
How to do therapeutic fasting on water. Water fasting: what to expect Breaking out of water fasting for 14 days

Olya Likhacheva

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious it is:)

22 Mar. 2017


The water-only diet is a world-famous method that helps not only to lose extra pounds from the body, but also to cleanse the body. In addition, the technique is also used for health purposes to preserve youth and restore health.

Benefits of water fasting

Refusal to eat food in any form has a positive effect on many body functions. So, the benefits of fasting on water are undeniable, because during this period the intestinal microflora improves, the skin rejuvenates, and you get rid of many chronic diseases. If you do everything according to the recommendations, you will get an excellent result: the frequent need for food and night snoring will disappear, your health and well-being will improve, and most importantly, you will quickly say goodbye to those hated kilograms.

This method of therapeutic fasting can even change the functioning of human hormones: for example, fat is burned due to the fact that when drinking water alone, the insulin level decreases very sharply. It is also worth noting that during the fasting period, the level of growth hormone can increase up to 5 times, which also helps reduce body fat.

How long can you fast on water?

When fasting, you may experience frequent headaches, a feeling of nausea, weakness, dizziness, you may also experience a sharp change in mood or an unpleasant odor from the body or from the mouth. Most of the symptoms will disappear if you regularly but correctly fast on water, strictly following all the recommendations for preparing for and exiting the diet. In general, cleansing with a fast can be carried out for either 1 day or a month - the doctor will create a regimen for you individually.

How to survive a water fast

When fasting, the basis is water, and you need to drink it constantly and in the quantity you want. It is worth noting that fasting on water will be even easier than when you consume a minimum amount of calories - not eating at all is easier than eating little by little. When you start to break down and try to eat something, remember your main incentive - to lose weight and help the body cleanse itself, so change your activity: walk, listen to music, read.

Preparing for a water fast

This stage is even more important than how many days you will fast. So, preparation for fasting on water should be thorough, and not immediately after a hearty feast. A week before the diet, it is recommended to give up meat, and three days before starting to eat only fruits and vegetables. Immediately before starting a therapeutic fast, it is better to skip dinner and give an enema or drink a laxative in the morning.

One-day water fasting

A smaller belly is the result that you will notice after a fast that lasts a day. After you start practicing one-day fasting on water regularly for a couple of months, you will also receive a healing effect: the body will be cleansed, rejuvenated, immunity will increase, and the intestinal microflora will improve. In addition, periodically refusing to eat for a day is an excellent preparation for a longer fast on the water.

Breaking out of a one-day water fast

Even after one day when you consumed only pure water, you need to properly switch to your normal diet. So, breaking a one-day fast on water is no less important than preparing and following the diet itself. At the end of the hunger strike, you need to drink juices diluted with water, then replace them with whole fresh juices. On the 3rd day, you can introduce fruits, salads, vegetables, and then start eating your usual food, but for a few more days exclude salty, sweet and fried foods.

Three-day water fasting

If you want to start the internal fat burning mechanism, then during a fast, drink water without additives in the form of honey, sugar or juice. A three-day water fast is the best way to cleanse the body for beginners. The liquid must be consumed every three days, 1 glass every hour - this is the only way the process will be beneficial. It is imperative to do an enema the night before, which will remove from the intestines all secretions that can poison the body.

On the 2nd day, the acidity of the foods remaining in the stomach increases, so it must be rinsed with water in the morning. If you experience discomfort or belching with an odor, you can do more rinsing. If on the 3rd day you want much less liquid, then do not force yourself, but drink as needed. With a three-day healing diet, you can do your daily work, but you should give up hard work.

Breaking out of a three-day water fast

It is recommended to take a drug in advance that helps restore intestinal microflora. In general, the recovery from a three-day fast on water will take twice as long, while the portion and variety will increase every day:

  1. On the first day, you need to drink juices every hour: two servings diluted with water, all subsequent servings should be 100 ml without water.
  2. Breakfast on the 2nd day will be 100-200 ml of juice. You need to drink it hourly before lunch, which will be liquid unsalted oatmeal, or bananas, or raw grated vegetables or fruits (except carrots, oranges). For an afternoon snack, you can drink juice or eat an apple. If you want to eat, then make vegetable stew, soup, and boil potatoes for dinner. You can add a little sunflower oil to any of the dishes.
  3. On days 3-4, limit yourself from fats, salt, sweets, animal foods and orange fruits.
  4. On the 5th-6th days of release, follow a fruit and vegetable diet, avoid confectionery, alcohol and animal foods.

Water fasting for 7 days

In order not to endanger the body, before a week-long fast, it is important to accustom the body to the fact that it knows how to eat little by going on a diet 1, and then 2-3 days a week. In addition to preparation, fasting on water for 7 days includes two more stages - the process itself and the exit:

  1. On the 1st day, you are allowed to drink only water, the total volume of which will be about 2.5 liters. Remember that the body will begin to feel cold, so it is better if the liquid is warm. You definitely need to do an enema.
  2. The daily diet on the 2nd and 3rd days does not differ from the 1st day, but brushing your teeth with a brush and toothpaste is no longer recommended: you can only use gauze. In the evening it is worth repeating the enema.

Exit from a 7-day water fast

The fourth day is the beginning of the last stage of the therapeutic diet. So, the exit from a 7-day water fast should be gradual:

  1. After being on a diet for 3 days, you can start drinking unsweetened juices, which are diluted in equal proportions with water. The total volume of liquids drunk (including plain water) should be 2.5 liters.
  2. On the 5th day, the diet should also include undiluted natural juices, decoctions of chamomile or mint.
  3. On days 6-7, the lunch menu can include liquid porridge and a little boiled or baked vegetables (except cabbage). The amount of water cannot be reduced.

Water fasting 21 days

The main purpose of fasting is to treat certain diseases and regulate the chemical balance in the body naturally, and eating food or even vitamins can contribute to disrupting this process. Fasting on water for 21 days is not an easy way to lose weight and, as the experience of some people shows, such a long fast can lead to mental disorders (bulimia or anorexia), exhaustion and many other problems.

You need to prepare carefully for a three-week fast, even if you have already practiced it. Beginners are strictly prohibited from switching immediately to 21 days. A week before the diet, give up unhealthy foods, give preference to light salads and fresh juices. When you decide to completely give up food for 21 days, remember that during this time you also need to forget about smoking, alcohol and coffee.

For all three weeks you need to drink exclusively water, and it should be clean, preferably distilled. At first, you may have an irresistible desire to eat at least something, but if you endure it for several days, then your body will understand that it will not see food yet and will begin to use internal resources, enriching you with energy obtained from its own fat reserves.

Breaking out of fasting

The transition from such a long fast on water should be equal or greater than the diet itself. The correct way out of water fasting is to gradually restore the diet:

  1. From days 1 to 3, drink apple or carrot juices, but diluted.
  2. For 4-5 days, drink only juices, but undiluted.
  3. On days 6-7, eat vegetables and introduce fruits.
  4. From 8 to 10, add more porridge with walnuts and seeds, and puree.
  5. From 10 to 21 days, start introducing dairy products: kefir, yogurt, yogurt.

Fasting is an alternative medicine method that is perceived by many as a diet. Hunger is often used not for medicinal purposes, but for weight loss. Several have been developed on water, varying in duration and procedures. To lose weight, without the goal of treatment, it is better to choose fasting that lasts a week - this is a good experience and preparation for longer periods.

How long can you fast on water? Is it good or bad for your health? Let's find out from the article.

Giving up food for 7 days helps. After cyclically repeating a daily fast on water, a person must proceed to observing a seven-day fast from food. One-day fasting is easy to endure; although it helps to lose weight, it does not sufficiently cleanse the body of waste and toxins.

Eliminating food for a week from your usual daily routine will help you lose weight and put in order the internal processes occurring in the body.

By Paul Bragg

The system of refusing food for - this is on the water - 7 days. The liquid can be mineral or distilled.

  • Bragg's 4 rules of hunger:
  • During fasting, drinking juices, broths and other liquids other than water is not allowed;
  • harmful;
  • Nature is the best place for a hunger strike. It is recommended to adhere to the method in solitude, maintaining an active lifestyle.

It is important to complete the fast correctly.

  • The scheme followed by Bragg:
  • One-day fasting – once every 7 days;
  • Seven-day fasting on water - once a quarter;

Fasting for 21 days - annually.

While a person is on a 7-day fast, he is allowed to drink distilled water with additives. It is allowed to mix 5 grams of natural raw honey and 10 ml of lemon juice. The drink will help remove waste and toxins from the body.

Fasting lasts 7 days, in some cases – 10 days or 3 weeks, the signal for completion is the appearance of appetite and the disappearance of bad breath.

One-day fasting has its own benefits; it will not help to thoroughly cleanse the body, but it will help restore the stomach. There are results from the Paul Bragg method, especially for people who want to lose weight. There were reviews with photos about how people succeeded. You can overcome hunger in a way that consolidates your weight loss results using the Paul Bragg method.

After a seven-day water fast, both the stomach and intestines decrease in size, so you need to return to your daily diet gradually.

For breakfast the next day, make a vegetable salad. To do this, take a medium head of cabbage, a carrot, grate it and season with citrus juice. The dish acts as a “brush” and is also beneficial for losing weight and cleansing the body. Afterwards you can eat thermally processed greens or 2 crackers. For lunch, cook carrots with celery and a couple of boiled vegetables. On this day you will have to skip the evening meal.

On the 2nd day after fasting, make tomorrow from fresh fruits with a little honey. Spend lunch similarly to the previous day. Dinner is allowed, but until 6 pm. It is advisable that the meal be served with lettuce leaves in lemon juice.

The way out of a famine that lasted 10 days is similar.

  • We recommend reading:

By Marva Ohanyan

Marva Ohanyan is an experienced therapist. The woman developed her own healing fasting system, which has distinctive features. The method is suitable for losing weight at home without medical supervision.

Refusal from food, according to Ohanyan, should last up to 14 days and be accompanied by cleansing procedures, but to lose weight it is enough to fast for a week. One-day fasting according to the method will not give tangible results.

Preparing for hunger is accompanied by taking laxatives: and hay decoction. Magnesia is a saline laxative, sena is a herbal laxative. You need to drink both drugs that cleanse the gastrointestinal tract the day before the start of fasting.

Before taking a laxative, prepare a heating pad with water. You will need it to cleanse the liver. Immediately after consuming laxatives, lie on your right side and apply a heating pad to your liver. You will have to lie in this position for 60 minutes, without a pillow, moving as little as possible. You can move to drink a decoction of hay. Until the evening (8-9 hours) you need to consume a liter of infusion.

Great importance is given to the biological clock: a person’s biorhythm must coincide with the solar cycle - wake up at sunrise, fall asleep before 9-10 pm. However, if you use hunger only for weight loss, this rule can be neglected.

The scheme of water fasting itself is clear: changes affect only the person’s condition, the regime remains the same.

Cleansing the body occurs by taking a decoction of herbs, rather than mineral or distilled water. The fast is partial; you can add honey and lemon juice to the infusion. Decoctions are made from various mixtures: mint, plantain, thyme, nettle, valerian, etc.

Daily regime:

  • Cleansing enema in the morning;
  • Take 250 ml of decoction every hour;
  • Walks in the open air;
  • Rubbing massage;
  • Easy activity;
  • Sleep from 9 pm to sunrise.

After the end of the fast, you are allowed to eat only fruits and vegetables in the form of purees for another 4 days. Be sure to continue taking the herbal decoction.

The exit is scheduled by the hour, again, due to the human biorhythm. Meals are taken in 3 sets - at 10, 14 and 18 hours.

Products are introduced into the daily menu gradually; on the 5th day of release, you can add vegetable salads seasoned with citrus juice. At 6 – vegetables and fruits can be cooked and thermally processed. Butter, sour cream and fatty foods are allowed to be introduced into the diet only on the 15th day after fasting. Porridge - even later, after 40-60 days. Animal protein is added as desired, but not before cereals, nuts and legumes.

Getting out of hunger is sometimes more difficult than avoiding food itself, but the results are worth it. After fully completing the course, the body will improve; reviews talk about the benefits of the method for losing weight.

3 week fasting

According to Nikolaev

It is a water fast for 21 days. According to the author of the method, preparation for hunger is divided into 2 stages: psychological and physiological.

Psychological stage: you need to convince yourself that fasting is a natural process that will not harm the body, but will help cleanse it.

Water fasting, which lasts three weeks, is not an easy test for a person’s psycho-emotional state; it is difficult to get rid of cliches and cliches, and to accept the refusal of food. When there are no problems with this stage, you can move on to preparing the body.

Physiological stage: taking a laxative. A significant dose of bitter salt is injected into the body, after which food intake and medications are stopped.

The morning of the first day includes hygiene procedures and a laxative enema. After the cleansing enema, other procedures follow: water and “pressure” massage. After the massage is done and the bath is taken, you can move on to “breakfast”. You need to take an infusion (decoction) of rose hips.

All these actions are repeated daily, in general, per day you need:

  • Give an enema;
  • Take a shower;
  • Get a massage;
  • Drink rosehip decoction;
  • Relax;
  • Take a walk in the fresh air, doing breathing exercises;
  • Drink rosehip decoction;
  • Undergo physical procedures (this item is not included in fasting for weight loss);
  • Do what you love;
  • Don't forget to drink the decoction before going to bed;
  • Take a bath and clean your mouth.

For three weeks, while the fast lasts, you need to exclude heavy mental and physical work. Despite the fact that the body will be full of energy, give preference to light activities - reading, drawing, etc.

The experience of fasting will be gained over time, while it is not there - it is better to follow the technique under supervision.

The room in which a person sleeps must be ventilated. Ideally, a new supply of oxygen is constantly introduced into the room. A hungry person may feel chilly, so you should sleep well dressed or bundled up. At the end of famine, when there are no resources and energy left to warm the body, people sleep with heating pads.

A person who has gone through proper fasting is full of energy and active, able to cope with light physical activity. The only negative effect is that, unlike a non-fasting person, there is increased sensitivity to cold.

Appetite dulls or disappears completely after the first 3 days of fasting, reflexes associated with eating disappear.

The person stops reacting to the smell and is indifferent to the clinking of dishes. Thoughts about food bother you throughout the fast, so your daily routine should be scheduled hourly.

  1. One-day fasting according to the method will also bring results.
  2. On the first day, you are allowed to take grape and apple juice, but not pure, but diluted with water in a ratio of 1 to 1. On the second day, it is allowed not to dilute. The 4th and 5th days of recovery are accompanied by the consumption of pureed fruits or vegetables. Porridges are introduced after a week of recovery from hunger. The grains must be thoroughly boiled in water. Drink the juice in small sips, hold it in your mouth, do not swallow immediately.
  3. From 10 to 30 days of release, the diet becomes more varied. But the diet excludes animal products: meat, fish, eggs. It is better not to consume nuts and seeds or limit them. The diet is based on plant foods with a high content.
  4. Nothing bad will happen if you replace fresh vegetables and fruits with canned or dried ones.

It is acceptable to consume any fermented milk products, but preference is given to low-fat kefir.

Animal proteins can be introduced into the diet from day 40, but in small quantities and carefully, gradually increasing intake.

Accompanied by physical training; cleansing procedures alone are not enough. Fasting is preceded by 3 preparatory days. In the first two, a person excludes animal protein (meat, fish, etc.) from food. Preference should be given to products of dairy or plant origin. The 3rd preparatory day is characterized by taking a laxative instead of dinner.

6 rules of the Suvorin method:

  • Eliminate food;
  • Drink distilled water - up to 2 liters per day, exclude other liquids;
  • Clean the gastrointestinal tract daily, like other hygiene procedures;
  • Get rid of medications;
  • Consult with your supervisor, because water hunger is primarily a therapeutic method. If there is none, then control it yourself. Summarize your results every 3-4 days and monitor whether you are following Suvorin’s method correctly.
  • Do not be afraid!

The duration of hunger is determined by the patient himself. Therapeutic exclusion of food lasts from 2 to 6 weeks, sometimes up to 9 weeks. For complete cleansing of the body and weight loss, 1 week to 14 days is enough.

A laxative taken at dinner on the third preparatory day acts on the intestines in the morning or at night. After this, a two-liter enema is given from drinking water, without impurities. The temperature of the liquid is close to the human body. It is recommended to carry out cleansing using the Shchadilov technique.

The daily regimen following the Suvorin method includes:

  • Cleansing procedures;
  • Massage, rubbing;
  • Taking fluids throughout the day;
  • Walks;
  • Morning exercises.

After the cleansing course you will feel an appetite. The duration of the exit is from 1 week to 14 days. Exiting fasting correctly is important; it helps prevent the return of a lot of weight, loss of body cleansing, or organ degeneration.

The author of the technique recommends that when you come out of fasting, do not stop cleansing procedures and enemas until 4 days of recovery.

Laxatives should be avoided, but before each meal you should take a decoction of wormwood. It is recommended to take warm baths and do rubbing, all this will help prevent stagnation in the intestines.

  • Clear your mouth of bitter saliva before eating for the first time. A piece of black bread will help you with this, which you need to carefully worry about and spit out along with saliva and plaque. Do not swallow under any circumstances.
  • Days 1 and 2 – carbohydrate days;
  • 3, 4 – protein-carbohydrate. Protein can come into the body from both plant and dairy products;
  • From the 10th day, you can introduce meat and fish into your diet.

According to Stoleshnikov

Fasting according to the Stoleshnikov method lasts 3-4 weeks, sometimes up to 40 days, the time frame for losing weight is reduced. 21 days is time for a complete cleansing of the body, one hundred percent removal of waste and toxins.

For people who are unable to give up food for 3 weeks, Stoleshnikov offers the following option.

Water fasting is often recommended by nutritionists and doctors for obesity, hypertension and atherosclerosis. This method has proven its healing effect. Water fasting, or wet fasting, must be carried out according to your own rules. Depending on the duration of the procedure, there are nuances of its implementation.

Fasting for 1 day

This is the shortest and most common period. It can be carried out no more than once a week. The effect of daily fasting can be obtained by following the rules. The preparatory stage before the hunger strike is important:

  • A week before the expected day, it is necessary to exclude heavy foods: meat, canned food, various additives;
  • The day before, do not eat after 6 pm;
  • In the morning, do an enema of 2 liters of warm water to prevent toxicity.

During this period, it is necessary to reduce all physical activity and walk more. On this day you need to drink from 2 to 5 liters of water. You should not forcefully pour in water; the body knows best how much it needs. Boiled water cannot be used. Spring water is better suited for these purposes; you can drink slightly mineralized water. In this case, you need to buy any mineral water and dilute it with distilled water at a ratio of 1:3.

On this day, a coating on the tongue and a lot of saliva may appear. This is normal, this is how the body gets rid of everything unnecessary and harmful. It is better to spit saliva as often as possible. By the end of the day, the effect of lightness and a surge of energy will appear. This means that the body has coped with its task. Everything is fine.

You should also break fast according to the rules. It is important not to overindulge in food the next day. Coming out of fasting involves the same gentle loading of the digestive system. Over the next day, you need to drink juices, eat light cereals, salads from fresh vegetables, preferably without dressings.

Water fasting for 7 days

This is a more serious water fast. To carry it out, it is necessary to carry out one-day abstinence from food and drinking water several times. If the body normally tolerates 1 day of a water diet, then a week-long fast can be carried out. A week-long fast should be carried out no more than 3-5 times a year!

The preparatory stage in this case cannot be excluded. Per day you need:

  • exclude dairy products, eggs, flour, fatty foods;
  • eat vegetables in any form;
  • Wipe fruits and make puree.

On the morning of the first day, do not forget to rinse the intestines with an enema. You can only drink clean water, no lemon juice or fresh juices these days.

Advice: The first fast on the water should be carried out on vacation.

During a week-long fast, the body switches to internal nutrition. Weight loss is active. It is almost impossible to work during this period due to the fact that there is less energy in the body and nutrition is minimal.

  • With chronic gastrointestinal diseases;
  • Those with heart problems and arrhythmia;
  • With diabetes;
  • With normal and deficient body weight;
  • Having problems with the kidneys, liver, lungs;
  • With thrombophlebitis.

A hunger strike of such duration must be approached very carefully and seriously. It is better to consult a nutritionist and find out if you have chronic diseases.

Exiting a week-long water fast should also be done correctly. Every day you need to add certain foods to your diet:

  • On the first day after completion, drink only freshly squeezed juices;
  • Over the next 2-3 days, eat only fresh fruits and vegetables;
  • Then add nuts, legumes, maybe bread;
  • After a week, you can return to your normal diet.

Fasting for 14 days

A 2-week water fast should be carried out very carefully and on a prepared body. He must already go through several weeks of hunger strike. Immediate use on water for 2 weeks is strictly prohibited. The procedure itself for refusing food for 14 days implies a 2-week hunger strike and a 2-week exit. A total of 42 days of “hunger strike” are obtained.

The preparatory stage takes place on a plant-based diet. No meat, additives, coffee, alcohol or even spices. Fresh, stewed, boiled vegetables, fresh fruits, nuts.

During the fasting period, a positive attitude and favorite activities are important. Now you need to walk a lot, you can play sports, but without overwork. It is important to exclude aggression: films with such a plot, the Internet to a minimum, do not swear and do not worry. The body lives on internal nutrition and does not receive food for energy. It is important to support him morally. Read books, do your favorite things, hobbies. Of course, you need to go to work or study, but do it with a good attitude, everything is a joy.

Water can be replaced with tea without sugar and dyes, homemade juices without sugar. Experienced hunger strikers still recommend staying on the water.

If during the hunger strike you feel that you can no longer fast, then it is better to give up and gradually come out of the hunger strike.

The exit from a 2-week food refusal should also be gradual over the next 2 weeks. During this period, it is necessary to follow a plant-based diet as at entry. In the first days, eat only fresh vegetables, fruits, no preservatives, dyes, etc. Sugar to a minimum.

During the withdrawal period, the body may gain weight. This is normal for the body. This means that the amount of kilograms he lost is radical for him, especially for the first time. The next time you fast, the result will be better.

Fasting for 21 days

Water fasting for 3 weeks is the longest period that can be carried out. Prolonging it for an even longer period does not lead to positive results.

The principle of conducting a water fast is similar: 3 weeks of entry, 3 weeks of fasting itself, 3 weeks of exit.

Over 3 weeks there are several stages: 1 week – adaptation. During this period, the body wants to eat, toxins are eliminated, weakness appears, and mood changes. Week 2 is accompanied by a crisis. At this time, bad breath appears, sweating, nausea, and blood pressure may drop. Everything is annoying and not pleasant. During the last week of the hunger strike, all bad symptoms disappear, nothing bothers the body, lightness and good mood appear. This means that he has switched to internal nutrition and is doing well.

Advice: If low blood pressure is observed for several days, then the hunger strike should be stopped without fail.

Coming out of a hunger strike should be done in the same way. No harsh products or heavy ingredients.

Results from water fasting

The effect of fasting can be obtained for any duration. It has been scientifically proven that a proper fast for 1 day and recovery from it can rejuvenate the body for 3 months. During the day, the body does the following:

  • removes everything unnecessary and harmful;
  • stimulates metabolism;
  • slows down the aging of skin and internal organs;
  • increases immunity;
  • weight loss from 0.5 kg to 3 kg.

There are times when fasting is not suitable for some people. There can be many reasons. It is important to remember that the body knows best what it needs. Our task is to listen to him, and not to go against him. If you think that fasting is necessary for you, you can contact a nutritionist. He will help you develop an individual technique and achieve maximum effect.

When all known diets have already been tried, but the desired result has not been achieved, you can try on yourself a world-famous method that will help you lose weight and also cleanse the body. This method was proposed by American naturopath Paul Bragg. Fasting is, according to the author, the key to a healthy body and rapid weight loss. Paul Bragg promoted the use of his own technique for health purposes and successfully applied it to himself. His teachings spread throughout the world.

It has long been proven that a person can live without food for about one month, so don’t worry - you won’t die from starvation. Quite a lot has already been written about water fasting (7 days). The reviews and results, it must be said, are impressive. In the same article, the information will be discussed in more detail for those who are ready to fast in order to achieve a slim figure.

What actually happens in a situation of food refusal with the human body? How to fast on water? How long does this diet last? How to get out of it? We will answer your questions.

Water fasting (7 days): reviews, results

Don’t think that a day or two of fasting will immediately relieve you of extra pounds. If you stop eating for a short period of time, you can only lose a little weight. In this case, it will not be fat that will go away, but excess fluid, which is always present in large quantities in the body of obese people.

Two or three days of fasting will not have the same effect as a longer period of fasting (at least a week). Judging by the reviews, the weight comes off faster in the first two days, then the body adapts to the new conditions, and the fat reserve is used more sparingly. The number of kilograms that you will be able to get rid of cannot be determined in advance. Each person is individual, and it all depends on how long you can maintain such a diet. According to the results of people who have tried this method on themselves, it is clear that about one kilogram is lost per day.

How much water to drink while fasting

Home water fasting requires compliance with a special minimum water consumption per day - 1.5-2 liters. Thanks to this amount of incoming fluid, the body will cope with intoxication without problems, and overall health will remain at the proper level. But you shouldn’t forcefully drink water; listen to yourself and the needs of your body.

What can you drink besides water?

Nothing. You can only drink clean water, preferably spring water. The consumption of juices, herbal infusions, teas and other liquids is strictly prohibited, as they can interfere with the cleansing processes that occur in the body during fasting.

In hot weather, you can drink cool water, but in the cold season it is better to drink warm or slightly hot water. The thing is that a couple of days after the start of the hunger strike, the body begins to feel cold, and cold water only intensifies the chill.

One day of water fasting

Before the first day of the hunger strike, you should carry out a bowel cleansing procedure.

Breaking out of fasting

A very important point of this diet is that you need to know how to break fast correctly. You should return to the normal regime gradually, for about the same number of days as the hunger strike itself lasted. That is, if you practiced water fasting for 7 days, reviews and results from other people claim that restoring your diet should last exactly a week. The gradual exit from fasting can be described as follows.

  1. On the first day after the end of the hunger strike, you can only eat natural juice. It is desirable that it be fruit and vegetable, diluted with water in a one to one ratio.
  2. On the second day, undiluted juice and vegetable and fruit purees in small quantities are allowed.
  3. On the third day, in addition to pureed fruits and vegetables, you can allow yourself to eat porridge cooked in water, with a small amount of bread, as well as some dried fruits.
  4. On the fourth day, in addition to all of the above, vegetarian soups using a small amount of vegetable oil are allowed to be consumed.
  5. On the fifth day, you can already afford some fermented milk products, for example, kefir or fermented baked milk.
  6. On the sixth day, you can add sour cream, a little cheese and salt to yours.
  7. On the seventh day, it is permissible to eat low-fat cottage cheese and eggs.

After a week of recovery, you can gradually begin to eat chicken, fish and other foods.

As you can see, with a diet such as water fasting, the solution turns out to be no less difficult for a person than the process of fasting itself.

Rules of conduct during fasting

If you are completely healthy, you will tolerate fasting quite well. But there are a number of conditions that must be met.

In addition to observing the drinking regime, it is also necessary to do cleansing enemas every day. This procedure helps remove waste products from the rectum. If you refuse to do an enema, toxins will be absorbed into the blood, and this can cause self-poisoning of the body. An equally important point during fasting is taking a shower every day.

When refusing food, it is better to lead an active lifestyle, spend time outside more often, but under no circumstances lie on the sofa in a confined space. And, as already written above, do not forget that during a fast on the water, a person will feel cold, so you should dress a little warmer than usual. Well, as with any other diet, you should avoid stressful situations if you practice water fasting.

7 days

Reviews, results and studies in the field of therapeutic fasting have made it possible to understand how effective a seven-day water fast is, and whether it is worth following a diet for more than this time.

When the week of the hunger strike is over, and after the acidotic crisis there is more than enough strength, many people think that they can calmly continue the hunger strike further. But especially if this is your first fast, it is better to start coming out of it, despite the fact that you have thoroughly mastered the theory and thoroughly prepared for changing your diet. You have enough time to properly exit fasting and evaluate the effectiveness of this method. How much did you manage to lose, did you achieve the desired result? Based on your own experience, after some time you will be able to dare to take this step again, if, of course, it is still useful to you.

Health effect

Water boosts immunity, promotes healthy intestinal microflora, relieves chronic diseases, and rejuvenates. If you do everything according to the rules and in no case allow amateur activities, the result will be truly stunning. Improved well-being and health, as well as lost kilograms, are the prize for the patience and willpower you showed during your hunger strike.


Important! Independent fasting at home is recommended to be practiced only by absolutely healthy people, regardless of the reasons for which it was decided to resort to this method: to improve well-being or to lose weight.

Therapeutic fasting is completely contraindicated for people with diseases such as active tuberculosis, severe pathologies of the heart, blood, malignant tumors, type I diabetes mellitus, bronchiectasis, thyrotoxicosis, thrombophlebitis, underweight, in the post-infarction period, during pregnancy and during breastfeeding.

Also, relative contraindications are for people suffering from type II diabetes mellitus, gout, cholelithiasis, hypotension, peptic ulcer disease, chronic venous insufficiency, and are also in childhood or old age.

Negative and positive reviews about fasting

Even in ancient times, people knew about the unconditional benefits of fasting on water. Doctors and specialists have studied and continue to study the mechanisms of this method. Considerable experience has been accumulated in using this diet to get rid of certain diseases and to normalize body weight. Judging by the reviews of people who have tried this method, following the instructions for preparing for a change in diet, and knowing how to get out of fasting, they were more than satisfied with the result.

But there are also negative reviews. This is mainly due to the fact that mistakes were made during the diet, and the exit from fasting was carried out incorrectly. So before you try this method on yourself, it’s worth studying the theory better, which will help you do everything right in the future.

14-day fasting is becoming one of the busiest topics on weight loss and healthy lifestyle forums. Many people consider this method correct and effective in the fight against excess weight and use this technique when conventional diets no longer help.

14 day fasting: preparation

At first, it is better to start with 1 day of fasting, eventually increasing the fast to 14 days. Pay attention to how your well-being changes as the fasting period increases. During the period of refusal to eat, chronic diseases may worsen. This problem is most often encountered by people who have not cleansed the body beforehand or who have stuck to their usual eating pattern during breaks.

The correct course of the cleansing process is characterized by improved mood and well-being, increased attention, smell, tactile perception, and a feeling of lightness and comfort. Fasting for 14 days should be carried out taking into account the individual constitution, age, and biological rhythms.

This way, overweight people can feel a surge of energy and strength during cleansing. This occurs due to the removal of excess fluid from the body. For those suffering from obesity, it is recommended to additionally visit a dry steam room. It is advisable for thin people to take hot baths several times a day and drink more hot water, otherwise the cleansing process will slow down and weakness may appear. For people with a normal build, visiting a wet steam room is useful to enhance the effect.

Fasting for 14 days should take place in a calm environment. Try to rest more, sleep at least 8 hours a day. Slow walks in the fresh air and short stays in the sun are helpful. During the period of cleansing from toxins, the body may be weakened. Don't worry, this is a natural state. The main thing is to keep your health under control! During fasting, you can engage in physical exercise if you feel a surge of strength and vigor. If you feel even the slightest malaise or weakness, refuse any exercise.

Fasting 14 days: how to start correctly?

  1. The beginning of a 14-day fast is of great importance. Avoid heavy meals the day before, especially in the afternoon. The best option is to follow a light diet for a couple of days before cleansing, excluding fatty, fried, smoked, and sweets. It makes sense to cleanse the intestines first. You can do an enema or use a mild laxative.
  2. Some time before the start of the 14-day fast, you need to change your usual eating regimen. Include raw plant foods in your diet. They will help the body replenish its supply of essential vitamins and microelements. Fasting requires special moral preparation: for some time
  3. You will have to give up not only your usual food, but also your usual way of life. After this period, try to stick to a light diet. Try not to break down in the first days, because... the feeling of hunger will be quite noticeable.
  4. Try to drink as much water as possible while refusing food. It helps eliminate toxins, break down fats, and reduces appetite.

Breaking fast for 14 days

Breaking a 14-day fast is no less important. A drastic change in diet may be accompanied by unpleasant sensations. The main task is to establish the proper functioning of the digestive tract. Mistakes when coming out of fasting can be dangerous to your health!

In the first days, it is preferable to eat plant foods. This will allow the body to continue the independent synthesis of protein during the recovery process, which is healthier than the one we get from food.

The correct way out of fasting will help to record the result obtained and give the body the mindset for further cleansing.

It is important to exclude from the diet in the next 3 months:

  • Salt,
  • Sugar, with the exception of natural sweets (honey, dates, raisins, figs),
  • Animal fats
  • Mushrooms,

Limit protein foods (may disrupt kidney function). The safest way out of a 14-day fast is considered to be a juice diet. On the first day, drink vegetable or fruit juice diluted with water (1:1), gradually increasing the concentration every two hours. After 2-3 days, include low-fat vegetable soups, salads, and fruits in your diet. Later you can include kefir and porridge in the menu. It is better to temporarily abandon animal proteins, giving preference to legumes, seeds, and nuts.

Don't be discouraged if you notice an increase in body weight after fasting. This occurs due to the reduction of adipose tissue and the growth of muscle mass, which is more dense and weighs heavier than fat.

Fasting 14 days: reviews

  • Maria: My mother’s friend lost 8 kg on a 14-day fast. Since then, she has been fasting solely to maintain weight! I also decided to turn to this method of losing weight. During the process, I drank only water with honey. In 10 days I lost 7 kg. From time to time I felt weak and dizzy. Spent a lot of time in bed. She withstood the entire period of fasting. The result is 11 kg in 14 days.
  • Victoria: The first time I decided to go on such a diet was a year ago. I fasted for 8 days on the water. I did not carry out any preparatory procedures. I quickly went into hunger and came out as well, immediately starting to eat as usual. The 6 kg I lost came back in a couple of days! The second time I was already prepared, I read a lot of literature. This time I fasted for 14 days and lost 9 kg. I noticed a surge of strength and energy already in the first days of the hunger strike. I walked for several hours every day, I wanted to move. At the end of the two-week cleanse, fatigue was felt, but tolerable. My taste buds changed significantly and I could tell the difference in the taste of water. I ended the fast with juices, then added vegetables, gradually returning to my normal lifestyle.
  • Andrew: I recently tried fasting for 14 days. For the first 48 hours my mood was excellent, I went to the gym. It feels like the dumbbells and barbell have become lighter. At the end of the workout, I had some energy left to run on the treadmill. In the end, we managed to last only 65 hours. I'm sure it's a good start. In two days I managed to lose 2.5 kg. I'll definitely try again. I like it!
  • Inga: I sometimes use this diet for cleansing. The last time I lasted 10 days, although I expected 14. The most difficult thing for me is increased appetite and breakdowns, which are difficult to contain. During the last hunger strike I managed to lose 12 kg. I feel great, my taste buds have become sharper. I never thought that water could taste so good!

A 14-day fast is not an easy test for the body. To withstand it, strengthening your health and improving your well-being, you must strictly adhere to the rules. Pay special attention to the first days of cleansing and exit from it. Competent fasting will allow you to lose extra pounds, feel light and have a surge of energy!