
Training at home. Comprehensive workout for men at home for a week. Strength training at home

In the modern world, being thin, fit, and athletic is an advantage. The opposite sex will pay attention to you, you will not be shy own body, feel confident on the beach, in the pool and other places. If you want to be different from everyone else and look attractive, then below is a home workout program for men.

A beautiful body is one of the reasons for self-confidence. And today, when most people do not strive to look like that, a man with a toned body will stand out against their background.

Of course, you can start training in the gym. But this is not always beneficial. It has the following main advantages:

  • Time. When you go to the gym, in addition to the time for the training itself, you need to spend time on the road. And the gym is not always located close to home. Often you have to spend half an hour or an hour on the way to the gym. And the entire training process will last about 3 hours. Not everyone today can afford to devote so much time. Exercising at home will save your time, because you no longer need to get to the gym - it’s in your apartment.
  • Money. Going to the gym is not free. The cost of an annual subscription is about 7-10 thousand rubles. And to practice at home, you only need to purchase the required minimum of sports equipment, the cost of which will not exceed five thousand rubles. And after a year you won’t have to purchase it again like a subscription. Exercising at home will save you a lot of money.
  • Lack of a large number of people. Some people find it inconvenient to exercise in crowded places, which is the gym. In addition, there is often a situation when the necessary simulator is already occupied by someone, and you have to stand idle, wasting precious time. Working out at home does not have this disadvantage. No one will interfere with your training.

Necessary equipment

To practice at home you will need some Sports Equipment. Using it, you will significantly diversify and enhance the effectiveness of your training.

So, you will need:

  • Horizontal bar. For most back workouts it is necessary. It is advisable to take one that can turn into bars. The price of the horizontal bar is 2 thousand rubles;
  • Dumbbells. Without them it will be impossible to pump up your arms. For classes you will need two pairs, 5 and 10 kg each. It is advisable to buy dumbbells with weights. This way you can choose the required weight. The price of two pairs of dumbbells is 1000 rubles;
  • . For stretching exercises you will need to sit on the floor. If you have another small rug, you don't have to buy it. The asking price is 500 rubles.

If you want to seriously engage in exercise at home, and not just pump up for the summer, you will also need a barbell, a bench for it and a set of weights. Such a kit will cost about 10 thousand rubles. But for beginners, such expenses are unnecessary; a minimum of equipment is enough.


Men's training is very different from women's. If the goal of women is to lose weight and tone their muscles, then men need to do serious strength exercises. To do this, you need to select appropriate exercises and correct mode so that the body does not become exhausted. Also in men's training, a lot of attention is paid to endurance. Running is a necessary part of training at home for men.

How to create a training complex?

The training schedule is the most important part of the training process at home. Its correct composition will help achieve great success, incorrectly will lead to disappointment in sports. In order to compile it, you need to take into account several factors:

  • Degree of difficulty of the workout. Calculate the intensity of the workout, the degree of stress on the body, and its duration. You shouldn’t overload your body, then you won’t get pleasure, and this is the most important motivating force.
  • Frequency of training. The time between workouts should be enough to restore the body's energy. Proceed to next training session It is necessary when the fatigue after the previous one has subsided.
  • Presence of external interference. The training process is greatly spoiled by distracting activities at home, communication on the Internet, work calls, etc. During your workout, completely disconnect from the outside world. Nothing should bother you.

There are many differences between working out at home and working out at the gym. The main one is the differences in training process. In the gym, one or two muscle groups are used, while in independent exercises it is more profitable to use all. Circuit training for men at home will lead to more good result than divided into separate muscle groups.


A wide, sculpted back has always attracted women. Therefore, it is important to train it. A horizontal bar and dumbbells will help with this.

Pull-ups on the horizontal bar develop, while slightly engaging the biceps. The grip should be wide, slightly above shoulder width. You need to do the exercise to failure, when you can no longer do a single pull-up.

It trains not only the back, but also the rhomboid muscles, which are located between the shoulder blades. The exercises look like this:

You need to do it again until failure. This pair of exercises will develop your back, making it wide and sculpted. Dumbbells are especially good for training rhomboid muscles at home for men.


Everyone knows that the main chest exercise is. When doing push-ups, you need to spread your arms wide and keep your back straight. Do it until failure.

Another exercise that pumps up the chest is dumbbell flyes. It will require a bench or two stools. Lie on them with your back, and begin to slowly spread them a little bent arms to the sides with dumbbells. Then bring them together. Repeat until failure. This exercise makes the chest more prominent, drawing the middle and bottom.


Strong arms are an important factor of attractiveness for men. They need to be trained. The arm consists of two muscles that need training - the biceps and triceps. The remaining muscles are pumped during other exercises, for example, the brachioradialis muscle during pull-ups.

So, . It is a flexor of the arms and is a third of their size. An excellent exercise for pumping it up is standing dumbbell curls. It uses both bundles of the biceps, giving it shape and volume.

– biceps antagonist. He performs an arm extension. To pump it up, push-ups with a narrow grip and dumbbell presses behind your head are suitable. The press is performed standing, elbows pointing up. Dumbbells need to be lowered behind your back and raised.


Leg training at home - . They load all the leg muscles and pump them up. Many men refuse to do leg exercises, citing the lack of increased attention from the fair sex to them. However, a pumped-up upper body with matchstick legs looks simply funny. Doing your legs is a must.

If you do more than 50 squats per set, pick up dumbbells and squat with them. This way your legs will receive more load, which means they will pump better.


Developed shoulders also attract the attention of women. Swinging dumbbells to the side will help pump them up. You can also do military press dumbbells These exercises will give your shoulders roundness and volume.


Abdominal abs also attract the attention of the opposite sex. Achieving cubes is difficult, but possible. To pump up the upper abs, crunches on the floor are suitable. For this exercise, use a gymnastics mat. To pump up the lower ones - lifting the legs while hanging. Jump onto the horizontal bar and start lifting bent legs to the chest. After such exercises, your abs will become toned.

However, in order for the six-pack to be visible, there must be no belly fat. Stick to your diet and soon you'll be able to show off your relief press.

Training complex

The training scheme looks like this:

  • Pull-ups: 2 sets max;
  • Push-ups: 3 sets to the maximum;
  • Standing biceps curl: 2 sets of 20 reps;
  • Close grip push-ups: 2 sets of 10 reps;
  • Swing dumbbells to the side: 2 sets of 20 times;
  • Squats - to failure;
  • Ab crunches: 1 set to failure;
  • Hanging leg raises: 1 set to failure.

Running is also necessary. Preferably every day. But if you don't have time, jogging on the weekend will do. Running can be replaced by cycling.


You will not achieve serious results without the right diet. Muscles need protein to grow. Its share in the diet should be 30%. It is obtained from meat, cottage cheese, eggs and fish. To lose weight, give up sweets. Eat more complex carbohydrates: cereals, vegetables. Drink more fluids to speed up your metabolism.

You can keep yourself in shape by working out at home. In some situations it is even more profitable. The article tells you everything you need for classes. Train, and remember the most important rule: let your training bring you pleasure.

We hope that while sitting on the couch and eating a donut, you are thinking about where to start training at home and looking for exercises for beginners to start a new life not after the New Year, but right now.

Of course, you can remove the coffee table to create more space. Make sure you can get up 15 minutes early and find time to do some beginner exercises before work. And you can definitely stock up on barbells and dumbbells for exercise in your new home gym. But what next? With our help, your first steps towards good physical fitness will not become more confident and for this we have prepared a set of exercises for training at home.

Below is the list for which we have selected best exercises for beginners at home, along with information on how to do them correctly and what makes them useful. Read and combine them, creating an individual training program that will make it more convenient for you to start your first home fitness classes. These include basic exercises, workouts that are accessible to every beginner, but no less effective, as well as several isolated movements to make the training safe. Good luck.


How to do the exercise?

To get into a push-up position, lie on the floor with your hands shoulder-width apart and your back straight, creating a straight line from head to toe across your buttocks. Lower your body until your chest is an inch off the floor, then quickly rise up, straightening your arms completely. Repeat.

Why do this exercise at home?

Doing push-ups maximally utilizes multiple muscle groups, making your shoulders stronger and stronger. This exercise is easy to do at home. It prepares you for further heavy loads on the shoulder girdle that you will encounter during exercise, such as when performing an incline bench press.

Standing Dumbbell Press

While standing, hold two dumbbells at shoulder level, with the grip on top and your palms facing forward. Make sure your elbows are out to the sides rather than pointing forward. Raise the dumbbells above your head until your arms are completely straight. Slowly return to the starting position.

For what?

This is a safer way to strengthen your shoulders than the overhead press. The beginner's goal should be to prevent shoulder strain and also to protect himself from an injury called rotator cuff syndrome. Skipping classes so early in the initial stages of working with weights is especially unacceptable.

With dumbbells in each hand, stand in a “shoulder-width apart” position. Keeping your head and back straight, squat down until the dumbbells are an inch off the floor. Avoid leaning your knees against your chest or toes, and avoid bending your back or leaning forward as if you were falling. Exit, straighten your legs and return to the starting position.

For what?

Squats are an excellent exercise in all respects, one of the best for strengthening all muscle groups. Dumbbells will allow you to focus on technique and work on your range of motion with light weights. Once you learn how to do this, you can take it to the next level by squatting at the gym.

"Farmer's Walk"

Grab two heavy dumbbells for each arm—about half your own weight—and hold them at your sides. Stand tall, point your shoulders back, and walk forward in short steps as quickly as you can.

For what?

This is very simple exercise no need to worry about technology. It targets the shoulder stabilizing muscles as well as the upper trapezius muscles and front deltoids. In addition, this exercise increases grip strength, which will also be useful in future exercises with a load.

Swing dumbbells to the sides

For this standing exercise, hold a light dumbbell in each hand. Slowly lift the dumbbells, arms out to the sides, until they are at shoulder level—no higher—and resist the urge to fool yourself by simply swinging the weights. Stop, then slowly return your arms to your sides. It is slowly - only in this way, resisting the force of gravity, you will pump up your muscles more than if you allow gravity to work for you.

For what?

If you do the exercise at home, it will best demonstrate the development of your shoulder girdle. Lateral raises directly target your middle deltoids, the middle three muscles shoulder, helping to develop the width and massiveness of the shoulder girdle. All this best creates that very V-shape that you dream of.

Calf raises with dumbbells

For this standing exercise, hold a dumbbell in each hand with the balls of your toes and heels touching the floor. Rise onto your toes and hold this position as long as possible. Slowly return to the starting position and repeat.

For what?

Many beginners tend to skip foot work when it comes time to exercise the leg muscles. Include this exercise in your home workout to ensure that you develop your legs just as if you were going to the gym.

Bicep curls with dumbbells

While standing, hold a dumbbell in each hand, keep your shoulders still, and lift your weighted arms up until the dumbbells are level with your shoulders. Concentrate on keeping your elbows in the same position and only your forearms moving. Squeeze your biceps as hard as you can, then slowly lower and repeat.

For what?

The exercise is ideal for developing those muscles that you want to see in front of the mirror. By keeping your shoulders motionless, you achieve maximum effect in increasing the entire biceps.

Step-ups with dumbbells

Stand in front of a bench with dumbbells in each hand. Rise up onto it with your right leg, pushing off from your heel so that you are completely on the bench. Step down from it with your left leg and repeat the exercise on the other side of the apparatus.

For what?

Activation of all upper muscles legs (buttocks, quadriceps and posterior muscles hips) represents their activity throughout the whole day, achieved by one exercise. Additionally, due to its low impact, it does not lead to the knee injuries associated with higher impact exercises.

Plank exercise

Get into a push-up position, but use your forearms instead of your hands. Make sure you straighten your back and tighten your abdominal and buttock muscles. Maintain the position without allowing your hips to sag.

For what?

Repeated crunches put pressure on your spine, and if done incorrectly, you'll end up with your abdominal muscles in strange, stretched shapes. The plank exercise is great for your core without causing any injury. By completing it you will receive slim stomach with six pack abs.

Lying leg raise

Lie on your back, arms along your body, legs straight. Raise your legs, helping yourself with your abdominal muscles, until your legs are above your head. Keep your body still, slowly lower your legs to the floor and repeat.

For what?

By keeping your core still and not allowing your pelvis to move, you activate your rectus abdominis (your inner six pack). Choose this exercise after squats every time.

"Dead Bug"

Lie on your back, stretch your arms up above you, bend your legs at an angle of 90 degrees. Straighten one leg until your heel is an inch off the floor, then return to the starting position. Repeat with the other leg.

For what?

By straightening your legs and keeping your heels off the floor, you not only work your abdominal muscles, but also stabilize your core. This means that you develop muscles that you can not only see in the mirror, but also use on the sports field.

"Side plank"

Lie on your left side, keep your legs straight and lean on your elbow. Lift your body and lift your hip until your body forms a straight line. Breathe deeply while holding this position. Turn over and repeat on the other side.

For what?

This excellent exercise targets the small muscles of the back - the quadratus lumborum muscles. Strengthening them is key to spinal health and will help avoid the notorious back pain for beginners. The cut obliques are a bonus.

Lie on the floor with dumbbells in your hands. Bend your elbows and hold the weight above you. Perform the press by straightening your arms up. Raise your arms to the maximum, stop and slowly return to the starting position.

For what?

By limiting your range of motion in this exercise, you will help strengthen your chest and protect yourself from the risk of shoulder injury from overuse. Consider this your springboard to showing off how great of a bench presser you are in the gym.

Triceps extension

Use your left knee and left hand, like a support on a bench, and lean forward until your chest is parallel to the floor. Hold the dumbbell in right hand, the biceps should be opposite the torso, and the elbow should be pressed to the body. Your arm should be bent 90 degrees so that the weight hangs below you. Gradually move the dumbbell back until your arm is completely straight behind you, then slowly return to the starting position.

For what?

Push-ups using the edge of a couch instead of parallel bars place an unsafe amount of tension in the shoulders. And this exercise affects only the triceps, which gives them maximum development, without putting unnecessary pressure on the joints. And considering that triceps muscles make up two-thirds of the arm, which means that the weapon can be hidden in the sleeve in less time.

How to use the complex for weight gain and weight loss?

This set of exercises for beginners at home is designed for the first 2-3 months of training from scratch. Men and women can follow it, the main difference will be the working weights; for girls you need to take less.

To dial muscle mass With this training scheme, you need to use working weights with which you can do no more than 10 repetitions in one approach.

To lose weight, you need to perform exercises as intensely as possible in the style of endurance training, more than 15 repetitions per approach. A superset scheme is also good, in which you perform exercises one after another. For example, we did push-ups from the floor 10 times and immediately went to press dumbbells while standing, also 10 repetitions. We rested for a minute and a half and repeated the superset again. Do this up to 4-5 approaches, then take the second pair. The training should last no more than 1 hour, it is better to do it in 50 minutes. You can train like this 3-4 times a week, and if you have the desire and strength, you can do it more often.

(8 ratings, average: 5.00 out of 5)

Today we will talk about training at home and try to extract maximum benefit from such training. Also, you will have the opportunity to familiarize yourself with the daily training program at home.
So, let's begin. What do we need to train at home or in the yard? Of course, desire; without it, training loses its meaning. If you have an irresistible desire to train, then success is guaranteed. This theory was once proven by Schwarzenegger, who turned from a skinny teenager into a bodybuilding champion. Once you have clearly decided that you want to play sports, you should look around you and your home.

I am almost 99.9% sure that in your yard or in a neighboring sports ground there is a horizontal bar and a couple of bars that Soviet conscious citizens dug in there. We will also need two or one dumbbells, a jump rope, a rubber band and clothes for training.

First, we will look at exercise patterns with a gradually increasing pace, and then we will try to plan workouts for every day and at the same time combine workouts aimed at pumping and increasing muscle volume and increasing endurance.

Let's start with push-ups. How to increase the number of push-ups?

Let's take the minimum to begin with and every week we will increase the number of push-ups. The workout will consist of five approaches with different numbers of push-ups, with a two-minute break between sets.

The complex is designed for twenty-one weeks and it is planned that by the twenty-first week you will be able to do seventy-five push-ups in one approach, but there is no limit to perfection, so you should not stop there. The exercises should be performed every other day, then the result will be more obvious. Below is a weekly training schedule:

  • First approach – 15; First approach – 20; First approach – 20;
  • Second approach – 10; Second approach – 15; Second approach – 20;
  • Third approach – 10; Third approach – 10; Third approach – 15;
  • Fourth approach – 5; Fourth approach – 10; Fourth approach – 15;
  • Fifth approach – 5; Fifth approach – 5; Fifth approach – 10;

  • Third approach – 20; Third approach – 25; Third approach – 25;
  • Fourth approach – 15; Fourth approach – 20; Fourth approach – 20;
  • Fifth approach – 10; Fifth approach – 15; Fifth approach – 15;

  • Third approach – 25; Third approach – 30; Third approach – 35;
  • Fourth approach – 25; Fourth approach – 30; Fourth approach – 35;
  • Fifth approach – 15; Fifth approach – 20; Fifth approach – 25;

  • Third approach – 35; Third approach – 35; Third approach – 40;
  • Fourth approach – 35; Fourth approach – 35; Fourth approach – 40;
  • Fifth approach – 25; Fifth approach – 30; Fifth approach – 35;

  • First approach – 55; First approach – 60; First approach – 60;
  • Second approach – 50; Second approach – 55; Second approach – 60;
  • Third approach – 40; Third approach – 40; Third approach – 45;
  • Fourth approach – 40; Fourth approach – 40; Fourth approach – 45;
  • Fifth approach – 35; Fifth approach – 35; Fifth approach – 40;

  • First approach – 55; First approach – 60; First approach – 60;
  • Second approach – 50; Second approach – 55; Second approach – 60;
  • Third approach – 40; Third approach – 40; Third approach – 45;
  • Fourth approach – 40; Fourth approach – 40; Fourth approach – 45;
  • Fifth approach – 35; Fifth approach – 35; Fifth approach – 40;

Now let's talk about pull-ups.

The principle of increasing the number of pull-ups is the same as for push-ups. By the twenty-first week, twenty pull-ups are planned in one approach. We work according to the following scheme:

First week: Second week: Third week:

  • First approach – 6; First approach – 7; First approach – 8;
  • Second approach – 5; Second approach – 6; Second approach – 6;
  • Third approach – 5; Third approach – 5; Third approach – 5;
  • Fourth approach – 4; Fourth approach – 4; Fourth approach – 5
  • Fifth approach – 3; Fifth approach – 4; Fifth approach – 4;

Fourth week: Fifth week: Sixth week:

  • First approach – 8; First approach – 9; The first approach is 10;
  • Second approach – 7; Second approach – 7; Second approach – 7;
  • Third approach – 5; Third approach – 6 Third approach – 6;
  • Fourth approach – 5; Fourth approach – 5; Fourth approach – 6;
  • Fifth approach – 5; Fifth approach – 5; Fifth approach – 5;

Seventh week: Eighth week: Ninth week:

  • The first approach is 10; First approach – 11; First approach – 12;
  • Second approach – 8; Second approach – 8; Second approach – 8;
  • Third approach – 6; Third approach – 7; Third approach – 7;
  • Fourth approach – 6; Fourth approach – 6; Fourth approach – 7;
  • Fifth approach – 6; Fifth approach – 6; Fifth approach – 6;

Tenth week: Eleventh week: Twelfth week:

  • First approach – 12; First approach – 13; First approach – 14;
  • Second approach – 9; Second approach – 9; Second approach – 9;
  • Third approach – 7; Third approach – 8; Third approach – 8;
  • Fourth approach – 7; Fourth approach – 7; Fourth approach – 8;
  • Fifth approach – 7; Fifth approach – 7; Fifth approach – 7;

Thirteenth week: Fourteenth week: Fifteenth week:

  • First approach – 14; First approach – 15; First approach – 16;
  • Second approach – 10; Second approach – 10; Second approach – 10;
  • Third approach – 8; Third approach – 9; Third approach – 9;
  • Fourth approach – 8; Fourth approach – 8; Fourth approach – 9;
  • Fifth approach – 8; Fifth approach – 8; Fifth approach – 8;

Sixteenth week: Seventeenth week: Eighteenth week:

  • First approach – 16; First approach – 17; First approach – 18;
  • Second approach – 11; Second approach – 11; Second approach – 11;
  • Third approach – 9; Third approach – 10; Third approach – 10;
  • Fourth approach – 9; Fourth approach – 9; Fourth approach – 10;
  • Fifth approach – 9; Fifth approach – 9; Fifth approach – 9;

Nineteenth week: Twentieth week: Twenty-first week:

  • First approach – 18; First approach – 19; First approach – 20;
  • Second approach – 12; Second approach – 12; Second approach – 12;
  • Third approach – 10; Third approach – 11; Third approach – 11;
  • Fourth approach – 10; Fourth approach – 10; Fourth approach – 11;
  • Fifth approach – 10; Fifth approach – 10; Fifth approach – 10;


The principle of performing exercises on parallel bars is the same as for push-ups and pull-ups, only the course is scheduled for twenty weeks.

First week: Second week: Third week:

  • The first approach is 10; First approach – 15; First approach – 20;
  • Second approach – 5; Second approach – 15; Second approach – 20;
  • Third approach – 5; Third approach – 10; Third approach – 15;
  • Fourth approach – 3; Fourth approach – 5; Fourth approach – 15
  • Fifth approach – 2; Fifth approach – 5; Fifth approach – 10;

Fourth week: Fifth week: Sixth week:

  • First approach – 25; First approach – 30; First approach – 35;
  • Second approach – 25; Second approach – 30; Second approach – 30;
  • Third approach – 20; Third approach – 25 Third approach – 25;
  • Fourth approach – 15; Fourth approach – 18; Fourth approach – 20;
  • Fifth approach – 12; Fifth approach – 12; Fifth approach – 12;

Seventh week: Eighth week: Ninth week:

  • The first approach is 40; The first approach is 40; First approach – 45;
  • Second approach – 35; Second approach – 40; Second approach – 40;
  • Third approach – 30; Third approach – 30; Third approach – 30;
  • Fourth approach – 20; Fourth approach – 20; Fourth approach – 20;
  • Fifth approach – 15; Fifth approach – 15; Fifth approach – 15;

Tenth week: Eleventh week: Twelfth week:

  • First approach – 45; First approach – 50; First approach – 50;
  • Second approach – 45; Second approach – 45; Second approach – 50;
  • Third approach – 30; Third approach – 30; Third approach – 35;
  • Fourth approach – 25; Fourth approach – 25; Fourth approach – 25;
  • Fifth approach – 18; Fifth approach – 18; Fifth approach – 20;

Here I decided to stop at fifty dips. The principle is clear, now you can plan your own further expansion.
Similar to push-ups, pull-ups and parallel bars, you can plan other exercises for yourself (squats, running, abdominal swings). Using this scheme, you can plan to build up almost any exercise; only the number of times in the approach will change, depending on the exercise.

Now, as I promised, let's try to plan our workouts for the week.

I suggest planning for six days, and making Sunday a fasting day.

Let's get started.

Monday (speed, endurance). We need a tourniquet and a jump rope. You will also need a platform with horizontal bars. A tourniquet can be bought at a pharmacy (at least three meters long). We all remember how, as boys, we cut out rubber bands for a slingshot from such a rope. A jump rope can be purchased at a sports store.

  • Running - fifteen minutes;
  • Fist push-ups – five sets;
  • Squats – five approaches;
  • Pull-ups with a regular straight grip - five approaches;
  • Combined push-ups – two sets;
  • Jump rope – two sets of 2 minutes each;
Practicing blows with a tourniquet:
  • Straight lines - twenty times on each hand;
  • Lateral - twenty times on each hand;
  • Uppercuts - twenty times on each hand;
  • Free work – 2 minutes;

This workout will take you about an hour and will give you a boost of energy for the whole day. Thus, you can train even before work. It is best, of course, to plan such workouts in the morning, but if this is not possible, then in the morning it’s fine.
We perform combination push-ups as follows:

  • Five times on fists in a narrow stance;
  • Five times on fists in a wide stance;
  • Five times on the palms in a narrow stance;
  • Five times on the palms in a wide stance;
  • Five times on the palms in a position where one hand protrudes forward and the other back;
  • Change hands and five times again in a stance with one hand moving forward and the other back;

All this is done without getting up from the floor, so you will do thirty push-ups in one approach.
Working with a tourniquet will significantly increase the speed and force of impact. Work with a tourniquet can be combined with push-ups.
Breaks between sets should be from one to two minutes.

Tuesday (muscle pumping). On Tuesday we will pump up our muscles, so we will need a dumbbell and a platform with horizontal bars and parallel bars.

  • Palm push-ups – five sets;
  • Work with dumbbells for biceps - five approaches;
  • Working with a dumbbell behind the neck – five approaches;

These exercises alternate: do push-ups, then work the biceps with a dumbbell and then work the neck with a dumbbell.

  • Horizontal bar straight wide grip - five approaches;
  • Horizontal bar straight, wide grip by the neck – five approaches;
  • Bars – five approaches;
  • Reverse horizontal bar narrow grip– five approaches;

These exercises are enough not only to keep yourself in shape, but also to improve and develop your body. The break between exercises can be maintained for three or four minutes.

So, let's summarize.

We figured out how to increase the number of exercises, decided on which days and how we would train.

All that remains is to put the scheme into action:

  • Monday – speed and endurance;
  • Tuesday – muscle pumping;
  • Wednesday – speed and endurance;
  • Thursday – muscle pumping;
  • Friday – speed and endurance;
  • Saturday – muscle pumping;

Besides training. I advise you to choose the right diet and work and rest schedule for yourself.

I also remind you once again that the main thing is desire, and resources will be found.

(10 ratings, average: 5,00 out of 5)

The inability to regularly go to the gym should not be an obstacle to a healthy and beautiful body. You can and even need to study on your own. The home workout program for men is, of course, different from the one available in gym.

Specifics of independent training

When you decide to start doing the exercises, don’t forget that although you are not in the gym under the supervision of a trainer, this does not change the rules of the training process.


  1. Before each workout, be sure to do a good warm-up.
  2. Make a study plan and stick to it.
  3. Choose your own loads. Don't overdo it, but at the same time, if you feel like you can do more, do it.
  4. Focus on the quality of the exercises, and then gradually increase the quantity.

“Home” training has some disadvantages, and the main one is the lack of exercise equipment. But this problem is not difficult to solve. If possible, purchase a barbell and collapsible dumbbells. Collapsible ones are preferable, because they can easily change the weight, and you don’t need to have a large amount of equipment at home. And if purchasing is not possible, you can make weights yourself.

For example, “folk” analogues of dumbbells are plastic bottles with sand. And of course, no rare muscle loads with a barbell or improvised dumbbells can replace regular high-quality training. Let's consider several options for what they can be.

Home workout program

When scheduling your workouts, be sure to take into account recovery and rest periods. The standard option would be loads three times a week, for example, or Tuesday-Thursday-Saturday.

Each day should be devoted to a separate muscle group. But no matter what part of the body you train, always warm up completely - from the neck to the ankles. Repeat each warm-up movement 8-10 times.

It is advisable to do the warm-up like this:

  • – bending back and forth and to the sides;
  • shoulders – rotations and jerks with straight arms back and forth;
  • body – turns to the sides, bends forward and backward;
  • pelvis – circular rotation in different directions;
  • knees - squats;
  • ankles – circular rotations.

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They have a limited inventory, which limits the possibility of load progression. In itself, the progression of loads is a way to constantly maintain stress at the required level so that the body has to adapt. Adaptation of the body is expressed in an increase in strength indicators, muscle hypertrophy, an increase in speed and changes in other muscular and non-muscular qualities that the athlete develops. Since adaptation forces the body to spend a lot of resources, both on itself and on maintaining adaptable qualities, the body begins to adapt only when it is vitally necessary! If the body copes with the load, or, moreover, if the load decreases, then the body levels out all excess systems so as not to waste resources on maintaining them.

From all that has been said above, we can conclude that training at home is intended to maintain the results achieved in the gym or any other place, or in order to recover a little if the athlete has not trained for a long time. Regardless, the message is that the benefits of training at home are limited, so goals should be set accordingly. In general, you should never set yourself a difficult goal for anything at once; you should approach everything gradually, overcoming intermediate, stage-by-stage tasks. But even to achieve those goals that are, in principle, achievable through home exercises, it is necessary to follow a number of fundamental rules.

Rules for training at home

System – training should be systematic, this is very important, because without this, it is generally impossible to even create a training program. You must set aside a specific time for training and spend it on it. It doesn't matter whether you can train in the morning or in the evening, no matter how many times a week, it is important that you stick to your training schedule constantly. Therefore, if you have set yourself the goal of getting yourself in order, then the first thing you should do is give up all bad habits that may prevent you from sticking to the training program.

Warm-up – this is an important component of training at home, in the gym, on the street and anywhere in general, since a good warm-up is the key to maintaining the performance of muscles, joints, ligaments and tendons. It is important to warm up the whole body, not just that one muscle group, which you are going to train. You should start warming up with slow movements, gradually increasing their pace. The complexity of movements should also change progressively, from the simplest to the complex. Many people neglect warming up, especially when they train lightly, but this is very dangerous, so be sure to warm up well!

Intensity – this rule for training at home means that you should train at a certain pace, which depends on the goals of your training. If your goal is to maximally develop or maintain strength indicators, then you need to train with rest between sets of 40-60 seconds; if you want to develop endurance, then you should strive for the absence of rest, as such, for this there are several methods described in endurance training program . Most importantly, do not forget that training should be limited in time, so you need to do it within 60 minutes, and therefore you should not be distracted by extraneous activities.

Ways to progress the load

Load volume
– it can be corrected by increasing exercises, repetitions of exercises, or by splitting. You can, of course, progress by increasing additional weights, but at home it is difficult to use barbells and dumbbells, or rather, you are always limited by equipment, therefore, when we talk about training at home, we mean that you have minimal equipment. As for the number of exercises and the number of repetitions per approach, everything is clear, but what is a split? Split is a grouping of workouts by muscle groups. Due to this grouping, it is possible to perform a volume of work on the target muscle group several times greater than during circuit training. Although we recommend that beginners start with circuit training.

Example of circuit training at home

Push-ups – 5 sets max
Wide grip pull-ups– 5 approaches to the maximum
Hanging Leg Raises– 4 sets to the maximum

Speed - This is a way not only to progress the load, but also to use different muscle fibers and muscle qualities. The faster you perform the exercises, the more the fast muscle fibers are activated, the slower you do the exercises, the more the slow muscle fibers are loaded. To train red, fast-twitch muscle fibers, you need to increase the speed of the exercises, making them more difficult, such as clapping push-ups. For white training muscle fibers It is necessary to perform the exercises very slowly, qualitatively feeling the muscle contractions. We recommend combining training of both types of muscle fibers, alternating workouts every week.

Home workout program

Monday – legs, chest and arms
Squats – 5 sets max
Lunges – 5 sets max
Calf raises– 3 sets to the maximum
Pushups– 5 approaches to the maximum
Dumbbell flyes– 5 sets of 12 reps
Reverse push-ups– 5 approaches to the maximum
Reverse grip pull-ups– 5 approaches to the maximum

Tuesday- press
Hanging leg raises– 5 approaches to the maximum