
The story about the fish I was afraid of everything. The Tale of the Little Fish: Fairy Tale. How long do fish live?

Elena Yurievna Antonova


Development of artistic and creative abilities in children of senior preschool age through the use of pastel drawing techniques.


1. Continue introducing older preschool children to a new art material – pastels.

2. Improve techniques for working with the sharp edge of a chalk (hatching) and flat (shading, the ability to convey delicate color nuances.

3. Develop a sense of color, imagination, fantasy.

4. Cultivate courage, confidence, initiative in the experimental development of new artistic materials and ways of working with them.

Preliminary work:

Looking at illustrations "fish", conversations "What is the sea?" "Inhabitants of the Seas", reading fiction (A. S. Pushkin « The Tale of the Goldfish» , learning poetry, looking at reproductions of I.K. Aivazovsky, listening to musical works (M.K. Ciurlionis "Symphony of the Sea", M. Ravel "Water Game").


Dry pastel crayons, paper of different textures, hand wipes.

Progress of the lesson:

Guys, today I want tell very interesting for you fairy tale. And you can not only listen to it, but also become for a while the heroes of this fairy tales. But first I want to ask you, what is the sea?'s a huge body of water, there's a lot of water there. There are so many that you can’t even see the shores.) And who lives in the sea? …different inhabitants: fish, crabs, whales, etc. Algae, corals, shells grow there)

How are fish similar to each other? (They have a body with scales, a head, a tail, and fins.) Fish make friends and play with each other.

Physical education minute:

The fish are playing happily(tilts to the side)

In blue sunny water (smooth hand movements)

They will shrink and unclench

They'll bury themselves in the sand (shoulder movements)

What a great fellow you are! Yes, there really are many inhabitants in the sea, among which there are a wide variety of fish.

And so, our the fairy tale is called"The Adventures of the Pearl". Listen carefully, we may need your help.

Lived in sea beautiful little kingdom fish. This one's name was fish Pearl. Its scales were yellow-red, its fins were orange, and its eyes glowed with a golden sheen. She loved to swim sea to the depths in search of adventure. On such trips I learned a lot of new and interesting things.

One day the Pearl swam far, far from her home and found herself among thick green algae. She was very frightened and wanted to return home, but suddenly realized that she did not know where to go. And then, behind the stone, she saw Medusa and was very happy. That’s who will help me, thought Zhemchuzhinka. The pearl swam up to her and asked her to help her find her way home. That Medusa was not very beautiful and very cunning. AND she said to our fish: “I will show you the way home, but in return I will take your beauty from you.”. There’s nothing to do, our Pearl agreed and immediately turned into gray fish. And Medusa became prettier and showed herself pleased the fish's way home. Returning home, Zhemchuzhina looked at the beautiful fish swimming past and sadly thought that her scales would never be so beautiful again.

Soon, her friend Malek came to visit Zhemchuzhinka. He listened to the sad story and said: “I know how to help you! A cheerful girl Masha lives on the shore, and she has a Golden fish, which fulfills any desire. We need to swim to it." And they swam.

Masha did not refuse to help fish, but since she was a very mischievous girl, the first thing she wanted, of course, was to ask Golden fish, something for yourself. And Masha said: “How I want to see something new and unusual. Let this be my first wish." And then a sheet of paper and a box appeared in front of Masha, in which multi-colored sticks neatly lay. "Oh! What is this?"- Masha was surprised. “What beautiful sticks, but for some reason they get your hands dirty. They break easily and leave crumbs behind.” "We do not know"- answered fish.

Educator. Guys, do you know what is in Masha’s box? Can you tell me what kind of sticks these are?

Children talk about pastels. She is tender, magical, airy, fabulous. Pastel sticks break easily and fall off. If you draw with a corner of a chalk, it leaves a mark, a thin line. When painting, place the chalk "on the barrel". We use our fingers to shade the pastel. In places where the pattern is very narrow, a cotton swab will help to shade it. Swipe by hand "tiny" You can't, you could ruin the drawing. Extra "dust" You can remove it slightly and blow on the drawing. If necessary, you can wipe your hands on a napkin.

Educator. Thank you guys for told Masha about pastels. It's time for the second wish. The fish froze in anticipation, what will Masha ask? The girl looked at them and said to the goldfish: “I want to learn how to draw this one with pastels fish. I’ll make her beautiful myself.” But Masha didn’t even know how to draw with pastels or where to start.

Guys, we need to help Masha again. Let's show the girl how to draw fish using pastel crayons.

Children draw. Quiet calm music sounds.

Masha was so carried away by drawing that she almost forgot about marine fish - our heroes and about your third wish. She looked at her drawing, then at the Pearl, and she really wanted her to become just as beautiful. "I want this gray fish became as cheerful and colorful as in my drawing!” and Masha’s wish was immediately fulfilled.

That's it, thanks to Golden fish, Masha and the kindergarten children "Lukomorye", our the fairy tale ended well.

A message about fish for children can be used in preparation for a lesson. A story about fish for children in grades 1 and 2 can be supplemented with interesting facts.

Report about fish

Fish are aquatic inhabitants whose bodies are covered with scales. The body of a fish consists of a head, body, tail and fins. With the help of fins, fish turn in the water and change direction. The tail serves as a rudder for them.

Most fish have eyes located on both sides of the head, and the fish can see with each eye separately: it sees immediately in front of it, above it, behind it, and below it.

Fish breathe using gills. They close their gills and take a mouthful of water, and then open their gills and release water through them, “taking” oxygen from the water.

Most fish spawn. Each egg then produces fry. They don't look exactly like adult fish. But a little time will pass and the fry will turn into adult fish.

In winter, when the water freezes, the fish sink to the bottom. At this time, they lead a sedentary lifestyle and eat little. But there is very little oxygen in the water under the ice, so people make ice holes to make it easier for the fish to breathe.

Depending on the diet of fish, there are:

  • herbivores that feed on algae, midges - caught in the water - these are such fish How: bream, ruff, silver carp, grass carp, bleak and others.
  • predatory fish that are omnivores - pike, carp, catfish, perch, piranha, shark and others.

Depending on their habitat, fish are divided into river and sea fish.

River fish

Sea fish

  • Swordfish is one of the largest predatory fish. It reaches 4.5 meters in length and weighs up to 500 kg. It has a large semi-lunar fin on its tail, its upper jaw carries a sword, and its body is naked, without scales.
  • Monkfish is a large fish up to 1.5 m long and weighs up to 20 kilograms. On the head there is a fishing rod - an appetizing glowing “bait” for other fish.
  • Flying fish are small, from 15 to 25-35 cm. Even the giant flying fish is no longer than 50 cm. Its pectoral fins are slightly shorter than the body and contain a large number of rays.
  • The electric stingray is a large fish, often reaching a length of 2 m and a weight of 100 kg, with an almost round body disk and bare skin, devoid of thorns and spines. They use their formidable weapons mainly to kill prey and, of course, for defense.
  • The zebra fish is a saltwater fish colored with cream and burgundy stripes. The body of the zebra fish is equipped with a large number of fins, spines and other appendages. In a moment of danger, she quickly turns from side to side, trying to stand with her back to the enemy, and hits him with her dorsal fins. Lionfish venom is extremely dangerous.
How long do fish live?

The lifespan of fish is from 5 to 100 years!
Small fish live less, but large fish (pike, catfish) can live to a ripe old age. After all, they have no enemies in reservoirs. If they do not get caught by a fisherman, they will live for a very long time.

Many families are now interested in keeping aquarium fish, and perhaps you also have an aquarium with these beautiful pets. And you probably want to know a lot more about the fish, not just that they are covered with beautiful shiny scales and are nice to look at. Fish, as you probably already know, are not only aquarium fish.

There are fish that live in rivers and lakes where there is fresh water. And there are fish that live where the water is salty.

How do fish breathe underwater?

“How do they breathe underwater?” - you ask. - “After all, breathing requires oxygen!” Yes... fish, just like us, also need oxygen. And they take it straight from the water. through the mouth it enters the gills, leaves oxygen for the fish, and itself comes out. This is such a cunning breathing system that fish have.

Why do fish need fins and a tail?

The fins and tail help the fish swim and turn in the right direction. These are very easy to maneuver tools.

Why don't fish blink?

Have you perhaps noticed that fish always have their eyes open and never blink? This is because fish do not close their eyes at all. There is no dust in the water, and if a speck of dust suddenly gets into your eye, it will be washed away immediately. Therefore, fish did not need eyelids and eyelashes, unlike land animals.

Why do fish have scales?

The shiny scales that cover the body of fish serve not only for beauty, but also for protection from external factors. The scale cover, similar to the shell, protects the fish from various damages and the penetration of microorganisms, gives the body firmness and elasticity, and provides the fish with a high speed of movement. ... Scales also help fish swim in water and protect them from teeth.

The husband went and bought his wife a new knife, a new pot, a new plate and a new mat. The wife, very pleased, gutted the fish, cut it into pieces and began to cook. When everything was ready, she took pity on her husband, called him and offered him a piece of fish too. But he refused

I no longer felt guilty, since the snake now looked happy, and sat down to fish. There were a lot of fish, and Carol and I soon caught a whole mountain of them. She lay right on the grass, and Carol kept talking, without closing her mouth, she inherited this from her mother, and if she starts talking, it’s as if a river is babbling.

After the deer, fish and reptiles gathered for a council. They accumulated a lot of grievances against people, and they decided to send bad dreams to people. Let these dreams, like snakes, wrap themselves around a person and strangle him. Or they will send dreams about raw and rotten fish in order to discourage people’s appetite and starve them to death.

Iquaman's son - he was a very smart boy - began to imitate Zhezha and Matrinshan and amuse the guests with this. Seeing that the child was exposing them to public ridicule, Zheju and Matrinshan were very offended and, in order to destroy him, they damaged the boy. Returning from the feast, he fell ill and died after much suffering.

The palm trees rustled above the children, and they could hear the waves rolling onto the shore, but there were no other sounds. The children spoke in whispers, they were very lonely, and the night seemed dark and uninhabited. They soon fell asleep, but woke up again when their parents tiptoed into the house.

The raven took a wicker bag and a stone ax and went to the stork. The weather was cold. The raven was hungry, he walked and thought about the fish that the stork caught. “This stork is a good fellow,” he said to himself. “It’s nice to have such a friend.” The raven walked and walked and suddenly noticed that bees were flying into the trunk of a tree.

Once upon a time, seven blind brothers lived on the island of Mua. Every day they swam to the reef and hit the fish there with a spear. Before going out to sea, the brothers tied a bandage around their head and stuck magic feathers into the bandage. The feathers led the brothers to the boat and showed them the direction. If the brothers walked the right path, the feathers fluttered in the wind; if they were wrong, the feathers suddenly froze.

The turtle split the coral in which the heron's leg was stuck, and the bird easily flew into the air. -You saved my life! - she shouted to the turtle. - Look, I’ll be useful to you someday. Soon the residents of the village of Hagelonga went fishing. They lowered the net into the water, secured its corners on supports and began to wait. First, a shark swam into the net.

And a miracle happened. Those birds turned into fish. That is why there are different fish - large and small, round and flat, multi-colored, golden and colorless, beautiful and ugly. These are all former birds, and each fish is a little like the bird from which it came.

A fish was swimming in the lake. Despite the fact that she was small in size, nature rewarded her with extraordinary beauty. Her scales glowed like neon blue lights, illuminating the dark waters. Most of the time she frolicked at the bottom, but sometimes she swam to the very surface to jump out of the water and show off her beauty. All small fish usually live in schools, but the fate of this inhabitant of a beautiful lake turned out differently. She once splashed around happily with her friends and girlfriends, but one day everything changed. A terrible hurricane of unprecedented force hit the quiet lake, waves rose, silt rose from the bottom, and the water became cloudy. Nothing was visible. And when everything calmed down, the little fish realized that she was left completely alone. There was not a single living soul left in the lake, only shells and algae decorated the lake. One fine morning, when the golden sun was already high, fishermen came to the lake. We saw how the fish splashed and how beautifully it sparkled in the golden rays. And they liked her so much that they definitely wanted to catch her. They threw down their nets and sat down on the bank. The fish saw that strange ropes were lowering into the water, and swam away. Distinguished by her special ingenuity, she knew that unknown objects should first be studied from afar, to look closely to see if there was any danger. The fishermen took out their nets. Only brown algae was found. They threw it again.

“What strange people,” reasoned the fish, hiding behind a shell. “I’m not at all interested in their ropes, why do they constantly throw them here?!” The fishermen were in no hurry, enjoying the beautiful sunny weather, wonderful birdsong and the slight coolness of the lake. They had been friends since childhood and found a lot of topics to talk about.

"I understood! - the fish exclaimed and joyfully flapped its blue fins. “We should give them a gift as a sign of our friendship!” The fish dragged a shell to the net, carefully hooked it and swam away to the side. The fishermen pulled their nets for the second time. They look - only one shell was caught, but it’s really beautiful!

“They must have been happy! - smiling contentedly, the fish jumped above the water. - This was the most beautiful shell I could find. How nice it is to be able to do something good for someone. I’ve been here all alone for so long and I had no one to please.” But the fishermen admired the shell and threw it back into the lake. They lowered the nets for the third time. Friends talked and decided how they would divide the catch. But they had nothing to share. No matter how much they threw their nets into the lake, they pulled out grass and garbage. So they went home with nothing. But during the time that the fishermen spent by the lake, the fish got used to them, she was so lonely, and she really wanted to find friends.

The next morning, the old friends returned to the lake, taking their fishing rods with them. The fish was very happy to see their silhouettes from afar: “They haven’t forgotten about me!” She splashed happily, and the fishermen’s desire to catch her increased. The fish tried with all its love to cheer them up, jumped up and down over the surface of the lake, the rays of the sun touched its scales, and it sparkled like a bright star. She wanted to bring happiness to these people so much that she was not at all interested in the bait on the hooks, and they were again left without a catch. “What a misfortune! What is this strange fish? - the fishermen were indignant. And then, out of nowhere, a little girl ran out to the fishermen in a yellow dress with dandelions embroidered on it. “Daddy, daddy!” she screamed. - I want to look at the fish with you! Can I come with you? The father was delighted. He sat her down next to her, gave her a fishing rod, and sat aside. But the girl, not noticing the fishing rod, jumped up and ran to the lake. Dark eyelashes, like rays, framed children's eyes full of amazement and love.

What a beautiful fish! - she whispered with delight, slightly holding her breath. - Dad, can I be her friend?

“We’ll catch her, put her in a jar, and then you can be friends with her as much as you want,” answered the strict father.

But, dad! She will feel bad in captivity, and her scales will not sparkle so much without the sun! This is not how you treat friends. How about we come visit her, feed her bread crumbs and admire her beauty? - pearls of tears sparkled on her wonderful eyelashes.