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Leg platform exercise machine what muscles work. Perform single leg presses for the buttocks and hamstrings. What muscles work in the leg press in the simulator?

In order to get the maximum bonus from visiting the gym, you need to know the technique of doing the exercises and stick to it. One of the most popular exercises– leg press on the machine. It simulates squats and fully engages calf muscles. If done correctly, then slender legs and a toned butt will be guaranteed.

Unit design

The leg press machine consists of several parts assembled into a stable structure. The main working parts of the simulator are a platform for pressing, a seat with a backrest and supports for canopies. Let's look at each of them.

  1. Press platform– the main part that will work mechanically in the exercise. The platform comes in several types depending on the manufacturer. Some platforms are made entirely of iron, while others have rubberized stickers on the platform so that your feet can be placed comfortably and not slip. At the same time, the execution of the exercise does not suffer at all from the surface of the platform - when the correct bench press feet don't slip. The weight of the platform is 25 kilograms. In addition to your own weight, you can add canopies, “pancakes”, from 5 to 25 kilograms to the simulator. Thus, the weight of the platform can be doubled. Particularly trained athletes can lift more, but for beginners this is not recommended so as not to injure the muscles and spine.
  2. Seat with backrest– made of fairly soft material, but the back does not fall back. The seat is adjustable in length, its headrest can also change its position. Some companies do not make the seat, but modify it as a back support, which is not always convenient for performing the exercise.
  3. Support for awnings– is a bar protruding on both sides of the machine, where additional kilograms are hung. Usually they do not have a clamp, but it can be added from other simulators.

What muscles are involved?

The leg press is an exercise that almost everyone does. It's rare that any girl doesn't want to have Beautiful legs, and the guys even do bench presses to prepare their legs for strength exercises, otherwise you can break your back. This is all because the bench press involves the main muscles of the legs:

  • quadriceps;
  • tibialis anterior;
  • peroneus longus;
  • soleus muscle;
  • big gluteal muscle.

The main load when performing the exercise falls on the quadriceps and gluteus maximus muscles, however, when changing the position of the legs on the platform, the work of other muscles will also increase.

Exercise technique

Compliance with the technique of performing the leg press, like any other exercise, is half the success. This is especially important for beginners who, not knowing the capabilities of their body, want to do as experienced athletes do. So, the correct execution technique consists of the following points:

  • Equip the simulator with additional canopies if necessary.(for beginners, the weight of the platform is enough).
  • Position your torso on the machine seat in the correct position– your back is pressed against the seat, your head is on the headrest, your legs are placed in the slightly bent position chosen on the platform. In this case, the knees and feet should be parallel to each other. This is a mandatory condition in the leg press, which many gym visitors violate.
  • With your back slightly resting on the seat and your feet on the platform, lift it up and remove the locks, which are under the arms near the seat.
  • In the starting position, the legs should bring the platform to its maximum height. However, there are several differing opinions among fitness and bodybuilding trainers. One part of the trainers advises to fully straighten your legs, the other part - to leave them slightly bent position. This is important for both beginners and those who have had kneecap injuries, joint problems, etc.
  • Next, slowly lower the platform to the level where your legs cannot bend at an angle of 90 degrees. At the same time, the muscles are tense, the angle should not shake, the hips are slightly apart to the outside.
  • Having held your legs in this position for several seconds, the reverse work occurs - pushing the platform up. Ejection should also occur slowly, smoothly, without jerking or straining. When performing all stages of the exercise, it is important to remember about the back - it should not be felt at all, otherwise the spine can be displaced, but if the muscles are felt lower press

, then this is an additional bonus that is acquired when doing the leg press.

Important points to pay attention to

The technique of any exercise has its secrets that will help you avoid injury and achieve the desired results. The leg press is no exception. So, consider a few important points that will help when performing the press.

  • Your feet should be firmly pressed against the platform to reduce the load on the spine. If the entire foot is not under control, take a break and be distracted by another exercise. Start only when you are focused on your feet;
  • The platform is squeezed out with the heels. There is no need to overpower yourself and press your fingers into the platform - this will do nothing but harm. Proper execution exercises - support with the foot, and press with the heel, then it will become much easier to do it;
  • The knees are directed parallel to the feet. When the hips deviate outward or inward, the quadriceps does not work and smaller muscles become tense;
  • By lowering the platform, you need to move towards the ideal - ninety degrees of bend at the knee. But if your legs are not yet holding the platform in this position, you should not continue, because The depth of the bench press is very individual. And if the neighbor in the hall did this exercise correctly, this does not mean that everyone can do it. After a few practices, you can achieve the correct position without effort;
  • Try to get double the benefits from the simulator– when squeezing the platform upward, tense the muscles of your lower abs – this is a great way to pump them up;
  • Keep your head on the headrest and do not lift it, do not talk to other visitors to the hall, do not turn around at the noise - stay focused on the exercise;
  • Proper breathing will help make leg presses easier. It is difficult to establish breathing the first time you perform a bench press - gym goers are so focused on squeezing the platform that they forget to breathe altogether. It is important to remember that oxygen plays a key role in the body, and during physical activity it is doubly necessary. Therefore, you need to accustom yourself to such a rhythm - when squeezing the platform, you exhale, and when lowering, you inhale;
  • The under-seat grab handles aren't designed to be forgotten. When pressing with your hands, you need to tightly squeeze the handrails, which will relieve the lower back;
  • Try to go through the entire amplitude. Even if it becomes difficult, and you don’t have the strength to squeeze the platform, it is better to break the exercise into more approaches with fewer repetitions, but do these approaches with high quality;
  • It is better to start the bench press without canopies, idle. After the muscles get used to the weight of the platform itself, then you can add kilograms;
  • If you feel that your strength is on the verge and you can no longer squeeze the platform, do not throw it suddenly. Smoothly lower the platform, bend the lock and the platform will return to its original position. Otherwise, you can injure your legs, even if the lock of the machine is bent.

Benefits of the Leg Press

The leg press has many benefits, thanks to which almost everyone does this exercise - both girls and boys. We list the main advantages of these:

  1. the ability to work various muscles by shifting your legs on the platform;
  2. the absence of axial load on the spine makes the exercise possible even for those who are not pumped up muscle corset(weak back);
  3. During the leg press, a large number of calories are burned;
  4. increased metabolism;
  5. improved functioning of the genital area (due to blood flow to the pelvic organs).

Comparing the Bench Press with the Barbell Squat

Most bodybuilding experts note that both bench press and squats with a barbell produce a similar effect - when they are performed, the muscles of the legs, buttocks and lower abs are worked out. That is why for strong athletes these two exercises are placed in a superset. However, there is a fundamental difference between them:

  • when pressing legs, the back practically does not work, all the main work falls on the quadriceps;
  • when pressing the legs, the athlete does not need special training - most beginners quickly and efficiently perform this exercise;
  • while performing a bench press, it is possible to change the position of the legs and specifically work a specific muscle, and squats affect all muscles of the legs;
  • squats with a barbell are contraindicated for those who have back injuries;
  • During the bench press, the body does not need to maintain balance, and during the squat, the body is fully tense for stabilization.

Variations of the exercise

To make the exercise more effective, it needs to be updated from time to time. Otherwise, the body will simply reach its peak in performing the bench press, get used to it, and muscle growth will stop there. To prevent this from happening, you can make a few adjustments to your leg press:

  • Changing the position of the legs on the platform will allow you to pump different muscles, alternately loading one or the other.
  • The feet can be placed in the center parallel to the platform, parallel to the edges of the platform, in the center with the toes pointed out and the heels tucked together. Already in this case, doing the bench press will give the best result; For example, if you sat down, you used to do 20 lifts in three sets, but now you can do five repetitions, but ten times. This will also prevent the muscles from getting used to the load.
  • Hanging different weights - you need to increase the weight gradually, but when we reach the maximum we will stop and stop developing the muscles further.

In this case, you can play with pancakes - give 30 kilograms three times in the first week, and 5 kilograms each in the next week.

How to increase the effectiveness of classes

  • To increase the effectiveness of the exercise, you can do a few tricks that will make your muscles work better and build muscle mass: The basis of any sport is.
  • It is with sufficient consumption of protein foods that muscles will begin to grow and strengthen. Otherwise, the training will be in vain; Changing the angle of the platform will also increase the effectiveness of training
  • , since there is a greater load than at 45 degrees. Unfortunately, the function of changing the angle of the platform is not available on all simulators;
  • Hold the platform at the highest point for 3 seconds; The single leg press will definitely enhance your exercise experience.

, especially at the end of the workout. This exercise is not suitable for everyone, but it is definitely worth trying to increase the effectiveness of the press.

Option for girls

  • If guys can perform leg presses with a lot of weight and number of times in one approach, then girls should be careful here. You don’t need to stand on par with a pumped-up bodybuilder and repeat the bench press after him - it’s important to choose an individual pace and follow it. Here are some tips on how to do bench presses for girls: Don't add heavy weight
  • . In addition to the weight of the platform, you can add no more than thirty kilograms, and the number of repetitions should not exceed twenty;
  • Change the position of your feet on the platform. This will allow you not so much to pump up your quadriceps, but to tidy up all the leg muscles as a whole and make your legs attractive;

Pay special attention to the gluteal muscle, which will help make your butt firm.

The leg press is a basic exercise, as it involves several muscle groups. First of all, these are the muscles of the thighs and buttocks. The design of the simulator allows movement along a given trajectory. This makes the exercise suitable for beginners. In addition, when performing bench presses in the simulator, there is no axial load on the spine. This makes it suitable even for people with back problems where squats are prohibited.

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Working muscles

When performing a bench press, the muscles of the front (quadriceps) and back (femoral biceps) surfaces of the legs, as well as the buttocks, work.

This exercise is performed in a special simulator. It consists of a backrest and a platform, which is located at an angle of 45 degrees to the floor. Pancakes are used as weights.

Leg press machine

The press is similar to a squat because the legs are bent at the knees. The same muscles are involved in the work, but in the simulator the trajectory of movement is set, and the upper body is fixed. This allows you to do the exercise even for people with back problems, when squats are prohibited due to the axial load on the spine.

In addition, in the bench press you can lift much more weight and build muscle faster. But it is worth saying that squats contribute to a stronger release of testosterone, which is responsible for the growth of muscle mass. In addition, they strengthen the core muscles, developing the entire body.

Depending on the technique of doing the leg press, you can use the quadriceps or glutes to a greater extent.

Girls usually want to pump up their butt without increasing their hips. Therefore, they are advised to use a wide stance.

Technique with emphasis on the buttocks

The vector of load on certain muscles in the bench press will depend on the placement of the feet on the platform of the simulator. If you place them high and wide apart, the emphasis will shift to the buttocks, inner and back surface of the thigh. Narrow staging

with the low position of the legs on the platform promotes the development of quadriceps.

Ways to place your feet on the platform

For women, the first option is preferable. The execution technique in this case will have its own characteristics. First you need to adjust the machine correctly. Depending on the model, you can move the bench or platform (or both). The main thing is that the legs in the starting position reach the platform and remain slightly bent at the knees.

  1. Further actions:
  2. 1. You need to hang the desired weight and lie down on the machine bench. The lower back should be pressed tightly against the back. 2. Feet should be placed on the platform as high as possible. Tall people
  3. 3. Having taken this position, you need to slightly squeeze the platform at the top and turn the stoppers with your palms, removing the lock. Your legs should remain slightly bent at the knees. You need to hold on to the side handles with your hands, pressing yourself tightly to the machine bench.
  4. 4. After this, you should lower the platform slowly and under control, bending your legs. It is very important to ensure that your knees do not bend inward. Otherwise, the load will move from the target muscles to the knee joints.
  5. 5. Under no circumstances should you drop the weight suddenly. The platform needs to be lowered quite deeply, which allows you to wide stance. The end point will be when your lower back begins to lift off the bench. This should not be allowed.
  6. 6. As you exhale, you need to powerfully squeeze the platform, resting your entire foot on it. If you press only with your toes, the entire load will go to the quadriceps. At the top, you do not need to fully extend your knees, as this is harmful to the knee joints.

Leg press with emphasis on the buttocks

After completing the approach, you need to turn the stoppers with your hands, blocking the platform.

Throughout the entire exercise, your feet should rest firmly on the platform. If they slip, the weight will fall on the athlete, causing injury. To prevent this from happening, you should not take too much weight.

Sets and reps

The number of sets and repetitions will vary for different people. If your goal is to gain muscle mass and enlarge your buttocks, you need to do 3 sets of 8–10 times.

In this case, the weight should be such that the last repetitions are difficult. But this should not affect the correct execution technique.

If you need to burn excess fat and strengthen your muscles, you should perform the exercise in 3-4 sets of 12-15 repetitions.

The press should be done during leg training after squats or instead of them, if there are appropriate contraindications. Such classes should be carried out 1-2 times a week. Breaks are necessary for muscle recovery.

How to quickly pump up your legs at home and in the gym - a ready-made training program

Types of leg press

In addition to the presented embodiment, there are other types of leg press.

With their help, you can diversify your training program and better feel the target muscles.

One leg

An effective exercise for working the gluteal muscles and hamstrings is the one-leg press. It is performed in the same simulator.

The difference with the standard version will be that you only need to put one foot on the platform. The second one should be left on the floor. When lowering the platform, it is important to ensure that it does not touch the knee of the standing leg.

In this exercise, you do not need to place your foot on the very edge of the platform. The foot should stand high, but closer to the middle than in the classic version.

Single leg press

In addition, you will have to install less weight. The rest of the execution technique will be similar.

This exercise is not aimed at increasing muscles, but at working them out in detail. In addition, with its help you can get rid of imbalances in the development of the legs.

With rubber band

Many girls complain that even when performing leg presses with the technique described above, they feel more in their quadriceps than in their buttocks. In this case, in order not to swing your hips, you can use rubber band for fitness. This option will allow you to direct the load on the gluteal muscles.

The tape should be worn above the knees. When lowering the platform and spreading the knees, the muscles will have to overcome additional resistance. But in this case you will have to make sure that they do not move inward.

Leg press with rubber band

With this embodiment, the gluteus medius muscles receive the greatest load. Their development is very important as they make the butt round at the back, helping to get rid of the dimples on the sides.

On the street trainer

If you can’t go to the gym, you can replace a regular exercise machine with an outdoor one. It can be installed on sports grounds near residential buildings or in public stadiums.

Unlike a standard simulator, there is no moving platform. The feet are placed on special supports from which you need to push off, straightening your legs. As a result of the push, the seat of the exercise machine moves back.

Leg press in a street machine

The movement should be smooth, without jerking. To protect your joints, do not fully extend your knees.

And a little about secrets...

The story of one of our readers Alina R.:

I was especially depressed about my weight. I gained a lot, after pregnancy I weighed as much as 3 sumo wrestlers together, namely 92 kg with a height of 165. I thought the belly would go away after giving birth, but no, on the contrary, I began to gain weight. How to cope with hormonal changes and obesity? But nothing disfigures or makes a person look younger than his figure. In my 20s, I first learned that fat girls they call it “WOMAN” and that “they don’t make these sizes.” Then at the age of 29, divorce from my husband and depression...

But what can you do to lose weight? Laser liposuction surgery? I found out - no less than 5 thousand dollars. Hardware procedures - LPG massage, cavitation, RF lifting, myostimulation? A little more affordable - the course costs from 80 thousand rubles with a nutritionist consultant. You can, of course, try to run on a treadmill until you go crazy.

And when will you find time for all this? And it's still very expensive. Especially now. That's why I chose a different method for myself...

One of the most common and popular strength training equipment for training in the gym is the leg press machine. Exercises on such devices completely replace squats with additional weight, allowing you to activate underdeveloped muscles. If you use the leg press machine correctly, you can quickly get rid of fat deposits in the thighs and make your buttocks more toned.

Design features of the simulator

The exercise machine includes a platform for placing feet, supports for canopies and a seat with a backrest. Let's take a closer look at each design element:

  1. The platform is the main component of the simulator, which is set in motion during the exercises. In some devices, this element has the form of a solid metal sheet, in others it contains slots and a lining in the form of a non-slip material. The standard weight of the leg press machine is 25 kg. If necessary, the weight of the platform can be doubled by using hanging weights. However, beginners should not immediately exercise with weights, since this solution increases the risk of spinal injury.
  2. The seat with backrest is made of dense, hypoallergenic material with elastic filling. The structural element is adjustable in length and may contain a headrest. Some manufacturers produce leg press machines without a seat. However, this embodiment is quite inconvenient for novice athletes.
  3. Supports for canopies - presented in the form of rods that are located on both sides of the simulator. Designed for the use of additional load.

What muscles are used when using the machine?

The bench press on the machine forces almost all muscles to work: quadriceps, gluteus maximus, peroneus longus, tibialis anterior, and soleus muscles.

An athlete performing a leg press horizontal trainer gives the main load on the buttocks and quadriceps area. However, changing your seating position also activates other muscle groups.

Benefits of training using a leg machine

The leg press machine has a whole host of advantages:

  1. Opens up the opportunity to work out low-active muscle groups that are not used in everyday life. To activate the latter, they resort to changing the position of the limbs on the platform.
  2. Eliminates that which is present when performing squats with additional weight. This opens up the possibility of comprehensive leg training for those who have back problems or have a poorly developed muscle corset.
  3. The seated leg press allows you to burn a huge amount of calories during a short-term workout, which helps reduce fat in the thighs and buttocks.
  4. Exercising on the simulator activates metabolic processes in the body.
  5. Thanks to blood flow to the pelvic area, the functioning of the genital organs improves.

Differences between leg press and squats

The leg press in the simulator (exercise technique) involves placing increased stress on the quadriceps. At the same time, the spine remains relaxed, which helps avoid back injuries that often occur during

Another defining difference is the ability to quickly change the position of the legs, aimed at working specific muscle groups. At the same time, squats put stress on all leg muscles at the same time, which contributes to the development of rapid fatigue.

Leg press in the simulator - technique

Only compliance correct technique performing exercises reduces the risk of injury. Let's look at the secrets that will allow you to do bench presses correctly.

To begin with, a suitable weight is installed on the simulator, which corresponds to power capabilities athlete The user sits in the simulator with his feet resting on the platform at shoulder width. The platform clamps are grabbed by hand.

The leg press in the machine (exercise technique) involves a tight fit with the buttocks and back pressed against the bench. Moving the platform away from you is performed while exhaling. The platform is not fully squeezed out. During the exercises, the knees remain slightly bent. This approach avoids damage to the joints.

The platform is lowered with a deep breath until the lower leg and thigh are in a position at right angles to each other. Finally, hold your breath for a few moments and squeeze the weight again.

How to make your leg muscles grow?

What contributes to the progressive building of muscle mass in the area lower limbs? To get noticeable results, you should focus on proper nutrition. It is the saturation of the body with an abundance of protein that makes the muscles strengthen and increase in volume. If you do not pay due attention to this moment, training will bring nothing but pain and fatigue.

The systematic use of additional weight and changing the angle of the platform can increase the effectiveness of training. Unfortunately, not all leg training machines have this functionality. Therefore, in cases where progress in training is almost invisible, it is worth using more advanced devices.

To finally consolidate the result, you can perform a one-leg press. This strategy is especially effective at the end of a workout. Not every athlete can do the exercise. However, it is still worth trying to enhance the overall effect.


As seen, strength trainer for the legs is an excellent device for complex pumping of the muscles of the lower extremities. Some athletes resort to its use, working to consolidate the result after performing squats with weights.

Regular training on the simulator allows you to increase your quadriceps in a short time, which visually makes your legs more massive. In addition, athletes have the opportunity to focus loads on certain muscle groups without risking losing your balance.

When lifting weights with legs in a reclining position, they train. Experienced athletes know how long it can take to pump them up when performing the deepest squats.

In general, when training using a machine, athletes have the opportunity to significantly isolate the load and reduce the risk of injury, even when working with increased weight.

All bodybuilder training programs include effective basic exercise- Bench leg press, which involves the ankle, knee and hip joints.

Thanks to it, you can correct the shape of your legs and buttocks by pumping up muscles, as well as get rid of fat on these parts of the body.

Bench leg press: what are the benefits and features ^

The leg press is a basic exercise performed on a machine tilted at a 45-degree angle. Visually, the athlete’s position on it looks like this: a person lies down, rests his feet on an iron platform, on the sides of which, if desired, you can hang weights, then begins to lower and raise your legs. This technique has many advantages:

  • You can work a variety of leg muscles, because... here it all depends on their position (quadriceps, inner part thighs, buttocks, abductors or adductors);
  • The spine does not experience much stress, which is important for people with back injuries or weak spinal muscles;

  • Calories are burned quickly. In 3 minutes of performing such an exercise, you can lose from 10 to 20 Kcal, but the weight used matters here: the more it is, the faster the fat burning process occurs;
  • Exercise speeds up your basal metabolism, so even after training, fat continues to be burned;
  • Unlike the squat, you can use much more weight on the bench press because... the technique in this case is much easier, and the risk of injury is practically eliminated;
  • Blood circulation in the pelvic organs is stimulated, which increases libido in men, and reduces the likelihood of diseases of the reproductive system in women.

What muscles work during the bench press?

The main muscles that receive stress during the leg press are the quadriceps, glutes and thighs. You can change the position of your legs in the simulator and focus on individual muscle groups, while the quadriceps will always be involved, but to a greater or lesser extent.

This is the main problem for girls, because... their “quads” grow the fastest, which does not always give their legs an aesthetic appearance: over time, their upper part can become noticeably larger than the lower. To prevent this from happening, you need to constantly train your legs in different positions, and then the muscles will develop evenly.

When performing a bench press, several nuances must be taken into account:

  • Which muscles will be used depends on the position of the feet on the platform;
  • You need to watch your knees: they should not go beyond the toes, otherwise the joints may be injured;
  • You cannot fully straighten your legs at the top point;
  • To begin with, you need to use light weights, and for beginners it is not recommended to hang weights on the machine for the first 2-3 sessions: you need to master and consolidate the technique.

Bench press with legs: how to do it correctly ^

Execution technique

First, let's consider the basic version of the exercise, in which the feet are located in the middle of the platform and the quadriceps are involved:

  • We lie down in the exercise machine, our back should fit tightly to it, we do not allow the pelvis to be separated from it;
  • We rest our feet on the platform so that they are shoulder width apart;
  • We grab the handles with our hands, bend our legs at a right angle;
  • As you inhale, raise your legs;
  • We repeat everything. If the goal of training is to gain mass, we use the maximum weight for 5-7 repetitions of 5 approaches. To burn fat, we increase the number of repetitions: for example, 10 times, 10 approaches with minimal rest between them (10-20 seconds), but we use medium weight.

What options for placing your feet on the platform exist:

  • Classic: feet shoulder-width apart are located in the middle of the platform, the quadriceps is loaded;
  • Press your feet into top part platforms: mainly the back muscles of the legs work;
  • Legs spread wide apart, toes pointed to the sides: loaded internal muscles hips

An example from a fat loss training program

  • We do a leg press with the classic position of the legs, then we spread our feet wider and spread our toes out to the sides, finally moving our legs to the top position for pumping back surface hips;
  • Each exercise must be alternated, doing 10 repetitions without rest, then resting for 20 seconds.

Rules for performing the lying leg press: the main mistakes of beginners

To do this exercise correctly, you need to take into account several important points, and then the risk of joint injury will be significantly reduced:

  • You can't point your knees in or out;
  • Full straightening of the legs at the top point is not allowed, especially when working with maximum weight;
  • The lower back should always be pressed tightly against the back of the seat;
  • When going up, exhale, when going down, inhale;
  • The deeper the platform goes, the more load the buttocks receive;
  • If you don’t have enough strength to lift the platform up during the last repetitions, you can help yourself with your hands: grab your knees and literally push your legs up.
  • Strengthening muscles;
  • Improving the shape of the buttocks and legs;
  • Rapid fat burning, especially in the lower body.

Rules for performing the exercise and working muscles

Lying down with your legs is aimed at working the leg muscles and inner surface hips This is a basic exercise, since the knee, ankle and hip joints. Unlike, the bench press allows you to avoid unnecessary stress on the spine.

Performing a leg press in a machine consists of: alternating flexion and leg extension under the weight of the platform - the exercise is quite difficult, energy-consuming and trains several types of muscles.

The squat, like the bench press, puts stress on the muscles of the buttocks and thighs. The exercises have a number of differences:

  1. During the press, the body is fixed on the back of the machine, so there is no need to lift your body. own weight with an apparatus - this simplifies the exercise.
  2. The press is less traumatic because the load on the back is reduced.
  3. Squats, in turn, are more effective than bench presses: they force you to work not only, but also your back, hips and stabilizer muscles.
  4. The bench press is a simpler basic exercise for properly working the quadriceps.
  5. The leg press in the simulator is loved because it does not require developed back muscles and abs. During squats, on the contrary, the body is fully involved in work, which increases stress levels and production - so muscle mass grows faster.

You shouldn’t definitely choose one exercise and abandon another. Try to combine or alternate them in a way that is convenient for you: this will definitely give a positive result.

Pressing in the simulator requires adherence to technique - this way you will achieve results faster and be able to avoid injuries. The basic rules are:

The platform leg press may seem light exercise, but there are many subtleties on which its effectiveness depends. For beginners, it is better to seek the help of a trainer.

Stop placement

The simulator allows you to focus on certain group muscles: the result depends on the position of the feet on the foot platform. There are several variations of the setting:

What muscles are trained?

The leg press on the machine trains one of the most strong muscles body and the largest muscle of the legs - quadriceps. All 4 of its parts are involved: the intermediate latissimus, rectus, medial and lateral.

Together with the quadriceps, the gluteus maximus muscle and the back of the thigh work, which includes the semitransverse, semitendinosus and biceps muscle(biceps).


The bench press is contraindicated for people with spinal diseases: these could be scoliosis, spinal hernia or radiculitis. Varicose veins and hypertension are also absolute contraindications.
You should refrain from training if you have problems with the heart or blood vessels - they require consultation with an experienced doctor. Never do leg presses if you have ligament or knee injuries.