tangible comfort when riding in any conditions.

  • reliable and easy to use;
  • Wide ski geometry for balance and stability;
  • the ability to ride in any conditions due to innovative clutch technology;
  • light weight due to Densolite core;
  • ease of control and maneuverability even in the most difficult conditions;
  • stability on descent;
  • do not require lubrication of the sliding surface;
  • a special zone that allows you to move in a classic manner without using ointment;
  • the nose of the ski does not break, as in wooden models;
  • suitable for beginners.

  • not always available in the retail chain due to increased demand for the model;
  • low rigidity.

Features of Atomic Motion 52 Grip

  • short and long walks in nature in different conditions.

Characteristics of Atomic Motion 52 Grip

  • toe – 52 mm, waist – 47 mm, heel – 49 mm;
  • size – 177-205 cm;
  • weight – 1.14 kg (177 cm);
  • material – plastic, composite materials, wood;
  • Grip and NowaxGlide G2 Syncro clutch technology;
  • sliding surface – BI 1500 + Universal grinding;
  • lubrication system – Nowax system;
  • fastening mechanism – NIS;
  • 3D Touring profile with lightweight toe and heel.

  • without fastenings;
  • without a platform for fastenings.
  • Auto Universal ski bindings;
  • ski bag Nordic 3;
  • Velcro for transportation;
  • boot bag;
  • boots for NNN bindings;
  • Ski poles Motion Lite Grey.

Review of the Rossignol X-IUM Skating WCS model

Skate-style model for professional skiers from the French company Rossignol.

Produced at the factory of the same name in France (pre-Cup model X-IUM) or in Spain (top X-IUM WCS) with three profile options (S1 - frost, S2 - universal, S3 - wet snow).

The pre-Cup professional model and the top model differ in weight (the first for 186 cm is 20 g lighter). On models manufactured in Spain, a pre-Cup signature structure can be applied to order.

  • increased rigidity;
  • suitable for heavy skiers (up to 110 kg in size 192);
  • possibility of selecting individual rigidity with marking of the customer’s name;
  • Light weight thanks to Nomex honeycomb core;
  • universal profile S2 for all temperatures and snow conditions;
  • low block and average length of the contact zone with snow;
  • resistance to torsion;
  • excellent stability;
  • longitudinal adjustment of the fastening relative to the center;
  • stability technologies ActiveCap, SupraEdge, making skis predictable;
  • NIS fastening mechanism – easy to install and adjust.

  • limited edition, the pre-Cup model can only be purchased upon order;
  • high price.

Features of Rossignol X-IUM Skating WCS

  • professional skating races in any weather.
  • geometry – 40-44-43-43 mm;
  • size – 173-192 cm;
  • weight – 1100g (186 cm);
  • sliding surface – K7000, universal with double groove for more stable directional stability;
  • core – lightweight Nomex honeycomb with a fiberglass shell and thin wood walls;
  • gender – unisex;
  • type of skating – skating;
  • material – composite, high molecular weight polyethylene with low friction coefficient, 3D Carbon Profile;
  • colors – red-black.

  • without fastenings.

Accessories from Rossignol

  • mounts – X-Celerator SSR NIS, X-Celerator Skate NIS;
  • ski poles XT 700;
  • Rossignol X-IUM Carbon Premium ski skating boots;
  • ski bag;
  • boot bag;
  • Velcro for transportation.

Designed for professional athletes. All innovative developments appear in this group. They are also called the top or top model. Professional skis undergo the strictest step-by-step manufacturing control.

Models for professional skiers are made to order and marked with the athlete's name and surname. The cost is in the highest price category. Their task is to help achieve maximum results and victories in competitions at various levels.

Professional model from the Norwegian manufacturer Madshus for skating. Appeared in the 2014-2015 collection, and came out with an updated design in 2015-2016.

It differs from models of other well-known brands in the absence of a core with a honeycomb structure. Instead, PR 100X Acryl core polyurethane foam is used, which makes the ski a little lighter and stronger than models with a honeycomb core.

  • high strength of the model (consists of a carbon fiber stocking, impregnated with resin and filled with foam);
  • additional torsional rigidity obtained by applying two additional layers of carbon fiber;
  • suitable for ski tracks with dense and freshly fallen snow;
  • unique 3D design that provides excellent sliding due to the side cutout;
  • high torsional rigidity;
  • ideally selected stiffness diagram and geometry ensuring effective force transfer;
  • possibility of applying the structure under special weather conditions (D5 – for warm universal from +1 to -10°С and D4 – cold universal);
  • NIS platform - quick installation, no drilling required, and easy to move back and forth across the ski as weather conditions change.

  • high price;
  • skis with a specific structure are made to order in Norway;
  • require correct installation of fasteners.

Features of Madshus Race Champion Nanosonic Carbon Skate

  • world-class skating competitions.

  • toe – 44 mm, waist – 43 mm, heel – 44 mm;
  • size – 175-195 cm (in increments of 5 cm);
  • weight – 1000 g (190 cm);
  • gender – unisex;
  • level of training – professional;
  • deflection under the weight of the skier is average;
  • fastenings – NIS7;
  • core – PR 100X (multi-layer carbon construction);
  • sliding surface – P190 Nano Cold without notches.

  • without fastenings.

Accessories from Madshus

  • X-Celerator Skate NIS mounts;
  • Ski strap cuffs Red;
  • ski boots Nano Skc, Champion Nano Carbon Classic;
  • Nano Carbon ski poles;
  • boot bag;
  • ski bag;
  • Race Hat Red.

Produced for amateurs skiing along rough roads. This type is also called a mass version of cross-country skiing for people who prefer an active lifestyle.

For the manufacture of professional models, more expensive innovative materials are used than for all-purpose skis, so they are lighter in weight. Correctly matched to the user's weight all-mountain skis can serve for many years.

Universal skis for amateurs and athletes, allowing skating and classic skiing in any weather. They have a special side cutout geometry that helps you gain skating skills with any stroke.

Products of the Austrian brand Fischer are produced in Ukraine.

  • professional racing level sliding surface;
  • lightweight core, which reduces the weight of the skis and allows skiing in any weather;
  • versatility - skating and classic skating;
  • special geometry of the side cutout, facilitating the development of skating techniques;
  • NIS fastening system – quick installation without drilling and adjustment;
  • affordable price.

  • more heavy weight(average 1.5 kg) than professional models (average 1 kg);
  • must be stored in a dry place at room temperature away from heat sources.

Features of the Racing Fischer SC Combi NIS 2017

  • cross-country skiing in any weather;
  • Skating and classic style.

  • toe – 41, waist – 44 mm, heel – 44 mm;
  • size – 182-202 cm;
  • weight – 1380 g (182 cm);
  • fastening type – NIS;
  • rigidity – high;
  • gender – unisex;
  • material – wood, composite materials;
  • edgings – Power Layer 0.2 mm thick along the entire length, made of ultra-light laminate, reinforcing the structure and guaranteeing the necessary torsional rigidity;
  • core – lightweight with Air Channel Basalight basalt fibers, maintaining the same rigidity at different temperatures;