Pectoral muscles

System minus 60 by Ekaterina Mirimanova for weight loss. Scrub recipe from Mirimanova. Healthy dinner option: video recipe

Diet of Ekaterina Mirimanova - System Minus 60 Anna

System rating Minus 60 Mirimanova



Variety of products

Total: This is not a diet, but a nutritional system that allows you to significantly lose weight. Pros: effective diet, variety of products, easy to carry. Cons: you need to adhere to the rules, there are some restrictions on products, there are contraindications.

4,5 Good performance diet

For those who have problems with overweight It will be difficult to believe that you can lose weight without depriving yourself of many of the joys of life. But this is real if you follow only 9 rules of the “Minus 60” diet by Ekaterina Mirimanova.

Ekaterina Mirimanova is our compatriot, writer, author of the “minus 60” weight loss system. Eating according to her own plan, she tested its effectiveness on herself, losing 60 kg. excess weight. Having written more than a dozen books, she included the treasured number in the title of one of them, devoting it to all the nuances of her own successful experience. Mirimanova’s diet has gained particular popularity for one important reason: you can eat sweets and still lose weight. The main thing is to adhere to the rules.

Rules of the “Minus 60” diet

Strict adherence to the rules will allow you to achieve results faster. All are required to be followed.

1. Breakfast should not be skipped. It is the morning meal that is most responsible for the result. It “launches” the body, preparing it for daily stress. Proper metabolism also depends on breakfast. Early risers can have 2 breakfasts, but the second one should be light.
  • 2. Water – as needed. The principle “the more the better” does not work here. You need to drink exactly as much as you want. Ekaterina Mirimanova recommends putting water in a visible place so that the desire to drink arises more often. This way you won’t have to force yourself to drink - the reflex will simply work: I saw it - I drank.
  • Sweet tea and coffee are allowed, but only in the morning. The amount of sugar needs to be reduced, gradually eliminating it. It will be very good to replace white sugar with cane sugar or fructose - less calorie and more healthy.

The body slowly adapts to new habits, so you can easily switch to sugar-free drinks and dry wine, replacing your previously favorite one.

4. Save sweets for breakfast. Confectionery, chocolate, sweets - all this can be eaten. It is important that all goodies are consumed exclusively for breakfast. Only milk chocolate is prohibited due to its high content of easily digestible carbohydrates. Replace it with a bitter one with a cocoa content of 56% or more, gradually increasing the percentage of bitterness. It is not only tasty, but also good for memory and brain function. Only such chocolate will bring real benefits both in exams and in Ekaterina Mirimanova’s diet.

5. Dinner is strictly by the hour. This means that the evening meal must be completed before 18:00. But even night owls should have dinner before 8 pm maximum, regardless of what time they went to bed and got up. Before 5 pm, having your last snack is ineffective, since metabolic processes in the body are still very active. Not only will you have time to get hungry before bed, but this will also disrupt the rhythm that is familiar to your body.

The following 4 rules concern products that need special attention:

6. Replace regular rice with steamed rice. This treatment not only looks presentable after preparation, but is also much healthier than usual. Gradually, white rice should be replaced with brown or wild rice, since these types of rice contain more nutrients (vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6 and B9), and the content of magnesium, phosphorus and potassium in brown rice is 2-3 times higher than in white. 7. Eat potatoes and pasta carefully. Restrictions relate to the compatibility of these products and the time of their use. For breakfast you can eat them in any combination with any food.

8. White bread - for breakfast. This rule applies to everyone who eats with bread. For lunch, a piece of rye bread is allowed if there is no meat, fish or poultry on the menu. For dinner, you should abstain from any bread. 9. Dinner should be as light as possible. What is meant here is not the amount of food, but its digestibility. You can add vegetables or fruits to rice and cottage cheese. But if you plan to have meat for dinner, then you can’t eat anything else. You should exclude potatoes, all kinds of legumes, mushrooms, and avocados from your planned dinner.

No fried food! You can stew, bake, steam and grill - these are the most healthy ways of cooking.

These are the basic rules of the minus 60 system. At first it will be quite difficult to follow them, but after a week or two, you will already be pleasantly motivated by weight loss to continue following them.

Products for the Mirimanova diet

Since there is no time frame for the “minus 60 Ekaterina Mirimanova” nutrition system, you need to eat, adhering to the rules, until you lose the required number of kilograms. To make it easier for you to navigate the foods you can eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner, use the tables.

What the breakfast menu may include:

You need to have breakfast before 11 – 12 o’clock. It is important. You can prepare dishes in any way: fry, boil, stew, bake. Product compatibility is any. There are no restrictions on quantity, but overeating is not recommended.
Lunch starts at 12 noon and restrictions are set on the diet. You can select any product from the table, but only one. For example, empty pasta or soup, or cutlet, or fish. You can't mix them. For taste, you can add a little sour cream, soy sauce or mayonnaise.
Products for lunch Vegetables Meat assortment Cereals, pasta Friend
ohpeas and corn (fresh or frozen)steam cutletsmeatbuckwheat
soups: water with potatoes or meat broth, but without potatoespotatoboiled sausagemeat by-productsrice
eggsbeanssausagesfishrice noodles
boiled mushroomsseaweedbirdfish fingers
pastaKorean saladsjellygrilled kebab


Products not listed in the table cannot be included in the diet or replaced with those that you think are suitable.

The dinner menu may include the following products:

In addition to main meals, you can have snacks throughout the day. Fruits are used as snacks.

The same fruits can be eaten for breakfast, lunch or dinner, but follow the principle of compatibility and do not exceed their volume per day.

The importance of exercise in your diet

The effectiveness of your diet can be increased by doing exercises every day before breakfast. Some simple exercises will help the body “wake up” and prepare for a new day. By breakfast, the digestive system will be in full working order, so problems caused by digestion will automatically disappear.

In addition to exercise, you can sign up for fitness, yoga or Pilates. Physical activity paired with a diet works wonders: it allows you to lose weight even faster and maintain the condition of your skin and body, preventing you from losing muscle.

If you don’t have the opportunity to visit a fitness center, no problem, work out at home or just go for a walk for at least an hour fresh air. Don't sit on a bench, take a walk in the park with your husband, child, dog, or alone.

Skin care is part of the Minus 60 diet

When starting the “minus 60” diet by Ekaterina Mirimanova, you need to remember that your skin now needs additional care. This applies to both the face and body. The fact is that as you gain weight, your skin stretches, creating additional space for fat deposits. When fat quickly disappears, the skin is left hanging in unsightly folds. The pleasure of losing weight with such a result is questionable. This is why there are so many disappointments from fast weight loss: the skin simply does not have time to take its previous shape, so it needs help.

According to Ekaterina Mirimanova’s diet, the weight comes off slowly but steadily. The easier it will be to return the skin to its previous state.

The easiest way is to massage the body and especially problem areas. In combination with a coffee scrub and a contrast shower, it gives an amazing effect! The skin becomes elastic and velvety, and your well-being improves every day.

  • The scrub will help cleanse the pores and sebaceous glands through which impurities and toxins are removed.
  • Massage activates the work of skin capillaries, restoring its elasticity.
  • A contrast shower is an excellent tonic not only for the skin, but also for the whole body.

Contraindications for the Mirimanova diet

The Minus 60 technique is not suitable for everyone; you should not use it:

  • For diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • Pregnant or breastfeeding mothers;
  • Diabetics;
  • For diseases of the liver, gall bladder, gastritis and stomach ulcers.

Before starting a diet, be sure to consult your doctor!

  1. During the diet according to the Mirimanova system, fasting days and cleansing of the body cannot be carried out.
  2. You should not eat a lot of fruit at night, as weight loss can be greatly slowed down. It's better to get by with vegetables.
  3. It’s a good idea to add 1 – 2 slices of cheese to dry wine.
  4. Be sure to take vitamin and mineral complexes.
  5. You should not eat fried food for lunch.
  6. There should be 3 full meals a day. It is allowed to have a fruit snack if you are very hungry (second breakfast and lunch).

The "Minus 60" diet (system) was developed by the author of best-selling books on weight loss, Ekaterina Mirimanova. She tried it on herself, losing weight from 120 kg to 60 in just a year and a half, without resorting to surgical methods. The main advantage and difference of the system " Minus 60" from most others - there is no need to give up your favorite food, and there are no prohibited foods.

Who is Ekaterina Mirimanova?

Everything you want to know about Catherine and her book you can read on her official website, the most important thing is that the woman shared (and made good money on it, smart girl!) how to lose weight safely for your health and without compromising yourself limiting.

It turns out that just changing your lifestyle and your dream of losing weight will become a reality. It’s impossible to count all the reviews on the Internet that the minus 60 weight loss system is really effective and helps you lose excess weight.

If everything is very bad with your lifestyle and excess weight, it is best to buy her book, but if you don’t have time to read, then this article will help you. It describes the main principles of diet, physical activity, psychological attitude and skin care. Since losing 60 kg is not the same as losing 10 kg - stretch marks may appear.

Basic principles of the "Minus 60" system

It is better to divide meals into three times. Snacks are not prohibited, the main thing is that the portions are small and consist of light foods, such as vegetables or fruits.

On the minus 60 system you can drink coffee, tea and alcohol. It is better to replace regular refined sugar with fructose or brown sugar due to their better absorption by the body and vitamin content. It is also better to drink wine “dry”.

You can't skip breakfast, you can just reduce it to a small portion of cheese or rye bread.

You can eat sweets, but only before noon. You should give up milk chocolate and gradually accustom yourself to bitter chocolate. You should treat white bread the same way - only before noon. After that - rye bread, or better without it. Any food before this time in any volume can be consumed because, firstly, at this time the digestive system is most mobilized, and secondly, it is unlikely that you will be able to eat a lot.

It is better to use cereals as a side dish: rice, pearl barley or buckwheat. Ideally, brown rice, as it contains many useful substances and tastes exactly like regular rice. It is better to gradually reduce the consumption of potatoes and pasta to a minimum. The type of side dish processing can be any - boiled, stewed, sautéed, but if possible avoid fried. If this is problematic, then it is better to remove mayonnaise and sour cream from the diet.

The last meal should be before 6 pm. This is not a strict requirement, but rather a recommendation. If necessary, you can have dinner at 8 pm, but with something light, for example, vegetables or yogurt. Over time, your body will get used to “six-hour” dinners and evening hunger will stop bothering you.

The “Minus 60” system does not recommend drinking more water than you want. Its amount in the body will not have a strong effect on the weight loss procedure, so there is no need to force yourself and drink several liters of water daily. The same goes for salt - fanaticism is also not welcome.

There is no need to do fasting days or fasting, as this can cause stress in the body and disrupt the proper course of the diet.

Physical activity

The “Minus 60” system will not give the desired results if it is not combined with proper physical activity, which is an integral and important component of Ekaterina Miromanova’s weight loss program.

It is necessary to carry out daily sports or fitness activities (visiting a swimming pool, fitness club, active recreation, for example, skiing or cycling in combination with home light gymnastics). If this seems tiring, then you can reduce the number of classes, but you still need to prepare and orient the body to constant, albeit small, loads. Classes should not be a burden; the duration can also be completely individual, but the longer, the better, of course. Try not to get overtired.

Taking care of your skin

Since the effect of the diet occurs quite quickly and weight loss is significant, you need to be very careful about the condition of your skin. This applies especially to women in the postpartum period or at an age when lipoactivity decreases. Cosmetics, creams, scrubs, massages will come to the rescue. Self-massage is allowed. Thanks to this complex, “sagging” of the skin can be practically avoided and the body shape can be maintained.

Psychological preparation

It is also necessary to take a responsible approach to the psychological side of preparing for a diet, because often an exclusively correct internal attitude helps to achieve the desired results. Ekaterina Mirimanova’s “Minus 60” system is not a punishment for appetite, but an attempt to help the body get rid of excess weight, so it should not be a burden, but should become a way of life.

In case of accidental overeating or “breakdowns”, which are absolutely natural for any normal person, you should not punish yourself with hunger strikes. It’s just that next time it’s better to take into account the possible reasons that prompted the body to overeat, and try to prevent them, for example, by increasing daily portions.

A nutrition system accessible to everyone

There is no time frame for this wonderful diet; at first it will work on weight loss, then on maintaining it. We can say that this diet will determine the principles of your nutrition for the rest of your life.

Diet minus 60 – a special long-term nutrition system with a gentle regimen, developed by Ekaterina Mirimanova.

Did you know? The author of the diet is not a doctor or nutritionist. She developed this nutrition system for herself and with its help she was able to lose 60 kg in a year and a half. Using her version of separate nutrition, she has been maintaining the achieved result for more than 10 years.

This diet consists of a set of measures that give maximum effect:

  • proper nutrition;
  • fitness;
  • skin care.

The main feature of this system is nutrition with temporary restrictions on food intake.

Important! You should not expect quick results, so as not to be disappointed in the diet.

Physical exercise, as well as the right psychological attitude, contribute to obtaining more tangible results.

Basic principles

Diet minus 60 is based on several mandatory rules:

  1. A psychological attitude aimed at a conscious desire to lose weight.
  2. Gradual change in gastronomic priorities, adherence to separate meals, refusal of large portions.
  3. Compliance with the diet: breakfast before 9:00, lunch - no later than 14:00, dinner - until 18:00. Before 12-00 it is permissible to consume any food; lunch contains some restrictions, the number of which increases in the evening menu.

Diet menu minus 60

Very soft and flexible, this nutritional system is ideal for those people who find it difficult to follow stricter diets:

  1. Allowed drinks: tea, coffee, natural juices, compotes, fermented milk drinks, mineral water, dry red wine, which is consumed depending on thirst and without compulsion.
  2. It is recommended to consume sugar, honey and other sweeteners only before noon, giving preference to fructose and brown sugar.
  3. To start metabolic processes in the body, you need to have breakfast in the first hour after waking up, consuming any foods without restrictions.
  4. It is recommended to eat fresh bread only during breakfast, replacing it with rye crackers for lunch and dinner.
  5. Consume fried foods only before 12-00.
  6. Breakfast allows you to eat any food without restriction; even a piece of cake, ice cream, sweet tea, a portion of fried potatoes or roast will not harm your figure.
  7. The lunch menu is recommended to consist of boiled or stewed vegetables, fish or meat, soups with potatoes in water or without potatoes in broth, dishes with the addition of sour cream or mayonnaise, and fermented milk products.
  8. For dinner, it is recommended to eat raw, boiled, stewed, steamed foods in a certain combination:
  • fruit salad with unsweetened yogurt;
  • vegetables or salad with porridge, rice, kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese;
  • meat or chicken with a boiled egg.

According to the principles Diets minus 60: menu a party or banquet, as an exception, allows the consumption of 1-3 glasses of dry red wine and a few pieces of cheese.

Menu restrictions

It is necessary to exclude semi-sweet wine and milk chocolate from the diet menu.

For dinner you should not eat potatoes, pumpkin, corn, eggplant, legumes, avocado, mushrooms and pasta.

After dinner, eating is prohibited. At the very beginning of the diet, in exceptional cases, it is permissible to eat a small amount of vegetables or fruits as a snack.

Interesting! This diet does not limit salt intake and does not require calorie counting.

If before following the diet the person losing weight had dinner late, then the transition to an early dinner should be done gradually.

If a person losing weight has breakfast before 7 am, then it is recommended to have 1 more light breakfast before 12 o’clock.

In principle, the 60 minus diet excludes the consumption of any food between main meals, but if hunger is very annoying, then you can use green tea and fruit as a snack, per day:

  • 1-2 apples;
  • 1-2 any citrus fruits;
  • 3-5 kiwi;
  • 1/2 pineapple;
  • 15 pcs. prunes;
  • 10 pieces. fresh plums

Over time, the body adapts to this diet and is able to do without snacks.

Menu for the week

Diet minus 60 menu for a week - table with a list of products that allows you to independently create a varied menu, according to established rules. Those losing weight are offered two table options: for lunch and dinner.

The absence of restrictions for breakfast makes it possible to eat almost everything, without exception.

Dinner table consists of a list of the main groups of products acceptable for consumption: proteins, grains, milk and fermented milk products, vegetables and legumes, nuts, fruits, dried fruits.

Dinner table includes 7 evening meal options. At the same time, it is recommended to give preference to protein dishes for dinner that can fill you up for a long time, as opposed to soup or a vegetable dish, after which you will quickly want to eat again.

Diet minus 60 menu for the week consists of 3 main meals: breakfast, lunch and dinner

Example of breakfasts for the week:

  1. A glass of yogurt, an omelette with sausage, a sandwich with butter.
  2. Fried potatoes, coffee.
  3. Casserole, tea.
  4. Pancakes or a bun with sausage, tea, cookies, fruit.
  5. Cottage cheese with sour cream, tea or coffee, sweets or a piece of cake.
  6. Stuffed pita bread, sandwich with ham, cheese or seafood, tea.
  7. Dumplings with cottage cheese, a sandwich with butter, a glass of yogurt or kefir, tea.

Example of lunches for a week:

  1. Fish soup stuffed with meat and baked zucchini in the oven.
  2. Vegetable borscht, buckwheat porridge with stewed meat or liver.
  3. Vegetable stew, tomatoes stuffed with cheese filling.
  4. Baked fish with stewed vegetables, beet salad with sour cream.
  5. Peppers stuffed with meat filling, vegetable salad.
  6. Rice soup with vegetable broth, stewed vegetables with chicken.
  7. Meatless borscht, vegetarian pilaf.

Example of dinners for a week:

  1. Boiled lean meat or chicken.
  2. Jellied fish or meat.
  3. Raba, chicken or meat baked in foil.
  4. Rice with vegetables.
  5. Potatoes with vegetables.
  6. Steamed fish or meat cutlets.
  7. Cottage cheese casserole, pudding or cheesecakes, fermented milk products.
  • body scrub;
  • massage;
  • wraps;
  • body creams;
  • playing sports.

This method of eating does not encourage additional fasting days or fasting.

Important! According to this system, dinner must be eaten no later than 18:00. To get the desired result, if you missed dinner, you will have to go to bed hungry. If compliance this condition

difficult to achieve; as an exception, let’s have a light dinner 3 hours before bedtime.

You should not drink juices for dinner, as they stimulate your appetite.

Advantages Main advantages diet minus 60

  1. are:
  2. Efficiency and harmlessness.
  3. The gentleness of the diet and psychological comfort when following a diet.
  4. No apathy, nervous tension or weakness.
  5. The ability to avoid disruptions, since the restriction mainly concerns the time of eating.
  6. Balanced diet and absence of a list of prohibited foods.
  7. No need to count daily calories consumed.
  8. Gradual weight loss protects the skin from sagging.
  9. The ability to comply with it during pregnancy and lactation.
  10. No age restrictions.

The lost kilograms do not come back if you lead a healthy lifestyle.

The 60 minus diet is a whole nutrition system that can be followed throughout your entire life. After reaching the required weight, a softer option is used, allowing some deviations. Diet 60

It is easily tolerated, does not require compliance with special rules for exiting the diet, and can be repeated at any time.


  1. The disadvantages of the diet include the following:
  2. Durability, discipline and patience to achieve the desired result.
  3. The need to adhere to a special daily routine.
  4. A significant time interval between dinner and bedtime.

Interesting! Possibility of exacerbation of chronic diseases.

This nutritional system has virtually no contraindications, with the exception of diseases of the digestive system, hormonal imbalance, and diabetes. Diet minus 60 - reviews

a huge number of people who have lost weight with its help have only positive results. Its simplicity and comfort helped people gain self-confidence, lose excess weight, believe in their attractiveness, and love themselves. All this proves the effectiveness and reliability of this method.

The word “diet” is associated with food restrictions, refusal of the most delicious things, and scrupulous calorie counting. Not everyone can handle such tests, because they require enormous willpower. However, there are more comfortable ways to lose weight, for example, the “Minus 60” program from Ekaterina Mirimanova. The author of the method claims that you can lose weight even by eating your favorite foods, you just need to follow simple rules. Is this so and what is the secret of the popular diet?

Who is Ekaterina Mirimanova

Ekaterina is a journalist by profession, not a nutritionist. She was prompted to develop a unique weight loss method by her own problem - there was a time when she weighed 120 kg. With a height of 175 cm, this is too much, and one day the woman realized that it was time to change. But give up your favorite foods, wash down your hunger with liters of water and spend everything free time She didn't want to go to the gym.

This is how the “Minus 60” method appeared: Ekaterina used the basic rules of healthy eating and managed to combine them with her habits, and the result was a simple and convenient diet that allowed the author to lose 60 kilograms in a year and a half. This figure gave the name to the technique.

The Minus 60 system appeared in 2005. Ekaterina Mirimanova claims that since then over 3 million people have become her followers.

Currently, the author of the diet has his own website where you can find out the details of the system. In addition, Ekaterina has already written more than twenty books devoted to issues of weight loss, self-esteem, health and relationships. She never received any special education, but, being self-taught, she conducts webinars and trainings on healthy eating.

What is the essence of the “Minus 60” diet?

First of all, it should be noted that “Minus 60” is not so much a diet as a system proper nutrition against the background of a special psychological mood and reasonable physical activity. Ekaterina Mirimanova is convinced that best results The person who will achieve weight loss is the one for whom this process does not cause discomfort. Starving and constantly denying yourself your favorite delicacies means setting your body up for constant stress, which is one of the causes of excess weight.

Mirimanova’s method is fundamentally different from most diets, since it does not provide for strict restrictions on calories and products. Even cakes, hamburgers and fried potatoes are allowed, but with one condition: everything has its time.

Time is the key factor of the Minus 60 system. You can eat only three times a day without any snacks, and any foods are allowed before noon. This condition guarantees psychological comfort and the absence of breakdowns, because a forbidden piece of cake looks more desirable.

The lunch and evening assortments are much more modest, but the list of permitted foods is still quite extensive, so you can eat varied and tasty. At the same time, each meal should be quite dense so that there is no desire to snack.

In addition to proper nutrition, the “Minus 60” system provides three more important conditions for guaranteed weight loss: motivation, physical activity and skin care.

Why is it important:

  • proper motivation is the key to success. Typically, women strive to lose weight for the holidays, for the sake of an important meeting or the man they love. This means that they do not accept themselves as they are, and even if the goal is achieved, there is a high risk of gaining weight again. Ekaterina Mirimanova believes that losing weight should begin with self-love: if you don’t curse the extra pounds, but love your body and take care of it, then success will not keep you waiting. And to simplify the task, you need to divide the excess weight by six. The final figure will become the immediate goal, while the global one will not upset you with its imaginary unattainability;
  • physical activity should be daily. The author of the system is categorically against sports fanaticism. To keep yourself in good shape, it is enough to do your favorite exercises every day for 10–15 minutes. different groups muscles;
  • When losing weight, the skin needs special care. Those who lose weight often experience sagging skin, stretch marks, and cellulite. Ekaterina claims that a coffee scrub with mumiyo will save you from the listed problems: coffee restores elasticity, and mumiyo eliminates stretch marks.

How many kilograms can you lose on the Mirimanova diet?

The Minus 60 system does not give a quick effect. The weight will go away gradually, but constantly, until it reaches the optimal value.

It is impossible to overdo it with weight loss on this diet, since there are no strict restrictions on food.

Everyone's rate of weight loss is different. This depends on the initial data (initial weight, age, presence of certain diseases) and the degree of passion for the process. Those who watch their caloric intake or often go to the gym achieve results faster than those who eat cake for breakfast.

Ekaterina herself was able to get rid of 60 kg in a year and a half, and the average result of her followers was 5–7 kg in the first month. Then the speed slows down, but this is normal, since the body is already accustomed to the diet. Judging by the reviews of those losing weight, there is no need to rush the process in order to avoid sagging skin.

Reviews from doctors and nutritionists

Experts' opinions were divided. Some believe that the “Minus 60” system is at least safe, and in the context of proper motivation and daily exercise, it really helps to get rid of excess weight. The following points are not controversial:

  • Breakfast is essential when losing weight. A morning meal starts metabolic processes, fills you up and helps you avoid snacking before lunch;
  • fast carbohydrates, which include sweets, are actually better absorbed in the first half of the day;
  • Separate nutrition promotes weight loss. However, in fairness, it should be noted that the principles of separate nutrition in the “Minus 60” system are not fully implemented;
  • You can’t starve - it’s stress for the body, so it starts storing fat at every opportunity.

There are also a lot of negative reviews. Doctors and nutritionists believe that Mirimanova’s system is just a successful commercial project. Her diet is unbalanced, violates a number of healthy eating principles, and does not take into account that people may have different lifestyles. The following recommendations are most often criticized:

  • opportunity to eat anything before lunch. During the day, a person expends a certain amount of energy, according to which the daily calorie content of his diet is calculated. To lose weight, it is important to create a small but constant calorie deficit, and on Mirimanova’s diet, only at breakfast you can exceed the permissible norm and, instead of losing weight, gain several extra pounds.
  • do not eat after six (in extreme cases - after eight) in the evening. If a person goes to bed after midnight, then he is doomed to fight the feeling of hunger, and his body will begin to store fat with every meal. It is believed that you should have dinner 3-4 hours before bedtime;
  • subjective approach to product selection. So, Ekaterina advises giving up milk chocolate, although she has nothing against cakes, pastries, sausages and other not-so-healthy foods. The same goes for alcohol - only dry red wine is allowed. Mirimanova does not like soups - supposedly they do not fill you up. Critics of the “Minus 60” system are convinced that the recommendations are based not on scientific data about the dangers or benefits of the product, but on the personal preferences of the author;
  • advice to replace sugar with fructose. It has now been proven that with frequent use, this product becomes harmful to health and even contributes to obesity;
  • three meals a day without snacks. The author of the technique is sure that this slows down the metabolism, but many experts agree that weight loss, on the contrary, is facilitated by split meals in small portions.

Many nutritionists believe that it is not advisable to eat anything and in any quantity for breakfast: this way you can gain even more weight.

List of contraindications

In general, Mirimanova’s technique is considered quite humane in relation to those losing weight. You don’t have to starve on it or eat only, for example, buckwheat, limiting yourself in other foods. However, no one has seriously studied its effect on health, so the “Minus 60” system, like most other diets, is not recommended for:

  • pregnancy and during feeding. However, if the pregnancy is progressing normally, then with the doctor’s permission, the diet can be followed;
  • any diseases of the liver, gall bladder and pancreas;
  • various problems with the gastrointestinal tract: gastritis, ulcers, colitis, etc.;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • low hemoglobin;
  • diabetes mellitus of any type.

Basic principles of the Mirimanova weight loss method

The main postulate of the “Minus 60” system is the most comfortable weight loss, without violence against oneself. This is possible if you follow the following principles:

  1. Breakfast cannot be skipped. The morning meal starts the metabolism, so it is considered the most important. If you don’t feel like eating at all at this time, you should at least drink tea and a sandwich, and then be sure to have a second, heartier breakfast.
  2. You can eat everything before noon. Ekaterina Mirimanova is convinced that these calories will be completely spent on the body’s activities and will not be deposited on the sides.
  3. Sugar in tea or coffee is not prohibited, but only before lunch, and its amount must be gradually reduced. If you want something sweet, you are allowed to eat any dessert in the morning. However, Mirimanova recommends abandoning milk chocolate in favor of dark chocolate with a maximum cocoa content.
  4. With alcohol, things are worse: out of all the existing variety, Catherine chose only dry red wine.
  5. It is better to replace round polished rice with steamed rice, as it is healthier for your figure and health.
  6. Rye bread is preferable, although white lovers can afford a slice for breakfast.
  7. You can eat potatoes and pasta before 12.00 with whatever you want, for lunch - only with vegetables or cheese, and in the evening they are prohibited.
  8. It is advisable to have dinner before six o'clock in the evening, preferring low-calorie foods. Those who go to bed very late are allowed to eat at eight, but this is the deadline, after which they cannot eat. Skipping dinner or making it lighter is undesirable, since this, according to Mirimanova, slows down weight loss.
  9. Drink exactly as much water as your body requires, that is, focus on the feeling of thirst, and not on recommendations to drink three liters a day.

On the “Minus 60” diet you will have to watch the clock, since all dietary restrictions depend on time


Ekaterina does not name the exact time of breakfast, because everyone wakes up at different time. However, he must be quite early to be able to work up an appetite for lunch.

General rules for breakfast:

  • You are allowed to eat everything, but not to overeat;
  • Do not overuse salt, as its excess causes swelling;
  • It is better to replace white sugar with fructose or brown sugar.


The optimal time for lunch is 13–14 pm. You should not skip this meal, since hunger provokes snacks, and they dull the appetite needed for dinner. As a result, you don’t feel like eating in the evening, and by nine o’clock the feeling of hunger appears again. There are only two options left, and both are harmful to your figure: either eat enough at night, or go to bed hungry.

General rules for lunch:

  • It is advisable to eat heavily in order to calmly wait for dinner;
  • You cannot combine meat or fish with potatoes, pasta, bread and pastries, corn, couscous and legumes. However, green legumes (such as frozen peas or green beans) can be a vegetable side dish ingredient;
  • fish or meat broth is equivalent to meat or fish, therefore the prohibited products listed above cannot be placed in it;
  • sweets are no longer allowed;
  • All lunch dishes cannot be fried! Food can be boiled, baked, steamed, but quick sautéing with a drop of oil and further stewing in water is allowed;
  • Between lunch and dinner, a light snack from permitted foods is allowed: a fruit, a vegetable, a piece of cheese. But this is only allowed as a last resort, if you really want to eat, and dinner is still far away.

There are restrictions at lunchtime, but the list of allowed foods is still varied


The strictest rules apply to this meal, since everything eaten in the evening has a high probability of being transformed into subcutaneous reserves. To prevent this from happening, Ekaterina Mirimanova has developed 7 quite diverse options for an evening meal.

General rules for dinner:

  • do not eat after 18.00 (or 20.00 if you plan to go to bed late);
  • For dinner, you are allowed to choose products from only one of the available options. You cannot mix food from different lists;
  • You can change options at least every day;
  • You should not include everything on the list in your dinner: the list of permitted products is quite extensive, so based on it it is easy to create many different combinations for the evening menu;
  • food cannot be fried;
  • sweets are prohibited;
  • If you have to dine at any social event, then it is better to opt for a couple of pieces of low-fat cheese and dry red wine.

The dinner menu is the strictest: you can choose products from only one of seven options

Menu option for the week

The menu given in the table is not a strict recommendation, but demonstrates various combinations of products according to the “Minus 60” system. If desired, the proposed dishes can be replaced with others, the main thing is that they are made from permitted ingredients.

Table: sample menu for the week

  • rye bread sandwich with smoked sausage (100 g);
  • cake or piece of cake (100 g);
  • banana.
  • baked potatoes with vegetables (200 g);
  • beetroot and carrot salad with natural yoghurt dressing (100 g).
cucumber and tomato salad dressed with low-fat yogurt (200 g)
  • fried potatoes with mushrooms (150 g);
  • persimmon.
  • pork chop baked in the oven (150 g);
  • boiled rice (100 g);
  • cabbage and carrot salad with lemon juice (50 g).
  • trout baked in foil (250 g);
  • boiled shrimp (50 g).
  • pancakes with cottage cheese and halva (2 pcs.);
  • shortbread cookies (70 g).
  • carrot salad with bell peppers and tomatoes, seasoned with soy sauce and sunflower oil (150 g);
  • pike perch stewed in its own juice (180 g).
Vegetarian cabbage rolls (300 g)
  • scrambled eggs (100 g);
  • sandwich with butter (1 piece);
  • banana.
  • buckwheat (150 g);
  • fish baked in foil (100 g).
  • 4% cottage cheese (150 g);
  • baked apples (2 pcs.).
  • soft waffles (150 g);
  • sweet curd (150 g).
  • bean lobio (150 g);
  • cucumber and tomato salad dressed with sunflower oil (100 g).
  • 4% cottage cheese (150 g);
  • apple;
  • mandarin.
  • oatmeal (150 g);
  • chocolate (50 g).
  • boiled meatballs (150 g);
  • buckwheat (150 g);
  • apple.
jellied meat (300 g)
  • semolina pudding (150 g);
  • toast with cheese (1 piece).
  • chicken stewed with pineapple (150 g);
  • boiled rice (100 g).
  • 5% cottage cheese (120 g);
  • apple;
  • grapefruit.

Dish recipes

In her description of the diet, Ekaterina gives only a few recipes to show examples of dishes made from permitted products, but for culinary enthusiasts she has published several books dedicated to cooking. You can order them on Mirimanova’s website, but in the meantime, try the dishes below.

Fish baked with vegetables


  • sea ​​fish (trout, pink salmon, etc.) – 4 pieces weighing about 150 g;
  • medium-sized zucchini - 3 pcs.;
  • tomatoes - 2–3 pcs.;
  • 1 large onion or 2 medium ones;
  • garlic - a couple of cloves;
  • sunflower oil (or other vegetable oil) - permitted amount;
  • natural spices, pepper, salt - to your taste;
  • baking foil - 4 sheets.

How to cook:

  1. Cut the washed vegetables, chop one onion into half rings.
  2. Chop the garlic, put everything in a bowl and mix with spices, oil and salt.
  3. Place a layer of vegetables on each sheet of foil, and then a piece of fish. Salt it a little, add a pinch of spices, sprinkle with lemon juice.
  4. Finely chop the second onion and also place on the fish.
  5. Wrap the foil and bake the fish for 25-35 minutes, depending on the size of the pieces.

Photo gallery: products for the recipe “Fish baked with vegetables”

Red fish - a source of protein and fatty acids Zucchini - a healthy and inexpensive vegetable Tomatoes will add juiciness to the dish Onions will add a slight bitterness Garlic will add piquancy Vegetable oil - a common ingredient in any dishes Spices will fill the dish with aroma

Diet pickle


  • a small piece of lean meat on the bone;
  • chicken by-products (liver, hearts) – 150 g;
  • rice - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • pickles with brine - 2 pcs.;
  • medium-sized onion and carrots - 1 pc.;
  • water - 2 l.;
  • salt, pepper, other spices - to taste.

How to cook:

  1. Cook broth from meat (without offal).
  2. Chop the onion and carrots and sauté in oil. When they soften, add the hearts, add water and simmer until almost done.
  3. Place chopped cucumbers in a separate bowl, add brine and let simmer for 4-5 minutes, then add to carrots, onions and hearts.
  4. Simmer the resulting mixture a little more, pour it into the broth and add rice there.
  5. Cook until the rice is ready, and then add the last ingredient to the pan - diced chicken liver.
  6. Leave the soup to simmer for another 5-7 minutes, then turn off the heat and season the pickle with finely chopped garlic and your favorite herbs.

Photo gallery: products for the recipe “Dietary pickle”

Try to choose fresh and lean meat Chicken by-products are rich in minerals Rice is one of the healthiest grain products Pickles are a necessary ingredient in pickle soup
Onions always add piquancy to a dish. Salt and pepper highlight the main taste of the food.

Curd dessert


  • low-fat cottage cheese - 400 g;
  • any milk - 1 glass;
  • gelatin (can be replaced with agar-agar) - 1 tbsp. l.

How to cook:

  1. Soak gelatin in milk as indicated in the instructions on the bag.
  2. When the gelatin swells, combine with cottage cheese and beat with a blender.
  3. Distribute the finished mixture into molds and put in the refrigerator until completely hardened.

You can add sugar to the dessert to taste, but then it will become a breakfast dish only.

Photo gallery: products for cottage cheese dessert

Choose low-fat cottage cheese, but not skim milk Milk is a source of protein and calcium
Gelatin will help give the dessert its shape.

Frequently asked questions about the Mirimanova diet

How to train yourself not to eat after six? The recipe is simple - you need to eat well throughout the day, of course, without overeating. If you're not starving, you simply won't want hearty dishes for dinner.

What about people whose working day ends at six o'clock? Those who cannot have dinner at 18.00 have the right to take advantage of the relaxation and postpone the evening meal.

What should night shift workers do? If night shifts are a permanent duty, then the nutrition schedule will have to be rearranged individually, focusing on intervals (on average 5 hours between meals), as well as the beginning and end of the shift. If night shifts alternate with day shifts, then you will have to give up the diet.

What size should the portions be? Ekaterina Mirimanova in her diet focuses on comfort and gradualness, so she does not prescribe specific portion sizes. People have different nutritional needs, so everyone calculates the serving size for themselves. The main condition is that you have an appetite for the next meal..

What to do if a breakdown does occur? The author of the diet is convinced that breakdowns are normal and no one is immune from them. Therefore, it is unacceptable to reproach yourself or punish yourself by depriving yourself of something tasty. The best thing to do in this case is to pretend that there was no breakdown and return to the power system. This will help quickly eliminate the consequences of accidental overeating.

What if you had to skip lunch? Such cases are not uncommon, but you shouldn’t give up lunch completely. But after 16.00 the menu should be built on the principle of dinner, and dinner itself will also have to be moved and something lighter to be eaten if there is no particular hunger.

Why did the weight stop coming off? This happens on any diet. The phenomenon is called the “plateau effect” and means that the body has already lost excess water and is rebuilding to start burning fat. This is not a momentary process, so there is no need to tighten your diet, it is enough to continue to eat according to the system. There is even a plus to the plateau effect - the skin gets extra time to restore its elasticity.

Side effects

Ekaterina Mirimanova is convinced that nutrition according to her method is balanced, since a person receives all the necessary nutrients from the dietary menu. That is, side effects the system does not. However, skeptical doctors still find weaknesses in the diet:

  • excess weight gain. This is paradoxical for a diet, but possible. Those at risk are those who are able to eat a portion of fried potatoes with a cutlet, a piece of cake or other hearty food in the morning. Such people can exceed the daily calorie limit only at breakfast;
  • obesity, insulin resistance, high blood pressure and a number of other problems threaten those with a sweet tooth who for a long time will replace sugar with fructose;
  • the opportunity to acquire gastritis, pancreatitis, bile stagnation and other gastrointestinal diseases. This applies primarily to those who, as a matter of principle, do not eat after six, even if they go to bed after midnight.

Quitting the diet

The “Minus 60” method claims to be a nutritional system that must be followed constantly in order to lose extra pounds and maintain weight at an acceptable level. Consequently, there are no difficulties in getting out of it: if for some reason (business trip, change in work schedule, pregnancy) you want to deviate from the principles of the diet, then you can simply switch to a more comfortable diet.

Important! The lost weight after leaving the diet returns slowly, and you can resume eating according to the system at any time.

Video: the main mistakes of those losing weight using the minus 60 System

Menu recipes and diet rules minus 60 from Ekaterina Mirimanova

Popular diet, better known as " Minus 60", was developed by the writer Ekaterina Mirimanova from her own experience. What is its peculiarity?

The results are excellent: Ekaterina Mirimanova managed to lose weight in a year and a half sixty kilograms without the help of chemicals and doctors, despite the fact that she previously weighed as much as 120!

Diet "Minus 60"- this is, first of all, a nutritional system, because the author has developed a formula for weight loss that includes not only diet, but also physical exercise and even the psychology of losing weight. It helps not only to get rid of excess weight, but to always feel like a cheerful and healthy person.

Diet of Ekaterina Mirimanova. Basic Rules

Diet of Ekaterina Mirimanova is recognized throughout the world as one of the best and most effective. She preaches not so much changes in diet as changes in the way food is consumed.

Eight diet rules:

Drink as much as you want. Do not force yourself by dehydration or pouring liters of non-carbonated mineral water.

You can and should eat, the main thing is before 12:00. The daily diet should consist of breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack and dinner. Don't switch to shallow dishes, but you shouldn't use too deep plates either.

Sugar. Don't give up on it, don't switch to sweeteners. But at the same time, avoid cakes, pastries and waffles. Soon you will get used to it and consider them too sweet.

When you cook, don't taste. This is a very difficult rule for a woman who is passionate about housekeeping. Since any representative of the fair sex, standing at the stove, must scoop up the contents of the pot/cauldron/frying pan with a spoon or ladle and try her creation in order to determine the missing ingredients.

Salt - where would we be without it? The main thing is not to oversalt. Salt the dishes, as well as pepper and season with various spices. Practice moderation!

Take a multivitamin. In addition to the healthiest diet, fuel your body with essential vitamins. Unfortunately, sometimes it is impossible to obtain useful microelements from consumed foods in the required dosage, and then pharmaceutical preparations come to the rescue.

If you skipped dinner, skip it completely. If you don’t have time for dinner, breakfast, lunch or afternoon snack, then you skip it. After 2-3 such refusals, your stomach itself will begin to remind you of the need to eat.

No fasting or mono days. With such a diet, they are simply prohibited. As well as continuous nutrition of one type of product. It slows down metabolic processes, and the lost pounds return to their original places. That is, you yourself wean your body from the fight against excess weight.

By the way, breast-feeding allowed. During lactation, this diet will only be beneficial, because it gives complete and balanced diet, which does not reduce the quantity and quality of breast milk.

But, nevertheless, Mirimanova herself advises to consult a doctor during pregnancy.

Diet "Minus 60". How to live further?

It must be said that the “Minus 60” diet is also a way of life that must be followed for many years. Supporters argue that this is not so difficult, due to the fact that one develops an addiction to the new regime, and refusing the same dinner does not bring any discomfort at all.

The “Minus 60” diet has a very gentle regimen and is great for weak-willed people who find it very difficult to give up food. The diet menu is structured in such a way that it is advisable to eat at certain hours.

Lose weight like Hollywood stars:

Correct psychological preparation before starting Ekaterina Mirimanova’s diet – these are not restrictions, but a new way of life. And it is important to clearly understand this. Tune yourself psychologically to the absence of narrow frameworks of codes and rules, but simply start a new life that has a positive future!

If you overlooked something and overate or ate something wrong, you shouldn’t reproach and punish yourself. Don't try to correct personal mistakes by fasting. Just think about why your diet plan failed and try to avoid making such mistakes in your diet in the future.

Diet menu "Minus 60"

Before noon, you can eat absolutely everything and not look at the portion size, much less count calories. Drink as much water as you want, no need to cut yourself.

It is better to eat three times a day and occasionally snack on permitted vegetables or fruits. Switching to dark chocolate will help you get used to enjoying foods with low sugar content.

Nutritionists have nothing against the “minus 60” diet, since it does not contradict the basic rules of healthy weight loss.

Breakfast: Be sure to have breakfast to wake up and activate metabolic processes. It is not necessary to eat something dense; a cup of tea or coffee, a glass of juice with a couple of rye crackers and cheese is enough.

Dinner: We eat boiled or stewed. Sour cream, mayonnaise, soy sauce or use vegetable oil before 14:00, but just a little, no more than one teaspoon. Sushi, dairy products, fruits (apples, citrus fruits, plums, pineapple, a couple of pieces of watermelon) are allowed. Eat any vegetables, but potatoes and beans without meat or fish. It is worth abandoning canned green peas in favor of frozen ones.

Vegetables can be baked, stewed, boiled or eaten raw. Don't get carried away with marinades. It is healthy to eat meat, but only baked, boiled and stewed, or, in extreme cases, fried, but only in a dry frying pan. Cereals (buckwheat, rice, pasta) without meat or fish are perfect for lunch. We drink tea, coffee, dry red wine, fresh juice or any fermented milk drinks.

Dinner: Only stewed, never fried! You can add seasonings or soy sauce. Salt is allowed, sugar is not.

What drink?

  • Regular black tea - before 18:00, after - green tea without milk and sugar.
  • Black ground coffee - after six.
  • Water - after 18:00, if the water is sparkling, then it is better to limit yourself to one glass a day, as carbonated water whets your appetite.
  • Citrus juices must be freshly squeezed - at any time; red wine (dry), but only in reasonable quantities and after 18:00.
  • Salt is not limited, but if you make food too salty, swelling may occur.
  • Sugar and honey - only until 12:00.

Physical activity on the diet of Ekaterina Mirimanova

The diet also involves exercise, since as your body decreases in volume, it can become ugly and flabby. It’s better to work out with a trainer; he will help you develop an individual set of exercises tailored specifically to your level of physical fitness.

It is advisable to carry out any exercise with this method of losing weight daily. Don’t be too zealous, the main thing is that the body should feel that you are moving, but at the same time not feel overworked. Choose your workouts purely individually, and it’s best to do it yourself.

On a note: To prevent your skin from sagging during rapid weight loss, you need to rub problem areas (stomach, thighs and buttocks) with a coffee scrub with two mummy tablets. If you carry out this procedure every evening, the skin will remain elastic and taut.

It’s good if you combine home exercises with swimming and active recreation - cycling, skiing, rollerblading, etc. Choose what you like. In old age physical activity It’s worth replacing with regular walks, but if you feel that you can do more, then don’t give in to your laziness.

If you have already tried to lose weight on Mirimanova’s “Minus 60” diet, it will be very useful for readers of the site to know your personal opinion about the diet. Share your successes and leave your feedback. It doesn’t really matter whether it’s positive or negative, the main thing is that it’s truthful!