
Russia won the World Practical Carbine Shooting Championship. The world championship in practical shooting took place in the Moscow region. Duel of the 21st century

Photo © “Civil”/ Sergey Korshunov

The World Championship will take place from June 1 to June 11, 2017. The World Cup will be organized by: LLC “Federation of Practical Shooting of Russia” (FPSR) with the participation of the Government of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation and the Administration of the Moscow Region.

850 of the world's best shooters from 60 countries will compete in accuracy and speed, and 20 thousand spectators will be able to watch the competition

“Practical shooting is a relatively new sport for Russia,” Boris Grishin, director of the Department of State Policy in the Sphere of Sports and International Cooperation of the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation, told reporters today, “As a sport officially registered in 2006 by the Federal Agency for physical culture and sports of the Russian Federation. Practical shooting includes all shooting disciplines: pistol, smoothbore rifle, carbine, triathlon.”

According to B. Grishin, the person claiming victory must hit all the targets at the distance of his class as quickly as possible. The power of the weapon is also taken into account: the greater it is, the more difficult it is to hit the target, so penalties may be awarded for this. extra points. Targets waiting for the shooter at a distance may be different types- composite, moving, responding to impact, etc. The exercises are never repeated, and they are new at every championship. All these obstacles add excitement and tension to the shooters and pleasure to the spectators.

Practical shooting is the only shooting type sport where you can shoot from all types small arms from any position, for speed, for accuracy, at any distance. After 12 years of age, practical shooting can be practiced at any age. According to the Ministry of Sports, at the beginning of 2017, 74 thousand people are engaged in practical shooting.

Acting Head of the Main Directorate of Combat Training of the RF Armed Forces, Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation Dmitry Gorbatenko spoke about the location of the World Championship - this is a multifunctional firing center of the Military-Patriotic Park of Culture and Recreation of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation "Patriot" in the Moscow region - the first dual-use shooting facility in Russia: for combat training and for sports competitions.

The multifunctional fire center can fire grenade launchers and small arms with a caliber of up to 12.7 mm. Ranges allow firing from short-barreled weapons in 50-meter galleries, from carbines and machine guns in 300-meter galleries, and sniper weapons with a firing range of 1200-2500 thousand meters. There are all conditions for combat training and any competitions.

“The multifunctional firing center of the Patriot Park is a structure that has no analogues either in Russia or in the world,” Dmitry Gorbatenko noted, adding that after the World Cup, the Center will be open to anyone who wants to try their hand at shooting, here it will be possible shoot from almost any type of weapon: what is in service with the modern army, civilian, sports, domestic and foreign.

“Preparations for the World Cup are in full swing,” said the Minister of Sports of the Moscow Region, Roman Teryushkov. Participants and guests will find comfortable hotels in the Odintsovo district. In addition, entertainment events, tourist routes, as well as a special group of volunteer translators who will help foreign participants and guests of the championship overcome the language barrier have been prepared for them.

FPSR President Vitaly Kryuchin told reporters that he was invited to join the directorate of the International Practical Shooting Confederation IPSC.

“Practical shooting is a type of shooting sport aimed at mastering and developing techniques that best suit various cases of using firearms. This type of shooting originated in the early 1950s in California, its motto is Diligentia, Vis, Celeritas (precision, power, speed). The International Confederation of Practical Shooting was founded in 1976. Russia became a member of IPSC in 1999. This is a sport for active people, patriots. Over the past 6 years, the number of our athletes has increased 10 times - this is a new stage in the development of practical shooting,” the FPSR president is convinced.

Vitaly Kryuchin also said that the cost of tickets to the World Championships will be 1.5 thousand rubles per day. Members of the federation and children under 16 years of age accompanied by their parents will be able to attend the competition for free.

Sergey Korshunov

Tags: World Championship, rifle shooting


Max Kopylkov found halal bacon in Carrefour. He thought to console me, apparently.

The morning turned out to be hot, and in the afternoon the sun scorched up to 32 degrees. Sasha finished off the ganchek she started yesterday.

I bought aluminum pads because I managed to take my usual VZGrips out of my bag before the trip, and with stock rubber ones it can be difficult for girls to reach the descent. I can’t stand Lumin, he’s slippery, but somehow I didn’t care anymore. And we went to look for shooting.

Let's go, not go. I raised the handbrake, but it didn’t want to come off. And no matter how much I pull it, the button will not press. I’m nervous, of course, there’s an hour before the start and I can’t leave the parking lot in front of the main building. It’s unclear whether I’ll be able to go home in the evening, it’s unclear where to call and what to do right now - I need to shoot. I gave up and dragged all the bags on foot, postponing the problem for the evening.

The second day of shooting between beys is empty, only lonely targets stand on stands, but not a single RO is within sight. There are no fools to shoot without supervision. All ROs are sent to the chrono, from where we were sent home yesterday. One RO allowed me to fire a couple of shots, but the cardboard thrown almost horizontally on the grass... No, I honestly tried to shoot there, but it was nonsense.

At the time, the judges tolerated the American girls, but then they gave up and declared that this was no longer a shooting test, but a training session. They indifferently said that they had already finished anyway and left. The pistol, which we shot twice already this year, with the whole thing knocked to the right almost all the way, again went too far to the left, I swore and pushed the rear sight even further. An evening measurement of the height of the front sight showed that the front sight is non-standard, 6 mm, which means the rear sight is left. And the slot in it is beveled, but this didn’t exist before. And the trunk, damn it, is a different trunk. Guys, I understand everything, I myself have said a hundred times that an experienced shooter should be able to shoot from everything, but I lost so many foreign matches because of problems with someone else’s rented weapons, unknown cartridges, etc., etc.... I’m tired. I'm really tired of enduring all this. I look at our people who bought weapons in different countries oh in Europe with friendly shooters... Someone shoots a new weapon for the first time. Max needs to move the magazine reset button to the other side tomorrow. They brought Seryoga a dirty pistol, which I personally cleaned to a shine when we put it in storage. And I also advised him not to put a lock on the gun, like people wouldn’t risk their reputation. Nobody cares.

This is not a solution to the problem. Either there is a gunsmith or a pocket top who carries weapons for you, or you yourself are such a knowledgeable top that you don’t even care what stick you shoot with, or you lose out on the match and walk around sad and sour.

In general, I knocked out my rear sight, Ramazi Vakhania also adjusted the sights slightly - his pistol also drifted (new Shadow 2, visually the rear sight was in place).

They cooled down a little.

And let's go shoot.

The stage "Machu Picchu" was new, two ports and squirming.

Yesterday Sasha Volkov said that it cannot be shot in less than 20 seconds. I got 19-something, although I moved like a pregnant donkey and generally shot three times almost everywhere - the feeling of the shot didn’t work and that’s it. We have an Indonesian-French-Russian squad, the Indonesians run in the open and the times were no less than 19 seconds, although they are not the strongest shooters. But in general, you can shoot.

A long transition to the exercise at the beginning of the bey, Kryuchin is surrounded by people, we are preparing for one hand.

Delay for short exercise, and I still didn’t understand what was there. Eliminated automatically. Taking into account the delay, the time was not bad, the greyhound shot, but left with the miss.

Here is the walkthrough by Timur Aliyev:

There was no time to be sad; it was already clear that trouble does not come alone. So replacing the fiber that flew out of the front sight didn’t even bother my brain.

The running third is linear and all the options there come down to the questions of shooting metal diagonally or close, trying to hit it in motion or stepping over at the extreme points. But by and large, it doesn’t matter at all - the main thing is just to do it carefully. Again, I didn’t succeed in anything in the movement, I saw the miss, I thought about finishing it off, but I didn’t make a decision. My head is not ready for the match, the sensations are not at all the same as at the Black Sea Fleet three weeks ago. I was a fan then, it was cool. Now it’s either this hot, or it’s just the end of a difficult season. It happens when you realize that the match just isn’t fun for you.

And at the next stage, fate decided that we needed to call it a day. The last match of my career, there’s not even any resentment. It's just kind of stupid. I’ll take this opportunity to scold Amadini for the stupid locking mechanism, although it’s all my own fault. I should have chosen a tactical “slipper” when I had such thoughts.

I hope you have enjoyed following my growth over these seven years. That's all, it's nice to stay.

The exercise itself is for those who are interested in what’s going on:

Wolves and speed tickets.

Squad in a reduced configuration.

Not a big catch: three stages.

Stage number 4.

Needless to say, after all the adventures I easily took the car off the handbrake. The handbrake is now sticking and I don’t want to put it on it again. But it's not scary.

Now Sasha will shoot. We need to give way to the young. Therefore, following the wishes of the workers, I tried to improve the grip of my left hand with the pads. I considered it completely unnecessary to carry the self-adhesive sandpaper with me, so I had to buy double-sided tape at the store and stick on really ordinary sandpaper.

I don’t have any larger skin, let’s test it.

Since I am free, tomorrow I will help people with weapons. And Chateauroux is written like this:


I’ve been shooting for 7 years, I went to the World Championships for the first time practical shooting. Rhodes - like I wasn’t ready (a dunce), America - I couldn’t, due to family circumstances. In seven years, only the European Championship in Portugal has been held. In general, I accepted Vitaly’s offer and went to work as the team’s gunsmith.

We just returned to Moscow and are off to fly again. Well, three weeks later in the same place. Just not with your own car, which, after plowing 8,800 km, was left to wait for the next maintenance, but with a rented IVECO behemoth.

Big, heavy, narrow French roads, mechanics, swinging seat... Damn, the last time I drove a truck was when I passed my license in 1994. It's cool, but the first day was scary. On the highway, yes, set cruise control and go. But I can’t fit in narrow towns, endless roundabouts and all this with cramped legs! It was not possible to roll away, there was a wall behind, and the seat was down all the way. There's nowhere to put your feet! But, today I found how to roll this damn seat into the wall behind - there was another hidden lever and everything just became completely fine. Well, except that in the parking lot in front of Carrefour I now occupy two places, purely as a king.

We settled into the house, or rather the gita. There are 4 of them here, but none of the neighbors interfere and overall it’s a pretty decent place. The shooting range is approximately 50 km away, about an hour's drive. But in the nearest town the food is so-so, so you still have to stock up in Chateauroux. Fortunately, all the hot spots there were explored three weeks ago.

Today we went to register at the shooting range. Electronic fast track is really slow track - the person next to the computer manually registers you, then you receive a pin with which you register to print out the gun. It takes about 5 minutes. Before this, you need to get a plastic badge with a photo and tell a separate boy the address where you live. I don’t know why, but in general all this, although not very tense, there weren’t really any people yet, the hall was empty. And airport-style stripes, stretched so that the line is like a snake, hint at a large number of people for the main match. I don’t know what will happen there and how to register. After Saprykin and Travkin, at least later.

We walked through the stages. Disappointed. This is still the same French Championship, very slightly reworked. Only 4 stages are unrecognizable out of 12 seen, and then mainly by the scenery. In the rest, the changes are minimal: there were fewer targets, there the penalty line was moved.

There are two points here. I already shot one match twice. I did not like. The fact that you have already seen this stage usually plays a very bad role. But this is not the main thing. I expected the World Cup to be interesting and enchanting. And here everything is the same as what I have already seen, only with the decorations printed on a printer. And 5 times more expensive participation. You know, I'm sorry.

In Portugal, I spent 3 or even 4 days at the pre-match and before it at the shooting range. With Nastya Chernenko, we even found some cardboard there and tried to understand what would be faster - to run and fall or fall and run. It was a funny time. Now I don’t even want to worry about game plans. All this is, firstly, primitive, and secondly, you don’t need to think about it. You will have 3 minutes to familiarize yourself. There will be enough of them. And all this cheating and peeking over your shoulder... Gayness.

To hell with it. I don't care about shooting. As long as the tendon can withstand the match. This is my first and most likely last championship world and I just want to go through it.

I went through a rental pistol for 250 euros (at first they asked for 400, but they negotiated). I supplied my details. The twenty minutes promised in the newsletter did not work out; I spent an hour and a half fiddling with everything. The sights are crooked, something has been sharpened. Previously, I would have promised to tear off the hands of those who. But now I don’t care what to shoot with. I'm used to CCD and I know that I can handle it. And the rest... Well, you understand, a horse.

Tomorrow morning at the shooting range to take aim. First they sent me to chrono, where I chatted with Adri and Ola, and they sent me to the test stage, saying that shooting there costs something like 20 euros for half an hour. Today there was no one there, I didn’t dare shoot there without judges. So we'll check tomorrow.

But I was able to park the hippo backwards. Without cameras, rear mirror and someone's mother. I am omnipotent.

I saw ours. The general mood is that everything, bitch, is sour. All. Who has just arrived and who is already shooting the match. Everyone is tense, upset, and I don’t know what’s going on in their heads, but it doesn’t look like a shooting festival yet. Maybe after the opening ceremony and putting on national clothes, something will change. Or maybe I'm just too old for all this wine.

The official patron of the match is expansive. There was a theory that Geko had nowhere to put them. There were complaints that they were flying in the wrong direction. I don’t know, I haven’t seen it, but shooting with expansiveness in practice is powerful.

Hot. If you do 12 exercises all day (6 before lunch and 6 after), you need to get up at 4:45 in the morning, and you won’t be home until 21:00 at best. Cool chart. But since the beginning of May all we have been doing is traveling, not for the first time.

With the Internet, the issue was resolved at a cost: I have two SFR SIM cards, purchased at local stores. You come and say - sim card sans engagement, sil vu ple. Well, engagement is not a marriage, as you might think, but a contract type with a monthly payment. We need it without it, just pay and that’s it, run around porn sites. So, in the spring at the Champagne Trophy they sold me some kind of card for 5 gigabytes for 15 days. And in Chateauroux three weeks ago in Carrefour they sold me a second one. And why the hell will you understand what tariff plan they give you with it, you don’t speak French pass sis jour, and they only speak English sil vou ple and avec plaisir, Alesi know. In general, I bribed the Internet on the old card for 35 euros (sick!) for 8 GB, but I couldn’t connect the new one, although it works for telephony. The rates on the site are different, and in general it’s a complete mess.

And yes, couscous is a thing.

I'm looking forward to tomorrow.


Unconditional victory Russian athletes- at the first ever World Practical Carbine Shooting Championship in the Moscow region. These competitions have in common with classical shooting only hitting the target. Everything else is rather contrary to the rules. There is no time to catch the rhythm of the heart; it is better to pull the trigger first, especially if this is a duel.

Eleven gold, eight silver and seven bronze medals - this is the harvest of our practical shooting team. In second place, with a large lag, are the Americans. Third - the Finnish team.

Not just in the bull's eye, but also for a while. From uncomfortable positions: running, jumping. On the closing day of the championship - pure adrenaline. Perhaps the most spectacular part of the event is the duel. The task is to shoot at the same targets at the same time and put down the last one. Whoever does this wins. Unfortunately, the discipline is not included in the overall standings. But there will definitely be cups and medals. A top-class shooter can easily find himself next to someone who has only recently trained. But no one will give a head start. Target, weapon, five rounds in the magazine. Accuracy is important, but it is not the key to success.

“You can learn to shoot. There are a lot of great shooters. But when they hear the timer, they disappear and dissolve. Therefore, here 60, maybe even 70 percent is psychological preparation, psychological stability, the ability to control all one’s actions in a stressful situation,” explains the master of sports international class, world and European champion in practical shooting Evgeny Efimov.

Gold, silver and bronze, 16 sets of medals and 48 cups, which will be awarded to the best of the best from 41 countries. Practical shooting can be practiced at any age. At this championship there were those who were over 60, and very young shooters. With few restrictions, everyone chose their own weapon. The paratrooper team, for example, fundamentally abandoned optics.

“Our weapons always fire. And with optics, something needs to be replaced, a pebble is hit or the batteries are dead. Our batteries don’t run out, we simply don’t have them. We have good sights, you shoot yourself and that’s it,” says Elena Guzhvenko, associate professor at the Ryazan Higher Airborne Command School.

600 athletes from all over the world. Among them is the indisputable authority in practical shooting, Jerry Michulek. I came to the championship from the USA, the birthplace of this sport. Sports career- 40 years. Before that, it was just a hobby – hunting.

“For me this is a new discipline in this sport. I'm a little out of shape, not enough practice. I'm here to shoot and learn,” he says.

It started to rain, but this is unlikely to stop the First journalist Sergei Zenin, because he had just persuaded an absolutely amazing person, tactical shooting legend Jerry Michulik from the USA, to take part in a duel. The result can be predicted in advance, but it would still be nice to try.

It took Jerry less than four seconds to hit all the targets with the first shot. He showed the same result during the competition. This is “gold” in the oldest age category. The younger champions were mostly from Russia. The married couple, Oleg and Irina Perfilyev, immediately took two medals of the highest dignity.

“We train together, no one suspects anyone of anything, everyone has a weapon, we go to competitions together. Instead of rest. We shop for weapons together. This unites the family very strongly, in fact,” they say.

The duel, although bright, is only a small part of the World Championship. There were also tactical shootings, where the athlete was required not only accuracy and endurance, but also good physical training. Everyone appreciated the high quality of the shooting center itself. That’s why the first World Championship was held in Russia: the Patriot club near Moscow has no analogues in the world. Superbly equipped, huge territory, comfortable conditions for participants.

The date for the next championship has not yet been set. But the organizers are already saying that we will most likely host the next tournament again.

On June 11, the main shooting event of the year in Russia - the first world championship in practical carbine shooting - ended in the Patriot Park near Moscow.

The winner of the tournament was the team from Russia!

Duel of the XXI century

...A challenge in the form of a cartel impeccable in politeness, a secluded place away from the eyes of idle onlookers, an offer of reconciliation, a refusal, seconds checking and distributing weapons, a wave of a handkerchief and immediately - the ringing of swords or the flash of a pistol shot...

This is how we remember duels from books and films. Nowadays, when duels have become one of the types of sports practical shooting exercises, they began to look completely different.

Are you ready?

Frozen, facing the target field, the two shooters nod.

Timer beep. The shooters don't even fall, but literally collapse, instantly taking up a position for prone shooting. It takes a few fractions of seconds to “invest” in the weapon, find the first target through the optics of the sights and...

And the shots begin to thunder with such speed, as if the fire was being fired not from self-loading carbines, but from machine guns. They fly away in fountains towards the cartridge cases. The sound of bullets hitting metal targets merges into one viscous ringing peal.

Finally, the last shot, the last falling popper and - a new booming sound. This time it's applause!

This is what a duel between modern sports shooters looked like. The duel, which ended on June 11, the first world championship in practical shooting from a carbine, held in the Multifunctional Center of the Military-Patriotic Park of Culture and Recreation of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation "Patriot".

Let us remind you that this event was held by the Russian Federation of Practical Shooting LLC with the participation of the Government of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation and the administration of the Moscow region.

Putin's message and 500 thousand cartridges

The significance and scale of the tournament can be judged from the following data.

During the opening of the championship, Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin read out the message addressed to the competition participants by the President of Russia Vladimir Putin.

“You have to demonstrate your art at the first world championship in the history of this sport,” noted the head of state. “I am confident that your healthy competition at the shooting range and friendly communication between athletes and fans will serve to promote sports, spread a high culture of handling weapons, strengthen mutual understanding and cooperation between the peoples of our countries in the interests of universal peace and security.”

More than 600 shooters from 41 countries took part in the championship. In the first three days of the competition alone, they spent more than 200 thousand rounds of ammunition! In total, a batch of 500 thousand special sports cartridges was produced for the participants.

One more nuance. The first World Championship in Practical Carbine Shooting was served by a record number of judges for tournaments of this kind - 120 people from 20 countries.

In a word, the scale of the event was such that the shooters among themselves called the tournament in “Patriot” “almost the Olympic Games.”

Now a little about practical shooting itself. Its motto is “Diligentia - Vis - Celeritas” (“Precision – Power – Speed”). Thus, the athlete is required to have the ability to shoot accurately and quickly from a powerful weapon. The winner is the shooter who can hit all the targets as quickly as possible.

Despite the fact that practical shooting appeared in Russia only in 1999, and became a sport only in 2006, domestic “practice” shooters have more than once convincingly proven international competitions your skill.

An indicative point is that in 2016, Russia took the leading position among 101 participating countries in terms of the number of first places at international practical shooting competitions.

The first world championship in practical shooting from a carbine in Once again confirmed the highest qualifications of Russian athletes. Having mined 11 gold, 8 silver and 7 bronze awards, the Russians secured first place in the team competition. Second place went to the Americans (5 gold medals, 1 silver and 1 bronze), and third place to the Finns (4 gold medals, 3 silver and 3 bronze awards).

Why Russia?

With a request to comment on the events of the tournament Federal agency news addressed to Anna Astakhova- consultant-expert of the Russian Federation of Practical Shooting LLC.

- When did preparations for the championship begin?

If you are asking about the athletes, then I think they have been preparing for this tournament all their lives. If we are talking about the organizers, then, apparently, 2013 can be taken as the starting point. It was then that the 37th General Assembly of the International Practical Shooting Confederation (IPSC) accepted an application from the Russian Practical Shooting Federation to hold the first world championship in practical carbine shooting in our country.

- Why was Russia chosen as the venue for this tournament?

Because only we had a shooting facility that met all the requirements necessary for holding the championship.

- Are you talking about the center of the Patriot Park?

Yes. The Multifunctional Fire Center is the largest shooting range in Russia certified for civilian shooters.

- Contrary to the widespread thesis in the West about the “isolation” of Russia, a large number of foreign athletes took part in the championship. Have anti-Russian sanctions affected them?

A number of foreign teams, in particular Austrian, Danish and Dutch, faced the problem of exporting their weapons. Let me emphasize - not the import into Russia, but the export of carbines from their countries of residence.

Million from Kalashnikov

- How was the problem solved?

After receiving an export ban, the Dutch athletes went to court and won their case. The rest were helped by the Kalashnikov concern, which provided the athletes with a Saiga carbine of its production. Not only that, the concern even established a special prize of 1 million rubles, which will be awarded among World Championship athletes competing with Kalashnikov weapons in the Semi-auto Standard and Semi-auto Open classes.

- Who got the million?

The Kalashnikov prize was shared among three Russian and one American athlete. The award went to Evgeniy Yudenkov, Maria Schwartz, Anastasia Tereshina and an athlete from the USA Quan Watson.

- I remember someone from the German team noted the reliability and light weight of the Kalashnikov carbines. Winner of more than fifty national awards and titles, as well as 45 international titles, without exaggeration, the legendary American shooter Jerry Miculek reacted to his acquaintance with the Kalashnikov carbine like this: “Good! Can I have one?" Thus, we can say that foreigners responded generally positively to the weapons provided by the concern. At the same time, one could hear critical remarks from a number of domestic athletes regarding the same trunks... However, let's digress from the “hardware” and return to the people. How did foreign shooters rate the level of the championship?

They familiarized themselves in detail with the shooting galleries, after which they agreed that, yes, this championship should only be held in the firing center of Patriot Park. Everyone really liked the fact that designers from different countries took part in creating the exercises. After which these exercises received appropriate names. For example, the Chinese participated in the creation of the “Panda” exercise, American designers became the authors of “Great Lakes”, etc.

- Politicizing sports is the last thing, however, I would like to know whether the Ukrainian team took part in the championship?

No, I didn’t. At the same time, teams from Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia, i.e. from countries whose governments have, let’s say, rather ambivalent attitudes towards Russia, came to our tournament.

- How many Russian athletes competed at the championship?

- Wow! What about the American ones?

Nineteen. At the same time, the already mentioned Jerry Miculek brought with him his wife and daughter, who also participated in the championship. This is the American family contract. But that is not all. His 22-year-old student also arrived with Mikulek Hunter Keil. He is disabled since childhood. He has a congenital hand injury. We can say that Cale simply does not have hands. But that doesn't stop him from shooting great. An amazing person with fantastic willpower!..

From Russia with love!

- There is an opinion among some shooters that practical shooting is a family sport. How true is this opinion in your opinion?

It seems to me that, in relation to the last championship, it is quite true. At a tournament, there was often a situation where the father acted as an instructor or judge, and the son or daughter were members of one or another team. A family from Moldova performed for us - 6 people at once. In general, many people came with their entire families. If not to participate directly in the tournament, then at least to support our own people.

- Vitaly Kryuchin, president of the Russian Federation of Practical Shooting LLC, not without reason said that shooting is love, and all ages are submissive to it. Not only men and women, but even juniors competed at the championship...

What about juniors!.. Even those who had recently learned to walk appeared here. Such a picture, for example, was completely ordinary. Mom steps forward, and dad moves behind her. On his chest in the “kangaroo” is a child who is only one year and two months old. I also think that many people remember our sports shooter Maxim Burov walking with a large bag containing two small kittens. In between performances, Maxim, to the delight of those around him, fed the kittens milk from a bottle. I think the first world championship in practical shooting from a carbine will be remembered for a long time by everyone who visited the Patriot during its days. The championship has become sports ground, which united the most amazing and most talented people!

If five years ago they told me that Russia would host and conduct the highest level World Championship in rifle shooting, I would say: "Bullshit!" And I would be wrong...

Judge for yourself. Of the 100 countries that wanted to host this tournament, Russia won. The tournament took place. It was attended by more than 750 athletes from 40 countries. The base of the tournament was the Patriot Park near Moscow, which has no analogues in the world in terms of equipping firing lines for practical shooting.

And these are not the inventions of our jingoistic patriots. These are the words of participating athletes who have attended dozens of world championships around the world. Thus, the President of the International Practical Shooting Confederation (IPSC) Nick Alexakos noted that the multifunctional fire center (fire center) built at Patriot is the largest and most high-tech facility of this type in the world. Russia was the only country competing to host the match that fulfilled all the requirements for preparing a shooting facility for such a large-scale competition.

Today, the development of military sports in Russia is given great importance. Thus, the Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation, Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Russian Practical Shooting Federation, Dmitry Olegovich Rogozin, took part in the opening ceremony of the Championship. He was accompanied by the Deputy Minister of Sports of the Russian Federation Sergey Vasilyevich Kosilov, head of the Main Directorate of Combat Training of the Armed Forces Russian Federation, Lieutenant General Buvaltsev Ivan Aleksandrovich. Among the world-class people, the opening ceremony was attended by the President of the International Confederation of Practical Shooting, Nick Alexakos, and the Head of the International Association of Judges, Dino Evangelionos. And the piloted group "STRIZHI" greeted the competition participants and spectators by demonstrating aerobatic maneuvers at an altitude of only 200 meters!

I think it is significant that although the World Practical Shooting Championships have been held for more than 20 years, The first World Practical Carbine Shooting Championship in world history was held in Russia! This inspires hope that practical shooting will become a popular sport and not only residents of megalopolises and large cities of Russia, but also residents of the outback will be able to engage in it. It is important that V.V. Putin’s address to the competition participants said: “You have to demonstrate your art at the first world championship in the history of this sport. I am confident that your healthy competition at the shooting range and friendly communication between athletes and fans will serve to promote sports, spread a high culture of handling weapons, strengthen mutual understanding and cooperation between the peoples of our countries in the interests of universal peace and security.” I want to believe that the development of practical shooting as a sport will eventually lead to the liberalization of weapons laws and the circulation of firearms will become easier and more accessible.

According to park director Sergei Miroshnichenko, the fire center will be used not only for combat training, but also for amateur shooting of park guests. “The fire center allows us to fully ensure the safety of firing from long-barreled rifled weapons at sports competitions

and during training of civilians,” said Anatoly Ivanovich Kondrukh, chairman of the central council of the Federation of Practical Shooting of Russia.

The tournament itself took place from June 5 to June 11, 2017. Participants performed tasks not only for accuracy, but also for time, moving from one shooting position to another. Here you can download and read the briefing (description of the exercises) that the sports shooters performed. Not without scandals. Due to sanctions, not all athletes were able to come. Most of the competition guests came to the tournament without weapons.

Why, sanctions, the import of weapons into Russia is prohibited. And it doesn’t matter that you are an athlete.

What if the evil Russians steal the secret of our weapons business?! Some athletes sued the governments of their countries and defended in court the right to participate and import their sports and firearms equipment. But not everyone was able to defeat the politicians and bureaucrats. Thus, the representative of the French national team, Gerard Joel, said: “Unfortunately, the sanctions affected both the composition of the team and the fact that we came here without our usual weapons. We express our gratitude to the organizers of the championship for not leaving us unarmed (the Kalashnikov concern issued the athletes "Saiga" sports carbines). We have already had the opportunity to test them in action, we are satisfied with them." It is important to note that the Kalashnikov concern, despite all the bureaucratic delays, found the opportunity to provide Saiga carbines to foreign athletes to participate in the Championship. They were received by teams from France, the Netherlands, Germany, Austria and Denmark. In general, the Kalashnikov concern is cool, not only did they issue 60 Saiga carbines to foreign athletes, they also established prize fund 1 million rubles For best shooter from among the participants of the World Championship in practical shooting from a carbine. They also developed

It just so happens that hunters and other firearms enthusiasts habitually criticize our licensing and permitting services for excessive red tape associated with the circulation of weapons. In my opinion, every year it becomes easier and easier to be a gun owner. Every year I buy another barrel for my collection and every year I celebrate, it’s becoming easier and easier to do. The World Carbine Championship confirms this opinion. Thanks to a high degree of interaction and coordination with the units of the Russian Guard, customs and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, foreign athletes were able to import several hundred units of sports weapons without delay for the successful holding of the World Championship!

In addition, service employees helped ensure security at the World Championship itself, in the athletes’ places of residence, as well as along their routes. Without the support of these services, it would be difficult to hold such a large-scale and important event for the country as the World Cup.

The shooting days themselves took place from June 5 to June 11, every day from 8:00 to 19:00. Thousands of spectators were able to attend this tournament. I regret that I found out about it too late and could not come. Fortunately, there is YouTube and a World Cup diary. Thanks to this channel, I was able to learn about all the truly significant performances. Below is a selection of videos. Watch and enjoy the skill of handling firearms!

Carbine World Championship Diary - Day 1 - Opening
Studio guest Mikhail Galustyan

The opening ceremony


Diary of the World Carbine Championship - Day 2 - start of shooting

Guests in the studio:

famous shooter Jerry Michulek, Kay Michulek and Lina Michulek.

Carbine World Championship Diary - Day 3 - Women's Team

Russian women's carbine team

News from the shooting range

A story about weapons at the Championship and congratulations from Space!

Carbine World Championship Diary - Day 4

The guest of the program is the leader of the Dutch national team Bart Niemann

Championship news

Championship weapons

Russian team in standard class

Carbine World Championship Diary - Day 5 - Mid match

Visiting the Diary:

Tatyana Korobeinik - member of the Russian National Team in the open manual

Maria Gushchina - member of the Russian National Team in open semi-automatic, as well as news from the shooting galleries

Carbine World Championship Diary - Day 6




Carbine World Championship Diary - Day 7

Leaders of the US and Finnish national teams Jerry Michelek, Raine Peltakoski, Timmu Rintalla
Studio guest - Hunter Kyle.

Last day of the 2017 Carbine World Championships