
Bodyflex exercises for beginners: pros and cons. A set of Bodyflex exercises for graceful arms and shoulders. Table push-ups.

P.S from Milady: You've probably all noticed that if a person is overweight, then his shoulders and arms become more massive. And if you are over 40 years old, then all this looks puffy and ugly. Don’t believe that it’s just age-related and nothing can be done. At any age, both shoulders and arms can look fragile and graceful. That’s why bodyflex is wonderful, we can correct any part of our body, ultimately achieving perfection in everything. Each of you has your own body type. But fat and flabby arms don’t paint anyone. Considering my body type, I consider this condition of my shoulders and arms to be the standard....

Below, using my example, I will show you what the running version looks like. And what we can still achieve if we have the desire.

So, for motivation, photos from my archive:

In the photo, I think I'm 30 years old. I won't say for sure. But then the weight was also quite serious. The hands at this moment look massive and there is no need to talk about elegance. If someone gets fat in one place, I got fat on all fronts. The photo, let's say, is still quite decent. In fact, if you start moving your arms and raising your elbows, the view is quite unpleasant. What am I telling you, this is true for absolutely all people with overweight, regardless of age. Stand in front of the mirror and look, do you like it? Great, no? You need to become slim...

Then I resolved this issue.

Recently, it was even worse. 42, not 30. Mom told me not to worry, this can’t be fixed. AGE...

DO NOT TRUST ANYONE. Nothing is impossible.

Here is a recent photo. The photograph is taken by a computer camera. If you take measurements of the Breast Volume in centimeters, and these are also the arms, right in the ugliest place, then the ratio is: 108-93.

This time, I used kilogram dumbbells, but purely for arm strength. Since in the summer I drive a motorcycle with a weight of 480 kg. At its core, such beauty is just nutrition correction (minus 60 system) and Bodyflex.

CONVINCED? Then go ahead!!!

With these exercises we will create thin, graceful and at the same time Strong arms, and also “tighten” the breasts and improve their shape

The arms, back and chest almost always work together, which means that all these muscles are involved in each of these exercises - it’s just that somewhere the emphasis is placed on certain individual areas.

We start with 2-3 breathing cycles to warm up. So, let's start with exercises for a high bust.

Buddha pose.

This pose is already familiar to us, and we begin the training with it. Hands at shoulder level, do not drop your elbows, squeeze your palms as hard as you can. We feel how the muscles of the chest and arms work.


Let's continue. Hands are clearly above your head, do not lean forward or backward, and also do not place them on the top of your head. The meaning is the same - we squeeze our palms.

Wall push-ups.

The arms are spread wide, just below shoulder level. When leaning toward the wall, the elbows go straight back, at right angles to the body. You should feel the chest muscles and a little of the arms.

Now let's move on to our graceful hands.

Back push-ups.

The starting position is the same as in the previous exercise, but now the hands are placed on the wall approximately shoulder-width apart, and when leaning towards the wall they go back along the body. Your back and arms are tense.

Table push-ups.

A cool exercise that you can do even in the office. With our backs to the table, we lean on our hands, make a koshchei and squat down until there is a right angle between the elbow and forearm (no lower). We support ourselves with our hands; our legs do not participate in the exercise.

An imaginary barbell.

Knees bent, feet shoulder-width apart, back straight (!). We make a koshchei and bend our elbows, raising them above shoulder level. Fists and elbows are on the same line, arms are tense, the back does not move.


Very effective exercise to tighten flabby shoulder muscles. Hands to the sides and try to turn your elbows forward as much as possible (at a minimum, they should look up and your shoulder forward). We make a koshchei and bend our arm, while the fist should be as close as possible to the armpit. Don't forget that the shoulder and elbow are still "twisted"


Well, now let's pull our hands. We locked them behind our backs (if you can’t reach them yet, you can take a pencil or a belt) and pulled them in different directions.


Since the back also participated in the training, we will definitely stretch it too. A cat is perfect for this. In general, this is an excellent final exercise, which involves a lot more muscles than it might seem at first glance.

That's all. Finally, another 2-3 breathing cycles, stretched, enjoyed ourselves, the new day and the creeping summer. Let's be beautiful!

Very often people give up because they only look at how far there is to go and do not see how far they have already come.

At the very bottom of the article you can watch a video with Marina Korpan, who will teach you every exercise of this wonderful Bodyflex complex, but so that you understand and tell your friends about this amazing technique and its history, I recommend reading this article from beginning to end and then watching the video 🙂

A popular weight loss technique, Bodyflex exercises, is effective method lose extra pounds and make your body athletically fit, flexible, and increase your vitality. Daily bodyflex exercises for 15 minutes will give noticeable results in just a couple of weeks, and after three months they will lead to the desired results.

In normal life, when we breathe, a small amount of oxygen enters the lungs. A set of bodyflex exercises are special breathing techniques that allow you to enrich the blood with oxygen in large quantities.

Founder of a unique technique fast weight loss became a housewife Greer Children's. The starting point for the development of bodyflex was a banal situation when a woman, having given birth to three children, began to look for ways to restore her lost figure. Exercising did not bring the long-awaited results, but only disappointment and fatigue.

Having once taken a course in breathing exercises, Greer short time was able to achieve the desired shape. But the high fee and an hour and a half of training prompted her to develop her own method of losing weight and getting fit in a short time. With the help of specialists, having figured out why fat is burned so quickly during breathing exercises, Greer was able to remove perfect formula a magnificent figure in 15-20 minutes a day. At the same time, no grueling workouts, much less diets. Breathe and lose weight! The founder of the method herself put her body in order in 90 days, reaching size 40 (previously it was 52)

How do bodyflex exercises work?

Bodyflex exercises are based on breathing exercises. A unique breathing technique allows you to supply large amounts of oxygen to muscle and fat tissues. At the same time, the load on certain group muscles sets the direction of oxygen flow.

Lipids or fat, entering into a chemical reaction with oxygen, are broken down. According to numerous reviews, on average, in a week of daily bodyflex exercises, the waist decreases to 25 cm.

In addition, the process of losing weight is accelerated by normalizing body functions:

  • lymph flow increases;
  • metabolism accelerates;
  • During breathing exercises, the stomach muscles contract, which leads to a decrease in its size.

In addition to reducing the volume of the body, its individual parts are modeled. Knowing which muscles are targeted, you can purposefully correct your figure.

Daily bodyflex exercises give amazing results, from a boost of energy for the whole day to dramatic transformations in the functioning of all internal organs and systems:

  • burning fat deposits, including internal ones;
  • reducing the volume of all worked areas;
  • reduction of cellulite skin lesions;
  • tightening the skin and improving its appearance;
  • increasing body flexibility;
  • normalization of the gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular system;
  • cleansing the body;
  • launching the rejuvenation process;
  • increase in vitality.

Who can do bodyflex?

Despite the effectiveness of bodyflex exercises, exercises do not have the same effect on everyone. People are in good physical fitness, without unnecessary weight deviations, will practically not feel any improvements in their shape. But those who are far from physical education and have considerable reserves of fat deposits will get excellent results after just a month of bodyflex training.

Experts in the field of sports medicine provide the following data: hour aerobic exercise allows you to burn up to 350 Kcal; when running, 700 Kcal is burned. While 15-20 minutes of bodyflex training (according to some books and cassettes the figure sounds unrealistic) - up to 3500 Kcal! But of course, this is too high a figure; more realistically it would be up to 700 Kcal, as when running.

The benefits of bodyflex

  • Bodyflex classes last no longer than 15-20 minutes a day. This is enough for a positive effect.
  • The first results appear in a short time. After a week of daily training, the waist decreases from 5 to 25 cm.
  • The bodyflex technique is also aimed at tightening the muscles of the face and neck.
  • There is absolutely no age limit for classes.
  • Bodyflex exercises are effective when practiced independently, without harm to health.


Bodyflex exercises have their contraindications. Breathing exercises should not be performed if you have:

  • problems with the cardiovascular system;
  • high intracranial pressure;
  • aneurysms;
  • spine surgery;
  • acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, and other infections;
  • development of chronic diseases;
  • bleeding;
  • pregnancy period.

Breathing bodyflex

Development respiratory system- the key to the effectiveness of bodyflex exercises. The respiratory complex makes up almost 90% of the entire weight loss system. Therefore, before moving on to mastering a series of stretches and aerobic exercises, you should thoroughly work on your breathing practice. This can take from several days to a month, and it is necessary to carefully work on each stage.

Mastering diaphragmatic breathing should occur on an empty stomach, in the morning, in a ventilated room or on outdoors. The first steps towards mastering the respiratory system are limited to five minutes.

The initial pose in which bodyflex exercises are performed: spread your legs slightly wider than your shoulders, bend your knees slightly, place your palms above your knees, and direct your gaze in front of you.

  1. Exhalation.

You need to empty your lungs as much as possible: round your lips and slowly exhale. When the lung sacs are completely empty, close your mouth.

  1. Inhale.

At this stage, the lungs are extremely filled with oxygen: a rapid, noisy inhalation through the nose, the lungs are filled to capacity. In this case, the head should be slightly raised. The air is kept inside, the mouth is closed, and no air movement is made through the nose.

  1. Exhalation.

When you exhale, the muscles of the diaphragm and abdomen tense. Sharply contracted muscles forcefully push air out. At the same time, an explosive “puff” sound breaks out. All attention is focused on the operation of the diaphragm.

  1. Holding your breath.

The most important phase of the breathing complex of bodyflex exercises. Bow your head slightly. Begin slowly tightening your abdominal muscles. There should be a feeling that all internal organs are slowly entering the hypochondrium area. The stomach is drawn in more and more, it “sticks” to the spine.

After fully retracting the abdomen, count to eight as follows: 1-1-1, 2-2-2, 3-3-3...8-8-8. The first time you try, you may not be able to last until the end of the count - this is normal. Holding your breath should be stopped as soon as an urgent need for air appears. Breathing practice needs to be brought to perfection, i.e. until the delay reaches the count of eight. The implementation of a full hold is a sign that the preparatory phase is completed. It is holding the breath while exhaling that is key point, during which static bodyflex exercises are performed.

  1. Inhale.

After the count is completed, the breathing exercise ends and the muscles involved relax. Now you can inhale through your nose. Inhalation is accomplished by relaxing the muscle tissue of the abdomen and diaphragm. Air masses seem to flow noisily into the lungs on their own.

For beginners

  • The best time for bodyflex exercises is in the morning; an empty stomach and intestines do not interfere with drawing in the stomach as much as possible. Other times of the day are also suitable, the main condition is an empty stomach.
  • Ideal place for exercise - Fresh air. At the very least, the room for bodyflex training should be ventilated. You can open the window, door, go out onto the balcony.
  • Breath holding lasts 8-10 cycles. Beginners can reduce the number of cycles to their capabilities, but should begin a set of exercises only after all 8 cycles are completed freely.
  • Bodyflex exercises should be performed daily, performing each exercise 3-5 times;
  • You should not resort to strict diets. It is enough, if desired, to limit the consumption of sweets and starchy foods.

Bodyflex for all parts of the body


The skin of the hands becomes elastic and tightened; fat is burned.

First, perform breathing exercises, then, when breathing stops, stand up straight, legs at the same width, form a circle in front of you with your hands, pressing the fingers of your left hand to the fingers of your right along the entire length. You can make it easier to keep your arms at height by slightly bending your back. While counting, squeeze your fingers tightly. Muscle tension should be felt in the chest and arms. The pressure on the fingers lasts throughout the count; at the end of the count, inhale and at the same time return to the starting position. Repeat three times.


The thigh muscles are tightened, cellulite areas are smoothed out, and the thighs take on attractive shapes.

Initial pose: sit on the floor, spread your straight legs as wide as possible. Pull your feet towards you, your heels pressed to the floor, with the palms of your straight arms resting on the floor behind you.

In this position, go through all phases of breathing exercises. When breathing stops, place your hands on the floor in front of you and, slowly, bend forward, behind your hands. At the extreme point of inclination, bring the count to eight, take a breath, straighten up and take the initial position. Repeat three times.

The muscles, skin of the face and neck become elastic, toned, folds are removed from the neck, and the oval of the face becomes clearer.

The initial pose is the same as for breathing.

When breathing stops, open your eyes wide and look up. Round your lips and point them down. Extend your tongue as far as possible. Fix for eight cycles, inhale. Do it 5 more times.


The muscles and skin of the chin are tightened, fat folds on the neck are burned, and the skin becomes elastic.

The initial pose is the same as for breathing.

After going through the phases of breathing exercises, when breathing stops, stick out your lower jaw like a bulldog. Pull your lips forward. Throw your head back. Count to eight, inhale and return to the starting position. Do it five more times.

Side stretch

Fat is burned from the sides and waist circumference is reduced.

The initial pose is the same as for breathing.

First, breathing exercises are performed, and when breathing stops, put your right leg back, without bending, on an outstretched toe. And on left leg, bend at the knee, lean on the elbow of your left hand, concentrating your body weight here. With your right hand, stretch to the left above your head. The back does not bend. Count to eight. Relax, breathe. Do it three times in each direction.


The muscles of the thighs and buttocks tighten and become elastic. Hips and buttocks take on attractive shapes.

Starting pose: kneel with your elbows on the floor.

Make a “swallow” with your left foot, but pull your foot towards you. At the same time, the buttocks should be extremely compressed. Keep your head up. Now you can start breathing exercises, stop breathing, and count the cycles. Inhale, take the starting pose. Do it three times for each leg.


The lower abdomen is selected, fat is burned in the problem area.

Initial pose: lie face up, legs straight, palms stretched along the body with the back side down, you can fasten them under the buttocks.

Throughout the entire exercise, the torso and head lie on the floor. Start the respiratory phases, stop breathing, and at the same time begin pumping your lower abs.

Raise your legs 10 cm and stretch out your toes. Perform scissor swings for an eight-cycle count. Inhale and return to the starting pose. Do it a couple more times.


Total removal of fat deposits from all problem areas.

Starting pose: get on all fours. The head is an extension of the back.

Carry out breathing passes, when breathing stops, relax the neck muscles, lower your head. Take your time, arch your back to the limit, and brace yourself. Start counting. Inhale and take the starting position. Do it only 3-5 times.

Abdominal Press

The stomach is tightened, fat is burned, including internal fat, the functioning of all internal organs improves, and blood circulation is stimulated.

Starting position: lying face up, feet flat on the floor, shoulder-width apart.

Stretch your arms up. At the same time, do breathing passes. When breathing stops behind your hands, raise your shoulders and bend your head back. Shoulders and rib cage rise as far as possible. When the count is over, take a breath and, slowly, take the initial position. Start repeating immediately. Do five stretches in total.


The thighs are tightened, become elastic, the “breeches” effect is eliminated due to the burning of fat on the thighs.

Starting position: kneel down, rest your palms on the floor.

Place your right leg to the side, resting its foot on the floor. Do breathing exercises. When breathing stops, raise your right leg parallel to the floor. After finishing the count, inhale and take the starting position. Perform three lifts of each leg.


The hip and waist circumference decreases.

Starting position: Sitting on the floor, place one knee on top of the other. Then the position of the knees changes.

So, if your left knee is on top, then you should lean your left palm on the floor behind you, and grab your left knee with your right palm. After going through the respiratory stages, when breathing stops, with your right hand, pull your knee towards your body as far as possible. Turn your body around left side. Make three turns on each side.

Bodyflex is a well-known and popular training method, which is based on a unique breathing technique, as a result of which you can significantly reduce weight. Bodyflex for beginners is the initial stage of training, during which the basics of the system are mastered.

Bodyflex exercises photo

One of the most effective complexes that promote rapid weight loss is bodyflex for beginners - a 15-minute video training system that can replace complex sport exercises and bring the desired result. To start training, you do not need to purchase special equipment. The main rules for success are to follow the recommendations for performing the complex and do it regularly.

What is bodyflex for beginners

A system of exercises created by a simple housewife for a short time can reduce the circumference of the waist, arms and legs. This effect is achieved through special breathing that affects the diaphragm and saturates the body with oxygen. The complex is popular due to the fact that to achieve good result you need to exercise 15 minutes a day. All exercises are static and do not require high physical activity. This is very important for people who cannot because heavy weight perform active cardio exercises.

Where to start bodyflex

Before you start training, you should find out about the contraindications under which you cannot exercise using this system. In addition, it is recommended that you follow these steps to achieve success:

  1. Set a clear goal and write down the desired results after the first month. These numbers must be real, otherwise the person losing weight may be disappointed or have doubts about the productivity of the system.
  2. Take measurements using a measuring tape and write them down for comparison. This makes it much easier to track results.
  3. Study information about charging on the Internet, watch several video tutorials.
  4. Set aside 15-20 minutes a day when no one will distract you.

How to organize classes for a beginner

In order to properly organize bodyflex classes, you do not need to purchase special equipment. However, according to reviews from those losing weight, it is better to buy a gymnastics mat, which helps to avoid slipping when exercises are performed on the floor. A beginner will only need desire and a little time to master the lessons. People who have achieved results recommend following the following rules:

  1. Choose comfortable clothes for training. It should not constrain the body or restrict movement; you should not choose clothes that are too warm - even though the exercises are static, a person sweats a lot while doing them.
  2. If daily workouts are performed via video, then arrange a suitable place in front of the TV or computer.
  3. Choose a complex that will help reduce body volume in problem areas. During your first lessons, you need to focus on basic exercises.
  4. Get a timer that will signal the start and end of lessons.

How to do bodyflex correctly to lose weight

One of the advantages of the system is that it is not necessary to comply special diets or limit the amount of food you eat. However, to quickly lose weight with bodyflex, you need to:

  1. perform the complex regularly every day;
  2. observe the correct drinking regime– drink from 1.5 to 2.5 liters of water;
  3. eat small portions 2.5 hours before classes or 1.5 hours after them;
  4. add more fiber to your diet.

For a person who has started training for the first time, it is very difficult to continue training after the first week. Many people report that muscle pain and slight dizziness go away. After just a week of training, you can take measurements. As the experience of many women and men shows, even during this period it is possible to achieve tangible results:

  • appetite decreases;
  • stool is normalized;
  • volumes in the waist and hips decrease;
  • mood improves;
  • muscle tone increases.

Basic principles of bodyflex

The principles of bodyflex were first outlined by American housewife Greer Childers in her book “Get a Great Figure in 15 Minutes a Day.” The woman spoke about her experience of losing weight. After the birth of her third child, she had to try many different systems, ranging from simple aerobics to strength training. To lose weight, Greer used breathing exercises that were a combination of muscle stretching and yoga. One of the main rules is adherence to basic principles. These include:

  1. Correct breathing. Bodyflex lessons should be performed only after breathing exercises have been well mastered.
  2. Systematicity. It is not necessary to perform the complex every day; you can pay attention to bodyflex 3-4 times a week.
  3. Doing workouts on an empty stomach. If you do not follow this rule, complications associated with the digestive system may occur. During aerobic exercise, the abdominal wall is involved, so it is very important that at least 2.5 hours pass after the last meal.
  4. Correct measurements. It is not necessary to weigh yourself, since the main goal is to burn fat and reduce body size, and not to lose weight.

Basic poses

Before you begin to perform the complex, you need to master the basic positions in which breathing exercises are performed. It is recommended to start mastering the system with these poses:

  1. “Basketball player” - spread your legs to the sides, squat slightly, tilt your torso forward, place your palms just above your knees.
  2. “Sitting on the floor” - sit on a hard surface, spread your legs wide in different directions, place your hands behind your back, pressing your palms to the floor so that your shoulder blades are brought together, raise your head up.
  3. “Emphasis on four points” - get on all fours, straighten your back, place your arms and legs at right angles to the floor, lower your head slightly.

Mastering breathing

According to nutritionists, the problem is people gaining excess weight– lack of energy. If you engage in aerobic exercise, more oxygen begins to enter the body, which is a natural fat burner. However, people who are overweight cannot perform active training, so bodyflex with a special breathing system will quickly help solve the problem. To start classes, you need to take the “Basketball Player” pose, then start breathing exercises:

  1. Slowly exhale air through your mouth, try to exhale as long as possible.
  2. Inhale deeply through your nose.
  3. Exhale sharply through your mouth (it should sound like a “groin”).
  4. Hold your breath for 8-10 seconds. At the same time, tense your abdominal muscles, trying to push your stomach under the diaphragm.
  5. Relax and calmly exhale through your nose.

It is recommended to concentrate as much as possible on performing this exercise, because the weight loss effect will depend on this. At first, you are allowed to keep your hand on the diaphragm in order to breathe correctly through the chest. If it is difficult to hold your breath for 8 seconds, you can first do shorter intervals, gradually increasing them. Those who have been practicing the system for more than a month are able to count to 15-20 seconds.

Basic exercises for beginners

When a person just starts training, it is very important not to overdo it so that the rise is not followed by a decline, so beginners are recommended to perform not very difficult exercises that will help strengthen the main muscle groups. When exercising during the first week, you can limit yourself to just three exercises, which allow you to gradually get used to the load.

a lion

This exercise is very effective for tightening the facial and neck muscles. It is performed in the following order:

  1. Take the “Basketball Player” position, squatting slightly and placing your hands on your knees.
  2. After this, bodyflex breathing exercises are performed.
  3. While exhaling, gather your lips into a tube, stick out your tongue as far as possible, open your eyes wide and lift them up, wait 8 seconds.
  4. Do 5 approaches.


By performing this workout regularly, you can pump up the muscles of your thighs and buttocks. To do this you need:

  1. sit with your legs wide apart;
  2. place your hands behind your back, stretch your socks to the sides;
  3. do a breathing exercise, lean forward with your arms outstretched;
  4. try to reach as far as possible;
  5. slowly count to 8, return to the starting position;
  6. repeat 2 more times.


It is very easy to strengthen your arms and back with an exercise called "Cat". Execution steps:

  1. Lean on your palms and knees, your head should be in line with your neck and back.
  2. After performing the breathing complex, strongly round your back, lower your head down, count to 10, exhale and relax.
  3. Do up to 5-7 approaches.

Set of exercises

After mastering correct breathing and practicing basic exercises for all muscle groups, you can begin to perform more complex workouts. According to Marina Korpan, one of the most famous bodyflex and oxysize trainers in Russia, morning workouts are considered more effective due to the fact that they occur after the body has rested. In addition, the maximum break between meals is achieved. You are allowed to drink a glass before class clean water to speed up metabolism.

15-minute morning routine

In addition to the exercises that must be performed (Lion, Cat, Boat), the morning complex includes:


Number of repetitions

Ugly grimace

Push your lower teeth forward, stretch out your lips, tense your neck and raise your head up. Throw your arms back, as if you were jumping from a springboard.

Do 5 reps.

Side stretch

Lean on one knee, placing your right leg to the side and pointing your toes out. Extend your right arm above your head parallel to the floor. Place your left hand on your bent knee.

Repeat the exercise 5 times in each direction.

Get on your knees, lean on your hands, stretch one leg to the side, while holding your breath, raise your leg parallel to the floor, fix it.

Repeat 3-4 times in each direction.

Place your feet shoulder-width apart, bend your elbows at the level of your forearms, connect your fingers to form a diamond-like figure. Press your fingers to feel a strong tension.

Perform 4-5 approaches.


Take a sitting position on the floor. Stretch one leg obliquely, bend the other at the knee and pull it with the opposite hand closer to the stomach. Place your other hand behind your back.

Do 3-4 exercises on each side.

Starting position: lying on the floor, legs extended straight. Place your hands palms down. Then raise both legs 8-9 cm and perform wide, crossing swings. You need to make sure that your socks are stretched out.

Repeat 3 more times.

Abdominal Press

Performed while lying on your back. Bend your knees, stretch your arms up perpendicular to the floor, raising your head and shoulders by 15-20 cm. Carefully lower yourself.

Do it 5 times.

Where to do bodyflex

The advantages of a system such as bodyflex at home for beginners over other weight loss systems are that you can perform exercises not only in an organized group, but also at home. However, if you exercise under the guidance of an experienced fitness trainer, you can adjust your weight loss program to suit your individual needs. In addition, in a team it is easier to avoid downturns that occur due to lack of organization. Now you can sign up for remote courses and complete classes over the Internet, which also brings very good results.


The system is very beneficial for health and has virtually no age restrictions, but it also has a number of contraindications. The most common prohibitions that prevent you from doing bodyflex include:

  • heart failure;
  • glaucoma;
  • hernia;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • oncological diseases;
  • tachycardia;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • increased intracranial pressure.

Also, pregnant women should not perform the exercises - increased impact on the abdominal wall can cause a miscarriage. If a person losing weight has or has had any chronic illnesses, previous surgeries, bleeding of unknown etiology, then you need to first check with your doctor and only then start physical activity.


    Bodyflex is the most successful attempt to sell ordinary women idea to do daily. This is a hybrid of yoga breathing “nauli”, simple stretches and static poses. The goal of the class is to lose weight exclusively in problem areas and facial rejuvenation.

    Gymnastics was invented by American housewife Greer Childers. In Russia, media fitness instructor Marina Korpan is promoting the technique. Any physical activity is better than lying on the couch, but can training with... own weight really help you lose 6 sizes without dieting, get rid of wrinkles and folds and?

    How did bodyflex appear and who is its creator?

    The history of the emergence of gymnastics can be gleaned from the book by Greer Childers. And you can see the author herself on Youtube. Greer also has a website, although it is in English. She was a doctor's wife and suffered greatly from idleness. More precisely, from the hard life of an American housewife. She didn’t get enough sleep, overeated, felt disgusting and gained weight up to size 16. So that you understand, Russian size 46 is 8.

    What did the poor fellow not do, except for a balanced diet and strength training. Greer went to aerobics, but her legs only became thicker, and if her stomach decreased, it was only slightly. She ate only vegetables and did not eat at all, but then she went off the diet. By the way, Childers’ favorite dish is shawarma, that is, a burrito, which explains a lot.

    The husband left, and the joy of life went with him. And if it weren’t for a trip to some esoteric guru and learning breathing exercises “for the price of a Cadillac,” Greer would have remained in a dress from “Omar the Tent,” as she herself calls outfits for plus-size people.

    After some time of breathing practices, Childers lost weight. And then I created a 15-minute morning complex, included in it exercises only for problem areas and the face and followed the established info-business scheme. First - seminars in US cities. Then - a book about weight loss, which became a bestseller. Next is “Dzhimbar”. This is not a very convenient expander for static exercises at home. Afterwards – sales of videotapes and books. And finally, everything is the same, but through the website.

    Bodyflex is when a person first exhales sharply, then draws in his stomach due to the vacuum and takes some kind of static pose. After standing like this for 8 slow counts, he can inhale and perform the next repetition.

    The gymnastics itself looks even weirder than the Russian Instagram craze - . But it sells great.

    True, Marina Korpan, group program instructor and creator of an entire school breathing exercises, writes that if you continue to eat buns, no amount of bodyflex will help. But he continues to teach it.

    The main idea of ​​bodyflex

    The official idea is simple - oxygen burns fat in problem areas. Allegedly, when you hold your breath, a deficiency of it is created in the working muscle, then it is sharply “pumped” into the problem area and begins to burn.

    Besides, static exercises, according to Greer, are many times more effective than:

  1. They do not lead to muscle hypertrophy, which means that the legs and arms will not grow in volume.
  2. Statics does not burden joints and ligaments, and can be practiced with sore knees and backs.
  3. They are a metabolic activator that causes the body to burn calories faster at rest.

This is all great, but the process of fatty acid oxidation is not so simple. Our body cannot “get started” with fat burning if there are simpler sources of energy, such as liver and muscle glycogen. Or maybe, but if the liver and muscles are empty and the body is experiencing an energy deficiency. Normally, the human body stores about 400 g. This amount is obtained by adding up two average daily rations of a woman with normal nutrition. That is, switching the body to burning fat is not so easy.

The second point is that you need to activate certain receptors in adipose tissue for the fat burning process to begin. And they start working only if the person is in a state.

15 minutes of exercise in the morning will burn approximately 50-100 kcal, and this is only if the person exercising is heavy. All bodyflex exercises are regional and low intensity. It is unlikely that anyone will be able to exceed these numbers with them.

What does bodyflex do for weight loss? Teaches you to suck in your stomach and trains the transverse abdominis muscle. It is thanks to this that saggy bellies are drawn in and waists are reduced. Fat is not burned without dieting. As for the rest of the paraphernalia, it can only tone the muscles a little if the person has not done anything before.

Training should be done every day on an empty stomach. The point here is to make it easier to draw in your stomach while holding your breath.

© lisomiib -

The role of oxygen and carbon dioxide in respiration

Biology textbooks don’t write about the fact that oxygen burns fat during breathing. The role of oxygen in the body is to participate in oxidation on cell mitochondria (in relation to fats). But fatty acids must still reach these mitochondria. They will only get there if the hormonal response typical of a calorie deficit is created.

Carbon dioxide is nothing more than a metabolic product that is obtained as a result of cellular respiration and released into the environment. If you hold your breath, oxygen will not be “absorbed in a larger volume.”

By contracting or stretching a muscle, a person accelerates blood circulation in the work area. This is where blood and oxygen rush. This theoretically speeds up local metabolism. But there is no scientific data as to exactly how much.

Greer wrote that you can burn 6,000 kcal in an hour of exercise. Then, according to the requirements of the US FDA, this statement was removed from books and speeches as unproven scientifically. Although the author of the technique refers to research from the University of California in his book, they say that scientists approve of bodyflex. But there is no evidence that it changes local and causes fat burning in problem areas. It simply works like regular gymnastics to improve muscle tone and prevent physical inactivity.

Bodyflex technique

Before you begin, you need to learn how to breathe:

  1. Take a stance: feet shoulder-width apart, relax your stomach and face, place your hands on your hips and bend slightly at the hip joints.
  2. Slowly exhale all the air from your lungs.
  3. Inhale sharply.
  4. Also quickly exhale, making a “popping” sound “groin”.
  5. Draw your stomach in and count to yourself to 8.
  6. Push your abdominal wall forward and inhale.

© familylifestyle -

Exercises for the face and neck

"Ugly Grimace"

Stand in the stance in which you learned to breathe, and while holding your breath, push your chin up so that your neck tenses. Perform 3 to 5 repetitions; while holding your breath, you should feel a stretch in your neck. This movement should, according to the author’s idea, remove wrinkles from the neck and relieve cervical osteochondrosis.

"A lion"

Now you can straighten up or even sit down if you can hold your breath while sitting. We stretch our lips forward like a tube and stick out our tongue. You need to stand with such a face for 8 counts of delay and repeat the exercise 3-5 times.

Exercises for chest, waist, buttocks, legs


The only exercise for arms and chest in the entire Greer complex. You need to sit on your heels on the mat, bend your knees, and clasp your hands in front of your chest, spreading your elbows to the sides. You need to squeeze “finger to finger”, forming a semblance of a diamond in front of you. You have to press hard, all 8 counts. Repetitions – 5.

© iuliiawhite -

Pulling the leg back

The exercise is familiar to everyone from school, but here you need to do it statically. We get on all fours, move the straight leg back, contract the gluteal muscles, raise the leg up and stand. You need to feel a burning sensation in the muscle and perform a static pose 3 times on each side.

© Maridav -

Abdominal exercise

Side stretch

Stand up straight, step your right leg into a side lunge, turn your toes to the side, bend your leg at the knee, move your hip so that it drops parallel to the floor, lean on it with your hand, and raise your opposite arm up to the side, leaning towards your hip. The second leg remains straight. The stretch is performed 3 times on each side.

© Alena Yakusheva -

Abdominal Press

However, you need to take into account that going to a fitness club, where you should combine strength and aerobic training, would be much more effective (in terms of an alternative to bodyflex rather than a diet).


Gymnastics cannot be done:

  • With diastasis of the rectus abdominis muscle.
  • Immediately after birth - before 6 weeks after natural birth and 12 after cesarean.
  • During pregnancy.
  • In the presence of epilepsy and cardiovascular diseases.
  • Hypertensive patients during exacerbation of the disease.
  • If there is a risk of retinal detachment.

Important information about gymnastics

Bodyflex forced many people to at least somehow take care of themselves. It was he who discovered “nauli”, that is, a yogic vacuum, for women, and the opportunities that open up if you know how to efficiently draw in your stomach. He saved a lot of people from the aerobics craze. Now girls have migrated en masse to GYM's, but just 5-6 years ago they went to 2-3 aerobic classes a day and barely ate if they wanted to lose weight. Such “useful” activities resulted in eating disorders, ligament and joint injuries.

In the same time, gymnastics doesn't work the way Greer says. What does this change for bodyflex lovers? Nothing, they continue to study. This workout is not a method of local fat burning. Women who start taking care of themselves lose weight only if they follow a diet and are able to stick to it long enough to see results.

Bodyflex is not able to build round buttocks, will not make your waist thin if it is naturally wide, and will not help improve your posture. This gymnastics is a minimum of movement for those who do not want to do physical exercise at all and who are satisfied with just a little weight loss as a result.

The exercises should be performed every morning on an empty stomach. Korpan recommends not eating for an hour afterward to “improve fat burning.” This will only work if you maintain an overall daily caloric deficit.

In Russia, the system has another clone - Aeroshape gymnastics. It is intended for three sessions a day and is a collection of yoga poses performed while holding the breath. This gymnastics is more convenient for those for whom morning training is torture.

Bodyflex is an introduction to weight loss with physical training, and not a replacement for traditional and strength training. You still have to come to them if progress stops and the girl wants to improve her figure.

A tale about effective bodyflex breathing exercises for weight loss: pros and cons. System of changing exercises, the main complex for the abdomen and sides. What are the benefits of bodyflex for quick weight loss? Now you will find out everything. Go!

Hello friends! Today, there are so many methods aimed at general weight loss that one’s eyes simply wander in search of the most suitable one. What is bodyflex? How can such foreign technology help you get rid of extra pounds? The basic rules and secrets of the complex, I described all this in this article...

Basic principles of a slim body

Bodyflex is a foreign weight loss technique that includes gymnastics to eliminate problem areas and diaphragmatic breathing. This combination allows you to direct oxygen to the necessary areas of the body for better combustion fat deposits. To achieve the desired result, you need to master breathing technique and master special exercises.

The developed system has found wide application among many people due to its versatility. Without special physical training You can freely regulate your weight by spending just 15 minutes a day.

Breathing is the key to losing weight

To master freely correct technique, you need to train for a couple of days. You will have to breathe like a small child: not with your chest, but with your stomach.

The so-called “volleyball player” position will help you quickly get used to it. You need to bend your knees slightly, lean your hands on them, and keep your back straight. There are 5 basic stages:

  1. deep breath;
  1. exhale smoothly through the mouth and retract the abs;
  1. a sharp breath through the nose, the stomach inflates (lips are closed);
  1. exhale through the nose and draw in the abdomen as much as possible for 8 seconds;
  1. complete relaxation and oxygen saturation.

With Maria Korpan

Thanks to the exercise program with Maria Korpan, you can systematize your workouts. This is a well-known fitness trainer who supplemented the classic method with active exercises using additional weights. Thanks to scientific research in cardiology and human physiology, the program was able to be adapted to the individual characteristics of the body.

To clearly see all the key positions, find the necessary information in the pictures with a description of the training at home. The video can be downloaded from the pages of the famous expert Maria Korpan. Bodyflex is based on the following rules:

  • a combination of breathing techniques and stretching;
  • avoiding diet courses and unwanted snacks;
  • eating with a teaspoon;
  • it is prohibited to include additional physical activity;
  • Missing more than 3 classes is unacceptable.

The bodyflex technique was developed back in the 80s in America by a housewife who managed to combine breathing practices with Greer Childress managed to lose up to three sizes at home in 90 days. The developed system is well founded from a scientific point of view, proven by numerous studies, thanks to which it has gained worldwide recognition.

  • all exercises should take place on an empty stomach;
  • you can eat half an hour after physical activity;
  • it is necessary to ventilate the room in advance;
  • There is no need to independently increase the duration of classes.

It is very important to choose sports uniform for gymnastics. Clothing should not restrict movement, should be comfortable, not too loose.

Bodyflex exercises for weight loss

  • Isotonic. To improve the plasticity of tendons and joints.
  • Isometric. To strengthen and strengthen muscle tissue.
  • For stretching. For a beautiful and flexible body.

You should pay more attention to exercises that use several muscles at the same time. For 15 minutes, completely close yourself off from the outside world, turn off your phone and TV, and calm down.

Be sure to do some light exercise before you start. Otherwise, you may become stuck in one of the positions due to unexpected pain.

Get into the “volleyball player” position, lower your hands to your knees, bend at the back. At the same time with breathing technique sit down, extend your leg to the right and transfer your weight to it. Perform this exercise five times on each leg. You should feel how the muscles in the thighs, buttocks, and calves begin to work.

You'll have to imitate the gemstone. How? Stop being surprised, better repeat:

  1. you stand up straight, tighten all the protruding parts of your body;
  1. raise your hands to chest level so that your fingers touch each other;
  1. During breathing procedures, you strain your hands very much and begin to squeeze them together.

To work the surface of the upper limbs, perform the exercise four more times. The main thing is not to overdo it and inhale oxygen again after 8 counts.


Exercise on lower press It's quite simple to do. You need to lie down on a free surface in your room, place your clasped hands under your butt. Inhale and exhale, hold your breath while simultaneously crossing your legs in the air. Rest between sets is one minute.


To begin, take the position of drinking from a stream. Simply put, get on all fours and lower your head down. We put the breathing technique into action, pull the abs in and bend upward in an arc, like a cat. Stand in a graceful pose for 8 seconds.

Bodyflex for weight loss: benefits