Pectoral muscles

Review of hyperextensions and Roman chairs - making your body perfect! Roman chair: “lifting the body” exercise, correct technique, useful tips Buy a Roman bench

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Today, this simulator, which has already become a classic, is available in several versions. He can be found in all the halls and girls have a special love for him. Although there are many variations of the Roman chair on the market today, they all have common design elements. First of all, this is a frame to which a small seat is attached. An equally important element of a Roman chair are the stops. Most models allow you to change the height of the supports and seat, as well as the angle of the bench.

The Roman chair is primarily designed for performing hyperextensions, or, more simply, for stretching and relaxing muscles. abdominals and backs. With its help, you can effectively perform crunches on specific muscle groups. This kind sports equipment It is practically not used for gaining weight, but is used to warm up and stretch muscles.

How to properly pump up your abs on a Roman chair?

First you need to adjust the equipment to howl growth. The front supports should be located in the lumbar region, and the lower ones should be lowered to the Achilles tendon or slightly higher.

When the exercise is performed in a sitting position, the buttocks should not extend beyond the seat. The shins should be rested on the bolsters. You can also use the second option for the initial position. To do this, you need to place your feet under the lower support, and top part rest your hips on the seat. It is very important that the back and legs form a straight line as a result.

Inhale and tighten your butt muscles. Then, exhaling air, begin to slowly lower your torso below the hip line until an angle of sixty degrees is formed. As you inhale, return to the starting position. Hands can be crossed in the area chest to make it more convenient to pump up your abs on a Roman chair.

The main nuance of this movement is the need to hold pauses in the extreme upper and lower positions of the movement trajectory. In addition, it is important to monitor correct breathing, inhaling while moving up, and exhaling while lowering. The execution of the movement should be slow. Beginners can simplify the task slightly by reducing the trajectory of movement.

You can also use variations of this movement. If you lie on your side, the load will be on the oblique muscles. If you need to pump up your buttocks and thighs, then rest on the seat with the middle of your thigh. If you have back problems, then you should perform reverse hyperextension, strengthening your torso rather than your legs. Do not use weights until you have mastered the movement technique well.

Mistakes when training your abs on a Roman chair

Although this is a fairly simple movement, athletes still make mistakes. Very often a large amplitude is used when the angle is close to a right angle. Thus, only those who have well-developed back muscles and no curvature of the spinal column can perform the exercise.

An equally common mistake is a strong deflection that occurs when you lean too far back. This way you do not distribute the load correctly, and the exercise becomes less effective.

Sometimes athletes combine the two previous mistakes and swing their torso. Do not bend your knee joints. This makes your task easier, but reduces the effectiveness of the training. When you do abs on a Roman chair, your body should resemble a stretched string.

So that your hands do not interfere with your movement, you can cross them in the chest area or behind your head. However, you should not make a strong lock, just as you should not press them tightly to the back of the head.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the use of weights. Beginning athletes often rush to progress the load, which leads to injuries. At first, it will be enough for you to work with your own weight.

How to choose a Roman chair for your home room?

Since today it is very easy to find equipment for home hall, then it’s worth dwelling in more detail on the choice of a Roman chair. The first thing you should pay attention to is the frame, which should be made of high-strength alloys. Very often, in cheap models, silumin is used for this, which is a short-lived material.

No less important structural elements are the bolsters and the seat. Their covering should be made of artificial leather. Check all seams for quality. It should also be remembered that the rollers must have a durable coating and soft padding. It is very good if the manufacturer used hypoallergenic materials.

It is worth taking a closer look at those models that allow you to change the angle of the frame and the height of the seat. This is very convenient and will allow you to further progress the load.

Watch in this video how to train your abs on a Roman chair:

Since the times of gladiators there are no more effective simulator to strengthen the muscles of the back and abdominals than the Roman chair. This is a classic simulator, presented by manufacturers in several variations. It can be found in any gym and more than half of beginners choose it to start training; it is especially popular among women.

What does it look like?

Despite the large number of modifications of the simulator, each has the following basic elements:

  • a frame that ensures stability of the structure at rest and during exercise;
  • seat with small dimensions;
  • emphasis in the form of rollers. They should be upholstered with soft material, there may be several stops.

Modern models allow you to change the height of the seat and rest, change the angle of inclination to suit different heights. There may be compact folding models for the home and larger and stronger ones for the gym.

What exercises is it intended for?

The main purpose of the Roman chair is hyperextension, that is, stretching and straightening the muscles of the back, abdominals, and buttocks. It can be performed on a specific muscle group. It is not suitable for pumping up muscles, but is used before power load and squats to warm up the body. You can exercise on a Roman chair after your main workout to stretch stressed muscles.

Exercise technique

Effective activity only possible with correct execution Every exercise, mistakes lead to injury and wasted effort. The rules for using the simulator are as follows:

  1. Adjustment. Before class, you need to move the front rollers to the level of the bend of the lower back and hips. The lower rollers are lowered to the Achilles tendon, leaving them slightly higher.
  2. Starting position. If the exercise is performed while sitting, then the buttocks should be positioned clearly on the seat, without protruding beyond it. The shins rest against the bolsters. Another option for performing the exercises is to place your feet under the lower bolster, with your upper thighs resting on the seat. Legs and back should be in line.
  3. Take a breath Tighten your gluteal muscles and, as you exhale, lower your torso below hip level. The tilt angle should be approximately 60°. Round your back a little. Exhale and cross your arms over your chest.
  4. On inspiration a smooth rise of the body begins entry level. Lock yourself in position. Do it all again.

The main subtleties of performing the exercises: fixation at the lowest point and in the starting position, as well as lowering is accompanied by exhalation, and lifting by inhaling. All movements must be performed at a slow or moderately slow pace.

Beginners can simplify the task a little by reducing the amplitude of the tilt. In this case, the main load will fall on the muscles of the buttocks and thighs.

If the activity seems very simple, then you can complicate it by pulling one leg out of the brace. It is worth repeating the exercise with one and the other leg to ensure an even load on all muscles.

There are several variations of the exercise. The housing can be positioned at an angle to the floor or parallel. You can lie on your side to exercise your oblique muscles. To train the buttocks and hamstrings, the emphasis is on the middle of the thigh. Reverse hyperextension involves strengthening the torso, not the legs. This exercise is recommended for those who have back problems.

Weights can be used only after mastering the correct technique, as well as after easily performing 3 approaches of 15 times. How to use weights, pancakes, etc.

If everything is done correctly, the main load will be in the lumbar region. This is easy to check. When you get up after class, this area will be very warm and there will be a rush of blood. It will also feel like you swallowed a stake.

Mistakes to Avoid

Despite the apparent simplicity of all possible exercises, very often people make mistakes:

  • The amplitude is too large, up to 90°. This depth of inclination can be afforded by people with a strong back, without scoliosis or other curvatures.
  • Strong deflection. A common mistake is when a person bends too far back when lifting the body. This breaks the straight line and redistributes the load incorrectly. Lifting with a completely straight back is also incorrect.
  • Full amplitude. The trainee combines both previous mistakes in one exercise and begins to swing his body too much.
  • Leg bending. Sometimes the body tries to make the task easier for itself, and the legs bend at the knee joint. At proper training on the Roman chair, the whole body should be taut like a string.
  • Incorrect hand position. When practicing, you can place your arms on your chest, bending your elbows, or put them behind your head. In the second case, the angle between them is 180°, and they lightly touch the back of the head; there is no need to lock them tightly together or press them tightly against the head.
  • Too much heavy weight. To increase the load, you can additionally use weights. Many people rush to increase the load from the first lesson and “break their backs.” Beginners should definitely train empty the first time.

All of these mistakes can lead to lower back and lower back injuries that will interrupt any training for a long time.

Main muscle groups trained on the Roman chair

For training, it is important to know which muscle groups are included in the work.

The Roman chair allows you to give load to:

  • biceps muscle or biceps femoris;
  • semimembranosus femoris muscle;
  • semitendinosus femoris muscle;
  • calf muscle;
  • gluteus maximus muscle;
  • abdominal muscles;
  • back muscles in the lumbar region.

Many people believe that the Roman chair is primarily intended for training the buttocks and eliminating “lugs” on the sides. But in fact, the main load goes to the back of the thigh and lower back. The exercise is unique in that it involves the smallest muscles, which are rarely used on other exercise machines.

Contraindications for exercise

Since the main load goes to the lumbosacral spine, it is not advisable for people with injuries in this department, as well as injuries to the coccyx, to choose training on the Roman chair. If you have a congenital spinal defect, you should consult your doctor before starting exercise.

Buying a simulator

Due to its small dimensions and ease of operation, the exercise machine can be purchased for home use. A reliable, high-quality exercise machine will make training safe, effective and comfortable.

How to choose the right trainer?

Among the large range of products, you need to be able to find a really high-quality model.

When choosing a Roman bench, pay attention to several details:

  1. Frame. For its manufacture, high-strength steel should be used that will last for more than one year. Chinese models are often made from silumin alloys with a significantly shorter service life.
  2. Seat and back upholstery. An excellent material would be high quality synthetic non-slip leather. It should not fade or tear over time. The seams must be neat. It is desirable that the material be hypoallergenic, since the area of ​​its contact with the body during exercise is quite large.
  3. Foot rest. The rollers must also have a durable coating. The inner padding is soft enough to prevent bruising after exercise. The emphasis should be comfortable.
  4. Frame adjustment. It is desirable to be able to change the angle of the frame and the height of the roller fixation. All regulatory mechanisms should be simple and convenient. The ability to change the height will allow people of different heights to exercise on the machine.
  5. Maximum load weight. The weight stated in the equipment passport must be comparable to the weight of the person exercising.


The simplest models can be found starting at $160, while the most advanced can cost $2,000. On average, the price of a Roman chair ranges from 11,000 to 35,000 rubles in various stores. Exercise machines in this category differ in their manufacturers and additional features (additional supports).

Popular manufacturers

There are many companies producing sporting goods.

In our market you can find Roman chairs from:

  • Body Solid– an American brand that supplies products for home use and professional use;
  • Oxygen– a Taiwanese company specializing in inexpensive but high-quality equipment;
  • Kettler– German quality training equipment;
  • Bronze Gym– a German manufacturer with factories in China and Thailand, specializing in budget and mid-range products;
  • Matrix– from the manufacturer Johnson Health Tech Co., offering best equipment for training. Made in USA-Taiwan.

You can also find other less famous brands. The main thing is the quality of the product, not the brand.

Advantages and disadvantages

Regular exercise will help:

  1. Strengthen the spine. This is an important part of the body on which the well-being of the whole body depends. Strengthening the muscles of the spine will improve lymph flow, blood circulation, and conductivity of nerve endings.
  2. Formation of beautiful posture. This will help improve your perception of yourself and others, add confidence and attractiveness. Good posture means training many muscles, including the glutes and pectorals. The Roman machine simultaneously loads everything at once.
  3. Preparation of the musculoskeletal system to heavy loads and injury prevention.

The simulator has practically no disadvantages. They can be called:

which, if done incorrectly, can lead to injury.
  • More suitable for warming up and preparing the body than for a quality workout certain groups muscles.
  • The Roman bench is the simplest design of a simulator that allows you to do simple exercises on the press more effective and correct. Before you start, you need to learn the basic mistakes and technique of doing the exercises. This will make the activity more useful and protect you from injury. You need to take care of your body, the Roman chair is well suited for this.

    The Roman chair is a simulator with which you can pump up your abs and also strengthen your back muscles. It can be found in any gym, but many also buy it to use at home. Exactly what exercises can be performed on it will be discussed in this article.

    Types of Roman chair

    There are several types of Roman chair. Here they are:

    Whatever type of exercise machine you choose, the principle will be the same - lifting the torso or legs to pump up muscles.

    What exercises can you do on a Roman chair?

    The Roman chair is a machine on which you can do exercises such as twisting and hyperextension.

    Roman chair crunches

    You can do abdominal crunches on a Roman chair. This exercise pumps up almost all the abdominal muscles. Only with its help can one achieve the appearance beautiful relief on the press. The key to success in this case is to do body lifts correctly and regularly. The technique for performing twists is as follows:

    • Sit on a bench. Place your feet behind the rollers located at the bottom of the machine;
    • Lie down on a bench with your arms behind your head or crosswise on your chest.
    • Exhale and lift your torso. In this case, you need to monitor the position of your back. It should be twisted. You cannot lift your torso without twisting your back, i.e. with a straight body, otherwise problems with the spine may occur. Try to touch your knees with your forehead.
    • At the top point, hold for 2 seconds and slowly lower your body back. All movements must be smooth. No jerking is allowed.
    • Repeat the exercise 10-15 times, do 3 approaches. Once the technique is mastered, the number of repetitions should be gradually increased to 25.

    You can pump up your abs on a Roman chair in other ways. There is a type of exercise called oblique crunches. In this case, lifting the body should not be done straight, but with a deviation to the side. In this case, one hand should be placed behind the head, and the other should rest on the thigh. When lifting the body, you need to touch the opposite leg with the elbow of the hand that is located behind the head.

    There are also reverse crunches. In this case, you need to perform not lifting the torso, but lifting the legs and pelvis. In this case, the head should be located on the Roman chair where the legs should have been. In this case, you should grasp the soft rollers with your hands. As you exhale, you need to raise your legs and pelvis. When you inhale, you should return them back.

    Whatever type of crunches you choose, the exercises must be performed regularly. At the same time, you should know that cubes will appear only if the layer of fat on the abdomen is minimal. Such exercises are not suitable for weight loss.

    Hyperextension on a Roman chair

    Hyperextension is an exercise that is performed on a Roman chair. Their main goal is to pump up the muscles of the back, abs and buttocks.

    You need to do these exercises as follows:

    • Take the starting position on the simulator: sit on the seat, move your feet behind the lower rollers. Cross your arms over your chest.
    • Inhale and tilt your body back, rounding your back. In this case, the torso should lower by 60 degrees.
    • Inhale and come back. Perform 20-25 repetitions and 3 sets.

    Hyperextension has rules for execution. First of all, you should not allow your body to tilt too low. If you hold your back at an angle of 90 degrees, the spine will receive a strong load and problems may eventually arise.

    In addition, you need to control the deflection itself. So, if you keep your back straight, then again there will be too much stress on the spine. You also need to watch your feet. You can't bend your knees. The legs should only be straight, otherwise the exercise will be performed incorrectly.

    Hyperextension can be performed in another way. In this case, you should be placed face down on the simulator. In this case, the seat should be located under the hips, and the feet and legs should be placed behind the soft bolsters. Next, also follow the downward bends, rounding the back. It is not recommended to tilt the body too low. 60 degrees of inclination will be enough.

    Roman chair at home

    As already mentioned, exercises on the Roman chair can be performed at home. To do this you will need to purchase this simulator. This can be either a bench for crunches or a machine for performing exercises such as hyperextensions. The technique will be the same as when training in the gym.

    At home, exercises can be performed daily. However, you need to remember about safety precautions. No one can back you up at home. Therefore, experts recommend training on a Roman chair only in the gym.

    Exercises on a Roman chair help to quickly and effectively pump up your abdominal and back muscles. Training can be done both in the gym and at home. The main thing is to try not to miss classes, do everything correctly and remember safety precautions.

    Hi all. Today we will talk to you about another exercise for developing the abdominal muscles called.

    It's no secret that to work out the abs you need to have enough patience and work hard day after day, doing various exercises and following a diet. Only in this case will you have your treasured six pack abs.

    There are a huge number of different programs for developing abdominal muscles, including a variety of exercises. But they all come down to two main types - these are various leg lifts and body lifts, as well as their combinations. Today we will look at lifting the torso in a Roman chair.

    As the name implies, we will need this very Roman chair. He is incline bench with special footrests. In my opinion, it has nothing in common with the throne of the Roman emperor. In the picture you can see how Arnie is working on building relief press using a Roman chair.

    This exercise targets top part abdominal press. In addition, there are options for performing it with the torso turning to the sides, while the oblique abdominal muscles are included in the work. I also use additional weights on my chest.

    So, let's get into the simulator. We place our legs under special supports (pre-adjust their height to suit your height). We cross our arms over our chest or put them behind our heads, depending on your level of fitness. The torso is positioned vertically. This is our starting position.

    We take a deep breath and slowly lower ourselves back to approximately parallel level. Then, as you exhale, we return to the starting position, rounding the back in the lower back (as when doing) and tensing the abdominal muscles as much as possible. Then we perform the next repetition.

    Nuances of technology

    I have met a huge number of athletes who recommend lowering themselves onto the bench completely. They motivate this by the fact that in this position the abdominal muscles are maximally stretched and the intensity of the exercise as a whole increases. This may be so, but we must remember that this significantly increases the load on the lumbar spine.

    I've tried both options. After the second, my lower back hurt wildly, so much so that I completely forgot about it for a month. Gym. So, I chose the first option for myself. Everyone is different, you may like the second option, but be mindful of your lower back. She is already subjected to serious loads, for example, during.

    In addition, the first option allows you to focus as much as possible on the upper abdominals. At the top you should feel tension upper press. With this option, the load on the front surface of the thighs is eliminated, which also enhances the isolation of the upper abs.

    Today you learned how to do lifting the torso in a Roman chair. This exercise should be performed together with other abdominal exercises. You need to do 3-4 sets of 20-25 repetitions.

    Yes, how do you like the article? Do not forget subscribe to blog updates and receive the latest articles to your email.

    PS. By the way, I advise you to read nuances of technology basic exercises in.

    If your goal is to work on the shape and relief of your abdominal muscles, then hyperextensions and Roman chairs will help you achieve results much faster and without significant financial costs.

    Why choose hyperextension or Roman chair? These exercise machines will be useful to you if you need to lose fat in the waist area and pump up your abdominal muscles. During exercises on the bench, the muscles of the abdominals, back, hips, and in some cases even the buttocks are worked out. Regularly performed abdominal exercises have positive influence on internal organs, forcing the cardiovascular system and lungs to work properly.

    Hyperextension or Roman chair – what to choose?

    These two machines have some differences that you need to know when choosing.

    Roman chair is used for study rectus and oblique abdominal muscles, moreover, thanks to a combination of exercises you can work with the back and gluteal muscles. Chair exercises have a beneficial effect on the entire musculoskeletal system. During training, the legs, sandwiched between the rollers, are positioned at an angle of 90 degrees relative to the body - this body position is safe and allows you to use a whole range of muscles.

    Hyperextension is called both the machine and itself. exercise, which is executed on it. The design includes a durable steel frame, a pair of soft cushions and comfortable foot bolsters. The exercise itself is quite simple and understandable - it is a lift from the starting position downwards, face down, in an inclined position. By performing hyperextension, you use the abdominal muscles, back, hips and buttocks, and also actively warm up the spine.

    When choosing a hyperextension or Roman chair, pay attention to the following parameters:

    • The frame should be made of high-strength steel, and not from various alloys that unscrupulous manufacturers use. This is a guarantee of the durability and safety of the simulator.
    • The upholstery of the backrest and cushions is made of high-quality non-slip synthetic leather with durable seams that will not fray or tear over time.
    • Leg bolsters must be equipped with a soft filler with a durable coating so that during the exercise there are no bruises, scratches or bruises on the legs.
    • The footrests and the angle of the frame must be conveniently adjustable with optimal amplitude so that users of different heights can exercise on the simulator.

    Also important Weight Limit– it must be completely comparable to the weight of the person who plans to exercise on it, plus a few kilograms for a safety margin.

    We offer you the best hyperextension and Roman chairs: