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Slalom, giant slalom, downhill skiing. What speed does a skier develop going down the slope? The highest speed on skis

skiing one of the most widespread and popular in our country and abroad. Therefore, for many fans of this sport it will be interesting to know what the average speed of the skier is and what the maximum speed is.

Skier speed

First of all, it is important to understand What does speed on skis depend on? in racing. This is influenced by several factors.

Cross-country skiing

Cross-country skiing speed depends largely on the length and frequency of the athlete's stride.

That is, just like in running. If one of the indicators increases, but the other does not decrease, then the speed will be higher. Good riders achieve results by taking long strides.

It is also important push force. The faster the pace of the pushes, the faster the repulsion, and therefore the result in general.


If we talk about achieving a good speed mark in the slope on alpine skiing, then there are other factors. They are as follows:

  • skier's weight. The more weight, the lower the speed;
  • ski length. The longer, the higher;
  • tilt angle. Each angle of inclination has its own maximum speed, which cannot be exceeded;
  • squat You need to sit lower.

Influence of snow structure

In addition, it is important for running and mountain athletes to take into account crystalline structure of snow.

If we take into account the laws of physics, then the skier does not roll, but floats through a microlayer of water. It is formed as a result of friction between skis and snow.

This layer directly depends on the properties of the snow. The properties of snow, in turn, depend on temperature, humidity, pressure, density of ice microgranules.

The more complex the crystalline shape of snowflakes, the lower the speed of the skier, because in this case it will encounter snow adhering to the surface sports equipment. And in inverse proportion, the simpler the snowflakes, the faster they melt under the skis, the more lively the racer is.

Alpine skiing speed

The fastest sport is downhill skiing along the slope. These races are quite popular these days, but they have long story its development, since the 18th century. This is my homeland sports equipment Countries of the Scandinavian Peninsula are considered. The first competitions were held in the 1760s.

Alpine skiing o belong to the Winter Olympic events sports. But besides athletes, people can do it different ages. There are many resorts in our country where trainers will train anyone who wants to master the art of alpine skiing.

Of course, the average speed of a novice, experienced and professional skier will vary significantly.

So, amateur this winter sports with some experience will reach speed about 100 km/h. Such speed would probably frighten a beginner.

If speak about professional racers, participants Olympic Games, champions, then them with the average is 200 km/h.

Impressive, if you take into account that a car enthusiast has the right to develop a speed of 79 km/h within the city, and 119 km/h on the highway.

Speed ​​records

Of course, there is also maximum speed downhill skiing.

The maximum speed that was developed on skis belongs to an Italian athlete Simon Origon. He holds two world records.

In 2006, during the competitive season, Simon Origone reached 251 km/h. Second place went to his brother, who achieved a speed that was less than just 3 km/h.

The Italian broke his own record at a resort in France in 2014, reaching 252 km/h. He rode on the “flying kilometer” track. Here, racers reach speeds of about 200 km/h in a few seconds. To prevent the folds of clothing from creating friction, athletes wear very tight-fitting fabrics.

Ivan Origonsurpassed his brother Simon in 2016 by 2.5 km/h andset a new record of 254.958 km/h.

Cross-country skiing speed

On Olympic sports sports are popular ski race, in which men and women participate. Also l Ski moves are classic and skating. The racer must complete the course in the shortest possible time. At serious competitions The length of the ski run varies from 800 m to 50 km.

But besides athletes, both young and old people do this running. Cross-country skiing refers to aerobic type sports, it helps strengthen the immune, respiratory and cardiovascular systems, as well as the skeletal and muscular system.

The average speed of a skier will differ between amateur and professional skiers.

Newbie average speed about 10 km/h, whereas experienced amateur will achieve approximately the speed result about 15 km/h. average speed champion on cross-country skiing will be equal to 22 km/h.

It's interesting that with average speed in a World Cup race about 6-7 m/s depending on conditions.

Speed ​​records

However, in cross-country skiing exists official records you were fast. This is because the speed is affected by the size of the track, the structure of the snow, the air temperature, and weather conditions in general.

The record in cross-country skiing is not considered to be the speed of the athlete, but time spent on completing the route!

In this case , the record is the result of Dario Cologna. He overcame 15 km skating track in 29:58 minutes. The athlete reached a speed equal to 30 km/h.

Skiing is constantly evolving, with new records and results being set every year.

Video of Ivan Origone setting a record.

Speed ​​skiing or downhill skiing down a straight mountain slope, the fastest non-motorized land sport. Skiers regularly exceed 200 kilometers per hour, which is even faster than the free fall speed of a skydiver - approximately 190 km/h.

Speed ​​races are held on specially designed tracks one kilometer long. There are about thirty such trails around the world. The routes are usually located in high mountains to minimize air resistance.

The route is divided into three sections. In the first 300-400 meters, the rider tries to gain speed. The maximum speed is measured over the next 100 meters - the time zone. And the last 500 is meant to slow down and come to a complete stop.

Speed ​​skiers use special sealed latex suits and aerodynamic helmets to reduce air resistance. They should also provide some protection in the event of a fall. Special skis must be 240 centimeters long and no more than 10 centimeters wide. The weight of the couple should not exceed 15 kilograms.

Speed ​​records

First official competitions“speed skiing” took place back in 1930. The author of the first record in the same year was the Austrian Leo Gasperl, who accelerated to 139 km/h. In the sixties, the Italian town of Cervinia became the “mecca” of speed skiing. Every year the best masters came here, regularly improving speed records. The Italian Luigi di Marco reached 175 km/h, the Japanese Morishito - 180.

Technological progress did not stand still. In the seventies, new tracks appeared and speeds increased significantly. In 1978, on the Portillo circuit in Chile, American Steve Mc Kinney exceeded the seemingly unattainable speed of 200 kilometers per hour.

In the eighties, French turned into a new “mecca” of speed skiing. ski resort Les Arcs. Here, as well as on another French track, the Var, speed records were repeatedly improved. Today the records belong, among them, to the Italian Simone Origone - 252.454 km/h and, among them, to the Swedish athlete Sanna Tidstrand - 242.590 km/h.

In Les Arcs in 1992, demonstration performances in the “speed skiing” discipline took place as part of the Olympic Games in Albertville.

Simone Origone from Italy showed the fastest speed on March 31, 2014, according to the France Ski de Vitesse organization. This record is 252.454 km/h. The athlete competed in the “Flying Kilometer” race for alpine skiing “speed skiing”. His brother Ivan took second place (248.61 kilometers per hour). Bastien Montes from France took 3rd place (248.15 kilometers per hour). He was able to perform, although he fell during training.

Origone comes from Italy, the city of Champoluc. He has 8 world cups and five prizes to his name. He works as a ski instructor and tour guide.

In 2006, he already set a world record on the descent - 251,400 kilometers per hour. Then everyone thought that no one could surpass these numbers. In 2014, Simone managed to improve this record on the Chabrieres track in Var, France. Who knows, perhaps a little more time will pass, and an Italian or another athlete will be able to break this record.

The track at Var has an average gradient of 65 percent. It is almost vertical at the exit.

For athletes descending, the “Flying Kilometer” track on March 31, 2014 is practically Formula 1. After all, it is the fastest non-motorized sport. The numbers shown by the athletes are amazing. Formula 1 cars accelerate to 200 kilometers per hour in four seconds. Skiers achieve these figures in five seconds.

Maximum speed on alpine skiing: how to achieve?

The alpine skiing sport “speed skiing” is not yet included in the program Winter Olympics. It is the fastest non-motorized land sport. It is a downhill skiing event on a straight mountain slope. It is noteworthy that a skydiver in free fall reaches a maximum speed of 190 km/h. Skiers, in turn, fly along the track with maximum speeds above 200 km/h.


Athletes compete on special tracks. Their length is 1 km; there are approximately 30 similar routes on the planet. To reduce air resistance, high mountains are chosen for such routes.

There are three zones on the track. The first zone is designed for the athlete to gain speed. On average it is 400 meters. The second section is 100 meters, and time is measured here. The remaining 500 meters are needed so that the athlete can slow down and stop.

Professionals often say that some time after the start (on average forty minutes) it becomes more difficult to ski, the snow becomes looser. Lost about two to three kilometers per hour.


The racers have special equipment made of sealed latex and aerodynamic helmets. The suit is made of PVC fabric; it must tightly fit the athlete’s body so that there are no folds. This minimizes air resistance. If the rider falls, then such uniforms still provide some protection.

Skis for such races have special parameters: 240 cm in length, no more than 10 cm in width, weight no more than fifteen kg. Such skis are produced only by the manufacturer Atomik. To get excellent results, you need to use . The special position in the wind tunnel that occurs during descent also helps.

The helmet for high-speed racing is also special. It is large enough to allow air to move easily. The absence of a turbulence zone minimizes friction.

There are now only fifty people on the planet who constantly engage in high-speed skiing from the mountains.

The history of “speed skiing”: how the maximum speed increased

Downhill skiing has a fairly rich history. The first competitions took place in 1930. Most fastest record Leo Gasperl from Austria showed 139 kilometers per hour. In the 1960s, athletes took a liking to the track in Cervinia, Italy. The best racers began to come here every year. They set more and more new records. Luigi di Marco from Italy set a record of 175 kilometers per hour, and Morishito from Japan - one hundred and eighty.

In the 1970s, interesting routes appeared, and new records followed. In Chile, on the Portillo circuit in 1978, Steve McKinney from America flew at a speed of more than 200 km/h.

In the 1980s, Les Arcs in France became the new favorite destination for racers. Here and on the Var circuit world standards have been broken many times. Now the record for men is set, as we wrote above, by Simone Origone, and for women - by the Swede Sanne Thierstrand. Its maximum speed is 242.590 kilometers per hour.

In 1992, speed skiing performances were shown in Les Arcs, France, during the Albertville Olympics. But until now this discipline has not been included in the official program of these significant competitions. Perhaps in the future “speed skiing” will be perceived by ordinary people as a fairly familiar sport, for example, like hockey.

Downhill skiing- the most spectacular, spectacular form that requires from the athlete excellent technique, excellent physical data, endurance, impeccable reaction and, of course, courage and courage. Of course, slalom, giant slalom (super-giant slalom), with which, in fact, alpine skiing began in the 19th century, are also attractive due to their complex technique and good speeds, but the scope is still smaller. Downhill skiing brings out all the professional qualities of a skier to the fullest. After all, this type of alpine skiing is associated with the passage of the longest and most difficult trails. This is where the highest speeds are - a skier can reach speeds of up to 120 - 130 km per hour (by the way, the maximum speed in the history of this type reached 200 km per hour in high altitude conditions), and individual “flights” of the skier exceed a length of 40 meters. On the downhill track, a fierce fight takes place for 2 - 3 minutes. Athletes go through the distance one at a time. During the descent, the athlete has no information about his own time and speed of passing the track; he cannot compare his results with the results of other racers, for example, as in Formula 1. In general, at competitions, athletes need to overcome two routes; the sum of the results adds up to the final time. The fastest and most resistant athlete to conditions and stress wins the competition.

Main stand Downhill racing requires well-developed muscles in the hips, back and neck. The skier's back is rounded, the body is parallel to the skis, the head is raised to better review. The skis are set at hip width. This positioning of the core, arms and legs requires exceptional coordination, a fine sense of balance, and stability. The skier's stance plays an important role, but still the ability to guide the skis, achieving the best glide, is the main task in downhill skiing.

Speed ​​regulation is carried out partially by changing the position of the legs and the athlete’s stance. Legs bent at the knees and a tilted torso with curved ski poles pressed to it while skiing parallel at a distance of 30 cm (depending on body structure) - this is the stance when good review The route makes it possible to save energy, and most importantly, to descend with minimal air resistance.

To achieve high positions This sport requires long-term, systematic preparation, a large volume of training descents on different slopes, amounting to thousands of kilometers, and high training intensity. As a result, success will depend on the athlete himself: his ability to analyze the characteristics of the route, the process of descent, his choice correct tactics descent

Ivan Oregon set a record for alpine skiing speed - now it is 254.958 km/h. New record was installed on the alpine slopes of the French resort of Vars.

The influence of winter is still very strongly felt in the northern hemisphere, especially in its mountainous regions, where the ski season is still in full swing. And while some ski lovers enjoy leisurely runs, others, quickly descending the slopes, enjoy feeling the frosty wind blowing on their hot faces.

So the Italian downhill skiing enthusiast Ivan Oregon, in company with his brother Simon and the Frenchman Billy Simon, took their equipment and went to try their luck on the slopes of Vars. And all three managed to overcome the speed limit of 250 km/h (155.37 mph). But the first of them was Ivan, who established a world war.

Watching how Ivan Oregon took off on the mountain slope, one gets the impression that this is not at all difficult. However, watching a video taken from a helicopter convinces us otherwise. The sight of a very steep descent inevitably makes you shudder. As it became known, the steepness of the downward slope allows you to achieve insane acceleration comparable to that developed.

It took Ivan only five and a half seconds to reach speed from 0 to 200 km/h (124.3 mph). But the athlete, unlike F1 pilots, who are securely secured in their seats, is open to the wind and snow rushing towards them. At the same time, he must try to stay on his feet, being in a position that provides the best.