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Which channel has morning exercises? How to train yourself to do morning exercises: sets of exercises. Exercise for losing weight in arms, legs and abdomen, as well as for a beautiful breast shape

Every day over a billion people gather in front of their television screens. This is a quarter of the planet's population. The “disease of the century” - physical inactivity - has found another source - “television mania”, an ailment that affects both adults and children.

It would seem that what’s wrong with a cozy, calm sitting in front of the TV? Many people seriously believe that this is a wonderful form of relaxation, relaxation. In fact, excessive passion for television shows increases emotional tension, impairs sleep, and reduces performance.

But you can’t do without a TV now. He is part of modern culture, an invaluable source of information, which it would be ridiculous to lose.

But there is a way out. While looking at the TV screen, you can study at the same time exercise. They are simple, do not interfere with the perception of the TV program, but at the same time relieve emotional stress. For classes, you need a regular, stable chair with a straight back. You need to sit on it without slouching, straightening your back and turning your shoulders. Fitness equipment purchased in a store are also suitable: a grace disk, a gymnastic roller, an exercise bike, expanders; you can also use weights: weights of various weights, dumbbells.

The proposed set of exercises promotes the development of flexibility, physical strength, improves coordination of movements, posture, and has a beneficial effect on overall well-being.

Exercise 1. Sitting on a chair, hands on your belt, shoulders turned, heels raised, without lifting your toes from the floor.

Exercise 2. Sitting on a chair, spread your arms to the sides and then touch your palms above your head. You can make cotton.

Exercise 3. Sitting on a chair with your hands on your belt, tilt your torso to the right and left.

Exercise 4. Sitting on the edge of a chair, rest your hands on the seat behind you, straighten your legs, lifting your torso, resting on your heels and hands.

Exercise 5. Sitting on the edge of a chair, hold the front edge of the seat with your hands and try to sit down in front of the chair as low as possible.

Exercise 6. Sitting on a chair, put your feet apart, hands on your belt. Raise your arms up and straighten your legs at the knee joints - inhale. Return to the starting position - exhale.

Exercise 7. Sitting on the edge of a chair and holding the front edge of the seat with your hands, squat on one leg, straightening and holding the other in weight.

Exercise 8. Sitting on a chair, take hold of the sides of the seat and do circular movements legs, as when riding a bicycle.

Exercise 9. Sitting on a chair, hands on the belt, alternately raising one or the other straight leg.

Exercise 10. This exercise is done with a ball. Sitting on a chair and holding the seat with your hands, grab the ball with your feet and, straightening your legs at the knee joints, lift it higher.

Exercise 11. Sitting on a chair, alternately roll the sole of the foot tennis ball.

Exercise 12. Sitting on a chair, grab a tennis ball with your feet and move it to the right and then to the left.

Exercise 13. Sitting on a chair, grab a thick pencil with the toes of your right foot and move it to the right. Then they are captured again and returned to their place. Then they do the same with their left foot to the left.

Each exercise is performed 10-12 times. Breathing is free. The movements are smooth, without jerking, they begin at a slow pace.

Before gymnastics, be sure to ventilate the room. Naturally, doing gymnastics in front of the TV in no way replaces walking fresh air, physical education classes.

Gymnastics in front of the TV

Of course, everyone knows that you shouldn’t sit in front of the TV all evening, but let’s be honest! – it doesn’t happen to anyone: either a good entertainment program or a favorite TV series – well, how can you tear yourself away from the screen. And then - my legs went numb, my neck couldn’t turn, and my lower back hurt...

I recommend that diligent TV viewers do not waste time and during commercial breaks, warm up properly, do several exercises, without getting up from the sofa or chair in which they are so comfortably seated in front of the blue screen (Fig. 55).

Rice. 55. Gymnastics in front of the TV

1. Move to the edge of the chair or sofa, straighten your back, rest your straight arms on the edge of the chair or sofa you are sitting on, stretch your legs forward and stretch well.

2. Bend your legs at the knee joints, raise your arms up and stretch well again.

3. Place your hands on your shoulders and perform circular movements in the shoulder joints with maximum amplitude. Repeat 3-7 times forward and the same number back.

4. Tilt your head first to the left, then to the right, trying to reach your shoulder with your ear. Repeat 4-8 times in each direction.

5. On the sofa, lie on your stomach, clasp your ankles with your hands, bent at the knees. Try to raise your legs as high as possible, then relax. Repeat 3-4 times.

6. Turn over onto your back, lift your straight legs up and do a stand on your shoulder blades (“birch”), then, smoothly lowering your legs, try to touch your toes to the sofa behind your head. Slowly return to i.p. and relax. Repeat 2-3 times.

7. Stand up and rest your hands on the armrest of the sofa. Raise your legs bent at the knees one at a time so that your head touches your knee. Repeat 3-6 times with each leg.

And finally, some tips:

Do not get carried away by watching television programs - this causes long-term fatigue of the eye muscles.

Remember that the distance to the TV screen should be at least 2.5–3 m.

Watch TV under even lighting so that your eyes don't experience a sudden transition from the brightly lit screen to the surrounding darkness.

For lighting, do not use a table lamp or floor lamp; It is also undesirable for the light source to be located opposite the eyes or reflected from the TV screen.

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Thirty years ago, “Rhythmic Gymnastics” was first shown on Soviet Central Television. The effect was incredible - the program did not just destroy the stereotypes and traditions of strictly Soviet television. The fashion for living in disco style began.

"Light, rhythmic music is playing. You are in a good mood. You feel a surge of strength. Get ready!" - it seems that no one was ready for such a charge on Central Television in the Soviet Union. The very first releases of gymnastics in a disco rhythm attracted the whole country to the screen. Still would! Fashionable movements and catchy music instead of the usual physical education from a radio speaker.

Those who weren't involved just watched. After all, it turned out that Soviet women could be liberated. The foreign name "Aerobics" was replaced out of harm's way with something closer to the Soviet ear - "Rhythmic gymnastics". It all started with walking around Moscow on foreign videotapes with exercises from the Hollywood star Jane Fonda.

“The whole world went crazy because there was aerobics. Then we decided to create our own direction. We agreed with the Institute of Physical Education, they prepared a complex for us, approved it in medical institutions,” recalls Chief Editor main editorial office sports programs State Television and Radio of the USSR in 1973-1991 Alexander Ivanitsky

Almost 30 years later, former gymnast and presenter of one of the shows, Natalya Efremova, performs those same movements with the same ease. He still remembers his complex. She still keeps the letters that came in bags to the editors of sports programs.

“The letters came from the most basic of two sources. This was the Soviet army and the zone. From prison, accordingly, they promised to improve, they invited them to marry. From the army, they simply said that for excellent behavior they were awarded by watching a TV program, fell in love, liked it,” - she says.

European champion figure skating Igor Bobrin became the first male leader of Soviet aerobics. He was the first to leave the television center studio, where previous episodes were filmed, and perform gymnastics outdoors. The non-lifting cameras were moved directly into the park. Filming dragged on for several days and lasted for days.

“After filming, I came and just fell on the bed, because everything hurt. And my wife Natasha Bestemyanova was already doing the fund system, but when she tried to perform our aerobics, she collapsed halfway through the program,” he says.

By the end of the 80s, the entire country was subordinate to the assertive commands of graceful presenters. Exercises are published in newspapers, heroes of Soviet films do aerobics. A vinyl record with rhythmic music is being released so that you can study not only three times a week when the program is on. This disc is considered the best gift for March 8th.

Issues of rhythmic gymnastics were even recorded on cassettes. They were often revised and then kept at home for a long time. In six years, 12 programs were released, and some families can still find the entire collection on their shelves.

The movements of favorite episodes were learned by heart and every morning began with musical exercises. And even if it’s not easy to remember everything at first, the presenters’ tips and, of course, the music will make anyone feel the rhythm.

Feeling pleasantly tired and Have a good mood gives us Rhythmic gymnastics. Try not to miss our classes. All the best!

A set of exercises for weight loss

"Individual television gymnastics"

Set of exercises "Television gymnastics"- this is not at all the gymnastics that is shown on TV, these are exercises that you can do without looking up from watching your favorite TV show.

Why is this kind of gymnastics needed? This set of exercises is necessary for you to train, lose excess weight, improved their figure and strengthened their health without spending extra time on it, and also in order to doing the exercises was easy and simple for you, since physical activity is always much easier to endure when you are distracted by something.

With the help of a set of television gymnastics exercises, your muscles will become toned, and as soon as this happens, they will begin to intensively burn fat. As a result you will lose weight with health benefits. At the same time, muscle volume will not increase, but the figure will become toned, and the skin will be smooth and will not sag, as happens when losing weight through strict diets.

The set of television gymnastics exercises includes mainly static exercises that give maximum effect losing weight for a short time .

Television gymnastics is a complex of home static exercises for weight loss, which can be done while sitting or lying in front of the TV. You can start training right today by reading and remembering just a few simple exercises.

Important note! While doing the exercises, try not to pay attention to physical activity, do not be distracted from watching TV. Over time, you will get used to it and will exercise and lose excess weight, not only without wasting time, but also without the negative feelings that usually accompany exercise.

The set of exercises “Individual television gymnastics” is designed for one month and consists of three parts - for those who watch TV while sitting, and two parts - for those who watch TV while lying down. If for some reason you were unable to perform the exercises for one or even several days, it’s okay, continue training using of this complex exercises in accordance with the current ten days of the month.

The daily set of exercises is designed to be performed during a standard television program lasting one hour, divided into 15-minute blocks with commercial breaks, the duration of which is 5 minutes. If the transmission lasts more than an hour, continue to perform the exercises in the same order or stop training after an hour. Exercising for one hour a day is enough to get the necessary physical activity and start losing weight quickly.

A set of exercises for those who watch TV while sitting

First ten days of the month

While sitting in front of the TV and watching your favorite show or TV series, raise one leg so that your foot is 10 to 15 centimeters above the floor. The leg can be bent at the knee or straightened. The more the leg is straightened, the greater the load on the muscles.
The angle at which you bend your leg when performing this exercise can be changed by smoothly straightening and bending your leg. Keep your leg elevated as long as you can, then lift the other leg and continue until the commercial break on your TV show. During the commercial break, put your feet down and rest. You can get up and walk around.
Over time, when your muscles are trained, you will be able to perform this exercise without much effort.
Doing this exercise trains the muscles in the front of the thigh and abdominals, burns fat on the legs and abdomen, making the stomach toned and legs slender, eliminates circulatory disorders in the legs and pelvis, strengthens the heart and the cardiovascular system in general, and helps get rid of back pain.

Exercise for losing weight in the arms and stomach, as well as strengthening the chest muscles

While watching a TV show, place both hands on your knees and forcefully press your hands down on your knees. Maintain the effort until the commercial break. When performing this exercise, some muscles may tremble, do not attach any importance to this - this is normal. If it’s still difficult for you to maintain the pressure until the commercial break, let’s rest alternately with one hand and then the other, but still strive to maintain the pressure with both hands until the commercial break.
Over time, when your muscles are sufficiently trained, you will be able to do this without much effort.
Performing this exercise allows you to effectively train the muscles of the arms, chest, abdominals, make your arms beautiful, your stomach toned, strengthen men and achieve beautiful relief pectoral muscles, and for women, they can also raise their bust a little without plastic surgery or surgery.

Exercise for losing weight on arms, back and neck

To perform this exercise, place your hands behind your head at the back of your head and press forward while resisting the pressure with your neck muscles, so that your head is in one position. Hold the tension until the commercial break. Do not apply too much force to avoid damaging the cervical vertebrae - moderate pressure is sufficient for training. Periodically, release the pressure for a short period of time, allowing the muscles to rest.
The exercise trains and tones the muscles of the arms, neck and back, burns fat in the neck, and helps eliminate pain in the neck. cervical spine spine and helps prevent their occurrence.

Exercise for losing weight on legs and buttocks

While watching a TV show, sit close to the edge of a chair or armchair and tense your leg muscles as if you want to stand up. Hold the muscle tension as long as you can. Periodically relax your muscles and rest, but try to pause as little as possible between muscle tension and relaxation. Do the exercise before the commercial break.
This exercise trains the muscles of the legs and buttocks, tones them and makes them burn fat intensively, which helps your legs become slender and your buttocks toned and firm.

Second ten days of the month

Exercise for losing weight on legs and abdomen

While watching a TV show while sitting, lift your feet off the floor, clasp them together and pull them in opposite directions. Maintain muscle tension until the commercial break. If you find it difficult to keep your feet balanced while performing this exercise, you can lift them off the floor for only a short time. Relax your muscles periodically, but try to reduce the rest time and maintain muscle tension for as long as possible. During the commercial break, allow your leg muscles to relax, stand up and walk around a bit.

The exercise intensively trains and tones the abdominal and leg muscles, burns fat on the stomach and legs, makes the stomach toned and legs slender.

Exercise for losing weight in arms, legs and abdomen, as well as for a beautiful breast shape

While watching a TV show while sitting, place your hands on your knees outside legs Press your hands on your knees as if you want to move them inward. At the same time, tense your leg muscles and push your knees into your hands so that these movements compensate each other. When performing this exercise, some muscles may tremble - do not pay attention to this. Do the exercise before the commercial break.

This exercise perfectly trains the muscle groups of the arms, legs, abdomen, chest and back at the same time, allowing you to make your stomach toned, your legs slim, and your chest beautiful.

Exercise for losing weight buttocks

Third ten days of the month

Exercise for losing weight on legs, back, arms and abdomen

While watching a TV show, place your hands on inner side knees Press down with your hands as if you were trying to push your knees apart. At the same time, tense your leg muscles as if you were trying to bring your knees together. Compensate both movements with muscle tension.

The exercise simultaneously effectively trains and tones the muscles of the arms, legs, abdomen and back. A large volume of working muscles intensively burns fat and allows you to achieve rapid weight loss.

Exercise to quickly lose belly fat

This concludes the month-long course of training in a sitting position. Over the next month, the intensity of the load can be slightly reduced, since during daily training your muscles have become toned and are already intensively burning fat in all areas of your body. Next, you just need to maintain muscle tone by performing low-intensity exercises to lose weight to the size you need.

A set of exercises for losing weight for those who watch TV while lying down

In the first half of the month, do the following exercises:

Exercise for losing weight on legs and abdomen

You watch TV while lying on your back, for example, on a sofa. To see what is happening on the screen, place a pillow under your head. Without being distracted from watching a TV show, lift one leg up 10-15 cm from the surface of the sofa. Periodically bend and straighten your leg. When your leg gets tired, do the same exercise with the other leg. Do the exercise before the commercial break on the TV show. During the commercial break, put your feet down and rest. You can get up and walk around. Over time, when your muscles are sufficiently trained, you will be able to perform this exercise without much effort. Exercise trains the muscles of the legs and abdominals, helps burn fat, makes the stomach toned and helps get rid of back pain.

Exercise for losing weight in the arms and abdomen, plus strengthening the chest muscles

Exercise for losing belly fat

Exercise for slimming thighs

In the second half of the month, do the following exercises:

Exercise for losing weight on the stomach and legs

Exercise for slimming your arms and strengthening your chest muscles

Lying on your back and watching a TV show, take a two-liter plastic bottle filled with water in one hand, extend your arm along your body and lift it to the side, lifting the bottle 15-20 cm. Hold this position until your muscles get tired. Then, using your hand, rotate the bottle 90 degrees. If you feel tired, turn your hand with the bottle another 90 degrees. When the muscles get tired again, perform the exercise with the other hand. You can lower the bottle periodically, but try not to do this too often. Do the exercise before the commercial break.
Using a plastic water bottle is preferable to dumbbells because this container avoids possible injury and damage to furniture if you drop it.

The exercise trains the muscles of the arms and chest, making the arms beautiful.

Exercise for losing weight on legs and abdomen

Lying on your back, without interrupting your TV viewing, extend your arms along your body and lift both legs a few centimeters up. This exercise is quite difficult to perform, it will be difficult for you to hold your legs in this position for a long time, therefore, if you feel tired, periodically lower your legs and rest, but try not to delay the rest for too long. To reduce the load, your legs can be bent at the knees from time to time (they should be raised from the surface). To achieve maximum load, place your hands under your head and straighten your legs. Do the exercise before the commercial break.

The exercise perfectly trains the abdominal muscles, intensively burns fat on the stomach and legs, allows you to make your stomach flat and your legs beautiful and slender..