Pectoral muscles

Increasing the number of pull-ups - two effective techniques. How to learn to do pull-ups on the horizontal bar many times: recommendations and diagrams How to increase the number of pull-ups

With each new trend of fitness, they become more widespread, despite their established popularity. Whatever sport is in fashion - or, pull-ups are always an integral part of sports disciplines. The standard for pull-ups, for example in CrossFit, is to perform a large number of pull-ups in the maximum amount of time. short period time.

How to increase the number of pull-ups on the horizontal bar

Over time, any load goes through an adaptation stage, during which the muscles get used to the movements and begin to perform their tasks much easier. Obviously, the more and longer you do pull-ups, the number of pull-ups will increase over time. How to speed up this process?

To begin with, you need to decide on a training regimen so that the muscles have time, but also do not lose shape. For large pull-ups, you can train 2-3 times a week., it is advisable to carry out functional training to develop everyone's endurance muscle groups.

If you train your back with pectoral muscles, you can increase strength faster, since coordinated work of antagonist muscles is more likely to prepare the body for a large number of pull-ups than isolating strength work on individual muscles.

Techniques for increasing pull-ups

Pull-ups are dynamic work of long muscle fibers that experience load in the contraction (tension) phase. Negative Loading involves maintaining muscle tension while relaxing, that is, the muscles will work harder when lowering the torso than when pulling up. This technique will quickly increase the number of pull-ups.

In addition to long fibers, short (slow) fibers must work, which will start working at . For complex muscle development, it is necessary to “awaken” these fibers that do not participate in dynamics. For this it is necessary to perform “hangs” - pauses at the top point of pull-ups. You can pull yourself up to the bar, freeze for a few seconds, and then slowly straighten your elbows. This technique will allow all fibers to be put into operation at the same time.


Gymnasts and crossfitters use swinging techniques, which, due to inertia, lighten the load and increase the number of pull-ups. Perform a few swings with your body and, as you move forward, jerk yourself towards the bar As you exhale, relax your arms as you inhale, and continue to pull yourself up by inertia.

Constant progress and overcoming the load develops muscle strength, which is very important when increasing the number of pull-ups on the horizontal bar. If you have stopped making progress and the number of pull-ups is not growing, add weights, perform pull-ups “for strength”. After a while, after strength training, perform pull-ups with own weight. The number of repetitions will increase noticeably, since the muscles have overcome a greater load, which means they have gained strength.

Pull Up Program

First week:

  1. day – negative pull-ups for the maximum number of repetitions (4-6 sets).
  2. day – pull-ups by inertia to the maximum (4-6 approaches).

Second week:

  1. day – negative pull-ups 4-6 approaches (+ 1-2 repetitions).
  2. day – static load for a maximum of 4-6 approaches (+ 1-2 repetitions).
  3. day – pull-ups by inertia for a maximum of 4-6 approaches (+ 1-2 repetitions).

Third week:

  1. day – negative pull-ups for 4-6 approaches (+ 1-2 repetitions for the results of the second week).
  2. day – static load for a maximum of 4-6 approaches (+ 1-2 repetitions for the results of the second week).
  3. day – pull-ups by inertia for a maximum of 4-6 approaches (+ 1-2 repetitions for the results of the second week).

Fourth week:

Power load (2 training days) – work with additional weights. Perform the maximum number of pull-ups in 4 sets.

Second month of training starts according to the scheme of the first week with more repetitions compared to the first month, and so on, add 1-2 repetitions every week.


To increase the number of pull-ups, you need to develop not only the muscles of the back and arms, for this you also need strong muscles shoulder girdle, abdomen, spinal stabilizers, as well as internal (deep) muscles. You can achieve results faster if you do circuit training for a large number of repetitions. As for the pull-ups themselves, the exercise should be the first in a set of exercises, always perform maximum reps. Constantly pushing through the load will develop strength at a faster rate than concentrated pull-ups for a certain number of reps.

How to increase pull-ups in video format

Proposed real ways improve pull-ups, strengthen your grip, develop top part body and transform yourself into a powerful, muscular athlete. Read and learn secret technologies!

Every guy sooner or later comes across a horizontal bar and pull-ups, some want to build up muscles and improve their physical parameters, some just show off in front of friends or a girl, others have nothing better to do to try what it is and how. However, one thing can be said with a 100% guarantee: horizontal bar great exercise for the development of the upper body.

Some people adore it, others can’t stand it because of its complexity and inconvenience. Using personal example, I’ll say that when I come to the gym, I use 2 to train my back. important exercises: and - to be honest, I can’t stand them, when I’ve completed them, I just want to turn around and go home from fatigue, forgetting about all the other exercises, but thank God, reason overcomes laziness 😉

Many people use classic ones, trying to achieve the maximum amount, but it is boring and monotonous, and no one has canceled the rule that variety is the best path to success. This is the main answer to the problem of how to increase the number of pull-ups, and how exactly to do this, read below:

Warm-up before pull-ups

Don’t foolishly try to approach the horizontal bar without warming up your body, it’s the same as waking you up from your sleep at 4 am and forcing you to run a 100-meter dash with all your might, or starting a car in the harsh winter and forcing you to immediately drive at top speed without warming up. , of course it can work, but there will be little benefit.

To begin with, be sure to muscles and belts, after that do 3 pull-ups of 3-4, while lowering down quickly so as not to waste energy on lowering, but do not allow sudden jerks in elbow joints, resting for at least 3 minutes between approaches, you should not give more load, otherwise you will get tired before starting serious training program, which we’ll talk about below...

Pull-up training program

Here are 5 ways to improve your pull-ups and raise your capabilities to a new level. Show willpower and perseverance, as the exercises are not easy and take time to master, but the result will be worth it.

1. Pull-ups in 60 seconds

Based on the name, you can guess what we are talking about. Strive to perform the maximum amount within a minute; a prerequisite will be to pull yourself up to the level of your chin, or better yet, your neck.

Further, lactic acid will be your rival, filling more and more muscle tissue after each repetition, forcing you to pull up less and more slowly, so in order to slightly block its effect on the body, pull up sharply and powerfully, and lower yourself quickly, rest at the bottom for 3 seconds and up again.

You do this for 50 seconds, and for the remaining 10 seconds you pull yourself up quickly without resting at the bottom. Any vibrations of the body are excluded, make sure that your legs do not wander, technique is very important.

2. Powerful three

This method of pulling up requires a lot of energy and effort; it may not work the first time, but be
persistent, which is its essence:

1) Perform 5 repetitions of the usual classic pull-up, but each time you reach the top point, you need to clap, then grab the bar and lower yourself down, and so on 5 times.
2) Next, perform the usual 5 pull-ups to the chin.
3) Then 5 pull-ups reverse grip(palms look at themselves).

A total of 15 repetitions in 1 approach, each of the 3 types of pull-ups should take 20 seconds, if you do it faster, you’re just a superman 😉

3. Climber

Without water, I’ll get straight to the point, hang on the bar and perform 5 powerful classic pull-ups without resting below, then without touching the surface, do 5 reverse grip pull-ups, then again 5 repetitions with the classic grip and so on until your hands unclench on the horizontal bar and you don’t You can do 1 repetition.

You can use another scheme over time:
5 classic pull-ups – 5 reverse grip
4 classic – 4 reverse
3 classics – 3 reverse
2 classics – 2 reverse
1 classic – 1 reverse

If you feel that you still have strength, start with 6.7-8 repetitions and so on, but strive to ensure that at the end of the exercise you cannot do even 1 repetition.

4. Hellish test in 5 minutes

This method is used by MMA fighters, it trains the body’s endurance very well, not everyone can do it, but if others can, why can’t it work for you, you are exactly the same person as others.

The bottom line is that you need to perform 1 pull-up for 15 seconds for 5 minutes without getting off the horizontal bar. Simply put, do 1 pull-up, hang on the horizontal bar for 15 seconds, and so on until 5 minutes have passed.

If, after the time has elapsed, you were able to do everything right, then reduce the time to 12 seconds and so on. The highest category is considered to be pull-ups every 5 seconds, so that there are 60 pull-ups - only a few can do this!

5. Chasing the hundred!

An excellent opportunity to develop strength, mass and muscle endurance, this method is perfect to perform with a partner, the spirit of competition and rivalry is very motivating.

You must score 100 repetitions in a minimum number of approaches, the one who first reaches a hundred is the champion  . It is clear that you will get 20–30 repetitions the first time, but each time you must strive for the coveted number with two zeros.
When you do at least 50 repetitions, you will see how much stronger you will become and increase your muscle size.

Don’t be upset if you don’t succeed the first time, because you know as well as I do that luck smiles on those who are persistent and success is 1% talent and 99% hard work, strive, try, try and you will become better than others!

Translation – Andrey Oskolkov, for the portal

Once upon a time I couldn’t do one pull-up. Heck, I couldn't even do push-ups! I asked my mother to write a note for the teacher to take time off from physical education class, I was so afraid physical exercise. I was reluctantly accepted to play on the team.

Times change and in my mid-20s I learned to make my body do what I want it to do and pulled myself up for the first time. Now I do pull-ups with a weight of 20 kg, and this is one of my favorite exercises.

People ask me all the time how to learn to do pull-ups, or how to do more pull-ups. Therefore, I decided to collect in one article all the tips and exercises that helped me.

To begin with I will say that DOES NOT WORK personally for me. That doesn't mean it won't work for you too. I've noticed that a lot of things that work for most people don't work for me, so maybe I'm something of an anomaly. So:

  1. Block pull to the chest. I believe this doesn't work for several reasons. Firstly, you won't be able to pull much without a barrier on your legs - at some point you will "bounce" with the weight. The barriers push into your hip flexors, which are not in a natural position for pull-ups. Secondly, the chest row does not imitate pull-ups, so it is not the best auxiliary exercise.
  2. Gravitron. (This is a rarity for our halls). Exercise machine with an auxiliary mechanism for pull-ups. I never even go near him. From the looks of it, it appears to help with pull-ups more than deadlifts. However, in both cases, my ability to do pull-ups in the gravitron improved, but my ability to do regular pull-ups remained the same. The same goes for using elastic bandages.

I understand why these methods did not work - all because at that time I did not do other exercises besides them. Luckily, I realized this and tried new methods. So, if you want to learn how to do pull-ups, you need to do pull-ups and perform auxiliary elements for this exercise.

Here are ten exercises to help you master pull-ups and increase your reps:

1. Visa

If you want to do hanging pull-ups, then it would be logical to first learn how to do the hanging itself. For many people, simply hanging from the bar is the hardest part of the exercise. I always say that a strong grip gives a strong upper body. So do the hang.

Try hanging from the bar as long as you can. If your arms are already strong enough, you can complicate the exercise with bar extenders (special pads, or wrap them in a towel), try hanging on three, two, one finger, on one hand, and so on. You can also try exercises with weights, or changing the position of your legs. I like to do one arm hangs with leg raises.

2. “Scapular” pull-ups.

This is a great help for people who have problems with the lateral back muscles (which are primarily used when moving upward). Take a hanging position with your arms straight and “pull” your shoulder blades up. This exercise will help you understand the mechanics of movement and make your back stronger.

3.Mouse wings. I learned about this exercise from Dan John. You lie face down on a bench and hold two heavy weights or dumbbells. Pull the weights up as if you want to touch your fingers to your armpits, and in the peak position, squeeze your shoulder blades for 5+ seconds. This is a fantastic exercise for increasing strength in pulling movements.

4.Lifting and pressing kettlebells.

This exercise will strengthen your grip strength, core muscles, shoulder mobility and stability, all of which have great benefits when doing a pull-up.


If you want to get really good at doing pull-ups, you need to train your body to do gymnastic positions. “Bananas” will teach you to take the desired position, and will also strengthen your abdominal muscles.

Take a lying position, try not to leave any gap between the floor and your lower back. Close your legs and lock your knees. Raise your shoulders and legs off the floor, while moving your arms back or clasping them behind your head. Hold this position as long as you can. To make it more difficult, you can rock back and forth.

6. Reverse Bananas.

From a push-up position, lift your pelvis and extend your arms forward as far as you can. Hold your position.

7. Pull-ups on the floor.

Take a banana position on the floor. Grab the bar and pull yourself up to it (you can also do it with a partner rather than on a machine). Use your shoulder blades to return to the starting position. Pull your body until your throat is level with the bar.

8. Isometrics.

I'm a big fan of isometric exercises for building strength. For pull-ups, I like to do isometrics at the weak points of the movement for 5-10 seconds (for me this is the peak part of the movement). I also do isometrics with body weight and weights at various points in the movement. This is incredible useful exercises to increase strength.

9. Negative repetitions.

This is the only type of negativity I allow in the gym. Take a peak hanging position on the bar, body pulled up so that your chin is above the bar (jump up, or use a stand). Hold this position for a few seconds, then begin to slowly lower yourself down until your arms are fully extended. I'm currently doing this exercise with 24kg or more weights to reach my goal of doing 24kg pull ups.

10. Pull-ups with an assistant (partner).

If you can't do a pull-up, ask someone to help you. Instead of grabbing your legs or feet, have him support you by your ribs. Make sure you do the exercise correctly and let him help you as many times as necessary.

Common mistakes when doing pull-ups

1. Leg kicking.

Many people try to kick their legs to give their body momentum at the beginning of the movement. There is no need to do this, keep your body in the correct position.

2.Squeezing your shoulders and lowering your chin to your chest.

This makes you weaker because the mechanics of movement and muscle function are disrupted, and can also lead to headaches. And it’s not very pleasant to look at this.

3. Do not straighten your arms at the bottom of the movement (negative).

If you started or finished the pull-up with with bent arms– you did not complete the repetition! And you are a cheater :)

I hope this article will help you learn how to do pull-ups, or increase the number of repetitions. Use the tips and exercises that work for you. Each person's body is individual. Make sure you work on weak points to the maximum, even though it is not very pleasant.

How to increase the number of pull-ups - this question is asked sooner or later by every person who seriously engages in exercises on the horizontal bar. Let's consider several of the most effective and efficient techniques that allow you to increase the load and achieve brilliant results in a very short time.

Pull-ups on the horizontal bar are an excellent alternative to exercise in gym. By regularly performing exercises on the bar, you can develop the pectoral and back muscles, significantly increase the load, and also pump up your arms. The result is a slim and toned figure. However, beginning athletes often cannot perform more than five pull-ups in one approach. For this, there are special techniques and programs that allow you to quickly increase the number of pull-ups.

These techniques help strengthen the pulling muscles that are responsible for lifting the body on the horizontal bar and increase the number of pull-ups:

  1. Ladder technique. This method for increasing the number of pull-ups involves a phased, stepwise distribution of the load. The athlete does the exercises in one approach, then there is a pause (15–20 seconds), after which a new set of pull-ups on the horizontal bar follows. The optimal number of repetitions is seven to ten. In this way, it is possible to achieve an even distribution of the load and obtain the desired result.
  2. Frequent repetition technique. This training method is ideal for beginner athletes who are engaged in self-improvement at home. The essence of the technique is to perform a large number of pull-ups with a small number of repetitions. In order to quickly increase the load and get the desired result, the horizontal bar should be installed in a place that you often visit. And then, each time you pass by it, perform exercises on the horizontal bar three or four times, which is not difficult even for a beginner. On average, about ten approaches should be done per day. After a month, it is recommended to do a control pull-up to determine the maximum number of repetitions and, taking this information into account, adjust the number of exercises per approach.
  3. Training with additional weight. Performing exercises on the bar using an additional load is another well-known and very effective method, allowing not only to increase the number of pull-ups, but also to improve the quality of the workout, giving additional stress to the muscles. But this method is only suitable for those athletes who can perform about ten repetitions in one approach on the horizontal bar. Otherwise, the result may be unfavorable, including damage to muscle ligaments. Professionals use a special weighted vest as additional weight. However, if you practice at home, you can replace it with ordinary plastic bottles. The containers are filled with water and placed in the backpack. Next, all that remains is to put the backpack on your shoulders and start doing exercises on the horizontal bar. The recommended number of repetitions is ten. This kind of training on the horizontal bar should be carried out with breaks of one or two days.
  4. The Sotochka method. Good result gives a technique called “Sotochka”. The essence of the presented technique is that during training the athlete needs to perform exactly one hundred pull-ups. In this case, the number of approaches can be absolutely any. The interval between repetitions should be at least two to three minutes.
  5. Alternation method. This technique includes two main exercises that should be performed alternately. To begin with, the athlete needs to pull himself up on the horizontal bar above chin level and try to fix his body in this position for as long as possible. Next exercise involves pulling up with a gradual lowering of the body to half the height. Then, without lowering yourself completely, you need to raise your body up again.
  6. Reduce repetitions. A great way to increase the number of pull-ups up to twenty times is the reduced repetition technique. The training is divided into five phased parts. And with each new approach the number gradually decreases. It is recommended to perform the exercises twice a day. With each subsequent week, the number of repetitions in each approach should be increased by one or two pull-ups.
  7. Breathing techniques. You can also increase the number of pull-ups using a special breathing exercises. The exercises are extremely simple, but at the same time very effective - while lowering the body, the athlete needs to take a deep breath through the nose, while rising, on the contrary, exhale all the air through the mouth. Breathing during training should be measured, smooth, as calm and deep as possible. A good effect is obtained by alternating the forward and reverse grip.

Professional athletes and coaches advise following these guidelines to increase your pull-ups:

  1. Quick pull-ups help you achieve maximum results as soon as possible.
  2. A good effect is achieved by using special weights during training. But do not forget that you should increase the weight smoothly and gradually, starting with minimal loads.
  3. A necessary condition for successful training is the good health of the athlete. For this reason, experts do not recommend training or doing pull-ups if you have any illnesses, fatigue, or especially traumatic injuries.
  4. Be sure to take breaks between sets. The optimal interval time is two to three minutes.
  5. Good and quick results are obtained by training using a thick crossbar. After all, such exercises are more difficult for the athlete and are accompanied by intense additional stress on the arm muscles, which are responsible for the duration and frequency of pull-ups.
  6. Don't do pull-ups every day! In order for training to be extremely effective and safe, muscles must be given time to recover. Optimal scheme classes for beginners are three training sessions a day: on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.

Pull-ups on the horizontal bar - effective workouts, which help to acquire a beautiful physical fitness, gradually increase the load and maintain muscle tone. Using special techniques on the horizontal bar, you can short term increase the number of pull-ups, achieving the most favorable results.