
Correct push-ups: technique, breathing. Types of push-ups and their health benefits Basic types of pull-ups and push-ups

Push-ups are one of the most common exercises because they are quite effective and do not require any additional equipment. In addition, the technique is quite simple and does not require long learning with a trainer. Nevertheless, there are a lot of nuances in push-ups that will expand the functionality and make them more effective. After all, if you know how to do push-ups correctly, you can achieve good results in building body muscles without spending money on an expensive gym membership. Moreover, not everyone has the time or opportunity to go there.

Push-up technique and its features

Probably each of us has done this at least once in our lives. Therefore, almost everyone knows, from gender. However, there are a number of specific techniques that are worth learning to expand your exercise arsenal. This will allow you to have the most comprehensive effect on your muscles. shoulder girdle. So, to do a proper push-up, take the appropriate starting position. To do this you need to do the following:

  • Move to a horizontal position and place your straight arms on the floor.
  • The entire body should form a straight line.
  • You should not lower or, conversely, raise your head, as this can lead to strained neck muscles or injury to the cervical vertebrae.
  • Tighten your buttocks, legs and abdominal muscles to stabilize your torso as much as possible.
  • Bend your arms and lower yourself down. In the lower position, you need to touch the floor with your chest. If you cannot do this yet, use simplified push-ups, which will be discussed later.
  • When you rise up, do not fully extend your elbows. First, it will help you maintain tension in your pectoral muscles, thereby speeding up their development. Secondly, full extension of the elbows in this position can cause injury to the elbow joints.

Correctly performing push-ups is guaranteed to help you develop muscle groups such as:

  • Triceps. Their function is to extend the arm; accordingly, they tense in any movement that extends the arm.
  • Pectoral muscles. Their function is to bring the hand perpendicular to spinal column, to the body. Therefore, any exercise that imitates this movement serves to develop this muscle group.
  • Deltoid muscles, namely their anterior bundle. This part of the shoulder muscle is responsible for raising your arm in front of you. Therefore, any movement in which the arms are in front of the body develops it.

Correct breathing when doing push-ups

So, you already know how to do push-ups correctly. But that is not all. The correct technique of push-ups from the floor implies not only their implementation, but also correct breathing, which is important, especially for the development of the heart muscle, because improper breathing can negatively affect it. Correct breathing when doing push-ups from the floor, it looks like this: as you go down, take a deep breath, and your stomach should inflate somewhat. You need to exhale at the most difficult upper part of the climb. It is also allowed to exhale slowly throughout the entire lifting of the body. Remember - holding your breath while performing the exercise is strictly prohibited! This can lead to excess pressure and, as a result, cause a persistent increase in blood pressure. And in severe cases cerebral vascular damage may even develop. If you make such a mistake systematically, hypertension may occur over time.

Types of push-ups

Today there are a great variety of different ones, each of which serves a specific purpose. So, people who practice martial arts, so-called “explosive” push-ups are best. If your goal is to increase muscle mass, it is best to use additional weights and work in 8-12 repetitions. If you don’t yet know how to do proper push-ups and have never practiced this exercise, you should start with push-ups for beginners. Today, the most common types of push-ups are:

  • Classic.
  • From the wall and from your knees.
  • For the triceps muscles.
  • For the pectoral muscles.
  • On fists or fingertips.
  • On one hand.
  • Explosive.
  • Circular.
  • With steps.
  • Different names.
  • Upside down.
  • On supports.
  • With weights

Of course, there are a huge variety of push-ups, but the most common ones have been listed here.

Push-ups for beginners

If you have never tried push-ups and don’t know how to do push-ups from the floor correctly, or you tried but didn’t succeed, you need to use the so-called push-ups for beginners. If your arms and chest are very weak, you should start doing push-ups not from the floor, but from the wall. This is done like this: you stand near the wall at a slight angle and begin to do push-ups. Once you have mastered this exercise and can do it 20-30 times, you can increase the incline angle. Gradually your muscles will become stronger and you will be able to do push-ups from the floor. It is advisable to start and then move on to full classic push-ups. To learn how to do push-ups from your knees, start in the same position as a classic push-up and then get on your knees. As soon as you can perform 20-30 repetitions in this way, feel free to move on to classic execution exercise - you are completely ready for it.

Girls usually complain about weakness and breasts, so it will be especially useful for them to follow this data development scheme muscle groups. After you can confidently work out 3-4 approaches in the classic version, you can use a variety of complicated types of push-ups.

Advanced push-up variations

As mentioned earlier, once you learn how to perform a proper push-up classic style in a sufficient number of repetitions, you can try to complicate this exercise to increase its effectiveness. Different types of advanced exercises can serve a specific purpose or simply add variety to your routine. training process. In any case, this will help you work on different areas of the muscles so that they develop as harmoniously as possible.

Push-ups for martial arts

If you are a martial arts fan and are seriously pursuing the path of transforming your body into the ultimate fighting machine, you will need to make some modifications to the classic push-up to tailor it to your goals. For a person who practices martial arts, muscle mass is not too important. Much more important things for a fighter are parameters such as endurance, strength and strike speed. All these qualities will more than help develop simple push-ups. You just need to do everything right. You ask: which is correct? Push-ups need to be done in large quantities - and your endurance will definitely increase.

With the force and speed of the impact, things are somewhat more complicated. But here too there is one modification that will help you develop these characteristics. These are explosive, or jumping, push-ups. To perform this exercise, take the same starting position as for classic push-ups. Slowly lower yourself down, and then push off the floor with a powerful and sharp movement so that your body flies up. After the body goes down under the influence of gravity, lower yourself onto your hands and perform the next repetition again. Particularly strong athletes make this type of push-up even more difficult. During the flight phase, they use hand clapping and other similar tricks. Also, jumping in this way onto a height, for example, onto two step platforms or weight plates, has a serious effect. Nothing limits you here except your imagination. Jumping push-ups are guaranteed to increase your hitting speed. Don't forget about fist push-ups either. They can significantly strengthen your fists and make them less sensitive to blows.

Push-ups to build muscle mass

If you want to increase the volume of the muscles of the shoulder girdle, classic push-ups will not help you with this, since they are quite simple. It costs nothing for a trained person to do 50 repetitions in 3-4 approaches. But such a number of repetitions, as is known, only increases strength endurance. To increase muscle mass, you need to be able to do 10-12 push-ups without being able to do another rep. This is achieved by using additional weights. The size of the weight depends entirely on your fitness. The main thing is that you can perform no more than 12 repetitions. You can use barbell plates as weights. If you don't have them, use any heavy objects that you can put on your back. An interesting solution could be a backpack with some heavy things. Also, as an option, you can use a partner who will put pressure on you with their weight.

After performing push-ups with weights, you can perform the same exercise, but on supports. Any object can serve as a support, for example, two stools or stacks of books. Push-ups on supports will allow you to stretch the pectoral muscles a little more, and as you know, they are most actively involved in work when they are initially in the most stretched position. This type of push-up will help you effectively “hammer” your pectoral muscles and ensure their growth.

Often in athletes, the lagging part of the pectoral muscles is their upper segment. To focus on it, it is recommended to use push-ups with supported legs in your training. In this case, the legs are higher than the head, and the maximum load falls on the top part pectoral muscles.

Push-ups to develop different muscle groups

As already mentioned, during push-ups, three muscle groups actively work - triceps, pectoral and anterior deltoids. But you can place special emphasis on any of these muscle groups. To do this, you will simply need to slightly modify the classic exercise. Proper push-ups of one type or another are guaranteed to allow you to tighten up the lagging muscle group.

Triceps push-ups

The triceps performs the function of extending the arm in elbow joint, which means that you need to activate this part of the push-ups as much as possible. To do this, in the starting position you need to place your hands narrower than shoulder width. As you lower yourself, try to keep your elbows close to your sides as much as possible and make sure they don't move apart. After doing several repetitions correct technique, you will immediately feel the triceps working, and this is exactly what was needed. You can make triceps push-ups a little more difficult if you place your hands as close as possible so that your palms touch each other. It is extremely difficult to rise from this position, but the effect is immediate - your triceps will burn with fire.

Pectoral push-ups

The pectoral muscles, as we have already said, bring the arm to the body. This means, logically, the correct push-up for the pectoral muscles will look like this: in the starting position for classic push-ups, change the position of your hands. You want them to be wider than shoulder-width apart and still perpendicular to the body. In this case, the breasts will receive maximum stimulation. To make the exercises even more difficult, you can spread your palms to the side, which will further complicate the work of the pectoral muscles. Push-ups on supports and an exercise in which the legs are higher than the head also develop them well. We have already written about them earlier.

Sample training program

In order to develop all the muscles of your body as harmoniously as possible, push-ups must be combined with other exercises, such as pull-ups for the back muscles, squats for the legs and crunches for the abs. Only then will you be able to develop in the right direction.

It would be optimal to exercise about 3-4 times a week. More often it is not worth it, since the muscles will not have time to recover. It is worth sticking to the technique and performing only the correct push-ups from the floor. Do not do approaches too often; take a sufficient break between them. If you can easily perform 20-30 repetitions in the classical style, we can recommend this training scheme.

The program will allow you to significantly improve your and increase the number of push-ups you perform. After you complete this program, you will be able to surprise your friends and acquaintances by doing 100-200 push-ups in a row. If you have set other goals for yourself, you can create a program for yourself, using the recommendations that were given earlier.

So, in each workout you will perform 5 sets of push-ups. Rest 30-45 seconds between sets. In the first week, start with 20 repetitions per set and gradually lower the number of repetitions to 10. After that, increase the number of repetitions by 5 weekly. If in any week you were not able to complete the planned number of repetitions, do not despair. Just increase the number of repetitions next week. As a result, after 3-4 months you can easily perform 100 push-ups. After this, you can try to complicate this exercise. Experiment, try different options, combine Various types workouts - and your body will respond to this with muscle development and good health.

During push-ups, it is possible to shift the emphasis to those muscle groups that you want to use (triceps, shoulders, chest - read on about this) - in order to emphasize the load, you need to redistribute the load.

The peculiarity of push-ups is that muscle activation occurs immediately after taking the starting position. Regular push-ups help build strength and increase endurance. Some other benefits of push-ups should be noted:

  • the respiratory and circulatory systems are strengthened;
  • metabolic processes improve;
  • The body's immune strength increases.
Author of the article:

coach Anton Muravyov Write

A professional in his field. Qualified trainer. Winner and prize-winner of regional and city competitions. Higher diploma sports education. I am a physical training specialist. I have been involved in martial arts and fitness for over 15 years.

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Many people want to have a strong physical fitness and look beautiful and athletic. But not everyone has the opportunity to visit Gym or organize a sports corner at home. In this case it will help great exercise- pushups. It can be performed without any additional equipment and sports equipment. To keep yourself in shape, all you need is desire and a well-designed training program. This exercise is universal: men, women, children, and the elderly can perform it. In this article you will learn which muscles are pumped up thanks to push-ups.

What are the benefits of push-ups?

Push-ups work different muscle groups. Exercise affects the development of strength indicators and an increase in muscle mass. There are several dozen varieties of push-ups, each of which is aimed at working a specific muscle group. For example, if you do push-ups with your arms spread wide apart (wide grip), the main load will fall on the pectoral muscles. If you do push-ups with enough narrow grip, then the triceps will be worked the most. More details about the varieties and their execution techniques will be written below.

The essence of the exercise is that you take a strictly horizontal position parallel to the floor, face down. Next, you need to lower and raise your body using flexion and extension movements of your arms. In the classic version, this exercise is performed without the use of additional weights. Only experienced athletes practice push-ups with weights.

The main benefit of the exercise is increasing the muscle mass of certain muscle groups, as well as giving them a sculpted shape. Exercise helps increase strength and endurance. When regularly performing push-ups, the body's metabolism is normalized, which has a positive effect on a person's general condition and well-being.

It is also worth noting that after the age of 30, the human body begins to lose muscle mass: per year, about 2% of muscle mass is replaced by fat. Performing the exercise will stop the loss of muscle mass, develop muscles, improve heart function and reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases. In addition, push-ups help improve your posture.

What muscles are involved and pumped when doing push-ups?

This exercise has a comprehensive effect on the body. What muscles are pumped? The following muscle groups are simultaneously involved:

  • the upper and lower parts of the pectoral muscles are well worked out;
  • triceps of both arms are involved;
  • front and medium bun deltoid muscles shoulder girdle;
  • the serratus anterior muscle of the body is worked out;
  • top, bottom and lateral muscles abdominals;

Let's look at each muscle group in more detail.

Pectoral muscles

When performing various types of push-ups, the pectoral muscles are the most frequently used. When lifting and lowering the body, it is the pectoralis major muscle that takes the main load. In the everyday life of the average person, the pectoral muscles receive practically no load, so they atrophy very quickly. Push-ups will help activate your pectoral muscles and increase their size.


The triceps is responsible for extending the arms. It is the second most important muscle that is used when performing push-ups. Depending on the grip width, the load on the triceps will change when performing the exercise. The narrower the grip, the greater the load.

Deltoid muscles of the shoulder

The deltoid muscles consist of three bundles (posterior, anterior and middle). When performing push-ups, part of the load goes to the anterior and middle bundle of the deltoid muscles of the shoulder. The deltoids help the pectoral muscles lift the body during push-ups.

Serratus anterior muscle

When performing push-ups, this subtle but very important muscle of the human body, which is located in the back of the sternum, works and strengthens.

Abdominal muscles

The abs consists of several muscles that are involved when performing the exercise. It is the abs that help keep the body in an even position when doing push-ups, so it can give the abs a certain definition.


When performing push-ups from the floor, your head should be level, your gaze directed strictly at the floor. Thanks to this, the neck muscles are also involved in the work.

The remaining muscle groups (biceps and back muscles) are involved to a minimal extent during push-ups.

Basic types of push-ups. Execution technique

There are many varieties of push-ups, each of which is aimed at working a specific muscle group. Let's look at the most basic options.

The classic version of push-ups is taught at school during physical education classes. The technique is quite simple:

  1. First, a lying position with support on your palms and toes is adopted.
  2. Legs and back are one straight line.
  3. The palms are located slightly wider than the shoulders. The fingers are not widely spaced and point forward.
  4. Feet together or hip-width apart.
  5. As you inhale, slowly bring your chest toward the floor, bending your elbows. Don't spread them too far apart.
  6. Exhale and return to the starting position.

Wide grip

The technique is similar to the previous one with some exceptions:

  1. Hands should be placed at a distance equal to approximately two shoulder widths.
  2. Elbows should be directed to the sides.
  3. You can gather your palms into a fist or do push-ups with open palms, as in the classic version.
  4. The legs are shoulder-width apart or slightly narrower.
  5. When lowering your body, you need to watch your elbows: they should always look to the sides.
  6. Your back, neck and head should form one straight line.

If you bend or stick out your buttocks, the effectiveness of the exercise will be significantly reduced. A wide grip allows you to maximally pump the pectoral and deltoid muscles.

This type of push-up is aimed at maximizing the development of large pectoral muscle. The technique is the same as in the case of wide grip, only your feet need to be placed on a hill. For beginners, a stand of 30–35 centimeters will be sufficient. Professionals can do push-ups with a stand of 60 centimeters. The higher the stand, the greater the load on the pectoral muscles. You can experiment with the width of your grip. The wider the grip, the greater the load.

The effectiveness of the exercise will depend on the correct placement of the hands.

  1. Hands should be placed strictly at shoulder level.
  2. The elbow joints should be directed back.
  3. Feet together.
  4. When lowering the body, the elbows move not to the sides, but back along the body.
  5. The body must be positioned strictly parallel to the floor.
  6. You can do push-ups on both your palms and your fists.

Narrow grip

A narrow grip promotes good development of the triceps and anterior deltoid muscles.

  1. The palms are located next to each other and directed slightly inward.
  2. Feet are shoulder-width apart or together.
  3. When lowering the body, the arms bend along the body, and do not diverge to the sides.

Doing push-ups on one arm is quite difficult; you should switch to this version of the exercise only if classic push-ups do not provide enough load.

  1. To maintain balance, you need to spread your legs wide apart.
  2. The supporting arm is located at the shoulder line, and the other arm is slightly bent and placed behind the back.
  3. When the descent phase occurs, the elbow bends to the side.
  4. You can do push-ups, alternating your hand after each push-up, or do a few reps on one hand and then change your supporting hand.

Video: 19 types of push-ups for beginners

Lightweight push-ups

For beginners with poorly developed muscles, especially women and the elderly, it can be difficult to perform classic push-ups, not to mention more complicated versions. Lightweight push-up options have been developed for them.

The technique is similar to the classic version, only the legs rest on the knees rather than on the toes. The feet should be crossed and raised above the floor. The workload on the main muscle groups in this position is significantly reduced.

Do wall push-ups develop muscles?

This exercise will strengthen your muscles and prepare them for classic push-ups.


  1. You need to stand straight in front of the wall at a distance of about one step from it.
  2. We take the emphasis from the wall.
  3. The distance between the crayfish should be slightly wider than shoulder level.
  4. Lift your heels off the floor and perform push-ups.
  5. When performing the exercise, you must ensure that your body is even.

What are the effects of complicated push-ups?

This type of exercise helps not only to work out muscles, but also to increase agility and overall strength.

  1. The legs are slightly narrower than shoulder width, and the arms are approximately 2 times wider.
  2. We lower the body and push it up with a powerful push.
  3. We lift our palms off the floor and clap.
  4. The landing back should be soft.
  5. Hands should work rhythmically and energetically.

Weighted push-ups are aimed at increasing muscle mass and strength in the pectoral muscles and triceps. The additional weight allows you to work the muscle groups quite deeply. As weights for exercise, you can use special sports vests with weights or regular backpacks with weights. The technique is exactly the same as for classic push-ups. You need to start training with small weights (2–3 kilograms), gradually increasing the load. Below you will find an explanatory video.

Video: Basic types of push-ups

Push-up training program for beginners

A training program for a beginner may look like this:

First training week:

  • do a warm-up;
  • first training approach - no more than 8 push-ups;
  • second training approach - no more than 6 push-ups;
  • third training approach - 5 push-ups;
  • fourth approach - 5 push-ups;
  • if you still have strength, then you can perform 2-3 sets of 5 repetitions;
  • Rest between each approach should be 1-2 minutes.

Second training week:

  • do a warm-up;
  • four sets of 8 push-ups with breaks of 1-2 minutes between sets.

Third training week:

  • do a warm-up;
  • four sets of maximum repetitions; rest between approaches no more than 1 minute.

You can create subsequent training weeks on your own, gradually increasing the number of push-ups in each approach.

Recommendations for performing push-ups. What muscles work

  1. When performing push-ups, there should be no discomfort in the elbow and shoulder joints. The joints should not twist; to do this, choose the palm placement that suits you best.
  2. Push-ups require a certain flexibility, so it is recommended to develop this in parallel with classes.
  3. To avoid injuring your wrists, do a good warm-up before each activity. In addition, you can use special bandages or sports wristbands.
  4. If you are planning to gain muscle mass and increase muscle size, then you should pay special attention to nutrition. Food should contain sufficient amounts of protein and vitamins.

Video: 3 most serious mistakes when doing push-ups

Push-ups are a good alternative to working out in the gym with dumbbells and barbells. Just one exercise will allow you to stay fit and increase muscle mass at home. This exercise can be done by absolutely everyone, regardless of level. physical training, gender and age. Doing push-ups regularly can help you improve your health.

Push-ups appeared in ancient times - it was an ordinary lying position with arms spread out to the sides, but today they exist different kinds push-ups, and each of them pumps certain group muscles. The technique increases strength and endurance. Over the years, a huge amount of information on push-ups has been released, and in order not to get lost in tons of books and articles, you should discard unnecessary exercises and find for yourself the necessary ones that will really give results.

Muscles working during push-ups

During training with this type of exercise, almost all muscles are included in the work. Some muscle groups are less pumped, for example: legs and abs. But the effect affects other muscle areas:

  • triceps;
  • shoulders;
  • breast.

Therefore, attention should be concentrated on these areas.

Different areas of muscles can be pumped in different ways, it all depends on the position of the body and arms. In the process of training, not only muscles build up, but also strengthens explosive force, endurance develops, tendons and ligaments are strengthened, and the cardiovascular system only becomes stronger. Due to this It is necessary to pay special attention to the following aspects:

  1. Number of approaches and repetitions.
  2. Types of exercises that develop the muscles of the shoulders, chest and arms.
  3. Training technique for beginners.
  4. A way to strengthen the bones of the fingers and fists.
  5. Complex types of exercises with weights.
  6. Development of explosive power.

At the initial stage of training, you should not start developing explosive strength. Such exercises should be done after a long period of training. To perform such an exercise, it is enough to take a lying position and perform the maximum number of repetitions in the allotted time, and as quickly as possible.

This variation of classes is intended for athletes with excellent physical development who are able to easily coordinate the actions of their body. Basic exercises:

  • push-up technique without legs;
  • Hindu technique;
  • one-handed push-up.

Once you begin to gain full body control during push-ups, you should use a weight that will further increase the load. You can choose a pancake as a load and place it on your back; in addition to the pancake, a backpack filled with heavy objects is allowed.

If you apply additional weight, then the quality of movements should be at high level, otherwise you may get injured at a fast pace.

Lightweight technique for beginners

Experienced athletes know well what actions need to be taken, what mass of additional load should be used, what areas of the body should be pumped. But for beginners this is a dark forest.

With weak physical development, a minimum number of repetitions is performed or push-ups are done from the knees. At first it will be difficult, but after a short time the muscles will become stronger and you can take on more complex exercises.

To achieve success, you need to constantly progress: increase the number of repetitions and approaches. It is recommended to do 2 sets of full push-ups and a couple of sets from your knees.

Correct number of repetitions

Training program comprises different complex push-ups, some are easy - a large number of repetitions are allocated for them, while for others a minimum of approaches is assigned.

So, we can conclude that push-ups are an essential exercise for the upper body. There are a large number of types of push-ups, each of them successfully pumps different types of muscles. In addition, you can maximize your endurance. After this kind of exercise, you can start working with dumbbells and barbells, because the muscles will be prepared, and adaptation to the iron will become quick. It is important to perform the exercises well, even if it turns out poorly.

Types of push-ups for pumping muscles

Push-ups are considered one of the basic exercises designed to build a strong muscle and strength foundation for the upper body using only own weight. They are part of the physical training of military personnel and are performed even by the most seasoned athletes. Push-ups are quite easy to learn and do not require any expensive equipment. Another plus is the variability of this exercise, shifting the emphasis of the load from one muscle group to another. So what muscles swing when pushing up from the floor and what types exist? Let's try to figure it out further.

Several muscle groups of the torso work simultaneously during push-ups:

  • breast
  • triceps
  • shoulders
  • press
  • serratus anterior muscle

Push-ups are performed in a lying position, which also helps develop correct posture.

The pectoralis major muscle is without a doubt the most frequently trained muscle group in bodybuilding and fitness. It is primarily responsible for the pushing actions of the upper body. When you go down and up during push-ups, it does most of the work. Unfortunately, in modern times, these muscles are given much less opportunity to contribute to our daily lives, which means they are in an atrophied state in most people. That is why they have enormous potential for both strength and size growth.

During push-ups, the triceps also work. This muscle, depending on the width of the arms, takes more or less load. Occupies 2/3 of the volume total mass arms and is responsible for their extension.

They consist of three parts - front, middle and back. The greatest stimulation is obtained during seated presses, and push-ups occupy the third place in terms of load received (front part). Despite the fact that they are weaker than the chest, they help lift the body.

Serratus anterior muscle

Give an aesthetic and finished look to your torso. Serve to stabilize and move the scapula forward and outward. Located under the arms in the back of the pectoral muscles. Activate and strengthen with push-ups.

The abdominal muscles also pump during push-ups. Helps you stay upright in a lying position. It is important to remember that in order to see six-pack abs, your body fat level must be low. This means you should still pay more attention to your diet.

The neck sways slightly. For correct execution horizontal push-ups It is important to look not down, but in front of you.

As for other muscle groups, for example, the biceps and back - no matter what anyone says or writes, but they are practically not involved (with the exception of only a slight pressure exerted by your own body when lowering), and it is impossible to pump them up with push-ups. To do this, use pull-ups or pull-ups on the bar.

Types of push-ups

There are many types of push-ups, but the most common ones are:

  • narrow
  • wide
  • on one hand
  • with a downward slope
  • with an upward slope

Wide push-ups

An easier version of the exercise, since the amplitude of movement up and down is noticeably reduced due to broad setting hands Allows you to move your elbows further apart and use your triceps to a lesser extent. The outer part of the pectoral muscles works to the maximum, giving them volume and fullness.

Narrow push-ups

Here everything is the other way around - the elbows are pressed closer to the body, shifting the emphasis to triceps muscle shoulder The breasts receive less stimulation compared to the previous option. If your goal is to pump up your triceps, then it is better to use another exercise - triceps push-ups.

One-arm push-ups

An incredibly energy-intensive and complex exercise in which the working muscles are not only the chest and triceps, but almost the entire abdominal Press, stabilizing your body during the approach. Develops strength indicators well.

Incline push-ups

Another method for experienced athletes, which maximally includes the upper bundle of the pectoral muscle in the work, forcing you to lift an even larger percentage own body. The higher the legs are placed on a hill, the more difficult the exercise will be and the more stimulation it will provide. The abdominal and oblique muscles, as well as the erector spinae muscle, also work, stabilizing the body during execution.